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Private/Closed Alolan Journeys 2 - The Crossbones Crisis

@Rhabby @PyroGaleZX @Ry_Burst @ManateeMike @BriefStar @Eeveechu151

Two years ago the world watched as Alola crowned it's first ever Champion. Since then many new Trainers have begun their Island Challenge attempting to beat the Alola Champion. As well a new generation of Z-Rings called the Z-Power Rings have began appearing on every island, scientists believe that it's due to a mutation in the normal Z-Ring ore.
"Backpack, clothes, hoodie, shoes, food, Pokeballs, Journal," Eric began listing the items around him. Today he was finally going to be taking on his Island Challenge. As Eric continued to pack for his journey he could feel a slight tug on his leg, he looked down to see a small dog-like Pokemon called a Rockruff, "Hey Rockruff are you ready to get going?" he asked, Rockruff cheered as it wagged it's tail and licked his face. It wasn't long after until Eric had finally finished packing his bag and ran downstairs. "Bye Mom, I'm off to Professor Kukui's!" he called out as he left the house alongside his Rockruff.

As Eric ran down the streets of Hau'oli City he saw lots of trainers alongside their Pokemon as well, "Hey Rockruff why don't we stop for some Malasadas?" he asked, Rockruff jumped in excitement at the sound of a Malasada. Eric looked around trying to find a nearby Malasada Shop.
“C’mon Betty. This is a great idea. That old man Kukui has a bunch of Pokemon ready to get grabbed. C’mon, don’t be a dweeb.” Frankie was slouching and flashing signs as he talked to his sister.

“Yeah, you’re right. I mean it makes tons of sense. And Boss will be proud of us too. I mean, that’s gotta be good too, ‘ight?” Betty was in agreement with her older brother.

Team Skull was a group of ruffians and rejects who just wanted to make fun of others and feel better about themselves. Mikey Reynolds knew this first hand. He was raised in Team Skull. His mother died during his birth and his father abandoned him and his two older siblings, Betty and Frankie when he was 5. So Team Skull took the trio in, and raised them. Well kinda. They gave them shelter in Po Town for a few years, before sending them to Hau’oli City. Both his siblings had conformed to the thug life they were living and were throughly enjoying it. However, Mikey couldn’t. He hated stealing from others and only was a part of Team Skull because he was forced too by his siblings.

While his two siblings were decked out in Team Skull gear, Mikey only had two things, other than his dark clothes. A Skull Pendant, and a Team Skull bandana around his neck. He often put it over his mouth and nose to try to hide himself.

So as they had done dozens of times before, they were dragging him in with heir plan to steal from Professor Kukui. Frankie has an Alolan Grimer and Betty has a Salandit, while Mikey had nothing, He was just there. So with Pokemon in hand, they made their way to Kukui’s lab to snatch up some Pokemon

He hated the way people looked at them when they waked down the street. Team Skull was a bunch of annoying punks and most people hated them. So as they walked past the Masalda shop, where people where, Mikey covered his face with his bandana and kept his head low.

Soon, they were outside the lab, and sweat was already forming on Mikey’s brow. “Now! Go!” Frankie shouted as he sent out his Pokemon along with Betty. With that, they entered the lab by force swinging open the door.
Devin Grey slowly crawled out of bed groggily as his partner Chimchar screamed at him to get up and pointed at the clock, today they would be starting their Island Challenge. Devin looked confused for a few moments before staring at the time on his Poketch he had obtained back in his home region of Sinnoh.

"Holy crap! It's almost time!" Devin shouted as he rushed around his room and gathered his stuff he would need for his journey and threw on his clothes and shoes. The black-haired teen grabbed his partner by the arm and threw him up on his shoulder before running out of his bedroom, tripping on a few moving boxes that had yet to be unpacked on the way out.

Devin's mom laughed at her son before throwing him a piece of toast and a Fresh Water and some Pokemon Food for his partner Chimchar. "Have fun sweetie and try not to get into trouble during your journey." Devin's mom said as her son ran for the door.
The young teen caught the items, put the bread in his mouth, "I will!" Devin managed to say with the bread in his month before the pair ran out the door and out onto the streets of Hau'oli City.

