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Search results

  1. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    Austen followed silently behind Alec, her attention turning towards her surroundings. This place was amazing! The lights from the lanterns hung on the walls made shadows dance on the floors and over the two wizards. It was quite comforting. As they came up to a huge bird statue, Alec muttered...
  2. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    Austen’s head swam with all of the information. He was a fourth year? He must know a lot, she mused. She had to make sure to keep him around in case of assistance. And making a new friend was something to look forward to as well! It seemed he needed one almost as much as she. Austen gave a small...
  3. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    Tucking her hair behind her ear nervously, she nodded and walked after him. She wasnt dressed in her robes yet and wondered if the headmaster would be angry at her for it... she wasnt even sure where her robes were exactly (except that they were with her stuff in her dorm). As she followed the...
  4. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    As Austen was lost in thought, she failed to notice another student walk up to her. She jumped at the sound of his voice and turned quickly on her heel to face him. She came face to face with a tall ginger boy with startling green eyes. “O-oh! Hello... um-“ she was about to answer the welcoming...
  5. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    Austen took each step carefully, admiring the big school on her way inside. The air was quite chilly, although that could just be her imagination. She got cold rather quickly anywhere she went anyways. As she made her way into the main hall, she goggled at the enormity of it all. It was gorgeous...
  6. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (Disscusion)

    Its totally fine, yes i would still like to join :) Also could someone catch me up on all thats happened?? And maybe some suggestions on how i should go about jumping in. Im pretty sure you guys have already arrived at the school..’
  7. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    I feel that lol. Idk i feel like if i try to make mine short i wont get everything across, but i also dont want to make mine too long for obvious reasons. Im sure ill figure stuff out but its fine ill just be a mess until then XD
  8. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    I honestly hope my post was easy to follow XD I had a lot going on as i was expressing my writing abilities lol so sorry if it sounds redundant/ confusing @.@
  9. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher He listened to Rain’s frightening recount of her assault with intense interest. To his surprise, he felt a bit angry at the attacker. Usually he wouldnt have minded such an ordeal as that. If it didnt partain to him, that was someone else’s business. But the thought of someone threatening...
  10. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher As they walked slowly in the hallways of the school, Asher kept his gaze on the shadows cast by the dim lighting the school provided. He held the potted flower closer still, as the more Rain talked the more flustered he felt. Although somehow, simultaneously, it soothed him. Im a little on...
  11. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Lol ok sounds good :) ill try to reply back as fast as i can, as i hate leaving RPs unanswered lol, but im just trying to come up with something that makes sense. My head is a bit foggy as im a lil sick right now :'| also we need to come up with like.. something intense for a story. Do we even...
  12. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher His eyes widened as Rain handed over the plants. What the hell am i supposed to do with these? He wondered a bit panicked, but still accepted the gift. He had never taken care of anything living before. No pets, no plants, nothing. He brought a genuine smile to his lips at the gesture...
  13. ThECoRgiGaL

    Jeez, the one time i leave my phone for 2 seconds and it blows up. Happy new years!! ♥

    Jeez, the one time i leave my phone for 2 seconds and it blows up. Happy new years!! ♥
  14. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (Disscusion)

    Name: Austen Rivera Gender: girl Age: 12 Appearance (break): Austen’s hair is a faded blue, almost grey (after dying it a lot). Its cut just below her ears. She has green eyes and freckles under her eyes and on her shoulders. She wears an oversized yellow sweatshirt and ripped skinny jeans with...
  15. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher He wasnt much for art. In fact, he would prefer some homework in math over this. At least that actually taught you something (if he ever payed attention). He ignored his sister to the fullest extent, even going as far as sitting on the opposite end of the room. If there had been any other...
  16. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Riley tensed when she saw the enraged boy advancing toward her. Immediately, as if it were a reflex, she tapped into his brain waves again, easier this time since she had done it a first. She was careful not to draw out any visions of his friend’s corpses unless need be, but before she could...
  17. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher Meanwhile, Asher’s day had passed slowly, and for the most part he had been distracted. His thoughts were filled with the human girl he had met earlier that day. Of course they were. What was wrong with him? Why was he so obssessed with his classmate? He knew the answer, but he didnt want...
  18. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    @kyuukestu Is it weird to say im super jealous of yours and @E.K.A.N.S. writing abilities? Because i am definitely jealous of your guys’ writing abilities XD
  19. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Ann Ann walked sullenly to her class, afraid to turn around to talk to Aster. After all, she had just met him and already their conversation had turned quite dreary. Although the circumstances they had met under werent much to be celebrated. And she had made that stupid comment.. she hadnt been...