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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros. Ultimate - The Sumeragi Campaign

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Blaze

"HEY!!! DID THOSE GUYS ATTACK YOU TOO?" a voice called out.

Talk about instant results, a kid came out of hiding, coming his way with a dopey looking expression. Blaze crossed his arms, popping a grin as he prided himself on his genius approach. Amaterasu met him down there, looking towards him, which Blaze returned a prideful wink. The fire elemental expected words of praise, he instead received;

"Are you alright?"

"??? WHAT?!" The teen huffed, a puff of smoke flaring out his nose. "You should be asking that to my enemies. Nah kid, i'm here to rescue you. Point me at those baddies tailing you and I'll roast 'em, your buddy Kyota told me all about it."

The dog meanwhile made a beeline right towards the fair dressed fellow, intentions unknown. Blaze started to sweat a bit. Isn't that monk's dog going to slow down...??
Tracy Rinehart

The red robot produced a gun, a pistol of some sort, from its wings. Tracy took a step back, subconsciously raising her duel disk. The robot stood still, staring at her. Tracy stared back. Finally, the robot spoke.
"You're not Sumeragi." It said.

"No." Tracy said, her voice barely a whisper. The Nobleman of Crossout reappeared, its ghostly translucent form floating before Tracy. It drew its sword, facing down the robot.
"Stand back, Lady Tracy!" The knight ordered. "You, Sir! I will not allow you to bring any harm to my lady!"
Tracy appeared to take no notice of the spirit. Even in her dazed state, her mind was still thinking. This robot... it was different from the others she had seen with the patrols.

"Are you.. with Sumeragi?" Tracy asked V2.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Terrence Boom
Thorn and Blaze didn’t seem like traditional soul-users to him, and he couldn’t really make sense of the claim that they were ‘kind of the same person but not really.’ Maybe it was just a unique way of saying they were twins? They were certainly skilled with their respective elements.

“Terrence,” he introduced himself once again, kneeling down and scooping Tempura up. “Tempura,” he added.

“T-E-TEAM!!” the Temmie declared. “TEM team......?” she continued, gasping at her own suggestion, looking up at Terrence, who smiled.

Looking down from the hole created by Blaze, Terrence winced at the boy’s strategy. Was he looking to help, or just using the situation as an excuse to fight? His challenge quickly went answered, but not by another combatant- rather, the person who popped out to respond seemed to be in a similar predicament to Kyota, if anything… and certainly didn’t seem to be dressed like someone from around a concrete jungle like this, if Terrence’s senses were correct.

“Is that one of your friends?” Terrence asked Kyota, his attention fixated on the meetup. The dog was loose, but T wasn’t really worried about her doing anything wrong- she seemed very morally upstanding. “...can you get down from here on your own?” he added, ready to make the jump.


Previously Manu456Alola
District Wall Interior
Red path it was.

The new corridor appeared much the same as the previous one, though it wasn't quite as lengthy on account of not spanning the border of the wall, and no new faces fortunately ran into her yet. At the end of the hall stood a simple steel door, a single red light shining above it. While the red line continued all the way to said door, not diverging anywhere else, four other doors in total were spread in an alternating fashion throughout the hall, with the nearest door being to Frisk's left, and the furthest to her right – none featuring any markings or signs to easily clue her in on the purpose of the rooms or areas beyond them.

Not without a closer look, at least, as large windows nearby each door would allow for her to see into them... or someone inside to spot her snooping. The closest room to her was at least mostly visible through the window, revealing about half of a small office space with a desk and a computer terminal tucked into the corner, seemingly unoccupied at the moment – as far as one could tell from here, at least.

Suddenly, a deep, loud rumble like that of a passing airplane began to boom through the structure. The exact source of the noise was unclear, it becoming gradually quieter (or perhaps more distant) over time, but it seemed to be coming from the area beyond the door at the end of the hall. Speaking of which, the light above the door now began to flicker with a green light.

