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  1. F

    The Random PokePoll Topic (61): Still watch the Anime?

    ehhhh... dont like froslass, so im gonna go with gallade, Its a close relative of one of my (recently) faveorite pokemon, it also has a decent moveset (leaf blade, making him able to take out water, Rock, and Ground types easy(er) its alright in my book (That doesent exist)
  2. F

    Origin of your screen name(s)?

    Ermm.... Im pretty sure she was joking... correct me if im wrong. Yay! I gave you the topic idea! :D
  3. F

    DPPt/HGSS Dragonite set

    I was wondering, what would be a good set for dragonite? as of right now, i have Dragonite: 72 Jolly Aerial Ace Earthquake Agillity Outrage any/all advice welcome (I wouldent be posting this otherwise)
  4. F

    DPPt/HGSS Which Gardevoir moveset?

    Ah, then my source is probobly wrong, No biggie... Actually, i thought of something, Shadow ball is a move it can use in gen 4, what about that?
  5. F

    Origin of your screen name(s)?

    Yeah, Yeah, EVERYONE has to pick on me :( ... :P .... well, anyways, my username was originally a joke name that started as "Sir Issac Fig Neuton" Soon after that, since we got tired of saying it, we changed it to "Figs" And now I use it every so often, on forum's, and stuff.. (oh, Btw, the real...
  6. F

    Is it just me...

    Okay, thats gotta be the longest thing i didnt bother to finish reading, and my input on this, would be saying "ZOMG WTF BBQ, THATS ALOTTA LEGENDARIES" but yes, theyere going a bit overboard..and there is a reason for that...that reason is called "Franchise marketing"
  7. F

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    Aw, well, maybe next time (Also, maybe next time I shouldn't do a half-ass Job, too :P)
  8. F

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    Well, "a bit eye-searing" was what i was aiming for, so i feel i did my job good now :P
  9. F

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    I made a card, its probobly gonna fall under the "crap" catagory, but I Dont care
  10. F

    DPPt/HGSS shuckle!and more...

    Yeah, that would work, or maybe even protect?
  11. F

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    I have one (I know, im posting it again, but the last one I uploaded went to crap, so im gonna post it again) (Also, i cant figure out how to download GIMP, therfore cannot make it transparent without making it a Gif.) (another Also, For the heck of it, im just gonna post a Gif one)
  12. F

    DPPt/HGSS Which Gardevoir moveset?

    Well, I DID Mean Magical leaf :P but i guess My typo Turned out to be a good thing after all :D Also to StellarWind Elsydeon : You sure its only kirlia? The thing i have here says diffrent, well ill take your word for it.
  13. F

    DPPt/HGSS Which Gardevoir moveset?

    hmm.., the one on the left, though i would say replace hypnoses (Never thought it was very accurate) maybe go with Thunder wave (If you have Fr/Lg) or even Leaf blade (It can learn it via Mushroom/heart scale move tutor)
  14. F

    DPPt/HGSS Team Help

    Well, i could easilly get Rest Via Saphire (Kinda forgot that option at the time :P ) And I had been training a Dusklops awhile back (took it out for some reason, cant remember why, has a good nature and everything), so thats one, I dont know if i wanna use both Garde and Gross (Garde and Gross...
  15. F

    Why is the Pokemon anime getting unpopular?

    Well, I don't have a long statement like everyone else here seems to, but it IS a statement none the less, I would have to say, for me, I think I mainly out grew it (Infact, out of the seventeen hours I'm awake, Only about one of those hours are spent WATCHING the TV) but back to the point, I...
  16. F

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    Well, Im at a cross between The three R/B FR/LG starters, but if i had to pick...charizard, a Dragon like creature with claws, and wings, and its tail is on fire (Makes me wonder why it wasnt a Fire/Dragon type, cuz flying aint doing much for it) And not only that, but its decent ingame too...
  17. F

    DPPt/HGSS Team Help

    Yeah, Hi, new here, anyways, i was wondering if anyone would be willing to give me some ideas for my team in Fire red? so far, all I have Is Charizard: 74 Flamethrower Sunny Day Wing attack (Gonna replace w/dragon pulse when D/P comes out) Dragon rage (Gonna replace w/solar Beam when D/P Comes...
  18. F

    DPPt/HGSS shuckle!and more...

    Doesnt sleep talk make it use one of its other moves? (Never used it, honestly) I would think that could mess you up if it used toxic twice, or it tried to use rest again... i dunno, stop staring at me...