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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Ranamon had a blank expression as Pandora rejected her offer, walking monotonously toward the arena where they would fight. Ugh, what a prude! Hm! No matter, killjoys always get what's coming' to 'em.

Ranamon held her head high as she marched over to the arena. Snapping her finger once she was inside, she pointed it toward her foe.

"Weather you appreciate it or not doesn't matter, but where we are going is the one and only Pearl of the Sea Theater!"

She pointed different points in the room, stage lights appearing where she pointed. Suddenly, a stage erupted from the ground, a long strip running down toward it similar to how a fashion show was set up. An open clam was center Stage, Ranamon standing inside of it like a performer. Finally, the crowd filled up all the seats that were elsewhere, cheering Ranamon's name from their dimly slot seats while she took the limelight.

"Hey Y'aaaall~!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as they waved flags and finger pointers amongst many other merchandise with Ranamon's face emblazoned upon them.

"We'll have something special tonight! Your dearest Ranamon is going to preform live, taking out this lady that wants to ruin my show!"

A series of boos came across the crowd as the looked at pandora scornfully. Ranamon chuckled, wagging a finger knowingly.

"Now now, don't worry! You know how I feel about party crashers, so this lady is gonna feel a most *GLAMOROUS* defeat by yours truly! To be fair, I'm gonna have her make the first move!"

Spotlights shown on Pandora as music that oozed with Ranamon's 'charm' began to bound from the speakers, resonating across the stage


Previously mallard
Falling boulders, huh? Daruk literally ate boulders for breakfast. And with a meaty backhand, he swatted away the rocks. The foe followed up with a large spiked mace, and to guard, he lifted his own weapon, and barely deflected the attack. His stance was off though, and he was caused to stumble backwards into the water.
Meanwhile, a bokoblin on the archer tower down the way had its attention drawn by the boulder attack, however its poor eyesight informing it on what caused the landslide yet.


Dangit! She dodged one of his better attacks! And in retaliation, the girl shot into the air. Ha! What a fool- wait, Kohga saw this before, this was a Lynel trick. A large, square barrier of blue energy formed over his head, and easily blocked all of the arrows that came his way, even though there were a lot more than he expected. "Hyah! Is this all you've got?" The master looked over to Kassandra, just in time to be met with an arrow in the shoulder, knocking him back onto the ground. "Owie...," he groaned, and pulled out the arrow. Kohga slowly got up, and took out a banana. He peeled it, the fruit soon disappearing under his mask. His wound closed, and he looked invigorated. "Omph nomph nomph... Alright, that was just a warm-up! Now I'm gonna show you ehat the great Master Kohga can really do!" He rose up, and spawned a large, spiked iron ball beneath him. He started backpedaling and, as physics went, the giant ball of death started to steamroll towards the Greek warrior!


So the bot wanted to scrap, huh? The pro scrapper smiled, this was his time to shine. Punk flipped upside down into a handstand and swung his legs out, throwing out a helicopter kick to hopefully put pressure on Metal's guard. Then he tumbled forward into a roll fast enough to make him into a ball, and he sped around to the backside of the droid. The baseball player quickly came out of this roll onto his feet and swung his bat down upon Metal, a combo that was ideally fast and complicated enough to catch someone as fast as it was off guard.
@Captain Pokémon
Pandora cared not for the theatrics, her brother Prometheus would have liked this scene more. Flying upwards next to the spotlight, Pandora spun her staff around and fired off four bolts of electricity that homed in onto Ranamon as they destroyed the spotlights nearby. Two sections of her helmet broke off and went the far sides of the arena, sticking to the north and south walls. The sections glowed blue before a beam of electricity was formed between them and the sections floated to the right like a demented printer scanner. Anything caught in the beam would be electrocuted, and Pandora would not be one of the targets with her flight. Ranamon was potentially less lucky, and that is exactly what Pandora hoped. She'd have to deal with her homing plasma attack and hopefully get caught off guard by the electric beam.

"I would worry less about your fans........their fate is sealed anyway.......Master Albert will use them for Model W......"

@Shen: King of the Mist
Metal Sonic
The robot stepped back a few times in order to avoid the helicopter kick. Was that the best this guy had? Seemed more aesthetic than anything. Suddenly, Punk…spin dashed? Huh, Metal didn’t know humans could do that. However, his form was unrefined and slow, and Metal was easily able to keep track of him. The cruel metal adversary turned around with terrifying speed, catching the Punk’s bat with one hand, then jabbed forward with his other, hoping to impale the scrappy fighter with his claws!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Are you...destroyin' my stage?!" Ranamon shrieked, flailing her hands about. "Cut that out! Cut that out! Mama needs their lightin'! Oooooo that does it!"

As the energy bolts came here way, Ranamon twirled around in her clam set piece, rainbow lighting shooting out of the clam itself. Striking a pose, she pointed at the attacks with two fingers.

"Dark Vapor!"

Giving a long sigh, a black mist was released from her hands. The vapor filled the air, corroding the bolts that headed her way. As they fought through the mist, they eventually reached her, being nothing more than flickers of light.

"Oho, that's all you got? You might as well be shooting at the floor Sugar!"


Her body jolted as electricity coursed through it. After a few seconds she found herself standing again, albeit shaken, some smoke coming from her.

"Lightnin'?! So you got that do you sweetheart?! Well! You can't upstage me on my own stage!"

