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Open A Different World

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The disk flew back and hit the robot.there was a massive explosion and kyu covered her eyes and grunted to hold still from the explosion, after a few minutes of silence the robot was sparkling and it was losing a arm and some wires are sticking out of it,but it's still functional "SYSTEMS FAILING,I WILL NOT GIVE UP,YOU WILL DIE" it said and jumped up with all the force it can muster and it used all of its energy into a massive powered punch towards hydri but as it was going up it was losing some wiring and parts but it forced itself to do one last hit towards hydri
"I will make sure that you can no longer run on a battery. " It was looking as if Hydri wasn't even running on physical energy anymore as his scales were a burnt blue. He met the punch with his own fist, the energy radiating off of him was much weaker than before. He seemed to be at a stalemate with the robot.
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The robot gripped his hand and is using up a lot of energy to overpower hydri "MAXIUMUM OVERDRIVE!" It yelled as it's power increased three times but its body is cracking and breaking more and more
He swung the cracked aura blade down at the robots arm. "Just die so that I can live a normal life again!" He was filled with determination from the hope that he could see the one he loved again.
His arm got cut off and it used its last of its backup generators energy to head butt hydro as hard as it can,it turnt off as soon as it released the 10 ton headbutt and it fell down to the ground with a loud thud
His wings shattered as they stopped the attack. "I'm n-not done with you." He climbed onto the robots destroyed body and started stabbing it repeatedly in the head. "Stay dead you piece of trash....." His sword broke and he fell forward, coughing up blood as he caught himself. His breathing was heavy as he looked over at Adrian. There was a dark flame in his eyes.
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Adrian smirked "well you defeated him,well bravoooo,what are you gonna do kill me? Because I LITERALLY have a million better things to do than waste my time with youso here's the deal,I want you to hit me,and not a little hard, as hard as you possibly can,because here's the deal,you kill me and you won't get to see your little precious rose again,so I suggest you ideal down that anger and hit me here" he points to his head to his head "as hard as you can"
"I have other things to do than cause pain to the one I hate. I have to fix this world because of you." He released the glaives towards Adrian and they started to wrap wire around him so that he couldn't move or use his robot arm. "How about we let your prisoners show you what they have to think?" He was barely managing to keep the darkness in.
He smirked and his robotic arm forced up at a weight of hundreds of pounds therefore breaking the wire and he rubbed his arm "yeah well that may sound fun,i want you to hit me right now,as hard as you can,to my face,because if you don't,I guess back then people were right about you being a weak pathetic exscuse of a Pokémon " he said laughing darkly,instigating him into doing what he wants
"I mean yeah I could do that but then I would have to fight Kyu, so nice try scientist...Kyu...Hold him down so that you can transfer his darkness into me, and don't complain about it....I will fix it when I get home." He slowly walked up to Adrian, waiting for Kyu to react.
Kyu said "hydri,when he went in that portal,something took over his mind and changed him,if I transfer his evil into you,he will overcome you and you'll just be a host for him" she looked to Adrian "why were you trying to let hydri hit you? I wouldn't have stopped him and he could have killed you,I don't think your worthy of dieing,people heartless like you always pay for there crimes" she walked towards Adrian
Adrian smirked and took a few steps back and all of a sudden used his zero point energy on his robotic arm and shot it at both of them and kyu got caught by it and she started struggling to get loose
He started shaking as the beam hit him. Hydri started having a heart attack as he realized that he had used up too much energy and slowly died in the energy field.
Kyu saw hydri slowly dieting and she used her power burst to break out and she's slowly moving "n-no! Take me instead Adrian,say the words I'll do anything,don't kill him please!!" She yelled desperately and Adrian smirked "well in that case I guess I should let him go...NOT" he shot electricity at hydri from the zero point energy to speed it up faster and kyu used all of her energy to break out " Adrian?! N-no don't!!!!" She yelled using all of her power and she's slowly moving and she's struggling "ah don't worry kyu you'll suffer the same fate in a bit Hahaha!!"
He used Time Zone one last time and ripped a hole open beside Adrian before pulling him into the gravity field and enduring the electricity with him. "If we go down.....Then we'll go down....Together...." A tear dropped out of his eye right before he bit down onto Adrian's robot arm and tried to rip it from him.
It bit down and Adrian gasped in pain but luckily the robot arm held up a lot of the force and pressure but he could see blood dripping from his arm "h-holy crap that hurts!!" and Adrian pressed the realease button so that hydro was only biting metal but his arm is still stuck between his mouth and the robot arm,so he threw a kick at hydris face with all of his force he could muster and he kept repeating it over and over until he let go
The zero point energy field was still electrocuting kyu and hydri since hydri bit down on the electricity conductor
He took the hits, a few of his teeth breaking and he teleported Adrian into a closed cell in the town. Hydri pressed a button on the arm and made the energy field disperse before collapsing heavily on the ground. His skin started turning pale despite of its charred color.
Adrian gasped as he looked around himself "n-no I will not lose like this!! NO NO NO!!!!" He started punching the walls and they cracked more and more from the pressure of his hits and mark ran in and gasped "I-it's you!!" He yelled and tried to find his keys to the cell so that he can subdue Adrian,and Adrian was still punching the wall and he started laughing insanely while punching the wall and a half inch of the cell brokey and he was relentless

