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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously mallard
Champion of the Gorons
Daruk watched on with anticipation as Revan turned the tide of battle in his own favor, knowing he couldn't do anything as his little buddy was melted. He put up one he'll of a fight though, Daruk didn't expect all that ice being slung around. But that was done now, and the winner was Revan.
The half and half force user approached Daruk right out of the gate, carrying a trophy of his friend. He offered the trophy and some compliments to the goron, who took the trophy with a grunt. Daruk turned around and his with his voice more hushed and worried, he tried to talk to his friend. "Kumamon? You in there, little guy?"
@Shen: King of the Mist

Top Banana of the Yiga Clan

One look at the area and Kohga saw that this was a little different than what HE'D picked. This was a lot like his napping spot, but more... spiky, plus people were watching. That meant there was pressure on him as a leader to do good against this random loser.
Still hovering midair, the man leaned forward. "So, Hylian! You think you wanna fight, huh? Surely you've heard of the Great Master Kohga and how powerful I am. So here's your one and only chance to give up and run away! Because if you don't..." He clasped his hands together, and disappeared with a poof of smoke and talismans. Another poof sounded off behind Kassandra. "...Master Kohga will kill you to death!"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

When Daruk began speaking into the statute of the ice warrior, his proximity to the relic began to make it float into the air. Brushing against his hand on the way up, the spirit of ice shone with cyan lights. Soon enough, Kumamon had appeared in the spirit's stead, eyes closed. He opened and closed his hands, getting used to feeling again before forcing his eyes open. Seeing Daruk before him, Kumamon was stunned.

"Daruk...is that you?"

Taking a cautious step forward and poking him, he confirmed that he was physical, not some illusion or hologram. Kumamon smiled with and embraced the goron, laughter coming from the ice warrior.

"You are here! I thought you died!" He exclaimed. "That means if you are here...we beat that Revan guy! And we can go home now, right??"


Previously mallard
Goron Champion
A wide smile took hold of Daruk's face as the digimon was brought back to life. "Hey, little buddy! You did great out there, real impressive stuff." As their awkward embrace ended, and the topic of Revan was brought up- the goron's smile swapped into a nervous one. He didn't really want to tell the little guy, but Daruk was honest, always has been and always will be. He scratched his white mane. "Well... not exactly." Stepping to the side, his huge image no longer blocked the visage of Darth Revan. "This thing isn't over yet for the two of us I'm afraid. We might get a second chance to fight him though, and that's all we need!" Truth be told, Daruk was still unsure, although he did a pretty good job at not showing that. "Speaking of, my next fight is soon, I'm fighting a guy named 'Rebellio'." The name sounded either Rito or Hylian, but one glance at the guy and the white hair and red eyes told the goron that Rebellio was a Sheikah. But then again, people from many different worlds were transported here, so his admittedly limited knowledge of the Sheikah might not even apply to his opponent. But right now, he was talking to his friend before the match. "I don't know who you're fighting next, but don't give up hope just because you lost the first time. The fire in your belly can't be snuffed out by anyone!"
@Shen: King of the Mist
Metal Sonic
The robot rolled to a stop, cancelling his attack as Punk dodged rather quickly. Metal eye’s tracked Punk as he soared through the air, landing in a hot air balloon rather miraculously. So, he prefers the high ground. Guess I’ll have to take that away from him. Metal thought to himself before he started flying, jetting up towards Punk’s hot air balloon. At first, it seemed like he was heading straight for Punk himself, but that quickly turned out to be false. Once Metal got close to the fighter in question, he changed his trajectory, soaring downwards, likely confusing Punk. Metal then changed directions again, pointing upwards, using his momentum to go at even faster speeds. He pierced through the basket of the hot air balloon, then the balloon itself, causing it to start crashing towards the ground. Metal, now surely above Punk, whether he fell out of the basket or not, fired a beam out of his chest towards the scrappy fighter.


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
Dark Matter held back a roar as it felt the sabers stab into it's interior. However, if Specter wanted to trap himself, he was completely free to.
Dark Matter's jaws clenched harder, as the new wound began to spray blood.
In fact, more gashes began to appear inside Dark Matter, forcefully spraying red as Dark Matter began filling the enclosed area with it's acidic, blood like substance.

Amaterasu's ears perked as the grass rustled, and the bomb exploded.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, Snake was not there. Amaterasu however did not appear to react, until her back was struck by a dark.
Which immediately bounced off, injecting nothing. Amaterasu briefly flashed red, and faced the bullet.
Now at one level of godhood, Amaterasu faced the direction of the attack. She knew where Snake was now, at least in the general direction.
Now on the attack, Amaterasu dashed, leaving a trail of healthy, if somewhat withered, plants as she hopped in midair. Her tail made contact with her shield, and with a swipe of her tail, sent a wide wave of fire towards the attacker.

Weavile hopped along, taking note of the AI asking for her stage choice. Having lived in her home for her whole life, Weavile didn't have much of a choice other than..
Route 217
Weavile finally exited the gateway, finding herself in something, strange. Not quite the home field advantage she wanted, but it would do.

Robobot Armor
The armor stomped on through the gateway, taking not of it's surrounding quietly, showing zero emotion. Though it had an AI, it had yet to fully grow sentient. In the end, it was a battle machine, and as such, battle was it's only idea.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Stabbing into Dark Matter with a confident smirk on his face, Specter had begun to think this fight was a formality for a victory March. However, Specter remembered one thing: Dark Matter's association with blood. He ducked as blood splotched out of the gaping wounds, chuckling as he did so.

"You think bleeding on me is going to be effective? Well my friend, your Worley mistaken-"

Specter felt a sudden burning sensation on his feet. Looking down, he realized that ducking wasn't all he had to do. Blood began to pool up, burning the soles of his feet and beginning to burn through his eloquently designed boots.

What a pain...seems as though I will have to turn it up a notch.

Growling, his smirk vanished. He decided to go further. With a fast synchronized movement of both of his arms-


He tore straight through the jaws! Due to already having made holes in them, he cut them clean off of Dark Matter's body, jumping out of the acid pit in which he resided, sheathing his blades.

"How unsightly...is that your game? To gross me out? If lack of grace could kill, then you would have won this match by now..."

he dusted himself off and adjusted his cape, which now has several holes in it due to the scattered blood droplets that landed on it. He knew Dark Matter was playing the cautious game. They were wounded. He could feel it.


The ice warrior was pleased to see his friend in one piece, but this feeling soon sunk. Revan. He was still here. And they still had to fight to the death?? When would this circle of violence end? Scowling at Revan before trying to focus on Daruk's words, he was simply told to carry on with the Fire in his belly.