Suddenly, water exploded outwards from her hands, weaving expertly to floor out the electricity projectors in long watery whips. Next, they'd crack down on Pandora to slap her out onto the ground
Metal Sonic
The robot turned as Punk flipped over him, taking back the bat with strength that surprised Metal. Punk then tried to kick Metal in the chest, to which the robot audibly scoffed, or, rather, beeped in a way that sort of sounded like a scoff. Metal grabbed the Punk’s foot before it could connect with his chest, then twisted hard, hoping to either spin Punk around or just break his foot. Either way, right after he did this, he charged forward towards Punk while covered in an orange field of energy, using his infamous V.Maximum Overdrive attack.
Pandora looked at the display of Ranamon, thoroughly unimpressed by the girl's temper. The sections of her helmet detached from the walls and began firing off electricity blasts as they floated back to Pandora, who had created a wall of staves around her that were spinning around and charged with electricity. If this fish girl was stupid enough to touch them, and she probably was, then the electricity would travel through the water whips and shock Ranamon herself. Positioning herself between some working spotlights, Pandora tried to dissuade her from attacking. She either would hit her opponent and take down some of her lights or keep her lights alive and not continue the attack.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Ranamon briefly dashed behind her clam prop while the electric blasts came her way. Shooting the shell and causing small damage to the stage ornament, the Ranamon looked both ways to make sure the coast was clear. The water idol's water whips floated around the target, suddenly stopping before it reached her. It was due to the spotlight, not the electricity that the attacks were shooting off that made her a bit wary to just start slapping things around Willy Nilly.

"Hmmm... what to do what to do..." She thought, wanting to preserve her stage, before a lightbulb went off. "Ah! That'll do! Drainin' Rain!"

Ranamon gave a mischevious looking chuckle before pointing right up above her foe. A storm cloud suddenly appeared above her foe. The cloud had begun to pour a ridiculous amount of rain in quick succession. This rain would sap the power of her foe, draining them of their power to keep fighting.
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Pandora heard the attack name and looked up, quickly forming an umbrella of staves to block the rain. "Freeze...." The storm cloud suddenly was exposed to immense cold as Pandora created three ice dolls right next to the cloud, freezing the rain and turning it into snow before the dolls fell to the ground and broke the spotlights. Flying away from the cloud, Pandora once again fired homing plasma projectiles at Ranamon as the three ice dolls bounced towards Ranamon, attempting to crush anything in its path. The water user would have to be careful to not get shocked, and Pandora was going to exploit the properties of her own attacks to win this match. The helmet sections once again detached, rapidly firing electric shots before attaching to Pandora again. The pressure was on for Ranamon, either her stage would break or she would fall. Pandora would soon see what she valued more.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Her drainin' rain? Blocked? And now with a large series of varied attacks coming her way, this easy match had become a troubling one. She couldn't just lose here in front of all her fans. That would make her no idol at all!

"I think it's time for a little walk down the runway."

Ranamon strided forward toward the chaos her way. Some remaining stage lights trying to pick up the considerable slack since a large portion were broken. Plasma arched her way as she boldly faced it, her fingers running back and forth. Suddenly, eruptions of water would shoot out from orfices in the stage, pluming out into large water pillars.

She smirked as her stage's 'Hydrotechnics', powered by her own energy had aided her, making defensive walls of water that appeared to contain an impressive amount of pressure. Enough for the plasma to strike and immediately get shot down into the hole that the water came from.

As for the dolls that boomed her way, cracking the ground, they remained as the final projectile batch. She commanded the whips, which were still active to stab them, and if they were still around, toss them into each other.

"Honey, I think it's time I told you what it means to be a star!"

Lights on the runway lit up in dazzling colors, each tile flashing a different color every quarter second. Ranamon herself rose up on a pillar of water, two pillars rising next to her. She flashed her hands toward her target, the pair of pillars turning into condensed water bullets, shooting them in a overwhelming storm of weapons fire!


Previously Manu456Alola

An opening!

As Daruk deflected the Adept's mace and stumbled backwards into the water, Rebellio's thread took the shape of a Gatling gun once again. Taking aim at his opponent below, he opened fire in the Goron's direction. He'd be able to use the plateau he stood on as cover, keeping him pretty safe should his bullets bounce back towards him. Now it was a matter of figuring out just how durable Daruk and his barrier were.
"Troublesome...." Pandora muttered to herself as she watched her assault get blocked by the water. There had to be a way she could get rid of the water, but that would come later. For now, she had different problems. The water bullet storm would do some horrible damage if she took it all, so she had to dodge them. Flying around erratically, Pandora's shield of electric staves took some blows meant for her. That being said, Pandora still felt the sheer force behind them as every hit caused her to recalibrate the flight path. Amidst her flying, Pandora created another four homing plasma that homed at Ranamon, though she knew it was probably futile. Attacking the water pillar would not be enough, as the sheer amount of water diluted the electricity. Creating an ice doll, she let it bounce towards the orifices on the stage, hoping to block them up as her helmet once again split apart. This time, she let them attach to the east and west wall before linking them up with electricity. The play was to hit the water spout with more electricity than it could dilute, but it came at the cost of a water bullet to the chest.

Slamming against the wall, Pandora dropped several feet before she regained flight. A good hit, for sure, but one that hopefully would draw Ranamon's attention from the helmet sections. Sending an electrified staff towards Ranamon to hit her in the face, she sent a different one past her opponent, hoping for it to hit her on its way back.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The doll thang again, really? Tch, poor sweet child.

Ranamon briefly relieved the pressure off Pandora and instead bombarded the ice dolls. After successfully filling them with bullets, Ranamon forked two tendrils in to whip at the recovering Pandora.

"Hun, give up now would ya? You can't stand against some like me-eEeeEeeah!"

