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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!

(Five moves? That's kind of god-mod-y. No more of that, please.)

"As if you think that I'll let you win this," Daniel snorted, "Serperior, petal dance! Let's end this!"

Serperior covered the battlefieled with a raging blizzard of cherry blossoms, boxing the clones in from all sides. He saved the most extreme of the blossoms for the real Lycanroc, however, shooting a blinding, bright pink barrage straight at it.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
(Didn't mean to use more than 4 moves, but i get it now...)

"Lycanroc! Stone Edge!" Glacier shouted. He was starting to see that both Lycanroc and Serperior were equal, despite having type differences. "I'm ending this...Now!" Lycanroc used a vicious Stone Edge to serve as a barrier and an attacker. His determination was advancing to new heights and didn't back down easily to Serperior. "Finish it!" Glacier exclaimed, heating up. Lycanroc threw the Brick Break down on the ground to have the stones appear once more. Serperior only has grass type moves, i presume...Maybe type advantage and a sleek body was why Daniel sent it out...Either way..its not getting past us...Glacier thought, determined to win.
"I will not lose! Serperior, keep up the petal dance!"

Serperior did as he was told, leaping straight up into the air, as yet more petals appeared. The petals whipped around the stone pillars, slicing into them with deep, swift cuts, as they snaked through the gaps in the barrier. There was no way that a lycanroc could survive a petal dance from all sides, that Daniel was sure of. He wasn't losing. Not now. Not here. Not after he'd risked his health to come out here to Alola, to become top coordinator. Not since hewas so determined to triumph over every stupid coordinator who dared call him inspirational, on account of his wheelchair. He would win.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
He saw it...Lycanroc was barely struggling....then...The determination died along with Glacier's fire. Lycanroc fell to the ground to get satisfaction from Serperior and waited. It still hadn't gave up...but it didn't want to continue..."Lycanroc...we did our-" Glacier was cut off when Lycanroc opened one eye and winked as if to say, "Keep quiet...this has to work..." then closed its eye again. Glacier looked at Lycanroc and smiled. "Fire Fang! While you can!" Glacier screamed. Lycanroc got up and ran toward Serperior, even though he was getting hit by the attacks from it, he kept going until he ran up to it and attacked with its fiery fangs as a final blow.
(AHEM. That's autoing. You don't get to decide what hits)

"I've had just about enough of this," Daniel commented, "Serperior, jump, and use energy ball."

The bigger pokemon gracefully avoided the fire fang, arcing over his wolven adversary, as he glared at the creature. It seemed to think that it had won, but that wasn't happening. Serperior was winning this. For Daniel.

The grass snake landed behind Lycanroc, shooting an energy ball at it.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
(Lycanroc was rushing at Serperior...like it normally does..have it you're way....He's done anyway.)

Lycanroc took the Energy Ball but still collapsed. Glacier stared at his fallen friend, knowing that even though he was raised...it wasn't enough. He returned Lycanroc with a smile and tears coming down. Daniel had won the ribbon, but something made Glacier seem like a winner for getting this far. "You did very well Lycanroc. I couldn't be prouder." He said to Lycanroc, who was tried after an amazing battle like that. He turned to see Daniel and went away, returning Lycanroc back to Unova along with Metagross and Dragonair. Zoroark, Totodile, Salamence and Rowlet stayed. He went outside of the contest hall exited the building. Rowlet flew off of Jonathan's head and went outside to get on top of Glacier's shoulder.
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(Oh, my mistake)

Daniel returned Serperior, who was also tired from the long battle, promising him a pokepuff, and a good grooming later. His second ribbon was hard won, but still, it was a step closer to his dream. Two down, three to go...

He changed back into his streetwear, before he had Lopunny push him outside, exhausted from the day's events.
Jonathan clapped for Daniel and Glacier, then walked out of the stands, holding Popplio for Teiran. Now, it was his turn to perform in the next town, which wasn't far off. He had to prepare for it immediately.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier changed into his normal Unovian styled clothes. Zoroark, Salamence, and Totodile were sent out of their Pokeballs and Glacier regretted to tell them the bad news. "Sorry guys...but we lost. Lycanroc was fighting hard until Serperior used an Energy Ball behind it." He said, saddened. "We're ready for it, but...I think its best if we stick to what we're already good at." Zoroark and Salamence looked downed for they won in the contest while Rowlet and Totodile were sad that they lost the battle. "Don't worry...We've Grassium Z for Rowlet already..now we need Waterium Z. Soon, we'll be at Ula'ula Island and then Poni Island to complete the trails. Then, we aim to become the strongest trainer and Pokemon team. Who's with me?!" Glacier exclaimed as he put his hand in the air. Zoroark followed immediately. Then were Salamence who roared in agreement, then Totodile and Rowlet.
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"That's our second ribbon, Lopunny," Daniel said aloud, as she pushed him over to Jonathan and Glacier, "I knew that we couldn't lose. We've been working too hard at this, for far too long."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier saw Daniel rolling over to him and Jonathan. Zoroark growled slightly and turned her head in anger. "Sorry...she doesn't like losing....that's why she's a little upset. She'll forgive you tomorrow, so don't worry about it. Congrats on your ribbon...you earned it." He told him. Salamence also nodded in agreement, along with Totodile. Rowlet just...slept on Glacier's head. "I'd best hurry to the next trial site with Terian to obtain Waterium Z."
"But she already has that," Daniel informed him, "She did the trial ages ago, and right now, she has a showcase to go to. She doesn't wanna miss out on getting her first princess key!"

