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Private/Closed Bootleg Brothers 6

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

"Tch! Buzz off! You'll get yours soon." He spat at Weevil before grimacing at the new insect monster. "What a gross little pest..."

As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. No closer to actually piercing that creepy cocoon. Looks like I'll just have to wait it out.

"Whatever. I'll place this face down and end my turn. Just get your turn over with quickly so I can bring the pain!"


"Heh..." Specter's mouth curved, a laugh betraying him. "Apologies. But as grateful as you seem to be, there's a twinge of dissatisfaction? Isn't there? Oh come now, you needn't hide it."

Ha. Even under all the mythology and stoic bravado, she still has a hint of childish rebuttal. Alas, it is nature of living things to not simply be satisfied by words, but with action.

Specter whipped his hair that covered his eye back with a motion, the simian moving his chair closer to the warrior.

"Fine then, if it satisfies you, I may look into this possible future. Consider it a gift of good will, from the beacon of the future to the guardian of the past."

He coolly closed his eyes and smirked, holding out a glowing hand. The dots on his helmet lit up in a neon cyan sheen.

"Need not to thank me. Look into the staff and I'll see what is really going on here."


Previously Manu456Alola
The world around the fighters quickly took form. Massive amounts of earth shot skyward from all around them, forming a massive mountain with an opening at the top; a volcano, made apparent as a pool of lava appeared deep underneath Kirin and Neph, the two situated on a section of the factory that Kirin had chosen, a half-rock, half-metal bridge that shot out a ways from the main complex, which was embedded into the volcano's interior. A few large crates colored in red could be seen closer to the oil refinery - boxes filled with a flammable fluid, which could surely be set ablaze if the crate's exterior were to be compromised.

Sweat rolled down Kirin's face as she drew her sword. "A volcano, huh? That's fine, I'm... totally fine with the heat..."

Geez, and she thought that time she fought in a desert was bad.

Swiftly grasping a series of talismans in her other hand, the Battle Priestess was quick to rush in - she didn't want to give Neph much time to react or get away. Kirin tossed each talisman in quick succession at her foe, some higher and some lower to account for any movement on Neph's part, before she went for a quick, simple slash once she got within melee range. It was best if she didn't commit to anything crazy just yet.​

A trail of flame followed Cayman as he skidded to a stop a ways from his opponent. It looked like that cat could help out a bit.

"Almost got you there! Why don't we try again-"

Turning in Chai's direction, the Adept was surprised to see a metal brick fly his way, putting both of his arms up as the projectile slammed into him. Cayman was sent skidding backwards a couple dozen meters, gritting his teeth, managing to keep his guard up. A fiery aura escaped his body, expanding to form a large fireball that burnt the following shrapnel to a crisp, as well as whittling down the brick he was still blocking. It eventually slowed down enough to simply fall at his feet, giving Cayman a moment to examine the damage. His arms were a little sore and the gloves surrounding his arms were cracked, but he was physically fine.

"Not bad! How about we turn up the heat?!"

The ball of flame enveloping his body faded away, making way for a faint crimson aura that quickly burst outwards, expanding throughout the entire factory. Chai would suddenly feel a powerful pull acting on him, acting to send him in Cayman's direction, almost as if the man was producing his own gravity!​

Phew, good thing Dagr was strong enough to lift that guy. Would've been a little awkward if they just left him there.

"I'm an angel, actually. Name's Pit, servant of Lady Palutena, Goddess of Light!" He replied, giving his usual introduction. He'd definitely said that a kazillion times by now. "Few humans ever get to see one, so I guess I get the confusion. First time I've ever been asked if I was a fairy, though." He added, before he remembered something Dagr had said earlier.

"Oh yeah, are you friends with my Inkling buddy over here?"​

"Yeah! Get ready for a right powerful sandstorm!"

Some of the sand that was pouring down from the side of the building suddenly flew in Grazie's direction, converging onto her to grant the Adept her combat form. Covered from head to toe in armor, she summoned her staff, the shovel-like end pointed in Axe's direction. To kick off the battle, Grazie threw the staff towards Axe, a layer of sand covering its exterior, creating pointy spikes along it. It would spray sand everywhere as it spun, and should her opponent dodge or block it, it would boomerang back around for another pass!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


As it turned out, the misthios was just as good at hiding things as Specter - and it had been what she'd been hoping for. For a moment there, Kassandra began to worry that her act would not affect the simian, but she won him over with that last line. He agreed to view the future of her world, and dispel the truth of her current course. He probably didn't do this for everyone, so she felt honored.

The spartan gave a small nod, before she held the Staff of Hermes erect, turning its "face" toward her, her eyes locking with the caduceus. Specter would work his mind magic, and finally, after 300 years of waiting, the answer would be revealed at last.