Under her, the water pillar began to wobble and fill with electricity. He feet became all tingly as she tripped off of it and onto the runway below. Coughing as she landed, the Spirit of Water came to recover, her supporters cheering her on to get up
"Plan succesful..." Pandora wiped water off her face as she sent her other two staves to collide with the whips, electrifying them and giving her enough time to fly over towards Ranamon, her staves destroying the last of the spotlights. Floating above the floor, she created two more ice dolls that jumped to block the orifices for good as she sent both four homing plasma and an electrified staff Ranamon's way. The helmet sections meanwhile crawled across the wall, moving their electric laser closer and closer to Ranamon.

@Shen: King of the Mist
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

While Ranamon was recovering, the ice dolls froze several of the orfices, cutting off the two streams that were previously used for bullets, reducing them to frozen covers. Ranamon got her act together, blowing out another Dark Vapor attack, the corrosive vapor once against reducing the energy attacks to near nothing. The staff traveled further, Ranamon disgustedly backhanding the residual staff to the side.

"I say, you are one of the most annoying back up dancers I've had the displeasure of preformin' with!"

Ranamon then clapped her hands. A glitter field of water droplets surrounded her hands. That's when her hands projected an image of something...duplicating a floating pair of her hands!

The pair of floating hands tanked the electricity zapping through them, floating over and grabbing the helmet pieces. after gripping them, they'd try to fly over and smash them into each other, the goal to break them on the hardest material here: themselves


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Eagle Bearer
A large spiky boulder...? Kassandra blinked, feeling as though this were some kind of joke. Was she being underestimated here? Actually, y'know what, she probably was. Men always seemed to do this sort of thing when battling her. She had no room to be surprised. As her eyes scanned over the surface as it rolled toward her, she could see the pattern of the spikes, a pattern that would allow her to pull off this next move.
Darting toward the ball rather than away, Kassandra deftly lowered herself and pressed up against the ball, maneuvering around the spikes to avoid them as she then used it own built momentum, coupled with her strength, to slide the ball up and over her head. With a grunt, she extended her bent knees and pushed with her arms, hurling the ball toward the massive pit in the center of the arena.

Perhaps that show of strength would show this malakas what he was dealing with. Brushing her shoulders off, Kassandra rotated her neck. "Is that all you've got?" She asked tauntingly. "You fight like an Athenian child. Messy, with poor tactics." She notched another arrow, pushing one of her charges into it, giving the arrow explosive force and power not dissimilar from a heavy ballista, all packed into the small and agile arrow she was firing toward her opponent, leaving her with two remaining charges.
The four-armed brute walked over to his archway, and was once again transported to the black void from before. Just like last time, a voice asked him for a location. Machamp thought for about 1.27 seconds before he made up his mind. All the pokemon had to do was think, and bam! The voice understood and they were transported to…

A large stadium. The stands seemed to be empty, but the stadium lights were on regardless, not that they were required since the sun was still up and there was no roof. Machamp looked at his opponent and grinned, pounding his fists together and flexing. He was briefly surround by a red aura before it disappeared. Looks like he was starting the fight with a Bulk Up once again.


Previously Manu456Alola

"Took you long enough..." Merak muttered as Machamp finally showed up and picked a stage, choosing some big, empty arena for them to fight in. Perfect. The four-armed brute flexed and was surrounded by a red aura, ready to fight. In response, Merak raised a single arm... and a sword-like device the size of his own body materialized in his hand.

Its cyan accents glew brightly as the Glaive activated, releasing a black aura with blueish accents that swirled around its wielder like a tornado, covering his entire body. A pair of glowing blue eyes stared at Machamp from within before the aura disappeared, revealing Merak's new form.

His eyes were now black with blue irises, his hair a bright blue, with horn-like appendages attached to his head. Wearing dark blue armor with cyan highlights as well as white gloves, the Adept's appearance had changed drastically. Stretching his arms sideways, a wormhole formed behind the boy, moving upwards to reveal a large, floating mech with a seat at the top. With an unbelievably high jump for someone his size, Merak sat down on his floating throne, sitting cross-legged and resting his head in one hand.

"Alriiighty, let's do this thing. Try to die quick, will ya?" He told Machamp, his Armed Chair aiming its hands forwards and releasing a barrage of missiles. Four wormholes opened up: one in the missiles' path and three around Machamp. Each wormhole spit out many missiles, tripling the attack's effectiveness!


Previously mallard
As one goron got his footing back, another Adept pulled out the gat again. Daruk pulled up his Protection again, and the same results as last time occurred. The thread bullets reflected right back at Rebellio at the exact reverse trajectory, and would blow Rebellio away if he didn't duck under cover soon. The great Daruk, however, couldn't do much more at this range. So, he just held up his force field until Rebellio decided to come up and fight him like a man!

Wait... she was picking it up? She wasn't supposed to do that! "WHAAAAAAA!" He wailed as he was thrown towards the pit in the middle. Then, as the Greek pulled out another arrow and notched it, the master clasped his hands together, poofing away as the arrow was fired into the stone of the other side of the arena. He reappeared above Kass with a demon carver, a big metal ring lined with spikes attached to a swordlike handle. With that threatening weapon, Kohga decended upon his opponent with a swing backed by strength that was surprising for a man of his appearance.


As Metal spun the scrapper, he carried that momentum without hesitation into his famed propeller move, and flew away from the V. Maximum Overdrive with a bit of a head start. But, Metal Sonic being Metal Sonic, he caught up to Punk and shocked the hell out of him. The delinquent fell to the next street trailing smoke, and just flopped. That was- ow. He didn't even have the ability to think straight with how many volts just went through him. Punk got up slowly- hewas nearing the end of his rope. There was only one way he could make a difference; it was time for a SHOWDOWN!!!
@Captain Pokémon
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Previously Deathstalker62
Death watched as Uratekumon escaped his scythe and cage, him holding an arm up, prompting his scythe to disappear where it was and re-appear spinning just above his hand before he grabbed it, stopping its movement. Death looked to the boomerangs approaching him and did a hand motion with his free left hand, making the skeletal hands of his cage release each other and retract back into the portals. Death then simply flicked his skeletal hand towards himself, moving the two of the four portals in front of the path the Boomerangs took, while the other two portals positioned themselves above and below Uratekumon, flinging the attack back at his opponent as he had done earlier with the eye beam. Death's passive mini-scythed remained spawning as usual, flying toward Uratekumon as soon as they manifested.

