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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
The night passed fairly uneventfully - and after a quick, early breakfast the three set off again. This time, they headed north, leaving Jubilife behind through Route 204.

It was a quiet morning - Pokemon lifesigns were all around, but none chose to make a point to make their presence known. Young trainers hot for battle were, unusually, rather absent. It was a quiet day.

Well, ALMOST quiet. Siegfried thought it would be a hillarious time to practice some rather energetic riffs. Glenn couldn't help but wonder what was the reason the little electric ghost felt inclined to provide the group with an overworld music wherever they walked. What was this, some kind of multi-million-dollar RPG franchise?

It wasn't too long before they came to the tunnel. In comparison to Oreburgh Gate, the tunnel wasn't nearly as impressive. According to the town map, the tunnel was known to many as the Ravaged Path, and it was stated that one should watch for cave-ins if they were to travel beyond the stabilized section. They opted not to go beyond it - the last thing they needed was another cave adventure. They had a forest adventure to get to instead.

Clearing the short tunnel, the three trainers finally emerged upon the higher level of Route 204 - a rather nicely forested hill. Afternoon was approaching its end, and by the time the sun began to set, they crossed the wooden archway that denoted the entrance to Floaroma Town.

As its name suggested, the Floaroma air was awash with the vivid scents of flowers and grass, and many flowerbeds grew, bright and vivid, almost everywhere. It was a small town - practically a village, actually - and yet, it was by no means sparsely populated. Glenn could understand why - it seemed like a lovely place to live in - not too far from a major city (regardless of the fact the city in question was Jubilife) But far away enough to be surrounded by nature.

He could come to like it here.

"Well." Glenn smiled, taking in the air - it seemed to brighten his mood instantaneously "I think we have plenty of time to check this place out before we hit the PokeMon center and get ourselves some sleep. Might be a good idea to check on your supplies - Eterna Forest -will- require at least a couple of campsites..."


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Fida did as was suggested, entering the town's small PokéMart to stock up on whatever she needed. Between Rin and Elvia the girl had little need for items such as Antidote or Burn Heal, but, luck did favor the prepared, and the girl kept a small stock with her just in case. Walking the isles, she scanned the merchandise, making sure she had everything she needed.

After paying for her things she sat outside and organized them into her pack, which really was rather organized thanks to a number of Item Balls, which also made her bag light and easy to carry. Standing she gazed around, inhaling the sweet scent of the flowers and proceeded to explore the village. It certainly was a nice place, and she didn't know if she'd ever come back, so it was a good idea to take as much of it in as she could.

And so she did, trotting through the vast flowerbeds and finding a place to simply rest her legs a bit. She could hear the sounds of pokémon all around her, and many of them were easily seen from where she sat. Scores of butterfree and beautifly could be seen going from flower to flower, and the buzz of the occasional beedrill or combee would reach her ears.

It was almost dark by the time Fida decided to head back to the center. a few mothim had appeared by now, waking up just in time to ambush a combee or two for its honey as it made its way back to its hive.

Passing by the 'Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop', Fida received a free Sitrus Berry. After thanking the woman who gave it to her she continued on to the Pokémon Center. She didn't know if Glenn or Aria had already checked in, but she decided to do so now before heading for dinner.

This particular center was full of flowers, which certainly did give a cheery atmosphere. The nurse herself, who seemed pleasant, sported a flower that was tucked behind her ear. Once she had received her room key she went over to the computers that stood against the back wall. Turning it on she typed in a number on the keypad and waiting until she heard a ring.

"Fida!" came the familiar sound of Mrs. Aquais' voice. "Good evening." The face of the girl's adoptive mother flickered onto the screen.

"Hi," Fida smiled. "I'm in Floaroma town - it's very pretty here."

"Floaroma? Yes it is pretty, and you're making quick progress aren't we?"

"Yeah, a lot of walking," she nodded, feeling her tired feet. "I, uhm, just wanted to check in, oh! And I wanted to send Magnemite back, the one you let me borrow."

"Oh? Is the other one behaving?"

"Yes, he's much better now," she nodded again.

"Alright, give me a second..." she set to pressing a sequence of buttons, prepping the transfer mechanism on her end. "Ready."

