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Search results

  1. DOMO150

    Open No Man's Sky / Space Rp

    Name: Twig Race: Gek Appearance: Standing just under five feet tall this gek is a light shade of grey with three small white horns protruding from his head. His large black eyes have bright orange goggles strapped to them that he can open and close depending on his environment. His space suit is...
  2. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Zombie Apocalypse Discussion

    Hey I think we should keep the ooc conversations to this discussion board and out of the actual rp, as the rules say we should. Also deconstruction of a car by taking out the engine and taking off the tires is not some easy feat to be done in less than an hour with out the proper equipment, try...
  3. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Zombie Apocalypse

    At this point Lot would have obeyed to any orders shouted at him as he dropped his bike and ran over to the rusty old car. Quickly opening the door, Lot carefully slides into the passenger seat, one hand pressing Scruffy to his chest the other slamming the car door shut. "What the hell is...
  4. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Zombie Apocalypse

    The sound of glass shattering followed with unearthly groans caused a dark powerful grip surround Lot's heart. Before he had not dwelled on the thought for more than a second even as he passed them on his way to Walgreens. Lot was not one who coped well to stressful situations tending to just...
  5. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Zombie Apocalypse

    The badger chased after the flying treats into the ransacked store oblivious to the threat it had caused. The man in the back of the store was just finished filling up his backpack with the prescription drugs when he heard the sound of a bag hitting the wall next to him, followed by the sound of...
  6. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Zombie Apocalypse

    "Bait" What was he planning to do Lot thought as he searched for any food left from the previous raids. He tried to pretend he had not seen the guy's slight mental break by turning around looking aimlessly around. "I know what meds are pretty good to stalk up on." Lot joked patting his backpack...
  7. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Zombie Apocalypse

    "Good good I never liked cutting magazines felt like I was back in art class." Lot said opening up his bag of chips. He leaned up against one of the refrigerator doors. "We could trade the meds for supplies they do it on tv shows." Lot said throwing the veggie chips onto the ground, no wonder...
  8. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Zombie Apocalypse

    "Thanks for the gloom and doom." Lot said pulling in his bicycle making sure to close and lock the door behind him. He leaned his bicycle up against an empty shelf that was raided a couple of hours ago. Scruffy squirms in the wrap signalling to Lot to let her out so she can roam around. The man...
  9. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Zombie Apocalypse

    Lot's day was already off to a rather unusual day before he had heard about the end of the world. He had woken up on some strangers couch to sound of Scruffy nibbling on said couch. "Dude get up. My parents are about to get home I need you out of here." Some young teen pleaded with the squatter...
  10. DOMO150

    Open Alolan Adventures

    TRAINER Name: Michael Ryder Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Michael is five feet and seven inches. He has a slim figure who has soft facial features. He has curly black hair that is occasionally adorned with flowers. He has dark brown eyes with black rimmed glasses. He is usually wearing...
  11. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Sinnoh Academy, A College for Trainers (RP)

    BEEP BEEP BEEP. The shriek of the alarm had awoken the young trainer from his slumber. The trainer maneuvered his way off his bed, he tried to not wake his pokemon yet. Abra and Larvitar shared a bed with Michael while Feebas had an aquarium at the foot of the bed. Michael stepped out of his...
  12. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Sinnoh Academy, A College for Trainers

    Name: Michael Ryder Nickname: Mikey Age: 18 Grade Level: Freshman Gender: Male Partners: Abra, Larvitar, Feebas Hometown: Oreburgh city Major/Degree: Undecided Appearance: Michael is five feet and eleven inches. He has a slim figure who has soft facial features. He has curly black hair that is...
  13. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    The young trainer followed his skipping Pokemon through the doors of the dorm and into a small little courtyard with a fountain in the middle. Larvitar was always energetic even in the early hours of the day. Abra was not so much as skipping then being dragged along. On the other side of the...
  14. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "I will be fine. I am not the one battling a hangover." Michael remarked as he, Larvitar, and Abra exited the room. The door clicked behind him and he slowly walked through the hallway. "Larvitar watch over Abra, I can not carry him right now." Michael said gently to his pokemon. Larvitar...
  15. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Ya I am good." He muttered has he slowly got up. He was still wearing the clothes from the previous day and started to change. He switched his grass stained shorts for a pair of blue jeans, his legs moved slowly so he would not have agitated his back. After a few seconds he was able to complete...
  16. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael was slowly waking up when the PA had come to life. He buried his head under a pillow escaping the loud noise. Abra started to nudge Michael's leg seeking from his trainer. "A few more minutes." Michael mumbled under the pillow as he tried to return to his dreams. He heard the sound of...
  17. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "That is one way to put it." Michael said trying to stand up. His bruised back was definitely not going to easily heal but Michael did not feel like going to the nurse. He slowly laid onto the bed, Larvitar helped by pulling him farther on. He laid back up to keep his back from being agitated.
  18. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    Michael trudged back to his spot on the floor like a old man once the open doorway revealed Alan. "Where were you?" Michael asked between small winces. He slowly laid his back against the bed.
  19. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    At the sound of the knock Michael released a sigh if displeasure. His body ached from the fall and he was scared that their dorms could be a potential target. He slowly got onto his feet and went to get the door. His shirt was decorated with wrinkles and the occasional piece of grass. His white...
  20. DOMO150

    Ask to Join Battle Tech University

    "Uhh my name is Michael." Michael muttered as he winced from the punch, his bruise sent hot pains across his body. He waved shyly as he retreaded to his dorm. He noticed his dorm was empty, his roommate not to be seen. He probably is in the cafeteria or something Michael thought. He walked over...