Frank Horrigan
Even though he got close enough, Frank's punt missing, causing him to sway for a moment. Frank looked to where his opponent dropped and took notice that there was a fist aimed straight for his raised leg with his high Perception and Agility. Though he couldn't move it out of the way in time, Frank instead countered the punch to the leg by slamming his leg down, onto the oncoming fist, adding his own force against it.

As Frank was looking down to his opponent, he saw that a leg was swinging its way towards his knee. Frank simply thrusted his arm downward, activating his Plasma Blade, causing it to quickly fall toward Chief's leg like a guillotine's blade towards its victim. Frank himself hoped that this would end up chopping Chief's leg off. After all, who doesn't like chopping off a good limb or two off of an enemy? Because Frank sure does!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A series of events unfolded that ended with the outcome of Death pulling yet another switcheroo, throwing the boomerangs back at Uratekumon. Uratekumon simply grabbed them as they turned back to normal, looking amazingly up at death.

"Did you really think throwing back boomerangs would do anything? HA! Get gud
N00b! ROFL!"

Uratekumon had the advantage now. Throwing the boomerangs back like he did before, he once again cleaved the mini scythes with these boomerangs. But now to follow it up with a new move.


Suddenly, a stat line showed up on screen. Bars showing Uratekumon's stats shown for everyone to see:

Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 70

"Time to change this pace!"

Attack: 65
Defense: 5
Speed: 140

"What! That little dude is out of his mind!" MCmon shouted. "Modifying his stats like that, can he do that Drac?!"

Uratekumon didn't care. With his newfound speed he sprang from his side of the stage, firing off to Death's side of the field. It's like he had become sonic speed!

"Nothin' personal Kid! Kehehehe!!"

Uratakumon was now under Death, smashing for a extreme uppercut while the boomerangs came in to close off ways of escape.


Previously Deathstalker62
Well, that didn't go as expected. With the boomerangs flying at him, it seems Uratekumon was preparing something, causing Death to grip tightly onto his scythe with both hands and brace for anything that could come next. Suddenly, his opponent zoomed over to Death, now out of nowhere being under him, going for an uppercut. However, Death simply chuckled as he raised his scythe before roaring out two words that even someone like Uratekumon could understand..


Death swung his scythe downward as he dove directly towards Uratekumon, becoming ethereal enough to where he'd simply end up going through the boomerangs and his opponent, as he left behind a trail in the form of his own dark-purple afterimages and dark-red energies that swirled around his afterimages, causing both the slash of his scythe and the swirling energies to become two different sources of damage as Death himself would end up going through the floor regardless if the attack hit or not.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
At last! Finally!
With the speed of Hermes, Kassandra had replaced her bow with the Blade of Ares, and immediately matched Kohga's strength, ounce for ounce, blocking the demon carver. With a parry, Kassandra made to push him back, extending out a flurry of blows against him. Whether they landed or were blocked, she didn't much care, as she'd just been waiting for some swordplay since this tournament began.
Planting her sandal into the dirt, she twirled with a sudden slash, accompanied by a burst of strength with the intention of knocking Kohga back violently.

Master Chief
His tactic had worked in his favor better than he'd hoped for, as Frank himself closed the distance from fist to leg. Despite being much smaller, the Spartan proved his strength by not buckling under Frank's attempt to countering his attack, both striking against one another and not budging the other.
It was then that they were illuminated by a greenish light as a blade came down- and clashed against the Spartan's armor, leaving a black mark as Chief's attack landed, and he took a step back.

"That's plasma energy." Kalmiya pointed out. "Not as refined as an energy sword, but you're lucky it didn't hit anywhere but your armor. If it hit your under-suit, we'd be in trouble. Do you have a plan?" The AI asked, to which the Spartan simply took another step back. "Yeah." Using the signal impulse from his suit's systems, he transmitted a message to the small device attached to Frank's leg, planted there when the Spartan had punched it. Immediately, a pulse of electricity made to envelop the mutant, his body hazing over. John had planted an armor lock on Horrigan. While it would immobilize him for around 30 seconds, it also left the mutant invulnerable to most attacks, at least any the Spartan could dish out.

Should this be successful, Chief would slacken himself and have Kalmiya begin performing biological and diagnostic scans to pick apart the mutant as he would be forced to simply watch and seethe.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The imp had a glint in his eye as he saw the scythe raising with Death's laugh. Page 22 handbook section 12! When he does that stance...

Uratekumon leaped to the left with his newfound speed, his uppercut transforming into a dash. As Death phased into the floor whilst the after images attacked, Uratekumon elected to ignore everything altogether, and instead attack him directly. A grin grew wide on his face as he leaped to the ground sticking his wires into it.

"Zero Value!"

The floor square he stood on lost it's value, becoming transparent. Falling out of bounds, he met with Death, who was properly out of bounds as well.

"Didn't expect this, did you? HA!"

Leaping toward Death while in this precarious state, he aimed to smash him out into the void with his speed and strength. This surprise attack was surely something death wouldn't expect!
Pandora looked through the dim lighting at the hands that were formed and quickly changed her helmet pieces from electricity to ice. Electricity would do no good to something without a nervous system. The sections shot ice shards at the hands, but were ultimately grabbed. However, their owner had already created two ice dolls above the hands in an effort to break them apart. Ranamon had yet to show any ability of controlling ice, so freezing any and all water should be an useful tactic.

