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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!

Daniel and Kemen awoke early the next morning, ready to head on to new adventures. Another day, another Z crystal. Or another ribbon, or princess key... Whatever was on the itinerary.

Kemen pushed Daniel down to where Teiran was, eager to begin the day.

"So," Daniel began, "Where to now?"
I plan on challenging Mallow, the trial keeper. I'm not sure where that is exactly." Teiran answered Daniel's question, not taking her eyes off the sun, as it arose. Brionne then awoke, and waddled up to Daniel's wheelchair, hopping into his lap, and Teiran, not noticing, looked at Akio, wondering if he would awake.
(@Akio and Cubone )


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier woke up to find Zoroark and Garchomp sleeping next to each other. He chuckled slightly and gave Salamence a nudge to wake them up. Salamence used a Hydro Pump on Zoroark and Garchomp, which woke up soaking wet. Nova woke up when Espeon started lifting her in the air outside. "Okay! Okay! I'm up!" She shouted. Espeon set her down and nudged her leg. Glacier walked out of the tent, already dressed in his Unovian clothes and Nova got dressed in her Unovian style clothes as well. "Morning guys." Glacier said as he walked out of the tent.
Daniel was somewhat surprised by the little seal jumping into his lap, but he ignored the feeling, used to it with Plusle. The baby pokemon always wanted his attention, when she wasn't performing, and she really did think of him as her daddy.

"Hello there, Brionne," he greeted, holding him at arm's length by the underarms, "Shouldn't you be with Teiran?"

Kemen meanwhile, ruffled the smaller boy's hair. "From what I've heard, Mallow's trial is hosted in Lush Jungle," he informed her, "So, we'll need to head there..."
Akio woke up scratching his head as he saw Cubone beating down a tree. When he turned around he could see Teiran. He picked up Cubone and said
"Someone's cranky. What's wrong?" He asked Quaintly.
"Cu! Cuuuubone...CU..bone...." (All night I was trying to evolve but nothing worked. I.....)
Cubone grunted as he fell asleep. Akio picked him up and stroked him.
"So I overheard you want to go against a trial?" He asked Terian Puzzled.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"A word of advice, Teiran: The totem Pokemon is a Lurantis...but its very fast thanks to its Z Power. It almost took down Zoroark." Glacier told Teiran. Zoroark looked down and grinned sadly. Garchomp looked at Zoroark and hugged her a bit. The Totem Pokemon I have to face is Mimikyu...a ghost and fairy type that has a disguise ability.....I'll have to be careful..He thought, grim. "Lurantis is a fast Totem but as defensive as Wishiwashi..." Glacier muttered.
Victor looked around and saw trainers on the beach. "Meowth, do you think they slept here? Sounds uncomfortable. Just imagine the krabby crawling into the tents, or the Sandygast bothering them all night. Or worst, sandy food!" Victor shuddered as Meowth rolled his eyes at Victors paranoia.

Just then, Skorupi and Torracat let themselves out of their pokeballs, and fussed at Victor.
"Alright, alright, i guess its time for breakfast. Hold on, let me get my pan", he said as he fumbled through his seemingly bottomless bag.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Garchomp heard the sound of rumbling through a bag to find something silver. He left the group and found a trainer with a Meowth, a Torracat and a Skorupi. Zoroark followed to where Garchomp was and saw the 4 of them too. Glacier saw that Garchomp and Zoroark had left and went to find. Where could they be? He thought. Then he saw tracks belonging to Garchomp's large, clawed feet and followed them to find Garchomp and Zoroark looking at a Trainer.
"Yup. The grass trial." Teiran said, as she looked at her friends, determination written all over her face. '"Me, and Brionne can handle this!" she said, as Brionne jumped from Daniel's lap, and onto Teiran's shoulder. Teiran knew she was at a complete disadvantage, with Brionne being a water type. Also Bounsweet being grass. Machop would be at an average, Pikachu at a disadvantage, and the Ralts at an average. But Teiran knew her Pokemon could do it.
Victor heard heavy footsteps approaching. Only to look up and see a Garchomp standing in front of him. "Bwah", he screamed as he fell backwards out the chair. "A garchomp! I didn't know Alola had wild Garchomps! It doesn't look hostile.....i think. Maybe its just hungry." Torracat and Skorupi eyed the Zoroark curiously.

Torracat had never seen anything like it, but Skorupi has seen one before. "Do you think they belong to someone" Victor asked Skorupi and Torracat.
"I have every bit of confidence you can do this Teiran!" Duke said to Teiran with a thumbs up, showing his support as he had just returned from some morning training with Charizard and overheard the group's plan.
"What say we get going, then?" Daniel offered, "The early pidgey gets the weedle... Or so they say..."

