Alright, that's fine! ^^@water.has.noflavor she's accepted- I'm gonna ask you to hold off on posting until we are done with this villain battle however (which might take up to weeks, depending on how frequently everyone posts)
Alright, that's fine! ^^@water.has.noflavor she's accepted- I'm gonna ask you to hold off on posting until we are done with this villain battle however (which might take up to weeks, depending on how frequently everyone posts)
aww, thanks! Hopefully this RP continues on while i'm@Canadian_Fish understandable. The RP may-or-may not be on it's last legs, we're trying to save it though XD. It was a good run- I'm so glad you decided to join us here in the first place! I don't know if you're having having problems on this site or in real life- but please keep in mind that you've got a friend in me and can always shoot me a message if you just need to rant.
We'll miss Camden, Asta especially will have to weeb out my himself now. If I do, by miracle, manage to fix things here, you're always welcome back, too!
Have your characters be kidnapped.? Like :Oh hi I'm back I guess. I do not know how I am supposed to reintroduce myself into the discussion so that is pretty nifty.