Fire in his belly? Poor choice of words. He gave a shudder, only recently feeling the sensation of being melted alive. Trauma set in, a dark aura being felt in the room. Revan. He certainly didn't care about the pain inflicted on others. Someone like him...couldn't be allowed to come on top.

"We gotta stop him, ruk." Kumamon told him. "For what he did to you, and what he could do to many others! This is a death game, remember? He wants to kill every last one here!"


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter

As Specter cut through Dark Matter's jaws, a roar could be heard rumbling through the casino. However, while the two parts flew off, they were not done yet. Both seemed to shrink into themselves, becoming two small blobs of darkness, complete with orange "petals" and a singular eye.
Dark Matter reappeared from the ground, shrunken down once more. It's body was regenerating, though it was clear it wasn't healing, from it's cracked visor, torn cloak, and rippling form.
The two lesser matters flew towards Specter, one firing four orange blobs around him, while the other attempted to ram into Specter, and would attempt to possess him. Dark Matter simply watched in anticipation.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"My friend, I think it's time I shown you what makes my race superior to others."

Specter stomped one foot on the floor, bounding off of it psychically. Soaring into the air, he bought himself a few more meters of room. Then he froze mid air, waving a hand in front of himself dismissively. Suddenly, his psionic barrier was constructed once more, protecting himself from the mini-matter that attempted to dive into him.

"Fall to supreme power!"

Charging both of his hands up with blue psychic power, he fired off a series of psychic bolts. These balls of energy shot down the orange blasts shot at him by the other mini-matter, before he showered the both of them with blue projectiles


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Great. Another idiot." Kassandra rolled her eyes as she muttered to herself, before raising her voice to reply. "Haven't heard of small fish like you before. I doubt you've ever fought a misthios like myself if you're talking like that, but talking is for cowards too weak to fight." She flashed her blade at her opponent. "So why don't you try and prove your strength?"
The power surging through her, she knew she only had three of five boosts surging inside of her. Without knowing of his speed and abilities, she'd play on the cautious side until she could determine his fighting style, and the way to counter it.

The dart bounced off? Huh? Snake furrowed his brow beneath his bandanna, eyes narrowing at the sight as the wolf turned in his direction. That flash of red... it'd happened before with the explosion. What was it? Naomi hadn't been as much help as Snake had been hoping, so he subtly pressed his finger against the back of his ear, accessing his codec.

Snake: Otacon, what was that?
Otacon: You mean Amaterasu's godhood?
Snake: Huh? Are you saying I'm literally knocking the God out of a God?
Otacon: No, it's a form of defensive strategy for her. She builds her godhood through landing attacks on her opponents.
Snake: Oh, I get it. So by an attack landing against her, she loses what she's built.
Otacon: Exactly! She can build up to three levels, but once all are gone...
Snake: It's a fair fight.
Otacon: Well, I wouldn't say that, more like... you might survive a little longer.
Snake: Oh come on, give me a little credit here. I beat Ranamon when you didn't expect me to.
Otacon: Speaking of, did you know she has a podcast?
Snake: ...A what?
Otacon: Uh, nevermind. Amaterasu's got one level of godhood left. Remove that, and she'll be open to your attacks.
Snake: Even if I... tossed a stick at her?
Otacon: Well, I guess in theory that might work but...
Snake: Thanks, Otacon.

The call ended as Amaterasu began a dash, slightly wilted plants in her wake. What if she leapt over him? Would flowers grow on him? ...Actually, that sounded like it could be painful, picking them off, so he elected to try not to think about that. She leapt up, her tail flicking, and Snake's eyes widened at the wave of fire burning through the air straight for him.
Good thing he was snuggled in this dip of a ditch, though it might have been a little too shallow. Ducking his head, Snake winced as he felt the wave of heat wash up and over him. Slowly rising his head to look at his opponent, it took Snake a moment to realize the foliage on top of his head was burning.

Springing out of cover and officially revealing himself, Snake threw the foliage to the ground and stamped the fire out, immediately feeling the top of his head with a worried, yet somehow stoic, expression. Upon feeling he still had his hair, Snake let out a sigh of relief. He hadn't been expecting fire, considering all the nature stuff he'd seen, but she was the Goddess of the Sun.
"Everything's fair game." Snake spoke to her, leveling his knife. "But don't touch the hair."


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
Both mini matters could not do much, and as such, were easily dispatched by Specter. However, this gave Dark Matter enough time to attack, as one flew even higher than Specter, and began rapid firing blobs of blood from above.
And the other, a clone it split into while Specter was occupied, suddenly blazed up, firing a stream of flames towards Specter from below.

Amaterasu skidded to a halt, finally having found Snake. Though her ears perked upon his words, she showed no visible reaction to him. Perhaps it was because, well, she was a wolf.
She simply slunk low to the ground upon seeing the knife, growling slightly. She swapped weapons, and promptly swung her tundra beads, crackling with ice energy, towards Snake. Despite looking like disconnected beads at a glance, they shifted and moved much like a whip, one that would add onto the strike with freezing cold.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Splitting again? Originally wasn't this one's strong suit. Seeing their pincer movement, Specter took a second to whip his hair back into place, giving a single smug laugh.

"Ha! You make a fatal flaw, Matter."

The spherical shield shifted to a one facing shield, focused above him for the blood. That was the most pressing issue. He put his feet against the barrier and shot off of it, sending the barrier toward the Dark Matter above while rocketing toward the one below.

His right hand lead the way, cloaking himself in a veil of flames. Diving straight through the pillar, he raised his hand, cloaked in psychic energy. He then made a chopping motion, aiming the cut this dark matter apart with just his hand!

"...Splitting yourself up also splits your power, doesn't it?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Hn!" Snake lowered his knife at the sight of Amaterasu's attack, some sort of disjointed beads swinging through the air like a whip- and it was thrashing his way. With a leap, Snake leaped backwards, back-flipping through the air as the first thrash swung under him, his free hand grasping the pistol he carried and whipping it out as he twirled mid-air, landing on the ground only to propel himself upward again and over a second whip thrash, his body horizontal to the ground in a side flip now as he spun in the air, aiming the pistol in the middle of his flip, and firing a shot off toward the wolf as he stuck his second landing- but the third whip strike had been intensified as he'd dodged the first two. Even if his bullet struck or not, he was too slow to dodge the third thrash.