He yawned, leaning back in his chair. "Come to think of it, where is she?"

(@Yellow.anime )
Teiran came out of the contest hall. "Congrats, Daniel!" she said, overhearing his conversation with Glacier. "But yeah, I'm sorry, Glacier, but I need to get to my showcase. I lost the first one, couldn't make it to the second one, and I practiced a routine before that. I feel that I have every need to stay." Teiran said, a little sad she had to let Glacier down like that. "When you're done with the trial, meet us at the performance sight, here." Teiran said, pulling out her Pokedex and showing her the place, as she head off there, Popplio by her side.
"Hang on, I'm going to see the Nita King there? Today?! And I'll be against him?!" Teiran said, her mouth dropping. "How would I beat him?" Teiran finished, her dropped jaw, turning into a worried expression, causing sweat, and Popplio blowing a bubble in her face and popping it, to get rid of it.
Daniel shook his head, "He's only doing an exhibition performance," he informed her, "That means his performance won't be counted as part of the actual showcase. You'll get to see him perform, but you won't have to compete against him. He's not allowed to actually compete in the rookie showcases, anyway, since he's already the top performer in another region."
Teiran flopped to the ground in relief, but she quickly got up, and started to dash to the Performance Hall, quickly signing in, and changing into her dress. It was a white silky dress, that had no straps, and it wasn't see through either. She pulled her hair out of her ponytail, causing her hair to go down to her feet, and then she curled it, causing it to elevate to her ankle's . Popplio gave a whoop, as a,"That looks great on you!" kind of sign. Then Teiran picked him up, and went backstage.
"Sir, I'm afraid that you'll have to put your Lopunny in a pokeball. If someone touches her, she could freak out and kick someone!"

"But she's my service pokemon!" Daniel argued, "I need her with me at all times! What if I seize up, or have a flare in there?!"

"You'll need to show me her"---

Daniel gestured to Lopunny's vest, and the woman at reception promptly shut up.

He wheeled into the showcase hall, taking a seat by the stands, as he waited for the presenter to appear.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier flew Salamence to Brooklet Hill and saw the trial captain, Lana. She introduced her Totem Wishiwashi and had it battle against Glacier. Zoroark went full head on and attacked with Night Slash, causing Wishiwashi to stumble a bit. Rowlet attacked with a Leafage to knock it down. Wishiwashi then used a Hydro Pump on Zoroark to take it down. Rowlet saw the attack and went in front of Zoroark. Rowlet soon began to glow as the Hydro Pump hit him and Rowlet evolved into Dartrix. He pulled off an amazing Razor Leaf to finish off Wishiwashi. It soon separated into its solo form and retreated into the depths of the water. Lana gave Glacier the Waterium Z, which gave Totodile the use of Z Moves now. He remembered Teiran showing him the place to be for the princess key she was going to get. Having acquired his new Z Crystal, Glacier hopped on the back of Salamence and flew towards Mallow's Trial site, Lush Jungle.
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"I already get the idea, I'm just leaving Charizard out here to protest this injustice." Duke said to the worker as Charizard began to wave its protest sign around before Duke went inside to find a seat.
Teiran saw a couple kids go up, and then she saw a sight that made her smile. Fernando was also up, from the first showcase! Soon enough, Fernando won, and then Teiran was called up. The category was dressing a Pokemon of yours, and Teiran chose Bounsweet, for she hadn't been in a showcase before. Teiran was put in a room, with choices of many to choose from. She decided to put a red bow on Bounsweet's stem, and with a bit of make up, she made a shiny, or what looked like a shiny, Bounsweet. Then she added a red bow to her dress, and that was all. It wasn't much, but Teiran had a plan. When it was her turn to walk out, she sashayed down the isle, and when she was at the end of the stage, she told Bounsweet to hop onto Teiran. Bounsweet did, and hopped onto Teiran tossed her up in the air, worrying Bounsweet, and out of worry, used splash, causing the make up to wash away, and fly out into the crowd, in little dust particles. The crowd cheered, and Teiran happily caught Bounsweet, walking off stage.
Duke smiled. Terian had a wonderful performance. Now doubt in Duke's mind, this was Teiran's for the taking. Now she just had to remain consistent.
Teiran watched as the others and their put togethers, until it was voting time. Teiran watched the sparkles fly into everyones key, here's filled up fast though, and her competitors looked at their keys in happiness. Teiran looked at their happy smiles, and thought braggingly, It'll be so hard to take those smiles from them when I win.
(@Akio and Cubone @JLucarioEX )
(@JohtoTrainerGlacier you can not battle Olivia without beating Mallow's trial)

