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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!

Jonathan was outside of the stadium, practicing with Decidueye and Greninja. Everything worked as planned. "Alright, keep this up, and we'll beat Teiran, no doubt," he said, and he thought he saw Teiran coming out, but he couldn't be sure. "Teiran, is that you?" he said, returning his Poke'Mon.
The light faded, as Teiran left the stage, and Kemen cleared his throat. "And now, if I may, let's get this show on the road!"

And with that, the performer threw his cape to the side, and selected his pokeballs. A banette, a shiny pachirisu, and an Alolan ninetales appeared at his side.

"Freeze, use icy wind, and Marion, use ominous wind!"

The purple and white gusts combined in the air, creating a purple blizzard, as Kemen and his pokemon were launched high into the air.

"Now, Aoki, use sweet kiss!"

The pachirisu obeyed, but instead of making several smaller hearts, she made one enormous heart, which swallowed Kemen, Freeze, and Marion in mid-air. The performer appeared frozen inside the heart, as he gave his next command.

"Freeze, use aurora beam, and Aoki, use discharge!"

From the inside out, the heart, and everyone inside it, was completely frozen. The heart remained floating in the air, radiating a soft rainbow light...

And then, for a second, the heart was lit up. It glowed bright pink, casting ribbons of light around the stage, before it exploded like a firework, and Kemen and his pokemon landed gracefully back on stage.

The performer bowed, glancing up at he crowd, as he searched for Daniel. He winked at him, causing the coordinator to blush in his seat.
Duke walked through the crowd and saw the wink and Daniel's reaction to it, a smirk on his face as he kept it to himself.

Man Charizard really is gonna hate missing this...
Jonathan was missing Kemen's performance, but he never really liked the sound of him, for whatever reason. Then he realized that Teiran wasn't out yet, and went back to training. The Poke'Mon performed flawlessly, and he was astounded. "Now!" he called, and then, Decidueye used Brave Bird while Greninja used Hydro Pump, and it looked cool. Then, he returned the Poke'Mon. "Y'all deserve rest," he said, looking at the door to the stadium. "Where in the world is Teiran?" he said to himself. "Surely, they'd let the performers out by now."
Teiran clapped for the performance, and saw Daniel blush after Kemen gave him a wink. She giggled at the love birds, before she walked outside with Brionne. Then she heard Jonathan call her name. "Yeah, Jonathan? What's up? You need something?" she said, casually slipping her hands into her pocket, before Brionne jumped off Teiran's shoulder to see Jonathan.
Jonathan caught Brionne and played with it. It moved around the back of his neck and on to his left shoulder and sat there. "Um... nothing, just waiting for you guys to get out here so we can head to the Lush Jungle, that's all," he said, smiling and scratching his head a bit. "I did feel left out from the Contest, however. So I decided to train while I waited."
(It's a performance!)

"Well, I thought it wouldn't be boring to watch me." Teiran said a bit disappointedly, as she looked at the floor. Brionne hopped off of Jonathan's shoulder, and over to Teiran, trying to comfort the girl. Brionne climbed back onto her shoulder, nudging her face with her nose.
Daniel left the showcase hall quietly, as the curtain closed, signalling the end. He went outside to meet Teiran and Jonathan, and wait for Duke.

"Congrats on your first princess key," he began, "You really deserved it. You were great today."

He panicked a bit, when his vision was obscured by someone's hands, but relaxed, when a familiar voice said, "Guess who?"

"K-Kemen!" Daniel began, "Do you have to do this in front of my friends?!"

"I just wanted to surprise you, babe," Kemen said nonchalantly, kissing him on the cheek, "I promised I'd see you after the showcase!"
Duke came out just in time to see Kemen give Daniel a kiss on the cheek.

"Ah, isn't love so wonderful? Duke said to himself before he went over to Charizard, who came to him with the protest sign still in hand.

