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Open A Different World

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She looked at him and sighs "j-just don't ask,we were just talking about the past and stuff and he did something stupid so I had to hit him,can you just focus on what's happening right now? There's kinda raiders here" she whispered to him and the big guy laughed "ahh so the mighty kyu FINNALY has a trainer looking after her huh? Can't take care of yer self?" He said laughing and kyu gritted her teeth "he's not my trainer just a friend,how's your chest after I knocked you out last time?" She said smirking and the guy looked at her pissed "I suggest ya don't piss me off,we is just coming here for a bit of a trade,you give us something interesting and we will leave your town alone,if not then things will go ugly fer ya" he said grinning darkly
Mark walked behind kyu and Ben "we can't risk having this town damaged,so either we make this deal or I hope you have a plan kyu" he said sternly
Bezukhov turned and patted Marks shoulder, the grin still on his face.
"Don't worry, sir. My Pokemon should be all pepped up for another battle, after all, my Feraligatr might've woken up inside its Pokeball." He whispered, being sure that the larger man behind him didn't hear. The trainer turned back around to face the burly man, fists at his sides and his grin shifted into a smirk.
Kyu sighed "if you and your bandits don't leave I'm afraid I'll have to put you in a coma again dude" she said with a smirk as well and the guy growled "oh really huh? Well in that case guys attack!"
All at once!" He yelled and there was silence and he turned around and all of his guys were driving really fast away "WE AINT GETTING PAYED ENOUGH FOR THIS AGAIN LIKE LAST TIME!!" They all yelled and the leader yelled "HEY!! You wussys she's just a girl!!!" He stayed silent for a few seconds and then turned around "guess it's just me,oh well I can take the both of you myself" he got out two pokeball and threw them out and there was a greninja and doublade "they evolved since last time so I suggest ya say yer prayers" he said
Mark sighed "I guess we have no choice,kyu make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else or destroy anything" he said standing back
Kyu got in a fighting position "well consider this lesson one,standard attacks won't work as often with this guy so be creative,I'll take on the greninja,wanna take the doublade?" She said smirking
Bezukhov nodded, the smirk turning once again into his casual grin.
"Sure." He grabbed onto a Pokeball and unlatched it from his belt, tossing it up into the air, releasing the Pokemon from inside. "Go, Kim!" The trainer cheered as he watched the red energy turn into a Kommo-o.
"Kommo-o!" Kim the Kommo-o roared, her scales clanging against one another as she swung her arms down to her sides.
Bezukhov stepped back and threw a fist up into the air. "Kim, use Flamethrower on the Doublade!" He commanded, keeping his fist high above him. The Kommo-o nodded and stepped a few feet foward, lurching her neck forward.
"Kom, kom, kommo-o!" Kim roared, followed by a immensley large stream of flames heading straight toward the Doublade, turning the cold blade Pokemon hot.
The doublade blocked by using its plaque on its back and it grunted at the heat "Doublade!" It jumped up and went down towards the kimmo-o and it used a hard night slash hoping to hit its body

Kyu cracked her knuckles and the white aura around her appeared "well wanna get beaten like last time greninja?" The greninja growled and it shot out a water pulse towards her and she grinned and shot out a shadow ball canceling his attack and the greninja had to jump to avoid the shadow ball "well I guess that answers my question" she said grinning
Bezukhov grinded his teeth. "Kim, use your scales to block the attack!" He commanded, throwing his hands forward in a defensive way. "Now! Before it hits you!" Kim nodded and swung her heavily scaled arms in front of herself, blocking the Doublades inferior attack. "Now use Clanging Scales!" The trainer yelled, swinging his arms back to his sides.
"Kommo!" Kim bellowed, smacking her scales together, sending unbearable soundwaves at the Doublade.
The honedge grimaced at the pain but quickly jumped and while the kimmo-o was smacking her scales it brought down a sacred sword with more momentum and it was a lot more powerful Then it's dark blade

the greninja brought kyu down and was pushing down on her but she kicked him hard in the stomach and when he stepped back in pain she used close combat straight at him but the greninja was matching her blow for blow and they were fighting extremely fast
Bezukhov gasped and thought for a few miliseconds. "Wait... I have an idea!" "Kim! Use Flamethrower while it's coming down on you!" He commanded, slightly tilting his head up. Kommo-o tilted her head up so she was glaring at the Doublade coming down waiting for Bezukhovs signal. "Now!" The trainer yelled.
"Kommo-o!" Kim opened her jaws and flames erupted from her throat, engulfing the Doublade in flames.
He shook away the pain that Kyu had caused to him. "That was mean of you to do Kyu.....But I will forgive it...." He casually walked towards the leader of the thugs, brandishing the biggest glaive he could with both hands. "Hello there sir...."
The doublade was being hurt but it didn't care since it was angry and it still went down and when it was right next to Kim's face which is still shooting fire,he used his sacred sword extremely hard and fast towards Kim's face

