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Open A Different World

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((GTG, gotta sleep. See ye' tomorrow.))
Bezukhov sighed.
"Well, that didn't work..." He murmured, crouching down beside her. The trainer got an idea and picked Kyu up and brought her over to his bed, placing her on it. Bezukhov made sure to be as quiet as possible when he closed the door, and made his way to and down the staircase into the living room.
Surprisingly he found that kyu was down there already getting some cereal and she was eating"oh hey there Ben,I already got up and came down here,you shoulda woke me up,but thanks for putting in the effort to picking me up" it appeared she went down there even faster then teleporting and there was no way she would have done that so fast and quick....how exactly? Maybe you should ask
He bumped into a rock and quickly woke up, getting out of the water. He started walking to the town. He quickly got tired but forced through his own exhaustion.
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Bezukhov seemed surprised.
"Oh, you're awake?" He said, sitting down across from her. "Perhaps I should ask... Or I should've just shaken her harder." He shrugged to himself and unlatched the Pokeballs from his belt, setting them in front of him. "About the battle, please choose which on of my Pokemon you'd like to battle first." Bezukhov grinned as he said that and began to shuffle his Pokeballs around in a random order.
She has a really face on and she's silent for a bit
"Ummmm......how about you pick the strongest one you have? Because if not I'll just one shot one of em if I pick the weakest one "she said as she chuckled "pick one dude,the strongest one,I have a few tricks up my sleeve" she said as she looked at him wondering what he's gonna pick and she's a bit excited
He finally made it into the town after extensive running and then collapsed outside of the high tree line with the note in his left hand. He seemed starved in the daylight. His body was visibly sore from the exercise.
The leader mark was walking outside looking at his people and then he noticed hydri "oh no! This poor feraligatr is hurt! Quickly take him to our infirmary,and get food as well he looks starved" he carried him and ran to the infirmary and he held the note as well "I'll read this later,this is more pressing concerns" he thought as he Kaye's him down in the bed and a few nurses came nad started treating his wounds and gave him sedatives making sure that he is unconscious for now so that he heals a lot quicker
Bezukhov chuckled lightly.
"Are you sure? I guess if you're that confident..." He grinned and picked a Pokeball containing his Feraligatr, Poseidon. "... I'll use my Posiedon for my first Pokemon, but he isn't exactly my strongest one." Bezukhov attatched the rest of the Pokeballs back to his belt. "If you manage to take him down, then I'll use my strongest one." He smiled at Kyu and stood up.
She sighs and rubs her temples "you do know I was the last person who attempted to stop Adrian's invasion and only lost due to a cheap shot right? But whatever you say man,I'll try not to hurt him too much" she winked at him and she walked outside and there was a big mat behind some trees and. There was some lights,resembling a Pokémon battle mat "well I'll let you go first my dude,I won't even use teleport,it's too cheap for me anyways" she said as she closed her eyes and sensed her surroundings
Bezukhov grinned and followed out to the battlefield.
"Well, I plan on ending his reign after I train my Pokemon up to the maximun power levels." He said, tossing the Pokeball containing his Feraligatr up in the air and catching it as they walked. "Once I do, I plan to return this region back to the calm place it used to be." The trainer sighed and his grin faded. When he saw that Kyu made her way to one end of the battle mat, he, too, went to the opposite side. Tossing the Pokeball up once more, he let out the mighty Feraligatr.
"Faraaal!" Poseidon roared, stamping its feet on the ground.
"Do your best, Poseidon!" Bezukhov cheered, throwing a fist into the air. "Use Earthquake!" He commanded, letting his fist fall to his side. Poseidon nodded and began to stomp its feet even more vigorously than before, stimulating another earthquake.
His scaley body began to have a feverish temperature and started to twitch, the bad memories were filling his head allowing his large claws to curl into the palm of his hands. One wrong move could send Hydri into a furious rage.
She sighed and she jumped high onto a branch "yeah well,it doesn't matter how string your Pokémon is,you can't do it alone,if I couldn't do it alone what makes you think you can with just a team? He's brought the strongest trainers to his knees like nothing so you'll need more help,but it seems we have the same goals" she jumped down and she smirked "but for now we fight,and sorry that earthquake was too slow" she said teasingly
"Well, yeah. Poseidon's quite the heavy one, but in a good way." Bezukhov chuckled, looking back at Poseidon. "Now, Poseidon, use Water Pledge to knock her down!" He yelled, throwing a open hand above him.
"Feraligatrrrrrr! Gatr!" Poseidon the Feraligatr hurled himself in a jet of water, knocking Kyu down from the branch.
