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Open A Different World

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Ooc (by the way they are outside so you can't really destroy any ceilings above yourself :/)

The robot got scratched and threw a punch back towards Kim

Adrian scooted towards Ben "hey,your any good at fistfighting?" He asked
As kyu watched on she had her arms folded and watched the battle closely,the kommo-os scales are really strong "hmmm....she's very impressive....." she thought to herself "she may be the one that if I fight against I'll have to use my timeskip AND my secret move on her,the thought of it is making me excited,first things first,let's see if she's stronger than me from a few years ago" she thought to herself
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Bezukhov held his fists up in a defensive position.
"Region champion of jui-jitsu." He stood his ground, his reflexes ready to kick in at anytime.

The Kommo-o dove under the flying fist and snatched the robots wrist, swining it over her shoulder and slamming it on the ground. She then proceeded to slam her fist onto its face several times, each time the impact growing more and more powerful.
The robot flipped over but he quickly grabbed the kommo-os hands and shot the dense energy beam at point blank range towards her face and he held her with an iron grip hoping the attack hits

Adrian cracked his knuckles "well les see how good that training has done for you,because I'm really good at fighting, I'm a good standup fighter plus I learnt some sambo techniques during my spare time,bring it" he said getting in his fighting position and waiting for his move

Kyu yelled out to Ben "hey Ben! I suggest not fighting him,he's good enough to do a standstill with a lucario for a few minutes,so either don't fight him or be careful,he always Carrys his electronic brass knuckles in case things go bad" she said
He placed his hands on his chest and felt that his glaive was there. Tears started to fall down his face as he knew that everything he had cared for was being ruined by a human. He pressed the button to call a nurse to his aid.
A small blissely went to hydri "Blis?" She said which translated to "yes?" She was smaller than usual blissely and she is wearing a small nurse hat with a Red Cross on her hat
He looked in pain over at her. "W-Would you mind....Lending me your energy?" His eyes weakly glowed with a silvery color. "I would respect it....There is something that I haven't finished." He groaned as he sat up on the bed. "You may even supervise my actions too if you are that dedicated to keeping your patients healthy. Plus my friends could use the help...."
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The blissely looked to him for a few seconds before speaking again "energy won't just boost you up,if you have excess energy in your body,as soon as you power down or if you keep trying to go higher,almost your entire spinal column will crack,I can't risk it,besides kyu can handle this,and i can see you have a mental connection with her,if she's in critical danger then I suppose I can" she said "but only if things get too rough,if they are facing Adrian right now and if he runs out of robots he won't be escaping,just keep track of them and if things get too tough then....that's a last resort I hope we don't have to use" she said while she healed his minor wounds and focused on stitching up the more serious wounds and she used her healing powers to make sure his pain receptors wouldn't feel the pain as bad as it would normally be so that he can continue looking on on what's happening
Kim, being a bit clever, lowered her head to when the hit landed on her scales instead, deflecting off of them and back at the robot. She hissed as she felt her scales heat up from the outcome, but the Kommo-o endured it.

Bezukhov glared back at Adrian, keeping his ground. He got an idea and began tearing off strips of his shirt that Kyu lended him, and wrapped them around his hands. "Just a saftey guideline." The trainer smiled lightly, but was soon replaced by a solemn look.
The robots suit was s heated but otherwise stable and still having a grip on the dragon he decided to use her own weight against her and he flipped her over her shoulder and towards the ground and he proceeded to start running around the battleground,therefore draging her across the ground

Adrian held onearm out and one behind him and he made a "come at me" emotion with a grin "my style of fighting counters yours,let's see how you deal with this" he said chuckling evilly
"Well in that case, could you talk to me for a while? You remind me of a Sylveon that I have met before in this same situation....I lost her to Adrian........." He growled and closed his eyes, forcing tears out of them. "I tried everything to save this world from 'him'."
She sighed "I know how you feel,your hurting and pain I felt it before,I lost my trainer and he was the best to me,he said for me to run away when robots attacked us,I don't know if he's captured or dead but I...I don't know" she said and then looked to him "but I always tell myself that with darkness always comes the light,there has been too much darkness and the light is coming very soon,think of that and that will give you the strength to move on" she said smiling at him

Adrian looked on to kyu "by the way if your wondering what I did to tommy turtle and many people,I captured them,I killed a few but most are captured,even your little sun is still here,and I feel hydri crawling in your mind so hydri,your little rose is still alive" he said knowing it would get to her and him and whether or not he was telling the truth,he was looking sincere about it
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"H-He's lying.....I watched her die....Its impossible for her to still be alive..." His pupils grew larger as he looked at the bed. He appeared to be shaking out of fear. "If that is the case....Then I no longer have to show mercy to him anymore." He smiled insane like. The red spines down his back became glossy and filled with hope.
Adrian used his cybernetics to read what hydri was saying and he grinned "ahh hydri you fool,do you really think she is alive? Ever been told a lie? I enjoyed seeing her suffer and slowly die a painful long death" he said grinning "don't listen to him! He's just playing with your mind hydri,if you believe him you'll become just like him and I'll have to beat you again but put you in a worse state" kyu said

