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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier dismounted off of Salamence's back and sent out Zoroark. He sighed and waited for the rest of the group. "I'm ready...I'm just waiting for Teiran." He explained. Zoroark agreed and jumped on Glacier's back. He blushed and looked at the sea which they had crossed. Its beautiful...just like the nightly sky that will form. He thought.
"Decidueye, let's go!" exclaimed Kyle. Team Skull was getting higher and higher on his "kill-list" (basically who he needs to defeat), and this was his chance to land a blow against their operation.
"Are you sure you can carry me?" Daniel asked Kemen, "I could always just have Lopunny do that..."

"But you'll need her in battle, won't you?" Kemen answered, "And besides, I'm sure I can carry you. You're light enough, and you'll be safer this way."
Kemen sighed deeply. "Once we're safe again, I'll put you back in your wheelchair," he offered, "Alright?"

"Alright," Daniel echoed, "Now, let's go and find the others."

Kemen obeyed, carrying Daniel over to where Glacier was. "Had any luck finding her yet?"
Jonathan looked at them fly away. His cousin, named Jonathan Smith, was over there. He was doing fine, from what he heard, and now everyone was saving Trinity when he was there along with 4 other Trainers who were amazing. He flew over there, and got in the way of them. "Guys, this is their business, and we needn't interfere. This isn't safe safe for us, and they could die doing this task. Now, let's head back to Akala and continue or lives as Trainers."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"No....I'm not leaving Ula'Ula Island to stop looking for Trinity..." Glacier said, angered at Jonathan's decision. He understood what Jonathan meant by leaving, but this was someone in need of help. Zoroark growled slightly and used Flamethrower at Team Skull's Golbat and Salandit. "Now that I think about it...who are you?" He asked.
"Glacier. Daniel. Kemen. Guys, look. If we help them, it only makes things worse. They have enough people on this mission, and by joining, we've created a mass invasion on territory we shouldn't be fighting yet." He heard Glacier's response and added, "Why are you even nervous about people you don't even know!?!?!"
"Well, we're not going back to Akala until Trinity is in safe hands," Daniel said bravely, despite knowing that he didn't look very imposing being carried bridal-style in Kemen's arms.

Two more grunts rolled up a moment later, with a haunter and a golbat in tow.

"Well, well, well, looks like we got us a pair of lovebirds," they commented, "And a little entourage."
Jonathan turned around and punched the Grunts straight up the jaw. "Don't you talk intimidating! We'll get you for sure someday!" He stepped on one of their rib cages and got off a minute later. "Guys, if we help, it'll create more trouble. It's not that we aren't prepared, it's that we'll create a mass jumble of people doing different stuff!" Jonathan looked at everyone. "Teiran, you're not worried about her, right? She's with my cousin. She'll be okay when he's around."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier sighed and crossed his arms. "I'm not convinced...I'll believe when I see it..." He said, determined. Zoroark growled an agreement. Salamence also growled at them. They watched the grunts retreat back to Po Town. "Those thugs..Team Plasma was better than them." He muttered.
"Sure! This is gonna be great." He said assuring everybody. Akio was pretty exited to see where they would end up, but only time would tell, and the clock was taking forever so...


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Fine...I'm a little convinced...but I'm still going to find Teiran's sister, whether you're coming or not..." Glacier said, angered and determined. Zoroark hopped on Salamence's back and lied down there. Salamence blushed a little at the sight and lied down as well.
Jonathan growled a bit. These guys didn't get it. Let alone, she and Jonathan were with 4 other experienced, powerful Trainers. She'd be fine on her own without the assistance of any of these Trainers and Coordinators. It wasn't fair to them that these strangers would crash on their party to so called 'save' Trinity. "Look," he said. "You guys don't understand that by doing this, you're not only being rude to Trinity, you're pretty much kidnapping her because of a gosh darn text! I don't get why you guys can't just learn that people can be fine on their own and you don't have to be the superhero and save them!" Jonathan teared up a bit. He didn't want to go to the extreme, but he was ready if he head to.
"If she really were fine on her own, I doubt that she would have informed Teiran of her location," Daniel spat, "We're dealing with Teams Skull and Flare here. They're dangerous people, and she'll need all the help she can get. Even if it's from a sickly little thing like me!"
"You guys are being irrational!," Jonathan yelled. He roared in rage and then, took a deep breath. "Look, she is fine, even though she is in a dangerous situation, she is fine. I can't believe that you don't trust my cousin enough to take care of her. He's.... a better Poke'Mon Trainer than I am."
"We don't have to stand here and take this from you," Kemen growled, a rare bit of anger seeping into his voice, "We can handle this. I'm the Nita King, lest you forget."

