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Private/Closed A Pokemon RP: The Conversion Crisis


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
Felicity nodded at Rory as he approached, she was already in her undercover clothes. They didn't need any unwanted attention on their home base. "As Miss Harper mentioned, no pokeballs. You are going to go undercover and try to convince them they were victims of an experiment gone wrong, and they can be fixed if they come with you to the lab. Be as convincing as you can, you're a talented actor. Meanwhile I'll be hiding, keeping an eye on things. If they're not stupid enough to fall for it, then we use force. I'll surprise them from the shadows while you distract them. Got it?"

Duncan listened to the chatter of the other trainers and pokemon, unsure of it all. He stayed quiet, for now. It was pointless to add to the chaos.


Previously EeviumZ
Eclipse's horn suddenly began glowing intensely. The Disaster Pokemon cried out, causing Allie to worry.
"Eclipse? What's wrong?" Allie asked frantically.
"Disaster... I sense danger... we have to hide, NOW!" Eclipse shouted.
Eve tried to hide her fear. "Care t-to c-clarify?"
"YOU THINK I CAN TELL?!" Eclipse yelled, terrified. Instantly, the Disaster Pokemon bolted into a nearby bush, Eve following closely behind.
Confused and scared, Allie called out to the rest of the group. "Eclipse senses danger, and she's never been wrong before. Everyone hide, quickly!"

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Ron and Bloom kept walking through the forest in attempt to find someone who can help them, at some point Ron stopped and sat of the grass.
"W-walking on four... Is so exhausting..." Ron told his Chikorita as he keep huffing. Bloom heard the Cyndaquil as she continued and turned back to him, changing her walking direction her trainer.

"I guess you are not used to walk like that, but on the bright side, we walked Pretty far" Bloom explained cheerfully, "we should get moving, the sunlight is warm and cozy, lets not waste it".
Ron stared at his pokemon, he now saw her more as a friend than a pokemon. "I-i guess..." The Cyndaquil replaid quietly with a small nod.

Bloom nodded back to her trainer and continued to walk, taking a glance back to make sure Ron is following her.
Both of them wasn't aware of the danger that probably aware them.
Gracia nodded and scurried up a tree. Her instincts told her that this was a good place to hide. She wanted to become just like the other leaves, so she hung herself upside down with String Shot and faced towards the trunk of the tree. The little Sewaddle looked like every other leaf in the tree, except the fact she was larger than a normal leaf. But the grunts were looking for Pokemon, not leaves.


Previously EeviumZ
From her hiding spot, Eclipse looked up at the Sewaddle bolting into a tree. Impressive use of camouflage, the Absol thought to herself.
Eve stayed well hidden beside Eclipse, still scared. She had no idea what was happening, only that they were all in danger.
Allie waited, not hidden yet. "I'm not hiding until everyone is safe! Now go, quickly!" she pleaded frantically.
Perigrine didn’t really know what to do... he was made of brightly colored metal, and floated... kinda hard to miss in a forest. He tried to float up into tree... he did, but bounced off and rebounded around until he got caught in some branches.


Rory stalked through the forest, on the alert. He had given the grunts under his command orders to find the Pokémon, scare them and threaten, and then let Rory ‘rescue’ the Pokémon from them. The grunts has gone ahead a ways and were now scouting around.


Previously ThatMoodyHipster
Duncan flinched at the sudden outburst of imposing danger, as he'd stopped listening halfway through the conversation. He would normally pay no mind to such a vague warning, but seeing that it came from an Absol, he took pause. If there was ever a warning to be taken seriously, it would be one that came from the Disaster pokemon. He looked around, seeing nothing of concern just yet. But it was surely coming. After some thought, he realized no matter where he'd hide, him and Bones both would stick out like sore thumbs.

He looked to Allie as she stood her ground, willing to put herself in danger for the sake of others' safety. But he could tell she was scared despite the facade. He knew the face of fear and the intimidation of the unknown better than anyone here. He would never say it out loud, but he kind of admired the girl's guts. It takes a lot for a kid to show leadership under strange and scary circumstances such as this.

