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Private/Closed Alola Region RP : A Journey Begins

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Previously hollowhead_
The attack almost hit Lycanroc, luckily he blocked it with the rock wall as well. Lao retrieved Lycanroc and sent out his Shiny Vikavolt. It used Thunder Fang and Swift. Thunder Swift. The attack hit Brionne hardly. All of Lao's Pokémon seemed to have this red determined gleam in their eyes. They were all as determined as Lao.
Luna groaned in frustration. "Brionne, return! Go, Ninetales!" she yelled. "Use Blizzard!". Unfortunately for Luna, the attack missed. Luna yelled "SERIOUSLY?!!". It was clear the odds were not in her favor. In fact, the odds seemed to hate her.


Previously hollowhead_
"Return, Vikavolt! Go, Lycanroc!" Lycanroc came out of its Pokeball and instantly used Crunch and Stone Edge. Stone Crunch. Lycanroc showed and gritted its sharp teeth, the teeth instantly turned into sharp stone. Lycanroc bit hardly into Ninetales. Could Ninetales faint?
As Ninetales fainted, Luna realized that she needed a better strategy. "Alright then! Go! Brionne!" she yelled. "Use Aqua Jet!". Lycanroc was finally hit. But was it defeated? Luna had no way to know. Yet.


Previously hollowhead_
Lycanroc didn't faint but was damaged greatly, "Lycanroc, return! Go, Vikavolt!" Said Lao as he sent out his shiny Vikavolt, "Use Zap Cannon and Thunderbolt! Zap Bolt!" Exclaimed Lao as Vikavolt produced a static between its large fangs. Vikavolt bit hardly into Brionne. Brionne was electrocuted.
"Brionne! No!" Luna created as Brionne fainted. She only had 1 Pokémon left. "Go! Persian!" she yelled. "Use Power Gem!". The attack hit Vikavolt, but it was unlikely to have fainted. Just then, a visible aura surrounded them both, and Persian went Synchro. "Persian, keep going!" Luna said.


Previously hollowhead_
"You're on. Vikavolt, Zap Cannon and Wild Charge, Zap Charge!" Vikavolt flew to the sky and swooped back down with so much electricity around her. She fired the electricity at Persian and then used it sharp, static fangs to bite Persian strongly. Persian was electrocuted as if it put a toaster in a bath tub full of water.
Luna felt a shock of pain, but she had to keep going. "Persian! Use Dark Pulse and Power Gem! Power Pulse!". Persian sprang up to Vikavolt and an aura of gems went blasting. Vikavolt was hit hard. Luna then remembered the Hyper Potion in her pocket. She sprayed it on Persian, restoring it's HP. Luna also felt refreshed.


Previously hollowhead_
Lao suddenly remembered Luna had Battle Bond. He didn't want to hurt Luna but he had to if it was what it takes to becoming champion. Vikavolt looked at Lao, with the same look as it looked him when she was just a Grubbin. Lao nodded to Vikavolt. Vikavolt had a red glow in her eye, she charged strongly at Persian and shocked it at the same time. Vikavolt just kept shocking Persian until it was paralyzed.Since, Persian couldn't move, Vikavolt held Persian and flew up. She had dropped Persian and shocked her with a strong Zap Cannon. Persian fell to the ground and was really hurt.
Luna collapsed from the pain, but she knew she had to persist. Persian was low on HP, and she was out of healing items, but she could still try. "Persian! Use Power Pulse again!" Luna said. Persian tried to use the move, but missed. She then knew she would lose. But she didn't care. Just as long as she saw her friend smile, Luna could bear the loss.


Previously hollowhead_
"..." Lao kept quiet, "It was awesome battling with you, Luna. Let's do this again, sometime." He said calmly as Vikavolt used Thunder Fang on Persian. Persian fainted, "Lao enters the finale!" Said The referee and the announcer at the same time. Lao walked up to Luna and helped her up, "That was a great battle, you certainly improved." He said as he used a Full Restore on Persian and helped Luna up.
"Thanks." Luna said. "I wish you luck in the league." she said. She went to the Pokémon Center to heal her Pokémon. When she left, she noticed a twinkle on the ground. Luna picked it up. "Wow! A Dawn Stone!" she said. "Go! Kirlia!" she said. Since Kirlia was male, it successfully evolved into Gallade. "I wonder if Lao reached the Champion yet..."
The announcer came on calling the next battle's participants. "The next battle will be fought by the valiant trainers Elijah, and Daniel, who have both presented stunning performances thus far in the Alolan League." Elijah stepped up to the battle field, he was ready for whatever Daniel threw at him. He had beaten Daniel once before, he could do it again. He had to be careful thought, his Incineroar had battle bond. Elijah and his Pokémon had been training very hard, for this battle. He couldn't lose now, he had made it very far. He still wanted to face Lao, and he hoped he could be victorious there too. He awaited Daniel to present himself to the battle field.
Daniel rushed on. The time had come. He quickly sent out a Pokemon that was strong, but wasn't the best. That Pokemon was Ninetales. "Ninetales, Hail!" Hail came from the sky. Everyone in the audience were wrapped around in jackets. Daniel wasn't cold. He was hot. Great for a fire boy, Mallow would say. Ninetales quickly made a dash across the arena, where the hail is stronger. There was a trick that Daniel could use easily. The audience were muttering something. Roaring from Ninetales echoed. Some audiences shouted.