Kirin was quick on the approach, tossing her talismans. Those were the priestesses most useful tools, from what the gardevoir had observed in the prior battle. She could use them to teleport, or to create chained blasts of lightning. They likely had additional uses aside from those two. Now, electricity was not much of a worry to the Pokémon - it was the blade itself. Neph had a weakness to steel types. She raised a palm, a shimmer of magenta light crackling before her. Each of the talismans came to a stop a foot away from the Pokémon, and as Kirin closed the distance with rapidity, Neph sent the talismans hurtling back toward their master. Hopefully that could do something.

Following this, the gardevoir's three-digit fist was closed, and a tunneled wave of purplish energy swarmed for the bee-lining Kirin, forcing her to either take Confusion head-on, or be forced off-course in their rather precarious position.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Chai and 808 both tilted their heads identically as Cayman appeared to laugh off the damage, despite being socked by a brick of steel. Just what was he made of? They hadn't time to think much as a fiery pulse resounded across the arena. They began to get pulled in...towards their enemy!


Chai scrambled across the floor, his sneakers squeaking as he tried to gain traction, failing all the while. 808 quickly shifted into a sphere and hid itself in Chai's scarf as the boy futility kicked off against the ground repeatedly. Throwing his hand up, he shot a magnetized tether on a nearby crane. He shot forward, though not as fast he would have wanted, towards it. It felt like he was in slow motion as he pulled himself toward the crane, his scarf flapping wildly behind him as he fought against the pull.

♪♫ To another level! ♫♩



A psychic presence would be felt billowing up within Kassandra, Specter's eyes opening through hers as they both gazed into the well of fate that awaited the mithos and their world.


Relics of a bygone era, obtained and lost. A plethora of faces, unseen. Friends, foes, and forgotten. Many of notable figures throughout history, spreading their agenda and reach, stopped before it could become more damaging. Followers, offspring, children. Come and go. These memories that weren't theirs flying by like a harsh desert wind.

As the wind blew amongst the sea of faces and encounters, the eye of the storm was reached, and with it, calm. Inside the eye, two figures. Kassandra and another. One Specter had to dig to find the answer. In these memories...Layla. That was her name. It was a giving of titles. Kassandra passing on her's to Layla, giving it to the younger one. That's when Kassandra appeared to fragment and fade into dust on the spot: her immortality becoming lost, becoming one with the desert wind.

Layla gripped her head, dropping the staff to the ground and screamed. The storm kicking up again as she was lost in the wind, purple light coming from her disappearance. Several figures with purple silhouettes coming and fading as the staff flew violently in the wind. It then lodged into the sand as a red sky soared above it, the wind unearthing bodies. Thousands of them, previously hidden underneath the sand.





Specter broke the connection, shaking his head. Opening an eye and looking back to the ancient warrior, and then back at the staff, Specter crossed his arms.

"Seems as though you should make wise choices. It's not unbelievable to think someone fails to be reliable."


Previously mallard
Just like that, the match had began. Masaru's opening attack began similarly to the one of last match, where he launched himself into the air. However, instead of Spiral Knee, the young man reared his fist, indicating a punch soon after. It was all too interesting. Last battle, he'd used a couple of moves to close the distance, and each one began with a jump. However, both of those were types of kicks, and very different in style from this coming punch. Very interesting.

Taking mental note of all this in the fraction of a second, the skull-faced supervillain leapt into action. As the World's Strongest Man went high, the world's best skill-for-hire went low. Taskmaster went to grab Masaru by the leg near the apex of his leap, and if he succeeded, would flip the fellow martial artist over his shoulder and onto his back. From there, Anthony Masters twirled away and conjured his sword & shield in the same movement, before he slashed downwards at where Masaru's head would be. However, he was confident that his opponent had the reaction speed to recover before he was decapitated.

The fiend became even more pumped as the world took shape around him. He could hardly wait for the map to finish forming before he dove into the sand, swimming deep underground. Not soon after, he breached, his head alone swelling and morphing to a size larger than Rinku, and equipped with a set of blade-toothed jaws ready to tear their opponent apart!

The beetle's bluntness had triggered something- a complete aura shift from the kid. It was disturbing. Kragg stared at Bakura for a moment, uneasy, before moving onto the portal. Once inside, he decided on his home turf. Seeing new sights was fun and all, but the area threw the insect's game off last match. Sure he'd won, but this time, he'd stick with what he was familiar with: the Great Rock Wall.

Kool Kats
"Ready to get crushed, losers?"

The mocking didn't effect the duo, who cackled as she passed them. They followed her in, their eyes watching her every move as if she were easy prey. The orange bridge of Audrey's choosing stretched beneath them, and both the sun and the moon appeared in the sky above them, accompanied by a background of stars. It came time for Troy and Allison to make their pick, and Troy stated simply:

"The Foxhole."

The world changed accordingly, mixing the bridge between the sun and moon with the infamous club from Saint Sunny City, California. A DJ booth appeared at one end of the vicinity on a newly raised section of the bridge, equipped with all sorts of effects like strobe lights and fog machines. Behind it rose a single tall screen, which displayed a hypnotic effect. At the other end, two staircases split off to lead up to floating VIP sections of the club that ran alongside the main bridge. Multiple steel beams went between the two VIP sections, equipped with colored spotlights. Lastly, speakers were scattered all around the arena. Not as you would expect from a club, either, with many being in random piles or duct-taped to the side or bottom of one of the structures. Wires snaked from the DJ booth to each speaker. With the speakers, also came corpses scattered about, as per Troy's angsty specifications. Allison poofed into a sword, snagged from the air by the cult leader.

