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Open A Different World

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OOC(Hydri moves faster when he gets tired which doesn't make much sense but adrenaline kicks in. I hope you understand)
He got up despite the pain in his twisted ankle and crawled on all fours the rest of the way to Adrian's mansion.
When Adrian was still drinking his Guards came in "our cameras spotted a wild feralligator coming on our base should we attack?" They asked and he merely chuckled "nah think if this as a test for my robot,it's my good freind hydri,open the gates and let me deal with him myself" he said as he walked to the front gate and a few minutes later he's in the front gate smirking darkly "ahhhh well well well if it isn't my good friend hydri eh? I thought you died" he said staring at him
"I have failed to find Kyu master....I am afraid that she has fled to an arctic zone." He tried the best he could to hide his lie. "What shall our next approach be?" He hid a knife in between the fingers of his left hand.
Adrian smirked "honestly do you take me as an idiot? I'm the worlds greatest evil mastermind that has ever lived and I know a trick when I see one,plus kyu would never run to any arctic place since I highly doubt the legendary city is there,your not a minion your a rival!" As he said that last word he got from his sleeve his robotic arm and quickly strapped it on and shot a giant ice beam from his hand towards hydri
He rolled out of the way of the attack. "The thing with me is that I am stubborn Adrian!" He charged at him, trying to get close enough to strike him with the knife.
Adrian smirked and out of nowhere a human sized mech sped in front of him and met him head on...literally smashing his head with his own and he came out from behind Adrian and when the robot stepped in front of Adrian you could see that it has blue spikes behind it's head and is overall red and dark and gray "allow me to introduce omega robot E 101!! There is no way you could face against her him but I'd love to see you try" he said smirking while the robot scanned hydri "S C A N N I N G S H A D O W P O K E M O N.....F I N I S H E D S C A N N I N G" it said
He slid back, catching his grip as he touched his forehead and felt his own blood. He started to shake when he realized that he couldn't match this creation. It was worth a try anyways as he pulled out two of his glaives. "I've seen better designs drawn by a pre-schooler Adrian." He was ready to fight until the end.
He chuckled to himself darkly "oh really? Then why are you shaking? I'm looking forward to making your insides your outsides" he said as he grinned maniacally as the robots arm detached and is a large machine gun "T A R G E T L O C K E D E N G A G I N G ! ! !"it began accurately shooting towards hydri and is firing over a large area around him as well
Bezukhov stood up too, brushing himself off, but to no avail, the already smeared on grease smeared everywhere else he brushed.
"Yeah... Do you happen to have any spare shirts that fit me? Since..." He gestured to his greasy shirt. "... Yeah..."
He started running but was quickly hit in the vertebrae of his tail and his right knee. He tumbled across the ground, kicking up dust. He wouldn't give up this easily but all he did was sit there, regaining some of his lost stamina. He fearfully looked up at the large robot and started to charge his special aura sphere, eating up the bullets that would have hit him.
Adrian held his hand out for the robot to stop "Omega! His aura sphere,even though he is weakened will considerably hurt you! Activate omega drive!" He yelled as the robot nodded and there was a electrical spark across its body and there were several sparks and they became faster and faster until they became a ball of lightning energy and the robot threw it towards hydri

She rubbed her chin and then snapped her fingers "oh yeah! I took some of Lucius's clothes before he died,find any style ya like he has many different shirts and sweaters and jackets and much more" she said opening the closet and there were quite a few shirts in there
"Just a simple blank shirt is fine enough." Bezukhov replied, hanging his jacket on the back of a nearby chair. He stripped himself of his shirt, his pants being the only thing covering him. Grabbing a gray shirt with a small, unnoticeable logo on it and slipped into it. Chuckling to himself, he spoke; "Heh, perfect fit." Bezkuhov grinned and shut the wardrobs doors, tossing his shirt in a basket afterwards.
She studied his physique slightly and his shirt "huh well seems like your a basic guy so you got a shirt now,so what would you like to do now?" She said as all of a sudden she used her time skip to grab a bag of popcorn and go back to the same location but to Ben it looked like it appears in her hand in an instant and she started eating some
He closed his eyes for just a second to think as he activated his hidden ability, Time Zone. He could see the ball of electricity moving at him slowly. This gave him time to fully charge the aura sphere to an energy level that could easily rival the robots attack. He fired it off at a slightly faster speed as time returned to normal.
He shrugged.