Placing the Pokéball on the machine, Fida pressed a button and watched as a white light enveloped the ball before it completely vanished.

"Got it," Mrs. A informed her, holding the sphere in her hand and showing it on-screen. "Oops, Toby needs me," she muttered, looking away from the screen at something. "Talk to you later, dear."

"Bye," Fida curved her lips and waved before the screen blanked out, 'Call Ended' appeared on the screen in red text.

Pushing in her chair she walked to the cafeteria for her meal, which consisted of pasta with a small salad. After that she retired to her room for the night, as she was going to need her strength for the next day.
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Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Aria saluted to Glenn slightly, wandering off in the direction of the PokéMart. Now that she was earning some money through battling, she wouldn't have to rely on her mother's funds for much longer. She would have enough to get her own supplies now.

Eterna Forest was sure to be filled with bug PokéMon, so it was best to be prepared for that. Aria went in and saw that they had a kit that looked good for Eterna Forest - it had some Paralyze Heals, Antidotes, potions and a couple of Awakenings as well. She purchased that along with some food for the road, putting all of it into one of her storage balls.

Aria furrowed her brow slightly in thought as she came out of the PokéMart, and pulled out the Heal Ball with Rose in it. She hated the pink color scheme of it, and wondered slightly if it was at all possible to change the appearance of it somehow. She looked around and noticed the Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop, deciding to step in and have a look.

One of the girls immediately walked up to her, handing her a blue-ish berry with green leaves covering the top. She recognized it as a Rawst Berry, known for it's supposed bitter taste and ability to cure burns. She thanked the woman, putting it into another of her storage balls. She then walked up to the front to talk to the blonde woman at the counter.

"Hello there," said the woman cheerfully. "How may I help you? Our shop trades accessories for berries people find in the wild."

"Actually," replied Aria in a bit of a bored drawl, "I was wondering if you knew of a place that could sell me paints, because I want to change the look of these Heal Balls. Never been a big fan of pink." She pursed her lips slightly, holding out Rose's PokéBall as an example.

"Oh, certainly. That would be our shop," replied the woman, turning around to a shelf behind her. On it were a lot of different accessories with the number of berries one would have to trade to get them. A refrigerator stood beside it, no doubt there to hold all the berries they got. After a short while the woman turned back to her, with a set of paints and paintbrush.
"These paints can stick to PokéBalls no problem, miss."

"Thank you." said Aria sternly, simply choosing to pay for the whole thing. She nodded her head slightly and made her way out to the PokéMon Center, admiring the flowers that grew naturally around her. She paid special attention to the ones that were colored red or orange, loving their vibrancy and beauty.

She finally made it back, sitting down at one of the counters almost immediately. She pulled out the set of paints, also pulling out Rose's PokéBall. Aria contemplated ways to paint it, soon beginning the design she had in mind. Every stroke of the paintbrush was delicately placed, the artist in her flowing through her fingers as they gripped the brush.

After a while she was pleased with her handiwork. The previously pink ball was now red on the bottom and black on the top. A red rose design was meticulously placed onto the top of the PokéBall, to signify the PokéMon lying within. around the edges she painted green lines, opting for the central part of it to be silver. It was truly a masterfully crafted work of art.

She decided that when she caught things with Heal Balls, she would do this from now on. With that in mind, she got up to get her room key some dinner for herself and her companions, enjoying the meal for what it was worth. Tomorrow would be the start of a long journey to Eterna, after all.

After they were all finished, she turned in to rest herself, leaving a note on the door to say where she was. Just in case.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
With his travelling companions gone off to do their things, Glenn pondered what was he to do in the meantime. Picking up supplies would be a good idea - He did end up using some of his during the training sessions of the last few days. He still had four of the five PokéBalls that Professor Rowan gave him - enough for now. He preferred to focus on a few partners for now rather than train a full blown compartment of creatures. Metalica's diversity should be rather useful against the greater challenge ahead - the Gym Leader of Eterna, confirmed to specialize in the Grass-type by the guidebook - and he could pick up a bug-type or a flying-type somewhere in Eterna Forest to back the Steel-type up, just in case.

