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Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

Kat was focusing on the dummy when a blur suddenly shot in, and a loud "Clang!" resounded. Suddenness of it all made Kat break her concentration, and the girl fell backwards. Looking up, Kat found Zuron writhing slightly on the ground and clutching his fist. Their trap had worked! But to Kat's surprise, Ciel didn't attack Zuron, or even try to incapacitate him. Broken hand or not, the speedster still looked like he wasn't going to give up.
"Ciel, wait-" Kat said, but the class rep was already gone. Shoot. It looked like it was up to her and Fuyuki to stop Zuron. Not wanting to give Zuron a moment's repreive to recover, Kat quickly sprinted towards Zuron and attempted to tackle him to the ground. Her plan was to hold on to him as hard she she could, so at the very least it could slow him down. This time, she was determined not to lose to this guy. Even though she barely knew him, and the few words they had exchanged were poor, Kat still felt a strange urge to prove to Zuron that she was, in fact, not completely useless.
"Fuyuki! Freeze his legs!" Kat yelled to the ice girl. If they managed to do that, that should really hinder his ability.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
There it was, Lava girl and Water Hazard were chasing after him. He knew that because he could hear faint parts of Himari screaming. Although they were behind him and he was already long gone, he wasn't gonna let them have the chance. Then he heard a closer voice from his headset. This one was more reassuring, letting him know that his team was still there for him. "Yeah, yeah but when am I gonna pass off the dummy and to who am I going to pass the dummy to?"
Fuyuki watched as Kat tackle Zuron, but she didn't really have time to focus on those two as Fuyuki launched herself forward from her teammates command and tried to grab the light haired student's legs. She knew that if she managed to grab and hold on to his legs for a minute or two, Zuron would at least partially go numb, which would hopefully decrease the effect of his super speed quirk.
Kishi could hear Himari behind him- the boy somehow ran faster now than he had during the entire obstacle course. Himari's screams were vague, but Kishi heard them clearly. He didn't even mind not being called by his name- he was rather used to it now. Kishi could feel distance growing between him and Asta, though the other boy's glowing body was still visible among the trees. It seemed that Kishi was slowing down while Asta gained speed. Kishi could hear his teammate's words of inspiration, but it seemed so impossible. Not only was Asta unreachable, but what was Kishi supposed to do if he did catch up to the other boy? Kishi's thinking was slow, interrupted by his heavy breathing as he desperately raked his mind for a plan. Kishi huffed before his eye-brows shot up in an excited expression, "Hoshi, you there?" Kishi panted into his communicator. "We need zombies to cut Asta off. We can't keep chasing him like this, we need to either stall him or get him to turn around." Kishi spoke quickly.

Zuron tucked his feet under him, one arm injured and the other protecting his injured arm- was he down to just his legs? It didn't matter, Ciel was the only threat anyways. Zuron winced as he attempted to stand, only to feel Ciel's shadow linger over him. Zuron bit his bottom lip, as he glared up at Ciel. His eyes filled with spite, and yet they still glowed with challenge, daring Ciel to hit him. Zuron could see the hesitation on his opponents face, and he growled when Ciel's arm fell limp and the metal sunk back into the boys skin. Was that pity? Did he think he was weak? Zuron, visibly upset by his classmate's display of mercy finally got to his feet. "Coward. He'll regret leaving you to weaklings with me." Zuron huffed, his typical threats didn't sound the same though when his voice shook with pain and he hunched over to protect his vulnerable arm. Zuron scoffed, but it seemed Kat wasn't taking any chances. Kat was strange to Zuron, honestly. He didn't understand how anyone so obviously impaired and unfit could keep fighting like she does, how could you not take the hint? How many times did he have to beat her? Zuron activated his quirk, preparing for the easy dodge away from Kat's tackle. Zuron took a step, instinctively pumping both arms as a human naturally does when they run, and immediately recoiling in pain. Kat' body weight and the element of surprise brought Zuron down and Kat pinned the boy- still holding his arm. Zuron quickly took to a panic, he flailed about slightly but didn't get much of anywhere without the use of his quirk or his arms. Zuron could barely hear his opponents words, his head pounded and his arm stung, and he couldn't think clearly. It took a moment for Zuron to realize that Fuyuki was even touching him, what started as a chill quickly intensified to a sharp sting. Zuron gritted his teeth before releasing his wrist, the boy huffed as rolled his shoulder back before using his quirk in his good arm, releasing the injured arm and quickly reeling back a fist. With what may have seem like a bit necessary force, Zuron punch Kat aiming for somewhere around her jaw. He then used the one arm, ignoring the pain from his other arm, to drag himself out from under the girl. Zuron quickly stood up only to fall back down in an almost comedic fashion, he could barely feel his legs at this point. Zuron let his injured arm fall to his side as he stood up weakly, he slowed his breath as he attempted to maintain and imagine that made hims seem still under control of the situation. Honestly, he had never been at such a disadvantage. "Where's your target? You can tell me now, or you can tell when you barely have the breath to speak after I'm done with you." the words were small and meaningless considering his condition, but he seem to take them very seriously.

