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aRX'S aRT Thread...

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RX those pictures are both amazing. Can't say too much for the manga piece, othere than amazing line-art. It
s always so crisp and fresh looking. Amazing, as always.

As for the chibi birthday pic, you did an amazing job. Loved the "To Middy" on the axe, that got a laugh. Thanks again for agreeing to help us by drawing this.

RX gets a ten out of ten for awesome.
As always, RX, absolutely fantastic work. They always have such clean lineart, its amazing :o

Great addition to the Dani-birthday-bucket too :)


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Nice Manga style, though I bet those lines were indeed tedious. I'm liking the city, the slightly cracked buildings are interesting.

Your style and perfect, crisp line are is perfect for Manga.
Awesome on the manga RX. It looks like one you could easily be one of the artists for the Pokémon Manga. It's that great.

Swell job.
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Due to the overwhelming number (TWO!) of entries, I have decided to award my first prize to the only two who bothered to enter at all Silver Magpie and Katie And thanks to these two for gracing me with two impressive names for my fictional city. With Silver providing an English-sounding name and Katie a Japanese one, I decided to combine their efforts, and now the formerly unnamed city shalt now be known as


And as promised, the reward for these two shall be that they shall be appearing as characters in future pages of the manga. Yeah, not much of a prize, but its about all I can do :p

So here's the premiere of page 2, with our first of two special guests...


Hell yeah, I went there.​

Yeah, this manga is still frelling weird to draw.
But of course. Next panel though. My tech pen just died too. This time we mourn the loss of Go, my 0.5 tech pen. She was in charge of Panel Borders ;_;


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
First the other pen, and now this...? D: It's a tech pen tragedy! ;-;

R.I.P. Hax's other pen.

And maaan, this is nice. But should I be at all surprised when it's you designing it? XP Brock being typical Brock is adorable in RX-style XD

And hey, as far as prizes go, that works for me ^^
Win. Pure and simple.

Also, Long Live Go, RX's tech pen.

And of course, Croagunk should make an appearance.

And it looks awesome either way your draw it RX.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member

I know I have a vocabulary somewhere... it just seems to be failing me right now...

I have no way of explaining how awesome this is, nor can I describe the noise I made when I saw it. It was like;
"Oh wow, awesome. Wait... it that... me? ^________^

The hair is just perfect, it looks exactly like mine, only better. I love what I'm wearing, it's so Magpie-ish. So are the little feathers in my hair. I was speechless (aside from the noise) when I saw it. And the sparkles! How I love them ^^

I can just picture myself wearing those clothes, with trusty old Thunderdog by my side and a Murkrow on my shoulder... I
*le gasp* I haven't posted in three piccus. D: I feel ashamed of myself.

Anywhoo, the birthday piccu for Middy is pure win. I like how you craftily placed the other three amazons in the front. Figs and cake, lolz, I haven't seen him around in aaaages. Nem getting hammered somehow seems fitting, sleeping Ruko makes me think of how he's AFK in the chat alot. ^_^ And I approve of yours and Sem's expressions.

(One of these days, you'll have to let me try to color your arts.)

As for the comic, the style is very close to Sugimori, but it still has that RX feel to it. I can't say much for panel placement ect. ect. because I'm moreso versed in Western Comics versus Eastern Manga. And I can't beleived no-one has said this yet but, NO NURSE JOY?! In a Poke'mon Center? And the 'grin~', something smells funny and it's not the Croagunk. D:​


The comic strip is superb! Brock looks great in it.
Yes, this does demand a Croagunk appearance.
Anyways, your line art is as great as ever.

Keep it up!
Man alive, your art is as amazing as ever. The Soul Caliber chibis were really cool looking and, as everyone pointed out, incredibly detailed. Excluding my own for the moment, I'd be definitely hard-pressed to pick a favorite, just because they all turned out excellently.

The birthday picture is amusing. :p

And lastly, the comic... you seem to have characterization nailed so far (inasmuch as you can characterize in two pages), and again, I'm just really impressed by the art quality.

Taking a break from the sheer weirdness of the manga


Yup...totally not weird at all.​

RX in all formes and affiliates. Clockwise from bottom right corner: RX with Buizilla, Ruin, Mudkip Ninja, Hax aka aR.eXe, Ruin the Pikachu, Rocket X, Amazonian Husky.

Missing Altered Acid Forme, Carlos Ruvichs aka The Witness, AV Bluez, Altered Acid Bluez, Minnow, Soundwave, Cybertronian Buizilla and Pokemon Trainer Forme. Random picture is randoooom. One day I suddenly decided to draw as many of my aliases and chat weapons as possible. :p Of course this severely lacks several, but that's what you get for not thinking ahead and cramming a 50 foot tall semi-aquatic mammal into a piece of paper.

