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Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

Hanwon followed the crowd into a room and took a seat in the front row who he just learned was named Lydia. He laughed at the mention of the U.A students as favorite heroes, he didn’t realize how much the rest of the world looked up to those kids. Hanwon decided that perhaps he shouldn’t have said anything about transferring in from the prestigious school. There seemed to be a break in the volunteering so he decided now was as good of time as any. With an deep breath he stood up and began speaking, “Hi, I’m Hanwon. My quirk is pretty weird. I call it splice. Basically my body is split between a beast and a warrior like this.” Hanwon stepped slightly towards the front of the class and activated his quirk, his right side morphed into the intimidating beast and his left transformed into the admirable warrior. “Unfortunately they don’t get along well.” Hanwon spoke as he deactivated the quirk, looking like his normal self again. “Other than that my hobby is tennis and my favorite hero is probably Edgeshot. I hope to one day have as much control morphing my body as he does. I look forward to meeting you all!” On that note he sat down exhausted. Nobody may have noticed, but Hanwon had a secret fear of public speaking.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Seo decided it might be his turn to introduce myself and got up from his seat. "I am Seo Yoshisuki, twin of Seto Yoshisuki for all of you U.A. transfer students. My favourite hobby is aquaculture, and my favourite hero is Gang Orca because we both have a transformation quirk... Oh yeah! My quirk. My quirk is the ability to transform into animals if I know mostly everything about them, for example glowworms are actually a type of beetle.", he wasn't able to stop the extrovert in him today...

(@Captain Cardboard you didn't reply to one of my posts to Daichi from Hoshi btw)
Kishi smiles dimly as Kat spoke, his gaze fell upon her softly. Indeed, the boy had found out that he had fallen for Kat. Though he knew that wasn't to be a priority, at least he could admire her from a far. "Hawks?" the boy questioned as he compared Kat to the hero. He then smiled and shrugged. "Lots of new quirks..." the boy whispered, "lots of new competition." when the room finally fell silent and Kishi found a spot to take part in the discussion he stood up with a easy grin. "Kishi Dentai. Nice to meet you all!" Kishi smiled before taking a breath and continuing, "My quirk enables me to shoot water from my finger tips. I like, uh, ice cream and watching movies. My favorite hero is Selkie!" Kishi exclaimed. His introduction was a bit simpler and childish compared to others, but he said it with a beaming sort of confidence that was hard to deny.

Zuron's gaze bounced between speakers. He laid back in his seat and slouched to an necessary degree, folding his arms over his chest and letting out the occasional sigh to prove his boredom. Only a few responses actually caught his interest. One in particular, made Zuron think twice. The boy stood up and introduced himself as Hanwon- and Zuron could've sworn he knew him from somewhere. After an extra long pause, Zuron suddenly remembered when Hanwon showed off his quirk. He recognized the boy from UA, what was he doing here? Zuron didn't pay much attention to the other students while he was at UA, but he recalled Hanwon frequently arguing with himself. What a weirdo. When the time came, Zuron hulled himself to a standing potion and huffed out a few words. "The name's Zuron. Zuron Idie. My quirk enhances my speed. I don't choose favorites because it's stupid. I guess if I had to choose a hero I'd go with the strongest hero- All Might. But not for any dumb reasons, just because he's strong." Zuron shrugged before slumping back into his seat.
Fuyuki followed Kat to class, as she hoped that she could've possibly continued their conversation there, but Mr.Hami gave a quick task to the students to introduce themselves. After choosing a seat somewhere along the first row and listening to some introduction, she herself decided to do her introduction after Zuron and raised from her seat right after Zuron ended his introduction.

"Hi. I'm Fuyuki Tsumetai and I like to mostly read and I guess, listening to music too- Oh and I really like salty foods. My quirk gives me the ability to lower any part my body past the freezing point, and my favorite hero would be Thirteen," the light brown haired student said, sat back down on her seat and continued to listen to the rest of the intros.

Kumori stepped into the class room right as Mr. Hamikaru started his speech and hurried to her usual seat on the second row. She listened to introduction after introduction and she rose from her seat after Fuyuki introduced herself.
"My name is Kumori Anansi and my quirk would be that I, like you may already see, have the same abilities as a spider. I don't have a favorite hero, as of right now at least," she said and sat back down on her seat. Her introduction may have been on the shorter side, but no one would most likely care that much about it.
Yoru's eyes struggled to remain open, since one-by-one each student rose up to talk about themselves. The process was tedious at best, almost everybody hated icebreakers except for a few of those strange ones. Yoru was tired of this nonsense after the first introduction, the only interesting part about all of this were their quirks, she couldn't care less about what they did after school or who their favorite heroes were. However it looked like the train was slowing down, so Yoru decided she should toss some more coal in, with that she stood up from her seat with one hand resting on her waist, irritated that she actually had to do this. Though once she began to talk, she didn't sound irritated, just unenthusiastic. "My name's Yoru Kijima. My quirk allows me to have the ability to produce and control smoke however I like, I can also solidify my smoke. My favorite hero? I dunno, probably Death Arms. Yep." She sat back down after introducing herself, immediately becoming bored once again.