The meaning wasn't entirely obvious, but it was likely something about her could change very soon.​

City Slums
Miracle's roach approach was uneventful for the most part, the magician drawing close to the wall – until a loud noise began to ring out from the boundary's exterior. Before long, something began to fly into the air, rising above the massive structure.

It was a nearly twenty foot tall blue-green machine, distinctly split into an upper and lower half. The upper half featured headlights, flaps, thrusters, a machine gun below its nose, and a cylindrical pod of some sort towards the back. The lower half consisted of two mechanical legs shaped similarly to a bird's, as well as a sealed silver hatch right in the middle of the body, its purpose unknown.

The machine began to descend upon clearing the wall, slowly soaring above Miracle as it headed into the slums. Clearly, it was a larger assault on the ruined city, intent on shooting down any civilian it came across during its flight. It didn't seem to notice the disguised magician just below it, nor did anyone appear to be in its path for now. Both girls Miracle had appeared with had separated from him, and this huge drone was certainly going to take a lot more work to handle than the soldiers or comparatively small robots they'd seen in their short time here.


"Hm..." Kyota squinted as he looked down into the street below. "Nah, bro. Doesn't look like anyone I've ever seen around here. But if those dudes are okay, then my buds probably are too!"

At the question of making it down there on his own, a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face. They were pretty high up.

"Cool as that would be, there's no way I could do what Blaze just did. Think I'll just stick to some good ol' stairs."​


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


This was going a little too smoothly, Frisk started to realize. Her infiltration had, despite posited obstacles, been relatively uneventful. She’d succeeded so far, and that felt... wrong? Was that the way to put it? Surely something had to happen now, her luck was never THIS good.

She wondered how her friends were doing. Were they here, trapped in unfamiliarity and warfare like she was? What if those soldiers happened upon the real Sadie Brexin? That thought made her gut twist uncomfortably. She could really do with Asgore’s guidance right about now...

“Mine not good enough?” Chara asked Frisk, appearing beside her with a slight skip in her step.

“You’re not helpful,” Frisk replied quietly, not really wanting to have this conversation right now.

“Maybe I would be, if you actually asked for it,” Chara shrugged, and stopped to lean against the wall just beside the first door to the left.

Frisk slowed to a stop, glancing at a few cameras before letting out a sigh. “Okay. That’s fair. Chara, I need help. Can you point me in a direction?”

Chara’s thin mouth curled into a small smile. “Sure, partner. Best to stay away from that one-”

She pointed to the door at the end of the hall, where the rumbling had subsided. “Sounds like a hungry beast.”

“Okay, what about these?” Frisk gestured loosely to the remaining four doors. Chara’s smile didn’t fade as she slowly lifted up her left hand and tapped on the door she was beside. Frisk’s mouth grew to a thin line. “Well... thanks.”

Chara said nothing more, fading on the spot as her smile remained.

Frisk approached the first door to the left, pressing her ear against it for a moment before she grabbed the handle to slide it open.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Terrence Boom
“Stairs, huh?” Terrence looked down. It was a considerable drop- he wasn’t about to leave this kid on his own, but he also didn’t really want to use the stairs. He wanted to get a better idea of just who was down there, and why- they possibly needed help, though if they were in a similar predicament to him and the others, maybe they could team up against the Sumeragi. “I can save you some time. Hop on,” he suggested, kneeling down in front of the massive hole in the wall, allowing Tempura to climb onto his shoulder, the monster kicking and hopping around excitedly.

As Kyota climbed on beside the Temmie, Terrence spread his arms slightly, focusing- a deep orange magic building upon his back in a dome-like formation. As the structure was completed a few seconds later, some textures and details seemed to develop, making the magical dome resemble a turtle’s shell- large enough to completely envelop and protect both Kyota and Tempura, as Terrence threw himself out of Blaze’s makeshift window, freefalling through the air for a few seconds, before landing on his feet... surprisingly softly, not even making a sound, everything between his knees and his feet shining a powerful orange through his damaged clothes.