"Yes, I'd imagine that lots of kids will be going for their trials today," Kemen added, "We best hurry, so we don't have to wait..."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier found Garchomp and Zoroark staring at the new trainer. "Hey..sorry my Pokemon startled you. Alola has Gabites in Ula'Ula but never a wild Garchomp. I'm Glacier...you've already met my Pokemon. What's your name?" He asked him.
"Alright! Hang on, where'd Glacier run off to?" Teiran asked, as she stood up, and looked around. Then she saw Glacier talking with a new trainer, and without sign of where she was going, she dashed down to the beach, leaving her grassy sleeping place behind. When she arrived at the beach, she trotted over to where Glacier and the new trainer was. She didn't say a word, but kind of stared at Glacier, as if to say, 'We need to go.'
Victor regained his composure feeling slightly silly. "Oh! um.....heh, my name is Victor. These are my friends, Torracat, and Skorupi, the two Pokemon gave a small greeting. "And that rascal over there digging up the beach is Meowth. He likes to find treasure.......well, he tries, but only ever finds buckles and coins. Nice to meet you Glacier", he said as he hesitantly extended his hand.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier turned to see Teiran and nodded as if to understand the situation. "Lets go you two...we've got trials ahead." He said to Garchomp and Zoroark. They both looked at each other and followed Glacier. He turned to Teiran and mouthed "sorry...Garchomp ran off" and looked at Garchomp with some sort of anger but quickly calmed down. Garchomp's hearing and power made him a compatible member of his team and his friend. Just like Sinnoh...but no gyms... He thought.
Victor looked back up and noticed he was talking to himself. "oh.....i guess they had to go. Oh well, lets get back to cooking then shall we", Victor said to his pokemon. Then later, we can go shopping and see if we can find some tasty new recipes", he said as reached back into the bag and finally found the pan he was searching for.
"Nice meeting you! Names Teiran by the way." Teiran said, as she walked away from the stranger, waving to him. Then she rejoined with the group, and with a fist pump, she nodded to them, as if to say she was ready. With Brionne on Teiran's shoulder, Teiran started walking in the direction she thought the trial sight was, only to find her turning to her friends seconds later, asking for directions.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Here...Lush Jungle is like a separate way on Route 8." Glacier explained to Teiran, showing her the map. Zoroark agreed regretfully, thinking back on the horrible memory when she almost lost to two Totem Pokemon. Gumshoos was defeated thanks to a Rockfuff, which became a Lycanroc. Glacier saw this and remembered those memories as well. At least he gave a warning to Teiran.
"Oh, um OK, bye Teiran. I wonder where they are all going......they seemed nice at least. Way nicer than that one guy i met when i first got to this island. OK, T cat start by lighting the wood. Wood fires always cook better", he said as he filled a bowl with pancake batter. Meowth brought another coin to Victor. "Ah, this one looks pretty old. i wonder if its been here a while."
Teiran followed the way the group went, thanking them after they gave the directions, until finally they ended up in Lush Jungle. Then a girl with green hair and light blue overalls popped out of the bushes, as if not expecting trainers to show up. "I'm here for a Pokemon battle against the totem Pokemon!" Teiran said, as Mallow nodded, and led them to a clearing. The clearing was obviously used, clues being clumps of dirt and grass, and some burned area's. Teiran stepped onto one side of the area, and tossed out her Pokemon of choice, Bounsweet, who hasn't gotten much experience. Then the totem Pokemon, Lurantis popped out of a tree, facing upside down at Teiran, who sweat dropped nervously.
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"You've got this Teiran!" Duke yelled as encouragement, while he and Chairzard positioned themselves over to the side and out of the way so they could watch the battle.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Zoroark and Garchomp cheered Teiran and Bounsweet to beat the Totem Lurantis. "Come on Teiran! Give it all you've got!" Glacier cheered. You can do this Teiran! I know you can! He thought. Nova and Espeon also encouraged Teiran and Bounsweet to defeat Lurantis. Its huge...Can she do this? Of course she can! This is Teiran I'm talking about! She's almost as strong as Glacier! She convinced herself.
Akio was looking at Teiran and smiling.
Teiran has got this. She is gonna win! Because she knows I love her. Akio thought to himself.
"I'm going to challenge this trial myself." He told everyone.
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Teiran turned to them, a nod, as if to say thanks.