And for something a tad different.


Ivalice is such a lovely place, yes? A rather old character I designed for the odds that a Tactics RP or Fanfic might stem from my love of Ivalice. This be Valen Madel a Viera fencer. I am in the process of stabbing my scanner for cutting of her foot >:V


Yup. Both these drawings are great. I really like the first one because the giant Buizel looks cute.
The design on the clothes of the second one is beautiful.

Keep it up!
Saw them in Chat already, and like usual, they are awesome.

And of course, the picture of all your personas rock.

Swicked Job.
While she looks to me to be terribly skinny, your art style and attention to detail is as mind boggling as ever. Keep those fingers of yours safe.

Your line art is so clean, I'm getting jealous. I can't for the life of me keep flowing lines. *shakes fist*


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Scanners stem from evil.

That's a lot of aliases, methinks you did an awesome job getting that many in the picture as it is. I love the composition of them all and your use of space. Ruin looks so cute sat up there and Buizilla is just so epic ^^

*Is killed by the detail*

Thats a lot of swirls and one of the most beautiful outfits I've ever seen. Your character designs never fail to amaze me, but this one is in its own league of awesome. Beautiful.
Scanners stem from evil.

That's a lot of aliases, methinks you did an awesome job getting that many in the picture as it is. I love the composition of them all and your use of space. Ruin looks so cute sat up there and Buizilla is just so epic ^^

I agree. Teh Rx haz many names. But damnit you should have included Soundwave! >:(
I'll sorely consider it when I see Movie Soundwave, as its the Soundwave I'd be more akin too, either that or Animated Soundwave. :p


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyways. That group picture of your persona-like characters is bloody epic for so many different reasons. The husky having those shoulder-mounted swords reminds me of Repede, and I spy a Rocket X! ^^

The lineart on your Viera character is beautiful work, too. I like the shade you did it in as opposed to straight black :)
Nice pictures, as always RX.

Yeah, the scanner needs to die.
I know, Scan the bit of foot that's missing and attach it digitally to the rest of the picture. *shot*
(No, don't do that. >>)

Ahem, all humor aside, nice detail on the fencer. ^^
I think my love for fighting games is fairly obvious now. I've done pieces with great inspiration from Blazblue, Soul Calibur, and Super Smash Brothers. But I think I'm still lacking something. The King of Fighting Games...

The King of Iron Fist Tournament.
Tekken, fuck yeah. (King title varies in opinion of course)


You gotta love Middy and El. The sheer number of their pics on member's pic thread make great references.​
RX...oh my god.. :O You amaze me every time.. The group picture is so awesome :p 50 foot mammal for the win xD And of course, Amazonian Husky =D I like the spacing as well ^^ Very nice as always. Also, with the Viera character has a beautiful shading, like an antique style :D


O.O That looks so...so..beautiful ^_^ I have to say, I love my outfit. Like I want it, really bad o.o Also, the video with Lili is badass xD I want to but that game now and play as her just because she just destroyed Bryan, her end line, and the fact that she kicks ass :D

I think El looks awesome with the hat, I love his glasses as well :p His outfit is fabulous, as always ^^

Hax looks superb :D I'm loving his expression and of course everything else :D

And as always the detail and line work are beautiful ^_^
Hax, those robotic arms are awesome!

And as everyone already knows, El always has the best outfit. I love the detail on the sleeve!

Midnight's wrist-doohickeys (the word escapes me) are beautiful! The detail and the dimensions look perfect. I want a pair so badly now.
Amazing RX. Simply amazing. The details you put in. They always look magnificent and you always go the extra mile. Amazing.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
They both look awesome, RX!

I love the semi-realistic style, you certainly have a huge talent for pulling of different styles beautifully. Their outfits are awesome and beautifully designed, both with intricate patterns and perfect lineart. I love El's hat, I really do XD
I think it is the reason for his 'Cowboy feel', although I also think the patterns on his clothes suggest it too.

Awesome as usual ^^
Right then, something rather awesome just occurred to me...


So our mods as respected senior members are tasked with teaching the newbies to the forum how it flows in its typical Pokecharms manner, and I noticed they each have an individual quirk that can be related to certain subjects in school. A few brainstorms and what-not and ta-dah! Welcome to 'Charms School! Lording it over the whole scene is Principal Alex Oak a charismatic and downright awesome man most likely to never bee seen until the end of the series but blows everyone's minds away by being such an awesome educator. When it comes to History and all its grandeur and useless trivia, none can compare to the fantastic mind of Professor Katie, Charms' resident Historian and to some extent event and news chronicler. Then there's the lovely Professor Rachel Lordess of all things Home Economics. However that's just a cover up for the fact that she is in fact the close combat and ninjitsu teacher for the campus. By day she cooks, talks about Health and Lifestyle planning, but by night she puts those utensils to deadly use.

