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Search results

  1. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Oh." Tawny hadn't even thought about that. She tried to remember the places she'd seen around but her mind seemed to be failing her. Violet City wasn't small, not like Iki Town back in Alola, but it had nothing on some of the cities she remembered from Kalos. She glanced to Colgate who tipped...
  2. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny trotted along after Robby, feeling slightly better at his words of encouragement but she still couldn't shake the anxiety that was building in her stomach as he returned the key. She shot a glance over her shoulder and spotted what looked like Kyle and Percer. Colgate let out a yip from...
  3. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys Discussion Board

    Name - Tawny Age - 15 Pokemon - Shiny Eevee (Colgate), Honedge (Foil), Mareanie (Squiggy) Badges - None
  4. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Yeah," Tawny nodded to Robby as he exited the bathroom. She'd gathered her pokemon and gotten a new pair of clothes from her bag while waiting for her turn. "I'm super excited. Cause this'll be the first badge if we win. After this one i think I'll feel a lot more confident about the next ones...
  5. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Ow!" Tawny sat up in a start, she glared over at the source of her awakening. Colgate tipped his head to the left and let out a cry, eyes sparkling with amusement. Tawny frowned at the pokemon and rubbed at her wrist mumbling angrily as her fingers brushed over the tiny teeth marks there. Foil...
  6. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Cool, thanks." Tawny smiled and crouched down to dig in her bag. Her head whipped around as Colgate let out an angry yelp and stopped jumping on the bed. She rolled her eyes at the Eevee who turned in a circle three times before laying down and watching her with an annoyed look on his face...
  7. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Night guys." Tawny waved to the others with a smile before spinning on her heels and entering the room that was to be hers for the night. It was a nice size, not to small or large with two beds, a table and chairs off to the side and a television on a stand across from the two beds. Tawny...
  8. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Thanks Kyle," Tawny smiled at him and Colgate cried out in agreement. "To be honest I've never stayed in a pokemon center over night before, the whole time we've been in Johto we've always camped out, isn't that right?" She stroked Colgate behind the ears and the Eevee nodded. "It's obviously...
  9. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks watched both exchanges, trying to keep his lurching stomach contained. If Adam trusted the man he should too, but Socks didn't trust or like people. After the Froakie had traded his treasure Socks turned to look at Arya. He flicked his tail waiting to see f she wanted to go next, it was...
  10. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    When Tawny finally reached the pokemon center she was panting, doubled over and clutching her side. "Ughhhh." She muttered as she stayed bent over for a few moments. Colgate leaped from her shoulder and was dancing around impatiently in front of her letting out angry yapping noises. Se rolled...
  11. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Hey! Wait for me!" Tawny laughed and yanked her bag onto her shoulder and chasing after the other two. "Come on Colgate!" The Eevee cried out and leaped onto her shoulder as she spun around to face him and she patted him on the head before spinning back around and charging after the others...
  12. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks's headache hasn't yet vanish but he tried to push it aside as he frowned at the man in front of them, unsure how to feel. The ragged cloak and beard being his only distinguishing features. He glanced at Adam who seemed rather confident and shrugged, if their fearless leader trusted this...
  13. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny was grinning and jumping up and down at the end of the battle, Colgate mimicking her as he let out excited yelps. The Eevee leaped onto her shoulder as the match ended and walked congratulated everyone on the intense battle. "Bye!" She called after Percer as he headed in the direction of...
  14. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny noticed the Totodile heading towards her Mareanie and called out a warning, "Squiggy behind you!" The water type wasn't quite fast enough and was hit dead on as it had turned to see what she'd called out about. The Mareanie let out a soft cry and went down leaving Tawny to stare for a...
  15. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Thanks for the distraction Robby." Tawny nodded to him, she had no doubt that if the attack had landed it would've been over for her and Squiggy. "Alright squiggy, intercept it! Use peck on Heracross while it's attacking Tropius!" Her Mareanie nodded and launched itself at the Heracross but it...
  16. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks hadn't anticipated the Froakie to return but he supposed Adam must've. He placed his paw in with the others when asked to and found that teleporting was probably the weirdest thing he'd ever done. In a flash the forest around them had disappeared and was replaced with a small village...
  17. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Try and dodge it Squiggy!" Tawny called out too late and watched as her Mareanie took a direct hit from Kyle's Totodile. The hit did more damage than it usually would due to Heracross's use of leer. "Now Squiggy, use bite on Totodile while it's still close!" Squiggy obeyed and turned to attack...
  18. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks nodded, sitting back down and sinking into a laying position. He yawned and allowed his tail to flick idly as if he didn't have a care in the world. His gaze traveled to Arya who was sitting like an ever so diligent guard, he smirked for a second holding back a huff of laughter at the...
  19. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny balled her hand onto a fist and recoiled as if she'd been the one to take the hit. She watched as her mareanie flew back a few feet and landed with a thud, "Squiggy! Are you okay?" With a cry Squiggy was back up and shaking himself off. "Oh thank Arceus," she murmured, standing still for a...
  20. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks scratched at his ear, having sat back down in a relaxed state again once the trainer had ventured into the temple. He shifted slightly listening first to Arya's answer before really contemplating it for himself. Socks opened his mouth to respond when he Froakie returned, he flicked his...