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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

what on earth...?

Dark Matter transformed into a ravenous beast of it's former self. The pulsating eye on the being becoming far more defined. It came right toward him with it's gaping maw! Specter fired off the maneuvering thrusters of his unshielded chair, spiraling out of the way of the beast. His shield generator had suffered a lot of stress, he'd be lucky to get it back working. This in mind, his neurons fired off, devising a strategy to work on this creature...this wasn't in the intel he had received.

"A form fitting of one such as yourself, and now to skewer it!"

He placed his palms together, rings of energy revolving around them. Suddenly, a thin beam of cyan energy erupted from the combined palms, firing off toward Dark Matter's much bigger form. He attempted to slice it apart with a powerful but thin cutting beam. A monster is not a monster when cut into ribbions!


A cool winter morning was present throughout the arena, the massive furnace in the distance lit the destination up with it's radiance. Kumamon grabbed his blizzard blaster from his back, preparing for battle as the snow gently fell from above.

"This is for Daruk! Let's start now!"

The fight had officially begun. Kumamon leaped up into the air, his blaster in hand. His tactic seemed straightforward enough, but it didn't seem like he cared.

"Blizzard Blaster!"

Barrage of deceptively powerful snowballs shot out from the quad blaster, throwing themselves up and around Revan and his position


Ranamon paused, giving the man a disgusted expression like that of witnessing a pervert in the open before taking several steps back. In the meantime Hareta held fast to his convictions standing up there. His teeth grit together as the man abused his power, threatening him with the same treatment.

"We aren't gladiators! These guys could be friends, maybe family! I won't forgive you for killing them!"

That's when something clicked with Hareta. The reward. If Dialga could shift back time as a legendary...and palkia could change the meaning of space...what could a guy like him do? Was he...just having fun too? Could it mean the reward could be anything they wanted? He figured he'd ask.

"Actually- wait! If the winner wins this...could they bring everyone back? Alive??"
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
At last. No build-up, this was more like it. Igniting the violet saber, and only it, Revan spun, swinging the saber until it was a mere blur. Snowball after snowball was diced into nothingness, each striking against Revan's saber, unable to best his defense. Leaping into the air, Revan hurled the lightsaber toward Kumamon. The weapon spun violently through the air like a bullet, threatening to cleave the digimon in two should he fail to evade it as the crimson saber ignited.
Using the force, Revan propelled himself to his purple saber's destination. The moment it made contact- or failed to make contact -Revan would return the handle to his grasp as he struck the ground, sending out a wave of the force outward from his position, propelling back any advance made to gain on him.

"Is this your home?" Revan taunted. "A place dear to your heart? Don't bother answering... I can see into your mind. I know what it means to you. What if I..." Raising one of his arms, one of the nearby structures was ripped from the earth, before it was sent hurtling toward Kumamon, all while a second home was torn upward by the force.
"Imagine what I could do should I get creative..."

Generic Host
"Be a waste, but I guess if you really wanted to." The host shrugged in response. "Then we could start all over again and have some more fun, huh? I like the way you think, tiny person- er, kid." The hologram giggled as he wiggled his hips, doing some kind of awkward dance. No music accompanied him. "Bring them all back so we can have a part two, see if the victor stands a chance a second time. Ooo, that's a good idea. You've got a bright future, kid. If you survive, that is, heh heh..."


Previously Gamingfan2
Ammy trotted along the outpost, still following the scent, although it had become much harder to track, Still, she managed to keep it, with some straining. Until...yes...the man was close.
While a sun goddess, with intelligence far above most canines, Amaterasu was still a wolf, and her excitement and signature lack of patience prompted her to chase after the scent.
Her paws stepped on something, and before she knew it, Amaterasu was encased in smoke and fire.
And immediately dashed out, looking no worse for wear.
Amaterasu didn't have much of an idea what happened, the small thing she stepped on was completely foreign to her, but it exploded, and she never trusted explosions.
Luckily, she had godhood to protect her, and it sure did, losing a level in the process. She only had two more left, and she doubted she could land enough hits to bring it back up, especially considering the human's sneakiness. Still, she had his scent, and although she couldn't see him, Amaterasu had a plan.
The goddess drew three lines in the air, which disappeared. The wind picked up, and hyper focused on Amaterasu, swirling around her and dragging the leaves, foliage, and possibly a certain person, up into the air.
Should snake reveal himself either through her efforts or his own, Amaterasu would attack with a slash of her massive blade.

Dark Matter
Dark Matter crashed onto the floor, shrinking himself slightly, but only briefly, not wanting to give Specter any time. It turned towards Specter, staring with it's gigantic pupil. Dark Matter's "jaws" did not move as he spoke.
"I can sense your fear, monkey" it growled
In retaliation, two oval, almost paper thin shapes of energy appeared. One was right in the middle of the beam, and appeared to absorb it while the other positioned itself differently. After a second, the first shape reflected the absorbed energy into the second, which then reflected it back to Specter. Dark Matter took the opportunity to shrink back to his swordsman form.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Wind began to pick up, drafting through the Outpost and kicking up a storm, dragging a few pink petals off of Snake in the process- but he was not lifted into the ground. While this didn't go according to plan thanks to that mine turning out to be faulty (he'd need to pay closer mind next time when setting it up, or else lose the match before it even begins). His position wasn't fully revealed, but the wolf knew she was close to her prey.

Snake remained still, planted on the ground, his distance just enough to prevent his reveal, alongside his capture in the gusts of wind. If the wolf were to look inside, past the freshly made rubble that smothered a small portion of the entrance to the outpost due to the explosion, she would see a pile of foliage and brush inside, pressed against the edge where the wall meets the floor. Undoubtedly, the scent of Snake would be strongest from it, and its position was out of the way enough not to get dragged up by the wind.

Snake waited, simply hoping he hadn't been spotted.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A pause was taken as the beam was sent into the portal. One that unnerved Specter. He cautiously waited before a beam erupted from an opening rift towards him. Suddenly, he ejected from his chair, the beam splitting the chair in two! The floating throne fell burning in halves at the ground, whilst Specter landed right beside the debris, cloaked in a growing psychic aura.

"Fear...? Ha! This is invigoration! What a better stage to prove one's superiority than to vanquish fierce foes in the heat of battle!"

Now standing on his own to feet, Specter seemed to get far more pumped for this battle. Suddenly, he jet forward with surprising ferocity, brandishing two violet blades, aiming to cleave Dark Matter in two whilst it was belly up on the ground.


His eyes widened as Revan charged him with such speed. Thinking fast, his body arched out of the way oddly, acting like a icy mush, leaving him looking like a 'C'. As Revan passed, he reformed back, and gave chase. Well, he though he would if it wasn't for an unseen force throwing him tumbling into the ground.

"Agh! Ah! oomph!"

Rubbing his head, the frost bear stirred forcing himself up, right as Revan began taunting him about his 'home.' No, that wasn't quite right. It wasn't his home...yet...everything here on this planet was his home. His sacred duty to protect. So in a way...he was responsible for this town. He didn't know if this place was fake or real, but he couldn't risk it!

As Revan tossed a building towards him, Kumamon freaked out, lunging to the side, just barley sliding out of the way. He could lift things that heavy?? He looked sorrowfully at the house before looking up in anger to what Revan was doing with a second.

"I won't let you get away with that! This is between you and me you bully!!" Kumamon said before puffing up his chest. "Crystal Freeze!!"

He exhaled violently, a blizzard's winds erupting from his mouth. A lamppost that was caught inside the crossfire was instantly covered in several feet of ice. That effect Kumamon aimed to give to Revan, a heavy blow that may be able to take him out in a single hit!