The votes stopped coming, in, as the results were brought out. And Teiran won! The crowd cheered, and Teiran hugged Bounsweet, as she walked backstage, and gave Bounsweet a Pokepuff, for congratulations, and a sorry for tossing her in the air without plan. With that, Teiran returned Bounsweet, and waited for her turn onstage with the final contestants.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
(Sorry...I haven't played Sun and Moon in a while and I forgot about her and her totem Pokemon, Lurantis. I deleted that post and edited another.)

Mallow had Glacier make a sweet scent to attract the Totem Pokemon, Lurantis. The giant Pokemon attacked with its boosted speed from its Z Power, but Zoroark was one step ahead. She used a Flamethrower on the Totem and sent it flying. Lurantis recovered quickly and called a Formantis to aid it. Glacier called out a Night Slash attack for Zoroark to use. Zoroark attacked Formantis, knocking it down quickly. Lurantis took this moment to use a fully charged Solar Blade attack. A blade of grass came down from Lurantis and hit Zoroark without even knowing it.
(Thank you)

Teiran quickly snapped the yellow thunderbolt seal onto Pikachu's Pokeball, The two shiny white seals on the Ralts Pokeballs, and the Crimson heart seal onto Popplio's Pokeball. Bounsweet was in the last one, and Teiran had practiced before she got Bounsweet. Teiran walked out onstage, and bowed to the crowd, before tossing out the four pokeballs.

"Alright, go Pokemon!" she said, as the seals activated, and the audience cheered at the sight. "Alright, Ralts F, use confusion!" Teiran shouted, as Ralts did so, sending pink rings of energy into the air. "Popplio, use Aqua Jet!" Teiran shouted to her water Pokemon. At command, Popplio shot his Aqua Jet through the rings, and when the water was forced down by gravity again, it landed on the rings of confusion, causing the rings to disperse into a pinkish powder. "Pikachu, Thundershock!" Teiran commanded. Pikachu sent his Thundershock at the powder in the air, and when it hit, there was a strong explosion, surrounding the trainer and her Pokemon. As the smoke cleared, Teiran was holding out both arms, Ralts M and Ralts F on one, and Popplio and Pichu on the other. Then she threw up her arms, as they flipped off, and landed on the ground. "Ralts M, use Confusion!" Teiran ordered. As the Ralts used Confusion, Teiran nodded to Popplio, and it jumped through the rings graciously, but before it landed, a bright blue light surrounded it, and when it landed, it was no longer a Popplio. It was a Brionne! With a flip of Brionne's tail, the powder from Confusion flew out into the crowd, pink sparkles everywhere.

Deafening cheers were everywhere, and Teiran hugged all her Pokemon, as they huddled close. With that, she walked off stage, and Fernando walked out, performing with a newly evolved Gumshoos, and a Trumbeak.
"An evolution mid-performance? How exciting!" Daniel commented, "And without the use of an evolutionary stone as well!"

He was pretty confident that this time, Teiran would win. She was much more confident now, than she was in her first showcase, and she was performing much better, too...

Still, there was another performance that he couldn't wait to see. Shortly before the results were decided, Kemen would be up...


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Zoroark got up slowly and was heavily injured. She was thought it was over, but Glacier believed in her. Zoroark used a mighty Flamethrower at Lurantis and knocked it out. Mallow gave Glacier the Grassium Z, but as he took it, a Dragon Rage attack struck a tree near them. They turned to see a couple of Team Skull Grunts with a Salandit and a Golbat. Zoroark was too injured to continue so Salamence had to fill in for her. Salamence used a Dragon Rush at the Golbat and knocked it out. Then he used a Hydro Pump at the Salandit. It fainted as well and Team Skull was forced to retreat. Mallow told Glacier to go to the Ruins of Life to fight Olivia for the Grand Trial of Akala Island. Salamence was eager to be gone so Glacier healed Zoroark up and hopped on Salamence's back and left Lush Jungle to go to the Ruins of Life.
Jonathan was eager about these Trainers' performances. He wanted to do that as well, and he was forming a strategy instead of watching Teiran. Hmm.... Decidueye uses Spirit Shackle on the Water Shuriken to create an eerie explosion... Yeah, I like that. But, how will they do that?