The beads lashed against his body with enough force to fling him aside, smashing upon making contact with his body. Five or six beads hit their mark before no more could reach as he'd been sent spiraling back with a shout, ice coating a portion of his midsection. With a crash, Snake landed against the crowd of bushes, before he tucked himself into a roll, somersaulting backwards and rising to his feet, wincing at the biting, unrelenting pain of ice against his abdomen. With a grunt, he smashed the butt of his knife against the ice, shattering it (alongside a few swipes).
So... her thing was elements, was it? The way foliage grew in her wake, the blast of fire, and now a whip of ice... he'd dealt with elemental opponents before, be that in his own universe or in tournaments like this one. The coldness in his midsection was alleviated, but it lingered painfully as the soldier aimed to fire a few more bullets Amaterasu's way.


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter

Dark Matter felt Specter close in through the pillar. This sparked a briefly memory, which would've made it laugh if it didn't lack the ability to. Dark Matter cut off the flames, and as soon as Specter's hand sliced, Dark Matter did as well.
Now a three clones, their hivemind helped them work at expert efficiency. Without wasting as time on banter, one Dark Matter flew directly towards the point blank Specter, attempting to enter his being. Even if its possession fails, it could disturb him enough for the other Dark Matter to stab forward with it's sword, slashing at Specter.
The other matter managed to evade the barrier with a midair backflip, and remained in a distance where it shot four bolts of lighting downard. It would miss, but that was the point. The bolts would strike the ground and created a square, electrifying cage around Specter and it's clones.

The goddess managed to land a hit, although the bullet managed to strike her, finally shattering her godhood, evidenced by the shattering red light around her body.
However, this did not give Amaterasu pause. As Snake began pointing his strange device, Amaterasu drew two lines in the air. Suddenly, mist burst around her. And interestingly, as soon as the bullets entered the mist, they moved exponentially slower, giving Amaterasu, who was unaffected by the mist, a chance to swap weapons, changed positions, and rapid fire her beads, firing them at a speed on par with the bullets Snake had, only bigger and laced with ice.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"Oh sh-" Snake ducked himself, finding very little cover behind a bush as several beads whizzed by overhead, ripping the bark from trees they struck. He had to get back to the outpost now. With his cover blown, the CQC training would come in handy in a more confined space, and he hadn't actually expected the wolf to have so many ranged options available. More beads whistled through the air as Snake dove out of the cover his bush and into the cover of a tree, rising up by sliding up its length, noting several beads ripping away at his cover.
Spinning his Baretta, Snake sprinted out of cover, feeling the ice of the beads as they came close to him, but he was fortunate enough not to be struck by any right away. At least this Goddess didn't have impeccable aim.

Too late he'd thought that as he felt a sharp sting in his left shoulder before he finally passed by his original position overlooking the outpost. With a leap, Snake dove forward, narrowly avoiding a bead that brushed against his ear. Gritting his teeth, Snake rolled into a landing, springing back up to sprint the length into the base, skidding to a halt just in the cover of the shadows in order to watch where Amaterasu would follow from. If she went near his original hiding spot, he'd set off the explosive he'd left there earlier. If she didn't, well... he'd just charge deeper into the facility, ignoring the stinging sensation in his shoulder.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

His eyes narrowed as Dark Matter narrowly evaded him by...duplicating? What initially was concern transformed into a confused amusement. Standing straight up, he eyed one of the matters while holding up a hand.

"So...you counter the problem of depleting strength with duplication by...duplicating more? Ha! Then allow me to show both of these an equal fate!"

he snapped his fingers as both approached him. And right as they were close, a psychic ring rose up from the ground. Specter was in the center of the ring, as it rose up, aiming to cleave anything around him within five feet of the surrounding area.

As it turned to fight the third Dark Matter, he prepared an attack, but halted as he saw where Dark Matter had fired. It was erecting a cage...? For what purpose? As psychic power kept building in his hands, Specter looked up at the entity, still charging up power.

"For how much of you I blasted and sliced off, surely you can't wipe out such a large area. So tell me, creature. What would one in a state such as yourself offer me in the way of a challenge?"


Previously mallard
"That's what I'm saying, Kumamon. But it'll one step at a time, and the next step is my next fight." He looked over to his respective portal, where his opponent was waiting. "Wish me luck." He strode over, his opponent looked much friendlier than Darth Revan, to say the least. The goron wore a half-smile as opposed to his usual jolliness, as in the last match he was introduced to the direness of this situation. It made the mighty Daruk feel...


He followed into the gate after Rebellio, where again he had to choose the stage. He could pick a stage where he'd win automatically due to - no, what was he thinking? He was a warrior, not a trickster like Kohga. So, his answer was fairly narrowed down.
"Gut Check Rock."
Hearing his request, the world shifted and colors swirled around him. A tall and slender plateau grew from the ground, sides sprinkled with Stamella mushrooms. It was surrounded by a moat of warm, volcano-heated water, similar temperature to the cozy air. Three-quarters of the moat was lined by a steep rock wall, and in the south a peninsula jutted out into the water with a stone skull on it, home to a horde of bokoblins. To the northeast there was another moat surrounding a sleeping Hinox. A couple iron arches and a dozen dead trees were sprinkled throughout the area, and a air vent right next to Gut Check Rock itself was venting so much hot air that the cloth could make a man carrying a simple cloth soar into the air.
Daruk looked around at the familiar place. It was much better than that lobby he was in moments before. He then turned his gaze upon Rebellio.

"Good luck, little guy."
@Shen: King of the Mist @ArmedBlue

This woman... she would dare call Master Kohga insults? He didn't work to get his master title for nothing! "Grrrrr! For your information, I'm the Top Banana of the Yiga Clan, missy!" He spun away, and then into the air. He reeled back, hand shining red, and then fell, smacking his red hand to the ground. "HA!" From that came a small moving air vent that homed in on Kassandra. Upon reaching her, a spire of stone would burst from the earth, hoping to impale Kassandra before the fight really started.


As Metal flew under the balloon, Punk looked over the edge. His dreads swung into his face, obscuring his vision for a moment, but as he swept them away, his opponent was already making his move. The delinquent was knocked out of the basket rather violently, and plunged downwards towards the street. He grabbed his bat midair and then the same rope that saved his life before, right as the battlebot was charging something. Like a gymnast he swung from that rope, just in time to escape the orange beam that cut his savior of a rope in half.
Wait, an orange laser beam? This guy totally was Pao's son or something, maybe the old cyborg didn't replace his jibblets after all. Landing was easy, he transitioned into a roll, which he soon leapt out of and turned it into a run. He ran notably faster than a human, but it was still pitiful speed for someone like his opponent. He didn't know where he was running, but maybe he'd figure something out along the way.
@Captain Pokémon


Previously Manu456Alola

Slowly but surely, the world around the combatants took shape. The fighters were now located inside a massive metal structure that stretched upwards like a pillar. Crates, trees and debris were all scattered throughout the area, snow and foliage coating the tower's insides. A few pinkish platforms floated in the air, serving as temporary footholds to get to higher ground. Some of the nearby walls seemed to be heavily damaged, exposing some wires and vines, the destruction enough to let in the cold air from outside.

