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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Melee


Previously Manu456Alola
The grappling hook wrapped itself around Gunvolt's arm, pulling him in and causing it to let go of the Grand Strizer shard, the weight causing the weapon to be dragged along the ground with his other hand. Not wanting to get hit while being at such close range, Gunvolt jumped and used an Air Hop to jump over Joker, the sudden upwards speed hopefully lifting him off the ground. He felt a couple bullets hit his legs, wincing slightly. If Joker was lifted off the ground by the Air Jump, Gunvolt would slash him while in the air as best as he could, though if it didn't work he'd just send a strong shock throughout the cable to harm the Phantom Thief.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker felt himself get lifted into the air, he cursed out, looking up at the sky high Gunvolt. "Shit..." He muttered out, contemplating using Arsene again. But no, he wanted this fight to be between just him and Gunvolt. Joker needed to prove that he more than just a Persona user. Joker prepped his blade, as well, slashing at Gunvolt, just as Gunvolt's attack made contact with him, knocking the phantom thief back with a harsh cut on his chest from Gunvolt's attack.


Previously Manu456Alola
The Azure Striker and the Phantom Thief traded blows, Gunvolt also ending up with a smaller, but still dangerous cut on his chest. Neither fighter would be able to fight for much longer. Putting the blade a bit closer to his chest, Gunvolt began moving closer to Joker, launching electric projectiles at him with his injured arm. It wouldn't be able to hold the weapon easily, but it worked just fine for aiming shots. He deployed his Flashfield for the first time in a while to heighten his defense. He didn't want to use Dart Leader for tagging, Joker was playing fair. So he decided to shoot a few Dullahan darts instead, moving ever closer to his opponent.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker still stood tall despite all the damage Gunvolt had done to him. Like Gunvolt, he marched forward towards his opponent. Joker fired off his pistol at the darts Gunvolt fired. He knew he wouldn't be able to attack Gunvolt while that flash field was up. Instead, Joker gripped his grappling hook and threw it just past Gunvolt's head, the hook lodging into a wall of the arena. However, he didn't do anything with it just yet, waiting to gauge Gunvolt's reaction before doing anything.


Previously Manu456Alola
The darts and the bullets canceled each other out in small but ultimately harmless explosions. Hearing the grappling hook fly by above him, Gunvolt took the chance to attack, shooting a single dart towards his opponent to hopefully distract him, before jumping up to briefly grab the hook's cable with his injured hand. He sent out a strong shock through it to attack, dropping down after a second as to not put any unnecessary strain on his injured limb. He took the chance to hopefully recharge his EP safely, standing at the ready in a defensive position for whatever Joker had left to throw at him.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
The moment Gunvolt seemed to drop his shield, Joker launched forward thanks to his grappling hook, thankfully the speed was enough to just spin past that dart. Gunvolt seemed to catch onto his plan however, as Joker saw him quickly grab the rope and send an electric current through it. Joker cursed out, and quickly released the rope. thankfully, as he was flying forward, he was still able to keep his forward momentum, and he gripped his blade tight, aiming to swipe at the arm Gunvolt was holding his weapon with.


Previously Manu456Alola
With his quick recharge complete, Gunvolt was back at full EP right as Joker landed. He knew he couldn't move out of the way fast enough, but maybe he'd be able to trade the hit. And as Joker and his dagger were coming right at him, a Crashbolt surrounded the Azure Striker. The dagger would likely leave a cut in his arm, but Joker would have to deal with a point-blank Crashbolt. Hopefully a worthy trade off... Gunvolt thought.
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The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker felt the full force of Gunvolt's crashbolt attack, the lightening slamming down on the young thief. Even with his attack landing, that last attack hurt like hell. Joker landed just behind Gunvolt, slowly standing up to get back on his feet, only stumble and fall down to one knee. With a deep sigh, Joker got back to his feet, put away his weapons and approached Gunvolt with an open hand. "You win. I concede. I can't keep up with you at my current level." He said, and despite his accepting defeat, he had a smile on his face.


Previously Manu456Alola
It was finally over. Gunvolt turned to face Joker as he accepted defeat, dropping his weapon, shaking his hand and returning the smile.

"Just because you can't keep up right now doesn't mean you'll never catch up, right?" He chuckled. "But hey, we all win in the long run. I'm keeping my word about the wish, it's clear more than one person needs it." Gunvolt released his hand before looking at the sunset, not seeming so serious anymore, now somewhat relaxing.

