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Ask to Join A Journey through Kanto!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 272083
  • Start date

Deleted member 272083

Jack saw Jess laughing and started laughing too.
"Okay Growlithe, come back now!" Jack said to Growlithe and it started running back towards Jack. He flew up in Jack's face and started licking him. The Dratini fell off but quickly got up again and hit Growlithe with it's tail. Then it slithered back into Jack's bag and fell asleep.
Jess laughed so hard that she fell off her seat and onto the ground. She laughed for a long time. She held her stomach it kind of hurt from laughing for so long.

She did finally settle down and sat back in her seat though. Eevee was amused as well. She jumped up into Jess' lap and just cuddled.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Hey guys....what's going on?" Glacier asked as he woke up from drifting asleep on the tree. He rubbed his eye and glanced over at Jess being tickled by a Growlithe. "The Puppy Pokemon?" He asked himself, quietly as he looked in his lap. He knew Pichu was on his shoulder but he saw a sleeping Weedle sleeping there. Silently, Glacier grabbed a Pokeball from his belt and tapped it onto the Weedle, watching it go inside the Pokeball.

Deleted member 272083

"Yup!" Jack said to Glacier. "I caught it just this morning. I don't know what it was doing in the forest, but I caught it and brought it here. Now it only wants to play." Jack watched Growlithe running towards the Eevee, clearly wanting to play. It started jumping up and down and wiggled it's tail from side to side.
"I think Growlithe likes Eevee." Jack said to Jess, and it was clearly the truth.
Eevee was a little startled at first but then nodded towards Pichu. Pichu jumped down off of Jess and ran behind the growlithe. She wanted to get it's attention.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"I just....caught a Weedle." Glacier said to Jack and chuckled, seeing the still Pokeball in his hand, "Quite nice though, since Bug Types evolve quickly. Do you think we could find a good Pokemon here?"

Deleted member 272083

"Nice!" Jack said. "And if we can find any good Pokémon here depends on what you count as a "good Pokémon." When Jack said that he turned around, he thought he heard something. But it was only Growlithe. Pichu was now behind Growlithe and Growlithe turned around to play with Pichu. "So, do you have a team planned out?" Jack asked both Glacier and Jess.
"Not really. I am more a go with the flow type of trainer." As soon as growlithe turned around, Eevee pounced from her spot on Jess and onto growlithe. Pichu ran back to Jess. She climbed back up to her shoulder. It seemed that she only done the distracting for eevee.

Deleted member 272083

"Ok, me too." Jack said. "Although I know that I will have a Venusaur, Primeape, Arcanine and hopefully a Dragonite." Jack saw that Eevee jumped on Growlithe from behind, but he threw her off and got into a battling/playing position. "Looks like Growlithe and Eevee wants to fight."

Deleted member 272083

"I guess so." Jack said. When the Eevee bounced back at Growlithe he started running towards her. It looked like they were play-fighting. Growlithe looked really concentrated, but happy, and Jack started laughing. "Well, when will we start moving towards Pewter City?" Jack really wanted to battle the gym there.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier stood up. "I'm not sure what team I would come up with. I've seen a few Pokemon I would like to catch back home in Johto. It would be great if I did..." He said, chuckling.
"Cool. Though when we get to Viridian there is a contest practace that I want to see and maybe participate in." Eevee was happy to have found a friend to play with. Eevee would not let the growlithe move far before she would pounce onto him to get his attention.

Deleted member 272083

"Sounds great! We'll cheer you on if you participate. Also I think you meant Pewter since that is were we're going next." Growlithe jumped on the Eevee, trying to wrestle it down. He seemed really happy to have someone to play with.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"I wonder if there could be a another Pokemon in here." Glacier muttered as he looked around and slowly woke up his Pichu. The electric type shook his head and stretched and sent a small jolt of electricity at Glacier, shocking him slightly.
"Yeah I guess I did. It would be great to have friends there to chear me on." Jess stood up and stretched.

Eevee was knocked down and used her tail to spring right back up and flip over growlithe and landed right behind him.

Deleted member 272083

Growlithe turned around and tried to tackle the Eevee.
"Shall we pack down our tents and start moving against Pewter then?" Jack asked. It looked like Growlithe used alot of force, but he were actually just tackling the Eevee kindly, playing.
"Sure. I would not mind that at all." Jess walked to her tent and started to take everything down. She wanted to make sure it was all packed before they left.

Eevee let the growlithe come close then used her tail to jump over him and land on his back. She seemed to hold on this time. She wanted to ride the dog pokemon.

Deleted member 272083

The Growlithe started jumping around, playing Eevees game. Jack started taking his tent down and when he was done he took the dishes and started dishing them. When he was done he packed everything down in his bag, still giving space to Dratini.
"Okay Growlithe, that's enough. We are going to go to Pewter City, so no more playing for now. He tried to return Growlithe to his pokéball but he didn't want to. "Ok, I guess you're going to follow us instead." The Dratini then flew up and fell asleep on Jack's head again, and Jack didn't have the heart to take it down. So he picked up Growlithe and let Dratini stay on his head, then he waited for the others.
Rachel stayed silent and watched the movie. Her mind was elsewhere though. Did she really need a Pokedex? Professor Oak's lab was far off, she really didn't want to go all the way over there. Rachel and Jade watched the movies until it was late. Jade stayed the night due to how late it was. The next morning Rachel made up her mind. She would go all the way to Pallet, only if she could thoroughly explore Mt. Moon. She got out of bed and started to pack her bag silently.
Jess was ready to go. She had her pokemon with her. Pichu on her shoulder and eevee by her side. She would carry her most of the way out of the forest. She was glad to see her friends were going to be by her side.