"Let's dance~"

Eerie, droning house music began belting from every speaker in the place, the base shaking the ground with every beat. The Kool Kat rushed his foe with speed assisted by his Vortex Ball skates, and once he was close, one erupted, throwing him into the air without sacrificing any of his forward momentum. As he soared overhead, he swung his leg, protected by the Vortex Ball that didn't erupt, down at Audrey in an attack that'd be enhanced by the wind orb's explosion. He followed through with the twisting motion, and attacked again but with his blade before he touched the ground. If she had guarded the kick, his hopes were to throw her off-balance with the kick before delivering a more deadly blow with his weapon.

The cashier looked down at his tablet and tapped in the order as he was speaking in telepathy, in such a specifically speedy way so that Shaymin wouldn't be able to tell for sure whether the man could understand Pokémon or was simply quick to process the telepathic order.

"A big apple..."

A third arm reached over the counter with a paper back, but due to the Gratitude Pokémon's small size, he wasn't able to tell where the arm came from.

"Will that be all for you today?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Predictable. Rinku smirked. The tremors on the ground getting closer. So as the shark was going to emerge, Rinku shot sideways, to deliver a flash-time drop kick right to the nose of Beam right as he'd come out of the ground. Afterwards, he'd bounce off, flying into the air with his hands behind his head.

"Don't you know sharks are sensitive on their noses~?"

The massive explosion knocked Jeice out of the air, slamming the red haired alien to the ground again. His head ringing, he tried his best to shake it off. A remote detonation. This guy was just as tricky as Guldo, but actually had the firepower to back it up. More energy readings appeared on the scouter, appearing all around him! He wasn't able to see their sources through the smoke... however, there was only one that had the most power. He wished Burter was here. His teammate would probably be able to think of something super clever here. But now it was on him.

Screw it.

Looking a little bruised and batter, Jeice launched himself up from the smoke. He flew directly towards the MODOK the scouter indicated had the highest power level, aiming a barrage of powerful punches and kicks at the mastermind! The final strike of the attack would hopefully send MODOK flying back towards the ground, and Jeice would try to beat him there to continue the beatdown.

Weevil Underwood

"If you can't handle the sting, then stay away from the hive!" Weevil said with a grin. Drawing a card, he glanced at it before gesturing to Kiseitai.
"The effect of my rare Kiseitai monster increases my Life Points by half of the attack of your dumb dino. So I gain 800 points." Weevil said smugly. The numbers on the side of his duel tower increased to 2210. "Looks like I'm in the lead again. Now let's see how you handle this monster!"

A massive mantis creature appeared on the field, with buldging red compound eyes.
"Flying Kamakiri #1!" Weevil said. The field power bonus brought the monster's attack points from 1400 to 1820. "Now, my insect monster! Attack that pathetic Tomozaurus!"

With a loud buzzing of wings, the massive insect flew towards the tiny dino and slashed down at it with its claws!


Dagr plopped back down into a nearby booth, relaxing. So, not a fairy. But even rarer, a retainer to a divine being! Dagr held up a hand.
"First up, I'm not a human. Full-blooded Jotun here, giantfolk. But that's okay, few angels ever visit us, so I guess I get the confusion." Dagr joked, using Pit's own words back at him. She nodded.
"But yeah! I was teamed up with the squiddo for our first match. The squiddo did great, but our opponents were the ones that ended up coming out on top. But that's how things go sometimes"

"Do you know Blue here?" Dagr asked Pit.

Yami Bakura

The spirit which inhabits the Millenium Ring looked around the white area before chuckling and crossing his arms.
"It matters not to me where our game takes place. But I might as well use this as a way to scout ahead." Yami Bakura said. "Duelist Kingdom."

The AI buzzed for a moment, before creating the arena around the competitors. A massive stone wall rose up underneath the players, with pillars and platforms nearby. On one side of the wall, a massive forest stretched on to the horizon. On the other side of the wall stood a castle of yellow brick, with spires rising up and a pathway into the building. The AI had randomly picked an area in Duelist Kingdom, deciding on Pegasus' Castle.

"Now, let the Shadow Game begin." Bakura said. The Millennium Ring Bakura wore glowed again. The skies around the competitors darkened, with a strange purple mist beginning to permeate the area. Yami Bakura drew six cards from his deck. The last card caught his eye. Happy Lover, in the upright position. Already, his deck was reading his opponent. This was a warrior that fought for good, and loved those he fought alongside...

"I set one monster." Yami Bakura said. In front of the white haired young man, a massive face-down duel monster card appeared. Bakura watched Kragg with a confident grin.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Plant Pokémon barked in a positive tone, affirming his choice. After such a battle, there's nothing he'd rather have more than a big, juicy apple! ..well, except for one thing. But should he.. oh, this was a restaurant, wasn't it? He was here to eat, he might as well order what he can, right? Even despite his size being small, this Gratitude Pokémon's appetite was quite large from all the moving and attacking he had done just now!

