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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously Deathstalker62
Death instinctively let go as he witnessed his opponent mash buttons on the device, prompting a pulsating wave to start disfiguring the stage, flying ever closer. The reaper flew upward, creating a purple portal above himself that allowed his upper half to enter while his lower half was erased by the glitching, the portal alongside it. The dark spirit had waited a few moments for the wave to pass within the space that his purple portals led, before creating several portals around his original location, but not yet re-emerging. For out of the six portals he made, he only floated through one of them for the other five shot out two large, skeletal hands each, Death aiming them to grapple his opponent. As the reaper re-emerged, his secret was revealed - his spine stopped by his ribcage, his lower half consisting entirely of an empty void cloaked by his robes - the fabric of which was now glitched out and erased.

Once the hands managed to grapple the gremlin and his mech? The grim reaper would summon many, MANY portals more to grab onto his opponent and ensure they'd be kept in place - some going at the mech, some at the gremlin, and some even at the controller to once again try to rip it out of their hands with added force. If this succeeded, he'd then float over to Uratekumon's side.. hold out his arm to re-summon his scythe.. position himself properly.. and make himself ethereal as to dash right through the giant, planning to cut him in half.

'Terrarian: It doesn't eat anything. None of my pets or minions do. Infact, only me, my minions and my turrets are the only ones fighting, the pets just keep me company. Also, it's a fairy, not a bug, if you couldn't tell.'

The pixelated hero then examined Luxray as it came out of its pokeball.

'Terrarian: Luxray, eh? He kinda reminds me of the Hellhounds from the Pumpkin Moon, if a bit bigger and less spooky.'
'Terrarian: Well, I hope you aren't too attached to your Pokemon because I've got quite a handful of weapons on me. Here, have a look!'

The Terrarian proceeded to have another message appear above his head, which displayed mostly images of his new set of weapons and just a few words.

'Terrarian: :LastPrism: , :NebulaBlaze: , :NebulaArcanum: , :LaserMachinegun: , :RazorbladeTyphoon: , :StellarTune: , :RainbowGun: , :BetsysWrath: , :GoldenShower: . I do also have my ace in the hole, which is my trusted sword, :Zenith: . Oh, by the way, even though it says Terrarian up there, its more of an alias of mine. My actual name is Jeremy, but I don't mind if you want to keep calling me Terrarian.'

Frank Horrigan
Frank had boarded the vertibird as it spun around to face the direction he came from and unleashed a cluster of lasers at his opponent's direction. It seems though that wasn't enough as, even with him adding his own plasma to the mix, his opponent has managed to.. disappear from the scene? The mutant had looked on to the gate he stood at now, before turning around to check the other door..

Yep, there he was. Slamming right into his chest, the Chief had come flying at him from the door. How? The hulking giant didn't really care. His enemy had just boarded an Enclave Aircraft. That's just another crime to add to the list. The super mutant had stumbled back, back landing against the vertibird's walls, shaking the aircraft around from his weight.

Yet, Frank didn't plan on just letting his opponent get away with boarding an Enclave Vertibird without permission. The armoured giant retaliated by activating his plasma blade and charging at the enemy, aiming to combine his blade slashes with punches, kicks, grapples and headbutts.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The attack of Uratekumon's appeared to shatter the laws of physics, even the 2-D style they were in. They shifted back into 3-D as Pixel World had now been too corrupted to salvage. However, the distortion caused by the attack remained for a time afterwards, Uratekumon residing inside the twisting and bending distortion.

Several portals were made around the distortion, hands emerging and cast inside. However, they seemed to spaghettify, swirling and glitching into the void until they became nothing more than streaks of color swirling in. Seemed as though this move was a little more than just a powerful burst attack. It seemed to stain the stage, as if it had been broken. Even MCmon seemed rather silent. Was this move fair? Who cares? He was a hacker. He always wins.

The field slowly began to regress, stress on slowly. Meanwhile, something inside began to make sounds. These high pitched pixel sounds were familiar. Like Miracle Gatcha? As the field regressed further until it was only a few feet, Uratekumon was holding a giant red weapon, glowing with forerunner code. An Incinerator Cannon. The roll on his head? 97. One of the highest available.


The incinerator Cannon pulsated with red energies, glowing hideously as the giant Cannon aimed toward death, a thick red blast fired out from it, scorching through the air as it ripped toward his foe, aiming to engulf him and completely disintegrate his foe with maximum prejudice.


"Wait- they don't eat?? That must be terrible! What if they get hungry??"

Hareta didn't seem to wrap his head around the concept of not eating. Seemed like one of those things the wild boy had a small brain with. However, what he wasn't expecting right after was a big display of weapons! He looked around at the guns, to which he had never seen or heard of. These things? Were they other creatures he had to summon? Man, this guy was a zookeeper! They had bizzare names, but who was he to judge? Luxray didn't like that dig at it's power however, growling at the prospect.

"So then Jer, Ter? Block guy! I dunno what half of those creatures are, but they sound tough. Don't hold anything back from the start okay? I promise I won't either!"

Hareta's optimism despite this being a life of death game spoken by the host was rare. Most seem resigned to their fates like Kumamon, Kumatora, or Pacman, or antagonistically evil like Death, Metal, or Specter. But few were actually positive about this experience. A quality not often found.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Sierra 117
"Try to keep your distance!" Kalmiya warned. Predictably Frank made to use earlier established tactics- though it wasn't as though either of them could pull off many fancy moves in such a confined space, else they fall out. The Spartan deflected the first few slashes, batted back any kicks with ones of his own, similar with punches, matching Agent Horrigan blow for blow for blow. This wasn't going to work, he needed a better strategy. He was simply being delayed here, but at least he was safe from the bombardment of the VTOL's weaponry. He had to admit, he hadn't expected lasers of all things. Horrigan's universe may have had more primitive security and technology for the most part, but lasers were a clear advantage that the UNSC had never seemed interested in exploiting. Sure, miniaturizing railguns had been a thing, but it took humanity from his universe until the 26th century to actually make laser weaponry, that being the M6 G/GNR, or more commonly referred to as the "Spartan Laser", which was certainly more powerful than the vertibird's weapons, even outclassing the missiles, but with an abysmal rate of fire and capable of only firing four to five shots before burning itself out.

Frank made to grapple, grasping onto Chief's shoulder with his free hand, squeezing tightly, the MJOLNIR suit beginning to creak under the pressure. Wincing, John batted away another attempted to cut him open before his free fist struck a couple inches below Frank's armpit, the armor denting beneath the strike that moved as quickly as a bullet, enough of a deterrent to make Frank lessen his grip just enough for the Spartan to duck under both a plasma shot and a punch, Frank's fist punching through the back wall of the vertibird.
Before he could yank it out, Chief made a surgical cut with the energy sword, running it up Horrigan's arm- and destroying his plasma blade, which flickered out of existence.
A small victory short-lived, as Frank yanked his arm out of the wall with a grunt, simultaneously spinning to backhand the Spartan, who was in the process of attempting to cut Frank's mounted gun in half next. Chief was lifted out of the air for a moment, spiraling toward the front of the vertibird, where he crashed against the console, his HUD flickering slightly as he noticed a crack cutting up the side of his visor.
"What part of 'keep your distance' didn't you understand?" Kalmiya sounded more worried than anything, but it would take more than that to put the Spartan out of commission.

Rolling himself out of the console, which was still mostly operational, Frank destroyed it by firing a ball of plasma that ignited it, melting the wires together and bursting the controls into fire, which began to engulf the pilot, who didn't seem to care considering his armor saved him from the flames, but was frantically messing with whatever dials and switches he could in an attempt to save the aircraft, but the vertibird began to spin out of control regardless. Chief was back on Frank, even as Kalmiya let out a groan, the Spartan weaving by a strike- and finishing what he meant to do moments before. His energy sword severed the mounted plasma weapon in two, and it merely spit out nothing now.
Frank clearly seemed to find this unfair, as he swung a fist to which Chief met to match, only to find it was a feint, Horrigan's other hand grabbing onto Chief's forearm and squeezing, the metal beginning to creak again.
The Spartan made to jab again, but Frank grabbed that arm as well, squeezing harder and harder as he lifted the Spartan from the ground. Unable to carry it any longer, John's grasp on the energy sword relinquished, and it clattered to the ground, blade disappearing before the handle simply spun out of the spiraling vertibird as it rocketed toward the ground.
"Your crimes against the Enclave won't go unpunished." Horrigan rumbled out from behind his mask. "Prepare to die, mutie." With that, he plunged his head forward, slamming it against the Spartan's own. The crack in his visor spider-webbed. Chief could only wince and grunt in response. "Chief! Come on, this is nothing, you've gone through worse!" Kalmiya cried to him, urging him to retaliate, but what could he do?
That was when a thought struck him.