Jade woke up from the deep sleep she found herself in after her and Rachel turned in for the night. When she saw her friend pack her bag she knew that she would be going with her to start her journey. She pumped her fist in the air and jumped out of bed. She put on the plaid shirt she wore yesterday. "Hey Rachel do you think we can stop by my house. I need to grab a few things before we head to Pallet Town."

Deleted member 272083

Jack started walking towards Pewter City with his friends. Dratini was still asleep on his head and Growlithe were running by his side. He saw alot of Pokemon, Pidgeys, Weedles, Caterpies and much more. When he finally arrived he went straight to the Pokemon center. He healed up his Pokemon and then he went to the Pokemart to buy some items. Then he walked back to his friends so he wouldn't lose them somewhere.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier looked around and saw the Pewter Museum. "I need to train a bit for the Gym Battle. Do you think, Jack, if you could help me with this? I need Weedle to become a Beedrill soon." He said to him.

Deleted member 272083

"Of course!" Jack said. He liked to train, and he liked to help his friends. "Where do you wanna train? There is a few arenas around Pewter. Alot of them is newly built, but we can battle on them." Jack wanted to battle, and challenge the gym. He went with Glacier and said to Jess.
"We'll be back soon!"


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Any arena is fine." Glacier responded and he rolled his shoulder as he felt Pichu climb on top his head. Glacier chuckled as he held Weedle's Pokeball and looked around to see if he could catch another Pokemon. Any other Pokemon that could prove great against Brock would be great....I should've tried to find a Chikorita before I came to Kanto. He thought.
Jess went to the pokemon center. She wanted to change into something and have a shower. She wanted to feel fresh and the best way to do that was to go to the pokemon center. Once she was there she asked Nurse joy to allow her to use the showers in one of the rooms. After that she walked over the museum to register for the pokemon showcase in town. She wanted to be ready for it.

Jade groaned a little at the suggestion of staying in Mt. Moon until they been to every carven in the place. Then she thought of the pokemon she could catch there and grinned. "Ok fine I will do it. But only if I can catch something rare like a clafairy or something."

Deleted member 272083

When they arrived at the arena Jack sent out Bulbasaur.
"I were thinking of giving you the type advantage." Jack said to Glacier. Bulbasaur we're in a battling position. "Please send out your Pokemon."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier threw his Pokeball down and sent out a Weedle. "Bulbasaur is a Grass and Poison type. Now, use Poison Sting!" He commanded. The Bug Type nodded then shot multiple purple needles at the Bulbasaur.

Deleted member 272083

"Bulbasaur dodge it!" Bulbasaur jumped to the side, the small poisonous needles missing him by a few centimeters. "Bulbasaur use Double Team!" Copies of Bulbasaur started appearing throughout the battlefield. "Bulbasaur now use Vine Whip and pick up the Weedle!" Vines appeared and Bulbasaur sent them against the Weedle. Every copy attacked even though Jack knew that only one would damage and that was the real Bulbasaur.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Use String Shot to grab the Vine Whip!" Glacier commanded. Weedle sent a sticky string towards the Vine Whip to try and grab it. "This has to work...." Glacier muttered as he watched the strings shot.

Deleted member 272083

"Great." Jack said quietly. "Okay now throw away the Weedle since it is attached to your Vine Whip." Bulbasaur raised his vines and started throwing them until he finally tried to let go off the Weedle. Jack really hoped that this would work, and he was pretty sure of it.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Weedle was thrown onto the ground but he slowly got up. "Another Poison Sting, Weedle." Glacier said, "Make it hurt." He chuckled. The Bug Type Pokemon shot out more poisonous purple needles at the Bulbasaur.

Deleted member 272083

The small needles hit Bulbasaur, but he quickly got up. "Bulbasaur use Razor Leaf!" Bulbasaur shot sharp leafs against the Weedle. "Bulbasaur follow the Razor Leafs with tackle!" Bulbasaur started running behind the leaves in case they missed, he would try to hit the Weedle himself.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Use Poison Sting, once more!" Glacier shouted. The Weedle used Poison Sting to stop the leaves but it left the Pokemon vulnerable to the tackle and sent him back. Weedle squirmed then used String Shot around himself, forming a cocoon.

Deleted member 272083

"Wait, is that Weedle evolving?" Jack said. "I have seen Weedles forming cocoons like that when they evolve." It looked like it shined from the inside, kinda like when a Pokemon evolve. "I think that this was the point of our entire battle." Jack thought. Glacier just wanted to evolve Weedle before he take on the gym.
Jess decided she needed to practice some moves for the showcase. She walked to the battle arena in time to see weedle evolve. She stood to the side. "Hey that is great news. I am glad to see that your weedle is getting stronger."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier grinned and saw the cocoon surround Weedle, watching the Pokemon evolve into it's next stage. "Alright.....you evolved into Kakuna." He said, going over and picking up his evolved Pokemon. Pichu looked over at the Kakuna and greeted him. Glacier turned back to Jack and grinned. "Hey....why don't we fight our beginning Pokemon together? It'll be a crazy good battle." He said.
"Personally I would love to see what are two Pichus can do. I think it would be interesting to see." She hoped the guys saw her or else she would have given them quite a fright.