Blissely was scared of what was happening "t-this is unusual,your slowly breaking your spine from your energy spike! Stop before it is to late!!" She yelled
"I'm sorry....But I have no use for your weak medicines......Thank you for everything though." He slowly walked towards the door. "I will make him pay for every ounce of pain he has caused to me. I must go back home to get a project that I have worked on for years."
Adrian smirked at kyu hearing what hydri said "we'll bring it on,your hatred and anger will only bring you pain and if you try to attack me with that mentality,it doesn't matter what you have you will lose swiftly you one minded idiot" he said chuckling to himself "my robot,megaton has a very special ability that I gave him by synthesising a few stones,he absorbs hatred and anger and any negative energy and uses that to make him even stronger,why do you think it defeated kyu back then? I inserted all of my hate and anger for the world in him and I still have a lot of it,so bring it on,make my robot stronger" he said as he noticed he was supposed to be focusing on the fistfight at hand "and I have hundreds of robots at my disposal,I just want to make this as even as possible so that I can get some fun instead of destroying you all right now" he said chuckling
The anger was radiating off of his body as he walked out of the building. His pure mind was being ruined by it as he used his Time Zone ability to rip a hole in dimensions as he gathered his ancient tech glaive wings and quickly left the portal, close to the battlezone with Kyu. "No mercy this time....." His voice was almost metallic.
Adrian looked at him smirking "ahh my favorite failure is here how's your wounds treating you? Your so powerful to break dimensions but so weak you lost to my standard robot" he said chuckling "megaton is absorbing all of your anger,how much power are you getting mega?" He said and the robot stopped fighting and scanned "POWER INCREASE BY 250%, SHIELDS INCREASED BY 100% AND SPEED INCREASED BY 213%" it said and Adrian's eyes widened slightly "jeez that much? Well hydri thanks for the power,you won't be getting second chances this time,and don't bother trying to attack me,megaton is always ready to defend me so unless if you want a giant metal fist to the face,I suggest leaving me alone for now" he said smirking
He growled and activated the wings, multiplying Hydri's power to a dangerous level. "I should have killed you when I met you....." The wings seemed to be feeding off of the darkness in his body. "How about we have some fun then?" Dark energy formed inside the rings of the glaive wings.
He smirked "if you killed me kyu would have done the same to you and look,even though I had my back turned on her and she could have easily killed me or even knock me out,but she can't,can you kyu?" He said grinning at her and she looked down "I-I..." she barley said and Adrian was in front of her "you have hurt me in the past but you never intend to kill me now do you? I already know the answer and hydri here is forgetting a few facts,without me he would have never met his precious rose,you,his friends or anyone,me being evil brought you all together," he said "kyu can't hurt me even now,she wants to bring the soft good side in me,you failed your friends hydri,you failed your family" he smirked "you even failed karilyn joice,the one who took care of you and yet you forgot all about her and her teachings,shows how much you care" he said while chuckling and the megaton robot focused its priorities on hydri since it identified a second potential threat
"Family?.....I don't consider anyone family and would never do that when you could potentially hurt them....And don't you dare talk about my trainer like that Adrian. At least she treated me better than you did. She didn't throw me out windows or send poorly designed robots after me." He turned to the robot and let the energy in his wings out, creating a loud screeching noise as the dark energy combined into a large thirty foot diameter sphere and launched it slowly at the robot.
The robot ran to the left of it and managed to dodge it "DETECTING HIGH POWERED POKÉMON" it said as it shot the small but dense tracking beam towards hydri

Adrian shrugged "hey you wanted to be the good side of me's Pokémon,if anything we are talking about a different person,me kicking you out the window and sending my robots are all me though,plus it's one of those poorly designed robots that nearly killed you last time,so that means my robots have gotten stronger or you got more simple minded" he said grinning
He started time skipping away from the attack. "So then you won't mind if I use it then, right?" He attempted to jump onto the robots back, hoping that its shields would fail from the constantly loud vibrations the blades on the wings were making.
The shields were going down at an alarming rate but when hydri got on his back the robot held him there and there was thousands of volts of electricity inside his body and the robot tried to keep him on his back so that he would get more hurt
Kim charged at the robot, pummeling it dowm with Bulldoze. The Kommo-o was roaring the entire time, as she swung her fists at the metal fiend.
"Kommo-o!" She roared, her fists creating obnoxious clanging sounds against the metallic chest and face, large dents suddenly appearing where her swift punches landed.

Bezukhov lifted his leg and quickly kicked Adrian by his legs, knocking down. "Your move, Adrian."
Adrian jumped back from the kick and threw some dust towards bens eyes while he attempted to kick him on the ankles and shin

The robot was getting hit and it left small dents,so it released electricity every time Kim hit it,shocking her every time she hit him and he aimed his laser eye towards her and fired a steady beam of toxic radiation towards the kommo-o
Bezukhov narrowly blocked the attacks and shut his eyes in reflex.
"Dammit..." He muttered, swiftly jumping a foot back. The trainer dove under Adrians line of sight and delivered a low kick to his ankles/shins, his heavy boot applying more damage to the impact.