Devin slowed his pace down to a brisk walk and glanced at his Poketch again. The boy took a deep breath in relief, he should get to Professor Kukui's place just in time. "You ready for this, Chimchar? Today is the today." Devin asked his partner who was sitting upon his as they walked past the local Malasada Shop.
"Char!" Chimchar responded as it threw it's hand up into the before quickly grabbing back onto Devin's head so it wouldn't fall off.
Eric continued his walk through Hau'oli City walking past multiple buildings until the familiar sign of a Slurpuff with a donut was in view. "There it is!" Eric yelled as he began running straight towards the shop. Upon entering Eric was quick to pay for 2 Malasadas and leave. "Alright, Rockruff what do you say we get to the Professor's Lab," Eric asked, Rockruff jumped happily in response. Eric walked alongside Rockruff as they approached Route 1 seeing the Professor's Lab along the beach side. However as Eric got closer he recognized a group of hooligans known as Team Skull outside the Professor's Lab. "What's Team Skull doing in front of Professor Kukui's Lab?" Eric asked himself before running straight towards the Professor's Lab.
Devin continued his way throughout Hau'oli city, not stopping to sightsee before reaching Route One. "We're almost there bud." the teen comment walking down the trail and making his way closer to the coast where Kukui's house lied.

After another few minutes of walking, Kukui's house came into view but Devin noticed that something wasn't right. There were three people dressed in black with strange bandannas looking like they were trying to break in and another kid that running at them.
"Great, trouble already." Devin muttered before looking up to his partner, "Should we go investigate?" He asked the Chimchar who responded with a head shake. Devin said then began to run after the boy with the Rockruff.
“Okay man. Hand us your Pokemon. So we can give it to da Boss.” Frankie shouted, as his Grimer gave a shout. Both Frankie and Betty stepped forward trying to corner the shirtless professor. Mikey hung behind them keeping his eyes low.

“There they are! Grab ‘em Mikey.” Betty pointed to a group of Pokeballs that sat on the table. Betty tossed her younger brother a burlap sack, and pushed him forward.

Mikey caught him and scurried towards the table, feeling nervous, and wishing he had the courage to not grab them. But he didn’t and shoved them in the sack anyways.
Eric continued running down the hill until he finally reached the Professor's Lab to see 3 Team Skull members, "Hey you guys are Team Skull, you, you... um." Eric paused as he began thinking for a moment about why Team Skull was known for doing, "Oh yeah, you all failed the Island Challenge and steal stickers, nothing big," he recalled as he stared for a moment. "Wait you guys steal Pokemon now I remember!" he yelled, "Rockruff let's do this!" Rockruff jumped to Eric's side prepared to battle.
I kind of feel sad leaving mom home alone back in Sinnoh but I want to started my journey away from home, Kell thought to himself as he got off the boat that was docked in Hau'oli City. "Wow, Alola is such a beautiful region I'm so glad I decided to come here" Kell said out loud as he begins to walk through the city taking in the sights. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out the letter and map he received from Professor Kukui asking he to come take on the island challenges, "I'm glad he included a map it would take forever to find his lab according to this map the lab should be up ahead" as he was walking he noticed the amazing smell coming from the shop that had a strange pokemon eating a donut on its sign.

Looking down at his Poketch, "I have enough time before I have to met with the Professor" he tells himself as he lets the amazing smells drag him inside the shop.
Devin continued to run for the Professor house before stopping at the front door and taking a deep breath, Chimchar screeched at him almost yelling at him to go in. “Alright, here goes nothing.” Devin said before barging in to see the three mysterious people and another trainer about his age.

“My name is Devin Grey and I’m here to kick your butts!” Devin proclaimed before extending his palm just like the famous trainer he had watched in that battle two years ago on TV, “Go, Chimchar!”

(OOC: On my phone post quality wont be as good.)
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Monty tentatively dipped his toes into the water as it lapped against the Melemele shore, relishing in the feeling of it. Since Monty had moved from Orre to Alola, every day he came down to the beach near Professor Kukui's house. Monty's house was located in Iki Town, and he had only just recently moved in. He and his mom wanted an escape from the crime-stricken desert that is the Orre region, so they figured that a peaceful region comprised mostly of water would be as good as any.