As Frank reared his head back for another strike, yanking and squeezing more and more with his hands, the Spartan burst into action before his arms could be torn out of their sockets, kicking off the wall behind him and spinning with enough force to use both of his boots to slug against the underside of Horrigan's chin, an echoing "CRACK" splitting out as Frank relinquished his hold again, but John's momentum continued, his swing allowing him to bring his legs to the roof, and before the Agent could recover, Chief kicked off of it and shouldered into the mutant, knocking the both of them to the ground.
"You had me worried there for a second." Kalmiya spoke as Chief rolled away from Frank's fist, who was already back to his usual antics of trying to brutalize his opponent. "Yeah... me too." The Spartan grunted back as he swung to his feet- then leaped from the vertibird.

Airborne once again, the Spartan fired a grappling hook into the nearby Covenant skyscraper, the streets below littered with bubbling masses of pulsing flesh and writhing tentacles. They'd reached the city, which meant they were free from the nuclear blast. As the Spartan landed deftly against the ground, his HUD flickering annoyingly, he looked toward the VTOL just as it crashed against another Covenant skyscraper. The Covenant architecture proved stable even in this horrid environment, as the vertibird failed to crash through, instead its front crumpled in as the entire vehicle erupted into a violent explosion. There, it seemed to hang in the air for just a moment later before it crashed to the ground, landing in a great heap of twisted metal and roaring fire.
"Is he... dead...?" Kalmiya asked. Rubbing one of his forearms, Chief squinted toward the flames. "You're the one with life-sign scanning." He reminded her. "Oh, yeah!" She exclaimed.


Previously mallard
Wow, this guy was getting more difficult by the second, even harder to fight than Revan! He was like a Rito, flying around and throwing out sharp attacks from range. As another large blade fell down towards him, he lifted his own weapon to block it, but, he saw Rebellio coming in from the corner of his eye. This put Daruk in a bit of a pickle, one which had to be solved in a split-second. He lifted his other meaty forearm, and his steel cuff met the blade. It split the cuff, but then the scythe carved a much more shallow wound than if the cuff had not been there. It fell to the ground with a clank, and the brute heaved the guillotine away, then stepping a couple paces away from Rebellio and regaining his stance.


The clone poofed as Kassandra assassinated it, not much to say there.
However, the real Kohga was finished eating his bananas. His wound wasn't fully closed, but his belly appearing more bloated than usual, he could be assumed to be closed. Ikaros was sent to annoy Kohga, and annoy the master he did, who swatted at the bird for a while- all while his real opponent charged a rather dangerous arrow. She fired. Kohga confidently waited for the arrow to bounce harmlessly off his shield when- is soared right through! It didn't even slow down! Kohga ducked just in the nick of time, and the arrow cut off a tuft of hair from his ponytail before impacting the stone behind. "EEP! How'd you get past my Yiga Barrier?! Hey, Eccentric Post, she's cheating! Not even an Ancient Arrow could get past this!" Kohga raged, seethed, even, stamping his foot on the floor. "You think you're so clever, huh? Well, that cleverness will never surpass the GREAT MASTER KOHGA! HAH!" His hands came together yet again, and another large, spiked ball of iron poofed into existence several feet above Kassandra. It fell, with weight absolutely enough to crush most people.


Punk swung- and hit air. Metal was already moving behind the delinquent, and whatever he was doing back there, Punk knew he didn't like it. So, using his newfound speed, he rolled forward, dodging that attack and leaving afterimages behind. Skidding to a halt, the Punk smiled. This was a good fight, got his heart pumping and head throbbing. It would probably end soon though, and while it wasn't looking good for him at this point, he was aiming to win. He then wound up- and started to spin. He was at a diagonal angle, but more aimed sideways, and as such his momentum was aimed towards the robot. However, as he twirled his bat, it was catching the tiles of the roof, and as such it tore them up and spewed them in all directions, but especially towards Metal Sonic. He would continue with this, and hoped to end this barrage by giving his metallic opponent a taste of the beyblade of death!
@Captain Pokémon
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Metal Sonic
The robotic hedgehog landed on the ground with a loud thud, leaving a small crater in the roof. The delinquent was curiously faster now, enough so that he left after-images. Of course, he still wasn’t quite as fast as Metal, though his speed was admirable. As the delinquent charged at him, spinning rapidly, Metal did some quick calculations while also stepping to the side/backwards if necessary to avoid the occasional roof tile. After his calculations were finished(which did not take long at all, about 3 seconds), Metal charged at Punk hands-first. Once he was within arms-reach of Punk, he grabbed the bat with scary precision, which was apparently what those calculations were for. He then yanked hard, taking Punk by surprise, causing him to stumble forward while also allowing Metal to take the bat from the delinquent. The robot yeet the bat off to who knows where and put his hands up, ready to fight.

The four-armed brute grinned as his attack was a success, although that grin faded a bit as Merak recovered and sent more missiles. He was starting to get what this kid’s deal was: Missiles, wormholes, and not much else. Machamp crossed his arms, a blue hexagon appearing in front of him, blocking the missiles that were shot at him once again. Machamp then got an idea. These wormholes couldn’t just be one-way, right? They were like doors, just inter-dimensional ones. Machamp deactivated his shield and soared downwards at high speeds, landing in one of the wormholes. He was then spat out of the other end, right next to Merak. He then attempted to go for a devastatingly powerful punch, intending to deal heavy damage to the point-blank Adept.


Previously Manu456Alola

Blocked again. Surely that barrier had some limit to it. The Adept watched wordlessly as Machamp kept falling, deciding to stop firing missiles after the four-armed brute blocked the first few. Merak then noticed Machamp's trajectory was lining up with one of his wormholes. Veeery clever...

A simple thought was enough to move the Armed Chair down and out of the way, letting Machamp soar past at high speeds. Let's see you fight back when you can't control where you're goin'! Opening up two new wormholes, one of the mechaniloid's arms extended into one of them. It would then come out of the other, bigger wormhole a ways in front of Machamp, magnified and ready to smash the Pokémon down into the ground. If the genius' plan went as expected, the brute would pass below the wormhole right as the mechanical fist came out, sending him crashing down. If he were to miss, he'd just open another wormhole in the Pokémon's path to redirect him down towards the ground, achieving more or less the same result.


This guy was undeniably tough. Batting his bigger attacks away yet still finding the time to defend himself... it was impressive. Like a wall refusing to be taken down. He just had to keep attacking...

Landing not too far away from Daruk after his scythe only met steel, Rebellio conjured a spear with his free hand, one that he proceeded to throw at the Goron. It wouldn't do much in terms of damage, but it would force Daruk on the defensive if he didn't want to get hit. The Falcon would take the opportunity to close the distance and slash away with his scythe, aiming to pierce through the Champion's defense bit by bit. He would even fill in the gaps between his attacks by periodically creating knives on the fly, throwing them at Daruk any way he could in hopes of overwhelming him.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Eagle-Bearing Misthios
Kohga went on about cheating or something, she wasn't really sure how he meant. If he could put up translucent barriers, then it was only fair she simply bypass them. Artemis arrows were her saving grace here, considering she got the feeling that this "Master" was a bit of a cheat himself. No matter, she'd still taken on much worse foes.
The sudden existence of another ball with shiny spikes forced the misthios to leap to the side of the attack, her brow furrowing. Kohga recognized he was no match for her in a real fight, so he was putting distance between them, using ranged attacks, forming barriers, doing what he could to take her out. While she exceled at most forms of combat, this wasn't what she preferred.