He’d made a special effort not to land right near Blaze (not wanting to deal with the guy’s attitude at the moment), but at more of an in between point between the fire-wielder and the new arrival (and Amaterasu by extension). The magical shell then disappeared, allowing Kyota and Tempura to hop off, the Temmie prancing on the concrete.

“yoUR MAJESTY!!!!” she suddenly said to Terrence, still in motion. “I havE NO IDEA where we AR!!”

“Yeah. Somewhere far away from China, that’s for sure,” he concurred, kneeling down and scratching gently behind Tempura’s ears, much to her delight. "We'll make the most of it."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Thorn

We all moving out now? I'll pull up the rear then~

Figured he'd be the one to help Kyota down, he was pleasantly surprised with Terrence helping out. The easygoing Thorn shot a vine out of his wrist, the spikey growths latched onto a nearby buildings, Thorn swung out of the hole and flinging himself over. Satisfied weigh swinging overhead if the squad, Thorn flung forward, grappling to the side of another building. Thats when he saw another figure, one that was close by the Bard, a woman with a motorcycle? Did the guy know she was there?

Thorn hung himself upside down, descending from above whilst grabbing hold of two green strands of growth. He stopped when he was about at eye level to the newcomer, stopping as a few leaves fell out up from him

"Hey guy, howzit going?"


Previously Manu456Alola
District Wall Interior
The door slid open to reveal what was indeed a small white-painted office, a desk placed at each corner along the back wall – alongside another window connecting to a corridor behind it. Atop each one sat a thin monitor, only the rightmost being evidently active, as it shed light from its semitransparent screen. It displayed something on top of a blue background, albeit mirrored from Frisk's point of view. A keyboard of a similar design was placed near the computer, glowing softly with a blue light, seemingly entirely holographic in nature.

Meanwhile, the leftmost wall held a small assortment of weapons on display stands. A rifle like those used by the blue soldiers from earlier. A thick metallic disc with a handle along the back. Lastly, a small white device shaped like a knife handle, lacking a blade. The rest of the room consisted of simple furniture, such as chairs, a coffee table, and a potted plant for decoration.

As the sight of the room set in, the sound of numerous footsteps began to echo from further down the hall, headed in Frisk's direction. Whatever they'd been doing past the last of the doors was seemingly finished, and many were likely starting to return to their original positions... possibly including whoever worked in this office. The window by the door remained open, as did the one on the back wall, though retracted blinds hung above each of them, and cords to the left of each likely served the simple purpose of lowering them.

It'd buy some time, but someone would come through that door soon enough. Getting whatever information or items she could would be of the essence.​

City Slums
Kyota leapt from Terrence's back, eyes practically glowing with amazement. "That was cool! All of you guys do big jumps like it's nobody's business!"

Following his continued excitement, he properly turned to address the new arrival, waving at Kiwi.

"Yo! You happen to see any other kids around here? Like a boy with a blue shirt and glasses, or a girl my age with two hair buns and a plush? Or a slightly older girl with long orange hair and a yellow jacket?"he called, giving fairly simple descriptions he provided of his close friends – but considering the streets were all but abandoned, any movement out in the open could be easily noticeable.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d


She took in the sight of the room, feeling a moment of disappointment. Really? That was it? Just some boring office that had...


“Now you’re earning your keep,” Frisk muttered, her words intended for Chara as she slid the door shut behind her and strode inside, overlooking all the points of interest before she hurried her way toward the active computer to see if she could glean anything from it - just as the sound of footsteps marching echoed down the outside hall, dulled by the closed door.

She got the feeling her time was drawing to a rapid close.

“Okay, let’s see...” Frisk didn’t know entirely what she was looking for, but anything could help. Is this how Toriel felt when she’d been sneaking around, gathering intel on the Messiah? Felt kind of cool, actually.. like being a spy, like James Bond or something.

...She’d never seen James Bond. She’d need to fix that at some point.

Ideally, she could find schematics of the place, or points of interest of nearby places. Maybe patrol routes, or... oh, a codex on their units and/or operations would be nice. Or maybe a report on those other adepts Sumeragi was hunting. Answers to their true operations here wouldn’t hurt, or intel on their leaders or lieutenants - er, if “lieutenant” is what they’d refer to their generals as.