Monty sat down in the sand as the water washed over his feet, breathing in the oceanic air and laying back on a dune. He had discarded his overcoat and jeans, favoring his white t-shirt and a pair of swim shorts his mom had bought for him, and set the clothes behind him. Monty had grabbed a Poke Ball before taking off his overcoat, however, and now he pointed it at the ground. One click and a flash of white light later, an Aron materialized next to Monty. It gave a playful growl and immediately began to sniff around for rocks buried in the sand. It found one, and snapped it up like a kid with candy. "Alright Ferrus," Monty said, patting the Aron on the head. "Don't stray too far!" Ferrus nodded and continued to sniff around for stones.
“Crap, what’s with all the unwanted company,” muttered Betty at the arrival of the other trainers willing to help out Kukui. She made a fist and cracked her knuckles.

However, Frankie put his arm across Betty’s chest to block her. “I have a better idea. Let’s go with a Posion Gas escape.” They shared a nod, before making their next move.

“Poison Gas Escape!” They both cried in sync. Grimer and Salandit both opened their mouths in unison and dark purple smoke bellowed out, blocking the Team Skull Grunts from not only the kids, but also the Professor with a second wall of poisonous gas.

Both Betty and Frankie smashed through the window and ran. They assumed their little brother would follow. They were wrong. But they were running to quickly to stop and look behind them, as they rushed back to Hau’oli City.

“Rowlet, come on out. Flap your wings to blow away the Posionous gas!” A a new voice was heard within the poisonous cloud of smoke and the sound of a Pokeball opening. Then the gas began to dispure. It appeared that the younger Team Skull Grunt had stayed behind and kept the Pokemon with him. Then he used Kukui’s Rowlet to part the gas.

“I’m sorry about my brother and sister, Professor Kukui,” Mikey said handing the professor the sack. “When my dad left, they joined Team Skull, and forced me too. But I don’t like following their orders and stuff. I’d rather help people.”
Devin stood there, still with his hand extended he was almost in awe as he had just been completely ignored. The young trainer brushed it off not really caring, he didn't want anything to do with those goons any way. Chimchar shrugged and crawled back up his trainer's shoulder.

The young trainer looked at Mikey as he explained the situation to the Professor, So, he had the courage to break away from his brother and sister and to what he believed was right? Nice... Devin thought to himself, completely forgetting the fact the he was still standing in a room full of strangers that had no idea who he was or why he was here except for the Professor.
Kukui walked ahead towards Mikey staring at him for a moment before taking back the sack, "And just when I thought Team Skull had disbanded," Professor Kukui sighed as he peered up at the destroyed glass. Kukui looked over at the trainers at the door, "You must be the new trainers I was told were going to take on the Island Challenge," Kukui commented as he welcomed them in and directed them towards his couch. Kukui grabbed Mikey's shoulder, "How about you take a seat with the others," he offered as Rowlet flew on to Kukui's shoulder.
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Devin nodded with excitement as Kukui mentioned them as the 'new trainers' the teen quickly walked over to the couch and sat down before looking back up to the Professor and with a more serious tone, "Just who were those people, Professor?" Devin asked.
"Oh, my name is Devin Grey, by the way... Nice to meet you all!" Devin said with a friendly smile before awaiting the Kukui's response to his question.
“Team Skull. A bunch of hooligans who roam around the Alola Region. They are either kids who dropped out of doing the island challenge or misfits. That’s why my siblings joined, and why they forced me too.” Mikey said, taking a seat on the far end of the couch. “And I’m Mikey. Mikey Reynolds. And I’m an Ex-Team Skull member now. Officially.” To prove his point, he ripped off the Team Skull bandana off his neck, and stuffed them in his pocket. Then he crossed his arms and leaned back.
"That's right," Kukui commented as he brought some food for everyone, setting the plates in front of everyone, "Two years ago we thought that Team Skull had disbanded when Guzma disappeared, but clearly that's not the case now." Kukui opened the small sack and retrieved two Pokeballs from it as he let Rowlet onto the table, "Now then a new trainer in the Alola Region has the choice of three Pokemon, the first is the Grass-Type Pokemon Rowlet," Kukui gestured the small owl-like Pokemon, "Next is Litten the Fire-Type Pokemon," Kukui grabbed the Pokeball and quickly released a small cat-like Pokemon, "Finally would be Popplio but unfortunately someone already came by and chose Popplio as their starter."