He turned to the remaining pokemon still lollygagging around. The Sylveon, the Fennekin, and his little Magnemite buddy. "Well, you heard the lady, get lost!" He shot at them. He was about to mention something to the Magnemite, as he couldn't move very well, but paused when the magnet pokemon suddenly shot up into a tree. He suppressed the urge to laugh at the sight.
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One of the grunts heard the cry. He pulled out a walkie talkie.

“I heard the Kirlia, I think. Sending coordinates.”

He tapped on a bracelet in his wrist, then moved cautiously towards the noise.


Rory recieved the message and headed towards the noise. Not too fast, though, as he needed to make a convincing ‘rescue’.


Perigrine struggled a bit, but remained stuck in the branches.
The Magnemite fell down from the tree, surrounded by falling branches. He hit the ground with a thud, then bounced back up a bit, levitating. He panicked as he heard footsteps crackle in the bushes. He tried to hide, but the best he could manage was to bump into a tree repeatedly and eventually get behind it.

The grunt stepped out of the trees, looking around. He released a Houndour, who began sniffing the ground. There was a crashing farther away that indicated the coming of more grunts.


Previously EeviumZ
Yelling a very strong word, she cried out in pain as the Houndour clamped onto her arm.
"Let go of me, you evil thing!" she cried, struggling intensely. She tried to do something - anything - but she had no idea how to use an attack. Unbeknownst to her, her eyes flashed blue as she subconsciously used Psychic. However, the move would have no effect due to the Houndour's Dark type.
More grunts appeared from the bushes, accompanied by a Spearow and a Hoothoot. The Hoothoot used Hypnosis in an attempt to put the Kirlia to sleep, while the Spearow flapped into the air, screeching threats. The Houndour continued to Bite down on Kirlia’s arm, and tried to tug it so that it would be forced to look at the Hypnosis.

Just then Rory burst stepped out of the bushes, just as if he were taking a stroll and made a detour to see what was making the noise. The Rockruff at his side growled and leapt forward.

“Rocky, use Tackle on that Houndour!”

The Rockruff raced towards the Houndour and the Kirlia, head down and ready for impact.


Previously EeviumZ
The Hypnosis attack had next to no effect on Allie, aside from disorienting her slightly, due to her psychic typing. Suddenly, she felt a strange power surging through her tiny body.
Is this what using a move feels like?
With a howl of pure fury, her eyes glowed a harsh blue as she used Psyshock. A pulse of energy radiated from the Emotion Pokemon, blowing all the grass and sticks from nearby far into the bushes.

Eclipse watched in wonder, as Allie's power was unleashed. It certainly wasn't the most powerful Psyshock that the Absol had seen - far from it - but it was quite impressive.
She'd heard the legends, of people turning into Pokemon and displaying incredible amounts of power. But what could have triggered the change?
Eve was more impressed than Eclipse. It was... strange, to say the least, to see her trainer - was she still considered her trainer? - using a move like that.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Ron and Bloom heard a closeby screech as they were walking, Ron was the first one to hear but he waited for his pokemon to talk about it.
"Huh? What was that?! Did you hear that?" Bloom asked her trainer immediately after she heard the same screech, a simple nod from her trainer was all she needed to understand he heard it too.
"We should check it out, maybe something bad happened" Bloom told the Cyndaquil and immediately started to run off before Ron could even do anything.
"Wh...w-wait up!..." Ron yelled quietly as he start running after the chikorita, the Cyndaquil was exhausted and tired from walking but he still gave a chase.

It didn't take time until Ron catched up with his pokemon, she has been waiting for him near a few bushes.
"Look!" Bloom told her trainer as she pointed with her leaf on the trainers attacking a kirlia by using their pokemons, there was a serious look on her face "she is in troubles!".
Huffing, Ron looked at how the kirlia trying to endure all the Pokemons attacks that the trainers ordering, even unleasing an oddly strong psyshock that even managed to reach him and Bloom.