Previously hollowhead_
Lao watched their battle curiously. He didn't know who to cheer. He was OK with either of them. He was curious to what Pokémon Elijah would send out, "What do you think, Ray?" Asked Lao curiously, "Hm. To be honest, I don't know. I'm usually the one who knows Elijah the most." Said Ray calmly, "So, you don't know? Maybe, Elijah has a surprise for us." Lao said calmly. He didn't wait to battle the one who wins. Daniel's team had gotten a bit stronger, since Lao beat him. But, Lao was sure nobody wanted to remind Daniel about his defeat against Lao. Elijah's team, though. Lao hadn't really battled Elijah except once, he also didn't have much experience with his other Pokémon, other than Scyther. Lao started to imagine what would happen if he battled them. If he battled Daniel, it would be a fiery intense battle, it would exhaust both of them greatly. If he battled Elijah though......it would be........indescribably chaotic. Lao shuddered at the fact. He still didn't know what to expect of them. Lao suddenly remembered what his mother, Sabrina had said. Elijah, Daniel. Your brothers. These words echoed through his head. But, one question was still standing. Were those words actually true? His head hurt stronger than a headache. It really hurt.
Luna had also come to watch the battle. "I don't care who wins. They're both my friends." she said to the snack stand lady when asked. She sat down with a Castelia Cone and a newspaper. She began to read that newspaper. "Champion Hilbert Returns to Unova... Diantha Announces New Film in Sinnoh..."
Suddenly, something caught Luna's eye. "Aether Foundation importing Kalos Pokémon." she read. "Oh no... What does Lusamine want with Kalos Pokémon?!"
Kayo came down and sat next to luna he looked over to the news paper "Probably Mega evolution energy lusamine is always mysterious she became more psycotic since her children disappeared" he said whilst watching the battle
"Wait, children?!" Luna said. "But besides that, the only Kalos Pokémon that can Mega Evolve is a Mythical Pokémon, and I doubt she can import them!". Suddenly, Luna pulled out her good luck charm - a glass shard. When she looked into it, she saw a blond girl in white clothes and a blond boy in a black jacket. "Maybe those are her children...but how am I seeing them?"


Previously hollowhead_
Lao heard Kayo and Luna talking to each other. He decided to join in, "Hey. What're you two talking about?" He asked curiously, "And wwhat'sall this and that about mega evolution and mythical Pokemon?" He asked once again curiously. He then saw the two children in the mirror, "Hey, who are those two?" He looked at the girl in white clothes, "She looks like you, Luna" He said firmly. He had many questions about what they were talking about.
"Well, the newspaper said that the Aether Foundation is importing Kalos Pokémon, and the only one that can Mega Evolve is a Mythical Pokémon. Also, Lusamine has kids, but they went missing." Luna said to Lao. "Those children in the shard look kind of like her...but why are they being reflected if the people behind us look nothing like them?" she then said. "By the way, this is my good luck charm." she added. "And I sometimes wonder why I look nothing like my parents..."
"its not a mythical pokemon that can only mega evolve there are many that can does children are called lillie and gladion they were both trainers i heard rumours that they got sucked into the portal but im not sure.." he looked at the shard "Those are her children...since that incident lusamine hasnt been the same...at all...she is trying as much as she can to get them back.." he looked down thinking back "She acts nice but she can be a ruthless person..meaning she is planning something again anyway lets enjoy the match..."
Elijah stared at the Hail coming down around the battle field. "We've come a long way, Daniel. But, it ends here." Elijah said confidently. "Beware, I choose you!" Beware came hurdling out of the Pokeball ready to face Ninetales. He was buffeted by the Hail a little bit, but it didn't do too much. "Beware use Hammer Arm!" Elijah shouted. The attack hit knocking Ninetales back. What would be Daniel's counter to it?


Previously hollowhead_
Lao felt shocked when Luna said she doesn't look anything like her parents. NO WAY. If Lillie is Lusamine's daughter and Luna looks like Lillie, then....no....This is impossible. He thought nervously. He decided that Luna should find out by herself. He decided to relax and enjoy the match. He tried to get the thought out of his mind. Was Luna really.....Lusamine's daughter?! He couldn't remove that thought. It explained EVERYTHING, though...
he looked at lao "Something is on your mind isn't it..." he asked curiously "If your thinking what i think your thinking then..:im surpised too" he said quietly towards lao


