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Search results

  1. Icena

    Private/Closed The Story of the Tiny Teen (1 on 1 rp)

    ((@MikeAllenZ )) It was a nice and sunny day in Sedavale City. Zoe Windell planned on riding a bike outside, but couldn't find her bike. "Ugh," she grumbled as she pushed things aside in the messy garage, "Why can't I ever find anything in this house?" After looking through most of the garage...
  2. Icena

    Private/Closed Team Plasma in a New Region

    ((ooc)) We all start in Ritina Town, except for Team Plasma, which could show up in Route 1 and all the rest of the cities and routes, just not Ritina Town! ((bic)) Amy ran out of the hotel, accidentally dropping Mawile's pokeball, causing it to open. Mawile shot an angry look at Amy. "Whoops...
  3. Icena

    Characteristic Suggestions?

    The next chapter will be written soon, but I need a characteristic for Lynne. Anyone have any ideas?
  4. Icena

    Private/Closed Team Plasma in a New Region

    This is an RP about Team Plasma trying to get in control of the Mellila Region, a region newly discovered, after an epic fail in Unova. The Trainers, of course, will try to stop them. Here are the rules: 1. Your age needs to be from 10 to 18 2. You can be a pokemon trainer or a Team Plasma...