Ciel watched as every student took their turn and introduced themselves. Some he already knew from before but there were a lot of new students as well. A fact like that caught Ciel off guard considering the reputation of this school, he wondered why they all transferred to this particular school. Nonetheless he knew that he should introduce himself to the class, surprisingly he wanted to be one of the last to go so people could remember his position, just in case someone needed his help later on. Ciel rose up, bearing a confident attitude. "Hello, I'm Ciel Iridine, also known as 1-B's class rep. My quirk allows me to manipulate the iron within my body to create different types of metal weapons, armor, and more." Ciel paused so he could gather his thoughts, particularly what he'd say he did after school. "I like to work out after school as well as train my quirk. I can't decide on a favorite hero because they're all pretty cool to me." Ciel stated, sitting back down in his seat and waiting for the rest to finish up.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"I guess it's my turn" Jack mumbled before rising "i am Jack Jackson and that is all you need to know". He said before going back into his seat and thinking about other stuff he may have to try someday
Flora quietly stood up and said “ I’m Flora my last name I wish not to say. I My quirk is Blood thorns.” As she said that as she removed the vine brett holding her ponytail. She lays it on her hand as her eyes glow yellow, the vine bret reacted as started to wrap around her hand pricking her hand, glowing red as it was drinking her blood. Her eyes go back to her original green and the vine is twice it’s old size and still rapped on her arm.

She finally said, “ I just warn you stay away from me this is only using my blood. But anyway I don’t really have a favorite thing.” She sits back down and the vine stills glowing red but staying the same size.
Kat shrugged when Kishi asked her about Hawk.
"I think he's pretty cool. He doesn't really look all that tough or strong, like other heroes usually do. His quirk's flashy, but still pretty simple compared to other heroes. He didn't go to U.A. But even so, he's still the Number 2 hero. It shows that really anyone can be heroes, y'know?" Kat said to Kishi quietly. She watched as other students introduced themselves, and felt a twinge of irritation when Kishi commented on an increase of competition. Competition? Competition in what? Grades?

Kishi gave his introduction, and Kat couldn't help but to giggle a little. Ice cream and movies? A pretty big contrast from everyone else that said sports or working out or training.
"Selkie, huh?" Kat asked when Kishi sat back down.


Daichi felt a bit more comfortable after he gave his introduction. Maybe this wasn't going to be that bad. Yeah. He could probably deal with this. Then the next student introduced themselves by transforming into a half-man half-beast fighter that looked extremely tough. Ah. Great. But the next couple student's quirks didn't seem that bad though. An animal transformation quirk was kind of scary, but, uh... water guns and speed didn't sounds that bad. Spider powers and cold powers, smoke powers and weapon powers. Not super bad. Daichi could see himself having a bit of a chance if he were to fight these guys, exceptionally if they didn't have any experience in martial arts.

The quirkless boy watched as the next student, a girl with red hair and a red kimono, stood up and introduced herself. Her quirk appeared to be some sort of thorny vines that drank blood. Now that was a vicious quirk...
Flora held her head lightly from boredom and light headed a little. The vine around her suddenly grows a rose and flashes a blood red as it returns to normal. As she let her head go she stood up and walked over to the rooms doors and left quietly and swiftly. After she got a good distant down the hall and into the court yard, she sat on her knees and put her hand on the ground as more vines came out of the ground and she sighed. Flora touched the vine mumbling, “ I swear you have a mind of your own !” After that she unwrapped the vine to reveal her arm with a light bruise where the vine pricked her. Then she put the vine on the ground as the other vines wrapped around it disappearing in the ground afterwards.

Flora stood up and patted her knees oof and headed back inside and headed to the nurses office.
When she got there she knocked and went in and closed the door behind her saying, “ Sorry to intruded anything but do u happen to have some bandages ?” The nurse nodded confused and grabbed a roll of bandages walking back over asking, “ May I ask why you need them ?” She showed the nurse her arm and then she sighed wrapping up Floras arm” I was warned about you knock ..” Flora know already that the nurse was made aware of her quirk and back lash of it.

The nurse finished wrapping her arm and patted her shoulder” head back to class Flora.” Flora nodded and left the office and headed back to the room where she did her introduction.
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Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora sat listening to everybody introduce themselves. This was a learning experience, and it was probably a good idea if she memorized all she could. The newcomer's quirks were pretty cool and most of them seemed like nice people. However, she soon flinched backward when Flora introduced herself. Well, that wasn't the nicest greeting. Maybe she just wants her space though? She eyed the red-haired girl as she walked out of the room sporting a little bruise. Her gaze dropped as she turned to look at Lydia. She was quite surprised that she decided to attend a school like this but was quite glad. I just hope she doesn't end up picking fights with everybody like she used to.

Lydia smiled as she glanced upward at the ceiling. She didn't seem to have gotten in trouble for her lateness and for that she was quite glad. Imagine having detention or something like that on the first day of school. Just the thought of that is horrendous. She listened to everybody introduce themselves, taking note of certain people. She noticed how Flora was the only person who showed off her quirk. She glanced at her as she watched the vine disappeared. Now that I think about it, she seems kind of young, I wonder how she's in our class? Actually, I don't think there are many classes in this school. She shrugged off the thought, she didn't want to think so much early in the day. Oh well, more variability in the people I meet then I guess.
Kishi blushed slightly when he heard Kat giggle, did he say something wrong? "I don't know-" Kishi shrugged when Kat inquired about his favorite hero, "I've always looked up to him. He's so kind an selfless, and brave when he needs to be. But, he's not always in the spotlight. He just does his thing- I guess." the boy smiled faintly.