Eterna Forest. That was the more immediate challenge, the one that he had to plan for even before Eterna's gym became an issue. Crossing the great, ancient forest would be a long and daunting task, one that would take at least a day and a half - possibly even two - to accomplish. He heard the paths through the woods were marked well, but that it was still easy to get lost. He'd have to plan a route that would allow them to see the sights but not spend weeks wandering and emerge near some phantom train station to the spirit world or something.

"Well, at least Sieg and Elvia would feel right at home." he murmured as he made his way to the PokéMart - where he purchased another med-kit, just in case - travelling through a forest for days did not have the benefit of PokéMon Centers - he should be prepared for any eventuality. He also took care to purchase more food ingredients - travelling and camping out and away from PokéMon Centers would require setting up some actual food every once in a while.

"Thank deities for Item Balls," he thought to himself momentarily as he organized his food-type purchases into a cooler-type container, absorbed it into an Item Ball and placed it in his guitar case's front pocket with the rest of his supplies "I wonder how trainers got by without them in the past."

With supplies acquired, there was just the matter of planning a route. He needed a place where he could think.


He found that place in the Floaroma Meadow. There, sitting on a wooden bench and surrounded by flowers, he sat down to plot a route. Using his satellite-tracking map device and whatever loose information he found in his guidebook he slowly set up markers on the map, zooming it in as much as he could - prospective campsites, areas of particular interest, the works - while keeping up as much openness for flexibility. Eventualities could always happen - territory squabbles of PokéMon, falling trees, sudden weather conditions, migrations of voracious flying man-eating Magikarp swarms - you could never tell, really.

Well, except for the bit about flying, man-eating Magikarps. Those only happened on alternate Tuesdays and even so, only when absolutely no one was watching.

Content - for a while, at least - with his route, Glenn Hendrix stretched, taking out his guitar and striking a few soft notes. There was something in the meadow that made him peaceful, and the nature of the melody that followed was peaceful as well. Even Siegfried - who was, for the moment, displaced from the guitar again - did not seem to particularly mind handing the instrument over.

Glenn's melody went on for a while longer before a soft humming caught his ears and he paused, turning a gaze to its source.

The source of the hum was a young woman who sort of jumped the moment he noticed her, blushing softly - the light redness that came to her face rather contrasting with the general green theme she seemed to have. Her eyes were a radiant green and she had very long forest-green hair, done back in what looked like a very thick braid - and seemed to have much natural volume. She was clad in a mix of greens and dark browns - dark brown leather knee-high boots and what looked like a complex dress composed of a long, forest-green pleated skirt - only slightly more muted than her hair color - and a dark brown blouse with thin black stripes on it - over which she wore some kind of a lighter green, white rimmed over-jacket that buttoned once at the base of her neck. She looked a little like she could be a dryad of some sort - and Glenn could not deny to himself that she was very pretty.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to intrude..." she said - she had a soft voice, a nice midrange in pitch "I just let my mind wander, that is all."

"It's okay. You just caught me a bit off-guard, that's all." Glenn chuckled nervously "I wasn't expecting an audience."

"I wasn't expecting a soundtrack." she giggled softly — it sounded almost like crystal bells hanging on branches "My name is Cheryl."

"Glenn. Glenn Hendrix." Glenn replied with a smile — the initial awkwardness at the meeting slightly easing. "Are you from around here?"

"Not exactly," She said, "Though I come here often. It's a good way stop before - and after - travelling through Eterna Forest."

"That's where we're heading tomorrow, me and my travelling companions." Glenn smiled brightly "We're on a journey, currently en route to Eterna City. Do you know the forest well?"

"I've come to know it very well, yes." Cheryl replied confidently, her voice melting into a little blissful sigh, eyes looking distant for a moment, as if she was traversing the forest in her mind at that very moment "It's a beautiful place, full of roads less-traveled and wonders to be discovered..."

"I don't suppose you'd mind taking a look and seeing if there's a better route to go through than the one I planned?" Glenn asked the woman, his voice lightly shaking her from her little trance "I'd appreciate any sort of input right now."

"Well, let's have a look." the woman said. She shot a quick look to the bench, and Glenn nodded, moving a bit to the side to offer to girl more room to sit down. She nodded a silent thank-you, and sat down by his side as he handed her his navigational instrument.