" Shaymin shaymin, min! "

'Oh, please also a small bowl of Grass Gummis!'

It appears that his former ally was now already eager to dive into the arena once more and settle for whoever of the two it was to advance this tournament. To that, the Vampire King could raise his glass to, were it not for the fact that Irnane did not hold a drink herself. With a slow, but steady velocity, Vlad hovered himself over to the Gateway, shortly after making one last verbal note and emptying the glass, casting it away within his cloak.

" Well, let's not waste any more time, then. Shall we? "


Previously Gamingfan2
Both accepted the coupons, bringing a sparkle to Magolor's eyes.
"Make sure to use them!" he asked genially. "My catalog is sure to interest you!"
With that business out of the way, it was onto more business. As he dusted his hands, Magolor noticed three things.
One, his new opponent was his former ally: Mr.Miracle. Given the switcharoo Master Hand pulled last round, this didn't surprise the mage much.
Second, he had a shiny gold coin in his pocket. The shopkeep's smirking face made it clear who it related to.
Third, and most important...
"'Magalor?'" Magolor groaned incredulously.
"They could at least get my name right!"

" Naw'" Ryuji replied. Well, as best as he could with a full mouth. "I'll be f-hurk!"
As fate would have it, a solid chunk of his burger got stuck in his throat, stubbornly refusing to budge even as Ryuji smacked his chest.
Was this how he went out? Not even by an opponent, but by his own appetite?
"What should we drink to?"
Oh right!
Ryuji snatched his drink, tapping it against Nott's own.
" To Ryott!" he croaked out hurriedly before downing his drink, finally dislodging the burger lump in his throat.
Ryuji sighed in satisfaction.
"Oh man, that was close..."

"Good." Lucario said. His expression hadn't changed, but he seemed eager to begin.
Soon enough, the pokemon made his way through his gate, and was greeted with a the same prompt as last time
Now what would make for a good training arena?
Lucario took a moment to think, nodding as an idea struck him.
"Sinnoh. Route 213" was his answer.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

The humanoid dragonfly flashed forward and gored the dwarf sized dinosaur, hacking at it with their claws as the victim. As the dinosaur exploded to fragments of itself, Rex grimaced not only at this, but the fact Weevil pulled ahead with a big score of life points.

"Yeah yeah, you took out a guppy! Hope you feel real proud of that one." Rex spat. "That all you can do? Pick on the little Dinos? Or are you too busy cowering behind squashable scum?!"

The Princess raised an eyebrow at Ryuji's choking. She did not move to help, simply watching with slight concern as he began to choke. The teen made the toast, and Nótt quickly downed the entirety of her large mug of mead.
"Phew." Nótt said, taking a breath. Ryuji managed to save himself as well, and she gave the teen a knowing smile. "I believe this is when I say, 'I told you so'."

Nótt began to eat her meal. The burger was tasty and filling, and the blend of beef, vegetables, and bread was quite pleasant. The grease made it rather messy, but helped in enhancing the flavor. After a bite, the princess took off her gauntlets as not to dirty them. Out of the corner of her eye, Nótt could see the next round's matches beginning. A pair of kids summoning monsters against each other. A red skinned man fighting a giant floating head. The team that had defeated Dagr and Blue fighting each other. Among others that caught her eye. She supposed it was time to break the news to Ryuji.

"I'm afraid that toast was for nothing, my friend." Nótt said, using a paper napkin to clean her face of food. "Take a look at the brackets. Our match is next, and we are fighting each other."
The princess smiled at Ryuji.
"But this will only be a temporary setback. After all, you will still be in the tournament when you lose. Perhaps we will be teamed up again later." Nótt said. "Of course, I wouldn't be opposed to prolonging our fight for a little bit longer."

Weevil Underwood

"Oh please, like you're one to talk. How many innocent little bugs have you stepped on, squashed, fumigated?! It's payback time!" Weevil sneered. "If you didn't want him destroyed, you shouldn't have summoned him out!"
Weevil glanced through his hand, before looking back up to Rex.
"I end my turn." Weevil said. He grinned, holding up two fingers. "Two turns, Raptor! Two more turns, until my ultimate creature reveals itself!"


Previously Manu456Alola
Neph stopped the talismans in their tracks, something Kirin was not too surprised by. As they were returned to their sender, a faint pulse emanated from the priestess' weapon, swiftly recalling them back to her hand, making them a non issue. The following blast of Confusion did catch Kirin off guard though, sending her tumbling backwards, though she was quick to get back on her feet with a back handspring. That approach wasn't quite fast enough. Or it would've been, had she anticipated that attack.

Not skipping a beat, the Adept crouched for a moment, holding her weapon firmly. In the next second, she had zipped ahead, moving in a flash while swinging her blade, a trail of azure lightning following her. Kirin would attempt to slash through her foe before coming to a stop just behind her, following up with a series of quick slashes!​

"You've got nowhere to run, Chai!"