Kim barreled away from the beam, allowing for the beam to hit elsewhere. She snarled and hissed, her scales frilling up and rattling in a menacing way. The Kommo-o bounded toward the robot once the beam ended and swung a clawed fist at its face, her claws ripping apart any wires they came in contact with.
Adrian jumped up a foot to dodge the kick and he landed on top of his ankles and he applied a lot of pressure there

The robot dodged under the claw swiftly and used a full power kick towards her stomach and he also shot some eye lasers towards her chest as well
By reflex, Bezukhov snatched Adrian by the ankle and swung him down, putting him into a leg lock. He also elbowed the back of his other knee in order to immobolize him while in the lock.
"Wriggle outta this one, just like how I squeezed out from your prison." The trainer growled.

Kim curled up into a ball by instinct, the scales blocking the kick and deflecting the lasers.
He snarled and started elbowing him to the face multiple times "I don't need to struggle when I have means to get you off, you don't know who your facing against boy"every word he's saying he strikes him in the face so that he would let go and since he is point blank in front of him and holding him on a leg lock,his elbow is easily next to his face and his face his still

The robot used its maximum laser power and started focusing the beams towards Kim so that he would superheat the scales while also using psychic to make sharp rocks appear under Kim and they shot up
He jumped off of the robots back and let the dense beam of energy that was following Hydri hit the robot. He then quickly launched more dark matter at the robots back. "Die you stupid piece of junk."
Megaton turned around and grabbed the ball of energy head on,a layer of metal from his hands were burnt to a crisp but he quickly threw it back at hydri at an extremely fast rate
When the ball of energy was about to reach hydri,A ball of energy blasted it away and it was from kyu "I can't hurt Adrian,I could still do my plan and destroy the evil in him,but I don't care about this robot,hydri calm your mind your only making the robot stronger,be humble and the robot will only get weaker" she said "SHEILDS AT 450% POWER CAPACITY AT 325% LASER POWER GENERATOR AT 200%" it said as it shot a larger beam then he usually shot at hydri
He wasn't going to be able to dodge this attack. "Hydri Seraphim activate...." He was no longer listening to Kyu as the wings tripled and then spreaded out like a Butterfree's. They each glowed with a different color. Green, blue, red, and yellow. The wings folded in around Hydria and threw the beam of energy back at the robot, even faster this time. "I don't want to fight anymore."
The robot got hit full on and a layer of its metal melted off but now it's a golden metal that is covering it
Megaton picked up a huge tree and threw it at hydri and He ran right behind it and when it was about to hit hydri,megaton jumped and kicked through the tree and his knee was right in front of hydri coming at him fast
He reached up a hand and stopped the force of the tree. "You don't understand....I'm not a violent Pokemon...But I will fight as long as my friends are in danger.." The red wings started to glow brightly, disintegrating the tree within an instant. "Plus, lets face the facts. The probability of you wining in this world is ten out of fifty trillion." He stopped the robots knee with his other hand.
The robot, as soon as hydri blocked his knee, he shot eye lasers towards hydris body "I HAVE DEFEATED KYU FARADAY FROM YEARS AGO,YOU STAND LITTLE CHANCE,YOUR ARROGANCE WILL BE THE DEATH OF YOU" the robot said and while it shot the eye lasers it attempted to sweep hydris legs
His wings blocked the lasers but he was thrown back by the leg sweep. "I'm trying to be nice and show mercy but it isn't working like it does in video games Kyu!" He fired more dark energy at the robot. "I might have to use Containment Kyu."
Kyu face palmed really hard "ughhh don't spare the robot!!! I meant stop trying to kill Adrian,you could destroy the robot!" She yelled

Megaton countered the dark blasts with his eye lasers and he shot a very small ball at hydri but when it got near him he swiped his hand horizontally and the ball turned into a long disk of energy when it was near him
He attempted to block it with his wings but was thrown across the ground from the force. He coughed up blood as he got up and dislodged the glaives from his wings, throwing them and creating a tough cage around the robot. "Lets see how you can handle this one!" The yellow wings started to glow, releasing electricity into the cage of glaives and it was amplified inwards towards the robot. "Just die already." He was keeping the darkness and anger in his body back for as long as possible.
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The robot was letting out a deep growl as it was being electrocuted "SHEILDS AT 0% ARMOR IS AT 67% ACTIVATING MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE" it said as it burrowed underground and burrowed to hydris location and bursted out with an uppercut and there's a lot of electricity around the robots body. "OVERDRIVE ACTIVATED" it shot out a even larger energy disk but a layer of his skin got peeled off and it's only made of titanium armor and circuits now
He was thrown into the air but his wings stabilized him as he summoned his aura blade and slammed it into the disk. He was being pushed higher into the air from it. "Just give in already!" Tears were flying out of his eyes. "I will save you Rose...." He started forcing the disk of energy back down towards the robot. His skin started to dry out from the heat of the disk.
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