"Hnn." she said, looking at the map and pointing out locations on it as she talked "Seems like the route I normally take when I'm just crossing the forest - though if I were you I'd take this road over here, rather than this one. I know it sounds crazy because it's longer - but then, if you take this junction, it takes you to a perfect little campsite that not a lot of people know about - and the path from there leads directly to this point - which I can see you've already marked - and gets there faster."

She turned her eyes to him "So I'd say it's worth it."

"Sounds excellent to me." the trainer smiled brightly at the woman. She handed him the device back - and he added the new alternative route to the map. "Thank you very much, Cheryl."

"You're very welcome, Glenn." she said, smiling back just as brightly. The trainer could feel himself blushing a little — the woman's gaze along with her smile made her look even prettier.

They just sat there for a little while in silence — the slightly awkward silence of people trying to figure out what to say next.

"So, um, this tune you were playing. Is it, er, one of yours?" the green-haired woman eventually asked "I've never heard it before."

"Yes, it is." Glenn replied "Sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing. I do that when things inspire me and I let my mind wander. I don't remember half of the things my mind comes up with later..."

There was a strange synthesized-sounding chirp from nearby, which made Glenn turn his eyes to the ground. Suddenly, Siegfried levitated, shooting Glenn a little semi-frustrated glare — the sort of "Sigh, it went like this look — and then transforming into the swirl of orange-and-blue energies and flowing into the guitar's amplifier port. Slowly, the melody filled the air again - with slight variations as the Rotom enjoyed adding its own touches. The girl was surprised for a few seconds — but then giggled softly, humming along for a moment.

"I see your companion is equally talented." she grinned.

"He tends to be." Glenn chuckled a little nervously "That would be Siegfried... My first PokéMon, partner in music, resident guitar dweller, background music provider and... well, as it appears, a part-time recording studio. Do you have any interesting partners?"

"Well, I have a Chansey." she said "You don't see many of those around, at least, not with people who aren't Nurses named Joy."

"No relation, I assume?" Glenn tilted his head sideways

"Not at all." she giggled, lightly touching her hand to her heart "I'm actually from a family of treasure hunters - so I'm on the road a lot. Actually, my latest adventure took me to a few really interesting ruins near Solaceon..."


They spent a while longer discussing their adventures - Cheryl recounting her journeys throughout the region and giving Glenn some very useful information that would help him plan his journey ahead - and Glenn talking about his journey so far and his companions - both human and PokéMon. Eventually, they decided to introduce each other to their respective PokéMon companions. Metalica seemed to take an immediate liking to the woman when they were introduced, though it was harder for Glenn to identify what the the woman's Chansey thought about him - like the rest of her species, the Chansey was very cheerful, very friendly and most of all, very pink. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Glenn always wondered if the species secretly had plans for world domination and used their advanced medical skills as an excuse to get closer to the heart of humanity so they may one day overthrow them and lead the world to a new age of pink, fuzzy terror.

Time flew by - and eventually even the two of them realized it. Finally getting up, Cheryl and Glenn walked together towards the exit from the meadow. The two decided that they should certainly sit down and chat again if they ran into each other, and exchanged PokeDex IDs - so they could have at least some form of contact. They parted with a little hug — initiated by her, to his slightly surprise — and went their separate ways.

Glenn's way, specifically, led him to the PokeMon Center. He had a rather uneventful dinner, and then he made a line to the Vidphones — he hasn't talked to his parents in a few days, and he figured now would be a good time — especially since he was going to more or less vanish off the grid for a day or three.

The phone rang once or twice, when it was suddenly answered by a rich baritone voice that was still offscreen.

"Be there in a minute!" the voice said, and then assumed a dangerous tone "I got you now, fuzzball!" There was a sound of frantic squawking, and something large and feathery zoomed past the camera and landed on the floor with a THUMP.

The thump clearly got the vid-phone on the other side off-balance as its camera swiveled lightly downwards to reveal the identity of the thing — a large and particularly frazzled-looking Male Dodrio, its three heads expressing what looked more like confusion, frustration and resignation than the typical happiness, sadness and anger — and its legs bound together by a rope that was clearly just slung. A man's silhouette walked into the frame, casting a shadow on the large bird "Now, WHAT did I tell you about charging into the house, hmm?" said the voice "Do you want to go back in the ball?"

