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Private/Closed Alola Region RP : A Journey Begins

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Previously hollowhead_
"If you think Daniel's got the upper hand.....you're wrong." Said Lao in a serious tone, "Daniel's acting way too over-confident. Elijah has a trick up his sleeve, I know that based on his expression." He said firmly, "Daniel's gonna jinx it, if he continues doing that. A trainer shouldn't be over-confident or he'll see the consequences. Right now, Daniel's sure that Bewear fainted, a trainer needs to be serious, when battling, not childish." He said firmly, "So, if Daniel keeps up that attitude........" Lao said quietly, "Loss." He said in a serious tone. Lao seemed to be serious about this whole championship thing. Whoever, the champion was. Lao was gonna be sure to defeat him. Anyone, could tell that's what Lao's thinking just by looking at his serious, determined eyes. It's like Lao switched from BOLD to SERIOUS MODE.
"i suppose your right who knows what will happen" he stretches his arms someone above would notice the champion arm bracelet on him the guy looked down and shouted "Hey! isn't that the champion?" his friend looked down "That is him hey kayo! hey everyone its the champion" kayo looks up "Oh great" he hides himself


Previously hollowhead_
"Wait, Champion?" Asked Lao curiously. He looked at Kayo's bracelet, "So, let me get this straight. I've been talking to the champion, himself, casually, ALL THIS TIME?!" He exclaimed, "Seems legit." He wasn't that surprised after all.
"yes i suppose that i have to explain myself...i am the champion...of this region and hoenn i grew up in kanto and went in my journey from there..but yep i am a champion and i just decided to sit here" people come up "Can we have your autograph also also! who do you think will win and and can i take a picture with you" kayo looked at lao with a help look "Yeah sure you can here you go" he signs the book "and i don't know who will win..also lao i chose to help you and your friends because i had a premonition that i would meet a few trainers and later on i saw myself facing someone like you opposite me it also explains that i get free food here so yeah also this bracelet could be either yours or daniel or elijahs" he took it off and gave it so lao could have a look


Previously hollowhead_
"Heh. Thanks, Kayo. He gave it back to Kayo, "Also, it's time for..." Said Lao quietly, "Bodyguard Lao.." He said in a cool way as he barged into the people while wearing sunglasses, "Alright, People. One at a time." H said as he lined up everyone and everyone stood in line and everyone got Kayo's autograph one at a time. Soon, the people went back to their places, "Hope, I was any help, Kayo." He said as he put his sunglasses on his forehead.
"Yeah thanks.." one guy comes up acting all tough "Hey Champion i would like to battle i can swoop you come on a 1v1" kayo laughed "Heh sure if you can beat my sylveon then lll give you a vip seating area if you lose you have to watch the battles from outside" the guy came up close "Okay done you are going to lose" lao if your going to face me you might as well learn something you coming?" he asked curiously


Previously hollowhead_
"Yeah. I'm coming." He said as he followed Kayo to who knows where, "Might as well learn how to face you." He said calmly as he continued following Kayo. What did Kayo have in store for Lao?
they arrive at the battle field with a bunch of fans behind kayo and around the field a referee would come up "This is a 1 on 1 match the first pokemon that cant get up wins" Kayo gave a smirk the guy had his bike next to him "Okay Ampharos lets go.." he send out an anpharos "Okay then Sylveon come out" it jumped elegantly and it sparkled with its blue colour the guy stood up straight "Ampharos Thunder punch" the ampharos charged at sylveon "Dodge it" sylveon moved away really fast and dodged its thunder punch "Quick attack.." it quickly successfully attacked ampharos it took alot of damage "Okay sylveon keep an eye on anpharos you know what is going to happen lao watch closely im about to do finnish this.." the guy got angry "use thunder bolt go" sylveon moved and dodged it "Shadow ball" ampharos countered it with thunder bolt the guy grabbed the handle of his motorbike and pressed the stone ampharos mega evolved "I knew it..now sylveon quick attack then jump up and use moon blast go.." sylveon jumped back and used quick attack ampharos took the hit the guy ordered ampharos to use thunder punch sylveon jumped up and used moon blast the move got bigger since it was shining by the moon itself "Okay now fire it jump back down and use hyper voice" the move fired ampharos wasn't able to move since it got heavily hit before sylveon then used byper voice it speeded up the moon blast and it hit ampharos "Ampharos is unable to battle..sylveon wins there for kayo is the winner" the guy came up all guilty "I shouldn't of challenged you.." kayo smiled "Eh no worries you can still watch the matches from the inside dont worry..." he smiled as they shook hands he then turned to lao "So what do you think?" he asked curiously