She’d need to be fast.


Previously mallard
Akira Howard
Just as Akira was about to leave, Kiwi piped up.

"Alright, I'm going too!"


"I'm not going to hide off to the side and do nothing..."


"...Not if someone could be in danger...!"


Before the officer could object, the bard was off, approaching the wild child that was now challenging the "Sumeragi". Akira hurried to follow Kiwi. As dense as she usually was, the Legionnaire realized that this bard would not take 'no' for an answer- and she remembered the supernatural wind her ally had summoned. She wondered if Kiwi had other abilities- but would have to ask about that later.

Besides the... child, there was a dog sprinting at them. It had orange marks across its body, but they were shimmering ethereally with each stride. She sensed an energy emanating off of it, but ruled out a Beast-Type Chimera, as it seemed that flowers were blooming from the cracks in the road as it ran. This... was entirely foreign to her. Still, it was a random dog, so Akira got closer to Kiwi. More people jumped from the roof, using some sort of orange energy. The policewoman turned to look at Kiwi, only to see another face pop down into view.

"Hey guy, howzit going?"


Akira screamed, startled, and fell on her behind. Looking up, he was suspended by plants! "...Who are you guys?" she sputtered, still bewildered and still sat on the ground.


Previously Manu456Alola
District Wall Interior
And so Frisk began her spy work. Despite the highly technological nature of the device and its information, it had evidently been made very intuitive and concise to manage. There was a lot of data to sift through, however, and the added stress of being found out soon didn't help matters.

Schematics from this computer were a no-go, but searching for points of interest yielded four results, displayed with glowing dots on a map, scattered throughout the slums southwest of the wall. Two of them were facilities built by Sumeragi, with brief descriptions stating "Monitor Auto-Fabrication and Transport of Energy Products" and "Continue Development, Production, and Assembly of Gear and Machinery". The others, meanwhile, didn't seem entirely controlled by the organization, instead reading "Investigate Crash Site" and "Seize Abandoned Data Center".

There were more points of interest, albeit located far deeper into Sumeragi's territory – not an option for now. However, there was some data about the device Frisk had seen atop the wall before. It was basic, and needed to be rushed through given time constraints; but it described the development of a weapon that employed their technology alongside a "Magnetic Arts Septima", with the intent of "locating and decimating" opposition over long distances. It was still incomplete, citing issues with resource management and delays in tech integration from collaborating companies.

Information on the new Adepts Sumeragi had encountered, it seemed, had not been recorded yet – it was likely they had also appeared very recently. However, searching instead for high positions within Sumeragi's ranks, those Frisk perhaps assumed to be like the Messiah's lieutenants, popped up a distinct category.

"Falcons – Elite soldiers comprised of Adepts determined to have especially powerful Septimas. Upon accepting the position, they are entrusted with Falcon Quills to both signify their status and enter a contract that unlocks the full potential of their Septima."

Five names appeared under this title: Stella, Crimm, Isola, Bakto, Nabi. A sixth was crossed out, labeled as MIA: Rebellio.

And even in this upper echelon, there was another Adept whose Septima was deemed one step above these Falcons, officially placing them as a second-in-command within Sumeragi. Someone by the codename of "Blade".

The dampened footsteps outside the office had largely passed, but before Frisk could investigate any further, her time hiding was finally up.

There was a click outside, and the door to the room began to slide open.​
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d


“Oh, crap,” Frisk fumbled in her pocket for a moment - and produced her smartphone Trinity had bought for her from HorizoCall. Despite everything she’d been through since going to France, then coming back to Voxis, it still functioned. The screen had to be replaced a few times, but that was neither here nor there.

The battery charge read ‘47%.’ Hopefully there’d be a way to charge that, soon. Making sure it was in airplane mode for the moment (a group this technological made her doubt they wouldn’t hack her phone somehow), then opened up the camera and took a picture of the point of interest screen. That’d be good to recall, later.