"Don't worry buddy, I'll get you in one of these shows someday." Duke said to his partner, to offer encouragement.
"Thanks Daniel." Teiran gushed, before she saw Kemen. She would ask for an autograph, but she wasn't getting in the way of love. "How sweet!" Teiran gushed, as she put both hands on her cheek, as Brionne blew a bubble, saying the words, 'Awe!' on it, before it popped into water, that flew onto Teiran, grossing her out a bit, though she didn't say a word about it.
"I saw your performance, Teiran. I left after you won your key and Kemen gave it to you." He looked at Kemen and Daniel flirting with each other and thought to himself, I wish I still had love, thinking of his ex-girlfriend, Riley, who dumped him for zero reason whatsoever.
Daniel chuckled nervously at Brionne, before Kemen took control of his wheelchair, giving him another quick kiss beforehand.

"A-anyway," Daniel began, "I suppose I should introduce everyone. Meet Teiran, Duke, and Jonathan!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Kemen greeted, standing upright.
"Nice to meet you..." Duke started to say before he suddenly felt a kick in his bag and pulled out the Poke Egg given to him when he arrived in Alola and saw that it was moving, ever so slightly. Could it be ready to hatch? Duke set it down before he called forth his entire team: Aipom, Donphan, Gyarados and Rockruff to watch along with Charizard and himself. The egg jiggled in place for a moment or two before it cracked open. Soon enough a young Fomantis gave Duke a curious stare.

Of all times for it to hatch, guess that's the power of love at work...
Jonathan shook Kemen's hand, and saw a Fomantis. "Wow, Duke. That happened all of a sudden. I guess that the presence of love made it hatch," Jonathan said before giving Kemen a bro hug, then walking to Teiran. "Um... Teiran, aren't you going to do something about Brionne wandering towards everyone? I know it's with you and it usually snuggles with me, but before you know it," he didn't finish because Brionne hopped onto his head and snuggled on it. "Never mind," he said, proceeding to pet Brionne's head.
"The power of love can make anything happen," Kemen purred, as Daniel rolled his eyes. Kemen was such a hopeless romantic...

"A-anyway," Daniel began, "I think we should take Duke's fomantis to a pokemon centre. It'll need its jabs, amd all of that..."
"Sounds reasonable. Ready to go little..." Duke said, stopping to check his Pokedex. "...girl? Well what do you know. We got a lass on our hands boys! You'll be our rose with thorns. Beautiful but deadly!" Duke said with a grin, Fomantis seemed to like that. Every other one of Duke's Pokemon seemed to like the Fomantis and greeted it with smiles. Rockruff had a different reaction...

The young Pokemon had a visible blush on its face and its knees were shaking, it tried to avoid eye contact with the Fomantis. It was clear to any outsider Rockruff thought Fomantis was cute and was overcome with love. Duke however failed to notice as his attention was on the Fomantis.
Jonathan cringed when Daniel talked about the jabs. He was squeamish and didn't like blood, medical equipment, or the mention of surgery. Then he walked over to Fomantis and waved. It was puzzled, but then it grabbed Jonathan's face, pinching it hard. "Ow! Let me go, that hurts!" Then Jonathan pulled Fomantis off his face, put it in his hand, and put his hand out to Duke. "Here. Your Fomantis," he said, keeping his teeth together.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier went outside and saw everyone head to the Pokemon Center with a new trainer. I guess i can have someone tag along...Its the least i can do..He thought and should have Steelix join the team. He went inside and asked Alder to send over Steelix from a training session. He saw the Pokeball transfer and found the Heavy Ball appear. Steelix appeared out of his Heavy Ball and grabbed Glacier with his tail. "How much stronger...you've...gotten Steelix.." He said, straining. Steelix then saw Teiran, Duke, Jonathan, Daniel and the new one and went straight for them, but he moved very slowly. "Uh...Hey guys...This is Steelix...He's been one of my best dual types since Johto. Steelix...These are my friends..and who is this?" Glacier said, introducing Steelix and asking about the trainer standing next to Daniel. Dartrix appeared and landed on Glacier's shoulder, Totodile went down from Steelix's head and went up to Brionne while Salamence stayed where it was and lied down. "Oh yeah...Rowlet evolved during my Waterium Z Trial." He explained.
"Who's that? THAT is Kemen, the Nita King!" Teiran freaked, as she pointed to her super all time favorite celebrity. And nice Steelix." Teiran shouted, and commented at the same time. Then she noticed Akio wasn't catching up. "C'mon, silly, hurry up!" Teiran said, walking over, and slipping her arm in his, pulling him along.
(@Akio and Cubone )