Mr. Hami seemed to know when people were done, despite not really paying attention to what was happening. His dull gaze followed Flora out of the room, and stayed narrowed on the hallway she disappeared down, before he just huffed and rolled his eyes. "Moving on..." The man groaned as he leaned against the wall beside his white board and began sloppily copying something from a piece of paper onto the board. Within minutes, a list had been created- a list of student names in pairs of two (ya'll know what they are). Mr. Hami spent an extra moment tapping on the board as if he were trying to gather his words- "Today is going to go a little differently for those of you who have been here before. As you should have figured out by now, you are going to be split into pairs. Each pair will be given the day to do whatever you want, but you must do things together. If one person is caught without their partner, they will be eliminated from the final competition. At the end of the day there will be a competition to see which team works the best together through a test of physical and combative teamwork as well as one of mental and emotional teamwork. Keep in mind that this is for a grade. That's all-" Mr. Hami ended while sitting down, not really explaining much at all. "Go do whatever you want, I highly suggest yous tart getting to know each other. And don't wander away from campus or cause too much damage, please." the man sighed as he took out a book and casually began reading it.
Drayda tried to calm herself down by not focusing on herself and focusing on the other introductions happening around her. There was quite the variety of quirks and people here, and then she saw one of the girls leave that showed the blood thorn. Raising an eyebrow, she just kept an eye on Mr. Hami, who seemed to be quite displeased. Why was he so uptight? Was he always like this? She glanced over at the chair she broke and felt a bit upset for doing that. Her dragon felt like she didn't care really all that much about Mr. Hami's reaction, but Drayda wanted to at least make people think she was at least okay to be around and to get friends. She'll just have to work hard on making sure the dragon didn't just take over her mouth like it did while she was out there.

Looking up at the board, she watched the teacher scribble out names quickly. Watching the strokes of the marker on the board calmed her down some, until she realized who she was going to be partnered with. The name next to hers was Zuron. She thought back to his introduction. He seemed quite obsessed with power and strength and doesn't find enjoyment in anything else besides being strong. She wondered what hurt him. Her attention zapped back to the teacher as he said the rules of what they were going to be doing today. So basically it was just learn about each other and train together or do whatever it was before they do a teamwork exercise. Judging by Zuron's words, he seemed quite uptight himself and he most likely wasn't going to be one about being emotionally connected with anyone, let alone having a friend. He seemed to keep himself at quite a distance from everyone else.

Well, if anything, she would just have to figure out how to get him to at least be a little nicer to her. She got up, picked up her backpack, and walked over to Zuron, her wings now slowly, and painfully, retreating into her back while her tail stayed out as it curled around in the air due to her anxiety and the dragon's want to do something destructive. She groaned a bit in pain before coming up to Zuron's desk. She came up to Zuron's side before talking, her voice soft, yet firm with power. It almost seemed she had two contrasting voices, one from herself and the other from her dragon side. "You're Zuron, right? If we want to get a good grade, we might as well start training with each other. What do you want to do?" She gave Zuron a choice to be a leader in this decision, but made it quite known that she wanted to train.

Hopefully, this was enough to maybe start a friendship with the guy. The fact that he was closer to her skin tone made her feel a bit more comfortable, as she was in a neighborhood where there were hardly any paler skin tones running around. Someone who was at least close to her heritage gave her a bit more confidence in this. Maybe he could help her control herself...

She kept her thoughts to herself as she waited for Zuron to say something, her eyes trained on him with a fixed, almost intense and dead expression. It almost seemed like she was looking through him, and yet into him at the same time. Must be the dragon part of her doing that.
Kat listened to Kishi, nodding along to what he was saying. When you put it that way, well...
"Yeah, that fits you!" Kat said to Kishi. Now, it seemed like Mr. Hami was moving on with the class. Evidently, they were being divided up into pairs. Kat was being paired up with someone called Eru. She... didn't remember if he had introduced himself. Looking around the room, she tried to see if she could somehow identify the student. Only problem was, she didn't really know what he looked like. So Kat decided to wait to see if he would come to her, and if that didn't work than she would begin trying to guess once most people began to pair up.


Daichi watched as Mr. Hami wrote the names on the board. He was being paired up with Fuyuki. That was the girl that said she could make herself really cold, right? She seemed pretty normal. Getting out of his seat, Daichi picked up his bag and walked over to where Fuyuki was sitting. He gave the light brown haired girl a small smile and a wave as he approached.
"Uh... Hey. I'm Daichi. It looks like we're partnering up." Daichi said. He took a seat in the desk next to Fuyuki's. "So... Uh... How's your day going?"


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Detsou? That was the emo guy in all gray. From the way Detsou moved and spoke, he was obviously done with this dreadful life. Ready to move on to what would come next. No! Asta was willing to make this the happiest day of Detsuo's life yet or... Just get the activity over with so they don't have to interact with each other ever again. This kid looked scary as is and he didn't want to talk to him more than he had to.

Asta got up from his desk to begin walking over. When he got over he was ready with a simple greeting. "Hey there. My name is Asta, nice to meet you."
Zuron groaned- why? No surprise that this school was emphasizing even more team building, but this was a bit too far. Worst of all, he was paired up with a new student. Suddenly regretting not paying attention to introductions, Zuron simply crossed his arms over his chest and waited for Drayda to approach him. Sure enough, a girl made her way from the crowd and towards the boy. Zuron's purple gaze lifted slightly, sure to show her that he had little interest in getting to know her. Why did she look so pained? He understood annoyed or anxious, but the girl really seemed to having something clawing at her form inside. She was rather direct, her first sentence offering them to get started abruptly. "Yeah- sure." Zuron huffed, "Just don't get in my way." Words that were so familiar to the boy that he said it without even thinking at this point, it was hard to tell if he even meant it anymore. Zuron stood up suddenly, tucking his hands into his pockets and expecting Drayda to follow as he walked out of the door and headed towards the field. "What's your quirk, again?" the boy asked without looking back, making it obvious that he hadn't been paying attention before. Of course, he didn't have high expectations for the strength of the girl- but it was good to know if they were going to be on the same team.


