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Ask to Join A Journey Through The Kalos Region!

"Oh, sure," Jonathan said, delighted. "Of course, I don't need anything for my journey, but I might encounter a few Trainers here and there who want to challenge me," he added sarcastically. "I mean, after two years, I've had quite a bit of battle experience under my belt. And I even have Pokémon from Hoenn and Sinnoh as well."
Isabella, dead to the world at the moment, stared at her Pokedex. I wonder... what will My Eevee evolve into, if at all? she thought. She wondered what she would experience, and if she was even ready for this at all.
"That's fine we me. Always good to do a supply run before we head out, if that's okay with you Alex?" Zack asked, playing it like it was no big deal. Though in his mind..

Crab baskets! How could I forget to get Pokeballs! I"m such an idiot! Thankfully she made this suggestion or I'd look like a complete doofus!
Jonathan thanked the Professor and opened the exit door to the lab. He then held it for everyone ad closed it behind the entourage, sprinting to lead the line. Lucario came out of its Poke Ball and walked alongside its Trainer. Then, Jonathan found a red building with a Poke Ball sign on it. "Alright, he said. "This is the Pokemon Centre, and I'm sure you may know what that is. If not, it's a place where you can heal your team for free." He then moved on to the Poke Mart in his explanations. "There's a shopping mart at the back of this joint, known as the Poke Mart. Hereyou an buy or sell items for our journey."
Isabella was awestruck. "Wow, that's amazing!" she said, looking wide-eyed at the skyscraper among them. "It's so tall, too!" she added.
"Not all Pokemon Centers are this tall, Isabella. Most are only three stories, while this one reaches to about thirty stories high," Jonathan said. "Well, let's go inside," he added, walking toward he automatic door.
Alex followed Isabella and Jonathan, trying to stay close, as hey reached the Pokemon Center. Alex had seen Pokemon Center's before and they were only about two stories high, sometimes with a basement. She was awestruck at how tall it was.

"Whoa." she said, looking at the high Pokemon Center
Zack took a moment to admire the height of the building that was known as the Pokemon Center. Now that he was a trainer, he'd be spending a lot of time in these buildings.

"Alright, ready to go and get some supplies buddy?" Zack asked Shinx on his shoulder, who nodded in agreement. Zack was about to head inside, but stopped and smiled at Alex's awestruck reaction.
Sylvia blinked confusedly. "Wait, so there's no separate Poke Mart building here?" she asked. "Huh. In Sinnoh we always had separate Poke Mart buildings. It was always a pain to go through that snow back home when I healed my Pokemon at the Pokemon Center just to get some Potions and Poke Balls," she chuckled.

Pip shrugged, blabbering in PokeSpeak. 'Speak for yourself! That snow was nice and soft, I liked it!'

"That's 'cuz you're made for cold weather," Sylvia told Pip, shaking her head. "Anyway, I'll be right back," she told everyone, walking to the Poke Mart and pulling out her wallet. After restocking on supplies, she returned, smiling. "Okay, I'm ready to go," she told them.
Jonathan nodded in confirmation. "You guys go on in with Izzy," he said. "I'll be here waiting for you."
Isabella walked toward the back of the building, ignoring Nurse Joy, seeing as she didn't need to get her team healed. She walked to a countertop with two men and asked, "Can I buy ten Oran Berries, five Potions and five Poke Balls, please?" she asked, forking over 300 Poke Dollars from her leather wallet.
"Here you go," one man said, handing her a cut-off batch of ten Oran Berries, five packs of regular medications and five regular Poke Balls. "Thank you for shopping with us," he added sweetly.
"Thank you," the girl responded, leaving the building.
Alex wasn't one to follow the group.

"I'll be out here with Jonathan. I already have what I need!" she said, smiling brightly to the group.

Then she realized she put herself in a strange situation. She would be alone with a boy her age, for who knows how long. It was strange, because this sort of thing never happened before. And no, she had no friends in her hometown, so that is probably why. She felt weird about it, and her mind raced with thoughts.

What if he thinks I'm staying behind to be alone with him? What if he thinks I like him as more than a friend, even though we met practically two seconds ago? Which I don't, obviously. What if he thinks I'm trying to flirt? Okay, act non-flirty, so he doesn't get any ideas.
"Okay, suit yourself." Zack said to Alex as he ran inside the Pokemon Center and towards the Poke-Mart.