As the dolls were falling, Pandora had created four more homing plasma. One of these times, they had to connect and electrocute the woman. She also sent two electric staves in a wide arc, planning for them to hit Ranamon on the way back as the remaining staves were used as a defensive wall. There was no place to taunt Ranamon, which might just be even more effective. She didn't seem to be able to handle not being in the spotlight and getting attention, not that there were any spotlights left to begin with.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The ice dolls formed above the hands DID end up freezing them. However, due to them being made of water and attached to the helmet pieces, the froze around the pieces, the weight sending them spiraling towards the ground.

"You know sugar, I think we should make this a one time show, don't you think? Exit stage left!"

Ranamon created a water pillar under the clam shell in the center of the stage. This made the heavy clam wobble up into the air. Then, a second pillar shot directly behind it, sending it spiraling toward Pandora, tanking the electric staves and the plasma. Ranamon winked as the heavy clam was to smash into Pandora, silencing that annoying woman once and for all.


Previously Deathstalker62
Death moved his four portals down with him as he dove into the ground, expecting that his opponent would soon follow him considering he's already seen what their 'Zero Value' ability did to his chains. Though he was looking around to keep a lookout, he barely managed to glance over to his opponent before getting smashed in the torso and flung toward the void. However, with his white robes reducing the impact and damage dealt to him, Death managed to remain calm and used the four corner portals to his advantage - using the first two, Death fired the chain hands at himself, rotating the portals to swing himself through the air and rebound back to Uratekumon while maintaining the speed of the initial hit he was launched with. The other two portals? They had positioned themselves around Death's opponent and each fired two chain hands at the gremlin's mechanical arms and actual legs, Death aiming to keep his opponent in place while he himself had the hands released from himself and begun using his scythe to increase his speed by spinning himself around rapidly, becoming a deadly twister that flew at rapid speeds toward Uratekumon. There were also, of course, his mini-scythes still spawning passively, flying towards his opponent as soon as they appeared.

Frank Horrigan
Frank punched his left hand into his right palm, crushing his hands together as his enemy backed off. " You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT, mutie! " With those words, Frank took another running start again, this time extending his arm with the mounted plasma gun to fire a burst of plasma shots at Chief while Frank rushed to close the distance, aiming to strike at the Chief with quick slashes of his plasma blade once he got close.

The device on his arm went off, the pulse of electricity releasing, stiffening Frank's movements. He attempted to resist, putting his arms together, seemingly freezing up.. before roaring out and extending his arms into the air. While he did this, Frank now held a smoke grenade in the hand where the arm blade was attached, his thumb slipped into the pin. Frank remained charging forward, throwing the smoke grenade down toward Chief, aiming to roll it in between his legs, while Frank himself kept running and gunning toward his opponent.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
"Uh oh."
Kalmiya stated it clearly as Frank managed to break through the constraints of an armor lock, barely slowing him down, the small device clattering to the floor off his arm. "He's not slowing down!" She warned as the Spartan boosted forward, conjuring his magnum in one hand as his other hand grabbed the smoke grenade out of the air before it even landed. "Neither are we." John responded, flinging the smoke grenade off the side of the platform they stood on, the distance between him and Frank closed once again as the larger force made to cut into the Spartan with his unrefined plasma tool- but Chief had a blade of his own, procuring the energy sword in his free hand just as the distance closed.

John parried away Frank's strikes with practiced skill, taking pot shots at the tubes extending out of the rear of the mutant's helmet, the Spartan doubting they served no purpose. "AHH!" Kalmiya cried as Frank slashed upward, intending for a decapitation- but the Spartan was faster, moving his head back to slash aside another blow and fire out a couple more bullets. The AI's commentary made it clear she was distracted, and Chief needed her to focus.
"You scanned his suit during the armor lock, right?" He asked, attempting to get his companion on track. "Y-yeah." The AI responded, clearing her digital throat. "I detected a surge of power inside, like you'd expect, but the suit seems to have countermeasures for electromagnetic forces."
That meant using his shields to knock out the mutant's power suit was out of the question. Wouldn't work. A much different opponent from Rebellio, and Frank seemed to be more on the bloodthirsty side as well. In everything but appearance, he was exerting the attitude and strength of a Brute. Despite that, his tactics and blunders felt more rehearsed than intellectually-driven. His sluggish speech and primitive armor enforced the idea that this creature was of low intellect. That didn't make him any less dangerous, but it could be exploited through clever tactics, as Frank seemed built to take even more punishment than he could deal.

"What's the plan, Chief?" Kalmiya questioned as the Spartan took a step back from any more close blows to fire a few more shots at the hoses. The Spartan didn't reply as his boots magnetically attached to the floor- which he proceeded to tear the grate beneath him out, raising his foot like a shield, and making to slam it against Frank as it detached, and he fired his grappling hook toward a tentacle belonging to the gravemind, which shuddered as the hook latched into it, but made no effort of retaliation as the Spartan rose off the ground, unloading the remainder of his clip on Frank.
"We outsmart him." John responded. "Give me a schematic layout of the surrounding area."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Successful hit!

They grinned as the smacked into the white robed fiend. However, they knew this form wouldn't be taken down so easily. Revving up his Miracle Gatcha again, it landed on '34', letting an 8bit power up to emerge from from the top of his console mech suit. A red blowing plant that could only be one thing...

Fire flower? I can use that!