As the rockstar attempted to tether away to a safe spot, he found his escape to be much harder than anticipated. In fact, his efforts to escape only seemed to make the pull stronger, the effects of Cayman's Septima becoming more intense the more Chai attempted to flee! It would only be a matter of time before that tether gave out...

And when it did, he'd be slingshotted directly towards Cayman, who would strike with a devastating clothesline!

♪♫ If I'm on the loose, running after you ♫♩​

"Heyy, that's what I said," the angel muttered in response to Dagr's joking. A Jotun, huh? No wonder she was so tall.

"I met Blue just now, but I'm actually friends with someone of his same species! I didn't think I'd come across another Inkling in this tournament, so I guess I got a little excited, hehe."

"Pretty par for the course for mister "Gaming Trivia Champion"."

"What can I say? Anyway, sucks that you guys lost that first match. I mean, I lost mine too, but since the guy I was supposed to fight left, now Fjorrd here is gonna be my opponent."

Pit's eyes landed back on the still snoring Fjorrd.

"...you think he wakes up anytime soon?"

The Jotun princess leaned over the table, taking a closer look at the sleeping Nord. She poked Fjorrd's cheek.
"Hard to say. Humans are weird. Most of the time, when they're out, they're out. But I've also seen some jump right up, so you never know." Dagr said. But there was something more interesting that the angel had spoken of.

"Wait, you said you're friends with another Inkling? I thought everyone was from different worlds or something here." Dagr said. The jotun thought for a moment, then snapped her fingers.
"Oooh, I get it! You two must be from the same world, just different planes, right?" Dagr asked Pit. "Like how the divine dragons for a world live in their own place?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

"Two turns? Bugs I stepped on?? Looks like you need a reminder of the food chain!" Rex barked back to Weevil, drawing a card. A grin grew across his face. "And who best to remind you of it? I bring out the might of the Serpent Night Dragon!"

Playing the card, a burst of black lightning shot forth as through it all, a dark blue snake like dragon emerged, it's slender profile and sharp red eyes gave it the appearance of an apex predator.

"Don't think you had the opportunity to see this little puppy in the regionals. Serpent Night Dragon can deal with my little pest problem Faster than you can bring them out! Nightmare Sonic Blast!!"

Serpent Night Dragon screeched out its avian like cry as a flurry of shadow arrows fired out from its silhouette. The arrows would shoot up and across Flying Kamakiri #1, causing the creature a load of pain before it's death and deal a good chunk of damage to Weevil's life points to boot!


"C'mon fancy magnet, c'mooooon...!"

The pull of the magnet tried to increase, the tether starting to flicker in glow, the distance Chai was gaining slowing and slowing until it completely stopped. Then, he began to lose distance ever so slightly, then more, even more, before the tether snapped completely, throwing Chai it's a terribly high speed toward Cayman, completely off guard and helpless!

"Holy craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!!"
Weevil Underwood

"Serpent Night Dragon? Heh, is that all you got? Just because your card is rare doesn't mean its good!" Weevil said. He gestured to his face-down card.
"Anyway, I activate my trap card! Mimesis!"

The face down card flipped up, and the art on it depicted a goblin-like creature switching places with a small butterfly.
"This one lets me return my Flying Kamakiri #1 to the hand, and special summon another insect monster to take the attack. So I'll summon Kamakiriman to block the attack, in defense mode!"

Flying Kamakiri #1 disappeared in a burst of light, and a blur launched itself from Weevil's hand. The blur materialized as another humanoid mantis-creature. It tried to block the dragon's dark energy attack, but was blown to bits. Weevil grinned confidently. His monster may have been destroyed, but his Life Points were still safe.
"Sorry Raptor, close but no cigar! Hehehe!"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

In a flash, the shadow arrows diverted track, flying towards and completely destroying Kamakiriman. Rex seemed slightly peeved, but more so confused at it all. Shooting a snide look at his opponent, he lanes in on his duel tower, hissing.

"You think you're hot stuff, but you sacrificed two cards to delay the death of another! Even if you can multiply, your ammo can only last so long! How's that hand looking? Start your turn so I can kill it!

Megazowler ran it's right leg through the ground, gnashing their head back and forth, the 2100 Attack monster ready to trample forward to punch through Flying Kamakiri #1 when it took the field again

Rex's Field:
Serpent Night Dragon (Attack Mode)
Trakadon (Attack Mode)
Megazowler (Attack Mode)
Sabersaurus (Attack Mode)

Spells / Traps:

Jurassic World
1x Facedown card

Life Points: 1450
Last edited:
Weevil Underwood

Weevil drew a card.
"Now thanks to my Kiseitai, my Life Points grow even higher!" Weevil said. Another burst of healing energy appeared around Weevil, increasing his Life Points to an even further 3010. His Cocoon of Evolution was still standing strong, with nothing Raptor could throw out even being able to touch it!