"I need Pokeballs!" Zack called out to the desk as the worker directed him to a bunch of them. Zack would use his funds to get them, he also decided getting some potions would be helpful and decided to shop around for a little bit. Zack told himself not to take too much time, people were waiting on him after all.
Jonathan looked at Alex, smiling. "Alex, I'm really glad you joined our group," he started. "You see, my sister has wanted to go on a journey for a long time, and now that she can, she's pretty glad having ended up with friends like you, Zack and Sylvia. I hope we can all be great friends!" he concluded, still smiling.
While Isabella waited for Zack, Fennekin came out of her ball and nudged Isabella. "What is it?" the girl asked. Fennekin, whose stomach growled seemingly on cue, was very hungry. "I know you love to eat some twigs, so here," Isabella stated, pulling a tiny twig she pulled a week or two ago out of her bag. "Eat up!"
"Fen-fennekin!" Fennekin cried, eating the twig as fast as she could. "Kin Kin!"
"Oh, thanks." she said, blushing, but only at the compliment. "It was nice to finally meet some friends, after thirteen years." she said, as she laughed a bit at her comment.
Just then, Sylvia popped out of the building. "Dude! Kalos Pokemon Centers are so awesome! The Sinnoh Pokemon Centers seem so boring compared to these ones! This is great! Look, someone even gave me some cool Pokemon shirts with super-amazing designs! That gives me so many ideas for my Poke Ball designs!" she exclaimed, walking over to them. "It's so cool! There's this one with a Froakie using its frubbles to to attack, so now I'm considering using cotton balls on a Poke Ball if I ever design it after Froakie!" She then gasped, realizing something. "Oh gosh! I have so many Poke Balls now and I need to paint them all over in white paint so that I can design them! I should be able to do that when we stop during our journey..."

Pip jumped down onto the ground, landing on his left foot and running over to Fennekin and Eevee. "Aaaand Sylvia's rambling again," he said, sighing and laughing at the same time. "She's real funny. Once she starts talking, she doesn't stop. It's kinda amazing that she's gone this far in her journey already." Pip placed his flippers on his hips, staring back at Sylvia with a 'why-do-I-like-you-so-much?' look.
"You're not kidding, this place is awesome!"

Zack would soon emerge from the Pokemon Center next to Sylvia, a big grin on his face as he had gotten all he needed for his journey and much more. Zack would then notice the shirts Sylvia and had a big grin.

"Wow, those are so cool!" Zack said with a big grin, partly wishing he had gotten a shirt but deciding against rushing back inside to go get one. For now anyway.

Shinx would then jump off Zack's shoulder and follow Pip towards the other Pokemon, curious about her travel mates and wanting to know more about them.
"I know, right?! Hey, I think there's a Shinx one in here somewhere..." Sylvia said, rummaging through the three shirts she had gotten. It turns out, there was a Froakie shirt, a Pichu shirt, and a Magby shirt. "Aw... sorry. But do you want any of these?" she asked, holding them out for Zack to see. Like Sylvia had said, the Froakie was throwing frubbles, Pichu was surrounded by threads of electricity, and Magby surrounded itself in thin flames.
"Wow, thanks for this offer. I'd like that Froakie shirt if that's okay with you." Zack said, making his choice. He always liked Froakie and thought it was a cool shirt. Zack would have to pay Sylvia back for this act of kindness.
Sylvia beamed, handing him the shirt. "Here you go!" she exclaimed. "And don't worry about the art or anything. I won't need it back, I took a picture of it as soon as I got it. These shirts are an awesome inspiration!" She folded the shirts back up. "I know I might seem like the general professor-type of person, but I'm also quite the artist! Back home, I have so many different Poke Balls I painted in the pattern of the Pokemon inside! Do you wanna see Pip's Poke Ball?" she asked, placing her shirts carefully into her bag and reaching into it to find Pip's Poke Ball. Hardly waiting for an answer, she pulled it out. "Ta-daaa!"

Ta-da indeed. The ball was dark blue on the top half with white circles on either side representing the feathers on Piplup's head. The button was painted yellow to represent the beak and the line separating the two halves of the ball was light white. The bottom half of the ball was light blue with two white ovals on the front and on the bottom were two little yellow ovals to represent the feet. On the back, Sylvia had glued on a little blue blanket and folded it into the shape of the cape-like...thing on Piplup's back, with the part she had tied in front representing the cute little bow-tie Piplup seemed to have because of that. It was a very cute Piplup replica.
"Thanks." Zack said as he accepted the shirt and would nicely fold it up and place it in his bag. It really was nice and Zack was happy to have it.

However, Zack then listened to Sylvia talk about her artistic passion and then she showed off her amazingly decorated and designed Pokeball for Pip. Zack couldn't help but look on in pure aww.

"Wow, that is...amazing." Zack said as he viewed the Pokeball from all possible angles. Once Zack got over the shock and aww, he turned to Sylvia with a big grin.