Grabbing the fire flower, Uratekumon's mech suit turned white, similar to Mario's reaction to the power up. He grinned, shooting flurries of fireballs toward the hands coming down to reach him. They burst into bones as Uratekumon drifted towards Death.

Death began to spin into a dangerous twister, one the Uratekumon knew he couldn't puncture comfortably at this moment. He needed a change of scenery. Due to his speed stats being heavily boosted, he took advantage of it, taking one of his two back chords, wrapping it around the handle of one of the revolving mini scythes.

He swung himself like an acrobat, letting his body swing down before swinging up and letting go. The smug Digimon flew upwards, thinking himself untouchable - until that same back chord got too close to the tornado, cutting clean off it's body.

"...! An error? Haxxx!!"

Landing up into the stage again, he examined the sparking chord, his eyes narrowing angrily. Time to change the stats once more...
Metal Sonic
Metal stopped flying and landed on the ground, sliding a few meters until coming to a stop. The street punk seemed to be on his last legs, barely standing up, smoking and shaking slightly. Suddenly, Punk’s expression changed. He looked more serious, staring deadpan at Metal, who stared back. Some debris crumbled around them, their wreckage still settling. The sun went down faster than realistically possible, changing the sky to an orange hue. A few balloons and flag ropes fell to the ground as the city lost its livelihood, all the mobians beginning to settle down for the day. Confetti littered the floor and the clock tower in the center of the city rang, the bell echoing throughout the city. Afterwards, there was silence. Relief.

The calm before the storm.

Metal then jet forward with no particular attack in mind. Something had changed about his opponent, and he needed to find out what before making an actual move.

The four-armed brute grinned and cracked his knuckles as the fight had officially started with Merak’s transformation. As the wormholes and missiles appeared, Machamp crossed his arms, a large blue dome appearing around him. This dome protected him from the missiles, the explosions leaving thick smoke.

Suddenly, the stands roared with life, a crowd appearing out of nowhere. The cheers were deafening, as if the crowd had been waiting for this. A red dome made out of many small hexagons arched across the sky above the stadium, forming a ceiling. The dome then faded away, though it was not gone, merely invisible.

Machamp then made his move, sprinting towards Merak, intentions unclear.
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Previously Manu456Alola

"A barrier? How annoyin'..."

The Adept rolled his eyes as Machamp was enveloped in smoke, the arena coming to life with a huge crowd cheering enthusiastically. Where did these guys come from? The cheers nearly distracted him from Machamp as the Pokémon ran straight towards him. His chair floated upwards and away from the four-armed brute, getting some distance between the two, the wormholes he created earlier closing.

"Nooope." Another wormhole opened in front of Merak, his mech throwing a punch into it. It quickly popped out of a wormhole that opened up next to Machamp, aiming to blindside him. Should he miss, he'd throw out another punch, relocating the second wormhole if necessary.


How durable can that shield be?!

Rebellio was astonished by the amount of damage Daruk's barrier could take. Had it even been weakened? The Adept had been firing for a while now, taking cover whenever he needed to, but the shield wouldn't let up. It seemed this strategy wouldn't be of use, then.

Shifting his gun into a mace, the Falcon swung away at the weakened section of the plateau, causing more boulders to fall towards Daruk. Sending the head of the mace at the Goron just like he'd done before, Rebellio chose to follow up in a different manner. His halo extended down in the blink of an eye, the Adept soon reappearing behind Daruk. A scythe in his hands, he aimed to slash away at Daruk from the back while he was busy dealing with his projectiles!
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Pandora looked at the shell flying her way and quickly calculated the optimal play. It was an absolutely massive shell, and she knew that she could not fly away on time without getting crushed. Creating ten ice dolls to spread the force of impact, she also sent her four staves to slow the impact as much as possible. Indestructible staves were the one good thing Dr. Albert had given her in her life, as the shell was slowed down just enough for the Reploid to escape before it crushed the ice dolls. Her staff had managed to find its way back to her, but the attack was a telltale sign that Ranamon was done playing around. Creating a single ice doll, she sent it to break the frozen arms to get her head sections back.

Flying up again, Pandora looked at Ranamon with a blank gaze. The fish girl was annoying, both her personality and her fighting style. Creating a second staff, she electrified both of them and sent one flying towards Ranamon before flying at her personally, ready to hit the girl with an electrified staff.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Geez! This chick is gettin' mighty annoyin'. How many of those staves she have anyway? Where she PUT those things? Surely not with her pearls...

Ranamon thought of what to do next when her foe summoned a staff, throwing it her way before coming themselves. This gave Ranamon the idea she was craving. She got a devious smile, pointing above herself.

"My, that's your plan? Honey, you couldn't outwit a nitwit! Drainin' Rain!"

A dark cloud sprawled up between Ranamon and her enemy. Then a downpour of water gushed down at a ridiculous rate. The staff that was propelled quickly lost it's electrical charge, but continued on it's way. Ranamon proceeded to kick it, bruising her foot a bit but otherwise stopping the weakened projectile.

But was the main point of this was Pandora herself. Her momentum was taking her directly into the rain storm. She was going to be drained of her power! At that speed and how close the rain started to her...this was too good!


Previously mallard
The goron dropped his shield as the adept dropped his gun, but sent more boulders down. Daruk backpedaled. His earlier stumble gave him ample room to avoid the falling rocks. And this time, with more solid footwork, he swung at the incoming mace with his Boulder Breaker and deflected it entirely. Meanwhile, that fluffy-haired man disappeared... where to? The brute got his answer soon enough, as the enemy's scythe chipped some rocks of of the champion's back. "Aagh!" Stumbling forward, he turned around and brought around his weapon as well, swinging it upwards at Rebellio, and in the meantime received a cut on his forearm of decent depth.