"You talk a big game, but you couldn't stand a chance against me in a real fight." She stated. "No weapons, no magic, just our fists and me breaking your jaw." She would be forced to play by his game, but she'd still win. Wouldn't be the first time, and it wouldn't be the last. As Ikaros flapped back up to soar above, Kassandra began to devise a strategy. With only two charges left, she'd need to be picky.
Darting behind the spiked ball and out of the visage of Kohga, Kassandra accessed one of these charges, burning it up as she quite suddenly seemed to evaporate on the spot, her body phasing out of existence as she accessed the Shadow of Nyx, leaving it to appear to Kohga that she'd simply disappeared without a trace, even as she began to move and reposition herself.

The Revanchist
His legs were folded as he sat rigid on the ground, the air around him pulsing and shimmering. As he studied the screens displaying each of his potential rivals, his subconscious mind conflicted with itself. Within himself, it was as though a veil had been lifted. A darkness consuming him that could no longer take hold, and he knew exactly why. The Emperor's dark influence could not extend its reach to this mysterious place. Revan's clouded mind had been freed more and more with each passing minute, and finally, near the end of his last battle, he had broken free of the influence. This wasn't to say he was free of the Dark Side, but rather, free to make his own choices without the influence of the Emperor hovering over his every action.

Revan was free.
Without those restraints, he knew exactly what he wanted now. This "greatest honor" would be POWER, power he'd obtain for himself, and with it? He would cleanse not just his own universe free of the infection of the Emperor, but all universes of similar beings. No matter the opinion others held for him, Revan knew exactly what he wanted and how to go about doing it. He was nothing if not driven. He had done great things. Terrible things. There was no redemption for his soul now that the darkness had taken hold, there was only the destruction of control and chaos alike. Like the dark and the light, he would harness both.

He found his mind drifting toward his previous battles. Daruk the Goron, an immovable object (proven otherwise with enough force), a being of strength and durability. His attacks were slow, but hit hard as a rancor. Kumamon, the Spirit of Ice, able to shift his form to avoid otherwise devastating attacks. He was agile and sneaky, but far from useless. Traits Revan could use, adopt, instill within himself. As he sat there, reality shuddering around him through the force, he could feel his senses tingling as he began to piece together a new fighting style, one that no Jedi or Sith could ever foresee.
His eyes traveled along each screen, studying every combatant intently. Rebellio, the individual Daruk now faced, was fast and fluid, not unlike Kumamon. While his clash against the Goron had been one of might, this one was clearly not the same. Rebellio was doing what he could to chip away at Daruk's defenses, seeking an opening, playing the long game as Daruk found ways to counter and fight back.

Among this were other conflicts. A man battling a wolf. A droid battling a fish. A warrior battling a mage. A lad battling a kamaitachi. A chimp battling a monstrosity. That last one caught his attention for a while as he studied it. Vastly different opponents, both thinking themselves superior to the other, and both with the power to back it up... but Revan's credits were on the simian.
Another one that caught his eyes was the other droid facing off against a man with a club, who seemed to be holding his own for the most part, keeping his opponent at bay, but this droid, "Metal Sonic", was obviously not giving it his all. Revan had seen glimpses of its last fight against the other droid Pandora. Much like how Revan had gone easier on Kumamon than Daruk, Metal seemed to be going easier on Punk than Pandora.
He had the feeling he'd be facing the metallic beast eventually.
Then there was the anthropomorphic hare that leaped out of a portal, followed by a dazed and confused girl sporting pink hair, having just lost her match and earning a teasing waggle from the Generic Host, which came off as more of a threat. Turner was the hare, and Revan's next opponent. He hadn't been impressed by what he'd seen, either. This coming battle would merely delay the next, which would be far more interesting.

Slowly, he turned his gaze toward his last opponent, Kumamon, who was watching Daruk battle Rebellio with bated breath, jumping and gasping at all the right places, eyes glued to the screen. A childish creature, one with power that not many Revan knew could truly match. Was it a prodigy from its world? Or perhaps Revan had merely met a simple combatant, earning a taste of what such a world had to offer?
When he won this tournament, he would know soon enough.


Previously mallard
That stupid robot yanked his trusty bat away! Oh no! Anyway, now it was time to show off how many ways Punk was profiecient in kicking ass. And it started with him rolling down onto the ground in front of Metal yet again, swinging his legs around in a helicopter kick just like he was portraying the role of a propeller. Then, he pushed himself off the ground and into the air, flipping upright in the process, and used his incredibly hard head to smash into the robot's metal forehead. One who saw this might say Punk was stupid for doing so, but he's headbutt cyborgs before, and it always worked out for him then, and his head was strong enough to work for him now.


Psyduck's match was up next. Apparently, he was against the monkeys that were so pleasant to converse with. It was a shame, really, that The Duck would have to kick their primate butts on his path to righteous victory. And so, he waddled into the portal, determined to win, yet sorry for all the pain he was about to bring.
Please choose a stage.
Of course, this duck would pick the same stage every time. "Psyduck! [Route 3!]"
And as such, the world began to change and shift...
@Captain Pokémon


So the guy wanted to keep up his pace, huh? Well that was too bad for him, Daruk had other plans. The mighty goron backhanded the spear that came his way, and then swung his mighty club before Rebellio could start up a combo. They traded, a sharp scythe tearing into the dense flesh of the brute, and a heavy club delivering a beyond heavy impact into the armor of the Falcon, and sending him flying.

Kohga the Great and Powerful

So this lass claimed she could beat Kohga in a fistfight, eh? "Just what do you think 'Master' means?!"
Kassandra then ducked behind the boulder, and the Yiga thought that it was a rather stupid move. He struck a pose and pointed both fingers at the boulder, and two beams of energy shot out and connected to spiked ball, making it glow yellow as well. The beams pushed it forward, and onto where Kohga thought she was- but instead of finding a steamrolled corpse on the other side, he found that she was... gone. "What? Where'd she go?! Rrrrr... You can't hide from the Eye of the Yiga for long!!!" With that, he clamped his hands together again, and twirled through the air to the other end of the arena, where he hovered a dozen feet up, and he surveyed the battlefield for any sign of his opponent.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
There was a screech that pierced the air and the silence after Kohga's words as Ikaros the eagle suddenly swooped down, doing as he had before, flapping about just out of Kohga's reach and being a general annoyance once more, distracting the Yiga Clan Master as Kassandra slinked about, clinging to walls, going unnoticed- until Ikaros suddenly soared back upward, letting out another screech. Not even a second had passed before the misthios finally reemerged, materializing directly behind Kohga as she burst through the air like a rocket, propelled through her last charge using her Rush Assassin ability, allowing her to charge toward Kohga before either of them could even blink, and she thrust her blade forward, intending to plunge it through Kohga's middle.
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Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter(s)
The Dark Matter's eyes looked back and forth as Specter nimbly evaded it's attacks, though somewhat encumbered by his previous attack. In a uncommon show of individuality, the Dark Matter clones rolled their collective eyes in response to Specter's gloating. Seeing as Specter hadn't attack, Dark Matter refused to let up, with two clones ejecting four orange blobs each, which promptly went flying directly towards Specter. The third Dark Matter kept the crown up, seemingly preparing for something.

The sun goddess backflipped away from the sudden explosion, skidding slightly from the force before bringing up her shield, Solar Flare, aware of Snake's sneaky habits. Solar Flare seemed to flare up as the tranq bounced off it, notifying Amaterasu of the assault. With the smoke in the way, Amaterasu couldn't sniff him out. She did, however, leave a spiral of ink in front of her, spawning a gust of wind to blow the smoke towards where she assumed Snake was, presumably obscuring his vision. To add on, she leapt right into the middle of the cloud, obscuring herself as she drew a sizable infinity sign in front of herself.
Immediately after, everything was in flames.
A large explosion spawned from the sign, engulfing Amaterasu and possibly snake. However, Amaterasu herself was unhurt, immune to her own brush techniques. It took quite a bit of ink, but she'd at least eliminated a good portion of the outpost, giving Snake even fewer places to hide. Amaterasu looked around the charred area, shield at the ready.