Totally NOT what he was thinking, but at least it was going somewhere? Wait, did that mean yes or no? Scratching his head, he thought it best to mean that it was possible. So if he could get what he wanted and make everyone live, they could have their own tournament. No generic host or anything. Just a fun one between friends. That Hope sparked within him as he pointed toward the host.

"Alright host, I'll win your game. Then everyone will be free to do what we want to- not as enemies, but as friends and comrades! I'll beat you host!"

Taking this as a personal challenge to save everyone and beat those, Hareta found his resolve and stuck to it. The goal was ahead and the adventure had begun. The goal to save everyone from the hands of this tyrant.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
If it wasn't obvious before, it was now. This creature's entire shtick was ice, and it seemed proficient enough with it. From where the force user hails, there is a saying. "Through the force, anything is possible".
Ice and fire both were part of 'anything'. By applying the force, a user could generate and manipulate flames, though ice was fairly different, as water in abundance was necessary to create it. Instead, through the force, heat could quite literally be forced out of an object, dropping its temperature drastically. For Revan, this was seen as an opportunity, above all else.

Raising one arm, a column of flames materialized in the air, swirling like a tornado as it collided with the Crystal Freeze, all through violently rubbing and heating up air molecules together, generating the impressive storm. The very air seemed to be slowly sucked out of the world the longer the column of fire struck, but Revan wasn't relenting, pushing back as he pulled more air molecules into it, enlarging his attack with ferocity, pushing back enough to melt the ice encasing the lamp post, engulfing it until it began to glow a bright molten orange.

"How long can you keep this up?" Revan taunted, his voice booming in Kumamon's mind. "I have the power of the universe at my fingertips. So long as there is existence, there is me. Can you compete? Or am I wasting my time?" His goal was to push the flames back, and if Kumamon managed another successful dodge, the pillar would erupt and form a storm around the digimon, encasing him to a smaller area.
Once forced into the Revan-made arena, the grey Jedi himself would walk through the flames, lightsaber in either hand, violet electricity crackling along his fingertips.

Generic Host
"Oh yeah?" The grin on the hologram widened as he made a finger gun, and pointed it toward Hareta. There was a tense moment, before he lowers his hand, appearing pleased for some reason. "Focus on beating your opponents first, small human... kid." He really seemed to struggle with that word. "And if you make it to finals... you still have to beat my Champion. Succeed, and then we'll see... but I'm not the guy pulling the strings here, buckaroo. I'm simply this night's host... heh... hehe..."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Worry began to fill the spirit of ice...no. It wasn't fear. It was dread. Revan if anything was a master of manipulating one's fears. Seeing this flaming pillar erupt before him and push towards him gave himself feeling of hopelessness, that despite using this icy technique it was fruitless. His shoulders fell and his face grew stiff.

Would he live up to his own expectations? How could he avenge Daruk like this? He couldnt. It was impossible. Every attack he tossed at his foe melted into nothingness...he lost.



I refuse to think that way!

Taking a stance, Kumamon bucked up. Stowing his courage that he could, he faced the flames, stopping his freezing attack. That's when Kumamon seemed to be focusing on something, cringing and focusing greatly. His eyes were closed in concentration and is whole body was tense.


The flaming pillar pushed forth, threatening to consume him whole. The flames's lights were seen reflecting off of his snowy exterior. It was close. That's when Kumamon thrust both of his arms apart, screaming at the top of his lungs.


What followed next was shocking. In an instant, the flaming pillar was snuffed, a massive structure of ice spikes jutted out from Kumamon's position, completely absorbing the bear. It seemed to cover a good quarter of the entire town, jutting out in an astounding rate, jutting out at a point to stab through Revan in one quick movement.

The sounds grew still in the arena. Kumamon could not be heard, and both to movement of ice and the crackling of fire had both ceased.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
A tingling in the back of his mind. A warning from the force.
Frozen Tundra certainly expelled Revan's expectations of his tundra-themed Ewok opponent, and only through the force was he prepared enough to survive the sudden spike that jutted his way. With a slide to the left, Revan leapt up above another spike, then severed a third as it made to tear him a new one.

Generating a field of pressure around himself, it was enough to prevent several more spikes from claiming their mark, and as the attack came to a conclusion, Revan landed on the ground, shoulders heaving slightly more than usual. That entire assault had lasted only a couple of seconds, and he was only fast enough to have taken it on without perishing.
A still silence fell over the arena. It was almost... 'chilling'.
Who said grey Jedi couldn't make puns?

Probing through the life essence of the force, Revan peered through the veil in order to pinpoint the exact location of his opponent. He had put up a valiant fight, but the difference in power levels was far too vast. It was almost disappointing to destroy Kumamon, he had proven to be exciting. No Daruk, by any means, but enough that Revan was kept well enough on his toes. Better than most Jedi and Sith, he could account to that much.
"Your effort has been valiant." Revan spoke into Kumamon's mind directly once again. "I am impressed at the power you hold. Still... it is not enough to save you."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Heavy breaths echoed inside of the icy structure that Kumamon had made. He was on his back panting from the energy he put into the attack. Kumamon's body wasn't one to use massive bursts of power so frivolously. He sat up with a groan massaging his left shoulder.

"Well...at least this big thing should give me some cover...for now. I wonder if I-"

"Your effort has been valiant." Revan spoke to him through his mind, shocking him. "I am impressed at the power you hold. Still... it is not enough to save you."

Kumamon winced. How could he survive that? Ducking into one of the icy caves he had now created, he decided to hunker down, gently blowing on aching parts of his body, trying to revitalize himself somehow. He needed to outlast him.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
He sensed fear.
Lifting into the air using the force, Revan reached one particularly jagged spike, landing upon it to begin walking down its length. His opponent was attempting to hide. He recognized Revan was a force much greater, making a move at a different strategy... to set a trap? To outlast Revan? To regain power?
Perhaps all three.

Sensing the rough area where his enemy was, Revan stared down at the ice, sabers holstered on his waist. It seemed the excitement was over for the moment. Kumamon wished to play the waiting game, and Revan lacked the patience to indulge. A crack sounded through the air as Revan slowly raised his fist halfway up. The massive structure that took center-stage in the town suddenly began to rotate, slowly rising up. Several feet off the ground, Revan's arm began to tremble from the sheer force being exerted, but he had no intention of exerting himself for no reason.
The tower began to tilt, and once Revan was satisfied, he relinquished his hold. There was another moment of deathly silence- before the ear-splitting rumble of the tower crashing against the ground, flattening everything in its wake, came into play. Kumamon's life force was detected in the center of what was coming, and stuck within the ice, he probably had little idea as to what was taking place.

"I see you." Revan hissed into Kumamon's mind in order to amplify his fear and paranoia as his caves would surely crumble around him as the tower collapsed atop him.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The furnace toppled over, impacting the large glacier Kumamon had manifested. It flattened the spikes and cracked open many crevices to the interior of the structure, revealing many of it's insides to the cool air above. Cracks formed in many of the tunnels, several of them collapsing under the surprising weight.

Kumamon was surprised as the structure shook, several icicles falling from above him. He cringed, blowing cool air on forming cracks and imperfections that threatened to quite literally shatter his safe haven. There it was. The furnace tower laying at a 45° angle the glacier, the lights inside of the structure flickering out.

"I see you."

Even for the warrior of ice, a chill ran down his spine. It almost was enough to break his will more than any attack Revan used. Only the flashes of what he had done to his friend kept him stable. How he had brutally struck him down before his eyes. He clenched his fists, trying to keep calm as a nearby tunnel system collapsed, letting in the light of day.

Hearing this, he had begun to try something new. He had become a slushed form once again, malleable and liquid. He navigated the insides of the tunnels, using his body to coat over the fracturing supports to the glacier. It's not like there was a second furnace to throw down, was there?