"Quite the artist is selling yourself short, you are amazing!" Zack complimented.
Sylvia blushed modestly. "I wouldn't say amazing. I mean, I have a kind of knack for it, but I really only do it because it's fun and everyone around me seems to like it." She smiled as she stared at Pip's Poke Ball. "Y'know, I've kept this Poke Ball safe for about two years now. I never really use it since Pip prefers to stay on my shoulder, but it's still a lucky charm. It's always been through our tough times and we have so many memories behind this. It took me like, two weeks to finish this thing. It's the first ever Poke Ball I painted over."
"I mean, why else would you do something if it wasn't fun? Isn't that the entire point?" Zack asked before he heard Sylvia's story concerning Pip's Pokeball.

"I see, funny enough my Shinx is the same way. She hates being in a Pokeball, and I only keep hers around in the event of an emergency. Otherwise it is just a prop. But hey if that good luck charm has been working out so far I don't see any issues." Zack said, finding this good luck charm and the story behind it fascinating.
Sylvia chuckled. "Right. Plus there's the law that you have to keep the Poke Balls of all Pokemon currently in your party. Whoever has possession of a certain Pokemon that belongs to a Trainer must also have the Poke Ball that is assigned to that Pokemon by means of whether or not they can be returned into it. You need to keep it around even if your Pokemon doesn't like getting inside of it. Like you said, in case of emergencies, but it's also to protect your Pokemon from possible theft. If you don't have your Poke Ball with you or if someone else has your Poke Ball, they can return your Pokemon and keep the Poke Ball for themselves, and if that's your last and only Pokemon, that would leave you and your Pokemon totally defenseless. I mean, now that I think about it, I don't know if that's a law in any other regions, but it's definitely a law in Sinnoh," she rambled.
(Pokeball PSA LOL)

Zack blinked for a moment or two, learning a lot more on Pokeball law than he would have ever guessed. Zack really didn't know how to respond, so he just thought of the first thing to come to his mind.

"Wow, I had no idea. Guess I've been lucky enough to keep it around just in case." Zack said with a sheepish grin.
Sylvia sighed. "Most Trainers don't even think about that. Usually, they keep Pokemon in their Poke Balls, so they don't need to know. But when you have special cases, or even if you don't and, like me, you want to spread the word about the uncommon things found in this world, you just need to know. It's necessary for Trainers to know this, yet I don't see how--I'm rambling again, aren't I?" Sylvia asked, suddenly giving up on her explanation of why Trainers should know Poke Ball law.

(Also, what's PSA? xD)
(Public Safety Announcement...or in this case a Pokemon Safety Announcement! That was terrible and I apologize)

Zack couldn't help but chuckle at this, though it was more of a laughing with her than laughing at her situation.

"Don't apologize. And hey, you want to be a professor someday right? Well you have a lot of knowledge, so that's a step in the right direction." Zack said with a smile.
"This is very true," Sylvia said, but then giggled, thinking of something funny. "Oh my gosh, I'm just imagining myself striding in a lab coat all Professor Juniper-like and then I have this super unnaturally-long goatee and I'm constantly stroking it as I walk around, examining the info on my clipboard," Sylvia explained, bursting into laughter.
Zack laughed as well, finding that mental image to be hilarious. Zack was already growing to like Sylvia the more they talked with each other, which made the prospect of traveling with her all the more desirable.

"Oh god that mental image!" Zack said in-between laughs. Shinx stared back at her partner and Sylvia laughing, wondering what was wrong with them, before she made her way over to the other Pokemon.
Sylvia laughed even harder. "It gets worse! R-remember Dunkeldorf from Larry and Abra?" (The Pokemon equivalent of Dumbledore from Harry Potter.) "I'm imagining an old man with light pink hair, basically every feature of myself, except with a beard longer than his robe!" she exclaimed, clutching her stomach from laughter.

Pip rolled his eyes as he heard Sylvia. "Don't worry about them," he told Shinx. "Sylvia's just making him laugh with some funny jokes, that's all. Although her jokes aren't always that funny. She's just a goofball."
"Oh, I see. Well then she's in luck..." Shinx replied, pausing for a moment as Zack allowed this new mental image to take shape. Which only caused him to laugh even louder.

"That is amazing!" Zack laughed, finding that image of her like that to be very, very funny. Causing Shinx to roll her eyes.

"...cause my partner thinks almost any joke or gag is hilarious." Shinx said, finishing her statement to Pip using Zack's laughing as evidence.
Pip snickered. "Same goes for Sylvia. Pretty much her whole family--except her dad--is easily amused. Not as easily as Sylvia, because ironically, despite wanting to be a Pokemon Professor, one of the most professional positions out there, she's as childish as a Happiny."