She jumped off the branch with a front flip and she landed exactly where she was before "well it seems you need someone faster in order to beat me Ben,imagine if I started fighting back" she said play mockingly and she chuckles "then again I like this game of wether or not your as predictable as many other trainers are,be more creative Ben" she cracked her knuckles "so now im going to start fighting back,be creative" she said
A growl started to rise in his throat. His eyes slowly opened and he was forced to cover his eyes with his right arm as the light invaded his sight. He looked around at the unfamiliar environment still weak from the sedative as he was overpowering it.
The nurses gently spoke to him "rest a bit little guy,your going to die any second and we need you to rest in order for the herbs to reach your veins and your insides" they said doing there best to calm him down
His growling got louder as a red flame grew in his irises. He wasn't just going to let these humans tell him what to do. He could remember all of the pain that he had been put through in his sessions with Adrian and approached one of the nurses. His claws were ready to cut through anything in his path but he didn't seem to use them at all. He knew that these people did not deserve anymore torment.
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Mark stepped in front of the nurse and he has a stern look on his face"I can sense in you you have dealt with a lot,I understand Adrian's rule has made us change into many different ways,but you are going to die of malnourishment any minute and you barley have any energy,let us just help you and we will let you go on your way,we are only here to help you and you may not trust us,but you are now in the safe haven so we have no point in lies,plus we have at least a hundred Pokémon will subdue you,our strongest one is a gardevoir named kyu who,when she first helped me make this village here,talked about a feraligatr for months and she searched for you for a long time,are you hydri by any chance? Or are you a wild unstable Pokémon" he said as he has his hands out in a calming way
"Does she still have my weapons perchance? I was left defenseless after they were all taken from me....." He sat onto the bed. "Plus I don't need a human to tell me how much rest I need alright? Do you guys have anything good to eat here?" He kept looking around the strange room.
Mark sighed "you will eventually pass out from exhaustion,not even the most hardheaded of people like kyu will stay up for that long,they enjoy there sleep too much,but our food court is the in the middle of this town,I advise you just watch kyu for now,she is currently having a sparring session with a trainer and she usually gets pissed if interrupted,now I know you don't like orders but if you need a place to stay,just go check up on kyu and wait till her sparring match is done,and the sedatives will eventually put you to sleep so please try not to pass out," he chuckled "I've never met a person who doesn't like sleep,but you will sleep eventually,the sedatives will work soon" he said in a calm voice and he sighs as he rubs his large stomach
"I'm not feeling so well." He started sweating heavily as his vision was fogging. He needed something to eat badly, anything would suffice. He stared at Mark with dark and hungry pupils. ^So hungry^ He kept thinking while licking his lips. "How long are you going to look that way sir?" His belly rumbled.
Mark has large surprised eyes and he began flailing his arms "someone go fetch him a lot of food,I don't trust the look in his eyes,and fast!" He yelled as one of his assistants began fanning to the food court and getting the food and getting as much as he can and began slowly walking back balancing it all while mark held his arms out to hydro and took a step back "now now,don't think like that,food is almost here you just have to wait a few more seconds" he said being careful of him
"But there is a perfectly good feast right in front of me." Saliva began dripping from the sides of his maw as he approached Mark. "I wouldn't want it to go to waste now would I?" He showed off a sharp toothed grin as he charged and tried to swing his left hand at the human.
He quickly dodged by ducking under it and the guy with the food came by and he quickly put down the food "there there's your food,seriously what kind of freak friends does kyu have?" He said as he rubbed his temple glad that he actually dodged it "I am not really a man of violence so please just eat" he said "if you try eating me again,I'll have to have my Pokémon hold you down until I put enough sedatives in you to subdue a whale,and you'll have to be nourished by a tube,so cooperate with us if you don't want that,this could be very simple or very hard,pick the easy route"he said firmly to him
He growled at Mark more and then his eyes lit up as he noticed, to his delight a large amount of food. He charged into the pile and began devouring the tasteful morsels until he had eaten everything that had been brought for him. He immediately afterwards fell from the sedatives.