While the initial shockwave was too low to hit the armor, the following shadow burst managed to strike the robobot. Luckily, the body had defended itself by tucking it's limbs in, bouncing off the strike and crashing into the floor, it's barely-sentient AI showing no signs of pain. Instead, it reacted immediately, extending it's limbs again and swinging it's blade, sending a arc of sparking plasma towards the Knight.

The dark type's eyes narrowed sadistically as the attack landed. It also showed a sense of crafiness, however, as Weavile bounced away from Copen, evading the streams and simultaneously snatching the closest thing available.
In this case, the little green AI: Lola.
Holding the orb in it's claws, Weavile fled. As she bounced, she created an icicle cluster below her feet, which she immediately kicked off for extra height. As a bonus, it protected her from the ensuing blast, shattering as it made contact. With her new midair height, Weavile landed on a nearby platform and immediately slunk low, keeping the platform as a shield between her and Copen as she looked at her new steal, purring in curiosity.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Cannot say I'm not a merciful ruler. Very well!

Specter smirked as these enemy shot the triple attacks against him. He had thought this through. Stomping once on the Jukebox below him, three Records flew out. These records flew into a pattern facing different angles, one above him, facing one at an angle to the right, which pointed elsewhere. Just what was he doing?

It became clear as Specter cloaked in psychic energy, shooting up toward a record, breaking the disc, however, not before the angle of the record shot him toward the second, which followed suit shooting him toward the third. He was like a simian bullet!

The third Record had pointed directly toward one of the Dark Matter's, allowing Specter to rocket off of it in blinding speed, saber drawn. In this quick few seconds maneuver, he aimed to slice and dice this matter. If they all shared the same health meter and all shared pain...then this shall put the nail in the coffin.


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
As specter began bouncing around, the matter's remained still, seemingly disinterested in where Specter was. In fact, their eyes seemed to have disappeared from their visors, instead shifted towards their bottom section, only slightly visible behind their cloaks. Ultimately, it mattered not as Specter broke the final record, coming towards a clone at breakneck speeds. The Dark Matter wouldn't be nearly fast enough to move out of the way.
Not that it wanted to.
Immediately after Specter broke the third record, the Master Crown welding Matter reacted. The midair crown finished it's charging and fired four large, powerful lasers in down and in front of of the Matters creating a wall of pain and downward force or even striking Specter down if Dark Matter aimed right.
Even if Specter beat it, the other Matters would retaliate with a laser of their own, their eyes sparking with magic as they fired towards where Specter should be, be it evading the laser wall or pushing past it.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Energy beams began to rain down toward the front of the Dark Matter clone he was about to run into. He had no time to turn, to time to think. But instead kept rocketing through, devoted to this attack. He shot through the beam, the energy battering against his psychic barrier, actually managing to burn though it and hurt specter himself, but not before-


Slashed a bisection move from his blade, right as he fell from the air, tumbling down toward the carpeted ground. His fur singed and his body ached. He had taken a licking, even his shield wasn't able to take much of that attack to dampen it. It must have been something ghastly.

He winced in pain as he moved his left arm, the one that slashed at his foe. It seemed it took some unneeded damage from that beam, more than he had anticipated. However, what remained to be seen was what he had done to that Dark Matter form above.

"Heh...You prolong the agony you feel, creature." Specter called out, not looking it's way. "But I think we both know...your time is through."

He had a determined look in his eyes as he whipped around, taking his lame arm behind his back, assuming a fencing posture. As the blasts of Dark Matter rained down, he deftly swiped at each one, deflecting them not unlike that of a Jedi. His glowing purple sword slashed and arced with electricity upon every swipe, allowing Specter to walk closer.

"And now..." Specter hissed. "Submit!"

He tossed the sword up with his good hand, allowing it to fall back to earth. But before it hit the floor, he fought his hands together, condensing a blast between his palms. Then, he fired the sword right as it got within his grasp, shooting it out toward Dark Matter! The energy covering he had produced over it burned off as it passed through the beam, but continued with hideous speed toward the pupil of Dark Matter.


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter

The clone managed to land a good blow, at the cost of it's midsection. Both sections seemed to fall for a second, before righting themselves and regrowing their respective missing halves. Now at four clones and incapable of splitting into more, Dark Matter had to be careful. The Matter began firing a rapid array of magical bullets but, seeing as Specter could evade them all, stopped, narrowing their eyes.
Suddenly, Specter tossed his weapon upwards. The Dark Matters brought up their weapons, unsure of his attack. That is, until Specter released a blast, firing the blade directly towards a Matter. At it's speed, it would be immensely difficult to deflect, and Dark Matter wasn't in a state to risk that.
However, Dark Matter wasn't going to be put down so easily. Before the blade could pierce the clone, another one shifted the Master Crown directly in front of the blade. The sword stabbed into the crown's gem, stopping in its tracks. Unfortunately, the crown was not exempt from it's own punishment, illuminating brighty before shattering entirely, leaving the sword in midair briefly, until a Dark Matter slashed it off into the depths of the Hyper Zone.
"Hmph." was all the Dark Matter's said.
Choosing to remain split, the four Matters got to work. Two began to fire somewhat small magic pellets at an extremely fast rate towards Specter. While Specter would be occupied with that, another Matter seemed to expand a sizable amount, before falling back to earth, crashing a distance from Specter and releasing a shockwave across the floor. It shifted back and held it's blade at the ready
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"You are getting sloppy-"

Specter spoke condescendingly, using his psychic powers to slam the jukebox from before into the ground, allowing it for be stripped apart by the magic pellets.

"Your attack patterns are lacking in grace, faltering in power. You are growing weak, my friend."

He only needed to strike one matter. And thankfully for him: they were all connected. Each one filled with energies that not only pain- but POWER to them all. As one came to slam into the ground a way's away, Specter could only smirk in response. It was a fun game for it's time. Exhilarating. But it had run it's course.

Taking a dented up backplate of the shot up jukebox, he imbued it with psychic power, sending it, and consequently him, up into the air. After covering a significant amount of height, he let go, falling down toward dark Matter's fallen form. He held his arms close to his chest, before releasing his arms's outwards, six psychic bolts firing out from the movement, screaming through the air like fireworks as they honed in on their target. And to finish it off, Specter intended to land directly on him, aiming to soar down with a energized kick.


Previously Manu456Alola

"Hey, let me go! I'm not some kinda yarn ball!"

Copen's eyes widened as Weavile hopped away from him with something in her hands: Lola. He grit his teeth, angered by the Pokémon's actions. How dare they lay their hands on his partner? He couldn't let her get damaged. His companion was in potential danger, and he wouldn't forgive himself if Lola got destroyed during this battle. He knew fighters would come back to life once their fights were over, but would that still apply for Lola? He didn't want to find out.

"Give her back...!" His words were filled with anger, the scientist dashing forwards as Weavile took refuge on one of the pink floating platforms. Luckily for him, it seemed like the creature was not aware of the platform's properties. All he had to do was catch them off guard...

Instead of jumping up and attacking Weavile directly, Copen ran below the platform. After a moment, white cracks formed all over the platform the Pokémon stood on, which proceeded to disappear in a flash of light. Copen would burst from below at that exact moment, using a Bullit Dash to reach his opponent in a split second. He would then use one hand to reach for Lola while attempting to pistol whip Weavile to tag them with the other hand. If he managed to get the tag in, he'd unleash a barrage of lasers that would home in on his opponent. It was time they learned the consequences of their actions.



Daruk's swing was heavy indeed, sending the Adept flying quite the distance, over to the nearby Bokoblin camp. Hopefully taking that attack had been worth it- it looked like the Falcon had also delivered a good blow to the Goron. With some quick thinking, Rebellio spread his thread out in the area below him, crimson string taking the form of a safety net to break his fall, the Adept landing near the large stone skull where the weird little creatures resided. He hadn't been spotted right away, luckily for him.

He took a moment to assess the damage he'd taken. The front of his armor had been heavily dented from that blow, so it was clear he wouldn't be able to take many more of those. He'd have to be a bit more careful and gauge his opportunities appropriately. If he wanted to win, he'd have to play smarter.