While Sylvia and Zack were laughing, Sylvia heard something ringing in her bag, so she held up a finger. "One moment, it's a call from Professor Rowan," she told Zack, calming herself down and turning on 'Professor Mode'. She picked up her phone. "Yes, Professor Rowan? Is there anything you'd like me to report?"

Professor Rowan chuckled over the phone. "No need to be so formal, Sylvia. I was just checking in to see how you were doing. Not as a teacher to an apprentice, but as a friend."

Sylvia sighed in relief. "I'm doing awesome, Professor! I've already met some great people! I'll be continuing my research here, learning more about Fairy-types and generally collecting data on the general biology of Pokemon. It's all so fascinating," she told him.

"Yes, that's good to hear. Just make sure you rest easy every once in a while, alright? Your siblings give you their regards."

Sylvia giggled. When the Professor said that, it always meant they were just saying hi. "Well, give them mine, too!"

Rowan nodded. The reason Sylvia knew that was because he always made this 'hrm' sound when he did. "Very well. Safe travels," he told her.

"You too--I mean, um... good luck?"

Professor Rowan chuckled before hanging up. Sylvia sighed, allowing herself a breathy giggle. "Sorry 'bout that. Professor Rowan was checking in on me."
"Wow, you have Professor Rowan as a contact? I've heard Professor Sycamore speak very highly of him." Zack said with a smile, recounting a few visits with the professor and his mention of the other great leading professors in the others regions.

"Really, that's good to know. Guess our partners are gonna entertain each other often during this journey." Shinx said with a smile.
Sylvia shrugged casually. "Yeah. Not to brag or anything, but I'm his top apprentice, so it's important for me to have him as a contact. I report to him some of my findings and he teaches me the process of recording such things and he gives me special info and access to places. So you could say I've got connections, but really, it's all just the small rocks I'm climbing over to reach the top of the mountain: my goal," she explained. "Um, was that too philosophical?"
"Man, between a top assistant to one of the premier Pokemon professors and a literal national hero, our party has some status to it." Zack said, in reference to Sylvia and Jonathan respectively. This did cause a slight discomforting thought to enter his head...

And by comparison, I'm a nobody in the Pokemon world.
Jonathan listened to the conversation, chuckling and/or snickering the entire time. He was enjoying how much Zack and Sylvia were getting along, and he thought that this coincidence was not really one, but meetings of fate. It was like with Miles and Olivia, his lifelong best friends, who he hadn't seen since he turned thirteen.
Isabella however, stared at the three, completely confused. She just thought that they were weird like her brother, but she had grown to love Sylvia and Alex already. Jonathan was her older brother and Zack... well, she didn't have a connection with him just yet, but she knew they'd be good friends.
Eevee, Fennekin and Lucario were laughing a bit as well, but not at Sylvia and Zack's conversation. They were laughing more so at Shinx and Pip's words about their Trainer's and how childish they could be. Then, Eevee spoke up, eager to tell a funny story. 'My master is so ignorant sometimes, that once, when she was seven, she fell off the stairs because she wasn't looking at them!' This made Lucario, Eevee and Fennekin howl with laughter, but nobody seemed to notice.
Chespin kind of tilted his head at the other Pokemon's conversation. He spoke up, in a gravelly voice.

"I'm not saying anything about my trainer." Chespin said, folding his arms and turning his head.
"Aw, why not? It's all in good fun," Pip said. "Even if I make fun of Sylvia sometimes, she's still my Trainer and I do still love her. So what's the problem?"

Sylvia noticed Zack's downcast look and frowned. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked him, voice growing soft.
"I don't find it...you know...very polite..." Chespin said in his gravely voice.

Alex on the other hand was busy thinking about other things.

'Cause I'm happy, clap along, if you feel, like a room without a roof. Alex couldn't get that song out of her head, and she ended up humming a little bit to it.
Pip shrugged. "If you say so. I guess that just shows how much you love your Trainer already." He then chuckled, remembering something. "Although, if you think about it, you don't really know all that much about your Trainer anyway, seeing as you and her've just met. I'm sure you two'll get along nicely."
Pip realized he had said something wrong. "Hey, I didn't mean to be rude," he said, walking over and placing a flipper on Chespin's head, petting him. "I just wanted to point something out. It's okay that you don't know your Trainer. That just means you have many memories to make in the future! Imagine all the photos your Trainer will take to mark all those precious times!" he exclaimed, trying to cheer Chespin up.
"What? Oh nothing. Just thinking that between you and the hero Jonathan, I'm gonna have to work hard to get some status of my own to not be just a no name guy. Just a stupid thought, pay it no mind." Zack said, not wanting Sylvia to dwell on his previous downcast expression.

"Yeah Chespin, you and your partner will be the best of friends and have many memories together. Trust me." Shinx said with a smile, trying to reassure the Chespin.