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
"Shame, you could have spared yourself a harsher fate."
Dark Matter sensed Specter approaching, his smug aura mocking it. As soon as Specter slashed, he left a large red gash on Dark Matter's bottom half.
At least, that was what it looked like.
In reality, Dark Matter opened the gash itself, thanks to it's amorphous structure, and fired spurts of what appeared to be blood at a high pressure towards the point blank Specter.

Amaterasu's ears perked as she caught sight of the foliage. The tornado was starting to dissipate, and the smell of Snake was strongest there. It appeared to be clear Snake was there.
But amaterasu wasn't stupid. She was no ordinary wolf.
She made a mistake once, and was now fully aware of the stealth and deception this man could do. As such, she played it safe, drawing what was essentially an up-side down "Q", spawning a large cherry bomb with a lit fuse. Amaterasu headbutted it, sending the bomb rolling towards the foliage, where it would explode into a brilliant display of colors, much like a firework.
Amaterasu's tail flicked up in preparation.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


A clean cut. ...Or so it would seem. Blood had begun to leak out. Had he won? He had put up a psychic barrier to protect his luxurious cape and hair, not before a droplet managed to get through, scalding a section of his arm. He hissed as the spot became blood red. Was this...some sort of attack? What was once a victory stance was now a defensive one.

"Let this be the end of you!"

With Dark matter's bleeding body around him, the droplets burned on his psychic barrier, which showed stress fractures with every blood drop. The barrier pulsated before suddenly...


A burst of psychic energy erupted from Specter, exploding outwards like a dome, encompassing everything within twenty feet from any side of him. Energy radiated as his shield dispersed for the attack, hoping it would have left the carnage of Dark Matter behind


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter

Dark Matter ejected blood, a quite an amount of it. While worrying for some, it wasn't quite as life threatening to Dark Matter. However, it's eagerness upon seeing the damage and sensation of pain from the monkey urged it on until-
...The monkey shouldn't be feeling this. What is it...
Upon the pulse of Specter's shield, Dark Matter realized it's blunder.
At the last second, Dark Matter flew towards the floor, just as Specter's blast terminated his surroundings.
Once the flash died down, the ensuing destruction showed no sign of Dark Matter. It almost appeared to have worked.
However, Dark Matter wouldn't go out so easily,
Specter's shadow suddenly appeared to gain life, exiting the floor itself as a pair of massive, shadowy, and smoldering jaws that snapped shut in an attempt to tear Specter apart. This was in fact, Dark Matter, who managed to enter the floor as a gambit against the blast. While it did not save it from heavy damage-something that took it off guard-it kept it from being launched who knows where, allowing Dark Matter to slither into Specter's shadow, quite literally hiding under his nose.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The blast had it's desired effect, heavy damage upon the monster. But as his energy from the explosive attack had died down, his enemy appeared to rev up once more large jaws quickly took shape in an effort to crush to simian mastermind's neck in between them.

Too much prep time for another attack like that, the laser requires too much focus. But perhaps...

In seconds that seemed much longer to the albino genius, they eyed the energy cutlasses that he had stowed from earlier. As the jaws came down upon him, he stayed put, ducking slightly before flashing out his violet blades at the roof of both jaws, attempting to stab the beast into submission with the power of agony
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The force user had located him through the walls, and raised his arm to grasp the creature by its throat, fully intending on grinding it into a fine powder- but the life force and his grip dissipated, slipping through his fingers like water. Frowning behind the mask, Revan lowered his hands, eyes narrowing. Kumamon had performed this earlier, but it had been brief. He'd almost overlooked it, but now, he knew what it was. The coward was trying to hide in his malleable form.
Despite this form being harder to detect... it wasn't impossible. Sensing the movement slipping through cracks in the ice, drawing nearer to the gray Jedi (if that was intentional or not, he did not care), Revan ignited his sabers once more.

Spiraling toward the space where the presence was strongest, Revan slammed into the ice, using the force to shatter the top layer, and proceeding to slash his way downward with a flurry of strikes, the plasma of the sabers easily cutting through the ice, digging straight down in a matter of seconds.
The presence was close...
"You cannot run." The force user stated- and an idea arrived. Up until now, he had been leaving his opponent nothing to do but struggle. This was usual for most of the gray Jedi's enemies, of course, but this wasn't a fight he could just "return to later" and finish.
He had to give his opponent a fighting chance.

"I can sense your fear..." Revan began, feeling a spark within his mind. "I can feel it..." The spark began to grow, sizzling along his thoughts and being. "It is not misplaced... however," Revan finally felt the connection sever, and the presence faded as he intentionally cut himself off from the force for the time being.
That should make things more interesting. "Our host will kill cowards." Revan finally began to speak aloud instead of within Kumamon's mind. "If you intend to avenge Daruk, or at the very least see him once more... you will fight with every ounce of strength and honor you have. Only through that will you prevail. You may lose this fight, but you will have only truly lost if you hide yourself away. Daruk would not hide, so why should you?"

The clump rustled as the cherry bomb plopped next to it, though that could have just been the wind, as the bomb went off, and Snake was engulfed.
...or what was assumed to be Snake. The soft punch of a tranq dart being fired sounded from several yards away, aiming to strike Amaterasu in her side from behind. Beneath a blanket of foliage, Snake lifted his head slightly, his body coated in just as much mud as his face. He had removed his shirt and covered it in foliage to throw off Amaterasu's scent on him, successfully tricking her into believing she'd found him- while he'd been outside the entire time, concealed in a ditch, the only part of him visible was the top of his tranquilizer gun.

Still, he didn't move, expecting that Amaterasu still hadn't located him as he hoped his tranq would not only strike- but manage to knock her out as well. At the very least make her dizzy enough to deal with. She was certainly a gorgeous creature, no doubt about that though. It was enough to make him feel bad that he had to fight against her. Something about that wolf just seemed so... peaceful and serene.
Every attack he launched against her felt like he was hurting something innocent, and that really didn't sit well in his gut.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


The echoing of the lightsaber strikes echoed through the crystalline halls. Kumamon felt the ever growing feeling of tension as the sound approached. The dark lord wasn't going to let him stay still for long, he felt that. And as he taunted him inside his head, something he said clicked.

"Daruk wouldn't hide...why should you?"

Kumamon felt those words resonate. Would Daruk approve of him hiding away from him like this? Daruk was a stoic yet jolly guy that was about heroically standing at the front, ready to embrace any attack that was headed his way.

...Is that what he was doing?

hearing the slashes grow closer, he let out a shaky breath of icy air, slipping into the ceiling above. As Revan was slashing down, suddenly, several prongs erupted from the ground and walls around him. It wasn't just an attack of Kumamon's, but from the look of hue...it WAS Kumamon!

"Icicle Shot!"

The spikes targeted his flanks and his sides primarily, one late bloomer erupting to stab upwards from the ground at Revan's abdomen. No longer would he hide. This was between him and Revan!

So, it was finally time, huh? The second round, and his fight with this Jevil guy. Looking at the picture again, Jevil didn't really seem like a threat, but Axe knew he could be surprised. Once again, he made a deeper check of his pockets. His red, green, and black stones were all there still, alongside a couple of backups just in case, but also something more interesting: Firecrackers, homemade ones from his best friend Nelz, and the monster perfume, a project he had worked on a while ago that, needless to say, smelled horrible. Guess that's what a couple centuries old ale can really add to a smell.

Still, it was time, and Axe quickly rushed to get to the archway, hoping his opponent would show soon. Leaving his mind too focused on strategizing meant he didn't hear the whole automated voice, but he got the jist. After a moment of debating with himself, however, he chose to stay silent, letting his opponent pick whatever they wanted for a stage. Perhaps a mistake with this opponent.