Kyu got on her hands and knees and was breathing heavily "o-oh man.....I-I think I got the bad side of the power burst" she said as hydri can here a lot of bones cracking and stretching on her body and she grunted in pain and she fell on the ground as more bones cracked and she did her best not to cry out in pain
There was no response from him as his spine instantly snapped and the life flowed out of his dieing body slowly. A pool of blood formed around his face. His power was starting to fade quickly as the red spines turned to a transparent white.
Mark found the keys and unlocked the cell and quickly punched him as hard as he can and Adrian got knocked out "h-how can.....I....lose....." he said before he faded into unconsciousness

Kyu slowly crawled towards hydri "H-hydri......n-no.....I-I failed......we captured Adrian b-but....what good is it if your not here" she said a few tears pouring down her face as she remembered the memories between them,the time when they met and he was a small timid tododile who loved drinking tea and disliked fighting,how they helped stop bullies together,how they fought in a friendly match and he was the first to push her beyond her limit besides sun,how she helped make him evolve when he couldn't do it himself,sure later on he became a rash and anti hero like person but overall he was just misunderstood,sure he never explained the giratina thing,probably because he didn't trust her enough but she didn't care. He was just misguided and it was all her fault things turned out like this,if she never met him his dark side would have never fully surfaced and he would live the rest of his life a timid but strong croconaw

Kyu crawled near his body and tried shaking him "H-hydri please...please wake up" she said
His heart had recovered from its instant energy loss and started to beat quickly again."H-Hey....Don't cry yet...I'm alright for now. Plus we finally won." He coughed but couldn't move otherwise. "There is a bed beside mine in the medical bay...Do you think you could release everyone and then take me there?" He seemed too weak to keep going but kept a grip on life.
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She barley stood up and then fell down again "my bones are cracked,and your spine broke,we can't move for now so let's just get some rest" she said when all of a sudden a very timid officer that has Adrian's logo opened the gate and started shivering "t-they actually beat adrian,oh man,b-but I still got a-a job t-to do" he shakily went to them and pointed his pistol at them and his hands are shaking "H-hey your guy's bones are shattered and you c-can't move y-your u-under arrest,if you move I-I'll shoot" he yelled meekly still aiming his gun at them but is not hesitant on killing them

Kyu looked up to him"I-if Adrian is beaten why's take us in? It's no time like he can hurt you anymore,if you pick me and hydri up and guide us and Ben to the village,we won't harm you and you can be free,I swear my life ont it,I'll even tell guide you so that you won't be lost,just pick us up please" she's said looking up at him and he shakes "w-well how do I know if you really little friend won't kill me either?!? H-he look doesn't look K-kind,he might bite me if I picked him up" he said looking at hydri
"D-Does it even look like I can move? The worst I could do is have my glaives attack you but I won't risk hitting my friend with them....Also....What is your name good human? I want to know so that we can tell stories of your bravery and how you helped the heros get back home safely." Hydri's eyes were dull as he watched the human carefully. "Just put your gun away sir...."
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The guy stopped shaking and he sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose "God why is life so difficult,alright,ill help you" he said and there was a large dust cloud just a few meters faway and you can barley see anyone but you can see a bunch of people riding trucks and robots wearing Adrian's symbol riding towards them, kyu sighed "yeah the village IS in that direction" she said and the cop thought of something "hey Ima have to put you guys in cuffs,so that way they won't suspect I'm helping you,I'll just say I'm taking you in to our jail And I'll walk out of there sight and take you to your secret village,they won't know where the village is so they won't stop me and only ask questions and I'll make up a story, just act like you guys despise and hate me got it?" He said while cuffing them and carrying hydri on his shoulder and carrying kyu bridal style "and little guy since you look the most threatening,you might have to pretend to struggle and I'll pretend to hit you hard to seal the deal,don't worry I won't hit you just act like I did" he said as the trucks and robots got closer
He growled as thrown of his shoulder. "Its bad enough you broke my spine you piece of s***!" He couldn't move to struggle but if he could he would. "Let go of me and my girlfriend." He blushed as he said the last part but only said it to make the situation more realistic.
The officer looked at him really wanting a to facepalm while kyu slightly blushed at that performance "yeah that's good,how about repeating that when they get here,there cars arnt THAT fast" he said and after a minute or so of waiting they finnaly arrived and a really buff looking guy came out of the car and so did an intimidating looking woman "officer why are you carrying these two? And where's lord Adrian?" She asked and the officer said "well lord Adrian is inside his mansion and these two tried to blow it up, after they destroyed the defense team I defeated them all by myself" he said grinning and kyu pretended to struggle "hey let go! Your carrying me weird you evil perv!" She yelled
He repeated his words from before, this time keeping the blush off of his face. "You're lucky that I didn't have time to get to my weapons you a**!" He coughed from talking too much. He growled at the human that was carrying him. "When I get out all of you a******* will pay for hurting us! That includes your pathetic master!" He attempted to bite his carrier in any way he could. He couldn't do much since his spine was broken.
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He punched hydri lightly but in a way that looked like he hit him hard "shut it!! If i beat you two all by myself you don't stand a chance agaisnt Adrian" he said and the woman giggled darkly "well this is fun,now if your so kind hand them to us and we will deal with them accordingly" she said and the officer looked at her shocked "I-I mean I could do it myself,ya know?" He said hoping they would buy it and the woman crossed her hands and was thinking,then she said "alright,take them to the cells,but I guess you don't mind if I do this" she out a tracking collar on both hydri and sun "now you can go" she said while the tall man scoffed "please are you really willing to believe that pathetic exscuse of a story? Firstly if they destroyed the defenses then shouldn't Adrian be here to deal with them! Also how did YOU defeat a black haired gardevoir and a croconaw? They don't have any bullet wounds" he said standing in front of the officer and the officer started sweating slightly "I mean I just dodged there attacks and kinda hit them hard ya know?" He said laughing nervously
His eyes turned a bone white as the glaives levitated into the air from a distance. "Duck....." The glaives started attaching to each other and began flying their way. He was already too annoyed to deal with this. He whispered the words to the officer again. "Duck you idiot....." He could see that the large glaive was picking up speed. It started picking up dirt and stone as it created a vortex effect.
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The tall man quickly acted and he hit the back of the head of hydri with the back of his gun "well if this lil guy just tried to kill you and us,I guess your story is believable,take em to the cells" he said as he went back in the car and the lady went back as well and they drove off with the rest of the robots and men