Rebellio decided to take cover behind a nearby rock, both to stay hidden from the Bokoblins and out of Daruk's line of sight, at least for the time being. He conjured a Gatling gun with his thread for later use. He planned to let Daruk approach him before he gunned him down, though the weapon could also be useful should the goblin-like creatures attack him. With some luck, he'd be able to catch Daruk off guard without having to engage with the monsters beforehand.

The Knight

The machine was clearly relentless, taking the burst of shadow with few signs of damage before counterattacking with a plasma projectile. It was rather quick, giving the bug little time to act, especially after having to recover from its earlier spell. Shroom had no choice but to place its nail in front of itself and block the attack as effectively as it could, getting knocked into the air a decent distance- its Grubsong Charm triggering once again and giving the Knight some much needed SOUL.

Deciding to try and stay in the fight for as long as possible, the Knight attempted to heal using its Focus ability, using some of its collected SOUL to repair its shell. It would normally leave it wide open to attack, but two Charms made the process much safer: Quick Focus, which allowed it to heal quicker, and Shape of Unn, which momentarily gave Shroom a slug-like form to move around a bit while Focusing. Hopefully these buffs would be enough to keep the bug safe while healing.

The little hero tried to hide his surprise as Jevil near instantly saw through his trick, but held true, pressing onwards with his shield as the spades battered against his force, Axe trying not to let up without tiring himself. He noticed Jevil flying back again, and couldn't help but smirk. The jester had almost backed himself up into the center of the carousel!
Axe jumped to avoid one spade, using his forward momentum, putting much force into his next strike as the red stone began to glow bright in his hand, ramming the shield into Jevil.
"And that's all the trick I needed!" He yelled, secretly proud of the slight praise he got and mentally noting to work on that trick later.

Audrey Redheart

The Hero grit her teeth as she was kept off balance and unable to make room for a counter attack. This was seriously unfair, only she was allowed to do that-
"Guh!" Audrey gasped out at the kick, using her blade to catch herself on the desk so she wouldn't hit the wall... only for a knife to embed itself right next to her hand. She yelped at that.
"Gr...I'll show you!" She angrily murmured. If this was a puppet show, Audrey was certainly attached to strings, even if not by choice. And this was annoying her now, she wanted to kill. Now.

With an angry yell, she charged lightning into her blade again, running at Leon as soon as possible, her rage given strength by the knife throw which even she knew could've hit her. Then, she seemed to half phase out as she dashed forward, suddenly being behind Leon and aiming to blast lightning right into his back.


Seeing the tornado coming right at him, Yuga shook his head and moved his hand to the wall of a nearby building, his body seeming to phase into the wall before he appeared as a painting in it. Leaving out of the way of the tornado before splitting into four seeing the projectiles coming. 3 Yugas took the projectiles, and exploded in a burst of electricity, leaving only one who blasted even more lightning at Galacta after sneaking around the most feared warrior in the galaxy.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
She was fast, he had to give her that. While he'd never directly met nor fought the traitor known as Albert Wesker, he'd seen footage of the vampire-like speed that guy possessed, enhanced by the T-Virus. Nothing that Leon could match, he wasn't superhuman, but he'd lived this long by being the most skilled guy in the room, not the strongest. Skill always beat strength when it counted. Her appearance behind him was expected the moment she pulled the Wesker move, as was the electrical blast, but he didn't have anything near him to deflect the blow. He could have made an attempt at dodging, but if it had struck him anyway he'd have been thrown off.
No, he had a better idea.

Feeling the surge of lightning bolt into his back, erupting like an explosion, the agent was blasted forward, pivoting himself in the air for his legs to slam up against the side of the desk. The inertia allowed him to come to a stop, gritting his teeth as the desk was pushed onto its side as he yanked his knife from the furniture. Using the last bit of force from her attack, he pushed off of the desk just before it could hit the ground, propelling himself into the air almost as fast as she'd moved behind him, Matilda raised in his free hand as he fired off a few bullets midair, aiming specifically for non-vital parts of her. When she'd blocked the bullets before, she hadn't done so with precision nor skill, managing through sheer luck. Here, she'd actually have to make an effort to block or dodge each of the bullets, five in total.

With his air time, Leon stretched his arm out, having tucked his knife away while he fired Matilda, and grasped the rail of the second floor balcony, stopping himself from falling back down. Dangling there for just a moment, Leon let out a grunt as he swung his other arm up, then leaped over the rail onto the second floor balcony, turning back to look at Audrey- just as the sound of shattering glass echoed through the lobby, followed by the moans of the undead.
He couldn't see them yet, but somewhere close by a few zombies seemed to have busted their way in.
"Still alive." He called down to the girl, taunting her. "Maybe saying what you want me to do isn't too effective. But your little sparkles were a bit ticklish. Get that sword from the thrift shop?" That was a lie, it hurt like hell, but he'd been struck with electricity plenty of times before. One little bolt wasn't about to put him down. He was simply intending on egging her on.

The dust began to settle, and all was silent. Deathly silent. A few cherry blossom petals drifted into the rubble, whisking by Amaterasu as she held her ground. Then a few more drifted in- and one of them stopped in the air, as though snagged on something. A few more did the same, catching on the air in front of them.
Electricity sparked through the air in front of Amaterasu as Snake materialized in front of her, already in a battle stance, his knife in-hand as he narrowed his eyes beneath his bandanna, stealth suit deactivating. "Not bad." He commented toward her. Her attacks would have been devastating had they landed, but fortunately, the sneaky Snake was intelligent enough to simply make a little distance before she stopped her moves. "But can you do better?"


Previously mallard
The Falcon hid behind a boulder over by the bokoblin camp. Was he setting up an ambush? Either way, that boulder was more of a suggestion to Daruk. He walked up to the rock and swung the Boulder Breaker. Cracks spiderwebbed all around the stone, and with a second swing, Rebellio was showered with smaller chunks of volcanic rock. "Found ya, little guy!" he exclaimed, before swinging his mighty mace yet again before his foe could rev up the gatling gun.
This absolutely alerted the bokoblin atop his watchtower, and with a surprised grunt, it took out its primitive horn and sounded the alarm.


That blasted bird was at it again, annoying Kohga while he was busy surveying the land. So, the master brought out his Demon Carver and began swinging the deadly weapon at the Ikaros. "Bug off before I turn you into chicken nuggets!" Seemingly acknowledging Kohga's demand, the eagle flew into the air. In that moment, the thought of his invisible opponent had slipped his mind, but he was reminded by the gasp of the audience as Kassandra materialized behind him. The Yiga monarch put two and two together, and spun around, just in time for the Greek to drive her blade into his bloated gut. That second stretched out into a whole minute for him, and his own strained groan was the only sound that reached his ears. And to conclude that excruciatingly long moment, the master clutched his Demon Carver with stubborn ferocity, and in a swing using the buff from all the prior Mighty Bananas, he tore through the misthios's arm with his own weapon. And with that, he fell out of the air, but before landing he clasped his hands together once again, teleporting to the wall of the other side of the arena, but leaving the amputated arm and sword of Kassandra behind. "...Ugh... Lucky hit...ow it hurts... You're not worth my time... so... Yiga Assemble! owie zowie!" He put his finger up to his mouth and whistled in a specific pattern. A moment passed. Then, giggling came from all around the arena, followed by several orbs of orange glow, talismans circling each. With a poof of smoke, each of these orbs was soon replaced by Yiga soldiers. Most were smaller ninjas, some armed with sickles, others bows, but a couple larger, more experienced Yiga soldiers carried with them long, thin swords that they gripped with both gloved hands. "Your move, dork! ow-"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Her attack landed, but a heavy price to be paid. The spartans eyes went wide as she fell back to the ground- and her arm landed dully beside her. "Did you... just..." She huffed, turning her eyes to look at the stump left behind. Blood pumped in her ears, much like it pumped from her wound, gushing out. It took a lot of strength for someone to actually cut into her, considering only Alexios had managed to pierce her with his blade. Normal swords simply didn't work when people were as weak as your average human.
"Ooooh." She hissed, grasping her blade from her severed arm, ignoring the searing pain as she rotated her neck, a crack echoing through as her grin that had been present for most of the match before vanished, replaced by a thin line.