Revivals - Tethi and Yuga

Not long after Copen had entered the main area again, the headdress glowed a light blue before curling into a ball, revealing Tethi. Not that she had much time to collect herself, or even say anything to Copen, before Host set on something about a loser's bracket. So, she really had lost, huh-

She had not been expecting to see people explode today. That was, to say the least for Tethi, mildly horrifying, now that she knew her own stakes. She turned to Copen.

"G-good luck, I guess...Hope we can have a nicer chat sometime, you know?" She said before walking away.


Out in the background, the Lorulian Mage trudged into the plaza, clearly sloppy and annoyed. Getting chopped in half like that, slowly, certainly angered him, especially considering it meant he lost so easily. Luckily, Host mentioned a loser's bracket, and eliminated some disappointments...including the small child his original opponent had been trying to help earlier. Even Yuga was slightly mortified by that. So, he decided to prepare to make sure he would win, knowing he was now on pretty thin ice. No time for words.


"Ugh, finally! I get to do stuff!" Audrey groaned out as she saw the second round board. She payed no mind to the sounds of death in the background, being so self-absorbed and all, and instead checked who her opponent was. Some dude named Leon. Didn't look intimidating, so Audrey was confident. Without even talking to anyone around her, she headed straight to the archway for her match.

"Overseer's Realm, Windscape." She confidently said before the automated voice had even finished speaking, as she waited for her lame-o opponent to show up, sword in her hand.


Previously Deathstalker62
With his opponent having arrived and having chosen a stage, Death spoke up his request of the stage. " The throne room of my master's castle.. " Upon speaking his request, the area around the fighters begun changing. From a platform in the middle of nowhere to an ominous, yet eloquently decorated throne room. In the centre of the room was a flight of small stairs leading up to a higher platform where the glorious golden throne was.. with the Master of the Castle sat atop, a fancy wine glass full of blood in one hand, head leaned on the other, with one leg crossed over the other. Death gave a brief look over to Dracula, both of them nodding to each other as if Dracula could read from Death's mind that he could not interfere here. However, the stage was not yet finished morphing as the ceiling and the bottom half of the room begun to tearing asunder, leaving the arena's grounds to be several rectangles of different lengths and sizes, as well as giving the bottom half of the stage a cybernetic, mechanical look. Glowing blue lines stretched across each rectangle as up above, the roof broke open to reveal a cybernetic sky with a glowing blue colour, the same cybernetic appearance as the rectangular terrain and background, with the only natural thing being a giant moon hanging far above the centre of the stage, its light peering into the throne room. With the stage finishing its morphing process, Death hovered up and looked down on his opponent, spinning the scythe in one hand before resting it over his shoulder, pointing with his other skeletal hand at Uratekumon. " Your words carry no merit. Pretentious attitudes will not win this battle; Actions will. So, come.. face me.. and face your doom. " Death spoke, ending his speech by swinging his scythe back around him and gripping it with his other hand, getting ready for his opponent's first move.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
At last, a chance to truly fight. He had to sever his connection to the force and leave himself vulnerable, but Revan longed for a fight to test him. Daruk had come close... but not close enough. Kumamon was much further away, however, so this tactic...
It was exciting.
Even without the force, any being that could wield a lightsaber proficiently was not something to trifle with, or at the very least take lightly. Kumamon's ranged and varied attacks made for interesting combat, and Revan was quick to twirl his sabers wildly, severing the spikes before they could land any damage. Just when the barrage seemed over, a final spike erupted from the ground, aiming to impale the gray Jedi. With the force, he could have seen that coming. Without it, he had to rely on his own wit and skill.

His leg slid against the ground as his body moved, the spike striking- but glancing off the force user, tearing a gash into his blackened robes and revealing a small portion of the tough metal armor the man was wearing.
"Hold nothing back." He urged. "Give me a real challenge."

Leon S. Kennedy
His eyes followed the violet-haired lass as she strode toward one of the gatways. She bore an air of confidence so thick, it was almost making Leon choke from here. Regardless of that, she seemed like she was just a kid, and the agent found himself feeling much the same to how Chun-Li probably felt concerning Bowie.
He'd need to speak with her when he got back, make sure she was alright. Of course, she probably was, but as a friend he had to be sure. He didn't want to see her get popped like the others had. Well, he really didn't want to see anyone get popped like that ever again. It was disturbing how... abrupt it had been.

As Audrey faded into the gateway, Leon bit the inside of his cheek. One last time, he glanced at where Pac-Man had been only moments ago. Poor sucker... he probably could have gone a long way if their fight hadn't been so... unique. Making sure he had all of his necessary equipment, Leon straightened his leather jacket before he too strode into the gateway.
Upon the question, Leon gave it some thought. The mansion from before had been a terrible choice, but he needed to think of somewhere familiar quickly. Like...
"Raccoon City Police Department." He stated.

When the world materialized, he found he was standing in the lobby of the familiar RCPD, converted into it after having served as a museum. This place, along all of Raccoon City, had been nuked to hell a long time ago... he'd just been a rookie cop in those days. There was an immediately difference from his memories, however. The boarded windows was streaming in a cyan light, and everything seemed less... realistic. Almost like it was made of construction paper.
He couldn't help but note how Audrey looked much the same.
He wasn't sure how he felt about that, and if it was an improvement from his last match.

"Alright." He spoke, staring at the girl. "Your move."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The stage had shifted to fit the morphed ideas both had of an idea fighting ground. Streams of coding danced through the air, flooding into several holes inside the walls, cyan and blue colored rectangles littering the ground of the otherwise regal palace of Dracula's. Suddenly, a floating platform spawned out of nowhere, appearing beside the chair where the master would be sitting. Stop of this floating platform stood a short blue creature, wearing a pair of headphones and black glasses. It held a microphone in it's hands, grinning as he spoke into it.

"Yo Yo Yooooo!" The blue creature exclaimed into the microphone. "MCmon on the mic, how are we doing everybody???"

A canned track of applause played on his headphone set, MCmon chuckling in response.

"We got a show stopper tonight, the matchup is the sketchy Uratekumon and the sinister Death! A battle of baddies! My co host here is ol' Drac himself! Give 'em a round of applause!"

As this showmanship continued, Uratekumon chuckled at his looking opponent. His devilish gaze falling on the skeletal foe.

"Fine then! But let my take the first turn, shall we?"

Uratakumon's digital projector on it's console Mech suit began to roll, the digital numbers randomly generating. Suddenly, they rolled on a pair of numbers that made the little gremlin elated.

"69?! HA! My favorite number! That means...!"

Suddenly, a closed monster eye began to appear, surrounded in flashing light atop where a disc would be inserted on the Mech suit. Using the mech's hand, he grabbed the eye and handed it off to his normal hands.

"Get a load of this!!! HA!!!"

He held the eye to his crotch, causing it to open up wide. The eye's piercing gaze focused squarely on Death, shooting a brightly glowing azure blue laser at his position, arching over to him like a string. The stage rumbled with the might of the laser, MCmon putting up the mic once again.

"Oh!!! And Uratakeumon attacks first! With a powerful groin laser!! That's inappropriate, but man is it bright!!"


Parrying and evading more attacks, Revan's excitement grew, but so did the determination of Kumamon. If he didn't let up on the dark lord, maybe he could prod a weakness. As Revan slid by, Kumamon materialized himself once more on level ground, preparing in launcher.

"Blizzard Blaster!"

A familiar barrage of snowballs threatened to deliver their icy attack to Revan, but that's when Kumamon dropped his gun, puffing up his stomach.

"Crystal Freeze!"