Kyu and the greninja were going at it extremely fast and hard and kyu got smacked in the face and the greninja smirked but was then punched in the face "yeah it doesn't feel good does it greninja?" She said

The leader looked down at hydri "nice fight isn't it boy,and those glaives of yours look pretty tight,there's no way they'll win,lemme guess you wanna fight me eh? Well I saved the best for last but I guess I'll use him to take you on!" He threw out his pokeball and he drove back a bit and there was a gallade there and it was ready to take on hydri
"I was only going to ask if you wanted to converse for a while but this works too...." He took out another glaive, it was way smaller then the other one in his left hand. "Let our little sparring match begin then." He charged at the gallade and swung both glaives at it.
Kim, being a bit of an inteligent Kommo-o, used Clanging Scales at the last second when the last few flames have subsided. She smacked her arms together right before the Doublade hit her, knocking it back with the soundwaves.
"Yeah, that's it Kim! You can beat that Doublade!" Bezukhov cheered, pumping a fist in the air.
The gallade used his tow arm blades to block the glaives and he grunted at the force of it "waaiiitttaminute gallade stop!" He said and the ballade jumped beside his trainer "what do you mean converse for a while? And hey if I walked towards you with large glaives and yet only wanted to talk you can't say that you wouldn't attack me either so what are you trying to say?" He said as he payed attention to what hydri has to say

The doublade only got sent back slightly and it went right back to her face and kept on using scared sword really fast and hard and it's unleashing its anger in its unrelenting barrage of attacks and instead of just aiming for the face it aimed for her weak spots and it went ballistic

Kyu flipped the greninja over her shoulder and she dragged the greninja around the floor and she then threw him high up and when he came back down she used close combat on his back and the greninja slid back a bit panting and he was studying his opponent to see what her next move was
"I was trying to say that I won since you let your guard down." He threw the large glaive at the thug, hoping for it to cut right through him.
"Block it with your scales again, Kim!" Bezukhov commanded, the flame back in his eyes. The Kommo-o nodded and swiftly blocked the top of her head with her arms, grunting from the applied pressure from the Doublades attack.
"Kommo-o... Mo..." The Kommo-o ducked down and rolled away from the Doublade, allowing the haunted blade to get stuck in the ground.
The doublade was getting tired but it still forced its body to keep up with the kommo-o and it was still striking multiple times towards her hoping to break the scales and it began striking towards her head and shoulders and it slowly slowed down due to fatigue but it was not gonna give up

Kyu shot a shadow ball towards the greninja and ran right behind the ball and when greninja dodged it she was already right in front of him and threw a hard punch at his cheek and he flew back a few feet and it was knocked out "good fight,too bad your evil or else you could've been a good sparring partner" she said

