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Open BNHA RP: Malevolent Shadows DISCUSSION


Previously Swirled
I decided to plant a seed of self doubt into Jorino's mind, whether it will be killed quickly, or grown into a metaphorical tree, your choice
(I personally like the second one, shows that not every hero is on an untouchable pedestal and is faced with pressure to meet everyone's expectations)
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I feel that Asami has more reason to doubt herself, but a near idea for his character so who am I to judge.

Also damn I cannot keep pace with the replies XD, I'll post a reaction to Asami being hugged and then have to go AFK/offline for a bit. Probably will miss like 30+ replies while I'm gone XD


Previously Swirled
Nice, though Mark will likely be the ferilizer to this metaphorical tree of self doubt, just saying it's likely.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Yeahhh I get that sometimes too GodJacob. This day has been the most active for sure 0-0

And I can see Mark doing that, he leaves a Kono’s things in his wake, and I imagine doubt could be one of ‘em
Mind if I hop in?

: Vino Bangnato
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5’6
Appearance: Short, raven hair which curves on the right side of her face in a crescent shape, and is tied in a ponytail in the back. Deep green eyes, and smaller facial features. Relatively slim build, with a bit of a curve on the important bits.
Personality: outgoing and competitive, Vino always aims for the top. She can be defensive of things she likes, and really enjoys spicy food.
Quirk: The ability to swim through solid objects as though they were water, with anything softer than steel.
Hero Name: Swim Solid
Hero Suit: Gold short shorts with white stripes on the sides, and red trim. She has a black sports bra on, and gold sneakers with white laces.
Other: Blue cucumber.
no we don't, in MHA the main class had 20 students, we're only at 14 if I didn't miscount(I excluded ValiantVictini since she hasn't been online for awhile) 15 with Gyro
Mark’s smirk didn’t change I his face. “Heh, suppose it would be, eh? That is if don’t fugure it out by then. Gotta love a mystery.”

He then looked to his side, to Kono who has still recently offered for them to do ‘Stuff’ as a group. Just then Mark got a flash of inspiration.

“Aha, I think I know what we can do as a group. How about this: I can call in a few people that work for the Schultz family and I can organaize a party tonight. Sound like fun?”
“That doesn’t sound like a no to me.” Mark snickered. “Alright then, it’s a compromise, a party at your place. Maybe then I can buy you that drink I promised earlier eh?”

Mark but a mental note to research about the metal shard, as indeed he had never heard of him before. Organic quirks tended not to show up in the news. But for now, his Brian was racing with ideas for this party he had invisioned so quickly.

So many typos