Previously hollowhead_
"Wow, I'm impressed. Your Sylveon is really strong. " Said Lao calmly, "There's one thing you don't know yet." He said calmly, "In order to defeat me...." Said Lao quietly, "But, you have to learn it yourself." Said Lao calmly All the crowd was confused, "Anyway, how bout' we go inside?" He asked curiously. The crowd was muttering things about Lao.
"Ignore them i know that your going to face me even if you dont just be glad you even made it to the finals you get a vip seat everytime the league happens when you come second and free food" he said happily "Let me tell you a secret just after i became the champion i met lunala the moon pokemon it came to me to basically say congrats and help me watch over the region" i was surpised by it and that is the only time i met any legendary pokemon" he said calmly


Previously hollowhead_
"Okay, then." He said as he followed him. When they entered the stadium. Lao asked, "So, where's the VIP room?" He asked curiously as he put his hands behind his head.


Previously hollowhead_
"Hm. Okay" He said as he entered the room, "Nice place." He said calmly as he explored the place. He sat down on a chair in front of the television. Lao seemed to be enjoying this day so far.
"This room is completely mine by the way i can let friends in here and who ever i want There is a snack bar over there a video game area over there thats the second place vip room and that there is the private lift i will go down later who ever wins in the finals" he smiled "Its who ever it is who ever beats me if they beat me.." he said laughingly


Previously hollowhead_
"Hm. Tell me...Do you know what you must have to beat me?" He asked curiously, "People underestimate me just by looking at me, but....do you have what it takes?" He asked with a smirk, "I've never been beaten in my whole life as a trainer, so far." He aid calmly, "But, Elijah tied with me the first time we battled.....It was the first time, I was ever impressed by a trainer." He said calmly, "But, nobody ever won against me." He said calmly, "When I began as a Pokémon Trainer, I never knew I would be this powerful. I guess my Pokémon just have...a liking towards me." He said calmly, "Well, I'll just watch the battle now." He said calmly as he looked back at the T.V, the battle seemed to be intense. Lao was certain he wouldn't lose. He wasn't going to give up. Never. He looked at Kayo and then back at the T.V, Lao was more serious than ever.
"Well im not judging based on appearance i cant say for sure until it happens Daniel is just excited in this battle elijah will have the upperhand how ever he is the calm one and watching daniels movements but elijah doesn't seem to be thinking completely so maybe who knows..." he looked back at lao then at the tv and smiled
Elijah almost laughed, a tree? Beware is the Strongest of any Pokémon in the Pokedex, Beware chuck the tree straight at Ninetales, hitting in dead in the face. Beware took some damage, but it didn't show it. Beware then followed up with Close Combat, and Hammer Arm, Hammer Comabt, Ninetales had to be severely damaged. He awaited Daniel's counter.


Previously hollowhead_
"Ouch. That MUST hurt." Said Lao calmly as Bewear took revenge on Ninetales, "Seriously, though. Does Daniel really think Bewear will get fainted by a tree?" Asked Lao with a blank face, "Where did that tree even come from?" Asked Lao curiously, "Oh, well then." He said as he continued looking at the battle, "Yep. Knew it was gonna be intense.." Said Lao as he put his hands behind his head. He then asked Kayo if he could let Luna come in the VIP room. Daniel and Elijah, too, when they finish battling.
"Yeah your my friends we are all friends so yeah there is plenty of stuff seating area sometimes cynthia comes here red the kanto champion even came once thats a rumour though who knows...ninetails could of countered that tree by freezing it who knows what he will do next" he said curiously as he watched the tv
Ninetales made a laughing sound. Good thing it knew something, "Good, my plan is going right. Aerial Ace!" Ninetales struck Beware. Judging by the--- wait. Fog? Smoke? It went. Daniel then saw the two Pokemon fainted in the middle of the battlefield. "Return, Ninetales. You did well. Go, Toucannon!" Daniel said. He looked up at the screen. One Pokeball on each side was dark. That was the fainted Pokemon.


