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Search results

  1. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join World of Wyserad (RP)

    Lukas sighed and walk out of a tavern and waved bye to the owner and hold a large smile on his face. As he was remembered that he hadn’t taken him in he would have died. As he turned away from the door his face want cold and almost emotionless, to some as they moved out his path as he walked...
  2. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    Full Name: Lukas Whitewick Appearance: he has dark raven hair and emerald green eyes. He wear a long sleeve white hoodie with a black long sleeve shirt with a pair of light gray pants. And he wears collar around his neck beause of his family’s bloodline of being servants of vampires. He wears a...
  3. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Open World of Wyserad

    Name: Lukas Sailwick Age: 20 (body age) 1000+( real age ) Gender: male Race: Arko ( idk ) Appearance: Lukas wears light pair of armor . The armor glistens a pearl white when in the light. The armor is made from the first monster ( or what ever it is )he ever killed. The armor is ally made of a...
  4. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Open World of Wyserad

    Okay I was wondering
  5. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Open World of Wyserad

    Really quick question so I’m kinda new to this role play but I’m good. I was wondering what are the species in description form not trying to make anyone work harder or anything