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Ask to Join A Journey through Kanto!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 272083
  • Start date

Deleted member 272083

"Sure! That'll be fun! And hi Jess." Jack turned around and saw Jess. "Lemme just heal up Bulbasaur real quick." Jack picked up a potion from his bag and sprayed it on Bulbasaur. "Okay Glacier, send out your Pokemon!" Bulbasaur got in front of jack, ready to battle again.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"That'll be very interesting." Glacier said and grinned, moving his left arm out, "Pichu, you're on." The Electric Type nodded then climbed down from his trainer's head and ran down his arm. Pichu jumped from Glacier's arm and landed on the ground.

Deleted member 272083

"Bulbasaur, use Razor Leaf!" Jack commanded. Bulbasaur shot out sharp leaves against the Pichu, pretty straight so it looked like it would hit. "Bulbasaur use Vine Whip and grab two of the leaves." Jack thought that this would confuse Glacier, and Jack had a strategy. Bulbasaur successfully grabbed two of the Razor Leaves and kept them in his vines.

Deleted member 272083

As the leaves fell to the ground Jack ordered:
"Bulbasaur follow up with tackle!" Bulbasaur started running towards the Pichu, trying to slam into it with much force. Jack really hoped this would work, but he still had the razor leaf tactic in his brain.

Deleted member 272083

"Bulbasaur, use one of the razor leaves you spared to block the Thunder Wave! Then use the other one against Pichu." Bulbasaur threw one of the leaves, blocking the thunder wave. Then the other leaf flew against the Pichu. "Bulbasaur now while Pichu is distracted pick it up with Vine Whip and hold it." Bulbasaur threw his vines against the Pichu, trying to pick it up.

Deleted member 272083

"Bulbasaur, turn around until you grab that Pichu!" Jack said. Bulbasaur started spinning, trying to pick up the Pichu. Then Jack looked at Glacier's face and saw on the expression that he had an idea. "You have an idea, huh? You need to train on hiding your expression." Jack looked at Bulbasaur, who was really focused on trying to capture the Pichu in his vines.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier shook his head and shrugged. "It's just a silly thought. No doubt it wouldn't work..." He chuckled as Pichu was taken by the vines, "Now, give Bulbasaur a taste of your electricity!" Pichu struggled a bit more of getting free then used Thunder Jolt on Bulbasaur's vines to shock him.

Deleted member 272083

"Bulbasaur, electricity isn't very effective against your grass type so stand your ground!" But the electricity was really powerful and Jack saw Bulbasaur struggling. Then lights came out of the Bulbasaur as it changed form. The seed on its back turned into a small flower and Bulbasaur grew bigger. "He's evolving!" Jack said. When the blue lights stopped it was an Ivysaur standing there. "Okay Bulbas.. I mean Ivysaur, throw the Pichu with all your power into the ground, then pick it up and do it again!" Because of Bulbasaur evolved into Ivysaur it had much more power now, meaning it would deal out much more damage.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Pichu, get out of there!" Glacier shouted as the electric type gave another Thunder Shock but this time, it seemed to do a little damage to himself as he attacked the Ivysaur. What's going on? How is that happening? I would have Kakuna battle but.... I'm not sure it can attack while he's staying still like that. He thought.

Deleted member 272083

"Now Ivysaur, use Poison Powder to poison the Pichu and the use Razor Leaf to deal some extra damage." Bulbasaur started spreading out poisonous powder over Pichu and then he sent out sharp leaves to deal the extra damage. It was really great that Jack had an Ivysaur now, it would help him out alot.
Jess decided to practice a bit with charmander. She wanted her to be able to perform as well as Eevee does. She walked to the next battle field alongside the one Jack is on.

"Come on out Charmander." A flash of light appeared and a charmander appeared. Charmander looked towards Jess. She was curious as to what they were doing. "Charmander we are going to practice some moves for the showcase. We need to get your moves looking good as well as being flashy for the show."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Stop the attacks. Stop. We don't have to keep going, Jack. I...think we better save more of our excitement for the Gym Battle, do you not agree?" Glacier asked, seeing Pichu struggle more, "Plus....I think Pichu has had enough."
"Ok charmander I want you to use ember but focus it more in the air as you do it. Try to see if you can make the flame spin." Charmander noded and shot a small burst of flame. It looked like just a spec of fire. She shot it into the air. It did kind of spin but was not very graceful.

"Good job. Now try again. But this time try giving a little spin before you release the flame."

Deleted member 272083

"Okay Ivysaur, let Pichu down." Ivysaur put down the Pichu and Jack returned Ivysaur to his pokeball. Then he started walking towards the Pokemon center and handed over his Pokemon to Nurse Joy. Then he sat down and waited.
Charmander had worked hard on her moves. She looked very good. They seemed powerful and beautiful at the same time. She will make a great performer. "Good job Charmander. You deserve a rest." With that Jess returned charmander to her pokeball. She went to the pokemon center. She needed to rent a room for the night since they will probably be here for a few days.

Deleted member 272083

"Ah hello Glacier!" Jack said to Glacier when he saw him enter. He heard Nurse Joy say that his Pokemon were healed up so he went to collect them.
"Thanks alot!" Jack said to Nurse Joy. "I have to rent a room here, if that is ok." If Jack were going to stay here for a couple of nights he would need a place to stay.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Hey, Jack." Glacier waved to him with a nod then gave Nurse Joy his two Pokemon while they were in their Pokeballs. She would heal them quickly since there were only two. Glacier nodded then sighed. "Pichu has to become stronger....same with Kakuna." He chuckled.

Deleted member 272083

"That's fun to hear!" Jack said as he handed the recurved the key to his room. "Are you also going to rent a room? Or do you already have a place to stay?" Jack asked Glacier. Maybe he had a friend who lived here or a family member.
Jess had already gotten her room. She walked out dressed a bit differently then before. She had her hair up in a bun with hair in the front. Pichu was on her shoulder. She walked up to Jack and Glacier. "Hey guys. I see you twi decided to stay in the pokemon center."

Deleted member 272083

"Yeah, I don't really have a place to stay besides here, so I guess it's my only choice." Jack said as Jess walked up to him. "When is your contest? I'd love to see how contests work." Jack had never been to a contest or even seen one, and it would maybe be good for him.
Rachel smiled. "O-of course you can! I don't really want to catch any Pokemon anyway," she answered. Sandy stood next to her and facepalmed. Rachel was really bad at this trainer thing. Rachel looked down at Sandy and gave a nervous smile. She knew that if she wet out, then she would have to talk to strangers, she just hoped that Jade would take care of that for her.
"It is tomorrow. I am glad I have a bit of time to prepare for it. If you want you can come and watch me train a little later. I want to wait for it to get a little darker out." Jess had Eevee in her arms. Eevee looked happy that they were going to be preforming. She loved to show off.

Jade looked at her nervous friend. "I know you don't want to be a trainer. I am just glad that you want to pursue something. It makes me happy to have a friend with me. It would not be that much fun without you to annoy sometimes." With that she gave Rachel a little nudge. Growlithe batted Sandy with his tail.

Deleted member 272083

"Sure! That'd be fun." Jack said. He wanted to see what an contest looked like and how you train for one in case he would ever want to compete. Jack were really tired so he said:
"Wake me up when you're going to train." Then he went into his room and fell asleep on his bed.