When they were far enough the officer yelled "Geez I hope that was just part of your act and you arnt being serious,I can literally just drop you guys here and not help,so stop treating me like I'm an idiot I've been treated years like that by Adrian I won't take another second of it!" After some silence kyu spoke up "h-hey I get how you feel man,you have every right to be angry,but please, don't be that guy and just help,then you won't have to take orders from anyone anymore" she said her eyes glowing a soft red and the guy sighed "yeah your right,I'm sorry" he said while placing hydri on top of kyu and kyu gently hugged him while he carried them to his car
"This feels weird Kyu.....I haven't felt a kind touch like this for a while.....I miss her.....My little Rose, I hope she is alright and not corrupted....Plus for the record officer, I was telling you to duck so that it wouldn't hit us." The large glaive slowly followed them to the car.
Kyu looked down "huh? What's your name lil guy?" She asked and the officer said "well it looks like a wild dewott,huh haven't seen those in a while" he said still carrying kyu and hydri and hydri petted hydris head "remember how you used to hate getting petted? I remember hehe" she said giggling and hugging him gently
"Well I can't exactly stop you from doing that this time since I can't move at all." He seemed content as she petted him. "So what are we going to do about these tracking collars?"
She looked down at him "I would go down there and hug you a lot tighter since you look adorable,but a lot of my bones are cracked,wanna follow us Blake? It's dangerous around here" she said and then she was cuddling hydri and petted hydri
The officers car was now in distance "alrighty my car is right here" he said and he opened the door and gently placed kyu on a seat and she groaned in pain as a bone cracked slightly and was holding on to hydri still gentle and she petted him more
The officer looked down to the dewot "wanna follow us Blake? You could sit in the back with those two" he said
He growled lightly at Blake, not trusting him that much. ^There can only be one cute water Pokemon in this car.^ He thought, hoping that Kyu wouldn't read his mind. He then looked up at Kyu with an uncertain look on his face. He started to make a gurgling noise as he was petted.
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Kyu giggles "aweee don't worry hydri your adorable as well,very,I liked it when you were timid and uncertain and why,it was so adorable" she said smiling down at him "you could come in Blake, we'll take you to the legendary village safe haven,even though Adrian is captured,he still has his bases and people following him,so someone will replace him but it'll take them a while,so this is a victory for us,with the cost of our spines and bones" she said scratching the back of her head and giggling sheepishly
The officer chuckled and drove to the directions kyu gave him mentally making sure to be safe so that he won't hit any bumps and disturb gnem
The large glaive kept following the car. "Kyu....What do you think they will do with the prisoners when they find out Adrian is gone?" He was scared to even visualize all of the possibilities. "They better not hurt my love or else I will make sure that none of his followers will be able to speak."
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