The gallade blocked it and the trainer barley flinched "I knew you were gonna do a dirty move like that,teach him a lesson gallade!" He yelled as the gallade charged towards hydri and used psycho cut towards hydri
"Flamethrower, now Kim!" Bezukhov bellowed, waving his curled fists around in fighting motions. "We cannot let this man lose, for the fate of this town being revealed!" Then Kommo-o snapped.
"Kommo-o." Kim simply huffed and snatched Doublade by both of its hilts and held them in front of her snout. Opening her jaws once, she called her own name. "Kommo-o!" Flames spilled out from her jaws and onto the Doublade, her still holding the hilts keeping it immobile as the steel began to melt.
He hit the attack with his smaller glaive and used counter to throw it back at them. "Its a good thing I have plenty of weapons here." He then time skipped behind the thug. "You should really pay attention to the battle human...You might learn something."
He looked behind him and drove forward and used his pokeball to pick up greninja and he got his doublade in the pokeball as well before it melted too bad "so you managed to beat me eh? Well I still have ballade so there's no way you can be-" mark hit the back of the thugs head with a pipe and the thug got knocked unconscious
Kyu smiled "thanks mark,so your all alone now arnt you gallade?" She said smirking
The gallade sweated slightly and is a bit nervous
"I have a solution for this...." He dug through the pockets of the thug until he found the empty pokeball and slammed the glaive into it, breaking it. "Problem solved...." He went over and picked up the larger version of his weapon.
Kim the Kommo-o growled quietly and went back to Bezukhov, standing beside him.
"Perhaps my lil' Kim here can escort the thug out and away from the town?" Bezukhov suggested, patting his Kommo-o gently, careful not to touch any sore spots.
"Kom..." Kommo-o growled, looking at the Gallade, narrowing her eyes.
Kyu noticed hydri doing that and she sighed, she walked up to the gallade and began speaking telepathically to him "listen,if you stay here and fight you will die,you can't speak in a language humans can understand can't you? Then you won't be able to tell Adrian our location,so get out of here and find somewhere else to go" the gallade stood still for a minute in silence and then ran to a tree and jumped on the branch and began hopping tree to tree going far away from the town
Kyu walked up to the thug "I could alter his memories,or clear it all together,that way he won't be able to remember this place" she said while mark wiped the sweat off of his head "well luckily he was by himself,if his goons all attacked at once that could have been bad" mark said
"I don't care what you do with him...I am too tired to care about this right now....." He walked off to the house and fell asleep on the floor again.
Kim the Kommo-o bounded over to the fallen thug and swung him over her shoulder with ease, looking back at Kyu. Bezukhov walked over to Kim and the thug to examine him more clearly.
"... Hm. Well, he certainly is knocked out..." He patted the thugs back and looked back at Kyu. "... So, did you want to alter his memories and Kim here can leave him somewhere far from here?"
She looked at hydri glaring at him slightly "jerk,anyways I guess that plan will work out,here lemme get near him" she said as she walked up and began using her psychic to erase his memories of here and after a minute or two of this she let him go "well I found some....disgusting memories" she said with a shudder "I feel dirty now,yeah just take him to a place that's far away from here Kim"she said as she looked up at the Pokémon "your pretty strong,I like ya" she said with a thumbs up to kim
Kim grinned and gave Kyu a thumbs up too before running off with the thug in tow. Bezukhov waved his Pokemon goodbye for the time being as the Kommo-o disappeared in the dark forest far beyond the town.
"Be careful, Kim! Beat up anything as long as they attack you first!" He called, letting his hand fall back to his side. Bezukhov sighed contently and turned back to Kyu. "Kim should be back within an hour or two... So, what now?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.
She looked at her running off "well I hope she doesn't run into the more advanced robots,especially the robot mech one"she looked to Ben and She shrugged and then her stomach rumbled "wanna go eat something? I'm starving" she said sheepishly rubbing the back of her head
He woke up quickly and started trashing the house by throwing everything everywhere as he searched for the small box again.
Kyu looked back into the house and saw all of that happening and she rubbed her forehead and sighed tiredly "don't worry we can just give you the other guest house he'll be at this for a while" she said looking at hydri "I swear he'll be the death of me somehow,he's still a good freind of mine but sometimes he does a lot of.....questionable things
He then saw it, the small box that had been haunting him. He grabbed it quickly and ripped the top from its hinge. He saw nothing in it and then became angry and threw it out of the window, his rage was taking over.
She stood in front of hydri "hey calm down hydri it's just a empty box,if you get mad and destroy others property I'll have to knock you out and make sure you STAY knocked out" she said sternly "your brashness and anger makes you no better than Adrian,so calm down and get a grip,just come eat with us and we wcan just talk about this instead of just doing violence" she said hoping that he would calm down and she won't resort to hurting him bad
There was darkness clouding his eyes as an aura sphere, swirling with energy formed in his mouth. It was filled with dark matter that would eat the atoms of everything in its path. There was no way to talk him out of what damage Adrian caused to his mind.
In order to stop what the blast he was gonna do she used her teleport ability to appear behind him and very quickly picked him up and pointed the aura sphere up so that it won't damage anything and while she's carrying him began hitting his back so that way he will fire it up instead of somewhere else
He fired it and it quickly dispersed in the air. "Hey! Let go of me!" He struggled to get out of her grip, his skin was turning pale out of the evil that was in him. "I'll show you my own special hell when you let me go!"
She glared at him "guess I won't let you go then,your no better than Adrian right now due to your anger,I don't know what he's done to you but I am the protector of these people,if I can't convince you by words I'll have to beat it out of you!" She kneed his back with all of her force while still holding him and she kept on kneeing him making sure to keep a firm grip on his arms while making sure his mouth is in the air so that he won't destroy any property or kill anyone
He started laughing as he felt the pain. "Yes! Do as much damage as you want to me!" He seemed to be enjoying the pain as he wasn't fighting it or letting energy go flying everywhere.
She growled "oh so you enjoy the pain huh? Well you won't enjoy this!" She teleported him to a undisclosed location so that no one can see "good,I wouldn't want to start a mass pain" she flipped him over and forced him to the ground and she began stomping on his stomach with all of her force so that he can get knocked out "stay down hydri!" He's growled as she also threw some punches to his face with as much force as she can without killing or crippling him
He was taking the attacks like they were nothing. "That really tickles you know...." He grabbed her fist in his mouth and bit down. He seemed too far gone now to even talk to.
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She grimaced in pain "ah ok guess we have to kick this up a notch" she used her power burst and her red aura is blaring brightly "remember this? I suggest you stop and calm down or I'll stop holding back my hits" he punched his jaw so that he releases her and she began using her palm to hit his neck at full force but making sure to not break and kill him and she began hitting his pressure points with as much force and her hits seem to be getting stronger and stronger and she even kicked him in the eye
His eyes returned to normal when he was hit. "Kyu....Stop this fighting.....Can't you remember that I am your true friend?" He had bruises all over his small body. "Just remember me...." There was innocence in his eyes even if they had been bruised. He coughed up some blood. "Maybe you aren't the one I used to know....."
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