She turned back to the battle, as Lurantis lowered itself from the tree, onto the ground, and motioned for them to make the first move. "Alright, use Play Nice!" Teiran said, as Bounsweet played nicely with Lurantis. Lurantis then felt no need to battle anymore, and just wanted to play, perfect to Teiran's plan. "Now, use Rapid Spin!" Teiran shouted, as Bounsweet ran into Lurantis at full speed, taking away some damage to Lurantis. Then, Lurantis felt hurt, and was no longer in affect of play nice, and used Razor leaf. "Dodge!" Teiran said, tensing up, as Bounsweet barely missed it, breathing heavily. "Rapid Spin, again!" Teiran continued. Bounsweet did it once on the Lurantis, causing Lurantis' health to go down. "Once more!" Teiran shouted, and there it went. A cloud of smoke, as the two Pokemon were hidden from sight. Bounsweet stumbled from the smoke, but the Bounsweet wasn't the same. It was a Steenee! Lurantis did come out of the cloud, and pretty hurt too. Lurantis used X-Scisor on Steenee, and Steenee was hurt pretty badly. Before Teiran could say a word, Steenee used Double Slap, hitting Lurantis multiple times, causing the Pokemon to faint.
"There is a Trumbeak and a Castform before Lurantis correct?" Akio asked in confusion. He seriously wandered why of all Pokémon a Trumbeak and a Castform for the 'GRASS' Trial. It was confusing.
"I don't know if it is becuase I heard Melemele's Raticate totem had rattatas.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"She did it!!" Glacier shouted and enabled his hearty, joyful laugh. Zoroark was too joyful and kissed Garchomp, who blushed and kissed her back. My rival/friend should be able to do this...I expect great things from you Teiran. Glacier thought. Nova ran up to Teiran and hugged her tight, congratulating her. Espeon ran to Steenee and used Psychic on it.
Kemen and Daniel applauded, as Steenee emerged victorious. A mid battle evolution was truly an amazing sight to see, and it was clear that Teiran now deserved the Z crystal, for her efforts.

"Congrats," Daniel began, "We knew you cpuld do it!"

And then, upon seeing Zoroark and Garchomp kiss, Kemen went and bent down, to kiss Daniel too.
"Excellent work Teiran!" Duke said, giving her a thumbs up which was matched by his partner Charizard. Teiran really did a nice job, both she and her partner had every right to be proud.
Victor could hear a huge commotion nearby. " from the sounds of it Someone is battling", he said as he lifted a fork towards his mouth. The food that the fork supported however was snatched by the claws of Torracat. "Hey didn't you have enough", he said as he watched the the Pokemon gnaw on the pilfered food.
"Thanks, everyone." Teiran said, as Mallow came over, with a stone in her hand, handing it to Teiran, as she happily put it in her Z case. Then she felt something hit her lips, as Akio tripped, and ran into her, his lips on hers. She saw him apologize, and instead of saying anything more, she grabbed his shoulders, and pulled him in, kissing him as well, Brionne and Steenee covering one anothers eyes at all the kissing.
Kemen made goo-goo eyes at Daniel as he pulled away, chuckling at the pokemons' reactions. What was there to be embarrassed about, besides seeing several couples kissing?

"With all this love in the air, we'll have to go on a triple date at some point, I suppose," Daniel chuckled.
Akio was speechless and blushed intensely. Cubone was looking and smiling. His trainer was happy and that's all that counts.
Cubone went over to Brionne and asked.
"Do you find that weird...I don't." Cubone told Brionne.
"I find it, not weird, but uncomfortable, considering I have no love life at this point." Brionne said in Pokemon speak, as Steenee agreed with a nod. Teiran blushed dark red as well, somewhat not realizing what she did. "I say we have a Victory breakfast!" Teiran shouted, with a hearty jump, as Mallow pulled out a whole bunch of bowls of what seemed to be soup. "I can hold you up on that!" she said, as she gave everyone a bowl, even the Pokemon. Teiran called out all her Pokemon, as they ate the soup, but Teiran's soup was really good, and a bit spicy. Until fiery screams were heard from her mouth, and her Pokemon's, as she dug through her backpack to find a couple waters, and after drinking them, she saw the somewhat annoyed expression on Mallow's face, as she said, "It isn't that hot!"
Duke chugged his soup in one gulp, the spicy nature not phasing him as he gave Mallow a satisfied grin.

"Wondrous treat. I appreciate it." Duke said complimenting Mallow's soup.
Akio started eating all his soup and same for his partner Cubone. Nothing could stop them but someone dying! Akio was blazing through the food when he started coughing and feeling nauseous.
Daniel sat quietly in his wheelchair as he ate, while Kemen observed his pokemon, who sat in a line as they polished off their own soup.

Kemen cast a worried glance in Akio's direction, as he began coughing. He was used to looking after Daniel, when he was down with flares, so he knew how to recognise symptoms early.

"Are you alright?" he simply asked, setting his bowl down.