It was here that Kohga summoned forth his minions- and Kassandra felt relief wash over her. This "Master" was good at putting distance between them, but if he was tossing some canon fodder for her to cleave through... he'd just given her the keys to victory without even realizing it. While most didn't look too intimidating, the two carrying swords, donning more decorated armor seemed to indicate that they were of a higher difficulty. Well, maybe high for Kohga, but she doubted they'd be much trouble for her.
"I'm afraid you'll lose with my next move," Kassandra called back, her brow twitching as blood pooled beneath her. She just needed to kill one... "but I'll take it anyway!"

The soldiers with the sickles were the first to move in as the archers took aim, all donning the same one-eyed mask that Kohga wore. Even with a single arm, Kassandra was a formidable opponent. A little unbalanced, but that was to be expected. Using her blade, she deflected a blow from the first soldier, slid back along the earth to dodge the second, then brought her foot up to slam into the third's chest before he could even react, sending him spinning away, though still very much alive.
Not losing an ounce of momentum, the misthios parried a blow from the first soldier again, pushing his blade to deflect the second's- then she slashed with that same force, tugging the second's sickle to rip straight through his neck, and he collapsed as his head rolled away. Her vision felt like it was getting a little blurry, her head a little light, but she had a charge back.
Ikaros giving her aid, she could sense the arrows moving in, and took that opportunity to barely avoid another slash from the first soldier. The world slowed, an advantage the Greek mercenary used to move behind this soldier, jam her blade up through his middle, and lift him with one arm where his body blocked the first round of arrows, of which there were double more than she expected, the archers firing two at a time.
Two charges. By this time, the third soldier had rushed in again, but Kassandra could feel her consciousness threatening to slip. She'd lost too much blood, and had to make this fast...

Batting away the third soldier's blade, Kassandra rammed her head against his mask- and his skull caved. The soldier dropped like a rock, arm twitching as she looked up to see the second round of arrows already headed her way, not to mention the two decorated individuals were beginning to move now, seeing her victory over the first three lesser units.
The spartan slashed four of the arrows from the air with a swipe, the last two plunging into the Fleece of Jason- and bouncing off, the fleece too tough to get pierced by some measly arrow. Falling to her knee and throwing down her blade, Kassandra grasped her severed arm as she grit her teeth painfully tight, her jaw tightening. Slapping the severed ends together, Kassandra powered through her third charge, and the flesh sealed together in the blink of an eye, her lightheadedness vaporizing, her health and body completely restored.
"Alright." The woman flexed her reattached hand, feeling her strength return to form. That had been a rough patch there- but it would take a lot more than that to bring down the Eagle Bearer.

Grasping her blade once more, Kassandra conjured her shield with her other hand, and turned to the remaining opponents. Easy prey. The first blademaster charged forward, slashing upward with his blade as the other moved to try and flank her, a third roll of arrows driving their way. The misthios knocked the sword to the side with her shield which also caught the arrows, and was forced to block it again as the blademaster used the momentum she'd given him to spin around, aiming to behead her. Stamping her heel against his foot, the sound of bones being turned to mush sounded, a pain great enough for the blademaster to stumble back as Kassandra turned around only to find one of those raging hole things was rambling toward her, courtesy of the second blademaster. She dashed to the side, just as she had at the beginning of the battle, time slowing to a crawl once more from the near-hit evade, filling up her next charge. Using this advantage, she sprinted toward the blademaster just as time returned to normal, and he was woefully unprepared for her, not even having finished his attack as she punged her blade through his face, dropping him.
Her charge was back, and she turned to face the last blademaster just as a spiraling gust of crecent wind barreled toward her, catching her by surprise just as she had caught the other blademaster, barreling her into the wall that was only a few feet away. Tugging herself away, the blademaster slashed through the air, sending another blast of wind for her. Narrowing her eyes, the woman charged forward, spinning by a first, then a second as he summoned it, before he brought his blade up to clash against hers- however, his crushed foot allowed Kassandra the upperhand, the blademaster limping back only for her shield to smash against his head, and her sword to sever has hand away.
The blademaster stumbled onto his knees, at which point Kassandra casually ran her blade across his neck, severing his head from his shoulders in one quick swipe while she walked by him, now approaching the archers.

The spartan raised her shield, blocking five more arrows as her hand shot upward, snatching the sixth arrow inches from plunging into her eye. Using her now acquired fifth charge, Kassandra became one with the wind, bursting straight into the first archer, the arrow he'd fired now being torn through his throat, which the mercenary pulled out from behind only to do the same thing to the second, and then the third.

Coming to a stop, Kassandra huffed as she held the dripping arrow in her hand, the three bodies behind her simultaneously dropping. Throwing the arrow aside, she now turned her sights to Kohga, her smirk back as she raised both her arms to clearly show him his failure in beating her. "Is this the best you have? You said you're a master right? What are you supposed to be the master of, hiding like a coward? If that's true, then you truly are the master of it--but nobody can hide from me." Her tone was harsh and loud, threatening and brutal, much like her demeanor and most recent display of power, not even having taken half a minute to dispose of his minions. "Do you know what I'm the master of, little Kohga!?" She yelled. "Killing cowards like you."
Pushing into her fourth saved charge, she used it to summon herself an ally of her own. Alexios, her own brother in the flesh, stomping over the rock behind Kohga, his stomps rough enough to shake the ground around him. "Big sister!" He laughed, rotating his arms for a moment before he pulled out his sword. "Is this malakas bothering you?"
Kassandra felt a smirk tug at her lips. Alexios, sometimes known as Deimos, was even more powerful than her. His strength and durability were unmatched where she hailed from, but she was faster and smarter than he was, a trait she'd used to best him in combat before turning him against the cult that had brainwashed him. Since then, the two had worked together to conquer the Cult of the Kosmos and sail the seas. If Kohga struggled so much against her, then he'd have an even harder time with Alexios, who was far more savage than even her.
"Maybe a bit, little brother." Kassandra replied, narrowing her eyes at her opponent. "How about you help me do something about it?"
"Thought you'd never ask!" Alexios rumbled, his eyes wide with the clear thirst for blood.
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Previously Manu456Alola


Rebellio felt the boulder behind him weaken as Daruk struck it with a mighty swing, a second one coming shortly afterwards, completely destroying the Adept's cover. Knowing he couldn't open fire by the time the Goron performed another swing, he was forced to improvise, throwing the Gatling gun directly at Daruk to delay his attack a little bit. He'd take that brief moment to convert himself into his energy fiber, momentarily disappearing.

His next location was quickly revealed as the Falcon rematerialized atop the stone skull, another Gatling gun in hand. Rebellio aimed the thread construct towards Daruk before releasing a brief burst of bullets, stopping to react to whatever his opponent did in response. Chances were he'd just deflect them, but his main goal was just to keep him busy while the Bokoblins got ready to attack. With the weird goblins having officially noticed the two, both fighters would now have more enemies on their hands. He just hoped they'd be more of a nuisance to Daruk than to himself.
Metal Sonic
The robotic hedgehog simply took several steps backwards to avoid Punk’s helicopter kick, his “eyes” narrowing in amusement.l at the pathetic excuse for an attack. Once the delinquent attempted to headbutt him Metal seized the opportunity to counter. And just like that, Metal grabbed Punk by the head, his claws painfully digging into the street punk’s scalp like knives. Metal looked the punk directly in the eyes, before activating his Ring Spark Field, continuing to look Punk in the eyes as a field of electricity enveloped the area around Metal, intending to end it right here.

The darkener’s grin did not falter as the little hero jumped towards him with a powerful attack! Jevil couldn’t back up, and Axe had too much momentum to stop, this attack had to work!

…Then Jevil dodged to the side, where there was plenty of room! He laughed chaotically at Axe’s foolishness. “Did you really think it would be easy, to defeat me, me?!” Jevil said with a giggle, before four scythes appeared around Axe, and closed in on him. If Axe dodged, the scythes would simply pass through each other and circle back towards Axe to attack again! If the hero dodged once more, they would do it again. This would repeat 8 times before the scythes would finally disappear, but that was only if Axe could stay alive that long.