Previously hollowhead_
"Glad we're on the same page." He said calmly. He didn't know that Kayo was the champion, yet. Who could be the infamous champion the people are all rambling about? Thought Lao curiously. He really didn't know who the champion was. It was really obvious, yet he didn't know. He then saw an Eevee walking around in he crowd. It was a female. It seemed to be shy but then suddenly jumped on Lao's legs just to sleep. Eevee nuzzled Lao. Eevee seemed to have a liking towards Lao. It seemed to be shy around anyone else. Suddenly, Eevee stole Lao's poke ball and made Iitself caught. Lao was confused. Eevee was transferred to the PC, "Well, that was weird." Said Lao calmly.
Kayo laughed "Seems like that eevee chose you for a reason Here look at this" he shows him a box with 4 stones in it "Does are stones to evolve certain types of pokemon Thunder stone Water stone fire stone and leaf stone pick one you may need it if you want to evolve eevee some day" he said happily


Previously hollowhead_
"How about I let Eevee choose?" He used his watch which could help him interact with the PC and sent out Eevee, "What do you want to evolve into?" He asked curiously. Eevee pointed to the Fire Stone, "Guess, I'll take the fire stone." Said Lao calmly as he took the Fire Stone and gave it to Eevee. Eevee pushed it away and decided she would evolve later. Lao kept the stone in his bag. Suddenly, Lao's Midnight Lycanroc came out by itself. Eevee blushed when she saw Lycanroc. Eevee jumped on Lycanroc's head and instantly went to sleep. Lycanroc was confused but went to sleep anyway. A few minutes later, Eevee woke up and looked at the crowd and Kayo. She was really shy, so she just jumped on Lao's knees. She felt safe with him and Lycanroc, only, "Looks like Eevee is really shy." He said as he retrieved Eevee and Lycanroc.
"Yeah seems it...the fire stone is a good choice..."
he smiled he stood up and headed towards the nearest exit before he left he looked at lao"Do you want anything im going to get some snacks.." he asked curiously


Previously hollowhead_
"Nah. I'm good, except can you get some Pokebeans for my Pokémon and a Tapu Cocoa for me?" He asked curiously, "No. Not the Legendary Pokémon, I mean the coffee. It's really cold up here." He said calmly while zipping his jacket and putting on his hoodie.
"yeah i know what you mean i get things for free since i am the..." he quickly ran off before saying anything he stopped behind the line "Few that was close" he said to himself whilst waiting to get his tabu cocoa and pokepuffs


Previously hollowhead_
"Well, that was weird." Said Lao, confused. He decided to enjoy the match. In fact, he was getting a bit sleepy, but he suddenly became really excited. He saw that it was beginning to become Midnight. Lao decided to give it all he got. He really started to get fired up. Heck, he could feel a bit warm.
eriko comes back with loads of snacks and two drinks he puts them down"Here we are..." he sat down he gave the drink to lao "There is your cocoa" he looks up at the sky "Almost dark...i wonder who will face you lao..." he asked and looked down whilst munching on his snacks


Previously hollowhead_
"Don't really know." He said firmly, "But, whoever it is, I'll be sure to defeat them." He said firmly once again as he drank his Cocoa, "Mmm! This cocoa's good!" He said joyfully
Luna looked into the shard again and suddenly felt a longing to be with Lillie and Gladion, as Kayo called them, as though they were siblings. She wondered how Kayo knew so much about Lusamine. "Guess he knew her before she lost her kids." she muttered. Still, her longing for the siblings did not reside. Could she reach them? Why did she feel like she knew them?
he looked like luna "you okay?" he asked "You seem to be staring into the distance..the thing with lusamine is that...we know each other very well as i worked with her for a bit as i was curious in her work we got to know each other not anything personal we were like brother and sister but then when gladion and lillie went missing she changed she was different not the same happy person anymore she was so drawn into the loss of her children i guess she became a different person"(she has kribling depression lmao) he put down his stuff had a smile on his face"I know that gladion and lillie are alright they have to be i mean gladion is a strong trainer...where ever they are i know that lusamine will find them..." he said with a determent voice
"I'm fine, Kayo." Luna said. "I just feel this weird desire to be with Lillie and Gladion...".
Suddenly, she turned to Lao. "Lao, I have a question." she said. "Do you think Lusamine can be helped? I feel bad because her insanity really isn't her fault. I feel like it isn't to late to return her to the person she once was, but it nearly is..."
"Fell right into my trap, hahha!" Daniel laughed. The hail caused a blizzard that carried Beware and then threw it into a tree. The tree then snapped and fell on Beware! "Suck on that!" Daniel laughed. Beware must've fainted. Ninetales was badly damaged, but Daniel nodded at her. She got a new sort of strength.


Previously hollowhead_
"Hm. Lusamine is really insane, but, I think she can be helped." He said calmly, "Of course she can. There's hope for her, everybody deserves a second chance." He said firmly as he drank more of his Tapu Cocoa.
"Hmm...when i first met her she was so happy and joyful people visited her lab loads the workers there enjoyed working there because she was so friendly.." he looks at the battle field "Seems like they are both doing great that ninetails is strong..." he said happily and kind of worryingly
"Yeah." Luna responded. "I wonder what's going on in her mind. Well, I'll just watch the battle now." she said, munching on a Lumiose Gallete. A Rockruff suddenly dashed by her feet, pursued by it's trainer. "What just happened?" Luna said. "Well, this is looking to be a good match!"
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