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
The plan was going decently well...
Until the guy who'd criticized his plan started speaking again, probably to the other team, and Asta flipped around and questioned who to pass the target to.
Until earlier, Camden had been loosely tailing Asta, swinging through trees after he got tired of Naruto running. Asta had disappeared when Camden looked down at the ground again, and he was going the other way, pursued by a boy with blue hair and moving lava...
Wait... it was probably someone's quirk...
Or maybe the blue-haired guy's quirk was summoning moving lava...
Either way, Camden started grinning uncontrollably.
This was perfect.
Ah-ha! This is the perfect time to make a splash!
Camden still had the element of surprise on his side, as the pair probably hadn't seen him yet.
"Sup?" He said grinning at the pair before swooping lower towards Asta
"Oi, chief, pass me the target." He said, not really caring whether or not the other team heard. After all, Camden could always use that move. Of course, he could only use it once again before his arm would probably break to the point of possibly forcing Camden to yield... but Camden couldn't care less about an arm. He had legs, too. And his other arm.
Yes! We got him! Kat thought when her tackle actually worked. She held onto the speedy boy as hard as she could, but she just couldn't keep her grip when Zuron punched her in the jaw. He managed to slither away, but Kat just watched as his attempt to run away failed pitifully. Fuyuki had managed to freeze his legs, it looked like. Kat got to her feet the same time Zuron managed to stand up, and Kat was struck with a sudden sense of deja vu. It was... it was just like the fight between her and Zuron yesterday, except instead of her being exhausted and injured and Zuron being relatively unharmed, it was the other way around. That was... weird. But there was no partner to say that they forfeited this time.

"Zuron..." Kat said. She felt a little... unsure as to what to do. Even though he seemed pretty beat, Zuron looked like he still intended to fight on. That seemed like something she would do. After another breath, Kat decided what she was going to do. Taking up a fighting stance, Kat held her fists in front of her face. She was ready to block or attack at any moment, and slowly made her way closer to Zuron.
"Look... Your arm looks really messed up, and your legs aren't doing so great. You need medical help, and you've done well. I don't want to keep fighting you, but I'm going to have to stop you if you're going to keep trying at this." Kat said.
"Hey, Fuyuki. Do you think you could find some vine, and two stick about the length of your forearm? I'm going to need it in a moment." Kat said to Fuyuki, not letting her eyes off of Zuron. She waited for him to make the first attack, if he was going to even do that, as she moved within striking distance.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Camden appeared in front of Asta in a very timely fashion. Dropping in on the best of situations did suit Camden indeed. With an understanding of what was going to happen as soon as he turned around Asta decided to hand Camden the dummy. "Good luck, Monkey boy," Asta said out of habit.

Now it was time to deal with the two behind him. Since he wasn't moving anymore he decided to turn off his quirk for a bit and stall some time. "I know you're behind me. Let's talk about this tacitly shall else we?" He said as he turned around. This obviously wasn't his best moment but if he can draw this out enough for someone else to appear, that would be great. "Water Hazard isn't very effective towards me, and you... You just have anger issues that need to be controlled."

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Camden swiftly took the target and launched himself above the trees, careful to stay just under his limit. It made his arm a little stiff, but he could ignore a little pain.
Asta is there, and there's two other people. If I strike behind them, I'll end up just wasting an arm...
Camden wrapped his left arm around his back, the target tucked in between, and flung himself up the taller trees. He had been planning to just slam his arm into the ground, but he remembered that Asta was there. And his arm wasn't too terribly fast once beyond 15 feet, so he decided to try for a more accurate, vertical punch instead of just wildly slamming an arm.
"Asta, keep stalling, and when I say go, I need you to run as fast as possible."
Camden failed to get serious, he suppressed the urge to laugh in a very evil way as he tossed his arm as high as his current state would allow.
This idea was going south fast, he had absolutely no clue where Kishi was. The boy halted his steps, in order to conserve his stamina. He tried to think where the enemy team would be, though it proved quite challenging given the layout of a forest. It was futile, he'd just have to gamble and hope that he came across the other team. He was about to continue his advance when he happened to hear faint rustling in the distance. Strange, who would be out there?

"Care for a rematch?" Asked a familiar voice, which caused Ciel to spin around and face the direction of the sound. Multiple arms, grey skin, determined attitude- Kumori for sure. Crap, guess my gambling was fruitless. Kumori huh? That's not good, the element of surprise really helped me out last time, but now... Ciel wouldn't lose, he couldn't, he had a team to help and he wouldn't let this stop him. Planting both feet firmly on the ground, he held his metal fist with his other hand and held a confident aura around him. "Why not? Let's begin." The boy responded, soon after he found himself charging after her, aiming to strike when he was close enough.
Fuyuki had luckily just let go of Zuron's legs before he punched Kat and got up without any harm, took a few steps further away from the opponent and took a defensive position. She shifted her eyes' between the two students and it looked like Kat's planned had worked, judging by Zuron struggling to just get up to stand. Fuyuki didn't know much about Zuron, but from what she could already piece something together from their current encounter. The blond haired boy didn't want to show that he was injured or at disadvantage and instead tried to intimidate the two girls, but it didn't seem to work that well on the cold quirked student. She didn't know what to do and she was about to say something, but Kat (once again) took the lead and suggested Zuron that he should stop and get some medical help.