The four-armed brute frowned as his attack didn’t work remarkably well and he went sailing through the air. As a wormhole appeared above him, Machamp could guess what would happen next and grinned. As the large fist appeared, Machamp grabbed it while continuing to fly through the air. This would either take off the mech’s fist, disarming it, or it would pull Merak with him, both worked for Machamp.

As the other monkees were exploring the plaza, one of the other monkees noticed their opponent walking through the archway and followed them.
This particular monkey was well dressed, wearing a white shirt and a classy tie, along with some pants, which was something most other monkeys could not say. The fur on top of this monkey’s head was swerved back classily, and he held a laptop in his hand. As a voice asked him where he would like to go, the monkey surprisingly responded with English, speaking with a light British accent. “Monkey Lane” he said, and they were transported to a large plain with many hills, along with the bridge and river from Psyduck’s map choice.

Meanwhile, at Specter’s fight, many monkeys suddenly appeared in the casino. Some played games, raging at their bad luck, while others cheered Specter on in the background, acting as cheerleaders. The casino was livelier than ever!
@Psymallard @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan


Previously Manu456Alola

The Pokémon had decided to grab the incoming giant fist- a bold move. Merak thought back to the beginning of the battle, when Machamp did much the same and pulled him through his own wormhole. He wasn't falling for the same trick twice.

The enlarged fist was indeed pulled due to the brute's speed, but the Adept and his chair barely budged. The mech was using a great amount of power to fly backwards, fighting back against the pull, its limb additionally beginning to extend a considerable amount. The purpleish electricity that connected the fist to the chair held strong, preventing it from being torn right off the main body. Another wormhole opened up in front of Machamp, bringing in both the Pokémon and the mech's fist. The other end of the wormhole would appear mere feet from the ground, the genius fully intending on crushing his opponent with the massive fist!


Previously Deathstalker62
Though his portals had been glitched away and Uratekumon already held another weapon ready to fire with, Death wasn't worried. Though, he certainly was more annoyed now that the lower half of his robe had been erased. The reaper held a hand in the air, his scythe manifesting with a spin before he had gripped its steel handle, gripping onto it again. With his weapon in his grasp again, the reaper floated towards Uratekumon, intercepting the blast with his body.. or so it seemed. Due to having held onto his scythe with one hand, the harvester of souls had one arm free which he had held forward, toward the incoming blast. The dark spirit created a barrier of purple portals in front of himself that he moved in unison with himself, each portal passing through a portion of the incoming blast into itself.

The giant skeleton had then raised his arm diagonally toward his opponent, the portals disappearing and re-appearing promptly. Instead of forming a barrier around him, Death had cast them out all around Uratekumon, creating one every direction around the enemy, the only direction left out being directly toward the harvester of souls himself. However, the elemental of demise was prepared to face his opponent, lowering the arm again to grasp his scythe as he charged toward Uratekumon, ready to perform a strong attack, which would be a top-down slash that would also end up firing out a slightly smaller and weaker version of the demon skulls that he had been using throughout the battle.

" 'GG' indeed. "

'Terrarian: Oh, I don't plan on holding back. You be sure to give me all you got as well - won't be any fun otherwise!'
The Terrarian then took into the air, a golden star underneath them. The pixelated hero stopped mid-air suddenly, as if frozen, then zoomed off toward the archway in a linear path, using the Celestial Starboard's alternate flying path, his board leaving behind a trail of rainbows that quickly disappeared again. The specter-wearing man thought of what the next area could be before getting an idea.
'Terrarian: Underground Jungle!'

Frank Horrigan
The agent and the chief had traded blows, Frank getting his weapons destroyed while he had managed to get Chief to drop his weapon, which slid out of the Vertibird and into the depths below. Frank's ferocity in his attacks caused the vertibird to start getting out of control, and soon the mutant found himself with his opponent gone and the vertibird flying toward a skyscraper. That is, until it exploded on the impact, seemingly leaving nothing behind..

Yet, even as the aircraft blew up and nothing but smoke and scrap was left behind, neither the secret service agent nor the pilot were present. The super mutant had leapt out of the vertibird just before it exploded - carrying the pilot in between his left arm and shoulder, the mounted minigun in the other hand. The armoured titan fell like a ten-ton anvil through the sky, crashing into the window of the skyscraper the vertibird flew at from his speed and knelt down, taking in the recoil from the fall, albeit unharmed thanks to his power armour.

Having finally landed, the giant let go of his fellow soldier and took up the minigun, grasping it with both hands and nodding to the pilot, who in turn took out his own plasma rifle. Together, the two ascended the skyscraper they landed in, both of them having each other's backs and prepared to fire at anything that moves or sounds up around them with a trained, itchy trigger finger.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The gremlin gamer was worried at first when the grime reaper went to intercept the attack, but when he saw how he was intercepting, which made him sharpen his eyes, laughing inwardly. This would be delicious. And the best part? He didn't even need to move.

"New flash N00B! There's a reason it's such a high roll! Forerunner tech! After it hits-"


The teleported attacks instantly exploded upon entry, their central mass was designed to split and explode by nature. So this action of cutting them quickened the process. So as they exploded a safe distance from him, each blast split into another charge, each charge covering even more area that the previous attack. Now everywhere except around Uratekumon was engulfed in violent disintegrating fire!


And just in case he foe was to survive, he attacked the only area where big foe could survive intact, punching with his Mech suit ahead. Hoping to catch his possibly deceased foe off guard, he thrust his mech's fist forward, the skull busting open parts of the steel, even breaking a finger off as crashed toward Death, bent on connecting the blow.


I like the sound of that!

The young trainer recalled Luxray as he got his game face on. Hareta raced through the archway, skidding his sneakers to a halt as the A.I. waited for input for the stage.

"Huh? Place? Uh...hmm...Hey, Oreburgh was fun when we fought there. Hey! Voice lady! Oreburgh!"

The stage began to take shape, the ground stretching with unkept jungle grass with random splotches of coal stained ground. The place grew darker but the lights from the bioluminescence and coal mine lanterns made it less dim.

Mossy rocks lined the walls, vines stretching down in twisted patterns. There were also a long conveyor system that seemed to ferry coal in from deeper underground and further deeper into the underground on the other side of this opening in the cavern.

"Woah, this doesn't look like Oreburgh. It really let itself go huh?" Hareta remarked. "So like, what we do now? We throw down or what? I'm gonna go with the throw down option!"

Taking a pokeball out, he tossed it up and over, the Pokémon emerging in a series of bubbles. Empoleon was chosen to lean. The emperor penguin stomped on the ground and looked toward their foe.

"Empoleon will start this off! You gonna have any of your weird little guys come out??"
Pandora looked at the new and somehow even uglier form of Ranamon who seemed to be very annoyed at her helmet sections. They just managed to avoid the first onslaught of tentacles and headed towards Calamaramon's neck, the plan was to attach themselves to her neck and overload on electricity. In the meantime she sent two electrified staves to stab into the neck of the big, ugly.....squid? She was not quite sure what she was facing, but she had more pressing issues at hand than the scent and appearance of this b-list celebrity.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The annoyed squid woman hissed as her form flew inside the fleshy eight legged creature, right where it's beak would be, hiding her from sight. This evaded the helmet sections and the staves that flew toward her.


Calmaramon swung their body around like a drill, their tentacles flying around on their side like a spinning top. This reach of their appendages swung around alarmingly, aiming to swat everything that was close, including the helmet. Meanwhile, the bottom squid section flew up, pointing toward Pandora before streaking straight for her!
The helmet sections and staves were deflected, something that Pandora really should have expected considering her data on the fish girl. As Calamaramon aimed right at her, Pandora tried to fly away but was unused to the new speed of her opponent, causing her leg to tear off and revealing wires as the attack hit.

Pandora flew up and froze the exposed hole over, she was not going to let some fishy punk ruin her wiring. Firing off 4 homing shots at the upper body of Calamaramon, she sent four staves to stab the lower body and electrocute her that way.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The Titanic Tempest attack swirled like a fam blade, chopping down everything that came in it's path. Stage support? CRUSH! Gone. Homing shots? BASH! Gone. However, as the four staves hit the lower body, the electricity coursed through the blubbery squid, causing the rotation to slow to a stop. She then emerged from the squid casing, laughing?