Daniel gripped Kemen tighter, as his boyfriend repositioned his legs. "Is everyone in your family such an elitist?" he scoffed.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier was too enraged to care and didn't want to argue any longer. He recalled Salamence and had him rest from his flight. "Look...I'm sorry okay...I just...didn't trust you..." He said, apologetic.
"You guys don't understand. My cousin is better at battles or... anything in general. I think that when Trinity's with him that she's safe. So you guys can go on in and 'save her'," he said, making the last two words sarcastic by making quotations with his hands. "Or you can go back to Akala and get your next Z-Crystal, Ribbon whatever." He ignored Kemen and Danel's remarks, because right now, he wanted to blow them to smitherines.

Jonathan looked at Glacier leave. He was happy for the first time that day. He understood what Glacier meant. "At least there's one person who isn't stubborn in our group other than Teiran." He teared up a bit. He couldn't deny that his cousin, Jonathan, was truly his superior, even though he had 6 impossibly powerful Poke'Mon on his side, all of which required no more evolution.

"We were best friends, with interests in generally the same things. I watched him get to the semifinals in Kanto, Hoenn and Alola's Poke'Mon League. He made it to the finals in Sinnoh and Kalos. Me? I got to the quarterfinals every time."
"There isn't another contest for ages yet," Daniel scoffed, "And we decided on this long ago. We have business of our own with Team Skull, and we won't abandon that just because you and your elitist egomaniac cousin want to be heroes. We will save Trinity."
(OOC: You realize doing this means joining my PRP about this, right?)

BIC: "Look, we don't want to be heroes," Jonathan replied. "And don't call him a maniac, okay? We are heroes, and it's our job to stop crime around the world. I'm helping you all by saying, 'screw it' and trying to convince you to leave this place."
(What? No! This is where the storyline is headed in THIS RP, not in yours)

Kemen glanced down at Daniel, worried that he'd make himself ill if he got worked up any more. Stress was his worst trigger, particularly anger.

"Enough of this. We're going in," he decided, sending out his honchkrow.
(@Lunar Emperor The PRP I'm doing on Skull and Flare combining right now has everyone in this location, so technically it would disturb the canon)

Jonathan sent out his Infernape in response to Kemen's Honchkrow. "If you win, you go in. If you lose, we all go back and leave them undisturbed. Deal?" he asked, putting out a hand.
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"Fine, but just so you know," Jonathan replied. "If you mess anything up, we all die!" Then he flew off to another place, never to be seen again by any of these Trainers.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
(I didn't leave...all I did was have Salamence go back into his Pokeball.)

