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  1. NDB

    Ask to Join The Four Legendary Sages Roleplay

    Marcus preferred walking but seeing as he would be quickly left behind, he hopped on his spirit animal and followed the group. He was content with just listening to the conversations as, at the moment, he really did not have any insight to contribute. Marcus glances at Oralee as she and her...
  2. NDB

    Ask to Join The Four Legendary Sages Discussion

    why is all of ghostryder's posts showing up like 4 posts ahead of other posts? I’ll get a notification that they posted at like 5:45 pm but their post was at 1:45pm (just an example), and his post will be 4 post ahead of other posts that I didn’t see around the time it was posted.
  3. NDB

    Ask to Join The Four Legendary Sages Roleplay

    Marcus sat perched on a rock on the shore of a lake. It was deep within a forest in a clearing, away from any settlements and people. All that was around him was nature, the greenery and the fauna. He sat on the rock with his eyes closed, almost perfectly still except for the rising of his chest...
  4. NDB

    Ask to Join The Four Legendary Sages Discussion

    @Shadow_Pup I think the sages are supposed to meet Shadow at the Summoning Forest, not the palace, unless you purposely did that.
  5. NDB

    Ask to Join The Four Legendary Sages Discussion

    Name: Marcus Adler, Sage of Life Gender: Male Age: 28 Physical Appearance: Marcus stands tall at 6’7” with shoulder length dark brown hair. He also has a short scraggly brown beard that matches the color of his eyes. He wears a dark emerald robe with mahogany trim over a simple white shirt and...
  6. NDB

    Ask to Join The Four Legendary Sages Discussion

    I’m currently at work, but this does interest me quite a bit. Could I reserve the sage of life? I would be able to work on my character later tonight.
  7. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Everyone busy with school or just done with this rp?
  8. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Chloe stood up and brushed the sand off of her as she stepped out of the water and back into the beach. She still had a lot to improve on but decided to call it a day on training. It seemed about the time that dinner was going to start and since she was the only one in her cabin, she didn’t have...
  9. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Xavier didn't really have a father figure in his life and wondered if Zeus was anything like he heard about. Sure Xavier had been in foster homes that had fathers but never considered any of them like a father. He also had somewhat of a problem with authority figures so he really did not care...
  10. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    "You've met him before?" Xavier asked, looking at Jessi. "I thought the gods weren't supposed to interact with their children." He thought back to the introduction movie, thinking there was something mentioned in there about that. He shrugged anyway, probably misremembering the video. “So,” he...
  11. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Xavier shrugged. "Had no where else to go." He didn't really feel like expanding much on that explanation. "So, where do I sleep?" he asked Jessi as he walked through the cabin. Compared to outside, it wasn't all that different inside. Same style on the inside as the outside. Then there was the...
  12. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Xavier looked at the Jessi as she introduced herself and walked over to him, holding a hand out to him. What stood out to him about the girl were the piercings she had. They were interesting. He reached and shook her hand. “I’m Xavier,” he responded. He let go of her hand. “So, are you like my...
  13. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Chloe turned around when she heard someone approach her. She turned around and saw someone who wasn’t Xavier. “Hello,” she responded. “Just cleaning up after a bit practice. Will only be a few moments if you need the space.” She went back to cleaning up the destroyed dummies. “Unless you need...
  14. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Xavier shrugged and waved a hand dismissively. “It’s fine. Go ahead and take care of whatever it is you need to do. We'll just put this tour on a rain check for later. I’m sure I can’t get into too much trouble.” He bid farewell to his tour guides and walked away from the cabin area. As he was...
  15. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    “Okay,” Xavier said to Elliot, letting his arm fall back to his side. “Well, if you need anything.” He then turned to Alan and shrugged. “It’s fine, I’ll just wander around a bit. I’m sure I could find something to do.” —— An alarm clock rang throughout the Poseidon cabin. Chloe groaned...
  16. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Xavier placed a hand on Elliot’s shoulder. “That sucks. People shouldn’t be messing with other’s personal stuff.” To be honest, he didn’t really understand getting so upset over perfume. He did however learn not to make fun of others that seemed distraught. “Anything I can do to help?”
  17. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Xavier didn’t have a chance to respond and glanced at Alan, following Elliot to the Aphrodite cabin. Before he could follow her in, he heard her scream a couple names and storm back out. Xavier felt a little bad, he guessed, after Alan explained what had happened. “Don’t know if I’m to keen on...
  18. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Xavier frowned when Chloe was mentioned but shook his head. “Don’t need to check them out right now,” he said. “Didn’t bring anything with me to drop off.” He was still in his clothes that was on the run with. He had more possessions when first left home, but they had been used or lost. None of...
  19. NDB

    Ask to Join Percy Jackson: Age Of Gods

    Xavier rolled his eyes and groaned internally. His face flushed slightly when she kissed his cheek, but kept a straight face. He could definitely do without the perky attitude; it just seemed to irritate him. He followed Elliot and Alan to the cabin area. As they approached, he got a better look...