As the Greek warrior rushed forward with her blade, Kohga found it difficult to defend himself. Kassandra's blade left bloody marks all over Kohga's body- and with that final slash, he was thoroughly bisected.

Winner: Kassandra!


The two halves of 'Master Kohga's body dissipated into smoke, and the real Kohga(?) rose from the center pit. Around him circled several black rocks with cracks glowing a spicy orange. "You thought it was gonna be that easy to defeat Master Kohga? Ha! Eat my Super-Duper Exploding Yiga Boulders!" With a motion of his hand, a boulder was thrown, and then another, and another in quick succession, until all eight boulders were thrown. Each one would explode upon contact with anything, be it ground or Kassandra.


The activation of Showdown made the mood much more fitting for the last bit of the fight- plus the fiery glow of the setting sun really brought out that devilish glint in Punk's eye. Then, in a burst of his newfound speed, he rushed forward, playing Chicken with Metal for a split second, but before the two collided the green-haired Punk slid beneath his robotic opponent. He got back on his feet and scrambled up the side of a building, and then ran across the roof of that building. He skid to a stop however, twisting around to smack a spiked softball in Metal's direction. Not just the speed of the softball was increased in relation to what the droid was used to now, but the pull of gravity upon it as well.
@Captain Pokémon
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Kassandra the Eagle Bearer
As her blade tore through flesh, Kassandra felt bitter disappointment. Here she'd expected a battle, not an execution, but few could stand up to the might of the eagle-bearing misthios, yet still... warriors from every walk of life, surely she could face off with those equal to or above her. This tournament was more refined than the Arena, and less tragic than the Battle of One Hundred Hands. The fact that death wasn't an ending reinforced this- but the earlier eliminations made it clear that it was still an option, and an option she wouldn't be taking.

Taking a step back, she flicked her blade, frowning at the bisected body- until quite suddenly both ends burst into smoke, heralding Kohga's rise from the pit, deformed ebony orbs revolving around him, molten light seeping through their cracked surfaces. She'd seen something similar to that before, and understood what that could possibly mean. A combination of fire and force, erupting like a miniature volcano, something otherwise known as an explosion.
"You thought it was gonna be that easy to defeat Master Kohga? Ha!" The plump master of whatever he was the master of let out a laugh, his midsection bouncing in sync. "Eat my Super-Duper Exploding Yiga Boulders!"
As he swiped his hand, the first boulder was sent the spartan's way. So, this wasn't a disappointment after all. With a smirk beneath her helmet, Kassandra replaced her weapon with her bow, immediately leaping backward as the boulder struck the ground she'd been standing- and bursted into a fiery eruption, spraying flames and heat like the furnace of Hephaestus itself.

As she returned her attention to Kohga, the mercenary found another boulder already hurtling her way. With no time to spend notching an arrow, Kassandra propelled herself forward, sandals digging into the rock beneath her as she dropped, sliding beneath the boulder, feeling time slow as she barely avoided getting struck. Her third charge was fueled once again.
Using her momentary boost of speed accompanied by the propulsion of speed from the eruption behind her, the was world moving sluggishly slow around her. Kassandra pulled back an arrow, and let it fly. Just as the world resumed its usual function of time, an arrow struck the third boulder before it could be launched, erupting and blowing apart the two boulders beside it- but the proximity to the remaining three was too great, and Kohga was already hurling one toward her. It was met with a second arrow, the next met with another arrow, and finally the final boulder was present, being hurled toward her.

Relaxing herself, Kassandra pushed into her third charge once again, pulling back an arrow, which began to glimmer and glow like the moon, the power of Artemis pulsing within the projectile- and she let it fly. The arrow punched into the final boulder, erupting it, but that was far from the end of such an arrow as it continued its trajectory uninterrupted, whistling through the smoke with the intention of striking directly into Kohga's chest before he could even see it coming. If it landed or not, Kassandra could not tell, the smoke from the final boulder obscuring her view.
"Well, there was no eating." The misthios called out, glancing toward Ikaros in the sky as he soared overhead, letting out the cry of an eagle over the arena as the crowd around them erupted in cheers. "I doubt they'd taste good anyway," Kassandra continued, closing her eyes and feeling her vision pushed through the eyes of her eagle, glaring down upon the battlefield with intensity, allowing her to pinpoint her enemy, be it through walls or even under the earth, she'd be able to see him. "Show me what else you've got." She challenged.

Axe's slam completely missed, and the little town hero frowned as he saw the foe going up, feeling upset by the words given.

"Hey! Stop calling me names, my name is A- WOAH!" Axe's upset was cut off by this new attack, forcing him to raise his shield to block an incoming projectile. The explosion, though blocked, pushed Axe down into the ground, his boots digging down into the floor. Luckily, his shield was also able to block the ensuing projectiles. The problem came with the surrounding attacks.

Uh oh...don't know if the Green Stone can save me if they just keep coming...I need to think, fast!
I've got it!

Suddenly, he threw up a single lit firecracker from under his shield, just as the projectiles came, destroying all of them while the shield kept Axe safe. Using the brief moment of open air, Axe extended out the pickaxe, pushing down to the ground with it while it opened to launch himself into the air up to Jevil, letting go off the shield and spraying a bottle of...perfume?
No, not just perfume. Monster perfume, specifically made to heavily weaken Axe's foes with it's absolutely terrible stench, given by the key ingredient of centuries old ale left on a cliffside. Upon spraying out the bottle, Axe fell back down, grabbing his shield on the way down and using it to break his fall with a confident "Yes!".