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Sorry...I've never heard of Kemen...not to be rude...I called Steelix over was because...my dad sent over a gift for you...I agreed to it allowed it to happen." Glacier said, still squeezed tight in Steelix's iron grip. Steelix let go of Glacier and he fell to the floor. Zoroark caught Glacier and set him upright. Glacier gave Teiran a Luxury Ball with an Eevee in it. "I want you to have Eevee. I'm sure she'll agree to you as her trainer." He explained. "This Eevee was trainer by my sister, Nova, but was never captured. I had her go into the Luxury Ball because of her safety. So I'm giving her to you...as a gift to celebrate your Princess Key."
"O-okay." Teiran said, as she put the Pokeball into her pocket. "T-thanks." she said. She wasn't used to someone just handing her a Pokemon for a gift, and even though she had a team in mind, she could just send them to a box. Maybe.
"Ah a Steelix. Mighty fine Pokemon." Duke complimented, his focus on Glacier while Fomantis began to talk with the rest of Duke's team. Eventually it went over to Rockruff. Rockruff continued to avoid eye contact as Fomantis approached it. Rockruff's blush grew as Fomantis got close.

"Mantis!" (Nice to meet you!)

"R...Ruff" (Yeah...n-nice to meet you.)
Akio still love struck just stared at the ground. Cubone instantly knew it was time...TO BONE RUSH HIM A BRUISE!
Akio snapped out of his fantasy and said.
"You were amazing out there Teiran! Great job on evolving Brionne! A ton of my Pokémon in Johto like Eevee are still waiting.
Your a lucky Pokémon." Akio pet Brionne on the head.
"Cu! Cubone!" (You were spectacular!)
"Rowl ^-^!" (I hope you grow strong into a Primarina! ^-^!)
Kemn chuckled dryly, pushing Daniel forward. "I'm just here to see Daniel, while I've got some free time, and then, I'll have to be off again. Though, maybe, if the masterclass showcase in Nita falls at the right time, I can come cheer my bride on in the Grand Festival~" and he bent down, crossing his arms over Daniel's chest.

"Anyway," the coordinator squeaked, "Pokemon Centre?"


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Steelix bent his large head down in front of everyone and inspected them to see if he can trust them. Zoroark reassured Steelix that they can be trusted. "Thanks Duke...Hey Dartrix! We've still got to decide who's going against the next Totem." Glacier said to his Grass Owl on the giant head of Steelix. Totodile blushed when she saw Brionne and remembered that used to be Popplio. She then hid behind Salamence as Dartrix flew down to comfort Totodile. Salamence looked at Totodile and told her to overcome this challenge. Glacier looked back at Steelix and wondered, When most people hear my name, They think I'd use Ice Types...I showed them wrong..He took out a photo of Nova, Alder, and himself along with all his Pokemon.
"Teiran...have you heard of Team Skull?" Asked Akio curios to see if she knew. Akio ran up to her and started walking next to her. Akio wanted to fight his first ever Totem Pokémon soon! He hoped it would come. But for now he would go with the flow and stick with Teiran to see what she got up to!
"Thanks, Akio!" Teiran said to him. "And I would love to go to the Pokemon Center!" Teiran said to Daniel. Then she turned back to Akio again. "Yeah, Duke and Kyle got in a huge fight about it. I don't exactly care about them, or what their doing." Teiran said, shrugging. When Brionne got all the attention from Akio and Rowlet, he blushed at them, from all the attention.
Duke returned his teammates minus Fomantis, who he held in his hands, and began to make his way to the Pokemon Center. Duke went up to the nurse with a big grin.

"Newest team member, just hatched. Mind giving a look over." Duke said as the nurse carefully grabbed the Fomantis out of his hands.