Of course, a student's health is one of utmost importance, that's why no one is better for the job then School Nurse Jet Who also teaches Health class and is an assistant in Rachel's ninjitsu seminars. Then we have the ever intrepid Hypotenuse Man The master of all things Mathematic. As brilliant a calculator as he is, the man is more akin to Detective work, hence he moderates the school's Sleuthing club after classes are over. Digitally illiterate? Enroll in one of Professor Ruko's easy guides to Computer Mastery. Just be sure to catch him at a good time, else you may find him asleep at the desk.

If creativity is your sort of thing, then you should definitely have a gander at Professor Sami's Art classes. She will mold you into a work of art and beauty, or go nuts and impale you several times with art materials. Either way, a masterpiece is bound to be discovered. But if you are not skilled with the paints and pastels, then perhaps Creative writing is for you. Under the watchful eye of the eccentric Professor Sem He will mold you into a true poet, or someone of brilliant fan ficcing calibre. Of course, those interested in the phonetic arts can find a place in Professor El's Music and Theatre class. Professor El is a brilliant director of such famous and romantic musicals. He's currently looking for a few starlets for his own doubly melodramatic version of High School Musical.

Need to buff up or learn a new sport? Then enroll in Coach Nem's Human Kinetics class. He will teach you all sorts of things, but be wary, he might pick you to demonstrate a Flying Spinning Falcon Divebomb Kick. However, we at Charms University know that it is not enough to mold the body, the mind is just as important. Hence we introduce you to our accomplished Science Teachers, Professor Baratron under the exciting world of Chemistry, and the strict, demanding, but frelling brilliant Professor Stellarwind Elsydeon for Biology. So what are you waiting for? Enroll in our one-of-a-kind classes today!



FIIIIIIIIINALLY got this thing done. Although now its in a totally new style :V I was playing Tekken a bit, so now Alex is the head of some Shady Financial Group, complete with Genomech Bodyguard and Chikorita.



Something of an exchange to Silver Magpie for her awesomeness :D



Lol Giant Semi-aquatic Mammals. While Sami is loving her new oversized Aquamor, it does not exactly approve of being a glorified couch.
I must laugh at Stel and Ruko's expressions.

Sem's also pretty good.
I'm loving Silver Magppie and her Manectric.
Giant Aquamor is awesome ^^


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
RX... That picture, matched with that big ol' description... You just rocked so many worlds XD After sticking names to all the chibi (which wasn't much hard at all), I realized that you've got a nice style down for each of the characters now. My only design change request would be Sem's. You gotta take his blind eye into account! XD

As for Alex's and Magpie's pics... they're both frelling awesome. Doctor Oak looks completely badass, the robot looks nifty, and I approve of the random Chikorita. It suits the pic as Alex's partner ^^

Magpie's picture also stands out me a lot because her character hasn't been drawn much. I love how you did the darker design patches on the jacket, and the pants suit her nicely. That hair thing is rather cute, too. It's a great pose - she just looks so relaxed - and the Raibolt at her side is great.

And lolz. Semhat ^^
Charms School for the win :p Everything looks amazing, and I agree with Shado, Stel's expression xD I love how you matched everyone with some sort of position at the school.

Magpie and Manectric look awesome as well ^^ She does look very relaxed, and I think placing her by a window helped.

Alex's expression and the Genomech Bodyguard look like he is about to hurt someone with the badass Chikorita.

Giant Aquamor plus Sami lol. ^^

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
(breaks into song) BUNNIES, BUNNIES, IT MUST BE BUNNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIES! ... Or maybe chibis?

I'm all... DEATH INCARNATE!~ and HL is like ^^;;; at it all... XD

And everyone looks frelling awesome.

As ever your art never fails to amaze. ^^

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
... *quickly enrolls in teh 'Charms School*

I really wish that was real; I would sooooo enroll. Perhaps I'll take a few science classes (Stel, arm blades ripping his lab coat, and his expression are, like, awesome!), plus Sem's Creative Writing class and TBA's math class. Pl us Ruko's computer classes and perhaps Katiechu's history classes. Lulz, nurse Plapti/Plaps/Jetters/Jet. XD

I'm really loving that Aquamor and Sami piccu for some odd reason; maybe it's just their expression. And Magpie and Manetric are awesomely well done.

Alex there in that second piccu scaaaaaaaares me... D: but nevertheless, it still looks good. ^^

EDIT: I would want to be in El's music classes if he wasn't teaching theater as well. Theater kills me.
Hehe, I'd be with Ruko all day :D

Hope he likes me :3

Fantastic work once more RX, I love these massive group shots :)
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