Eric stared at the Pokemon in wonder and amazement as he quickly stood up, "I've already made my choice, I choose Litten as my partner!" he claimed happily. Eric bent down as he gestured his hand towards the small fire cat, "Nice to meet you Litten," he said, before Litten swiped at him with it's claws.

"Litten can be a bit of a handful at times and it doesn't take kindly to humans," Professor Kukui stated, as he offered Litten's Pokeball to Eric, "If you're up to the challenge then I won't stop you."

"I'm up for any challenge that may come my way," Eric claimed as he quickly grabbed the Pokeball, "Alright Litten let's do this!" Eric held the Pokeball outward trying to recall Litten, "I don't get it the Pokeball's not working."
"I see, I wonder if this Guzman guy is back?" Devin asked aloud, not really expecting an answer before thanking Kukui for the food and beginning to chow down in a civilized manner, Chimchar eat alongside him.

The young trainer look at all three Pokemon and looked at his partner who was quickly eating some food more his plate and smiled. "That's alright, Professor, I already picked my starter Pokemon back in Sinnoh." Devin said with a smile before patting his partner on the head before watching Eric get his partner Pokemon.

Devin tried to hold his laughter back as Eric tried to recall Litten, "You know you have to clench the Pokeball tightly from all sides to return it." Devin said before drawing his Pokeball and demonstrated on how to do it, "And to release it you just press the button on the front," Devin said, releasing his Chimchar again who looked at little upset he was recalled so suddenly.

"Dont worry." Devin said with a chuckle, "I had the same issue too, it took me like a week to get the hang of it." Devin continued, scratching the back of his head and giving a care-free smile.
“Professor, this is fine and dandy, but I should probably get a move on. My siblings realize that I didn’t follow them any minute now, and they’ll go looking for me. I need to get away from them, as soon as possible. I don’t wanna cause any more trouble.” Mikey got off the couch and gave a nod. “Thanks though.”

But before the boy could leave, the Rowlet fluttered up and landed onto Mikey’s shoulder. Cooing softly. “You aren’t my Pokemon buddy. Sorry. You need to stay with Kukui. You’ll be safe.” Mikey gently brushed the top feathers of the Rowlet. “Now go,” he said softly.
"Actually, there's an old saying in Alola about how your first partner will choose you," Kukui commented as he offered Rowlet's Pokeball to Mikey, "I think Rowlet would prefer to have a trainer like you Mikey."

"Litten get in the Pokeball please," Eric begged as he tried what Devin had suggested. Eric sat confused for a moment as to why Litten wouldn't get inside the Pokeball before finally asking, "Why won't you get in the ball?"

"It's probably because Litten doesn't want to get inside the Pokeball," Kukui commented, "A Pokeball won't recall a Pokemon if it doesn't want to go back inside, and Litten doesn't seem to trust you quite yet, and as a result it doesn't want you to be the one to put it back inside it's Pokeball." Kukui reached into the small sack once again and pulled out 3 triangular shaped amulets, "These are called Island Challenge Amulets, every Trial-Goer gets them they act as your symbol towards completing the Island Challenge," Kukui pointed to several dark triangular indents, "Once you defeat a Kahuna on any of the islands you'll receive a challenge piece that you will place inside the amulet and once you collect all four pieces you'll be eligible to take part in the Pokemon League Tournament for a chance to battle the Elite Four and the Champion."
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Devin took the Island Challenge Amulet with a giant smile and showed it to his partner Chimchar before attaching it to his bag, "Wow, our dream and journey is finally beginning! Thank you Professor!" Devin exclaimed, his pokemon jumped exactly.

The young trainer looked up at the Professor, "Just what are the Elite Four and who is the Champion?" Devin asked, trying to get as much information as possible, "My dream is to battle the strongest trainers in each region! So I need to figure out who they are first!" Devin declared raising his fist into the air, Chimchar did the same.
“What if you don’t prepare to face them? Building a team to specifically beat the Elite Four and Champion, may leave you open to other challengers. Just be ready for anything.” Mikey said to as he stroked the Pokemon that was now his. “I’ll name you Sito.” Mikey said as the owl Pokemon cooed.