The ungainly teen still had his head rested on the desk, even after the teacher announced the teams of two. He wasn't interested in team building in the slightest, so the teams made no matter to him. After a few moments, he heard a muffled "Hey there," to which he responded with complete silence. The sudden newcomer stated that his name was Asta, which Detsuo noted. He squinted, raising his head to look at his partner. He seemed to be quite normal, though that was expected from a school such as the one he was attending. Detsuo blinked twice, then let out another exasperated sigh. "Let's just get this over with." He said blandly, not a hint of emotion from his voice.
Back when he was younger, he would've loved to do this, and surprisingly even now, a little tinkle of excitement illuminated his dark abyss of a soul. Apparently from what he had heard from here and there, they were to get to know each other, and spend most of the day cooperating. This actually would help in getting to understand this students quirk and abilities. Though, social interaction was one of Detsuo's faults, if it wasn't apparent by now.
This was going to be a long day for Detsuo.

"What was your Quirk again?" He prodded, as it was the only thing that would be of use to his father.
Drayda raised an eyebrow nonchalantly as she stared at him as he spoke and acted just as uninterested as her. Great...

She spoke up after giving him a stern look which came more from her Dragon than her. Her dragon was starting to really not like him. "Not get in your way? Usually partners or team members don't get in each other's way unless it's to save another's arrogant hide from being skinned."

She growled in pain as the tail curled up and disappeared and she looked away, squinting and her teeth bared until she regained control. The voice she spoke in now after that seemed a bit softer and not as raspy. "Sorry about that. She hates others. Anyway, you are that speedy guy Zuron, and I'm Drayda," she followed him out of the door and answered his question. "I can transform my body parts to that of a black and purple dragon, who is just as strong as she is fiery in temperament. The more body parts I use of her's, the more control I lose over my actions. Despite the small frame, she can turn concrete to rubble and is extremely fast and athletic. Of course, I can't control her and I can only completely transform when she gets enough emotions to do so and if she takes full control. Which would mean if you want to get angry at someone getting in your way, blame her, as I literally have no control over her actions. Once she takes control, its excruciatingly painful and exhausting to take back control from her. Not like it's already painful enough as it is sprouting and retracting wings, a tail, and scales from my skin..." she looked down at her feet before looking at the training field before her. "I transferred to this school because I nearly killed a couple people in my last school, and even the staff had difficulty in stopping me."

She then looked back at him, the dragon in her still trying to claw back control in her eyes as she looked pained, but also a little scared. "If you want to work with me and get an A in this assignment, I suggest you treat her a little better than what you're used to treating everybody else. Or else we'll get nowhere, and we could possibly get hurt. This is my only chance to get somewhere, and if I end up hurting another student because I can't control her, then I'm going to be put-" She cut herself off. She was getting too emotional and the Dragon was going to gain control in a moment if she kept this up.

She stayed silent as she walked on. She knew she talked too much, but she didn't care. If anything, she can pin it on Zuron later for not listening anyway.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Seo looked for Lydia in the crowded classroom. His short height caused him to not be able to see her, and he sighed with melancholy. Usually, his shortness didn't bother him, but now it was catching up to him. It felt like everyone got taller every day, while he was stuck at 4'7 for what seemed like forever. He had a concerned look on his face as he attempted to look around again. He didn't know why, but he didn't feel like talking or even acknowledging Hoshi today. And it wasn't even because she was an embarrassing childhood friend, it was something else... Like an instinct. He shuddered. Seo quickly got up out of his chair, feeling like he was sticking out of the crowd. He found who if he remembered correctly was Lydia. His personality change from secondary to upper secondary was drastic. He used to actually be cool in secondary, but now look at him. Who is even a popular kid in this entire classroom? He approached Lydia, though it seemed she was preoccupied with something by the expression on her face. "Uh... Are you Lydia?", he said, acting like he didn't know for an entrance into a first impression, how classy.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
What's his quirk? That was a weird question to start off with, even for someone of his caliber.
Maybe he's just scared of what I can do? Or I'm scared of what he can do?
Asta held out his hand in order to show off his quirk to his partner. His hand didn't seem very comfortable with this, it was shaking in a very visible way. It was fine though he could still show off his quirk, or so he thought. The hand that was shaking so much didn't allow him to concentrate. He was too scared to do it. Then as though a switch had been hit he became embarrassed.
"My quirk involves lightning which I manipulate to do whatever I want!" He said in a hurried fashion. This was too much for him, he'd rather be partners with Camden, Aurora, or Fuyuki but he wouldn't have branched out to meet other people without this activity.
"Whats your quirk?"
Oh no, she was paired up with the strangely ecstatic boy that could shoot water. Yoru silently groaned to herself as she contemplated going to talk to him was worth the trouble or not. Yoru may not have been crazy about school, but she wasn't a full on delinquent, surprisingly she still cared about grades. Against her whole mindset, she sought out the boy- however not without summoning a small, solid floating cloud that she could sit on and ride over to him. Given the boy's appearance it definitely wasn't hard to find him, in fact she was already in front of the guy before she knew it. Looking the most uninterested in this little game the teacher came up with, she asked if he was the right person, just in case. "You're the kid who has that boring water quirk- Kishi right?" She teased, but it didn't sound like she was joking at all.