Weevil scratched his ear, leaning on the duel tower and grinning at Rex.
"Gee Raptor, you certainly have me backed into a corner here." Weevil said. He sighed dramatically. "Oh well. I guess I'll just have to set two cards face down, and end my turn."

Two cards appeared in Weevil's spell and trap card zone.
"Tick tock, Raptor. Time is almost up!"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

Tch, the audacity of this dweeb. But he does have a point. That moth is coming out one way or another. Grrr...I hate him being right. But whatever. It'll be dealt with, it's walking right into a wall of teeth.

"Everyone except Serpent Night will switch to defense, prepping for that ugly thing to come out. Then I set one card face down. Do your worst Weevil, I ain't scared...seriously!"
Weevil Underwood

"You should be scared, Raptor. You should be." Weevil said, drawing a card. He laughed. "This is it, Raptor! Behold, my ultimate monster!"
The Cocoon pulsed and shook, and began to break open. Beams of light and energy spilled out of the cocoon, and there was a shattering noise and a burst of blinding light. A massive screech shook the stadium. In the place where the Cocoon had once stood, there was a massive insect. It was giant moth, with dark blue wings and orange horns.

"My Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth! My most magnificent insect! Kyahaha!" Weevil said. "This is the end for you, Raptor! No little girlfriend to bail you out with her talismans. My moth boasts a power of 3500 attack points, enough to wipe your puny snake dragon off the map. But thanks to the field power bonus, its attack grows even higher! 4550 attack points!"

The Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth screeched again, beating its powerful wings and taking it to the skies.
"I'm sending your dinos back where they belong, extinct and in the past! It's the bug's world now! Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth, destroy Serpent Night Dragon and win me this match! Ultimate Tornado of Doom!" Weevil commanded. The massive insect beat its powerful wings, and a ball of energy appeared under it. It blasted a powerful beam of wind and energy directly towards the Serpent Night Dragon!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

An uncomfortable feeling was felt the moment the fuzzy inspect burst forth from its cocoon. Light, silk, and gestation juices poured out from the grand entrance. The alien like entry to the battlefield was further highlighted by it's incredible attack points.

Rex took a step back, getting worried that his plan may not work. A lip curl and a tug on his beanie later, the sweating duelist cast his hand forward.

"I reveal my facedown! Shrink! This card halves the size of your titanic termite, along with halving its attack too! Pick on someone your own size!"

A series of wobbly waves shot through the air from the card, cast toward the moth. Halving its attack would bring it to 2275...maybe! With Serpent Night Dragon being 2350 attack, the dragon began to charge and billow up with dark blue lightning before shooting the crackling electricity forwards at the laser coming its way, a clash of energy!
Audrey Redheart
Audrey glanced around slowly, deciding this time to ignore her surroundings in regards to any obvious issues, staring down towards her opponents, and raising her blade. She channelled a single level of lightning power into the blade, before holding steady. No clever line.

As her enemy came towards her, Audrey smirked, not fully getting his plan but immediately assuming the idiocy. Then one erupted and the other was brought down as a kick! The Hero swung her blade into a more defensive position, holding it up. The explosion knocked her off balance, as the kitten had expected, but Audrey saw him turning to attack in time. She brought the blade down in a crushing motion, aiming to push Allison/the enemy sword into the ground before launching lightning through the blade into the weapon!

As Grazie made her first move, Axe took a knee, putting himself in a tightly guarded stance as the projectile launched. It bounced off his shield, pushing the boy back, and made it's return pass once more which Axe also used his shield to block. He wasn't sure if it'd come back again, though his assumption was that it would, so he kept his guard up as he began to sprint forward, stopping to take a more careful position once he was noticeably closer.
"Is that all? Sand doesn't seem all that great..." He decided to taunt.

Masaru Takahara
"Whoa!" Masaru was caught off guard as Taskmaster grabbed his leg fast and slammed him to the ground.
Seems like judo, with that over the shoulder motion, but definitely not a technique anyone from my world could pull off without fear...
Masaru's thoughts cut off as Master's sword came down fast, and he rolled back to not only get up but avoid the slash.

"Close..." He murmured, before deciding to talk. "Looks like we're both much more suited to fighting human...or, uh, human-like opponents, compared to people like our last opponents, am I right?" He suggested, taking a more neutral combat stance this time as he beckoned for Taskmaster to attack.

The Warlock
The Warlock merely smirked at Dart's proclaimation, as more Lost appeared out of what appeared to be nowhere nearby, having heard the explosion - 7, a Brute and a Dasher amongst them.
"Oh? But it seems a little...unfair, no? You are far stronger than anyone of them, so how about I even the playing field." He chuckled mischieviously, waving his hand out to send a wave of psionic energy towards Dart - a Mind Scorch, attempting to daze the hero to leave him vulnerable to the encroaching zombies.
Unbeknowest to the Warlock, however, one appeared in the building he was staying on the fire escape on, making it's way towards the window...