Mark sighed as he rubbed his head "there's literally no way he will be staying up for now,I will inform kyu of him being here whenever she's done sparring" he said as he carried hydro and put him on the bed in the infirmary

Kyu smirked as she was watching whatever move Poseidon was gonna make and she was reading her opponent
Hydri forced himself out of the unconscious state once again. ^Damn, it is so hard to pretend these days without actually falling asleep^ He held his head in pain as he walked out of the infirmary. ^I hope that that stupid human doesn't come back to check on me.^
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Mark looked out his window and saw hydro walking out of the infirmary and he sighed "well if he's going to see kyu I really hope he doesn't suddenly interrupt,last time I did it suddenly she threw a shadow ball at me and I almost got vaporized,she doesn't mean to its instinct,but if he's that headstrong and won't listen to even that simple instruction then that's fine by me,he will have to learn that his attitude of his makes him no better than Adrian himself,we are offering our hospitality of our legendary village and he came for selfish reasons,he will learn that you can't go all of life like that.... and that there are consequences to every action you make,no matter how little" he sipped his cup of tea and he rubbed his white beard and he sighed
He walked towards the battle and snuck up behind Kyu, hardly making any noise. "Did you miss me old friend?" His words were full of pain when remembering that she left him for dead under Adrian's control. "I wouldn't be surprised if you would have forgotten...."
She was so focused on the battle she quickly turned around and she has a shadow ball aimed at his face and then when she noticed it was him,her face softened more "H-hydro? Ives been looking for you for months nonstop,I didn't abandon you,you look horrible,you can barley walk" she sighed and she smiled "we have a lot of catching up old friend" she says as she turned around "right now I'm going against someone and I need to test there strength,you remember me,I love fighting" she said giving him her signature grin and thumbs up "we'll catch up later alrighty? You have a lot of explaining to do and as do I" she said and she pointed to a building to the left "stay there until I'm done or at least get rest,you can barley walk alrighty? I'll be done soon" she turned around "so where were we Ben?" She said smirking at him
He laughed hysterically and then slowly walked to the building. He wanted to take it easy since he was still very weak.
"Well, I was just about to use..." Bezukhov quickly glanced back at Poseidon.
"Ral?" The Feraligatr looked back at Bezukhov and nodded.
"... Crunch! Now Poseidon!" He commanded, locking his eyes with Kyu's. Poseidon roared in response and began to charge at Kyu with blinding speed, opening his jaw as he did so.
"Feraligatr!" Poseidon bellowed, snapping his large jaws around Kyu's arm.
She sighed and she used her special ability to appear a few feet besides the feraligatr "besides if you are curious of what I'm using,it's a thing I like to call timeskip,it allows me to go a faster through time,sorta like teleport but time slowly around me when I use it,I can't go backwards I could only skip my point of view of time for a few seconds,if your asking why I'm not always using this,it's like asking why arnt you always running,it tires me out a bit but since I've been training with it for a few years,I've learned not to depend on it" she smirked And then stretched her legs "i won't use it for this battle though,I'll just dodge and fight normally "she ran up to behind the feraligatr and She charged up and threw a really hard Power up Punch towards his back
Bezukhov grinded his teeth, frustrated.
"Deflect it with a Ice Punch, and then use Crunch to startle her!" He yelled, a small flame flickering in his eyes. Sparks shot through the trainers body, seemingly lighting him on fire with determination.
Poseidon swivled around and threw a frozen punch against her own fist, the impact of the two fists sending them back. The Feraligatr then got back up and proceeded to charge back at Kyu, his jaws hanging wide open, showing off his intimidatingly large fangs.
As kyu was charging the feraligatr she looked at the trainer and she smiled on the inside "I haven't seen a trainer so determined in a long time" she thought to herself as She was a bit surprised that he managed to hold it off and when she saw Poseidon about to bite her she held up his jaws and she grunted as she held it and she chuckled "sorry big guy" she charged up a shadow ball and shoots it towards his mouth
Bezukhov smirked.
"Use Crunch on the Shadow Ball!" He commanded, pumping a fist into the air. "Dark type moves are super effective against Ghost type moves!" The flame in his eye grew slightly larger when Bezukhov yelled the command.
Poseidon pushed himself away from Kyu's grasp and snapped his jaws around the Shadow Ball instead, completely diminishing the dark blob. The Feraligatr narrowed it's eyes and kept its glare, awaiting Bezukhov's next command.
She smirked "ahhh clever Ben clever,a friend of mine named sun taught me this" she charged up a power up punch but this time her fist has a fire aura round it and she charges at him and did a few flips and threw a really hard punch towards him
Bezukhov grinned and patted his belt, causing the other three Pokeballs to rattle against one another.
"Hah! Poseidon!" The trainer then fixed his gaze back onto his Feraligatr. "Deflect it with Ice Punch!" He yelled, holding out his fist in front of him.
"Feral! Gatr!" The Feraligatr roared as his fist froze and incased itself in a block of ice. Poseidon then threw his fist against Kyu's, the ice block slightly cracking and chipping away from the heavy impact of the two fighters fists.
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