“Thank you Professor,” Mikey said as he received the Challenge Amulet. With this he would carve out his own path, and not have to be unde his sibling’s shadow.

Speaking of his sibings, after making their way past the trainer’s school, they realized that they had left behind their brother, who had the Pokemon. “That brat. He ditched us. Let’s go get him.” Frankie mumbled angrily, as the duo mad a U-turn and made their way back to the lab.
"Well, I don't know! I'll just have to see where the road takes me!" Devin said with a smile and placing his hands behind his head. His answer was very naive, but it really show'd his carefree and positive personality.

"We'll find a way for sure." Devin muttered as he awaited the Professor's answer to his previous question.
"The Elite Four are the strongest trainers in Alola, as to their identities, well that would ruin the surprise," Kukui smiled, as he pulled out three technical devices, "In Alola we used to just give trainers a book as a Pokedex until the first Rotom Dex was made and from there we made multiple real Pokedexs for Alolan Trainers." Kukui set the Pokedexs on the table in front of the four trainers.

Eric grabbed one of the Pokedexs and pointed the sensor towards Litten, "Litten the Fire Cat Pokemon, a Fire Type. If you try too hard to get close to it, it won't open up to you. Even if you do grow close, giving it too much affection is still a no-no." Eric put the Pokedex into his pocket as he tried one last time to recall Litten, "Litten just get into the Pokeball at least," Litten stared at the Pokeball before a red beam shot out covering Litten and bringing it into the Pokeball.
"Aw, alright. I guess I'll wait to find out." Devin responded to Kukui before listening to what he had to say about the Pokedex. "Interesting..." The young trainer mumbled.

Devin carefully took the new piece of technology and examined it, "Wow, thanks Professor." Devin said before pointing the sensor at Chimchar, Chimchar, the Monkey Pokémon. Chimchar easily climbs the sheerest of walls and lives on mountain tops. When it sleeps, its flames go out.

"Nice." Devin simply said before slipping the device into his bag. "Hey, congratulations, Eric you got it in the ball!" Devin said with a smile, being sincere even though it may have sounded a tad sarcastic.
Monty sat cross legged in the crystal blue water, running his fingers through it and watching as the water rippled around him. The boy loved the feeling of the water, something that the Orre region was almost completely devoid of. Monty relaxed for a few moments, closing his eyes and taking in the sound of the waves.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
"Come on, let's get these boneheads!"

Monty's eyes snapped open as he whipped around, looking for the source of the voice. He quickly spotted the person who had shouted: it was a boy a bit older than him. He was with a group of about 5 people, all of which were wearing what looked like gang outfits; skull bandanas covered the lower halves of their faces and they wore shirts embroidered with an "S" that formed the upper half of a skull.

Monty jumped out of the water and ran to his clothes, stuffing most of them in his bag before putting on his overcoat. He threw his bag over his shoulder and whistled for Ferrus. The Aron appeared a few feet away from underground, happily munching on a large, jagged stone. "Come on, Ferrus!" Monty said as he ran past, intending to meet the gang head on. Ferrus chirped in agreement and ran alongside Monty, it's little legs operating at maximum speed.
"Now then if you're all ready to go, I'll see you on your way out," Kukui offered as he led everyone towards the door. "Profezzor!!!!" a voice called out as a small red figure came flying towards the Professor. "Everyone this is the Rotom-Dex and is also my personal assistant," Kukui explained. "It's a pleazzure to meet you all," the figure spoke. Eric jumped at the sound of the voice hearing that the Pokedex was capable of human speech. "We can move on to introductions later but Profezzor, two individuals are making their way to the lab as we speak!" the Rotom-Dex exclaimed.
“Oh no.” Mikey muttered at the arrival of the Rotom Dex and his announcement. “It’s them!” The boy shouted, running out onto the porch.

“Well if it isn’t for the traitor?” Frankie said as he noticed a boy sending an Aron out against him. However, Betty was quick to step in and sent out her Salandit. She commanded an Ember Attack as the Salandit fired a blast of flames at him.

“What do you want Frankie?” Mikey shouted as Sito landed on his shoulder. He crossed his arms and tried to look menacing.