Making a combo, he blew a frigid wind across the icy cave, the snow balls becoming thicker and thicker, coated with a casing of ice around them as they enhanced, alongside hopefully freezing Revan's footing and skin while he was at it.
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Chun-Li merely stared at the Generic Host, refusing to let that fool affect her performance. She did not become a high-ranking officer for Interpol by crying over every death. There was a time where she did, but that was long ago. She had a hardened resolve by now, and nothing would get in her way to beat M. Bison once and for all. Huffing, the woman went through the portal once again and awaited her opponent.


Saurhead looked at the display of the Generic Host, a senseless display to intimidate the contestants into doing their best. It felt as if they needed to re-establish their status by eliminating those who did not meet the criteria that were set. The act of an insecure man. Shaking his head, Saurhead entered the portal and was faced with a woman. "I see that you are ready, shall we skip the small talk?"

Chun-Li nodded, no need to exchange words where they are not needed.

"I like your answer. Now, let's get this show started! Tyrannosaurus, roar!" Saurhead threw a medal on the floor that erupted in a pillar of fire, blazing out of control until it formed the figure of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The dinosaur roared, causing Chun-Li to shift her stance as she looked at the extinct creature. The power was almost oppressive, and how was she supposed to beat this opponent without getting eaten first?

"Make your move." Saurhead ordered her, giving her the first strike.


Pandora was looking at her own destroyed body, so she lost. It was sad to see, but it was expected. At least she was forever rid of the timer of her oppressor. Hopefully her brother was doing better than her, she would watch over him in the afterlife.

However, fate, or rather the host, seemed to have a different idea about Pamdora's future. With her body fixed and her soul back in it, she was dropped off in the main area. Looking around bewilderd, she let out a single word that her brother used to say quite often. "Fuck."

Taking a look at the new roster, Pandora entered the portal again and waited for her opponent. The sooner this charade was done with, the better.


"How dare that fiend take control of me? Surely that breaks some rules!" Gemini, back in his FM-ian form, ranted to himself before his attention was drawn to the new roster. He was to face someone called Galacta Knight, surely they would be easier than Dark Matter? Floating through the portal, he arrived at the arena and waited for his opponent to appear.


Previously Deathstalker62
Though Death remained his gaze upon his opponent and his movements, his hearing took in the new presence which made a loud, clear message that it was to narrate this fight. Death noted the eye that his opponent had gotten and removed one hand from his scythe, extending his arm in front of himself, ready to cast magic should he need to. Then, upon the eye opening and shooting a laser at him, Death let go of his scythe with the other hand, it moving above Death by itself as he held the arm that he was already extending toward the incoming beam, his palm opening - in front of that hand, a purple portal suddenly opened, leading the laser right into it. And, through extending his other arm diagonally upward in front of him, Death pointed at a spot in the air diagonally above Uratekumon where another purple portal opened that shot the laser right back at the mecha-mounted Gremlin, both portals now tinted into a red colour from being actively used, Death keeping his arms spread out as to keep the portals stable and open. Though his main focus was on the portals, Death split his focus onto his scythe, making it spin and fly in an arch through the background, right until it flew behind his opponent and toward him, specifically toward the joint connecting the hands of the Mecha to its base, looking to at most seperate the arm, if otherwise to damage it with his scythe, while his opponent was distracted with their eye laser being re-directed back at them.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Uratekumon's twitchy eyes focused on the portal that had begun to open. Let's see here, what like the ONLY trick these bosses know about portals? Feigning surprise Uratekumon turned behind him, before returning to a smug expression. How cute! Uratekumon turnee to the opening portal, the eye flashing open as it witnessed the attack. The attack spiraled into the eye, absorbing inside of it, that's when the little imp turned around, thrusting his hips forwards. The laser beamed out once more, this time at the scythe that threatened to come at him.

"Ha! Just gotta let it all out sometimes, you know?! KEHEHEH!!!"

Then, Uratekumon's mecha arms pressed on the ground? Before springing it's user high up into the air, leaving the eye to shatter in fatigue to the ground.

"Oh! And Death's reflection was reflected! It's reflectception!" MCmon spoke. "That's what I call a triple play!"

Uratekumon grinned as it looked down to Death below. Now vulnerable to melee attacks without that blade, the mecha lunged down toward the skeleton, the fists awaiting to flee over a powerful flurry of punches to break the skeleton's brittle bones!
The darkener giggled childishly as other players began to explode in wonderful firework show. “Hee hee hee! Oh, what a show! It seems they were too slow, slow!” Jevil spun around in the air, ascending higher into the air. He looked to the board as it shuffled around, revealing the new bracket. Looks like he was fighting an…axe. Not an actual one, unfortunately. Jevil looked around the plaza for his opponent, barely catching a glimpse of them as they ran into an archway. With a laugh, Jevil vanished into thin air, teleporting into the archway, which subsequently teleported him into…the void, apparently.

A voice asked him where he would like to fight. Well, this was an easy choice. Before he could even speak, however, the void seemed to read his mind and the surroundings shifted into his little freedom. It was a dark room at first, easily comparable to the void they were just in. However, after a moment, Jevil laughed and the room lit up thanks to an unknown source. The most notable part of the room was the giant carousel in the center. It was about the size of an average house in total floor space, and had many blue lanterns on the top, which constantly spun as the carousel did. However, this carousel seemed to lack the animals that usually came with it, for the moment at least. The entrance of the room was sealed by prison bars, blocking off the rest of the castle.

Jevil chuckled and eyed his opponent. They seemed to be a small child, although it was unwise to underestimate them, since they were apparently strong enough to get into the tournament. The jester floated slightly off the ground, sitting criss-cross-applesauce in the air, resting his head in his hand. He grinned mischievously. “Well my friend, it seems we will be playing a little numbers game. I do hope you have experience in this game, as I won’t bother teaching you if you don’t.” Jevil said, his pupils becoming visible as he said the last part, before they disappeared once again.

Metal Sonic
Metal flew to the archway, not wasting time, and was dropped in the void once again. He beeped a different location this time, and the energy signatures bounced around once again, until he was dropped on—
A rooftop in the middle of an incredibly vibrant and active city (heh, imagine). Balloons were everywhere, confetti seemed to pop in most places one were to look, and there was even a parade going on. Metal looked towards his opponent, who was pretty true to their name. The robot didn’t have much to say, so he simply stared at the Punk, waiting for them to make the first move.


Previously mallard
"Ugh..." He came back to, off of the battle field. Hylia dang it, he lost. What could he have done different? He wearily looked on as the brackets shifted... and Kumamon was going up against his former opponent. "Good luck, little guy." That was all he could do in this situation, he it didn't seem like this Host guy was the sympathetic type that would let the goron assist his buddy to help steamroll the sadistic grey Jedi. Anyways, he had a match of his own to fight, if he could win the loser's bracket then maybe he could win this thing in the end, perhaps with a side of showing Revan what for.


Woah! What a show, two other Champions, both embarrassed! One hacked in half by some weird ancient swords, and the other simply exploding! Lord Ganon would be pleased. But that meatheaded goron was still kicking, it seemed. He probably wouldn't last that much longer though. Speaking of dying, Kohga had to look who he'd be killing to death. Kassandra... some unimpressive Hylian it seemed. This was gonna be a slice of banana cake! "This is too easy-peasy! You might as well already give me that wish! Eeh-heeheeheeheeeaa!" As the leader of the bunch that was the Yiga Clan laughed his head off, he clasped his hands together and crossed his legs, and then spun through the air into his respective portal.
In the abyss of white, he was asked to perform a simple task: pick a stage. "Oooh, that's a toughie. Hrrmm..." There were so many premier battlefields in the Gerudo Desert. But- what was better than his napping spot, wedged between Vatorsa Snowfield and Sapphia's Table and at the tail end of the Yiga Clan Hideout? Of course that's where he'd pick. "How about Yiga Arena?" And- with a swirl of colors, the battlefield began to take form...