Glacier sighed as he watched Jonathan depart. Zoroark looked at Glacier with a odd look and asked him, "Aren't we going to save her?" in Pokemon Speech. "I don't know...I'm no leader of this group..I wasn't even invited into this..." Glacier said, "I don't even know what to do now" He fell on the ground with pure sadness and almost cried. Zoroark hugged Glacier and nudged him slightly, laying her head on his shoulder.
Jonathan thought about the Trainers and how they were being insensitive of his feelings. Jonathan had never been this disrespected ever. He wanted to lash at them, but no. He simply could not.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Looks like this where we depart..."Glacier said, saddened to leave. "I will return though...have faith in that. I'm just going to the tallest mountain here..." Zoroark was also sad to go.
Jonathan wanted to go back to Kalos, but it was too far. He looked at Charizard, and started preparing to jump off. He sent out his Poke'Mon, gave each a good-bye, cried for a minute, then jumped off Charizard. He landed in the sea and died/drowned from the impact and not coming up for breath.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier calmed down and got up. He thanked Zoroark for trying to make him feel better. "Lets go..." He said plainly. He held a Pokeball and smiled. This journey...I can't make it without my partners and friends...They'll support me as I'll support them..That's a promise I'll never break..He thought. Glacier found a map in the Pokemon Center and took it. He looked at Ula'Ula Island intentionally and found Blush Moutain, Mt. Lanakila, and Mt. Honulaki. "I'm going to Mt. Lanakila and train there..." He told Daniel. "I'll return in a day."
(It was way too annoying to read all of this. And @BeastBoyLucario Trinty cannot be your cousin!)

Teiran ignored the group and some how ended up finding her self talking with Trinity, in the mansion. "So how is it going?" Teiran said, as she looked at the Eevee Trinity had gotten, since she was late for her starter. Trinity looked at Teirans Popplio, whom Teiran had chosen. "I'm great! The place is quite shady though." Trinity said, happily being reunited with a quatrouplet of hers.
Duke smiled as he presented himself to Trinity. Having followed Teiran inside the mansion.

"Greetings Trinity. My name is Duke and this is my partner Charizard. Nice to meet you." Duke said as he and Charizard began to do their routine greeting poses. The shady place doing little to down their spirits.
Trinity nodded to Duke, and giggled at his pose, blushing at the so sudden appear. Trinity tried to do the same with Eevee, twirling around, and tossing Eevee in the air, and catching her, swirling around, until coming to a stop. Eevee was giggling, as she looked up at the mighty Charizard, and Teiran was laughing, causing Trinity to frown at her, biting her lip, and puffing out a cheek.
"Impressive, practice a little more and you'll have it down to a tee with your own flair to boot." Duke said, complementing Trinity with a thumbs up matched by his partner Charizard.

"Now then to get a little serious, what brings you to a creepy place like this?" Duke asked Trinity, curious why she was at this place in the first place.
"Yeah, why are you here?" Teiran asked, with a tilt of her head. "I'm with some friends to take down a couple Team Skull and Flare dudes. And Teiran, I never asked you to come here!" Trinity said, as she puffed out her cheeks. "I admit, it was my idea." Teiran said, putting her hands up as if to swear.
"Now now, you shouldn't get upset at your sister wanting to help. The more people who stand together to combat the likes of Team Skull and Team Flare, the better." Duke advised, Charizard giving a nod of agreement.

"Besides, she is your sister. You can't be mad at her for being worried about you. That only means she cares about you and wants to make sure you're okay." Duke said, which he felt was true. It was better to have family that was overprotective and overly-concerned about you than those who couldn't care less.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence ,Zoroark and Glacier arrived at the mansion and started to get worries about it. He opened the the doors to it and found Duke talking to Teiran and her sister, Trinity. "Oh...You're alive..." He muttered. Salamence looked impressed to see them stay alive for so long without the two bozo teams finding them. "You must be Trinity...I'm Glacier and this is Salamence and my partner, Zoroark." He said, introducing himself and his Pokemon.
Kemen arrived with Daniel and Don a little later, the honchkrow landing elegantly on Daniel's leg.

"So, you were safe all this time," Daniel commented, "But tell me, what were you doing here? This is the hideout of Alola's most dangerous gang, you could've gotten yourself killed!"
(Sorry, Lucario, read it wrong. And BTW Lunar didn't have the idea to save Trinity, he actually voted AGAINST it!)

"Yes, I'm Trinity. And I'm here because I was asked by a friend named Jonathan to stop some team skull and flare grunts." Trinity said, not dazed at all by there arrival. "And Teiran, how many travel partners do you have, exactly?" Trinity asked her. Teiran had to count on her fingers, until saying, "Seven, I think...I might be excluding one or two..."