Weevil Underwood

Weevil's eyes widened at the reveal of Rex's face-down card. Shink, the same card he had used just last round! The massive moth indeed shrank, but was still a size that rivaled Rex's own Serpent Night Dragon. Curses! Not all of Duelist Kingdom's rules must have transferred over to this new tournament, his monsters were supposed to be immune to his enemy's magic attacks while they were affected by the field power bonus!

The Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth unleashed its attack, the beam of energy crashing with Serpent Night Dragon's dark lightning laser. The two beams of energy pushed back and forth before a massive explosion covered the arena in a thick smoke. Weevil ducked behind the tower, coughing and waving the dust away. Just another reminder that this was with real monsters, and not illusions.

The smoke began to clear, and Weevil peeked over the tower. A strong wind blew away even more smoke, revealing... the Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth, still standing! Serpent Night Dragon was nowhere to be seen. The insect duelist quickly checked the screen on the duel tower, looking at the cards he and Rex had in play. His Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth's attack points, instead of being cut in half from 4550, read 2800! What was this, Weevil hadn't activated a card in response. And this was no effect of his moth either.

But then, Weevil checked Rex's Shrink card. It halved the original attack of his Moth... which meant it hadn't effected the bonus it received from the Field Power Bonus! Weevil let out a nervous laugh, then grinned and laughed some more as his confidence returned.
"Nice try, Raptor! But it'll take more than a simple trick like that to take down my ultimate monster! Kyahaha! My Moth is invincible!!!" Weevil laughed. "So you managed to avoid extinction this round! But it's still coming for you, Raptor!"

Weevil had come out on top, and Rex was 450 Life Points lower for it! As much as he wanted to say that was it and the duel had been won, Weevil knew he had to keep his head. Rex had nearly gotten ahead in the regionals, and this duel wasn't over yet.
"I'm sure my Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth will wipe out whatever monsters you have left. But just in case, I'll set another monster face down. Your move, Raptor!" Weevil said. As he ended his turn, the Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth grew back to its original size!

Weevil's Field: Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (attack mode, 4550 ATK points), face-down monster
Spell/Trap Zone: Kiseitai (equipped to Trakadon), two face-down cards
Life Points: 3810

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

"What?!? No no no! That thing is still standing!"

Serpent Night Dragon was reduced to ash and smoke. And the rest of his dinos weren't even half the attack that moth was. All the while, Weevil gained life points and gained cards in his hand.

Ngh. Nothing I'm doing is working. Tch! There's still one card in my deck that can get me out of this mess...I just need to get it out on the field. With that rare card not even that ugly moth can stand in my way.

Drawing a card, he grimaced. Of course it wasn't what he was looking for. Placing the newly drawn card on the field in facedown defense position, he looked away, his confidence starting to visually waver.

"I switch all my Dinos into defense position and end my turn. We'll have to wait this one out."

Rex's Field:
Trakadon (Defense Mode)
Megazowler (Defense Mode)
Sabersaurus (Defense Mode)
Face down card (Defense Mode)

Spells / Traps:

Jurassic World

Life Points: 1000

Cards in hand: 1


Previously Manu456Alola
Chai’s tether finally gave out, leaving him helpless against the Duelist’s Septima. The rockstar was flung towards his opponent incredibly quickly, allowing Cayman to easily follow up with his intended clothesline, the man’s bulky, armored arm roughly slamming Chai to the ground behind Cayman, almost like getting hit by a truck.

“I know you’ve got a lot more fight in you, Chai. Get up and show me what those muscles can do!”

While the effects of Cayman’s Septima were still going, the strength of the pull was essentially zero now that Chai was next to him. The intent of this technique was clear: to keep his opponent within melee range.

♪♫ There’s nothing you can do, I’ll catch you and it’s through ♫♩

“Well, not exactly. Maybe that kinda stuff exists in his world though, squid heaven sounds awesome.” Pit replied, his imagination already coming up with the image of Inklings with angel wings soaring through the skies.

“Uh, anyway, I’ve actually been to a few of these multiversal events myself. Master Hand’s kinda known for that sorta stuff. The last one I was in had an Inkling for the very first time, and she was super eager to be friends with everyone. So looks like I’m all caught up on Inkling lore based on what Blue has told me!”

“Not all that great? How ‘bout I turn it up a notch!”

Staff landing back in her hands, Grazie gave her weapon a twirl. A thick sand wall was erected in front of her, spanning nearly the entire width of the bridge, before it was sent towards Axe. While its intent was to keep him away, it would also serve as a distraction while a sand hand materialized behind him, winding up before attempting to smack Axe right off the bridge and into the void below!


Previously mallard
Masaru rolled to safety, and Taskmaster resumed his stance. The physically stronger of the two took notice to the immediate intensity of the battle.

"Looks like we're both much more suited to fighting human...or, uh, human-like opponents, compared to people like our last opponents, am I right?"

"That's right. Any move I see a person perform I can remember and replicate perfectly; you can see why it doesn't really work on magical deer. People like you are my specialty."

The assassin suddenly lunged at his martial artist foe. A flash of steel as he slashed downwards with his sword; Taskmaster clearly holding back his aggression for now.