So the weird voice really did exist, because he landed on a roof. This guy was a little more threatening in person than flat on a screen, but Punk didn't really notice that fact. He was already picking a shingle off the roof, before he tossed it into the air and smacked it with his bat, sending it flying at the droid. Before it even struck, he kicked up another off the roof, whacking that at the droid as well, and then punctuated the barrage with a spiked softball soaring through the air. Obviously, he was going to taunt since he had the distance, so he broke it down to the ground. He performed a windmill move, which he ended laying on his side, with one arm propped up under his head and his tongue sticking out. Little did he know this little show of dominance would not last long.
@Captain Pokémon
Metal Sonic
The robotic hedgehog rotated 90 degrees to avoid the first roof shingle, looking back with notable sass, practically saying “excuse me?” without actually speaking. When the other shingle was launched at him, he simply caught it out of the air with surprising speed and accuracy. Punk then yeet a spiked ball at him. A bit different, but still simple to deal with. Metal tossed the roof shingle up in his hand, before throwing it at the spiked ball. The shingle intercepted the spiked ball, stopping it in its tracks, causing it to roll harmlessly along the roof. Metal’s enemy then began to…break it down? They break danced on the floor, not unlike Sonic would, and ended by sticking their tongue out at the robot. Metal squinted at his opponent, before he rocketed forward, leaving a small shockwave in his wake, causing many roof shingles to go flying. He curled up into a ball and zoomed towards his opponent, his intentions unclear but certainly hostile.


Previously mallard
The blue blur of a bot dealt with the projectiles with relative ease, and then charged Punk. His face fell at this, and he scrambled away- and off the roof. He fell off the building, but reached out and caught a rope that was strung between two structures, bearing multicolored flags. He used this rope's elasticity to his advantage and slingshot himself back up to Metal Sonic, where he swung upwards with his bat to combine his momentum into the attack.
A normal person would be vulnerable in the air, but Punk was no ordinary fella. The delinquent tilted his body midair- and spun, bat outstretched. Somehow, this generated lift, and Punk soared through the air like a propeller, right at the bottom of a low-hanging hot air balloon. He latched onto one of the sandbags hanging off of the thing, and then swung himself up. There he headbutted the unlucky Mobian pilot in the face. The sucker fell over the side and screamed all the way down to the street, where he... stopped screaming. Meanwhile, Punk readied himself for Metal to approach again- if he had the nuts and bolts to do so.
@Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
A combination of his previous attacks... ingenious. Not only was that heightening the lethality of those (seemingly) harmless snowballs, but they were backed by the freezing applications from before. The Prodigal Knight slashed a few snowballs out of the way before the cold blast had yet to strike him, and closed his eyes...
Turning with an almost calm movement, Revan dropped to a knee, placing his hand on the background as his back iced over, forming a large coating. A few of the iced balls struck against his armor, but did little in the way of piercing it, instead freezing over on contact. The coating he'd just allowed to form on his cloak made the remaining balls strike harmlessly against the fresh coating as Revan used Kumamon's own strength as a defense. The balls added to the weight, but it wasn't a weight the force user couldn't handle. It would undoubtedly upset the gray Jedi's usual balance, of course, and he didn't doubt that Kumamon could simply manipulate the ice.

The only disappointing thing was the lack of a sword to clash against. The only thing more thrilling than anything else in a battle was swordplay. Revan held up his lightsabers, both butts pressed together, before he spun them, and a click sounded. Both of his lightsabers had been forged into one, a double-bladed saber, and with it his tactic changed.
Walking toward Kumamon, the demeanor of Revan seemed to shift from the agile and speedy one he'd been using, as this form was more brutal and aggressive, and the way he moved seemed to tell that much.

These portal things were... interesting. Kassandra had never seen quite anything like them as she brushed her hand against its surface. Nothing seemed to happen, but when Kohga had spun through like some crazy Jinn she'd heard about in Arabian tales from men faraway. Having grown up in Kephallonia, she'd met many like that. Fortunately, she'd had Marcus to guide and protect her- even as pathetic as he seemed nowadays, she still cared for that man, regardless of how many people he tried and failed to con.
Glancing at Ikaros, Kassandra stroked the back of her hand along his breast, and he let out a tweet back at her in response. "Well, now more waiting I suppose, Ikaros." She spoke to him. "Let's show this malakas who he's dealing with."

With that, she strode through the 'gateway' and...
Nothingness engulfed her. What? Her hand reached for the spear head of Leonidas, before she paused, not sensing any immediate danger...
A voice spoke to her, echoed about in this... chamber she was in, asking her what form she desired the arena to take. So that's what this was? Some unseen deity allowing her to forge her own battlefield to fight on? This didn't really matter a whole lot, she could fight any time, anywhere, so long as she had her weapons and wit. Buuuut... it had been a while since she'd been to the Arena on Pephka. Not since she'd had to kill Skoura, who she'd grown to trust in, and care for. The old man had finally found rest as she put the nail into his coffin, considering he'd given her little choice in the matter. Now he was with his daughter, but it had left a sour taste in her mouth back then. She hadn't been back to the Arena since, but now, against this seemingly mystical opponent... it could come in handy to be in a space confined to her knowledge.

The voice spoke again, confirming the Arena as though it had read her mind. Could it have been Athena? Surely not, the voice was too masculine, and sounded too serene to be what she imagined Zeus to be. Perhaps it was Hermes. Whoever it was, vision seemed to return to her, and Kassandra's eyes widened as she realized she was not in the arena, but rather, some kind of... imitation of it.
The layout was somewhat the same, but the structure was gone, in its place being rocks of an arid region, rising up to contain the opponents inside. Crowds of onlookers were wedged where they could, up and out of the danger that the inside of the arena posed, cheering and calling, their noise a thunder. Ikaros immediately took off into the air, soaring up above the arena as Kassandra glanced about. There was a hole in the center of this place, descending into darkness, alongside plenty of standing spikes, traps made of wood with more spikes sticking out of them from all angles. Kassandra could recall impaling many men on those things.
Now, her gaze landed on her opponent, in which Kassandra grasped the spear head of Leonidas, and with her other hand she conjured the Blade of Ares. Helmet of the Wolf situation on her head, the Fleece of Jason fasted to her body, the braces of Herakles to her arms and the boots of Hermes to her feet, Kassandra was raring to go. Rather than speak, she showed she was ready through action, glaring toward Kohga from under her helmet.
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Previously Deathstalker62
Death's Scythe would explode as the laser hit it, bursting into a big amount of mini-scythes that flew outward in the shape of an expanding circle, some of them flying back toward Uratekumon's direction. Death put his arms back down as the portals vanished, his counter-attack failing and Uratekumon launching itself into the air toward him. That is when Death put one arm forward and one arm back, both hands aimed his opponent who was flying toward him. In the arm he had positioned further forward, a stream of many, many mini scythes fired out of his hand, all flying in a swarm toward Uratekumon, spread out enough as to block his vision from what the arm positioned further back would fire - a large, blue blast of energy that would only form into a skull to bite down on the gremlin once it got close enough. And of course, Death's passive mini scythes were also still spawning around the arena at random locations, flying at his opponent from random directions.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The ice Digimon took a couple steps back as the casing of sleet broke up around Revan's feet, the weighted sith seeming inconvenienced, but certainly not stopped. Bringing out a fusion of both of his saber at the ready, it seemed that punishment was in the air.

"S-So...dual sword, huh?" Kumamon blinked, shuffling back slightly. "Let's try it!"

