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Open Adventures in Triptyche Islnds

Felix looked at him "to be perfectly honest I don't know my way around either" he said embarresed. His meowstic decided to take the response positively and smiled
The nonnative trainer and her spined partner's appearance caused a few curious eyes to turn in their direction, but Marina paid it no mind. She ordered enough for her and her team, and went outside to eat.

Everyone was released and took their meals, splitting into three groups. Meowstic sat by Crest and Mach. Shex and Majora ate together with similar enthusiasm. Carius stayed with Marina, feeling obligated to do so since he was her partner. "Hey! That place is pretty good!" Marina shouted at Felix from across the street.
Name: Rose
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pokémon : Mimikyu, Rapidash, Primarina, Pikachu, and Sylveon.
Looks: Long brownish-pink hair with a bright red rose flower crown, bright blue eyes, neon-red glasses, tanned skin, a black hoodie with a skull head on it, pale-blue jeans with tall black boots that reach a little bit higher above her knees.
Personality: Sweet, Compassionate, Shy, Awkward, Romantic, Skittish, Easily-Distracted, Crybaby (SorryNotSorry), Funny.
Other: Rose is a part of Team Skull but barely even mentions it. Mimikyu is Rose's favourite Pokémon in her team, it usually is out of the Pokeball and either on Rose's shoulder or walking next to Rose.

Rose walks around, her heart pumps faster then a herd of Rapidashs and Ponytas running. Rose then looks at Mimikyu and exclaims excitedly, "Mimikyu! Wanna battle some wild Pokémon!?" Mimikyu quickly nods, "Mimikyu!" it says. Rose smiles before quickly racing into the tall grass nearby. "Hmm.." Rose mumbles as she looks around. Suddenly! A wild Eevee runs up to Rose!
"I choose you Mimikyu!" Rose commands as Mimikyu quickly runs in front of Rose, it seems excited. Using Quick Attack, the wild Eevee quickly races at Mimikyu and claws at the disguise before quickly racing back to its spot. Using it's ability to avoid loosing HP, Mimikyu's head droops down and just barely hangs off.
Felix looked around thinking she was talking to someone else when he realised she was talking to him he smiled at shouted back "oh nice can I come over" He then looked at the ground embarssed "did I just ask that!" He mentally shouted at himself
Name: Becca
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Typhlosion, Raichu, Dragonite, Mega Aerodactyl, Gengar, Tyranitar.
Looks: Brown hair and eyes and tan skin, tall and skinny.
Personality: Short tempered, Pokémon come first to her.
Other: She has a crush on Faulkner, the johto gym leader. She became a champion of Johto and Kanto.
Becca sighed, her training was not going well. Aerodactyl and Tyranitar were having a play fight, and Dragonite and Raichu were playing tag on the grass. Typhlosion sat down and started to burn some leaves when Gengar started to hover around him. The fire Pokémon looked around wildly, trying to pinpoint Gengar's location.
"Come on! This is NOT how we train!" She sighed again.
All of her Pokémon stood to rapt attention.
"Okay, lets have a mock battle. Raichu, Tyranitar, stand side by side. Now Dragonite, Aerodactyl. Fly close to each other. Now Raichu has the advantage over Dragonite, but not Aerodactyl, since he's a rock type. Raichu, demonstrate."
The electric type scampered over to Aerodactyl. He let out a large thunderbolt and directed it to Aerodactyl. The large fossil Pokémon just glanced down at him, unaffected.
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Becca glanced around and heard voices. Gengar hovered over to her and scanned the area, then he floated off. She jogged after him and found a girl and two boys.
"Gengar! Gengar Gen!" (There they are!) Gengar shouted.
There was a crashing in the bushes behind them, and Typhlosion and Raichu bounded out, clearing the hedge easily. Then a loud stomping as Tyranitar crushed the bushes underfoot. Finally, Aerodactyl and Dragonite swooped in from above.
"Gengar gar!" (We found them!)
"Raiiiiiii Raichu?" (Who are they?)
"Ty Typhlosion ty." (I'm not sure, never seen them before.)
"Dragonite Draaaa!" (Well let's give them space!)
"TYRAAAAAN Tyranitar." (EVERYONE Shush!)
ScREEEEECH (Hmm wonder if they wanna battle?)
Typhlosion's ears flicked slightly as a bush crackled. He bounded away into the undergrowth, Dragonite following.
"HEY! Wait up you two! Great, now my most experienced Pokémon are gone." She grumbled.
"Don't go with them." She eyed her Pokémon.
Then they soon came crashing back with a boy in between them. Becca's team bounded over to him.
"Typhlosion growled and prepared for a fire blast, but Becca stepped over to him and waved him off.
"No need Typhlosion, no need. Yes, these are my Pokémon. Seems like they need to listen better." She shot a sharp glance at the two.
Dragonite drooped and Typhlosion flattened his ears.
"Sorry about that, when I turned around, they were pretty much gone. That's enough." She said sternly.
Then Typhlosion and Dragonite let him go.
"Awwww a Mantyke! And a Riolu! You know, if riolu is happy, he'll evolve. I know a place in town where he can be groomed. That always makes my Pokémon happy!"
She glanced at Aerodactyl and Gengar.
"Well, they can't stay still long enough for that." She muttered dryly.
"So what's your name? I'm Becca!" She brightened.
"Can you lead me to this place where I can groom my Riolu? You know, I'm new in here. However I think Trypiche Island is great! The trainers here are great, even if their pokemon kidnapp another trainers" Dick winked to Becca and smiled "The atmosphere here is great. Not like in my house." Dick sighed "My parents often send me to the camps or tours, beacuse they don't have got time for me" Dick's smile dissapeared "They are always so stiff and gloomy"
name: ailla limerick
gender: female
looks: extremely long bright blonde hair, deep cerulean eyes, average height, generally frail looking.
clothing: usualy wears comfortable light grey shorts, and bright blue t-shirt
poke team: rowlet, egg
personality: extremely caring and painfuly shy.