Ciel was at a loss, he didn't remember anybody named Akagi introducing themselves. Or did he just forget about it? Impossible, it had to be the former, but he did find it somewhat amusing that they had the same name as Himari. What should I do? Search aimlessly until I find them, or just wait for them to come to me? Decisions, decisions... In the end, he kind of combined the two ideas into one. Ciel stood up from his seat and spoke with a raised voice, loud enough to catch the attention of the student if possible. "Akagi, I'm right here! We can get started once we group up." He said, before crossing his arms in anticipation, as it was always nice to meet new people regardless of how they acted.


Detsuo watched in curiosity as his partner held out his hand, though his head was still slumped. He winced as another one of their class members shouted something unrecognizable to Detsuo, but his focus was soon back onto his partner. He had his trembled hand extended, though nothing seemed to happen. He stated that his Quirk had to do with lighting, which had insane potential. Though it seemed he had put his poor partner on the spot, which even made the dreadful teen feel bad for him. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot," he mumbled, "I was just curious." Detsuo didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, but at this point it seemed too late.

He asked about his Quirk, which made him flinch. His hair shifted, the gray scruffy hair covering his eyes. "I'd rather not show you." Detsuo said sharply, his eyes fixated to the floor. "But it has to do with Bone Manipulation, it isn't that cool or powerful at all." He stated grimly, his eyes glinting in the faint light that passed through his lazed posture.

"I'm pretty new to the school," he said in an attempt to break the ice. "We could erhm- explore around for anything interesting." He suggested, though it didn't even sound that interesting to begin with.
Zuron scoffed internally at Drayda's comment, although he didn't respond. "Arrogant hide from being skinned?" that was uncalled for. Actually, the boy was surprised to see Drayda's ability to stand up to him. While most of the class had just grown used to him, she was still new and probably confused by his spoiled attitude. He had to give it to her- he was impressed with her confidence. Or perhaps it was the dragon's. Zuron didn't fully comprehend the concept, but he was going to bother trying either. "You can't control her?" Zuron huffed. So much for her saving him- she was might as well be quirkless. When Zuron stopped in his tracks and turned to face Drayda, her expression caught him off guard. It was... pained. A pain he couldn't describe, but he knew it was pain. The boy's own face dropped slightly, his gaze searched her face for a sign of something else and his mouth hung open as he couldn't find anything to say.
"So if... she." Zuron hesitated to call the dragon its own creature, not really sure if such a thing was possible, "If she takes control, that's not really good for anyone. Then we just can't let her do that. I mean, I guess it's not your fault that you can't control your quirk- though it's rather unfortunate. We may as well work around it for now. Can you do anything that doesn't involve the dragon? If there any part of your quirk that you can use for sure? Is there anyway we can convince the dragon not to come out?" Zuron's voice was softer now. He understood not being good enough, he understood loss. But he had no idea how this girl felt, how could he? And, perhaps, a week ago he would not have reacted so kindly, but he'd grown since arriving at Hashino Academy. "All we have to do is work up a solid plan to win. What type of competition we have coming up can be anything from a battle to a game of hide-and-seek, things tend to be unpredictable around here." The boy explained as he stood facing the girl. Still, how could they work together if she couldn't use her quirk?

Kishi smiled widely as he found that he had been paired up with a new student. It was his chance to show someone what this school was all about! The girl seemed to have found Kishi before he could find her, adn was approaching him while using her quirk. "Awesome..." Kishi whispered to himself as he stared in awe at her cloud. It was simply amazing to him, to be able to change the phase of a matter- it seemed to have limitless possibilities. Kishi met Yoru with a smile- though she was the first to speak. The boy blinked at her words, they were rather frank. He took a breath, seemingly like he may also reply rudely but ended up simply grinning again. "Yep, that's me! And you're Yoru. I know my quirk seems boring, but I promise to try my best. And I'll try not to let you down. We're gonna have to get along for this to work, I don't think it will be to hard. Even if it's just for today... friends?" Kishi offered his hand to the girl with a pleasant upturn of his lips. "We can start with whatever you want." he added quickly.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora glanced up startled at the board. Jack? He's kind of scary though. She had seen him in action, and his red eyes frightened her even more. She shook her head, No no, think positive Aurora. I'm sure he'll be a nice guy if I get to know him. She stood up and after a moment of pause, walked over hesitantly. "Hello, Jack. It seems we're partners for today," she said before sighing. Well, of course, don't be a dummy Aurora. "Let's try and make the best out of it then. We probably won't end up as besties by the end of the day, but maybe acquaintances?" she asked. She subtly glanced to make sure that there was a decent amount of space between them. He seemed like the guy who liked his personal space, and she wasn't one who'd purposely intrude upon it.

Lydia looked up at the boy in front of her. Unlike some others in the class, he didn't seem to tower over her. That was a relief. Perhaps he's also one of the young students here. Before a length of silence could ensue, she spoke. "Yeah," she said as she glanced at the board. "So you must be Seo then?" she asked as she got out of her desk and stood. What did he say when he introduced himself? I think he had a twin and his quirk was turning into animals. That seemed pretty interesting. "So what's it like having a twin?" she asked. Being an only child, she had always wondered what it was like having a sibling. Some people always told her that siblings weren't as glorious as she thought. She had just shrugged, unbelieving.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"...hello, Aurora, so, what the heck sre we supposed to do? I didn't listen because i was thinking of other stuff" he said as he turned his head to look at her , sighing he got up to wait for her response
Fuyuki turned her head to see Daichi and smiled back at her new partner. She took a few glances around the class room and it looked like some of her class mates were going somewhere else to do their new assignment. She turned her glance back at Daichi before she started to speak.