Not exactly what I expected... Copen thought, noticing the temperature had dropped quite a bit. Whatever, a little cold was no problem for him. "Prepare yourself." He told the creature before making his move. The scientist quickly opened fire as he began approaching Weavile, a flurry of lasers closing in on the Pokémon. Lola launched Stellar Spark at the same time, three electric streams coursing through the air towards Weavile.


"Well, this place is nice..." Rebellio muttered as the world became rocky and warm, some hot springs appearing nearby. He could really go for a dip in those. Too bad he didn't have the time for that. Daruk wished him luck, and the Adept quickly did the same. "Good luck to you too, big guy." With that, he stretched out his hand, drawing a circle with his Falcon Quill.

"Contract." A crimson circle formed out of thin air, quickly becoming more detailed and complex as two more layers formed in front of it. Dark energy spiraled from it back towards Rebellio, before the magic circle collapsed and the Adept entered his Weaponized state. Now sporting black and white armor, ram-like horns, much longer hair and a red halo, it was time for him to fight. This was it.

He started off with one of his stronger constructs, a crimson Gatling gun appeared in his hands, revving up briefly before launching a barrage of string energy bullets in Daruk's direction. He hoped to get an early lead- the prospect of getting blown up like the other participants still scared him. Daruk probably felt the same...

The Knight

The stage began taking a familiar structure. Shroom and its opponent were now inside an arena, carved from the shell of a massive, ancient bug. Chains stretching from ground to ceiling kept it in place, several lamps illuminating the area. A crowd of bugs watched from the stands yearningly, one in particular standing out. Sitting in a large throne, an equally large bug towered over the combatants and the crowd. Actually, it was just its corpse. Lord Fool had died some time ago, but neither the crowd or or the warriors that attended the Colosseum of Fools seemed to care.

With the arena now set, the Knight got right to fighting. White energy surrounding it, the bug performed a Dash Slash, zipping forward and swinging its weapon once it reached the pink machine. This attack had quite some range, so it would keep the Knight pretty safe while attacking.
Metal Sonic
Metal’s eyes tracked Punk as he dodged the beam. Odd, he expected that to work. However, this didn’t matter, since Punk was now vulnerable. His high ground was gone and he had nowhere to hide. Metal flew forward at blazing speeds, maneuvering around the falling hot air balloon. He soared to the side, deeper into the parade, out of sight. For a moment, there was calm.

Just a moment.

Then, a crash was heard. Then another. And another. They got closer and louder, before—

Metal burst through a wall, right next to Punk, aiming to grab him by the neck!

Audrey frowned upon seeing the area for her fight. To say the least, she hadn't expected her opponent to play a part in the stage, but maybe this was just how this guy who view the Overseer's Realm.
Next she heard, her opponent, this...Leon fella, told her to make the first move. She smirked.

"Big mistake, but whatever. I'll show what I, Audrey Redheart, the Hero, can do!" She announced boastfully with pride before pointing her blade up. Despite the roofed area, lightning seemed to phase through the ceiling and down into Audrey's blade, coursing through it for a few seconds as Audrey held her position, before moving it down, pointing it right at Leon as lightning blasted right out of it, the Hero in a cocky stance.


"Woah...?" Axe was, unsurprisingly, intrigued by his foe's choice of stage. He looked at Jevil, noting that he was much smaller than his usual foes. Luckily, he'd fought Matock enough to know how to fight people his own size.

"Huh? What numbers game?" Axe was confused for a moment, before raising his shield in a defensive stance. "Ah, whatever. Ready to lose?!" He asked, rhetorically.

Alright, ideas, ideas...a strong proper guard for now, focus on the basics with a foe you don't know what to expect of! Next, keep ready to slam into him, maybe? Hm...

With the start of the battle, Axe's surprisingly tactical mind kicked into action, making him focus intently on his foe and his surroundings, his red stone slightly glowing in his hand opposite his shield.


"You, Host." Yuga stormed up to Generic Host, anger in his eyes.

"How dare you put me against such a pathetic looking opponent now?! I may have lost, but I still have my pride, you know! To face me against a child is preposterous!" He claimed, fuming. "I am the greatest sorcerer to ever live, and this is an insult!" He added.
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Previously mallard
His opponent immediately pulled out a weapon Daruk wasn't very familiar with, but he did see some thing like it before. Kumamon's weapons. Those shot snowballs, and it was a well-known fact that gorons didn't like the cold, so it was a smart weapon choice. Before it started firing, the brute slammed his fists together, immediately putting up his Protection. Then, the gun shot not snowballs, but something that looked more threatening. But, thankfully, the bullets simply bounced off of the force field, reflecting the gunfire right back at the Adept. After the storm of bullets was finished, he let down the shield and began his stride towards Rebellio, intent on clobbering him with his mighty club.


He looked back, to see no blue robot behind him. Pretty slow, wasn't it. Wait, if it wasn't following him, then how was Punk gonna beat it up? And what in tarnation was that crashing sound? As if on cue, Metal revealed that it was the culprit, smashing through walls! -And coming right for Punk. Uh oh.
He felt the robot's steel claw around his neck, and he wouldn't call it very comfortable to anyone who enjoyed breathing, which happened to be one of his favorite pastimes. The delinquent struggled for a bit, but then was partially curious about how this was gonna play out, and stared into Metal Sonic's 'eyes', ready to retaliate against anything not so fun.
@Captain Pokémon
Metal Sonic
The robot beeped menacingly as he grabbed Punk by the neck, continuing to fly forward. The two crashed through the wall of the next building, leaving a few mobian passerby’s very confused. Now that the Punk was hopefully softened up, Metal readied his actual attack. A large electric field suddenly encased Metal, and likely Punk as well, considering Metal was holding on to him.

The darkener chuckled at the little hero’s confusion. “Uee hee hee, oh what a shame! It seems you are unfamiliar with this game! Looks like you’re gonna have to learn along the way, otherwise I’m afraid you won’t see another day!” The jester said before flying back several meters, leaving after-images, remaining still. It seemed he was giving Axe the first move.


Previously Manu456Alola

Uh oh-

The Falcon's reflexes kicked in as the bullets came right back at him, his Gatling gun changing shape and becoming a shield that covered about half of his body, taking the reflected attack head on. The barrage did whittle the shield down considerably, but at least it saved Rebellio from some big damage. Daruk had stomped his way up to him by that point, raising his Boulder Breaker to clobber him. The Adept's crimson halo came down on top of him, converting the boy into string and getting him out of harm's way, the string disappearing.