The “Magnetic Arts Septima” was intriguing, but not helpful to her at the moment. Might be good to keep it in mind for now. Or maybe... no, just focus at the moment.

The Falcons had been mentioned before. A step above the Fazent. There were only a few Falcons, letting her know they were pretty much like the lieutenants. And one of them was a cut above the rest - ironic, given they were called “Blade.” It was like how some of the other Messiah sects worked. They had lieutenants, then the leaders had their own little sidekick whatever to really kick shit in. Songbird had Silencer, and that woman... What a piece of work.

And one of them... their name was Stella. Could it be... no, no way. Not the Stella she knew.

She took another picture of this screen before sliding her phone away - just as the door began to slide open. Her time was up.

Frisk raised a hand, and red energy suddenly pulled the door closed before it could go any further. The red energy lingered, almost like it was welding the door into place and preventing being opened further. “Not ready yet,” Frisk muttered, looking around at the other items.

She had what she needed - a place to head for. She just needed to do a little something before she properly left. Grabbing the disc and the handle, she stowed them away before raising a foot in kicking the rifle, splitting it in two. Couldn’t be used against her, now. The other two devices she could figure out later.

Moving toward the window, Frisk pulled back the blinds and grabbed the ledge, pulling herself deftly up, not yet pulling herself through as she relinquished her hold of magic on the door. Whoever was trying to get through would be enabled to step in while Frisk simultaneously slid through the window.

A clean escape - until she made a slight mistake and landed a little weird, nearly twisting her ankle and falling to the ground with a slap.

She’d gotten a little too confident.

“What the—” a voice came from to her left - she’d slipped into another corridor.

Not even glancing in that direction, Frisk bolted up, applying magic to the bottom of her feet to give herself inhuman speed, allowing her to practically bound across the length of this second corridor, her eyes darting about for an escape, and- a ramp! She zipped up it, reaching a second floor, looking for her source of escape, anything that could...

Bingo. A fire escape.

Turning left, Frisk manifested a pauldron on her shoulder, and put it forward as she charged through the fire escape, not even bothering to stop and get it all figured out. She knew what she needed to do right now, and she wasn’t going to dawdle and potentially let the Sumeragi get ahold of her.

Bashing through the fire escape, Frisk grabbed the side ledge just before it could escape her, using it to swing back against the wall, now outside. Footholds appeared for her to grasp onto, another use of her versatile SOUL magic. More footholds appeared, going up the length of the wall, headed straight for the top.

Frisk let out a light huff - she’d be feeling this later. With that, she began to yank herself up, throwing her weight up to another layer of footholds and repeating the process, scaling her way rapidly up the wall. She didn’t want to give Sumeragi an ounce of wiggle room in figuring her out before she was already done. Destination: Magnetic Arts Septima.
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The Bard

....What was this kid in the cap talking about?
"Huh? Uh, I think you've gotten me confused with someone else...what do you mean, kid?" Before such a conversation could continue though, footsteps moved. "I'm not a kid, we were actually looking for oth-"

Why was that wolf marked. It took a second for the implications to set upon Kiwi, the ethereal shimmer bringing to mind a memory.
A dark wolf on the mountain, glaring at the Bard and upon a downed Hero. Deadly eyes piercing. They were in there somewhere, but...

Luckily, before the terror of that memory could truly overcome the Bard, someone else landed. Another guy, with a weird cat thing. It was kinda cute, which isn't surprising given it was like a cross of cat and dog. Another kid hopped off the back of that guy.
"Yo! You happen to see any other kids around here? Like a boy with a blue shirt and glasses, or a girl my age with two hair buns and a plush? Or a slightly older girl with long orange hair and a yellow jacket?" Ohhh, that was probably who was looking for their friends.

"Um, no, sorry. We just sort of arrived here in a hospital, ran into a few of those Sumeragi guys, a cool-looking but kinda scary metal guy, and then came here." Very quick to divulge that information, she was. Meanwhile, it seemed Akira had gotten frightened by-

Huh, that kid looked awfully similar to the other. Twins? Neat!
"...Man, you guys look so cool." They sheepishly admitted after Officer Howard had asked her own question of who they were.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Boboiboy - Thorn & Blaze

"Hehe, I scare you~?" The cheeky green elemental grinned at Akira. "We ain't spooky at all, I'm Thorn, nice to meetcha!"