The bird's expressions all shifted into a look of horror — whoever the man was, he was staring down all three of the bird's faces — definitely not an easy task.

"Now don't give me that look." He said in a voice — stern, firm, but obviously holding back amusement "Just calm down and say you're sorry."

The bird paused, its heads exchanging confused looks, before finally shifting into an apologetic, almost pathetic expression. The three heads squawked one after another — bowing their heads down. From the bird's fallen vantage point on the floor, it looked almost comical.

"That's better." Said the man's voice — and he bowed down to untie the bird's legs — getting into the frame for a moment, turning a steel-blue gaze to the camera to notice the slightly amused trainer's face "Oh, Hello, Glenn. How's your journey going?"

The man was Stephen Hendrix, Glenn's father. The family resemblance was immediately apparent — there was much similarity between their faces — the same steel-blue eyes and olive-ish complexion (though Stephen's was slightly deeper), and a generally similar facial structure. Glenn, however, inherited his mother's nose and eyebrows — Stephen's nose had a bit of a steeper curve and had the characteristic kink formed by a broken nose, and had wilder eyebrows. He also sported a trimmed beard and moustache, and his hair - long and done in a ponytail, with a pair of long bangs falling along the sides of his face — was darker and more reddish than Glenn's.

Their general build was similar as well — though Stephen was a bit more top-heavy and broader shoulder than his son's. He was clad in dark jeans, combat boots and a black, sleeveless shirt. His ponytail was held in one piece by an intricately carved wooden bracer — with a similar carving style to that of Glenn's — and hanging loosely by a leather string around his neck was a large fang — a Gyarados fang, as the matter of fact. All these and the intricate tribal-looking tattoo on his right arm gave him a bit of a fierce look — a bit like some kind of a barbarian warrior. His taming of the large bird added even more to the impression.

"Going just fine, Dad." Glenn chuckled, waving "WTF still giving you problems?"

"Well, ya know, he was never entirely right in the head. Heads." Glenn's father replied, petting the bird's heads, ruffling their white-patched red feather-crests as if to reassure them. The bird's expressions registered annoyance, a sneer, and a 'Hmph', all at the same time — but the trainer knew that the large avian wasn't really offended.WTF was simply always like that.

WTF was not the bird's actual name — the Dodrio did not have an official singular nickname, because its heads could not agree on one. One of Stephen's oldest companions from his original homeland of the Orange Islands, the large flying-type was simply full of personality — sadly, it was too full of personality to keep it in one piece, and so it opted to have three instead. Stephen came to jokingly refer to the Dodrio's heads as 'Whiskey', 'Tango' and 'Foxtrot' - and the names stuck. Sooner or later the bird just came to accept it.

"So. What's been going on?" Stephen helped the large avian up and readjusted the camera — emphasizing just how ridiculous the situation was — Stephen was by no means a short man, but the bird was at least a head taller than him, and that wasn't even with its necks fully extended. "Where are you? What'd you start with?"

"Floaroma. Sorry for not calling earlier — had a few really busy days. What did I start with…Believe it or not, a Rotom." Glenn began, recounting Siegfried's capture to his dad, who couldn't help but burst into a deep laughter "Now, THAT sounds like a battle! Reminds me of the time Tango decided he could make the rest dance."

"Oh deities, I remember that alright." Glenn laughed "Mom was furious. Speaking of which, Where's mother?"

"In the reverse fish-tank, where else." Stephen said, rolling his eyes "Honestly, they've been keeping her there too long lately. She says that she's starting to get tired of seeing Lumineons."

Glenn's mother, Camille, was a scientist, specializing in advanced scientific instruments - currently employed by the marine research institute of Canalave — a large underwater observatory, which Camille and Stephen both tended to refer to as the "reverse fish-tank" ("We're a glorified aquarium, with people in the tank and the fish are outside watching US to pass the time.") Her analytical nature and quick observations made her quite a valued member of the staff — and lately, her job has been keeping her in rather late due to a large migration of Lumineon through the area.

"Still?" Glenn rolled his eyes — it's been a few weeks now "Are they SURE the Lumineon aren't going around in circles just to spite them?"