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence was flew quickly to the Ruins of Life and just like Mallow said, Olivia was there waiting for Glacier. He decided to use Totodile, not mainly because she's a water type, but because to use the Waterium Z move, Hydro Vortex. Olivia said it would be a 1 on 1 battle between him and her and she would be using Lycanroc. Her vicious wolf Pokemon was nothing like the Lycanroc Glacier had. This one had more determination in it. That's not stopping me...Glacier thought. He sent out Totodile and prepared to battle Olivia and Lycanroc. Totodile used a Ice Punch on Lycanroc which froze it. Olivia was startled about how quick Totodile was. Then, Glacier and Totodile became one when they used the Waterium Z Move pose. The Hydro Vortex was released and surrounded Lycanroc and knocked it down. Olivia handed Glacier the Rockium Z Crystal, so they can perform the Z Move as well. Glacier thanked Olivia and hopped on Salamence's back once more go watch Terian perform. Don't worry Terian, You'll get your Princess Key....I'm sure of it...Glacier thought.
Then Fernando finished, signaling all performers of the final stage to come onto the stage. Teiran walked up, and Fernando gave her a thumbs up, as she did the same to him. Votes came filling in, but Teiran's filled up high. Once all were done voting, keys formed above their heads, and Teiran just had to look up to see it. Hers filled more and more, until it was about three fourths full, yet she didn't get to see the others. "The results are in...the winner is.....Teiran!" the announcer announced. There were claps so thunderous that Teiran couldn't help but feel special. Teiran jumped full of joy, as she hugged all her Pokemon close. Then she walked off stage, returning her Pokemon to their Pokeballs, leaving Brionne, after a pokepuff for each.
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"Way to go Teiran!" Duke called out in support, shouting quite loudly in the hopes his friend heard him. Duke was very proud of Teiran; she had a wondrous performance and earned this victory. Duke couldn't help but be happy for her.
Teiran smiled, as she heard the shout from Duke. She was then given her princess key. It was a sparkly blue crystal, with a glittery red substance. Teiran smiled, as she held her key closer, and put it on her keychain. Then she fan-girled. "I can't believe you evolved Brionne! I'm so happy! You helped us win!" she shouted, hugging her Brionne hard, as it jumped up on her shoulder. Teiran now wished that Popplio had been a girl, but it didn't really matter.
"She did it... I... No, I knew she could do it. She had this in the bag from stage one," Daniel commented, applauding along with Lopunny, "She's a wonderful performer..."

The presenter bowed, as a spotlight was shone at the back of the stage. "And now, for tonight's exhibition performance, we have the one, the only, the Nita King himself, Kemen Iniguez Bolibar!"

As soon as the applause had died down, the performer spoke. "Good evening, dear performers. First of all, let me extend my congratulations to tonight's winner, Teiran."

A spotlight shone down on Teiran, seperating her from the other performers, as another deafening round of applause struck up.
Akio watched from a distance and smiled...Cubone was waiting for nighttime so he could impress Akio!
"So buddy. Popplio is now a Brionne, you want to evolve one day?" Asked Akio just curious about what had happened
Cubone nodded very hard and cracked his skull a tiny bit.
"Teiran was a great princess...My Princess." He told Cubone staring at her.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier arrived late but saw Terian in her performance. He saw that she had won and just had to congratulate her. Trials and Performances...How can she cooperate with these two? She thought to himself. Dartrix looked at Terian from Glacier's right shoulder and saluted with joy. Glacier glanced at Dartrix and smiled. "The strangest things my Pokemon do." Glacier muttered, still smiling. Totodile on the other shoulder grinned with happiness and blushed when she saw Brionee.
Teiran blushed as the spotlight shone on her, and Brionne waved to the crowd. Teiran could not believe that Kemen, the Nita king, had just congratulated her. Teiran bowed to the crowd, and also to Kemen, as she hopped off of the stage, and sat next to Akio. "How was I?" she asked Akio.
Jonathan clapped for Teiran's victory, and cheered for the newly evolved Brionne. He cried slightly, and shouted, "Yeah, Teiran!" and he whooped and hollered. Then, people left the stands, and Jonathan followed them. I will do the Contest and win, Jonathan told himself. Get ready, Teiran, because I'm challenging you.
(You mean performances?)

Teiran was glad that people were cheering for her, and she was ready to watch Kemen perform. She couldn't believe the Nita king new her name, and say it! "Ready, Brionne? That is Kemen, Nita king, and Daniel's boyfriend." Teiran pointed out, as she looked to the stage, and pointed at Kemen for Brionne's guidance.