Still upside down, he stretched out his hand for a shake while he pointed at others in the group one by one with his other hand, introducing the Bard and Akira to them.

"That blind looking guy is Terrence (I call him Ter-Ter), That's doggie, that one is a talking doggie cat named Tempura. That over there is my split, Blaze, (he's a little hot headed but he's an acquired taste)."

Said elemental split needing an acquired taste didn't seem too peeved that he wasn't with Kyota, seeing it as results regardless. Noting the thing with the 'scary metal guy' for later, Blaze puffed out his chest at the praise.

"Well of course I look cool. Treehugger gets a pass just because he's associated with me." He snorted. "Since you two ain't a big fan of these Sumeragi fellas, why don't we bash some skulls in together, eh? Unless you rather just admire me from afar while I do it."

The human whispered something. It sounded like a "No" to V2, but that didn't exactly matter, since some kind of... poltergeist had appeared? "You, Sir! I will not allow you to bring any harm to my lady!" The poltergeist was a floating, translucent, male human with long blonde hair, a red cape, plate armor, and a sword, which was pointed at the machine. He seemed to be trying to protect the woman. So many humans...
Meanwhile, the woman spoke again. "Are you.. with Sumeragi?"

The V model sighed. "I am not with the Sumeragi," they explained before addressing the Knight. "'Your lady' has nothing to worry about. Neither of us are with the Sumeragi, and therefore, we are both against it. By that logic, we have a common enemy, so it would be better for us not to destroy each other." They eyed the sword. "Please lower the blade."
Tracy Rinehart

The robot sighed. It was a detail, while incredibly small, that Tracy noticed. Robots don't breath. This one didn't even have a mouth. The only reason it could sigh would be to display emotion. The Nobleman of Crossout did not appear satisfied by the robot's explanation, narrowing his eyes and keeping his blade level at the request from the robot. Tracy listened to the robot, focusing on what it was saying and how it was saying it. It was something for her to focus on, rather than the horror that surrounded her.
"It's okay, Crossout." Tracy said to the spirit. Begrudgingly, the knight slowly lowered his blade.

"Could you put away your gun, please?" Tracy asked the robot. "My name is Tracy. Do you have a name?"


Previously Manu456Alola
District Wall
Frisk began to rapidly ascend along the outside of the wall, a slight breeze brushing against her on the way up. The height gained gave her a decent view of the slums, as well as the sight of a large drone in the air now a couple of blocks behind her, drifting to the right and deeper into the ruined streets. Fortunately, it didn't seem to notice her – but Sumeragi had now caught wind of her actions, as an alarm began to blare out throughout the structure.

A few dozen feet above Frisk, hidden panels in the wall quickly flipped open. Out of these compartments emerged two large machine gun-like barrels, swiveling down to aim at the SOUL-user, before they began to rev up. Whether they would fire conventional bullets or a different kind of projectile was difficult to discern at the moment.

To add onto this, the air diagonally up to her right appeared to distort slightly, before a soldier suddenly appeared out of thin air. Unlike the ones Frisk had seen before, this one donned almost robe-like purple armor with gold accents, a grey visor covering his face. The new soldier hovered in midair, purple energy crackling in his palms.

"You are not going anywhere!"

He swung both arms in front of him, and a series of orbs of violet psychic energy quickly began to shoot out at Frisk, rippling unpredictably. A few would make contact with sections of the wall near her, bursting into bright pillars of shimmering light that would serve to further hinder progress.

Attention was now being drawn to her, and more defenses were likely inbound.

City Slums
"Dang," Kyota sighed in disappointment. "Well, keep an eye out, alright dude? My buds have gotta be around here somewhere!"

At Blaze's mention of teaming up to take down more of Sumeragi's forces, the boy couldn't help but grin slightly.