"Could be. Red-eyed bastards, probably stoned." Stephen rolled his eyes "I remember in my day, we didn't worry about fancy neon-fish who can't decide where they want to be — we were more worried about having our boats rammed by vicious territorial Seakings and…"

"Yes, yes, I know, rabid man-eating Magikarp off the port bow." Glenn chuckled.

"I was thinking more to the line of giant mutant Tentacruel, but yeah." Stephen grinned. "So. Your Guitar-Hero of a Rotom aside, what else?"

"Well, I got a Mawile in Oreburgh Gate, somehow…" Glenn replied "And I beat Roark. And now I'm travelling around with these two girls, and we're hitting Eterna Forest tomorrow. How've things been back home?"

"Well, you know this house — never a dull moment." He patted the Dodrio's back slightly "But the old gang have been mostly calm. No stampedes all over Canalave quite yet!"

"Good, keep it that way. I'd like to have a home to come back to when we get there. Besides, I think the creepy guy with the purple beard might be offended if your guys left giant holes all over his city."

"I think he'd love these holes, but then, how am I to know what the crazy bastard thinks?"

For a second, Glenn had a terrible sense of déjà vu, but he stifled it.

"Well, dad, I should probably get some sleep… Got a long damn day tomorrow. I'm navigating." He said.
"Of course you are." Stephen grinned "You're my son, after all — you have my almighty sense of direction!"

"And the common sense of my mother — that's why I'm relying on a satellite-tracking map. Wouldn't want to end up taking the left turn at Alamos and end up in Hoenn through some contrived plot device involving a pod of Lugia and a berserk Haunter."

"Aww, you've heard that one before." Stephen mock-frowned. "And it was a Gengar."


Bidding each other good night, the conversation ended. Glenn checked into a room and crashed as soon as his head hit the pillow. He had to wake up early tomorrow… The next leg of their journey was afoot.

OOC: And somewhere in the real world, the person who wrote this post groaned at the pun he made himself. Also at the epic length of this post. SEVEN BLOODY PAGES, Stel, what the Hades.
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The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Morning came quickly, and after a sound sleep Fida rose in order to prepare herself for the coming day. After a quick shower she got dressed into her usual garb and proceeded to look about to room, making sure she had everything she needed and that she hadn't forgotten anything.

The ten-year-old walked across the lobby, going into the center's small cafeteria for breakfast. She was hoping that was where she would find Glenn and Aria, whether they were there already or would arrive after her. Fida decided she would eat as much as she could in order to have enough strength for the day.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Familiar chirping noises roused Aria out of her sleep again, a thankful smile spreading over her lips. She gently brushed her fingers over the feathers of her comrade, Seamus letting out soft coos in reply, much like how a cat would purr. Aria stretched afterwards, getting dressed into her regular outfit again, before moving out the door.

She headed towards the cafeteria, obtaining a hearty breakfast for herself and her PokéMon, whom she released to enjoy their meal. She smiled again at the handiwork that she had don to Rose's PokéBall, noticing out of the corner of her eye that Fida seemed to be waiting around. Perhaps for them?

"Good morning, Fida," she greeted warmly towards the younger girl. "We have a big day ahead of us. Did you get everything you needed?" Aria felt a little bad for neglecting to pay much attention to their other group member very much. Now that she had seen the battle prowess of this young one, she wanted to get to know her better.

Nonetheless, she looked around slightly, wondering when Glenn would finally awaken to join them.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
OOC: Short post is short.

Glenn woke up early alright - but took his time running over his equipment and making sure everything was in order. Satisfied with his examinations, he proceeded to run his clothes through a cleaning cycle and take a shower. Finally re-equipped, the trainer stretched, slung his guitar case over his back and left the room. Siegfried has already finished whatever passed for his recharge cycle and was already in the guitar, emitting the occasional note as if to let the universe know that he's still alive and probably doing science in some form or another.

This was going to be one hell of a day.

He was rather surprised to find Fida and Aria already in the cafeteria - apparently his inspections took him longer than he has thought. Somewhat sheepishly, he acquired some food items and turned to join the other two, nodding in greeting.

Before long, breakfast was done with, and the three trainers stepped out of the PokeMon center into Floaroma, bidding the small town farewell as they set forth for its eastern exit - the one leading onto Route 205.