"Not too sure... But, yeah. I'm quite a 'normal' guy, now, aren't I?" The trainer chuckled and sat down on the same chair which held his jacket. "Over in the city, many people are dying of famine and inhumane treatments." Bezukhov sighed and looked out the window, the starry sky reflecting off his eyes. "That's why I want to take Adrian down, to save the innocent."
She sighed as she sat down on the couch and looked off in the distance "umm.....not many people know this but....I trust you" she looked at him" he ummm....he used to be and is my trainer......aannddd kinda my dad" she said a little anxious on how he would take it "any uhhh questions?" She asked

The two attacks canceled each other out and they released alot of dust in the area and the robot began shooting randomly on hydris position and is covering a wide area
Bezukhov seemed a bit shock and a small smile appeared on his face.
"Well, I trust you too." He sat back in the chair and yawned. "So, Adrian was your trainer, eh? I think it's a bit weird, but at least you're here and ok." The trainer unlatched all of the Pokeballs hanging from his belt and set them on the counter.
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She sighed "you wouldn't understand it's a....long story....let's just say I'm not a normal gardevoir thanks to him....and that my timskip isn't a normal move" she said as she shook her head "but that's a story for a different time,besides I still need to know more on you" she said as she left the house and is on the front door and is looking up in the sky "well...I'll see ya soon dad" she said as she teleported off onto her tent
He cried out as he was hit in the gut by a bullet, he was losing blood fast now and tried to block the wound. Something inside of him had awoken as he threw a single small glaive at the robot. It built up speed as it moved through the air. "This could end differently Adrian....." Hydri could no longer move from weakness as he looked at the robot. "This is it for me....." He smiled weakly at Adrian as his body started going numb.
The robot got hit in the eye with it and there were a few sparks from the impact but it's otherwise still functional
"Well nice hit there boy,but your brashness like I said is the death of you,right bot make sure he's weakened" the robot began walking towards him and when it got in front of him it delivered a powerful kick towards his stomach
Bezukhov waved her off.
"See you tomorrow then." He replied just as she teleported off. The trainer yawned and walked back upstairs to his room, getting into his messily made bed. It didn't take Bezukhov too long to fall asleep, which he had been grateful for. The rest of the night slipped on easily.
Kyu sat down on her mat and meditated for a bit and after a while she was in her dream like state but was still awake and there she saw a large green luscious field of grass and she looked around for a bit before she saw blood and she was seeing her friends dieting again and in the real world she woke up Andy she was sweating a bit and she was breathing heavily before she has a wild thought "hydris still in the cage right?!" She asked herself and she ran to the jail cell and saw it was empty and she gasped "where is he?!" She thought as she tried to sense his life energy somewhere
Day broke and the early morning sunlight filtered through the blinds of Bezukhov's window. The light crept up from the floor over to his eyes, slowly waking him up. Blinking his eyes groggily, the trainer groaned in protest.
"Urgh... Morning already...?" Bezukhov growled to himself and sat up.
Blood came flying out of his mouth from the hit. He attempted to lift himself off of the ground. "This isn't fair Adrian....." The life was almost drained from his body as he fought to live. "You could at least give me a fair fight without any of your stupid tech!" Energy began burning around his body as he resorted to the mega stone that he had swallowed before this mess as a vow of never looking back on the past.
Adrian smirked "who said this was supposed to be fair? If anything it's unfair to me since you guys have powers and stuff,I'm just taking advantage of what arsenal I have,and you know what hydri? The robot your fighting isn't even my strongest mech! Theres one robot that kyu lost to that could easily beat you,especially now that your weak,I just need to snap my fingers and he's here but I figure I'll kill you with omega" he said shrugging
The robot looked at him and has its weapon in front of hydris body "L O C K E D. A N D L O A D E D!" It said as it shot a giant ball of metal at hydris face going at extreme speed
He quickly found the strength as he grabbed the ball and stopped it, his body was changing to its larger form. "I guess you forgot how stubborn I could get. Especially after you killed my Rose!" The bleeding had stopped. Hydri threw the ball back at the robot.
The robot got hit and took a few steps back but the all bounced off of it and it only made a very small dent on its chest "POKÉMON BECAME MEGA LEVEL POKÉMON! CHANGING TACTICS" the robot got out its machine gun but instead of regular bullets they are sniper bullets on the machine gun making it a lot more dangerous and it began firing extremely fast towards hydri
Adrian raised his eyebrow "huh very interesting,but your burning out your body faster so" he shrugs "only a matter of time"
He copied the robots move by making small aura spheres form in the air and run into the bullets to neutralize them. "It's only a matter of time before your robots gun jams, overheats, or even runs out of ammo." He smiled as he kept fending off the bullets just as fast as the robot could fire them.