"Not gonna lie, bro, it would be pretty awesome to see even more of those guys get a beating. Soldiers, robots, whatever, it's about time someone around here gave them what for. Though I guess with the guys just now heading back to the district, a bunch of their pals around here must've retreated too..."​


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


Oh. Well.

The response was a LOT quicker than she’d been expecting - not to mention a guy had literally appeared before her. Not like he’d teleported using spatial magic, like Sans, but instead it was as though he’d been invisible. Or maybe he had a different means of teleportation. Was this guy just, like... waiting on the wall explicitly for somebody to try running up it?

His job must be extremely situational if that was true.

“You’re not going anywhere!” the purple-clad soldier declared. No handheld weapons, leading Frisk to conclude he was a magic-user—or an equivalent. She had to stop assuming everyone here used SOULs, but it was a little hard, she was so used to it.

Thinking quickly, Frisk adapted her magic to fit her situation, pulling her feet beneath her, applying magic to her heels. This time, it wasn’t for boosting her speed (though it could do that if she willed it), but instead, it seemed to stick her to the wall like Spider-Man, letting her stand on its surface despite the 90 degree incline.

“If you say so...” Frisk replied, eyes darting from him to the two turrets, before two shields appeared on her arms and shoulders, ending in pointed blades that extended well beyond her hands - her spiked pavise, a now-signature weapon of the once-pacifist.

Reinforcing her shields, Frisk began to rapidly advance. The man sent forth violet orbs of magic—ack, maybe-not-magic—forward, a few blasting up panels along the wall and emitting pillars of light. That felt a little unnecessary, Frisk felt. Maybe the guy didn’t have to worry about property damage or work insurance.

Of course, that was minimal compared to the state she left Paris in... probably best if she didn’t fester in that embarrassment.

His orbs made contact with her shields, bursting, but the pavises held. She could sense the energy that dispersed over them, and it was decisively NOT magic. What else could it be, if not magic?

With a thought, a series of knives appeared in the air. Frisk had dulled them down to be non-lethal if the man were to be struck by too many of them, but the teen wanted them to focus on the turrets, peppering them and cutting through metal and wiring to disable them rapidly, while Frisk sprinted forward, running up along the wall as she weaved through the various pillars, keeping her pavises angled toward the turrets if they fired as she let herself do more dodging if mre orbs were to be sent her way.
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The robot placed the pistol back within it's wing. "My name is V2. More of a designation, but I've come to accept it as what I'm called." The Machine looked back and forth between Tracy and Crossout. "You don't seem like you're from here. And, to be frank, neither am I. Given the recent events, I think there's a lot of people here like you and I. So, you tell me how you got here, and I'll do the same. Is that acceptable?"
Metal Reflect Slime

It was finally time for the Trap Monster to act. Frisk would feel the liquid metal creature that had been hiding underneath her jacket move. It suddenly shot out to the wall in front of her and quickly grew, changing forms. The Metal Reflect Slime transformed, molding itself into the shape of Frisk, spiked pavise and all. It charged up the wall in front of Frisk, using its body to block oncoming attacks that were heading towards the girl. Bullets and psychic attacks alike were easily blocked by the Duel Monster, either being absorbed or bouncing off the strange Aqua creature.

Tracy Rinehart

To her relief, the robot put away his gun. He introduced himself as V2, a short name. So V2 was in the same situation they were in? It didn't seem like they were a KaibaCorp robot. Maybe he was a Duel Spirit? Tracy shook her head.
"No, you're right. We're not from here." The girl looked around, scanning the nearby area. "We should find cover. There's a bunch of patrols coming out of this big wall they constructed, one could be coming down this street any moment."

In the distance, Tracy could hear an alarm sound. An alarm that was in the direction she had just been coming from. Tracy felt a chill go down her spine, and looked at her Duel Disk. She could feel an energy coming from it, a familiar sensation. The same feeling of energy when she was in a Shadow Duel, and her monster was battling. Metal Reflect Slime was in battle, she knew it. Tracy looked back up to V2, and quickly approached the robot.
"Lady Tracy!" Crossout warned, but Tracy ignored him.