"Are you sure that I can leave him here with you?" Fuyuki said and questioned Kat and maintained her eyesight over Zuron, so she was at least a bit more prepared if he tried to attack.

Kumori expected Ciel to attack, but luckily she swiftly dodged the attack and braced herself for another attack. She did know what her current opponents strengths were, but she was unsure what his weaknesses were. He was physically quite strong and seemed to have quite some stamina, evidenced by the ten mile run earlier. He's also the class president and seemed to be good at everything that they've done without much effort. This only made the spider girl want to defeat her opponent even more, but she had to try to stay calm and focused. Her plan as of then was to wait for a specific type of attack and strike then, but for now she had to just dodge and wait. Wait. Everyone's at least somewhat drained from the ten mile run. If dodge and be careful about my stamina, maybe I can tire him out a bit to addition to my plan.
As expected Kumori was able to dodge his attack without much effort, of course he didn't expect such an obvious attack to actually land. However it wasn't all for nothing, it was good to gauge your opponent's desperation, something that you could exploit during a battle. Thus, her dodge spoke volumes, she wasn't desperate enough to try to retaliate or counter his punch. Was she setting something up or was she waiting for back up? He couldn't say for sure, but what he did know was that he needed something relatively light and easy to control- since for such an agile enemy, this metal arm wasn't going to cut it. The boy extended his metal arm and it immediately began to dissolve, revealing his true, natural skin once more. To replace it was none other than his very own tachi, though this one wasn't sharp at all, it could be recognized as a blunt weapon at that point. Something was off about this particular weapon though, the "blade" wasn't just one entity, Ciel tried something he'd never tried before, a detachable blade that is connected by a single hidden chain. This way I can most likely surprise her when she sees me swing my blade and then it suddenly extends even further. All thanks to the hidden chain from within. The boy took a stance that held the sword to his waist and facing away from her, whilst he half crouched down, for more concentration.

With quick movements he attempted to close the gap between the two, all while retaining his aforementioned stance. The boy wasted no time and did a swift slash with his blade, and as intended the blade detached and extended towards her direction, attempting to strike Kumori. This is a little more strange than a traditional blade. The fact that I have to guide the chain to guide the "blade" will take some getting use to, but I can still do this.
Kishi watched as Asta slowed down, then suddenly his opponent tossed the dummy into the air. Was he crazy? For some reason, Kishi didn't move. His whole body told him to lunge at the moment and snatch the dummy from mid-air, but he just didn't do it. Before he knew it, the target was in the hands of a different student. How long had Camden been there for? How hadn't Kishi noticed him? Feeling that there was no time to sulk about his mistake, Kishi clenched his fist and kept his gaze upward. He watched Camden for a movement before his orange eyes drifted to Asta, so he wanted a fight? The other boy was squared towards him now, he'd have to get around Asta or beat him down. "Water Hazard isn't very-" with that Kishi was off. There was no time to stop and listen- doing that is what had kept Kishi being all this time. So without a moment's thought, Kishi launched himself towards his opponent with a single fist drawn backwards. If he was gonna land a hit, he kew he'd only have a chance by striking with the element of surprise. Kishi let out a brief battle cry as his feet left the ground in a leap and he out all his force into the punch aimed at Asta.

Zuron stood straight up for a moment, in absolute confusion over his opponent's actions. He blinked for a moment and stared in bewilderment before letting out a growl. "Shut up!" Zuron yelled, "Stop it!" but his commands did not come from a place of anger. In all honesty, he was rather panicked. He had prepared for every situation except for this one. Why were they being so nice to him? In Zuron's mind the only possible reason could be pity. But was he really that weak? He didn't understand. Zuron shook his head quickly, "You think you can stop me? You got brave all the sudden, it doesn't suit you." Zuron huffed towards Kat. His eyes wandered slightly to Fuyuki- he was outnumbered, he had to make sure neither of them touched him. Zuron knew his legged worked, but they were sloppy. And there was no sue trying to summon any wind with just one arm. He'd have to brawl this out the good old fashion way, but quirk or not Zuron was tired of losing. Zuron let out a brief breath of air, she was really going to do this. Never one to hold back, Zuron started his way towards Kat. He had never felt so slow in his life, though it was still a fairly rapid attack- while his injured arm was safely tucked by his side the other arm curled slightly and he balled his fists- aiming a slack shot to Kat's gut.
Kat watched as Zuron slowly approached. To be honest, she didn't really want to fight him. He already looked hurt enough as it was. But as he came closer, she couldn't help but to do a quick rundown of the weaknesses she spotted. His hurt arm and legs, to be certain. It would probably deal quite a bit of pain if Kat managed to hit them. And while Kat would usually say Zuron's cocky attitude was something she could exploit, he didn't seem that way right now. In fact, he seemed... panicked.