"It's been pretty alright, I guess," she responded. She wasn't the best with interacting with other people when it's forced, but she wanted to do well with this new task.
"So.. You're also a new student here? I also started here pretty recently," Fuyuki started and let her gaze wander around the classroom, "Uhm..sorry to jump from a thing to another, but do you wanna stay here or go somewhere else?"
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Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora glanced upward at Jack. Thankfully, he had responded. She listened to his question and was glad that she had been listening. It would've been embarrassing to go up and ask what they were supposed to do. "So basically we have the whole day to do whatever we want," she started to explain. "the catch is we have to do it together, if we're caught separated then we're eliminated from the final competition. That said competition tests our teamwork," she said. She was tempted to fly up to his height but stayed on the ground as she waited for a reaction.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"So, they wanted to put us with people we never worked with. Fine, what do you want to do first?" He asked. Considering he litteraly lives alone, he doesn't know what people do to hang out "all i do these days is play video games"
"Yeah." Daichi said when Fuyuki asked if he was new, nodding. He looked around, thinking for a moment on her next question before just shrugging.
"Some place less crowded than this would be cool with me." Daichi said, glancing out the window. "Does this place have a gym or something?"
He looked outside the window, into the dirt lot he had been in before the classes had started. This school was so small, he wouldn't be surprised if it turned out they didn't have a Gym. Running a hand through his hair, he turned his attention back to Fuyuki. "Whatever you want to do, though. It doesn't really matter to me."


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Searching around the school isn't really something Asta planned to do but if they needed to hang out together and get stuff done, sure. Now that he started to think about it, with a quirk like Mr.Hami's the school could be much bigger than it seemed from the outside. Plus he didn't know what the other teacher's quirks are. This was the perfect opportunity to explore, he had to seize it with a strong grip. "If you wanna explore, I'm down." He said enthusiastically.
Drayda was busy looking down, not too sure about how her new partner would react to her. His next reaction surprised her, though. He actually had compassion somewhere in there for her. Or at least some semblance of sympathy. This took both of her and her Dragon off guard. She just stared at him in shock and wonderment, the anger from her eyes dying down and the pain subsided. The Dragon, even though she wasn't too keen on trusting Zuron just yet, calmed down from wanting to take control. This also surprised Drayda, as this never happened before.

Listening to him, she nodded. "No, she acts like a separate being. Like two minds sharing one body, and both are so similar in their personalities that they don't mesh very well. But if she takes control, she protects this body to the best of her abilities. She won't try to kill people unless they give her a very good reason to, she will only hurt those who she thinks have wronged her in anyway. If her and I agree on something, we each take custody of the body in certain ways."

Sighing, she tried to explain the best she could about her quirk. "Like this, I am just a regular, quirkless human, if that human were to be in top peak physical condition. I am quite strong and fast by myself, but most of my strength comes from her. If I am to use my potential, I would have to come to terms with my Dragon in that moment, and she would have to come to terms with me in order for me to use her powers and at least have some inkling of control. The most I can do without too much of her mental fiddling is create scales as a defensive measure. But sadly, if I am to be remotely useful in a fight, she would need to take some control," she smirked and chuckled a bit, her mind still in shock about what was happening right now. "She's surprised you actually tried to care about our condition. She doesn't like it as much as I do, especially since I hardly give her any freedom to do what she wants, mainly because it can be unacceptable behavior and I would like to maintain friendships instead of getting mad at someone for slighting us just once. But seeing that you aren't all that bad, she has agreed to work with you for the time being, just as long as you stay nice to her. If that allows me some control, I don't know. Hopefully it does. Thank you," she smiled up at Zuron before asking him a question.

"So, is there anything I can do to help you with your quirk? I'm assuming the reason you are at this school is because of some deficit, although it doesn't seem to be as bad as mine. I can tell it's nothing as bad having two personalities share one body, let alone having completely no control over your power," she looked up at him with sweet eyes this time, a contrast to what she showed earlier. She wasn't in too much pain anymore, and she felt oddly more normal, which made her feel less normal at the same time.

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish

Camden grinned and set off to find his partner, someone by the name of 'Hoshi'. Of course, he'd been careful to check that his other sleeve had been rolled down before he stood up.
A'ight. Time to make some friends.
He began to scan around from the back of the room where he sat, because why not get classified as an edge-lord, y'know? He rather regretted sleeping through the icebreakers, but edge-lords gotta be edge-lords, y'know? Although, his answer would have been an excited 'My name is Camden Monkiamzu, my hobby is climbing random things that shouldn't be climbed. My Quirk is an Emmiter, and it gives me the ability to stretch my limbs! My favorite hero is Endeavor, because he's strong as hell!' or something along those lines


