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  1. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    well maybe we could catch you up on whats happening right now? If youre not too busy and you still want to be in this RP? Theres not much really
  2. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher The redhead sighed wearily. Today was...crazy. Thats the best he could think of it. It was late, and he had been in his dorm for a while. He couldnt help but wonder what Rain was up to... if he was certain about anything, it was that he wouldnt be able to get her out of his head. He needed...
  3. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Ok! Just making sure it was alright with yall
  4. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Well if its alright with everyone i think ill probably just move my character along? I dont want to take too much time in waiting, and im not sure if or when @Sky5372 will be back..?
  5. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    @E.K.A.N.S. so im still waiting for sky to reply, should we just skip that part? Lol im not really sure what to do, i dont want to not give em a chance to reply, but at the same time we skipped to really late at night right? Sorry im just confused XD
  6. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    @Sky5372 Sorry for the late replies, idk if youre still wanting to RP and i totally dont mean to rush you! I just wanted to let you know I finally replied :p:'|
  7. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher The half blood relaxed at Rain’s comforting words. He was relieved she hadnt gotten upset at what had just happened. In fact, he was still a bit confused himself. Liking Rain? Check. Becoming defensive of her? Check. Wanting her for his vampire side, or for something more..? Could it be...
  8. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Dont rush! Take as much time as needed lol
  9. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Sorry i havent posted :'| school is starting back up again for me and also i havent had any ideas for this RP lol. Also im waiting for @kyuukestu to reply so i can give em a chance. Im just kind of an actual mess rn as a lot has been going on and ive been exhausted lol. I can reply if needed tho!!
  10. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    Austen shook her head, waving away his apology. “Dont mention it! I understand why.. um...well, dead people that still float around old schools would creep you out a bit..” she said openly. She didnt mean to offend any spirits that may be listening, but she wasnt going to let her new friend be...
  11. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    Austen was about to speak up and ask why in the world she wouldnt be able to learn and or handle some magic. After all, she DID get accepted here. She opened her mouth, but a different voice spoke up, startling her. Hello there new Hufflepuff! A jolly, much deeper voice said gleefully. She spun...
  12. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    *shrug* im just going along with the bullying thing, hence why Ann got threatened for saving Rain. I havent really thought about any evil characters though... could i adopt the vamp that attacked Rain and make him into an actual character??
  13. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    Austen wondered how one could inappropriately use animagi abilities, but before she could ask any more questions, they approached a girl that looked quite similar to Alec. They made their introductions, and Austen giggled and waved shyly when she was addressed. “Hello!” She glanced around the...
  14. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

    Asher The half blood felt Rain’s hand on his back. Although it didnt make him less tense, it did give him a sense of...safety. Suddenly she pulled away just as fast as she had put it there, and his safety was gone again. He took his eyes off Aster when he noticed Rain pick a flower and head over...
  15. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    So much was happening all at once! Austen sidled up next to Alec, scared to be left alone in the huge castle. Now that she was sorted, she realized she would have to be staying with a whole bunch of other Hufflepuffs, and she wasnt quite sure if she was ready. She turned and gave a small wave...
  16. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    That was the scariest thing ive read all day??! I havent been reading at all today but to be fair you got me to gasp at the biting thing @kyuukestu here is a pirate for making my heart race >>:arr:
  17. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Hogwart the new era (rp)

    The last thing Austen saw before the hat covered her eyes was the headmaster’s smiling face. Would she be put in Gryffindor with Alec? She sure hoped so. Her parents were already expecting her to be in Hufflepuff. They may have jumped the gun a little and bought her her Hufflepuff school...