Although Kat was ready to block the punch, she hadn't really had much training in hand to hand combat. So she was just barely too slow when it came to blocking Zuron's punch to the gut. The attack made her stagger back, and she lost a little bit of her breath. Well, it looked like Zuron still had quite a bit of fight left in him. Still, not wasting any time, Kat quickly counterattacked with an uppercut aimed at Zuron's chin.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta couldn't really get all the words he had to say out without putting it all together. He had to put them altogether due to Kishi attacking him as soon as he turned around. There was nothing he could do, he had to take the punch. The punch was enough to make Asta fall backward a few inches. It was impressive that Kishi wasn't able to use his quirk offensively but his physical capabilities had packed more of a punch (haha puns! +1 JP). There was no use of blocking or trying to avoid the hit when he gave Kishi the chance to hit him, it was his fault. "Heh, you really have a good left/right hook but don't get cocky." The statement the boy said was very blunt.

Asta jumped back onto his feet and made the hand sign of a gun. However, the way he looked while he did was different, a whole different vibe. He pointed his gun at Kishi then started firing electrical bullets without a word.

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Asta got punched and stumbled back, and Camden shut off the movement, very nearly impaling himself on a branch. he stumbled to Asta's side and hopped up, waving his hand to blow off the pain. Asta fired off finger guns at Kishi as Camden had fallen beside him.
I still have the target behind my back, wrapped up. If I can stall long enough, maybe somebody else will find the other target...
"Dang. No need to show off." Camden grinned at Asta, noticing the serious expression, and tried for it himself. (It failed horribly.)
Camden tightened his wrap around the target, and got ready to fight.
I think just landing the hit would've been easier. But, oh well... I'm down here now, and it's a 2v2. Did Asta even hear me?

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
Jack continued his run until he heard a fight, two against two by the sound of it, Jack slowly approached behind a bush, examining the situation. After a short while, he shot a blast towards Camden, shortly followed by a blast to his team mate


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Hoshi and Seo were practically half asleep before noticing each other in the battlefield. They realized they were on different teams. This could be the moment for Seo to rival Hoshi, or Hoshi to test her quirk. They both smirked at each other, pondering of moves to use in battle. Seo knew Hoshi would want to go second, so he turned into an osprey and tried to attack her. In retaliation, Hoshi summoned an arm, and used it like a sword. Of course, it's durability was terrible, so it melted quite quickly. "Y'know...", Hoshi said," It's been about time that I show everyone this...." In a sudden turn of events, a wall of zombies, about 4 feet wide, though as tall as the eye could see. It astounded Seo, as he even bumped into it, though with his aerial talents, he bounced back into flight. Hoshi was clearly looking extremely nauseous, and trying to catch up with her breath. Unexpectedly, she came up with an idea in the midst of peril. An artificial heart. It was quite disgusting, even for her, though it could work. Technically, she could do that, as the mutants she summoned were in fact alive, though they had no veins, they just melted. She wasn't sure about it, though mustered the rest of her energy to do it. This was perhaps fatal, as she had very little energy left. Seo must've bumped his head on something as he turned back into a human randomly without question. His flexibility was gone, as he could feel it in his muscles. He was confused, so stopped for a moment to analyze it. Hoshi was utterly relieved of the stop, going even more would've killed her. There! The artificial heart was created, which would share blood going through Hoshi and the monsters evenly. It would decrease the danger and defense of the mutants, though it was worth her not fainting. Some of the zombies melted, and they became more flimsy and unimposing. Seo was too busy focusing on how to activate his quirk. He originally did it by the thought of his mind and a twitch of his eye, but now that didn't work. In an awkward fashion, he turned into an osprey again, though the transition was more slow and you could actually see it happen. He sighed in relief, but then remembered ospreys can't sigh and nearly choked himself. He flew toward the wall, breaking it, and turning into a Bombardier Beetle at the last second, spraying her, and making her faint. The Bombardier Beetle Seo started feeling dizzy. Maybe the amount of chemicals he produced was too much... Well then how come he wasn't turning back? He tried to get anyone's attention, but he was a beetle, so that doesn't always work so swell.
Zuron's hit landed, but Kat was not nearly as phased as the boy had intended. Super-speed helped his punches did a lot more damage. Right now- this battle seemed so normal. Like two regular high schoolers brawling it out- so slow and sloppy. Kat's punch came swiftly, giving Zuron little time to move away. Though he did manage to flinch slightly, the attack still made contact with the tip of his chin and caused his head to jerk backwards. Zuron let out a grunt, quickly stepping back before taking the time to steady himself as he shaky legs nearly gave out again. His gaze flicked between Fuyuki and Kat, there was still so much fight in his eyes. But his body drooped with exhaustion, and his crippled limbs had nothing left to fight with. Zuron sucked in a deep breath before focusing his attention itno activating his quirk. It really stung, as if his nerves were under too much pressure. A fire roared through Zuron's leg, causing his face to scrunch up with pain and his knees quickly gave out. Panting, Zuron closed his eyes for a moment before muttering a curse a punching the ground beside him. "Guess I can't do it anymore. I really am weak, huh?" Zuron huffed with a forced smile. "You can leave me, go find our dummy- it's not like I'm any use anymore." Zuron shrugged, trying to stay calm.