Kotaro was rather late for school. He woke up late, and quickly tossed on his hoodie and jeans before yelling a hasty goodbye to his parents. He dashed out of the door before realizing he had left his satchel and phone. He ran back, grabbed his satchel and phone, and ran back out the door, dashing the mile-and-a-half to school.
I hope I haven't missed anything... skipping my morning workout is bad enough as it is...
He reached the school and ran through his memory about his class.
1-B. Mr. Hami
He ran to the door when he saw it, and very nearly flung himself inside. Hopefully he wasn't sweaty or panting too heavily when he slid to a stop inside the classroom. He hadn't even combed his hair, but it probably wouldn't matter anyways. He looked up at the class, some were leaving, others were staying, and he hoped to make a not-so-flashy move so it looked like he'd been here all along. He simply rolled along the wall and then stood in place about midway through the class.
Hopefully someone else knows what they're doing... but there's no way anyone knows, that was my stealthiest blend-in move yet.
Yoru eyed the boy suspiciously as he wasn't offended by her comment in the slightest, she decided to brush it off as nothing. Whatever, I guess it couldn't hurt to act like friends for just a day. "Fine, but if you're going to stick with me, that boring quirk won't do." She stated in a slightly joking manner as she firmly gripped the boy's hand. "So I'll teach you what I know, and maybe it'll help you." Yoru was grinning rather mischievously now, and although she despised the idea of working with someone else, this was an opportunity to have some fun. That was something she couldn't pass up no matter what. So following that thought, the cloud she was sitting on grew in mass slightly, it was just enough to accommodate another person.
"Wanna ride?" She offered, gesturing for him to hop on. "Unless you don't think you can handle it." She teased, awaiting his response- though she was growing impatient by the second, but she tried to wait as long as possible. This place really isn't that big from what I've seen. The only place to go is probably that field, that's so boring though...
When Drayda's expression shifted, it caught Zuron by surprise. Realizing that he had created such a reaction, the boy huffed and turned around so he was no longer facing her. How immature, they had business to attend to. "Yeah, Yeah. My quirks fine." Zuron huffed, refusing to admit his major flaw. He doubted it would affect them anyways. "Being super speed- it's hard for my quirk to work well with others, seeing as it's hard for them to keep up with me." Zuron muttered as he attempted to phrase the problem with him and her working together. He did his best to refrain from full on insulting her, but he truly could only see her as slowing him down if she didn't have a quirk.
Zuron tapped his foot impatiently as he thought. He couldn't just leave her alone and take his opponents on by himself, especially not now that he doesn't know half of the other students quirks. Zuron grew visibly irritated as he he failed to think of a plan, eventually the boy just drew a long sigh. "Alright. We're just going to have to work this out, all 3 of us. I mean, it's hard to explain. If your dragon doesn't like you restricting her and you don't like her having complete freedom, can't you compromise?" Zuron kept pausing, trying to make sense without sounding stupid. "Listen, your power isn't debilitating. You make it sound worse than it is- I know your scared, but worst comes to worst I won't let you do any damage, I'll take you down myself. I know it's hard but we kind of need your quirk, so it's time to stop complaining about your flaws and start trying to manage them. You can start now, Think of that dragon as a friend, you've got to rely on her so you may as well trust her. Let her help you, I mean it seems like that's all she wants to do. I'm ready if anything goes wrong, it's better here and now than during the competition." Zuron shrugged. It was a lot easier to talk to Drayda now, when nobody else was watching. She seemed so weak and insecure that he didn't care much what she thought- and with nobody else to judge him the boy felt relaxed. If Zuron could help Drayda with her quirk maybe they'd have a chance at winning, and focusing on Drayda meant he didn't have to talk about himself, it was a win-win for him.

Kishi didn't understand Yoru's need to mention the ineffectiveness of his quirk, but something told him she wasn't as serious and rude as it seemed. When Yoru took Kishi's offer the boy's grin grew wider. Teach him? It was a strange and unusual thing to say upon first meeting somebody, but it excited Kishi none the less. Nobody had ever approached him in such a way, while most the class knew of his lack of ability, nobody had ever offered to help him- maybe she actually could help him. What if he actually could be strong? Nearly shaking with anticipation, Kishi nodded eagerly, this girl, who was no older than him, instantly gained the boy's easily influence respect. When the cloud grew, Kishi took a step back and his eyes widened with awe. It was awesome! "Wow. Really?" Kishi smiled like a child when allowed to go on a pony ride- "I'm sure I can handle it." the boy smiled proudly at his own toughness. Kishi stood an extra second before cautiously boarding the cloud, to his surprise he did not fall right through. "So soft-" the boy muttered to himself as he patted the cloud beneath him and smiled towards Yoru. "I'm sure everyone will be heading towards the field. How about we try the parking lot instead?" Kishi offered, referring to the front of the school where the students had earlier gathered.
Drayda watched Zuron's expression change. He really was caring, he just preferred not to show it because strength and control was all that mattered, and caring too much got himself into trouble. Well, that's what she guessed. Smiling a little, she thought about what Zuron said, and found it confusing that super speed makes it hard for people to catch up. Yes, while that was true, she felt like there was something else he wasn't telling her. Maybe she'll see it when he starts running. The Dragon seemed to be more comfortable with him and, even though she doesn't exactly trust him, she was still willing to help out for the short duration of their task. Especially after she heard of him wanting to give her a bit of freedom.

Drayda was a bit surprised. She thought about giving her control before, but every time she did, something bad happened which caused the instincts to kick in and she was unable to have that bit of control over herself. But since she felt like they bonded enough, the Dragon actually didn't want to damage them too much. Hearing that he was actually willing to stop her if anything bad happened, she finally agreed to it, nodding her head.

Closing her eyes, she had to see what her Dragon thought of it. The Dragon seemed more than happy to help, but also agreed with the fact that she would need to give more control to Drayda during this time. But it was too fun to not fight like a crazed wild animal. Drayda was kind of scared that her Dragon would accidentally hurt Zuron or anybody else, but she seemed not to have that kind of want or need to do that. She just didn't like to be that brutal, but if that is what is required of her at the moment, she might as well delve into it again. She didn't want to make it seem like she was enjoying this because a tiny bit of her was pretty darn sadistic, which was why the Dragon was trying to get her to like this side of her, or at least get used to it. Drayda didn't want to turn into a monster though. But they were fighting robots at the training area, she guessed, so she was feeling a little better about it.