Previously hollowhead_
"Huh? What's that?" Said Lao while looking further into the fog, smoke or dust, whatever you want to call it. He then saw he two Pokemon, fainted, "Well, that's weird." He said calmly. He saw that Daniel sent out Toucannon. Lao just told himself Ninetales just accidentally nicked both of them out and there was dust from the impact of the attack, that's what Lao THOUGHT. But maybe it could have been something else...
"I have a feeling that elijah will win he seems more confident but at the same time calm...but then again dont judge toucannon that pokemon can do a lot of damage" he said whilst munching on his popcorn


Previously hollowhead_
"Yeah. But Elijah DOES have a Pokemon that can destroy Toucannon." He said calmly. It was gonna be a surprise for Kayo. Lao ate his salty chips. Lao liked salty things. They were really crispy too. Lao just turned back his attention to the match while still munching on his chips.
" toucannon is a normal and flying type it has a move called beak blast when used its poweful so who knows what will happen.." there were camera people outside the door "Hey Mr Kayo Osako please come out we would like an interview" Lao enjoy the battle and the food i wont be long" he walked and opened the door and went outside the interviewer started talking "Hello i am here with the champion kayo osako" kayo waves "So kayo mr champion who do you think will face you?" he swallowed the last popcorn he had in his mouth "Well its hard to say they are all strong trainers so lets see" the interviewer looked at kayo "Now who ever ends up winning do you think they will have a chance to beat you..?" kayo started to look serious "Like i said before you cant predict anyone to see where they are and with the winning part js the same thing i dont know if im going to win or lose if i do lose im happy to because ive enjoyed my time as a champion and maybe someone will take my place" the interviewer was stopped for a moment "the battle you had earlier was extrodinate...with sylveon will you use the same strategy?" kayo looked at him "You will have to see" the interviewer and kayo stand up "Thank you kayo for that interview" the interviewer looked at kayo angrily "We gave you a script to read earlier" he looked back "Oh wait was that meant to be the scriptt oh man sorry i used it where you don't want to know..." the interviewer sighed "Its fine it went well anyway you can go now" kayo opened the door and left "So lao im back typical interviewers" he continued to munch on his popcorn
Elijah returned Beware. "Good job mate." Elijah said confidently. "Drampa, I choose you!" Drampa came hurdling out of the Pokeball. "Use Rainy Day." A simple move that could greatly affect the outcome of the battle. "Use Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pulse." Elijah ordered. A brutal attack. He wondered the outcome of it.


Previously hollowhead_
Lao saw Kayo's interview on the T.V, "Yeah. It appeared here on the television." He said as he saw Elijah retrieve Bewear and sent out Drampa, "Looks like he's using Drampa. A good match up for Toucannon actually." When Lao saw Drampa use Hydro Pulse, he was blown away, "Wow! How will Toucannon de all with THAT?" Asked Lao as he continued munching on the chips.
Luna had been in deep thought, but she finally regained focus. "I don't know, but I sure want to!" she said excitedly. "Hey, Lao." she said. "What's your mom's name? I just want to know if my mom knows her. If it's to private if a question, just don't answer. "