"I'm sorry V2, but we're going to have to do that later. There's another girl, someone like us, that came here with me. I think she's in trouble! She went into where all those Sumeragi guys were coming out of, and I think those alarms we're hearing might be because of her! We need to go help her!" Tracy said to the robot.
"Lady Tracy, wait! The soldiers!" Crossout said, but Tracy ignored him again. She turned and ran down the street, back towards The Wall.

"We should find cover. There's a bunch of patrols coming out of this big wall they constructed, one could be coming down this street any moment," Tracy explained. But before V2 could agree, an alarm rang out from the direction of a wall, and Tracy suddenly seemed to become more alert. V2 hadn't even considered that she seemed... dazed, until now.

She looked at some kind of disk, then back up at the V model, before approaching it. The knight called out, but she ignored him. "I'm sorry V2, but we're going to have to do that later. There's another girl, someone like us, that came here with me. I think she's in trouble! She went into where all those Sumeragi guys were coming out of, and I think those alarms we're hearing might be because of her! We need to go help her!"
At this, she turned and ran back down the street, towards the large wall in the distance, ignoring the cries of Crossout.

"That seems like a bad idea!" V2 shouted, but she was already running. V2 began sliding in the same direction, preparing for a battle as they went (looking through weapons for charge, mentally preparing combos and tactics, etc). Somehow, V2 was able to slide on solid stone that wasn't slippery at all, as though there were wheels in their shoes. Which, now that it's been brought up, seems like a perfectly good explanation, except for the loud scraping noise. That doesn't matter though, what matters is that V2 was once again charging headfirst into battle.


Previously Blatant Mokery
Terrence Boom
A boy with a blue shirt and glasses… a girl Kyota’s age with two hair buns and a plush… a slightly older girl with long orange hair and a yellow jacket…

Terrence would have to keep those descriptions in mind. He picked up Tempura, having her enter his bag once again, the Temmie poking her head out from the unzipped portion with a big, excited smile. None of these people seemed to be with the Sumeragi, thankfully. There was no immediate danger, so they could get to searching.

Truthfully, as much as he hated to disagree with the more battle-hungry members of the group, and as much as he couldn’t blame Kyota for wanting to see the people hunting him and his friends get beat up some more… the less Sumeragi that they needed to fight, the better. The best case scenario would be that all of the grunts cleared out of this place already and retreated like Kyota said, as that would allow Terrence to scan to his heart’s content with little interference from enemies.

As some introductions were made to the green-wearing person (the outfit gave Terrence medieval archer vibes) and the lady who Thorn had unfortunately startled into falling over, he gave them a polite wave before kneeling down slightly, wanting to be closer to the ground as he focused, expanding the reach of his extremely heightened senses. He wanted to scan throughout these buildings, and see if he could pick up on anyone being close by, hopefully leading to a quick reunion for Kyota and his friends… not that it seemed likely. Terrence wasn’t sure how big this city was, come to think of it.

“Kyota, do you have any ideas of where they could be? A last place you saw them, maybe? A place they’d be likely to go if they needed to hide?” he asked the child gently, hoping the boy could provide a little more for them to go off of.

"sometems... TEMPURA goes ta thE OLIB GARDEN and hIDES IN THE BREAKSTICK CRATES...!" the monster in his bag confessed. This information was not super helpful toward their mission.


Previously mallard
The Weaker Twin
"You're all... kids."

Akira got up and shook Thorn's hand. Not like she was much older than some of these people, at nineteen years old. Was this the resistance? Either way, she couldn't just stand by when there was a genocide happening. ...And even though these people were young, they certainly seemed as though they could hold their own in a fight. She would need the help.

"...Yeah. Sumeragi, you called it? We have to stop them."

An alarm echoed through the streets. It sounded like it was coming from the wall she spotted earlier. The officer tensed, but wasn't intent on checking it out just yet. One of the kids mentioned that his friends were missing.