Crosshair quickly reloaded when he saw Duren get knocked back by the barrage from all the heroes. Nice. It looked like this monster of a guy might actually be down. But right as he got knocked down, the sword guy jumped right back up again, and quickly took down Lantern. Well, this was bad to say the least. The purple-black alien suddenly appeared again, slashing at the sword guy in an attempt to drive him back. Crosshair didn't know who he was, but the hero was glad that alien was here.
Since his pistols weren't having much of an effect, Crosshair figured that it was time to move on to some of the bigger guns. Crosshair ran across the battlefield, firing off three more shots at Duren before reaching the large black duffel bag that the hero had brought to the fight. Quickly unzipping it, Crosshair pulled from it a high-powered sniper rifle. But this was no ordinary sniper rifle. This was a Wesslyn X-43 experimental rifle, designed by the United States military for assassinations in black operations. It was so powerful and accurate, Crosshair had managed to land a shot from 4 city blocks away. It wasn't exactly legal for civilians to own, and Crosshair had managed to get his hands on it after busting a weapons smuggling ring. But what was more important was the ammunition the rifle fired. The military called it "Tank Buster". It was a round specially designed to pierce heavily armored vehicles, and Crosshair had seen videos of normal rifles using this round to punch all the way through an M-1 Abrams Tank. Once again, the ammunition was courtesy of the weapon smuggler ring he had busted.
Not wasting any time, Crosshair aimed the rifle at Duren, loaded a bullet into the chamber, and fired at the swordsman.