After a moment, the thread became Rebellio again- this time high above the Goron, standing on top of another construct he made in midair: a large guillotine blade, which came crashing down on top of Daruk, aiming to slice through him. Once the blade made contact with something, Rebellio would jump off of it and keep up the pressure with several slashes of a newly manifested scythe.


Previously mallard
Dang, this guy's flight was gonna be a problem. The mighty goron bat aside the incoming guillotine with one mighty swing, the execution device landing in the rock next to him. Then the Adept approached with a melee weapon to Daruk's luck, but to his unluck, this guy was fast. The champion did his best to block the incoming attacks, and then to counter, he shoved his opponent's weapon back with his own. He hoped this would throw his opponent off of his coordination long enough for himself to throw out a quick, but equally as powerful thrust with his club!


Being smashed through two walls hurt, but this Roof Rager was more durable than most people could've guessed. He wasn't keen on being thrown through any more buildings, though, and wedging his leg between him and his robot friend, Punk pushed off and out of Metal's grip. He wasn't fast enough, though, and got zapped by the electrical field as he fell. The floor was hard, but the crash was child's play, really. That shock he received wasn't however. That hurt even more than Thundra's lightning. Regardless, the punk got up. Now that there were walls present, he could pull out a little trick he learned; called geometry. The crack of a bat hitting a spiked softball sounded out, the aforementioned softball soon smacked into the wall of one of the buildings, ricocheting off and soaring towards Metal. Punk did it again, and then again but against the building on the opposite side of the street to mix up the droid. Then, the fighter crouched down, clutching his bat tight. He spun yet again, using his bat as a propeller, yet again. He got up to Metal's level, and then swung his bat down hard. He was hoping to take this fight down to the ground since... y'know... Punk couldn't fly all that well.
@Captain Pokémon
Metal Sonic
How durable was this Punk? Not many of his opponents had tanked hie Ring Spark Field before, so this was a relatively new experience. Metal flew back to the air as Punk readied his next attack. Metal was able to predict the trajectory of the spiked softball as it soared through the air and off the wall, effectively avoiding it. He did the same thing with the next one, but the third one mixed him up a bit. He still avoided it, but narrowly, the ball skimming his arm a little. Metal watched as Punk propelled himself through the air, up to Metal’s level, and attempted to hit him with his bat. This failed, of course. Metal was way too quick to be caught off-guard in such a simple manner. Metal moved to the side quickly, then curled into a ball mid-air and attempted to slam his metal body into Punk using a homing attack.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


"Hey y'all!~♡ You're darling Ranamon here with another bee-uuutiful update! Now, you know how I've been scooped up by this wanna be celebrity throwin' this tourney right? I know what your thinkin', piece of cake right? Ol' Ranamon would win this easy!

...That's when HE came in!


This UGLY lookin' guy called Snack decided to cheat out dear ol' Ranamon! Rigged the stage from the start and ruined by stunning performance! What with his putrid haggard lookin' beard, his total bumpkin hair, and can we talk about that outfit y'all?? Total 2/10 on the Rana-scale. Too much goin' on, not too much color!

Now, don't cry, Ranamon ain't one to be bamboozled so easy! No sir, I got myself hooked up on the second bracket, where I'll be a shining star once again! This little country bell is gonna be in the limelight the real way! And not with some Snacking idiot ruining everything likeseriouslywhatthehelliswiththatguyandhisbrutishassbuttinginonmy-


Phew, is it a little hot in here? I'm gonna take a quick stretch before my next match! That's gonna be a sold show! Stay tuuuuuuned~♡



Ranamon stretched as she looked out in the crowd, looking for a poor sap that was eliminated their first round. What kinda idiot would be eliminated so quickly? Ranamon looked out, noticing a girl. A robotic one. Ranamon grinned as she matched it with the photo on the screen. Pandora.

"Well color me mildly stoked! I'm Ranamon, your famous opponent this next match!" Ranamon greeted the girl. "Try to look as good as you can manage Sugar, the audience needs something good to watch! ...And by that I mean make your defeat dramatic! Make them cry over your loss! That way you can get your own cult following, who knows? Sounds good don't it~?"


Previously Deathstalker62
Dracula simply swirled the blood in his glass, spectating the match on his throne. None of these creatures, save for Death, were even worthy of being in his presence, never mind his attention or words. So, he sat in silence, watching his loyal reaper as Death went to fire more blue energy blasts at Uratekumon, but ended up guiding them back toward himself as the gremlin phased through the terrain and out of the reaper's sight.

Death, using this moment to throw his arms up in the air, switched to white robes as a safety precaution for what very likely could be a surprise attack. Death remained hovering, his two energy blasts on their way back to him, focusing on his hearing than his sight with his eyes closed, as he heard rumbling behind himself and had promptly turned his head halfway to see a giant fist coming right at him. Death was not worried however as suddenly, his body seemed to squish together, becoming thinner and thinner until he vanished, leaving only a purple aura behind that also promptly faded away.

With Death out of the way, the energy blasts that were initially flying toward himself, though he wanted to aim them back at his opponent, immediately grew into giant skulls that went to respond to Uratekumon's fist by closing their jaws as they approached Uratekumon and his Mech. Death himself re-appeared a fair ways behind and above Uratekumon, summoning purple portals again that shoot out big skeletal hands with chains attached that shot toward Uratekumon, trying to grapple the gremlin's legs to force him and his mech to take the giant skull's chomps.

Frank Horrigan
Frank found his opponent appearing on the stage, the arena promptly changing to adapt both of their requests, which Frank had announced while Chief was still out in the lobby. A familiar sight manifested around him, Enclave property.. but, now, it was infested with a horrid fog and a giant hole in the centre, barring even bigger tentacles. The once proud HQ of the Enclave that was the oil rig, now.. tainted. Frank scoffed at this, as though despite knowing that this stage was all a front, it was a big disgrace to disdain property of the United States of America, never mind disrespecting property of the Enclave. Still though, all Frank did was walk toward his opponent, going around the giant hole and the tentacles without a shred of fear or hesitation, appearing completely nonchalant but keeping his guard up at all times per usual. Frank was confident his elite power armour could tank anything for him, so he just ended up stomping over to the Chief like the titan he was, speaking up without anger, but with joy, like a sadist to his victim before torture began.

" If you've got any sense left, jump off this oil rig and drown. Otherwise, prepare to be ripped apart. Slowly. Painfully. "

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

What he perceived to be an easy clap on brittle bones was instead a powerful combo. A teleport, and hostiles from two sides. Seems the AI got an upgrade. That ain't dope. Well! Time for some luck then!