Kishi smiled proudly when his fist made contact with the other boy, a bit too excited considering they were still in the middle of a battle. Kishi nodded to himself as he clenched his fist and prepared for another attack- but Asta's counter was too fast. It seemed that the world slowed down and the woods suddenly became very crowded. First, Asta shot off his attack- aimed directly at Kishi. Then, Camden dropped down for backup. Kishi was outnumbered until another blast of energy shot past Kishi, this time from behind. Kishi spun on his heels and let out a sigh of relief at seeing Jack- thank goodness. Kishi smiled at his teammate, and that was when Asta's attack struck. Hitting the oblivious Kishi form behind, the pain in his back seized the boy and he fell to his knees. Kishi could feel the burn in his back, but it wasn't anything terrible. With a weak grin, Kishi got to his feet. "Good timing," Kishi huffed- "Camden has the dummy." the boy added the necessary detail, hoping hsi partner would now what to do.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"So, this guy has the target? We just need to take down Asta then surround him, if he goes up. He may fall into a trap i set up, either way. We have high chances of winning, but don't underestimate them." Jack explained , subtly charging an attack
Fuyuki was ready to help Kat, but she seemed to handle the situation pretty well. She could clearly see that the blond student still had the will to fight, but his body gave up on him. Fuyuki's stance relaxed into a more natural one and the color of her hands once again switched into her usual skin tone. She was unsure what they should do next and she felt bad for her opponent. Should they do as Zuron said and leave him here, call for medical help or something else. She darted her gaze over to Kat.

"Should we do as he says, should we call for medical help or what?"

Kumori was expecting for Ciel to make some kind of an item, as his first attack without one had failed. The item however wasn't what she had hoped for, and instead it appeared to be some kind of a sword that the spider girl couldn't recognize in the moment, but it luckily seemed to be blunt. She was expecting to do a simple dodge, by stepping a bit further away from the swords range. Just as she attempted to do her move the sword's blade suddenly extended. She didn't have anytime to react to the sudden change and the blade hit Kumori right in her guts and she nearly stumbled backwards.

Things (once again) seemed to move in slow motion, as her gaze wondered along the swords blade and spotted the reasoning for the sudden blade extension. There was a chain linking the two pieced blade. Not wasting a single second, she attempted to quickly grab the chain with two of her hands to stick two sticky silk lumps and hoped that the chain would tangle.
Kat quickly drew back after her punch connected, waiting to see what Zuron was going to try. It looked like he was about to attack again, when he suddenly fell to his knees. Although the speedster looked like he still wanted to fight, Kat could see that he was done. And more importantly, that Zuron knew he was done. The brown-haired girl relaxed and let out a breath, rubbing her jaw where Zuron had hit her before.
"I'm think I'm going to stay here. Zuron's probably not the only one on his team that's looking for our dummy. And with Ciel gone, we're all we got for defending it. Or at the very least, stalling until our team gets their dummy." Kat said. Approaching Zuron, she crouched down to get on the same level as him.
"Hey..." Kat said to Zuron. This might be awkward, but still, she felt like she needed to check if he was actually okay. "Can I see your arm? I want to make sure it's not broken."

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora continued walking, her pace quickening as she started hearing more noises through the headset. I still can't find them even after walking for so long. I think I'm far away from where I'm supposed to be. I know I'll fly up! She unfurled her wings in a swoosh only to feel sudden pain. She uttered a small cry as she stumbled down, her wings folding in. After a few moments of shock, she grabbed onto a nearby tree trunk and shakily stood up. A quick look around revealed what she had been ignoring in her light mood. So many branches, it's a wonder I didn't scratch my wings before now. The fatigue from before, and the pain she felt muddled together. I won't be an asset to my team at this state. She walked as far as she could and stopped once she had found a place with fewer branches than before. She sat down on a rock as she listened in to the conversations. I wasn't really much of a help, so I'll have to try even harder next time.

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Almost immediately after he dropped down and got situated, a blast of... something struck Camden in the side, sending him rolling backwards, He nearly let go of the target, but caught himself and stood again.
(Of course, he didn't look, but the target was really right behind him.)
"Tch. Doesn't seem fair anymore..." He said, his grin wiped off his face.
That pisses me off. A lot. We're outnumbered, but I can't be a crybaby about it... my plan is going downhill, but I can't go down like this...
"I think I've seen you before..." Camden said, pointing a finger at Jack
"Y'know, I was kinda hoping that we could get along, too... but that was kinda low."
Camden swung his leg around, aiming a kick towards Jack's jaw.
Last edited:

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"Well, for a stretchy guy, you really do stretch your mind too far" Jack responded before dodging the jaw kick, quickly going for a grab and a throw, ((ignore if he doesn't get the grab)) followed by a wall that would fall between the target and Camden, separating the two, the wall soon became a sphere blocking anyone from the target


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Though Seo could turn back into a human after relaxing his mind, he decided that this would be an excellent time to see how an animal would live in the wild. He was shocked of the wall which Jack created and was it's direct target after scurrying around the field. His human brain was suppressed a bit, so he acted more like a beetle. Beetles run in straight lines so that's what he did. Essentially too small to be noticed, he was in distress and didn't think of turning back into himself. Soon the wall turned into a sphere and captured him into the battlefield with Camden. It suddenly came to his mind that he should turn out of his form, so that's what he did. He brushed dirt and poisonous liquid off of him, not realizing anyone could see him. He turned around, realizing he was stuck in a circle with his teammate.