“Well kid. I guess I gotta reiterate. We’re here to steal Kukui’s mons. So I’ve brought back up. Get ‘em boy!” Frankie shouted snapping.
"What Pokemon is that?" Eric questioned as he pulled out his Pokedex and quickly scanned the Pokemon. "Salandit, The Toxic Lizard Pokemon. A Fire and Poison Type. It burns its bodily fluids to create a poisonous gas. When its enemies become disoriented from inhaling the gas, it attacks them." the entry read. "Alright if it's a fire type the Rockruff use Rock Throw!" Eric ordered, Rockruff leaped into the air before firing a series of rocks towards the lizard like Pokemon
Devin looked at Chimchar and they both nodded with confident, but serious facial expression before bursting onto the porch, ready to fight off Team Skull and win their first Pokemon battle.

"Get ready for a butt whoopin' you bone heads!" Devin exclaimed, raising his fist in the air before commanding Chimchar to use Ember on the other Pokemon.
"Wow, these malasadas so delicious I can't stop eating them" Kell said to himself as he exited the Malasada Shop as he continued to munch away on the last over his food. Looking at the time on his Poketch he nearly choked on his malasada, "Oh, man I lost track of the time I'm going to be late" swelling the large amount of food in his mouth he bolted in the direction of Kukui's lab.

Finally making it to Kukui's lab he was greeted with the sight of a large group of oddly dressed people attacking a small group of trainers and the Professor. Kell knew he needed to help reaching into his pocket and pulls out a pokeball releasing his Buneary. "Come on Dizzy lets go help them" Kell said as he commands his Buneary to use Dizzy Punch on one of the grunt's pokemon.
Monty stopped in his tracks as Ferrus leaped into the air to meet the Salandit. "Use Mud Slap!" Monty commanded. The glob of mud collided with the Ember, smothering the flames. "Now use Metal Claw!" Monty said. Ferrus fell to the ground on top of Salandit, it's hands becoming engulfed in a brilliant silver light as it slashed at the Salandit.
The Team Skull grunts were quickly surrounded by opposing trainers, and Frankie recognized two of them from being the brats from Kukui’s lab earlier. But it was no matter. “Grimer! Pound!” He gave his order that led his Alolan Grimer to charge at Mikey and Sito.

“Okay Sito! Let loose a Leafage Attack!” The Rowlet flew off of Mikey’s shoulders, and fired three green balls of energy that exploded in the Grimer’s face, knocking him back.

Frankie glanced as his sister’s Salandit was smacked with a Metal Claw, while the other grunts weren’t doing so hot. All of the brats’ attacks had landed. “Retreat!” He called as him and the other grunts all hi-tailed it out of there.
"That's what you get!" Eric called out as his Rockruff barked at them angrily, as the two watched the grunts run off.

"Thank you all for defending my lab from those hooligans," Kukui stated as he stepped out the door, "Now if you'd follow me its time we go to Iki Town to meet with the Kahuna of the island, so that you may all truly begin your Island Challenge."
"Oh yeah!" Devin exclaimed as Chimchar jumped up and high-fived his trainer, "That was awesome!" Devin continued before Kukui woud begin talking and grabbing his attention.

"We're going to meet Kahuna Hala?!" Devin asked, clearly excited. He'd always wanted to meet the fighting-master Hala in person.
Kukui led the group of trainers past Hau'oli City and into a small town with few buildings in it. "Now this is Iki Town home to new trainers who take on the Island Challenge and the Island Kahuna," Kukui explained as he led everyone to a large wooden platform. "Now that's odd, I could have sworn I saw him here."

"What's up Professor?" Eric asked, as he looked around with the Professor for a brief moment, "Is the Kahuna not here?"

"Yeah but that's normal with him," Kukui answered, "Hey would you guys mind helping me look for him, he couldn't have gotten to far off." Eric agreed and was quick to run off towards Ten Carat Hill to look for the Kahuna.
Devin gave a confused look, but quickly acknowledge what Kukui said about this "being normal with him."

"Alright, I'll go search over here!" Devin exclaimed, pointing over toward the wooded area toward the back area of Iki town. The young trainer then ran into the woods to search for the missing Kahuna before tripping over a mound of loose dirt, kicking it everywhere and uncovering something odd.