Previously hollowhead_
"Wait, Luna. How did you get here, in the VIP room?" He asked curiously, "Well, I'm sure Kayo won't mind." He said calmly, "Anyhow, My mom's name is Sabrina. Why do you want to know?" He asked curiously. He hoped she didn't know that Daniel and Elijah were his brothers.
"Eh, just wanted to see if my mom knew her." Luna said. "But she doesn't, so yeah." she said. "Once, me and my brother (who looks more like my parents) tried to figure out how Eggs appear. We eventually just guessed that the parents run around yelling EGG! EGG! EGG! until an egg magically appears.". She giggled. "Then he tried to do it with his friend. It didn't work."
"Oh i had some people show her where the vip room was so yeah luna sit down have anything you desire press that button on the table and the empty room there turns into a massive play room for pokemon" he said laughingly "Its briliant what they have nowadays"


Previously hollowhead_
"Oh, really?" He said as he pressed the button, "Oh, my gosh!" Suddenly, all of Lao's Pokemon came out. Decidueye was just flying around. Lao's Shiny Vikavolt looked at a boxing bag and used electric attacks on it. Swampert was swimming around in the muddy water. Bendy (Toxapex) was trying to stand on only one tentacle. Lycanroc was jumping from rock to rock with Eevee, blushing on his head. Snorlax was, well, taking a nap like usual, "Uh, I guess my Pokemon really like It, hey! How about YOU send out your Pokemon, Luna?" Asked Lao curiously as his Pokemon continued doing what was mentioned earlier.
"OK!" Luna replied. "Go, Persian! Brionne! Ninetales! Gallade! Sylveon!" she said, letting her team out. Persian jumped onto a table, holding it's head high. Brionne was swimming in the muddy water as well. Gallade was also at a training bag, and Ninetales and Sylveon were playing in a glitter pool. "This is awesome!" Luna exclaimed.
kayo send out all his pokemon to join them Blaziken joined vikavolt by the boxing bags started punching and kicking them carracosta joined swampert in the muddy water sylveon got bendy to play with her aggron was just walking around and salamance decided to just lay next to snorlax and fall asleep and tsarenee was on the swings "Seems everyone is having a good time" he smiled


Previously hollowhead_
"We've got a flyer." He pointed at Decidueye, "We've got fighters." He pointed at Shiny Vikavolt, Gallade and Blaziken, "We've got swimmers." He pointed at Swampert, Brionne and Carracosta, "We've got players." He pointed at Shiny Sylveon and Bendy the Toxapex, "We've got jumpers." He pointed at Lycanroc and Eevee, "We've got nappers." He pointed at Snorlax and Salamence, "We've got a meditater." He pointed at Persian, "We've got glitter swimmers." He pointed at Luna's Sylveon and Ninetales, "We've got a walker." He pointed at Aggron, "And we've got a swinger." He pointed at Tsareena. "Yep. They're enjoying their time." He said calmly as he munched on more of his chips.
"So you know thats the team i keep on me when i go around the region i have a different team i will battle with.." he said confidently and gave a cheeky smile
Ray managed to grab some snacks without getting trampled by the trainers rushing to grab Final Four merch. "Seems to be selling like a God Church..." He muttered to himself. He watched Luna walk into a "Private Room" by herself. Ray walked over munching on some Octillary Snacks, and knocked on the door. He assumed whoever was in there was friends of Elijah's, so he might as well introduce himself.
he walked to the door and opened it "Hey there im kayo..." he whispers "im the champion you must be a friend of luna or lao if you want come in" he opened the door wider "Quick i dont want to get spotted by fans..." he said rushingly


Previously hollowhead_
"Oh, hey there, Ray! How's it going?" He asked curiously, "Kayo let's in people who are his friends or friends of his friends." He said calmly, "You can also send out your Pokemon to play over there." He pointed to the lot of Pokemon playing in the background.
"Oh hey there Lao and Luna!" Ray said with snacks in his mouth. "And thank you Mr. Cham... I mean Kayo." He saw the Pokémon playing in the room, and the battle happening down below. He decided his Pokémon deserved some fun time, they had worked very hard for him lately. "Alright then, why not. Everyone come on out!" Ray exclaimed happily. Turtonator, Charizard, Flareon, Simisear, Talonflame, and Infernape went to join the other Pokémon and play. Ray walked over to an empty seat next to his friends. He eyed the battle below with his best friend facing his new friend. Who would win?
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