Hoshi started to regain consciousness, yawning. She got up, completely forgetting about their task. "Oh... what's with the walls?", she asked Jack, still oblivious. She decided the question was rhetorical and rubbed her eyes to show disinterest. She all of a sudden realized she should be in battle position, though realized Seo was stuck in a circle with Camden, chuckling. "Hey, Jack!", she said again, though with much more enthusiasm," I'll take on Seo and Camden, you'll get back with the target, 'kay!", she said, prepared for battle.
Ciel was contempt with getting a clear shot at Kumori, he believed he could try to get another hit in afterwards. However, that was not the class rep's fate it seemed. Kumori seemed to tangle the chain that connected itself to the blade, he began trying to desperately rattle it in an attempt break it from the web's grasp- it was to no avail. The dark haired boy swept his hand through his hair, as he was at a loss. "I know I shouldn't be telling you this- but you've got me in a tight spot. Not bad." He spoke with a light but fairly competitive tone, he made sure to absorb as much steel from the now useless blade as he could before focusing back on Kumori. I'm an idiot, why would I go on the offensive when I just used so much iron in such a short time. The best thing to do would be to play defensive, if I can stall out one of their team's adept fighters, my team should have a clear path to the dummy. Unless... The boy looked ahead of his target, if she came from that way, then other members would have to be down that way.

"Sorry, but I have to find that dummy of yours. I'm sure you understand." Ciel sarcastically apologized before making a beeline straight past the spider girl. After all the goal wasn't to fight, but to destroy the target of the other team, Ciel couldn't believe he let her stall him for that long. Although, he heard some commotion in the distance, he had to be getting closer now, knowing that the boy put on a mischievous smirk. But Kumori was most likely on his tail, he couldn't forget that or else it would all be over.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
There were a few things Asta had to do all within the few minutes had been there. The first thing he had to do was hit the deck because of Jack trying to be sneaky. His left hand got caught by the blast but that was ok because he was more dominant with his right hand. Second, within a matter of seconds (Haha time puns ;_;) Jack had created a wall that would become a sphere around this little battle they were having. Asta wasn't phased by this and at this point why would he?

With blank face Asta on the floor after partially dodging the shadow orb, Jack shot he had to do something. Getting back up onto his feet he felt like he had to at least stop the dummy forming be destroyed. "Oh no, don't do it." He said dryly.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"Oh yes i will" Jack teased, before he made his sphere start getting smaller, and smaller... the wood would start crunching inside of this ball, of course, if any sign of it getting out he'll destroy it quickly

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Mm. That was decent.
Camden barely had time to think before Jack grabbed his leg and flung him. Camden hit his back on a tree, jamming his fingers and hitting his head. He slumped down, holding his left arm, and now noticing that the target was gone. Before he could reach it, however, he was intercepted with a wall that became a sphere around the target.
He put on one last smile.
"I know heroes aren't supposed to be rude... but this can be an exception." He muttered
Camden sprung up and wound back his right arm.
Camden continued his earlier tactic, pulling his arm up for a direct downward punch.
Hey... It's like a Gum-Gum Rocket! Oo. I like the name... I'll use that later...
He looked at Jack.
"Go to hell."
Camden smashed down as hard as possible, bringing down his arm as hard as possible. He had originally planned to aim for the sphere, but decided he wanted to leave Jack as crippled as humanly possible.
Don't let him focus... The blast has to be exact, or else I'll end up wasting an arm...
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Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"Funny... heh, that looks like that one guy with a straw hat's move. .. although" Jack said, before making a second wall, for the punch to land on "it is very, very predictable" he continued, before je finally made the sphere destroy the opposite team's target, "guys, i broke their target, we won" he said in the coms , to everyone
Kishi watched the fight between Jack and Camden- they were almost opposites, to be honest. Jack was so confident, cool and flawless- and while Camden had just as much potential, the stretchy boy was clumsier and lacked experience. Seo and Hoshi just sort of appeared on the field eventually. Things moved to quickly for Kishi to fully understand what was happening. It wasn't long before Jack has ended the painfully long scene by crushing the dummy- Kishi knew the boy could've done it sooner, why did he draw the fight out so long? The boy looked at Camden, was he injured- it was no surprise that his arm wouldn't be doing well after a blow like that. He then turned to Asta, who likely wasn't pleased about the fight ending before he could really get involved. "Hey, sorry that I punched you. You know how it is-" Kishi offered jokingly, his smile as nervous as if he was unsure how Asta would respond to the comment.