"can some one help me!?" ailla yelled. she didnt know if any one was there but the snickering pansage above her wasnt going to be any help. ailla after sighting the pokemon had decided to try and follow it up the tree which is how she found her self tied up with vines and dangling from a tree. her poke'ball on the ground along with her bag. none of the other forest pokemon seemed inclined to help her and she had heard some yelling.
Rose heard the yell, Mimikyu's head slowly drooped back up. Rose quickly ran away from the battle with the wild Eevee.
Rose said to Mimikyu, interest in her voice, "We should go investigate that yelling." Mimikyu nodded and smiled with it's real face, "Mimikyu!" Mimikyu says. Rose nods before picking up Mimikyu and sending out her Ride Pokémon : Charizard. Rose hopped on Charizard's back and then exclaimed with excitement, "Charizard! Fly me over to the location of that yelling!" Charizard nods before flying up into the air and flying over to Ailla. Charizard then lands on the ground and lets Rose off. "Thanks Charizard," Rose says before sending Charizard back to the Ride Pokémon Center. Rose then looks at Ailla, "You okay?" she asks with interest.
Ethan saw Heracross fly back " No luck Heracross?" Ethan asked.
" Hera cross." Heracross noticed some other Pokémon, Typhlosion and Dragonite.
" Wow a Typhlosion ive caught one of those." Ethan walked over to the Pokémon and then noticed their trainer, Becca.
"Yeah..." Marina looked over to see that her team was finished eating. "Darn guys, in a hurry?" Blaziken nodded and picked up his trainer to set her on Luxray's back. "Well, okay then! Let's go. Hope you've got a ride, person!" She shouted to Felix before Shex started running. The team collectively moved, with Blaziken leading everyone toward the tree Ailla was in.
Marina didn't notice Felix's smile, but Meowstic turned her head to stare at the friendly trainer. I can sense your thoughts. She set up a temporary link.
Felix stood there and heard a voice "oh hi there" he messaged back he sat down and waited for a response he held his thoughts back so the meowstic couldn't hear him
Much better. Your mind was practically screaming at me before. The link was discarded, and everyone slowed their quick pace when they reached the tree where Ailla was stuck. Crest the Blaziken squawked, trying to ask if he could help get the girl down.
Name: Gaybi
Pokemon: Alakazam,Mimikyu
Looks: short pink hair, very very big nose, big yellow eyeees, very muscular, pink shirt with rockruff, brown trousers and black shoes.
Personality: Gay, DON't likes to meet people very much.
very autistic guy.

He woked up. He saw a Alakazam near his bed, eating wood. Alakazam looked at him.
Crest took silence as refusal and left. Shex followed him unquestionably, while Majora got jealous of the fire type's lead and shoved in front of him. The rest tracked after the quarreling two's trail and the team soon found Richard with Gaybi.