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  1. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join The World End

    Sorry for the mouths late reply but your accepted
  2. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    But yea I think I can to the swiftswoobat
  3. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Np I can wait but also i can change her age to a year older it’s completely fine
  4. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    :'|Name: Flora Hero Name (Optional): Bloody Rose Age (Year): 13 1st year Appearance (Detailed please): Flora has amber red hair that in the light turns into a butter scotch brown. Her hair goes down to her waist and is held to getter in a low pony tail with a thorn vine. Floras eyes are a...
  5. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join Avatar: The Years Forgotten (Discussion and Sign Ups)

    Name: Flora Gender: female Age (13 - 17): 15 Current Nation: fire nation Element or weapon: fire bending , She wealds a spear that was a gift from her father Appearance: She has raven black hair that reaches down to her waist. Her hair is normally has it in a pony trial but it still finds a way...
  6. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Open Just my Version of a Romantic Superpower High School (Discussion)

    ;-; Idk what to do anymore I git caught up in drama in the family and school and forgot about the rp rip
  7. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join The Worlds End

    Mia reaches just behind of the mutant as it turned around. She sliced through the back of the knee causing it to fall. After the thud Mia jumped landing onto of its shoulder pulling out her pistol. Shooting the back of its neck and in the back of the head. “ Let’s go..” Mia motioned jumping off...
  8. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join The Worlds End

    Mia chuckles as she hold her katana in her hand and hops of the one story building roof into the center of the hoard. She she stabs throw zombies head and uses the bodies to break the fall as the stage 4 wiped around to see her sims covered in blood. “ been awhile old friend, you easaped me one...
  9. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join The Worlds End

    ( I added the stages on the thread I just thought about it as I responded.) Mia snickers and says, “ You can take the sworm of them, I have a score to Settle with that one. But don’t charge in blind if he’s here that means there’s scouts...” she said as she kept her walkie-talkie on as she...
  10. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join The Worlds End

    Mia sighed pinching her noise and replies, “ It’s only been a few months scones the out break we need more time...” She stoped talking and look down to the street from the building she was on and pulled out a flare and lit it. Mia waved it around signaling Jack. “ Code red, we got a stage 4.”
  11. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join The World End

    It’s fine let’s just say Experience in the battle field doesn’t really need age
  12. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join The World End

    Welcome to The Worlds End just to let you all know that this rp is based off of a zombie apocalypses with a little bit of Resident Evil 7 thrown into the mix. There are teams depending on rank The first some of people will get higher ranks Mutants ~~~~~~~~~ Stage 6- A tall and lean mutant...
  13. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join The Worlds End

    https://pokecharms.com/threads/the-world-end.21209/ One day the speakers radios and televisions start to sound a alarm like ember alerts but worse. The speack on the devises says in a trembling voice “ THE W-WORLDS ENDING THERES , A-A VIRUS B-REAK OUT CAUSING PEOPLE T-O MUTANT I-NTO DEADLY...
  14. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

    Scarlet walked over saying, “ Sorry to break up the friend group. But when will the tour end ?” She put her hands in her pockets.The she looked at then with a straight face. She gave a slightly annoyed aura.
  15. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

    Scarlet walked over to the group and yawned. After the yawn she stretched and said, “ morning to everyone !” She zipped up her black hoodie that was over her shoulders.
  16. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

    “ Blood moon rises on the dance or whatever night.” She puts a hand on her hip and an puts her finger to her lips and says, “ that’s when I can finally finish my dragon with some special crystals that grow only on the blood moon nights !” She spins around in a circle and chuckles happily, “ It...
  17. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

    “ hmm “ Scarlet was in deep thought and replied to him,” I’m good u ?” She started humming looking at the sky and started to dived into thought and closed her eyes looking up mumbling, “ Its happening soon .” Scarlet ran her hand throw her hair with a deep sigh then turns back him ,” so what...
  18. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

    Scarlet woke up and yawned. She stretched and jumped off the tree branch and looked around. She thought, ‘ what should I do, it’s kinda boring when there’s no classes ?’ She decided to walk around the courtyard more.