And from there, it would be on to Eterna Forest... And the next adventure.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Route 205 was lined with mountains, staircases leading into the mountains, and ledges for other people to hop back down if they wished to walk back this way and take a shortcut. A small bit of wind blew through the crimson strands of Aria's hair, and she took in a deep breath to enjoy the scents of the area around here. Still reminiscent of flowers, but now it was lined with the water nearby to them, and perhaps the trees of the forest at the end of this part of the route.

Aria saw the way for them laid out in front of her. She walked towards the large patch of tall grass towards the first staircase, small crunching sounds of the grass beneath her feet following her. She heard strange animal noises up ahead, and looked to Seamus, as if in question - at which he cooed worriedly back at her, as if something might be wrong. Then she felt the small tingling sensation in her mind, like something was trying to enter it in the same sort of way that she had bonded with Seamus.

Help me!

Aria felt panic surge throughout her being, and started running towards the pull that she felt at the back of her mind. She stopped in her tracks, mortified by all the pink that had suddenly appeared in her vision. The creatures in question had rings of pink fleshy knobs arranged like a flower on their heads, yellow lining defining their eyes, mouth, and outside of what appeared to be a pink shell casing covering a white underside.

The slug PokéMon, which Aria recognized as the western type of Shellos, were flocking around another PokéMon, this one perhaps the source of the call for help. The white body of the creature was reminiscent of a small dress, but the head of the creature looked to be a green helmet with two red horn-like protrusions spiking up, one in the front and the other in the back. This PokéMon she didn't quite recognize, so she pulled out her PokéDex.

"Ralts," cooed the female voice, "The Feeling PokéMon. A Ralts has the power to sense the emotions of people and PokéMon with the horns on its head. It takes cover if it senses any hostility." So it's a Psychic type. Aria didn't know how this Ralts had gotten into so much trouble in the first place if that was the case, but the point was that the Shellos were clearly attacking it in an aggressive manner, and it needed help.

Aria pulled out Rose's PokéBall as well as nodding to Voltron, knowing that Shellos could be tricky creatures sometimes. Rose was released, and both her and Voltron went to work. Rose made quick work of the Shellos with her Grass type moves, and Voltron did his best to clean out the rest. Soon all that was left of the group was the frightened Ralts, shivering on the ground in front of her. Nonetheless, Aria felt it commune with her again, the familiar tingling sensation setting into the back of her mind.

Thank you, came the soft, feminine voice. Those Shellos were supposed to be my friends, but they hurt me... That's not what a friend does! A friend saves me from trouble, like you.

"I felt that you were in need of my help," replied Aria quietly, "So I came to your call. I could see that they were hurting you, so I wanted to save you with the help of my other friends. If you come with me and be my friend like these two, I can teach you to be strong so you can protect yourself, and I can heal the pain you feel now with this." Aria pulled out another pink Heal Ball, holding it out towards the Ralts as an invitation.

The Ralts studied the Heal Ball with a sort of curiosity, before nodding her agreement to the situation. She touched the center of the PokéBall knowingly, and it opened to envelop her in red light. The Ball closed and dinged almost instantly, the little Ralts accepting Aria as her trainer.

Pleased with the result, Aria recalled Rose and motioned for Voltron to walk beside her again, looking back to the others with a smile before continuing forward.
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The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
"Aria?" Fida asked aloud in confusion. The girl had run off suddenly, seeming distressed. Fida felt a slight tingling in her head, which she recognized as telepathic communication. Nothing got through, but that was all thanks to Elvia, her personal firewall.

With a quick glance at Glenn Fida followed after the redhead. She didn't quite know where to go, but Elvia seemed to. By the time Fida had found Aria she had chased away a group of pink Pokémon. Taking a quick look around Fida saw that there was no danger and stayed back, watching as Aria communicated with another Pokémon. In only moments the creature allowed itself to be captured, seeming glad that Aria had come.

"Is everything ok?" Fida asked, coming closer now. Everything looked ok now, but no harm in asking to make sure. Aria was smiling at her and Glenn, confirming Fida's thoughts. In a moment's time they were back on their way, as if there had never been an interruption.

OOC: Yeah... sorry that took so long
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