Zuron blinked at Kat, his expression blank for a long while. His gaze slowly drifted to Fuyuki before falling back onto Kat- she looked so serious. "You're crazy." the boy shrugged simply, "Just to let you know- checking a villain's injuries mid-battle is a big no-no in the hero industry." Zuron huffed. Clearly, he still didn't understand. He didn't understand that everyone was on the same team, he wasn't a villain and neither was anyone else. Everything was a competition for Zuron, and everyone was always his enemy. He couldn't wrap his head around the idea that any members, let alone a whole group of three- would have compassion for him. Zuron huffed before shifting his shoulder blade slightly so his arm was lifted in the air and he gestured to Kat with a nod, allowing her to examine his arm. "Hurry up- before anyone sees." Zuron huffed, it would be ungodly humiliating for him if someone saw such a scene; but he figured he'd spare a trip to the medics if that was at all possible.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
The blank stare Asta was giving everyone was finally replaced by confusion and grief. He couldn't show that right after this grueling training session with everyone, they had the wind taken out of them. This thing happened again, first against Jacob, second against Kishi and Jack, and now in this team battle thing. Was this like a split personality? Part of his quirk? He needed to figure it out, but until then he had to be a good sport. "Yeah, its ruff out here trying to be a hero..." He said with an awkward smile.

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Camden just kind of fell onto the ground after landing.
I couldn't do it, huh?
He couldn't feel his arm, as his adrenaline was still running like an F1 race car, but Camden knew that it was probably broken. He knew it was broken after the adrenaline started ebbing away and he forced himself to not cry. It hurt, but he had to get over that. He stood up shakily, his knees warning him that they could give in at any given moment.
He smiled weakly, holding one arm and probably looking weak.
"I guess I wasn't strong enough, huh?"
I'm just that weak, aren't I?
Camden forced himself to look up at Asta and let go of his arm.
I guess we're all that weak, huh?
He put his fist towards Asta.
"We'll have to get stronger. Believe it." he muttered, his weak smile forming into a wavering grin.
It was harder and harder to fight back the tsunami-level waves of pain crashing at him, but he forced himself to stand still and wait for Asta to return the fist-bump.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
(@Barefoot_Kittens they didn't appear, they were with them before, they just didn't fight until later)

Hoshi wasn't exactly flattered of Jack still insisting of taking on Seo and Camden, though over time she let go of it. She sat on a tree stump, spectating by now. Seo was cold out, an odd thing to behold. Jack somehow managed to take on Camden and Asta, though she shouldn't be surprised by that, as his quirk is one of the best here. The more she sat the more she realized if she sat here for the rest of the night, nothing would happen to her. She's just a background character that will never have the spotlight, never be talked to, and never be cared about. That thought made her twirl into an existential crisis, and she looked like she was stressed out of her mind. Still, no one would care because no one ever cared about her. Even Seo now didn't care about her, at most just ignoring. Everyone cares about Himari, Asta, Zuron, Ciel, Kishi and Jack. Nobody of cared about her. Nobody ever talks to her. I bet they don't even know who she is. Can she even consider herself by her name if most of the time everyone will just call her 'red-eyes' like they did back in middle school? Oh, Kitani, Ichikawa and Mitsue, they were brave souls. But in the end, no one could escape. No one can ever escape 'Uozima'.

(And that's how you make a character *drops mic and eases into depression*)
Kat huffed, a little glad that Zuron was allowing her to check out his arm, but irritated that he had to make such a big deal out of it.
"Oh, get over yourself." Kat grumbled. Gently taking his injured arm, she inspected it closely. Kat was no field medic, but she had taken a first aid class before. So she knew a little bit. The arm certainly didn't look broken, and even though Zuron had been in extreme pain, it seemed that he was still able to move it a little. So that was good. If she had to guess, she'd probably say that he had sprained his wrist. There was a massive bruise on his fingers and hand that was starting to from as well, and did not look very pretty.
"Uh... You should probably get it checked out by the medics, but if I had to guess, I'd say you sprained your wrist. You might want to wrap it, and your hand too, as soon as you can. And apply ice, it'll keep down the swelling." Kat said, gently releasing Zurons arm. She looked at him again, then let out a small sigh. Well, now was as good of a time as any.

"Uh... Hey." Kat said. She wasn't sure how to start this... "So, I... I wanted to apologize. About what I said to you yesterday. When we were fighting."
Good lord, this was awkward. But she continued pushing through.
"I, uh... I don't really know you. Before then, I don't think we had even talked. So it was wrong of me to make an assumption like that of you. I know being sorry doesn't make it right, or never had been said, but... I am sorry." Kat said to Zuron, making sure to make eye contact with him when she said that last part.
Zuron watched Kat with uneasy eyes. Perhaps he would never understand her. Or any of them. There were heroes like her, even other students. Most of the people that acted in such a way didn't come in first, but they all had that unwavering compassion in common. When Kat has finished, the boy quickly turned away as to make sure she was aware that he wasn't thinking about her. "Yeah- whatever." Zuron huffed as he flexed his fingers- it honestly didn't hurt as much anymore. In fact, Zuron wasn't sure if he had made up the pain all along. The boy scoffed to himself as he stood up, his legs shook a bit before stabilizing. When Kat kept talking, Zuron stared at her with a gaze that was unecessarily judgmental. What was she rambling on about? The fight? Zuron's mouth gaped open slightly in confusion as he searched his memory for recent encounters he had with Kat. Then, suddenly he remembered and his brows popped up with surprise. The air fell silent for a little while before Zuron shrugged, "Don't be." he said simply. "Maybe you were right. Maybe you weren't, I don't care." the male simply stated. He took the headset off from over his ear and wrapped it around his neck before turning his back towards Kat- "I guess I said some pretty stupid stuff too- I didn't mean it." Zuron sighed. Though he didn't even look over his shoulders, and no 'I'm sorry' came out, and his confession wasn't half of what Kat was; one could be certain that Zuron had just apologized in his own way. The boy let out a yawn before dragging his feet off towards the campsite (where we are gonna pretend Mr. Hami told them to meet) and muttering something about how glad he was it was over.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
What Camden said was right to some extent but one could also argue that it's an opinion. Still, you can't be rude if someone was actually weak or feels weak, all you gotta do is keep pushing them forward. That's what everyone needed. In response to Camden sticking his fist out towards him, he did the same. "Shut up, naruto... You seem to have been holding back" He said sarcastically. Looking at Camden's current state, he probably wasn't holding back. "But do you need help?"
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(IT'S THAT TIIIIIIME! TIME SKIP TIIIIME! We are gonna pretend that that last activity took place on Friday, and the students got home late Friday night. We are time skipping past the weekend and into the next Monday morning. @Merciless Medic , here's your chance to get that Drayda post in.)