"Ah, so cute." The nurse said as she went to the back to give it a quick checkup.
Daniel, Kemen, and Lopunny followed, Lopunny somewhat peeved that Kemen had taken her job, even if only temporarily.

All eyes were on Kemen as he pushed Daniel inside, most of them the other performers from the showcase. Some of them muttered things about how they deserved to be with him, and not Daniel...
Teiran looked at the murmurers, and stuck out her tongue at them, sticking an 'L' on her head, as if saying, "He's Daniel's! Deal with it.", and she walked into the Pokemon Center, pulling Akio with her. Then she put her Pokeballs, and Brionne onto the desk, as Nurse Joy took them, so she could give them a check up.
"Here you go, everything checks out. Have a good day." The nurse said with a smile as she handed Fomantis back to Duke, who thanked the nurse before he set Fomantis on the ground. Right then Rockruff released itself from its Pokeball, a blush on its face as it faced Fomantis who smiled back at Rockruff.

"Mantis!" (Want to play?)

"Ruff..." (Well, I...I mean...)

Rockruff avoided eye contact as the blush grew. Duke saw this and smiled to himself.

So, got a little crush Rockruff...
Teiran smiled as well, noticing Rockruff's actions when Foments was around. Then she whispered to Duke, "I think this is a ship I'm willing to tell my sister, Trinity about, huh?" as she thought about Trinity, a triplet sister of hers, who had recently taken a journey in Alola, with nothing but an Eevee, but Teiran was sure she'd caught more than that by now.
"Sister? You have to introduce me sometime." Duke said, having not known about Teiran's sister. Duke would mentally scold himself later for not knowing his friends. Still, if she was anything like Teiran, Duke wanted to meet her.

"Mantis!" (Come on let's play!)

Fomantis began to jump around Rockruff, whose blush grew and its knees began to shake. Fomantis stopped for a moment, giving Rockruff a look of concern.

"Mantis?" (Are you okay?)

"Rock...Ruff!" (What? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Really! Just...tired. Yeah that's it.)
"I really don't know...I say Mallow's trial? Anyone got something else?" Teiran asked, as she looked around the room, questioningly. If she beat Mallow's trial, she could finally beat an island trial, against Olivia. "Oh, her names Trinity." Teiran said, as she brought out her Pokegear, and texted Trinity where she was, to get a reply saying, "Ula'Ula', about to enter a strange dome looking thing." so Teiran said the text aloud, to show that she was in that location.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier stayed silent and went out of the Pokemon Center and started training Steelix the Z moves so he'd get used to them. Totodile followed along with Salamence, Zoroark and Dartrix. They watched as the giant iron snake Pokemon performed a successful Breakneck Blitz. "Well...I guess its off to Ula'Ula Island, Then to Poni Island." Glacier told everyone. He was nervous and excited to face his next trial and Totem Pokemon. Glacier decided that it was best if Salamence went up against the Totem Pokemon, Vikavolt. A bug and electric type is dangerous, even to Zoroark...I know Salamence can do this one. He though quietly.
"Hang on, I haven't done Mallow's trial, or Olivia's trial? What makes you think you can just skip them for your sake?" Teiran said, as she looked at Glacier, an annoyed expression on her face, as Brionne and the other pokeballs were delivered back onto the counter, and Teiran grabbed them. Then Brionne hopped onto her shoulder, and nudged her face.
"I agree. Teiran has a journey to complete, we will not skip ahead." Duke said in support of Teiran's desire to complete the trials. Meanwhile Fomantis continued to ask if Rockruff was okay, and the love struck Pokemon continued to reassure everything was fine. Fomantias failed to understand why Rockruff was acting so strange.
Brionne saw Rockruff and Foments, and decided to help Rockruff. "Hi! I'm Brionne, we haven't fully met yet, and I would like to play with you guys!" Brionne said, having an actual master plan forming inside her head. Teiran meanwhile, put her Pokeballs in her pockets, and slung her backpack over her back, watching Brionne jump off her shoulder.