"What the?" Devin managed to ask aloud before barely avoiding a String Shot to the head, it looked like he had just destroyed a Grubbin's home and the small, bug Pokemon was not happy about this. The Grubbin quickly jumped up and began to charge Devin with a Vice Grip attack.

Devin jumped out of the way and smirked, "That's it! I'm going to catch you!" The trainer exclaimed, "Chimchar, use Scratch!" Devin commanded, his partner obeyed and hit the Grubbin with the attack, "Great, now Ember!" Devin yelled.
"Char!" Chimchar yelled, shooting the attack from its mouth, doing major damage to the Grubbin. Devin gave a determined look a drew an empty Pokeball from his bag and chucked it at the Pokemon, thankfully hitting it. The trainer clenched his fists and stared at the Pokeball as it shook.

Devin looked at the Pokeball for a moment then realized that he had just caught the Grubbin! "Oh yeah! Good job buddy, we caught our first Pokemon!" Devin shouted for the whole world to here before running over the Pokeball and picking it up, the Grubbin was his.
Eric had made his way into Ten Caret Hill looking through the caves alongside Rockruff when a strange voice called out to him. "Stop right there kid," a voice echoed. Eric looked ahead to see someone who looked to be in their late teens standing alongside a crimson wolf-like Pokemon with a crow Pokemon perched on his shoulder, "I'm Crossbone, and you are going to hand over all the Pokemon you own, along with everything in your bag," the guy demanded as he stepped closer.
"No way Cross-whatever," Eric shouted back as Rockruff barked in agreement with Eric.
"Fine, Lycanroc Stone Edge!" Crossbone ordered, the wolf Pokemon stepped up and slammed it's fist against the ground causing rocks to erupt in a line heading straight for Eric. Eric grabbed Rockruff and jumped out of the way at the last second falling to the ground and rolling near the edge of a ravine with a river at the bottom.
"Rockruff use Hidden Power," Eric ordered as he got up, Rockruff's body glowed as it fired a blast of energy towards the Lycanroc. The attack hit dead on but barely seemed to phase the wolf Pokemon.
"Rock Slide now!" Lycanroc's eyes gained a violent look in it's eyes as it summoned several boulders and fired them straight Eric and Rockruff.
"Rockruff, use Rock Throw!" Eric called out, Rockruff's tail began glowing as it fired smaller rocks at the boulders but were just smashed instead.
While everyone else ran off, Mikey stopped and looked around. "If I was a Kahuna, where would I go? Maybe there is some kind of Pokemon who needs help." The boy scratched his chin. "Sito, maybe we should get an aerial look. Would you mind hitting the sky?" Mikey asked the Rowlet that was now perched on his shoulder. The Grass and Flying type gave a happy chirp and took to the skies. As he flew ahead into the forest, while Mikey followed behind him.

The woods were thick as Mikey traveled through them, and looked around. Mikey knew who the man was, and was ready to call him out by name, as did most people on Melemele Island. "Kahuna Hala!" Mikey called out loudly.
"Hey who keeps calling?" a young boy muttered, the boy wore yellow shorts as well as a black shirt and his name was Hau. Hau walked through some bushes to find Mikey calling out Hala's name, "Hey kid are you looking for my Tutu?" Hau called to Mikey and his Rowlet, "Because if you are I can show you the way."

-Back in Ten Caret Hill-
The Rockslide shattered the Rock Throw causing boulders to crash into the cliff sending both Eric and his Rockruff falling towards the river, with a large splash. "What a waste," Crossbone muttered as he recalled his Lycanroc and left to go deeper into the cave. Eric raced down the river gasps of air while at the same time trying to find something to grab onto so he could pull both himself and Rockruff to safety, 'There's gotta be something I can grab onto' Eric thought to himself before feeling a tight grip around his arm.
After all the other trainers split up to help the professor find the Hala that left Kell by himself to wonder where to look. From what I read about the kahunas they are chosen by the guardian deities of Alola, Kell thought to himself as he pulls out a map, "Judging from this map the Ruins of Conflict are not that far from here that is where I should check first" Kell said to himself making his way down the Mahalo Trail after walking for sometime Kell is met with a large wooden bridge over a massive precipice. As Kell was making his way slowly across he couldn't help but look down.

Oh man that's a pretty deep fall, Kell thought to himself quickly shaking away his fears he kept onward towards the ruins.