Plugging in his hacking code and trying to find a new weapon, the roll landed on '12' for his miracle Gatcha. A spark of light came from the top of his Mech suit. A crowbar. Yes. A glorified metal stick plunked out from the top of the Mech suit and onto the ground. This did nothing but waste time and effort.


Uratekumon had to think fast. He leaped backwards, springing backwards away from the skulls instinctively. However, while he was panicking, he didn't see the hands coming from the other side. While his powerful fists broke through the surprise attack, he found himself entangled. Chains wrapped around parts of his mech, causing it to stop all momentum and get caught up in the metal.

Having gained distance, it proved only barley enough. The skull chomped down, breaking off part of the back of the console mech suit, breaking off some of the yellow casing and crunching it down. This exposed some wires and circuits to the open air.

"Yo! Yo! Yo! Looks like that skull took a bite out of the mech! I wonder what it tastes like?"

Tch! To fall for some NPC- time for a mode change!

A sneaky wire came from the the back of Uratekumon. It skunk it and connected with the arm, twisting around and activating. A pixelated sound was heard as the Gremlin cackled.

"We are going to MY world now! KEKEKEKE!!!"

Suddenly, the entire world began to shift around him. The connection he created had turned the world flat...pixelated. Everyone's bodies shifting to sprites, 2-D on a background like that of a sidescroller!

"Welcome to the world where I NEVER LOSE!"


Breaking out of the chains, Uratekumon fell to the ground, pixelated clouds of dust pooling around his feet.

"Welcome to Pixel World!!"



Previously mallard
...He missed. Bummer. This guy was tough to nail down, and that was supposed to be his schtick. Then the robot made a mistake. It curled up into a ball and flew towards Punk. What better way to use a bat than hit a ball.
But, Punk was already caught at the end of a big swing, and as he noted before, this hunk of junk was fast. So, he used the second most durable thing he had: his skull. The collision still hurt Punk way more than it did his opponent, and it sent him tumbling to the street as well. The human got up fast as he could, which wasn't that fast at this point, and shook his head until the stars went away.
Now it was his turn. He did another ricochet trick with a spiked softball, and then spun yet again, this time soaring to the building adjacent to the one the ball ricocheted off of. If Metal should dodge that spiked softball, it would soar right at Punk, who would hit it right back even faster than before.
@Captain Pokémon

"Hey, get back here!" Axe called out, his annoyance from his foe immeadiantly moving back being clear to himself and Jevil, almost dropping his proper guard for a moment before realising his mistake and altering it, more into a guard fit for movement, keeping his shield at shoulder level as he started to move forward. As soon as he got in range, he dropped the guard, and jumped up.

Gotta Destroy my opponent, fast!
"I'm gonna make sure I don't lose, just you watch!" He called out.

Seeming in reaction to something Axe did, the bottom end of his shield extended out, revealing the more pickaxe-like end to it, attempting to slam this sharp end down on Jevil just like a pickaxe on some rocks in a mine. If one looked close enough, the attack seemed to give off flames as it went. If it were to hit, Axe would then land and re-raise his proper guard and defensive stance. If not, well then, there would now be a child sitting with the pickaxe end stuck in the ground keeping him in the air.
Metal Sonic
The robot backflipped in the air after his homing attack landed, tauntingly waggling a finger afterwards. It seemed this robot had some sass. This sass didn’t disappear after Punk got up again and attempted to hit him with a spiked softball. Metal dodged this of course and emitted many fast beeps that resembled a laugh. But then Punk hit it again, even faster than before! Metal, caught off-guard and unprepared due to his taunting, couldn’t do much more than cross his arms and tank the projectile. It hit him, chipping off some paint from his arms and leaving a few dents in them.

Metal’s eyes narrowed in annoyance and anger at his opponent. This enclosed space was proving to be more high-risk, high-reward than the robot would have liked. Metal decided to cut the theatrics, flying right up close to Punk, landing on the ground in front of him. Metal put his hands up.

It was time for some close quarters combat.

The jester moved to the side cartoonishly, appearing as though he were stepping on the air, causing Axe to miss his attack and get stuck in the ground. “Too easy!” Jevil said before raising his hand into the air, causing a cyclone of spades to appear. They began to enclose in on Axe, going in for some massive damage on the vulnerable child.

"What the-?!" Axe was, needless to say to Jevil, surprised by his enemy moving out of the way in mid-air, before feeling fear in his eyes seeing the gale of spades surrounding him.

No, no! If that all hits me like this, I could be done for! I don't know how strong this guy is, but I don't want to die!

As if in response to his own, possibly irrational, thoughts, the green stone at the top of his pouch bag began to glow, before a light encased Axe at the last moment. When the attack passed, he was nowhere to be seen, only for Axe to appear seconds later in another bright light where he started.

"Urgh...what happened- Oh, yes!" Axe quickly realised he had been saved by the green stone once again, partly trying to ignore the pains that come with teleportation. "Alright, avoid this then!"

Thank you, whatever created those stones....er, giant snake my village was built on the skeleton of? I don't know....anyway, now what to do? I guess now's the time for Nelz's specialty!
With that strategy in mind, Axe reached into his pouch, taking out a homemade firecracker - Which weirdly looked more like clay dynamite - igniting it using the steel top cap of his left boot before tossing it right at Jevil.
And now I'll just raise my guard! Easy!
With that thought, he put all his force into his shield in a strong guarded position as the firecracker began to explode.
The jester raised an eyebrow in amusement and confusion as Axe…disappeared? The cyclone of spades disappeared rather abruptly, and Jevil turned around, looking for a sign of Axe. He quickly found the child, who was miraculously unharmed. “Interesting! Are you trying to hustle me, friend? It’s easy to see that you are no beginner when it comes to this game! However, I’m, afraid the outcome will be the same!” The darkener stated as Axe lit a firecracker, throwing it at Jevil. However, Jevil simply…vanished into thin air.

Not a second later, Jevil appeared right behind Axe, a large scythe in his hand. He swung it, attempting to slice Axe in two!

Axe was shocked to see the firecracker so easily avoided, as he assumed when Jevil disappeared. Seriously, no one had done that before, that's not fair. To say that, unlike Jevil, he was not amused was an understatement.

"Hey, where'd you go!?" He began to yell, "And what's that supposed to mean-" He started, only to pause not a moment later as he heard something swinging. Something heavy. A weapon, perhaps?
Without any extra thought, Axe turned as fast as he could on pure instinct, no guarding position to block the scythe as he felt himself get pushed back, a notable dent left in the shield. Oh, and a slight cut on his arm.