The morning was quiet- so quiet in fact that Kishi wasn't quite sure where he was when he woke up. The boy looked about, somehow expecting to see his classmates scattered on the floor beside him. Yet it was only him- he turned to his window- the clear blue sky gave his reflection back to him. Hallow, sleepless eyes and messy hair- he couldn't help but smile at it all. Since arriving home that lat Friday night, Kishi had spent most of his time in bed. He still couldn't seem to catch up on all the energy that his body had lost. His parents claimed that he would not be able to get it back- he'd just have to get used to training so often. Honestly, he didn't mind. It made him feel like he had a purposes, and that he was working hard towards that purpose. After a glance back towards his clock Kishi gasped and threw the blankets off form over his body- how had he just spent 20 minutes thinking to himself? Kishi flung himself out of bed in one dramatic motion, currently wearing nothing but pajama pants, he furrowed his brows in a quick expression of grief. He currently had 4 minutes if he wanted to catch his bus. The boy practically ripped off his pants, replacing them with the appropriate attire including a shirt and tennis-shoes. 2 minutes. Kishi combed his hair for a moment, before giving up on the task and switching to his teeth. With seconds to spare, Kishi raced through his home- took his back pack by it's handle and slammed the door behind him- then took sprinting off to his stop as he put the bag over his shoulders.

Zuron, per usual, woke up early to train. It was a routine that his family of 2 had become accustom to. He would go into the backyard and train while his mother watched through the kitchen window and made breakfast. Just like always, Zuron wiped the sweat off his face as he entered the house- his plate was already on the table. His mother and him did not say a single word- they never got along very well. She was shy and sensitive, he was not- Zuron's father was usually the middle ground in the equation. Zuron ate the food quickly, quietly then pushed away from the table and went up to his room, leaving his mother to do the dishes. As he walked up the stairs to his room, Zuron stuck out his palm and examined the thin tape wrap job that had been done at the beginning of the weekend. Just as Kat had suspected- it was but a mere sprain and bruised knuckles. The medic said it had something to do with his quirk- but wasn't quite listening. Zuron thought for a moment as he slowed his steps on the stairs. Relationships was never anything that he felt he needed to put any time into- it was necessary, really. But the more time he spent with his classmates, the weirder it felt to be away form them. And, he hated it. Zuron scoffed before tucking his hand into the pocket of his hoodie and walking through a rather empty hall and into the room. Zuron clicked the TV on as he entered his room, he liked the background noise, and began searching for his back pack- it seemed like so long ago that he used it last. He had lost the damn thing.
The world was dizzying. What had happened? Did it happen again? She was supposed to go somewhere, but she didn't remember where. A young dark-skinned girl looked up with weary eyes as she saw the building as the shadow of the bridge above them was looming over everything. She thought she was in an abandoned lot, but then soon saw the name of the school after her eyes readjusted. Interesting... She couldn't quite make it out, but judging by the random letters and spacing she could get, she was at her destination. Wherever that was.

The dragon was crawling her way up the young girl's weak mind. She couldn't hold it back again, and yet she felt sick. So sick. She stumbled, both on hands and feet and on her two feet while doubling over, towards the school. Maybe there was something there. As she made it to the door, a final push by the dragon on the inside caused her to keel over on her hands and knees and vomit all over the steps to the building. Her body wracked several times to get rid of just bile in her stomach as she hadn't eaten anything yet that day. The energy she did have was now expelled all over the steps as well, and she couldn't stay upright anymore. She tried to sit back, but her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell back, her legs at an awkward position as she laid there, unconscious, breathing weakly.

This was the start of Drayda's first day.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
After this boring morning stuff of hell of waking up to school, Jack made a bike wich he used to go to school, upon arriving on the dirt road. He walked to the stair and... what's this girl doing here?!?! "what the hell," he said before noticing the vomit "this school was crappy enough without the vomit god damnit" he continued before summoning a small wall to push on the girl's head to wake her up.