Looking up at Zuron after finishing her mental delegations, she nodded. "I will give her a bit of freedom, and in turn, she was going to allow me a little bit of control while I'm fully turned for the duration of this task. However, once you see how dangerous I am, you may understand why I'm a little terrified of turning into a monster. I'm not calling my Dragon a monster, but more of just myself. I don't want to come to terms with that part of me, which the Dragon seems so adamant that I should let myself loose every now and then. Come on, we should get there."

She began walking at a brisk pace towards the arena. Now that she was relinquishing a bit of control to the Dragon, a tail and wings popped out again. She noticed it wasn't as painful this time. Maybe it was because the Dragon was freely giving her the wings and tail while she wasn't trying to stop the creation of such things or trying to force the Dragon to give them to her to use. Interesting.

She thought for a moment, wondering if it was okay to race him. Being that he has super speed, it would give her a chance to see how fast he could go since he seemed so tight lipped about himself. She turned to look at Zuron, smirked, then yelled "Race ya" while jumping in the air and flapping a few times to pick up speed before reaching a close 25 miles per hour. She was only doing this to see how fast he was, not really to race, but the feeling of the wind hitting her and coursing around her felt amazing.
Kumori stared at the white board, focusing on the name Kotaro. She couldn't remember anyone introducing themselves by that name. She looked around the room trying to find a new student who didn't introduce themselves yet. She noticed a student leaning on a wall, which the spider girl had no recollection of. She got up from her seat and walked over to black haired student.
"You are Kotaro Izami, right?" She asked in her usual flat voice and crossed all three pairs of her arms, as if she was impatient or that she wanted to get this activity over with.

Fuyuki's gaze focused on Daichi when he spoke and her grey gaze remained focused when she spoke.
"I don't know if there's a gym, but I guess we could go explore to find a place to train," she responded to her partner and rose from her seat. She walked over to the door, gestured her partner to follow and made her way down the hallway.
"Alright." Daichi said, shrugging and following the girl. He thought back to what she had said when she had introduced herself. She was a fan of books? Daichi wasn't really one for reading. What else had she said? That she was able to lower any part of her body below freezing, and her favorite hero was Thirteen. Thirteen was a pretty cool hero. Daichi was a bit of a sucker for heroes with masked appearances. Always made curious as to what they looked like underneath, who they really were. Daichi remembered reading that there was some speculation that there was nothing under Thirteen's suit at all. Quite a mysterious person.
"So, uh... you like to read? Read any good books lately?" Daichi asked.

Daichi followed Fuyuki out into the hall, looking up and down. There really didn't seem to be much to this building. Matching up what Daichi had seen on the outside with what was on inside, Daichi really didn't think there was anything inside other than classrooms and a cafeteria. But as they walked, the boy noticed a door that caught his attention. "Roof Access" the door ready. Daichi jerked a thumb at the door, nodding at it.
"We could check out the roof. I don't think I saw anyone going up there." Daichi said to Fuyuki.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora thought for a moment. "Well, the truth is I don't play video games much. I'll probably be horrible, but if you're fine with that we could try," she said. She then sighed. "But wait, where would we play video games?" she asked. She wasn't sure where the limitations of their boundaries were. And, if she remembered, most of the others still stayed on school property. "Oh no, we don't have to ditch to do so right?" she asked flinching. She didn't want something like that in her history, no matter how small it was. She took a deep breath in, trying to calm herself. She doubted her freaking out would somehow strengthen their bond. That is the point of this exercise right? Or at least something along the lines of that. She calmed herself down and uttered an apology. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something." She stretched out her wings now that there was enough space while thinking back on the exercises they did a week prior. "So what exactly is the limit of your quirk?" she asked curiously. She always had questions before but had felt too intimidated to ask. Now, however, they were partners so it wasn't prying right? "If you don't want to answer you don't have to," she said hurriedly. Why didn't I start with that? With another thought train going through her head, she stood there dazed, waiting for a response.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"Currently i can only use my quirk for twenty three minutes, of course, i need to take a break for five minutes to use it again, last time i broke this limit, my quirk went crazy" Jack responded calmly "what's your quirk "
Fuyuki looked around the hall, as she and Daichi made their way through it. She thought back to when Daichi introduced himself and tried to think of different topics to talk about. She recalled that the white haired boy's favorite hero was All Might, that he disliked mango and starfruit for some reason and that his hobby was boxing. However, before the cold quirked student could say anything, Daichi happened to be faster. Fuyuki glanced over to her partner and a smile formed on her face. She tried to think back a few weeks before she answered.

"Hm.. I'm currently reading a horror-mystery book. It's alright, but pretty predictable," She responded. She wasn't sure if her partner liked books, so she was about to change subject, but once again her partner happened to beat her once again. She looked over to the door where Daichi pointed. The door had a sign with red, bold letters reading 'Roof Access'.

"Oh good idea," she replied and walked over to the door to open it. Behind the door were some stairs that went up. The staircase itself was pretty small and dark, but luckily there was a light switch right beside the door, which Fuyuki pressed. She glanced back towards Daich before she started to make her way up the stairs.

"So, you like boxing? How long have you had it as a hobby?" she asked with a curious tone in her voice. She had heard of the hobby before, but she didn't know much about it.

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Kotaro looked over at a girl that looked like a spider, and raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Uh, I go by Kota, actually. How do you know my full n-" Kotaro looked and saw the names and partnering system on the board.
"Oh, so that's how. You're Kumori I'll assume?" He said, turning his head back towards Kumori