Ugh, I hate scythes! First the Minister, and now this guy! Why do people like these things, they're for farming!?

"Ow!" He yelped in pain, surprised. He knew that if he had only been faster...well, that settled it; this Jevil foe was faster than him, and had dodged his every move. The next plan for Axe...

Time to improvise!

Looking around the battlefield, he took into account the battlefield. There was something weird spinning...thing - Axe had never seen a carousel before - nearby, some prison bars...this guy had picked this stage, right? What was with the prison bars?

Ah, whatever...wait, spinning? Maybe I could try that, maybe catch him off guard? He seems to like spinning things

"Alright, I know what to do!" Axe told himself, jumping in the air a little in excitement despite the pain in his arm, trying to ignore it while his red stone still glowed in that hand. "Ready to see something amazing?!" He asked Jevil rhetorically before...starting to spin. As in, a little like a pirouette, but not quite on tipped toes due to the steel toe caps making that a painful reality. In the meanwhile, he began moving back at Jevil, ready to slam into the one who could do anything as soon as possible.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Kassandra the Eagle Bearer
Grip tightening on her weapons, the misthios glared at the strange red hole that rumbled across the earth, moving toward her. Some form of... magic? She wasn't too surprised, considering her conflicts against beings like Medusa and the Minotaur. As it reached her, a spire of stones began to sprout rapidly from the hole, and the spartan tensed as she leaped backward, the world slowing around her. "Malaka, what in the world is that?" She hissed to herself. A second later, the world resumed its usual speed- and the hole was still pursuing her.

With a dive, Kassandra avoided it once again, but it changed directions to continue its pursuit. She glanced toward Kohga, a scoff on her lips. So he was gonna be this kind of enemy, was he? Two could play at that game.
With a leap backward, the hole faded as Kassandra sheathed her blade, pulling out the Bow of Artemis and aiming it toward the sky. Her dodges had earned her a fourth charge, which she proceeded to exhaust by firing a singular arrow into the air.

A moment later, the sky-born arrow erupted into dozens of arrows that began to pour down on Kohga's position like rain, all while she notched another arrow, letting it sail horizontally at her opponent as he was distracted with the vertical storm of projectiles.

Leon S. Kennedy
Electricity? Hm. Leon's gaze tightened as Audrey aimed her blade at him- and he fell backward, landing against the ground as the bolt struck over him, blasting a hole in the wall of the station as Leon leaped back to his feet, pushing off the ground with his arms. "Nice one." He said to her, brushing his hair slightly as he brought his weapon out. "My turn." With that, he opened fire with Matilda, firing rapid shots toward Audrey.

Master Chief
The radioactive mutant, also known as Frank Horrigan, stood over even the Spartan- though this was far from an unknown feeling. John was dwarfed by the size of Elites, Brutes, and Hunters as it was. It was clear Frank was accustomed to intimidating his foes, invading the Spartan's personal space, throwing a threat in his face. A bully type.
Visor reflecting the glint of the orange light, Master Chief looked back up at Frank's equally emotionless face, both glaring at one another. Unmoved and not budging, John had one thing to say in response;
"Go ahead." He replied coolly. "See what happens."

Generic Host
"Oh yeah?" The Host giggled at Yuga's display, blinking lazily at him. "Hm... well... if you're really that confident in yourself... I suppose I'll have to place you against a much tougher foe, no?" This seemed to be what Yuga was seeking, so the Host cracked a wide smile. "Alright, I can be accommodating. Here's a little switch for ya." With a wink, and the snap of his finger, Generic Host presented the loser's bracket as it flashed in an update, showing the new matches.
Ranamon and Pandora were still fighting, as were Rebellio and Daruk, but now Yuga was against Galacta Knight, while Tethi was up against Gemini. "How's that for ya?" The Host asked with a chuckle and the smack of his lips. "Now go have fun kiddo. Impress me."


Previously Manu456Alola

The Adept kept slashing away in hopes of breaking through the Goron's guard, but his opponent proved quicker than he expected. His weapon was eventually shoved back at him with great strength, allowing Daruk to quickly thrust his Boulder Breaker at Rebellio, sending him back a considerable distance. The Falcon's armor protected him from any serious damage, but a small crack had now formed in it.

Not pleased by that interaction's outcome, Rebellio stuck an arm out above him, thread shooting out and striking the top of the nearby plateau. The Adept was quickly pulled upwards along the rock wall, digging his scythe into it, making the more superficial rocks loose. A large crack had formed by the time Rebellio made it to the top, where he twirled around midair- his scythe shifting into a large mace. Swinging it below him, the impact against the rock separated a few medium sized boulders from the main structure, threatening to crush Daruk. The head of the mace was separated from the handle, hurtling right in Daruk's direction and hopefully making it harder to dodge.
The darkener grinned as his attack was relatively successful. A hit was a hit. Looks like this was going to be a rather easy round of the fabled numbers game. However, Axe then did something unexpected. He…spun? Almost like a pirouette. Suddenly…!

Awkward! Upcoming attack will hurt rapidly!
(In-game this means less invincibility frames, but here I’ll just make it so that Jevil’s attacks are faster and do a little more damage.)

Jevil grinned and floated up higher in the air, laughing manically as he did so. “MY HEARTS GO OUT TO YOU, SINNER!” He said as he raised his hand up, bringing it back down right afterwards.
Tens upon tens of bombs with heart icons on them then rained down on Axe’s location, covering the entire area around them. Not only did they explode, which was dangerous on its own, but they also left four heart projectiles each. Every four of these heart projectiles grouped up in a square and homed in on Axe, effectively creating a storm of fast-moving projectiles.


Previously Deathstalker62
As the world around him begun adapting to a 2D, pixelated style, Death's Scythe manifested back to him, appearing with a constant spin in front of him before he grabbed it and looked to where he last saw Uratekumon land. Death laughed a short, ominous cackle in response to Uratekumon forcing the stage from 3D to 2D. Letting go of his scythe, Death let it spin faster and faster in the air, summoning four purple portals in each corner diagonally away from Uratekumon. Out of each purple portal, two skeletal hands fired, grappling onto each other and forming a square cage of chains.

Death's Scythe remained hovering for a brief moment, shifting its materials while it spun around. From the twisted wooden handle to a straight, metal rod, from one mere scythe to an extension on the bottom of the handle that grew another blade in the opposite direction of the first, but in the same length and size. Finally, it grew additional skulls on each end that appeared to be there to hold the blade to the handle, but really was just more for vanity, along with two smaller scythe blades on the opposite side of where both big blades were located.