The coolness in the ground under Kumamon began to drain as the mini fighter began to morph. His new form was reflective and shiny, his transformation was exactly like a crystal, nearly transparent and glossy. Yet...it looked heavily dense. Was it still ice? Kumamon's face appeared grinning up at Revan from the reflections inside of the ice, like he had found a weak point.


The heavy ice Crystal, or 'Kumamon' hurled at Revan, the crystalline form super cooling itself, hoping to stave off the heat with the opposite end of the spectrum so he could punch right through him like a battering ram!


"Oh!! And death is shooting out a lot of sharp objects! Better not bring this guy to school, ey Dracula??"

Hmmm! This move is a classic!

Marveling at the mini scythes that streamed his way, Uratekumon aimed to change his course, his two cables behind him snapping to a wall, shooting him off in another direction. That is, not without braving some of the storm.

*Ting!* *Tank!* *pank!*

Mini scythes began to hit the shell of his mecha, scraping, slashing, and gashing the exterior. Since it made up 80% of the fighter, it was easy to hide the pilot behind such an object. Uratekumon flew into the corner of a pillar, his whole body seeming to bounce and glitch over it before disappearing altogether.

"hehehe..." His echoey voice spoke through. "Game exploits are my speciality! I rip out boss coding like yours for fun!"

"Yo! I can't believe this!" MCmon announced. "That gamer just pulled a Houdini! It's a roll of the dice to see where he is folks!"

Suddenly, out from behind death came a rumble. Uratekumon flew out out of the ground, clipping from out of bounds! The gremlin swerved it's servo arms, prepared for a gut pounding mecha fist right for the bones of the Reaper!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Form III. The gray Jedi was a master at it. Defensive and heavy tactics, counters, block breaks... Most Jedi and Sith would learn one form and stick to it. That's why Form VI had been made, in order to combine all previous five forms into the best of all worlds- but it lacked the advantages each form posed. Revan was known for his tactical genius. A born leader and brilliant warrior. I true master of the force. Some had even said he was the born force...
But that's not what he was relying on right now. The thrill of this fight hinged on Revan's desire for physical combat, and now his opponent was finally granting this, charging in for a blow with some monstrous second form made of ice, the drop in temperature around it impossible to ignore.

Form V. This one was all about discipline, waiting for weak spots, avoiding exertion and studying one's opponent. This too, Revan had mastered and utilized into his use of a double-sided saber. Combined with Form III, Revan was a mountain to be reckoned with using this strategy. Stepping to the side with a heavy foot, Revan made to edge a slash along the underside of the beasts arm, using the other end to give equal attention to its heel, allowing Kumamon to barrel past as Revan watched patiently. With discipline. Seeking out any sort of reaction to this, or if Kumamon was immune to exterior damage in this form.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Now, Kumamon had never been the smartest of the heralded 'legendary warriors', so when Revan ducked to the side Kumamon remembered why he doesnt use this form too often: there is no way to turn. So he was powerless to stop Revan hacking at him. The saber hit like a hot knife pressing against a popsicle, leaving steaming gashes that bubbled and spat on the front and aft respectively.

Kumamon cringed. This was painful. Despite the forms his body took on, he still felt pain like any other mon. Seeing this as a desperate time, the little soldier bear swelled up, causing the Crystal to stop mid air, cracking and buckling before-


Sharp, dense ice fragments flew everywhere, soaring across like shrapnel from a grenade! The casing's pieces impacted walls, inbedding themselves into the glacier. Kumamon meanwhile popped out, rolling across the ground, missing his hands.

"Ah, Ah, Ahh!!"

Like a kid who's hands had been burnt by a stove, he hastily blew on his stumps, the hands ever so slowly starting growing back, staring with the the foundation of the palms
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The cracking of the crystal heralded the bursting of the form, and Revan turned his body once again, allowing his coated and armored back to take the ice shrapnel, embedding deep enough to poke against his armor- but thanks to the ice coating he was relatively fine. Turning once again, he found Kumamon regrowing some missing hands.

Stomping forward, Revan spun the sabers in a circular motion, fast enough to make the blades appear like a wheel of glowing light, fast enough to mesh the violet and crimson into a fuchsia glow. As he moved forward, he used this tactic to block any would-be strikes alongside to increase intimidation- before he broke the mesmerizing look and began to launch a series of well-placed blows against his opponent the moment he closed the distance. Not the quick strikes like he'd used earlier, as these ones were meant to harm and maim- not kill. Dismembering and hitting what he assumed to be weak points, the twirling of his saber making it seem as though he were moving doubly faster than he truly was.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Revan launched fourth like a vengeful spirit, launching a series of blows against Kumamon, which the little tike tried to avoid to the best of his ability. But unfortunately for him, an intense heat was felt as Kumamon's left arm was sent flying through the air and off his body, sending a stream of moist snowy mush flying with it.


Falling back, his skis extended Fromm his boots, allowing him to slide away with his falling momentum. Grasping his melting shoulder, he panted as the fatigue of battle was getting to him. I can't go on like this. I can fix missing fingers, hands, no problem. Arms and constant mending? That's draining...especially if done by heat. I can't get close to him...! Not again!

Death. That's what it would be if he engaged Revan in close combat. But in a tight cave like this, long range wasnt an option. And he couldn't slink away into mush with an open wound like this. That's when he noticed a large fragment of his crystal shell that had imbedded into the ceiling. A large sprawling crack had been formed by it. Maybe I don't have to get close...!

Scooping up a chunk of the crystalline armor on the floor, he puffed up his chest before shooting it out his mouth. It cracked against the ice, causing a chain reaction! The entire ceiling had begun to come down on Revan!

In a last ditch effort, Kumamon blew hard in Revan's direction, ignoring recovering any battle damage. This caused any stress fractures around his own side of the cave to heal whilst blowing a defiant wind toward his enemy? Trying to get them to give up hope of any advanced toward them, in risk of being slowed and crushed!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
His opponents retreat made it clear- with or without the force, the digimon wasn't in league with the Revanchist. The knight halted in his stead, sabers deactivating as he looked up at the collapse of the ceiling. The last thing Kumamon saw of him was the flurry of ice and snow burying his opponent. For several more seconds, a pile formed on the ground, and silence began to fall for hopefully a final time over the battlefield...
Yet no fanfare began to play, even as nothing happened. Seconds extended out into a minute, and still, not a sound. No movement.

Just when it seemed like victory should have been guaranteed, a crimson blade burst from the ice, inches away from impaling Kumamon. A moment later, Revan's boot busted down the sheet of ice blocking this cave from the next. In his hand he carried only one saber now, an imposing scarlet glow filling the cavern as Revan stepped forward, but one thing became apparent- Kumamon couldn't hear the footsteps.
As the image of Revan strode toward Kumamon, the pile of collapsed ice and snow began to slowly lift into the air, revolving around the center mass like a planet orbits a star, the debris slowly picking up speed the longer it moved, the higher it climbed, rising high enough to reveal the true Revan standing beneath, his arm raised above his head, violet saber ignited in his other hand, pulsing out a purple haze.

"Your tactic would have secured your victory." Revan spoke. "A wise move. Had I been untrained in the force, I would admit my defeat. However, I will not concede. The reward will be mine, and I will change not just my own universe- but all conceivable worlds. You would have defeated the young Jedi Padawan known as Revan, but I am so much more. The light and the dark answer to me. I am the force...
I. Am. Power."
The orbiting mass was spinning fast enough it seemed to be forming a blizzard, and out of it came shards of icicles, hurtling randomly toward Kumamon as the fake Revan faded away, simply having served as a distraction, the room and the broken wall having been an illusion. Kumamon could feel the temperature in the room beginning to rise rapidly, the walls of the cave becoming slick, melting like chocolate in warm hands. The orbiting ice was converting into water, which then began to quickly boil into steam. In a matter of seconds, the atoms all around them had been excited into violent movement by the force, turning freezing temperature into something tropical- and it was still quickly rising as Revan held his spot, the ice, water, and vapor spinning around him faster and faster, transforming into a furious typhoon at his command.
"You made these tunnels to hide... but they will become your tomb."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Kumamon's demeanor deflated. The atmosphere filling with furious yellow, oranges, and reds. He was so shocked by this development that he didn't budge while ice fragments flew near his position.