"I knew you could do it, GV! I didn't doubt it for even a second!" Joule's voice echoed in his head, Gunvolt feeling a sense of accomplishment. After facing many strong opponents and enduring so much pain, he was finally going to achieve that peace he fought so hard for. Getting other good people their wishes granted was just a nice little extra gift. Speaking of which...

"So that's the end of it, right Master Hand?" He called out to the skies above for the disembodied hand to hear.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The bells rang as the horns sounded, confetti exploding down from above as the platform Gunvolt was on began to hit out of the arena, rising up into the air.

“And we have a winner folks! With winner of Bootleg Bro’s Melee is none other than our Yellow haired edgy protag, The blue bruiser, Azure Striker, Gunvolt!”

Master hand blasted this over the speakers. The spotlights shown on him and the winner of the tournament, the torches going out in the colosseum.

“Now we all know what comes next...the wish. Anything you can possibly think of! All of this at the finger tips of our contestant. Crazy Hand! Bring forth the Central Nexus!”

Crazy hand snapped all of his bones in his hand, as opposed to simply snapping his fingers, bringing forth a device. The device appeared to have 7 multicolored keys placed in an circular formation formation around the Octogonal device. It was four feet tall and had ancient inscriptions written all along it. The device floated over to Gunvolt, pulsating with the same frequency as his heart rate.

“Now Gunvolt. Make your wish. The multiverse is at your beckon call...”





Previously Manu456Alola
The platform suddenly rising up took Gunvolt by surprise, looking down at the stadium, now much smaller from his point of view. He heard Master Hand talk, bringing forth some strange device he called the "Central Nexus". It pulsated constantly, resonating with the Azure Striker. He could feel its otherworldly power from where he stood, the ancient writing on it making the device even more mysterious. But it wasn't time to think about that, it was time to get his wish granted, the one he fought so hard for.

He glanced down once again at the stadium, giving Joker a smile even though he couldn't see him. His attention back at the Central Nexus and both Master Hand and Crazy Hand, he took a deep breath.

"I wish... for all those in this tournament with a good heart to get their wish granted."
*snoooooooooooore* "No Sonya... Don't touch that." Johnny muttered to himself midsleep. As he woke up he heard popping sounds, "The hell is making all that racket? It's 2am... Wait... No it isn't. IIIIII'm still at that tournament thing..." Johnny said looking around realizing he was still sitting in the stands. The fight seemed to be over. A blonde boy had won. "Huh... fights over? That was quick. Now what?" Johnny said.

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Joker smiled softly as Gunvolt was given the title of winner, clapping as he heard his final opponent keep his promise and the wish they decided on together was spoken. Joker glanced up at Master Hand. "Surely that's in your power, correct?" He asked curiously. The Phantom Thief wasn't even sure if the hand could actually pull this off, even with all the reality bending power it seemed to have.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Ha... nice joke. But you can’t possibly expect the device to be able to handle the capacity of THAT many wishes, no? It was designed to handle one-“

Suddenly, the Central nexus began to rumble. The keys glowing with otherworldly light. Master hand seemed caught off guard. His demeanor shifting from scolding condescending to a panicked one. He bashed his fist against the pillar Gunvolt stood on, the entire thing cracking.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?!? You couldn’t have just have made one of your pathetic wishes, could you?! Even I don’t know what’s going to happen next!”


The machine seemed to run into difficulty, rattling and rising into the air on it’s own accord. The keys began to float out of the Machine, energy build up surging around them. Without provocation, energy bolts of different colors began to strike at random. One struck a pillar, utterly vaporizing it, another striking a tree, turning it into a massive pile of sweets. It was trying to grant everyone’s wishes at the same time!

It rattled, jerking to the left and right, the keys rumbling in place as if they were going to break any second. Suddenly, a massive crack appeared in the sky, tearing open as soon as it was formed. Holes in reality startled to spike everywhere, the dimension feeling as if it were stretching an breaking down. Master hand himself began to contort and scream, shattering into a pile of rare candies.

Crazy hand exploded into a plume of cash and coins, the two hands seeming to die here and now. The main screen in the center of the plaza snapped in half, the very ground everyone standing in shattering into a million pieces! The pieces and the characters that once stood on them began to fall upwards, soaring right into the sky!

The void was quick to swallow each and every fighter up, the Central Nexus itself being cast up into the void as well. Soon after this, the keys blasted out into several different directions, breaking and utterly destroying the entire realm the tourney had taken place!

...What happened...?

Where did the fighters go...?

To be continued in:

Bootleg Bros Brawl!