Then, it shot toward Uratekumon like a bullet, its spinning motion having become so fast to the point that its blur resembled a pale sawblade. If Uratekumon were to try hitting his scythe back or try to avoid it, it would simply bounce off of the chains of the square cage and fly right back at Uratekumon, with Death being able to move the portals, and thus the cage, if his opponent would try going outside the bounds of the cage.

..And then, of course, there were still Death's passive mini scythes that spawned around the stage that flew toward Uratekumon, now made more dangerous due to the fact that the world was now two-dimensional.

Frank Horrigan
" Go ahead. See what happens. " Now those were the words that Frank was hoping for. Frank suddenly took off in a sprint towards Chief, arms held out wide like a footballer about to tackle another player, his SPECIAL allowing him to run at such a fast pace that it was completely against all rhyme and reason for a hulking, armoured giant like him to be moving at such a speed.

As soon as Frank would be able to get close enough, he'd try to punt Chief like a football, or in the case of his opponent actually getting out a weapon and retaliating before he could get close, would instead counter the attack by activating his arm-mounted plasma gun and fire out a burst of powerful, yet accurate shots of plasma energy, the accuracy and power stemming from his perfected Perception and his high skill in Energy Weapons.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
The giant charged with a roar at the spartan, who grasped a device from his belt and gripped it in his hand. "Uh oh, Chief...!" Kalmiya whimpered as John narrowed his eyes, spreading his legs... and Frank's kick struck the air, undoubtedly upsetting the mutant's balance for at least a moment, a moment that Chief used to slam his fist into Frank's extended leg with the intention of further upsetting his balance, and following up with his own leg lashing out to slam against Frank's knee in his other leg. Frank might have been big, but the spartan was no stranger to that, having grappled with Brutes and Elites before, being with physical strength that made humans look paper-frail in comparison. A kick that could crumple a car door in with ease is what he was delivering, coupled with the physical enhancements of his suit itself, a thousand pounds of force behind his quick, cobra-like strike.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"I don't believe it folks! The entire world has become flat and pixely! Seems like we are taking video game tournament to a whole new level!"

MCmon continued to ramble on about how impressive Death's strategy was, but Uratekumon tuned it out for the moment, watching the display. So he thinks the 2D plain gives HIM the advantage. HA! What a joke!

Uratekumon leaped toward the top right corner, two cables combing from behind him and connecting to the chains. they twisted as if locking into place as Uratekumon shouted.

"Zero Value!"

Suddenly, Uratekumon phased right through the chains, as if they weren't even there! As Uratekumon clinged onto the side of the wall, the Scythe flew his way, only to bounce off the chains like they were physical again

"HA! Your Video Game logic has no effect on a hacker!"

"How sleazy! Wasn't this supposed to be a Video Game battle?" MCmon announced. "At least the gothic attacks still look Rad! How will Death handle this??

Uratekumon, now under complete cover by Death's own chains revved up it's Miracle Gatcha, rolling '54'. A flurry of shining pixels appeared out of him as a sprite loaded in. Two boomerangs appeared, smelling of fresh Australian air.

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger eh? Underrated game but by no less effective.

Taking Ty's Boomerangs out with both of his normal hands, he activated Zero Value on the chains briefly again so he could hurl the pair of boomerangs out. The boomerangs ignited with flames, bouncing up and down off the barriers of the map, clashing but destroying the mini scythes they contacted as the pair found themselves flinging toward Death.
Chun-Li ran forward, towards the giant T. Rex who lunged at her. As the giant reptile tried to swallow her whole, she suddenly changed direction to make the animal miss and placed both hands on it to somersault on top of it. The Fire Vivosaur roared and tried to shake the little pest off. When Chun-Li made it to the tail, the T-Rex thrashed its tail around, causing Chun-LI to fall to the ground. Bracing herself for impact, she performed a break fall and made her way to Saurhead.

Saurhead was impressed by the way Chun-Li manouvered around his Vivosaur, but he was by no means useless in a fight by himself. As Chun-Li threw a surprisingly powerful kick his way, the Master Fighter blocked it by crossing his arms before retaliating by throwing a punch at her stomach. As the girl performed a back handspring to avoid the punch, Chun-Li fired off a Kikoken. Not expecting his opponent to shoot a freaking fireball at him, Saurhead didn't react in time as the projectile hit him. It didn't hurt much, surpisingly enough, but it was still an annoying move. "T-Rex, let them hear your power! Tyrant's Roar!" T-Rex roared loudly, orange shockwaves erupting from its mouth as Chun-Li was sent flying from the force. Skid marks marked the floor as she tried to resist the force. Unless Chun-Li was mistaken, the temperature seemed to rise exponentially after the attack and she was soon starting to pant in an attempt to cool off. How her opponent was not taking that mask off, she had no clue. She had other issues to worry about though, as the T-Rex was charging at her with teeth exposed. There was no way for her to take this thing out, was there? Looking around, a very desperate and dumb idea formed in her head. However, it might just work and she had no other way to deal with this thing. It was faster than her and way stronger. Running to the edge of the stage and waiting until the T-Rex was about to bite down on her, Chun-Li jumped off.

The T-Rex was barely standing as its toes were hanging over the edge, but Chun-Li was not out of the running yet. Clinging onto the edge, she pulled herself up and ran until she was behind the legs of T-Rex. As she was charging Ki energy in her palms, T-Rex was struggling to not fall forward as it was top heavy. Carefully taking steps back, the creature suddenly was pushed forward as Chun-Li let out a shout. "KIKOSHO!" A large ball of Ki energy exploded into a concussive blast that covered Chun-Li, pushing the T-Rex until it fell over the edge, letting out a terrified cry as it fell off.

"You little rat! How dare you use cheap tricks on my beloved T-Rex?" Saurhead was both angered and impressed by the way Chun-Li defeated his strongest Vivosaur. "You won't be as lucky next time, Cyro!" A second vivosaur hit the field, this time a smaller one and looking a lot colder. "Cold Shout!" The Cryolophosaurus roared, this time blue shockwaves covered the arena. Whilst the attack was weaker, it also caused Chun-Li to feel incredibly cold. She probably could easily take this one out just like she did to the T-Rex, but something inside her did not want to do that. She wanted to fight.


Pandora looked at Ranamon, not particularly impressed by the Digimon and her proposition. "No. I care not for a following....." Sitting on her staff, the Reploid crossed her legs as she spoke. "Let's procede to the arena." It was clear that Pandora and Ranamon's goals were not quite aligned. Pandora had absolutely zero desire to draw attention to herself, she just wanted to be free from the timer that once again was ticking.

@Shen: King of the Mist