Strange, i didn't know kirlias are living in this forest, but it doesn't matter now, she's really in troubles i think Ron thought to himself before turning back to the Chikorita, by the serious look on chikorita it was obvious that she wanted to help the kirlia.
"Y-you think we need to help her?" Ron asked his pokemon just to make sure. "Of course we need! Come on, lets go!" Bloom replied and was about to run into the action, but Ron blocked her way immediately.
"M-maybe we should help from here? W-we can maybe use a distraction to grab their attention?" The Cyndaquil suggested with a worry look in his eyes, he didn't like to be in the center and mostly preferred to help from the side.

The chikorita thought about hee trainer's idea before nodding, "fine, maybe try to use an attack on something to grab their attention on the spot, how does it sound?" Bloom suggested as she got ready to use an attack.
"O-okay... I guess..." Ron said as he tried to unleash an attack in hope it would work.
The Cyndaquil expected an ember to come out but instead of that black smoke came from his nose, all the smoke formed into a cloud that went toward the pokemons pokemons and the trainers.
Bloom was shocked from her trainer's attack and didn't unleash her attack, the smoke screen attack was bigger and thicker than it supposed to be.
Ron was surprised as well by the smoke screen he made and immediately regretted doing that, he quickly got back behind the bushes, "i-it was a mi-mistake..." He kept muttering to himself quietly.
Rocky impacted on the Houndour, causing it to let go of the Kirlia and knocking it away. Rocky’s trainer cheered him on.

“Good job, Rocky! Let’s help that Kirlia, use Rock Throw on those bird Pokémon!”

The Rockruff yipped confidently and sent a spray of rocks at the Hoothoot and Spearow just as the smokescreen flowed in. The grunts took the advantage of this and made a noisy retreat.

“C’mon, let’s get outa here!”

“We don’t need no Kirlia anyway!”

“Ugh, this smoke is thick! What made this anyway?”

The grunts made their exit. Meanwhile, Rocky used its nose to find the Kirlia.

Hey, are you okay? Did that son of a Houndoom hurt you?


Previously EeviumZ
Coughing and shaking, Allie heard a voice speak to her. It was obviously a Pokemon, and not a human.
She looked up to see a Rockruff, startling her and causing her to leap back.
"W-who are yo-"
She wasn't able to finish her sentence before a white blur appeared between Allie and the Rockruff.
Eclipse stood strong, an expression of anger in her eyes.
"I don't know who you are, but if you intend to hurt her, think again. No one else will hurt her.. not on my life."


Previously EeviumZ
Eclipse stared down at the Pokemon. She seemed to contemplate for a few seconds, before lowering her head slightly.
"If that is truly your intention, I will not stop you. I'll stay to watch for foul play but I won't jump to conclusions."
She backed away, still making sure Allie was okay, but not interfering.

Eve felt confident to emerge from her hiding spot. She walked up to Rocky and Allie, and offered her paw to shake with the Rockruff.
"I'm Eve. And you?"


Previously EeviumZ
Allie winced slightly. The Potion stung a bit, but she could feel herself healing almost instantly. The various small wounds on her body began to close, leaving only small scars in their place.
"So potions do affect me.." she thought out loud. This was a new and useful development.
She suddenly realized something important. Something she hadn't thought of before.
How do I communicate with this person?
She pondered her options, but Eclipse seemed to read her thoughts.
"You're a Psychic type. You can most likely communicate using telepathy - a most useful skill, due to your predicament."
Allie's heart leaped. Why didn't I think of that before?
She concentrated deeply, thinking the words she wanted to send. She reached out with her mind to the human, finding it surprisingly easy.
"Hello. Can you hear and understand this?"
After she was sure the danger had passed, Gracia lowered herself, becoming more visible the closer to the ground she got. She looked at the trainer and shrunk back. She never liked new people. Her Pokemon followed soon after, coming out of a bush. Serveria glared at the new person while Mushroom and Rosa played together. Gracia curled up as close to a ball as she could get when Eve broke the tree. Tears started to run down her face again, scared that she would be squashed like the bug she was.