Was there ever a chance for me?

He sunk to his knees, staring at the oncoming storm before him. This level of power...it was too much for him to match. Snowballs? Icicles? a chilly breeze? What good was that going to do?

Could I have really won...?

Kumamon slammed his fist into the ground, which erupted into steam around him, as a bubble appeared on his frosty skin.

"You may have defeated me but..."

He struggled with his words, as if his throat threatened to give out on him and subject itself to the heat around. Kumamon flashed his head up, water running down his face. A mix of tears and his own melting body.

"There's always someone that stomps out bullies like you! I-It may not be me but..."

He cringed as his legs lost their form, the melting working it's way up his body. Now only belly up and rapidly depleting..

"Mark my words...you won't get away with this!!"

That's when the rest of Kumamon gave way to the temptation of the heat, the call of the inferno. The chime rang as the victor had been decided.

The Winner for this match is: Darth Revan!

A lone statue floated where Kumamon's body was. It was very similar to Kumamon in size and appearance, made of a type of metal that was unrecognizable...


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The unseen orchestra thundered a fanfare of victory as Revan's victory was confirmed- and he relinquished the force. Everything slowed to a rapid and sudden calm as the world around him began to dissipate just as it had when he'd beaten Daruk. A bully is what Kumamon had seen him as? It was enough to make his eye twitch ever so slightly. Waving his hand as he holstered his saber, the Spirit of Ice that Kumamon had been reduced to spun into Revan's grasp as the gateway materialized behind him.
Walking through it, the gray Jedi returned to the lobby, earning a cheeky wave from Generic Host that the force user ignored, his gaze seeking out and locating the brutish form of his original opponent. Daruk the goron.
Striding toward him, Revan rose the statue in his hand, and offered it to the goron. "The both of you have fought valiantly." Revan stated. "I expect you to continue to impress. I'll be watching your careers with great interest."


Previously Manu456Alola

Well, that was certainly something. The scientist couldn't say it was unexpected; he already suspected the Host was capable of such a feat. Still, the sight of those lives being effortlessly snuffed out did not sit well with him. Every participant potentially being wiped out in the blink of an eye...

Copen's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice: Tethi's, who seemed pretty nervous about her upcoming fight after having witnessed the other fighters exploding. "Yeah. Good luck." He told the girl before she hurried off. The teen looked upwards at the tournament bracket- he'd be fighting some 'Weavile'. He'd better get to that fight soon. He definitely did not want to anger the Host and get blown up himself.

Walking into his designated gateway, Copen found himself in the void, where a robotic voice asked for him to select a stage. Not one to give up a potential advantage, the boy thought for a moment before giving the computer his choice. "Sumeragi's orbital elevator, Babel." With that done, Copen and Lola readied themselves as the world around them began to shift. Now they'd not only have to focus on winning the battle, but impressing the Host as well.


"Huh." Merak barely reacted to the eliminations. He didn't care much for those guys anyway. Looking up at the bracket, it was finally time for him to fight someone. Specifically, this four armed dude named Machamp. It was easy to spot the big guy in the crowd, and he could clearly tell he'd be more limited to close range combat. This should be easy. The boy thought, looking over at the nearby gateway. In a moment, a portal in the fabric of space opened next to it, an identical one appearing near Merak, pulling him in before spitting him out the other end, directly into the gateway to the arena.

There, some computer asked for him to select a stage. "Nah, not really feelin' like it." He told it. No place really came to mind, and it wasn't like he needed some home stage advantage to win this fight. Now all he had to do was wait for this Machamp dude. He hated waiting.


"What the...?" Rebellio was surprised by the sudden eliminations of his fellow participants. This guy could blow everyone up just like that? That was worrying...

Chief's following words seemed to help him snap out of his momentary state of fear. Getting some sort of alliance to fight back against this Host could help them get out of there without any more unnecessary deaths... Or very well result in their own. He hoped it would be the former.

"You got it, Chief." The Adept nodded, before overhearing the Host's brief exchange with a fish-like lady. "I'll get to it as soon as I can. Don't think I can sit around much longer without getting blown up." He commented before hurrying off through the nearby gateway. Now that he was in the loser's bracket, he only had one chance to win. Any more failures and he'd probably be done for. There was no way he wasn't giving it his all.

Grasping his Falcon Quill, Rebellio waited for his opponent to show up.

The Knight

The bug watched silently as fighters were eliminated one by one, unfazed by their deaths. The time had come for it to fight its own battle, which happened to be against the big machine it'd been staring at for a while now. The Vessel followed suit as the armor stomped its way to the arena, the Knight arriving shortly after.

Apparently, the fighters could choose their fighting grounds. Perhaps something like the Colosseum of Fools would do? The mere idea of it seemed to satisfy the ethereal voice, as the previously unremarkable arena began to shift into something much grander. Shroom readied its nail in preparation for the upcoming battle.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
With Rebellio's confirmation, the boy hurried off. The Host's example had unsettled the boy, and John felt a stinging pinch of empathy. He wasn't sure what he could do against the Host just yet- if he could do anything, but with Kalmiya making frequent scans and slowly picking away at what he was (or trying to), the Spartan knew his match needed to conclude before more could be done. With a glance about as Rbellio disappeared into his match, Chief caught sight of his own opponent doing the same. A hulk of a figure, one that Kalmiya was quick to comment on. "Yikes." Her hologram turned to look at Chief, baring her teeth in a wince. "Thought we were done fighting Brutes for the day."
"He's no Brute." John replied, watching several others enter through their own gateways. Many people seemed eager to get underway, whether that be through a love of battle or a fear of their host. One boy he saw seemed... familiar... not just in the aesthetic he carried being similar to Rebellio, but...
Chief couldn't quite place it.

"Holy crap, you're right." Kalmiya's eyebrows were raised as her eyes widened. "Do you see how much radiation that guy's putting out? And I think that suit of his is containing even more! Good thing we have your suit, or else we'd sooner mutate than win or lose any fights with him. Think we can win?"
"We'll make it count." Was the Spartan's open-ended response as he made his own way through the gateway into his match against one "Frank Horrigan". With the question of arena, John gave it a moment to stew, before he gave an answer he almost immediately wished he'd elaborated on.

"High Charity."
Without the specification, his HUD lit red for a moment as a presence was detected all around, and a familiar haze fell over the world. He found himself and his opponent standing in this light, sickly green fog, upon some rather human-looking architecture. A grated floor, an angry orange glow falling upon them and illuminating the sickly growths spawning all over the Enclave Oil Rig they stood upon, the flood-consumed High Charity City glowing in the distance, barely noticeable through the ugly fog.
Between both Chief and Frank was a gaping hole in the structure, a hole in which a mass of tentacles were wiggling from, extended dozens of feet into the air, and swaying lazily. That, Chief also recognized. The Gravemind. It did and said nothing, seemingly there to spectate this match.
So the oil rig had come from Frank's own world, which was probably something earth-like. Judging from his size and radiation... a mutant in a nuclear apocalypse.
"You don't mind if I... close my eyes so I don't have to see literally anything going on here, do you?" Kalmiya whimpered as one of the tentacles shuddered in anticipation.