Adrian groaned "you worthless robot aim for his other body parts!!" The robot wasn't listening and instead began shooting off cannon shots towards hydro and Adrian groaned louder "ahhh fiiinnee!" He smirked at hydro "oh so your running around?" He pulled out his Swiss Army knife "Here let me stop you!" He threw it horizontally towards hydris feet
He dodged the knife and started running at Adrian, keeping the aura spheres generating and firing in the air. "Did you really think that I was just going to sit there and get hit by you, a human who has no real combat experience?! You must be insane!" He tried to strike Adrian with the knife in between his fingers. His strikes were quick and vicious.
Adrian ducked and weaved from hydris vicious attacks but he got a cut on his arm and he winced,them he ran backwards at a fast pace "phew! I haven't had a good workout like this since.....last week" he said chuckling to himself "I have some experience,why do you think I am able to throw the knife like that? Either way I let my robots fight for me,you should probably pay attention" he said as the robot was right behind him and brought his fist towards hydri at an extremely fast rate and trying to hit hydri with the force of 22 tons of force and Adrian took out his laser pistol from his jacket and he started laughing insanely as he shot around hydri incase he tried to dodge the hit
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He put his hands up and growled in pain as he held the robots fist there. "Adrian.....I know that good side of yours can still hear me....I just wanted to say that I am sorry for not saving your mind earlier when we first met.....I failed everyone....Sun, you, Rose, Kyu.....Karlyn....The least I can do is end this miserable world." He struggled to keep the robot from crushing him.
The robot pushed harder increasing slowly by hundreds of pounds and there are a few sparks on the robots head and its eye slightly cracked and Adrian chuckled "ah I see your trying to bring out the good in me,I made sure to tie him up by the way,although he is close to breaking out,so don't say anything else about the past!" He started shooting at hydri so that he can try to make hydri stop talking
"I got the design for my wings from you because I was never a tech Pokemon." He took the lasers despite of the pain and burning that they caused to him. He was forced to his knees as he kept holding the robot back. "I will keep following Kyu's idea that the evil can be pulled away from you......." His bones were starting to compress and crack.
Adrian's eyes glowed from red to green and he has a few tears growing "s-she still believes that?" He shook his head his red eyes becoming brighter "nonsense! After what I did to her your just lieing so you could kill me....your not even worth killing" he said "omega just.....just finish it but don't kill him" he said gripping his hands tight "dammit I'm weak...." he thought to himself as his evil side is forcing its way out
The robot wasn't listening and it gained something.....A.I
"ASSESING THAT MASTER ADRIAN IS IN GOOD FORM,THEREFORE COMMANDS BY HIM UNTIL HIS STATE OF MIND IS BACK TO NORMAL ARE INVALID" it said as it pushed hydri more to the ground as it increased the weight to its maximum which is 30 solid tons
He looked up at the robots head and quickly fired a dark aura sphere at it, hoping to either hit it or make it move away from him. "Adrian.....When have I ever lied to anyone?" Blood started to drip from his eyes. "She is angry at you but will not stop until she changes you back to how you used to be."
Adrian looked at him "but.....you have lied before.....but...it makes no sense....none of this does" he said as his eyes went half green and half red "even if I am to believe you no one else will forgive me.....and I can't stop that robot,just hit its power conductor in its head over and over,and I can't stay here,people will soon be watching and my evil side is too strong,Once you beat omega go back to the village,you can't defeat the other guards and I can't contain myself longer" he said as his irises slowly became red again "if you see kyu again....tell her I still love her" he said as he ran and slammed the gate and ran into his mansion ignoring everyone else and locks himself in his room gripping his head in pain

The robot got hit and it sparked more but it pushed hydro even more trying to crush his spine
"I'm not leaving here without him." He pushed the robot back and attempted to strike its head with a newly formed aura blade. He couldn't fight for too much longer.
The robots head cracked and the robot threw many punches at him at maximum overdrive breaking his circuits as a last ditch effort to knock or even kill hydro out
Hydri was launched against the mansions wall. He coughed up more blood and shook. His vision quickly faded to black as he fainted. He was slowly bleeding out.
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