("He dodged my lightning, no one's ever done that before")

Audrey growled as she saw Leon-whats-his-name get up. Then, she was perplexed.
"What is that-?!" She had to stop her own sentence as she was forced to raise her blade the second she heard something come out the front of Matilda. Luckily, the projectiles from this unfamiliar weapon bounced off the blade, but were not fully reflected due to their speed. Audrey herself held the position, quite confident the barrage would stop soon...right?


Yuga smirked confidently, having no idea what was in store for him with Galacta Knight.
"See, was that so hard?" He mocked the Host, before walking away with a weirdly maniacal laugh. Before any response could come, he headed towards the gate where he saw his new foe enter before answering the voice about the stage.

"Thieves' Town." He answered this time, believing his bad luck was due to the stage from before. He then took a good look at Galacta Knight, trying to size him up while the stage morphed.


The last child of the Great Tree heard of the matchup change, and was immeadiantly concerned. Why had there been a change? Was her foe causing trouble? If so, man was she glad not to fight him. She spotted Gemini entering an arena and quickly dashed to follow.

"Hey, sorry, there was a matchup change, we're fighting each other now." She quickly told Gemini, choosing not to try and get a good look for now and focus on the match - Khepri, having been cheered up by Tethi coming back, at her side. She then heard some kind of voice asking about a stage thing, and her first thoughts immeadiantly went to the Qarr Dunes just outside her Oasis. The stage seemed to begin to morph, as if waiting for a response from Gemini as well.
The darkener floated idly as Axe cleverly dodged his attacks, not countering in any way. It seemed he wasn’t taking this seriously at all. Once Axe was at Jevil’s level in the air, the jester looked him directly in the eyes, smile unwavering, before Axe sprayed the perfume. This, combined with the smoke from the bombs and firecrackers, effectively created a thick screen around the battlefield.

Axe then landed, saying “yes!” with confidence.

Misplaced confidence.

Jevil stepped out from right behind Axe! “Indeed!” He quipped before spades rained down on Axe’s location, intending to heavily damage him!

After this attack, Jevil flew back once again, floating by the carousel, which had begun to spin even faster, making the room feel like a whirlwind. Jevil then. Began to bounce in the air, doing a little dance. “Hee hee! Chaos Chaos! Hearts, diamonds, I can do ANYTHING!” The jester laughed manically, continuing to dance as hundreds of diamonds we launched Axe’s way, forming a wall of dangerous projectiles! It seemed the battle was starting to heat up!

The Superpower pokémon slid to a stop as his opponent floated up and away from him, frowning slightly, but it was more of a determined one than an angry one. As another wormhole appeared beside him, Machamp caught the fist with one hand and yanked, pulling Merak and his mech right through it. Machamp then punched many, many times, so fast that his fists left after-images. (Close Combat)
Now that Merak was at point-blank range, there was no way this could fail!

Metal Sonic
The robot’s jet engine flared to life and he pursued Punk, barely skipping a beat. Metal rotated to the side to avoid the spiked softball, then curled into a ball and attempted to homing attack Punk once again.


Previously Deathstalker62
With his opponent swinging up and away onto the stage above him, Death had the perfect method of using this as an advantage. The Reaper let go of his scythe, floating it above himself as he held his arms out, extending them left and right each. His massive scythe begun spinning around rapidly, ensuring no attack from above could be done to him without being shredded by his scythe. Then, from his hands, (one at a time, not both) Death fired out a constant of blue energy orbs again that flew in an arc toward Uratekumon, which would, per usual, turn into massive demonic skulls that would attempt to chomp down on his opponent.

Frank Horrigan
Frank and Chief traded blows, the giant noting that the enemy was firing at the tubes, with which Frank responded by moving his forehead in the way of the shots, blocking the attempts at the pipes on his helmet. When the spartan backed off a bit, Horrigan responded with further shots at his helmet with the plasma of his own arm-mounted gun, both shots cancelling each other out as they clashed against one another.

The Secret Service Agent laughed off the incoming grate, his arm reaching out quickly enough to catch it mid-air and him crumpling it into a ball like paper, which he then tossed behind himself as the incoming bullets were deflected by his beyond military-grade power armour, which gave him a whole 70% damage resistance boost, bringing it from the initial 20% up to a whole 90%. The hulking titan saw his opponent rise into the air, which the giant attempted to counter by firing precise bursts of plasma not at the hook, but at the tentacle itself holding the bullet, attempting to sever it and cause his enemy to fall right down that hole of wherever those tentacles came from.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The fire flower ran out of juice as his color hue returned to normal. Not good. He was vulnerable, which Death planned to take full advantage of. Instead of blaming the lag as he would always do, he instead planned to roll the dice. His console mech suit revved up, turning a '62' on it.

Suddenly a Electric Barrier sprouted up around him. A lightning shield! Sonic eat your heart out. The orbs hit, popping the shield instantly. But just like the game it came from, he began to blink, partially invincible for the next two seconds or so, barley enough time to reset his stats. looking down at his foe, he gave them a look of contempt.

"You know what they say? When the going gets tough: cheat! KEKEKAKAKA!!"

Suddenly, he extended two handles from his gaming controller, a bunch of smaller buttons being seen. Pressing many of these smaller buttons and closing his controller once more, his form began to rumble.


His form pulsated three times, growing bigger each time. Now he towered over his foe at an alarming 50 feet tall! Uratekumon grinned devilishly down at the competition, confident his size would now win him the day.

"Yo yo! I can't believe it!" MCmon announced. "Urateku just went Godzilla! This is gonna get dicey fast! Yo! Dracula! How do you think Death will overcome this one?!"

Uratekumon snickered, his body taking over most of the right side of the screen, making it incredibly hard for him to miss. Revving up a punch, he smash through the floor right above Death, and aimed to pummel death with his massive metal fist!