"Hahahaha! These tingly things-AHA! Hah! Stop! TICKLING! Hahahaha! it's ANNOYING!"

She then caused the lower body to puff out for a brief moment, ejecting the staves and causing her body to get over her tickle fit. But now, she was back in attack mode.


Her upper body quivered and her stomach puffed up. Her slimy body was coursing with something, which soon came to ahead as her mouth ejecting a disgusting black liquid that shot through the air toward her foe.


A droplet touched a fallen metal stage light, proceeding to burn right through it like alien blood. Acid was definitely accurate!
"...Not with a display like that, no...." Pandora had no need for aesthetic attraction, but even she knew that Calamaramon was far from pretty and far from anything other than delusional. Spinning 4 ice-coated staves in front of her, she covered herself in an ice barrier in an attempt to keep the acid ink streaming whilst her helmet sections detached and tried to descend onto Calamaramon from above. Whilst she was hopefully too busy spewing acid on her target, the sections would hook onto her face and hopefully her eyes as well. If not, hopefully the sections would cause enough of a distraction for Pandora to make a getaway. Her first staff was already showing hefty wear and tear, even through the ice. The acid must be a physical manifestation for just how toxic this woman was or something.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The acid poured down on the ice barrier. Just a few drops of the stuff could melt through tank armor, so Calmaramon was elated to see how cornered her foe was! That is...until she saw the shadow of the helmet pieces coming down on her. She then redirected the stream toward them, grotesquely vomiting the fluid all over them, causing them to mush into a paste and splatter all over Calmaramon's body as they impacted like mud pies.


Her foot long tongue slurped up some of the toxic fluid mixed in with the liquified helmet, slorping it down her throat, her slimy upper body convulsing with every turn it made down her till it reached the squid portion.

Now all there was to see if Pandora could escape this completely covered shield of toxicity
"...despicable." Pandora looked at the foul beast devour her helmet sections, cutting off quite a hefty chunk of her arsenal. Even if they did have some kind of detonation system, they were turned to goop and completely useless. For now, she had to get away from the acid that was dripping everywhere. Disposing of her ice armor, she sat on one of her staves and flew around, creating four more homing plasma and an ice doll that was spiked to try and pierce through the abdomen of the women. Slimy outsides meant blunt force would be useless, but thankfully she had quite the mallable element. She also sent two electrified staves towards the back of Calamaramon's head to try and hit a nerve or two. The lack of a leg meant that her weight balancing took some getting used to, but she would learn soon enough. For now, her trusty staff was fast enough. "....old toad..."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Her two spiked tentacles slammed on the the ground, ripping apart the walkway. The lights disabled on it as they broke, Calmaramon ripping the block out of the ground. She used this block to swat the Plasma bolts away with terrifying ease, it was only when the ice doll hit did the block take itself and the doll out, busting them both apart in a series of icy shrapnel.

That's when the Staves hit. One impacted her steel 'Crown', panking off. That's when Calmaramon knew exactly what was going on, but it was too late, the second one impacted her neck, zapping her.


She wriggled in pain of the electricity before she manually pulled it out, a stream of data pouring from the wound. She looked at the stave, growling and snapping it in two in her clutch.


Fittingly? She picked up the fallen stage lights that were busted by her foe before, grabbing them in her sticky tentacles before hurling the heavy equipment at her foe. They soared in the air and would crash on Pandora if left unchecked- and she kept at it! Constantly hurling these fallen machines as she laughed like a witch on crack.
The attack worked, but the heavy machinery was sure to cause issues with her if it collided. Like a spaceship caught in a meteor storm, the girl tried to manouver between the objects, but a spotlight hit the staff and sent her flying. Missing a thruster alongside her leg, the girl could only make a sharp turn, straight towards Calamaramon's neck and near the wound.

She knew that she would get caught very fast, so this had to be it. Firing off four homing shots at the wound, she created two electrified staves and attempted to stab into the wound, hopefully killing the vile beast. If she got caught, atleast the electricity in the staves should keep running for a while.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Calmaramon was elated she hit her target, but she wasn't going to be satisfied until she were DEAD. Following Pandora's movements as he soared back to the fight, she turned to face her, Blowing up her stomach yet again, the exterior the gut oozing with the poison like a sack. But before she could properly aim, a homing shot hit her, then another. The surprise caught her off guard, causing her to fall backwards, but not before she vomited a plume of black ink in front of her, creating an explosion of acidic ooze from her innards.

He fell with a thud to the ground, narrowly avoiding the staves on accident. Her head was fuzzy as she upper body got up from the ground. Had she mentioned how much she didn't like Electricity? No, scratch that. Make it the entirety of Pandora's fighting style. She earned a place next to Snak with infamy
Pandora barely managed to create an ice barrier around herself for the acid, but it still bit through it with acidity only rivaled by Calamaramon's attitude. As the Reploid hit the ground, parts of her skin were eaten away as wires and frame were revealed. It was quite unnerving, especially the ticking clock visible in Pandora's head. Still, she refused to give up this close to her goal. Firing another salvo of homing shots, she created a staff for her to sit on as she sent two more electrified staves to seal the deal. Knowing she could not take another hit, the girl flew away on her staff, though she was clearly not quite as stable on it as she used to be.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Her thick, blubbery body took hit after hit, having far more reduced damaged than actually impacting her upper body. However, it didn't mean invincible. A couple stray bolts hit a smaller tentacle, severing it from the body, spilling purple ooze like blood all over the place. Calmaramon groaned audibly as the spurting fluid pooled up on the floor.


Calmaramon welcomed the staves, swatting them with her tentacles, which made them stick in and electrocute. However, the same movement slammed the tentacles into the ground, breaking the staves at the same time as it lodged them deeper inside the tentacles.


The slamming of the tentacles on the ground took her off the ground, sending her up toward her foe. The tentacles attempted to wrap around her hampered foe whilst she used her venom drenched fangs to try and bite into her neck, and drag her down with the weight of a massive squid.
The tentacles grabbed Pandora who could not move with her former agility, though she suspected something like this would happen. With one arm free, she began to overclock her elemental cores, surging electricity through her body and freezing the air around her. Her body was already destroyed, so there was no real reason not to go all in. Conjuring one last staff, she sent electricity coursing through it. As Calamaramon tried to bite down on her, she tried to stab the staff into the roof of the squid's mouth. If there was a weak spot, this was probably it. She didn't have much to lose anyway.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Gripping tightly onto her prey, she constricted heavily on her as they began to plummet. However, it seemed they weren't just going to die quietly, as she suddenly felt a jolt of electricity run through her body, and then a frozen wind. Ice crystals began to form on the outside of her body as her nerves began to fail her because of the electricity. Just when it couldn't get any worse-


A staff was forced into her mouth, stabbing at the room of the mouth!


It seemed this made it personal. She dedicated, going down even harder with her bite, the staff forcing itself deeper into the wound until it poked out of her right cheek. Her fangs sunk into Pandora's neck, ink shooting out and splashing all across. Finally, the ground approached, Calamaramom aiming for Pandora to take the hit.


They impacted, Calmaramon shoving her against the ground in a brutal display of force. Now it remained to see if her self sacrificial tactic would be victorious
Calamaramon's teeth pierced through metal and wire, leaving only a few wires that were not snapped. Missing a leg, most of her coating and parts of her head, Pandora sure had looked better in her life. Forcing herself to sit upward, she glared at Calamaramon as she kept her head upright with her hand. Extending her remaining hand, she tried to dislodge her staff and shove it deep into her adversary's throat.

Electricity coursed across her body, pulsating blue rings every few seconds as Pandora flew up. Her head fell limp to the side as four homing shots were combined into one large projectile and got sent towards Calamaramon. This action had its cost though, as Pandora quickly fell to the ground and slumped forward, her head barely remaining attached and the timer in her head starts to tick down her last thirty seconds for everyone to see.

@Shen: King of Digimon