The shark breached with the speed of a mako, but he was all too predictable, which allowed Rinku a window to counter with a swift kick to the nose. Beam tumbled to the ground, reeling. He'd been overhasty, but the pain certainly grounded him.

"Don't you know sharks are sensitive on their noses~?"

The fiend was well aware of that fact, especially now with the burning pain that gripped his face. The devilman wasn't witty; he couldn't offer a retort if he tried, so he decided to just focus on the fight as he sunk into the ground. Beam circled the smaller demon from the safety of the ground. Now that Rinku had knocked him out of his frenzy, he could think slightly more clearly and have more tact in his hunting. However, the strategy stayed relatively the same: bite it until it stopped moving. The fin dipped underground, and moments later, the gnarly jaws of the Shark Devil erupted from behind Rinku, primed to take a bite!

A wall grew beneath their feet. The wall that Kragg had spent his entire life protecting as a Wallrunner. Until recently, those were the only battles he'd ever known, but with the forces of the Abyss rising once again, he'd taken upon a more prophetic journey. The Gatekeeper was only the beginning, for if what was coming was anything like the Great Aetherian War of legend, the Abyss would rise, and the four worldly elements would have to meet it in battle. As the Earth's Bastion, he would have a huge role in the coming conflict, yet he was unsure how he would be able to leave his simple life behind for such a thing.

Clouds gathered, and a grim fog crept in from the wilderness. This Bakura emanated evil, and, as a protector of Aether, this was exactly the type of bad actor Kragg needed to deal with in the future. The wall trembled beneath their feet as the beetle summoned the power of earth to aid him in this battle. With a stomp, a shockwave of displaced stone shot towards the massive flying card, and upon arrival, turned into a huge earthen spike aimed to shoot right through the middle of Bakura's defense position monster! As the rock worked its magic, Kragg acted on his own, and curledinto his signature Defense Ball to careen down the wall. He aimed to shoot himself around the card, and hit the summoner directly.

The Mudkip happily trot after his friend into the mystical portal. He didn't have another location in mind, so he sat, patient and content, as Route 213 formed around them. The ground softened as it melted into a fine white sand, while a blue ocean rose on two sides of the immediate area, and rocky cliffs on the other two. A sandy path ran between the water and the taller of the two cliffs, while the smaller cliff bore a staircase for easy ascension. The water type stood ready, and waited to hear his buddy's next words.

Kool Kats
The Soul Edge met Audrey's legendary blade and was forced to the ground. Divine electricity arced between the swords, and the power of the attack earned a pained yelp from within the sword. However, despite its metallic properties, the blade did not conduct the lightning into its user. Rather than resist Audrey's strength, Troy abandoned his weapon, letting it be pinned to the ground while he moved to rap his knuckles across the hero's cheekbone with as much strength and speed as he could muster in that moment.

'Oh, please also a small bowl of Grass Gummis!'

The cashier sighed, and tapped his screen a couple more times. The bag that the mystery hand held got slightly larger.

"Anything more you like to add, sir?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Oh come on now

Was Beam really so straightforward? The shark burrowed underground once more. Rinku, with a half lidded expression, pointed his index finger in different directions around him. Guess working where he thought the shark would jump out from next. Judging from the fact he wasn't jumped yet from directly under him, the shark was taking some time. That could only mean one thing. Lazily pointing his finger behind him, the shark, on cue, leaped out to attack.

Rolling his eyes, Rinku complained. "Beam, baby, give me something to work with here."

That's when he dove backwards towards Beam, his body sliding under the shark's chin, the rows of razor sharp teeth gliding over his position. Rinku would slide diagonally down as Beam would soar overhead before he'd aim a grab at the ankles. Then, he'd take them and swing him a round like a sack of potatoes and throw him into a concrete wall!




The light wheeze barley escaped Chai's lips as he was utterly laid out by Cayman. His lanky body hitting the floor in a spectacularly unspectacular fashion. On the ground, his head spun around disoriented, his blurred vision still recovering from the attack. moments later, his for spoke to him.

“I know you’ve got a lot more fight in you, Chai. Get up and show me what those muscles can do!”

This made his vision focus. He shook the stars off and looked back to the juiced up jockey. Wait. There was no pull anymore? That's funny. Maybe he'd be able to fight now?

"Ack...well maybe if you spare me from being slammed by your muscles then maybe I'd do better." Chai whined, wobbling back to his feet. Wiping some dirt from his face, he focused. "But I agree, it's time for the second verse!"

♪♫Hustle for the juice
Hundred twenty proof♫♩

Chai did something unexpected. His put his guitar on his back, magnetizing to his shoulder. He was putting it away? The twenty something brought out his fists. If he couldn't freestyle his way to success, he'd embrace the genre and fight the way Cayman wanted. Something was compressing in the air, sound started to focus and air distorted around Chai's mechanical arm.

"Alright dude, if you speak the language of punchy punch, call me insert boxing name here!"

♫♩ I'm blowing up the roof
Blowing up the roof
Got nothing left to prove (come on)♪♫

"High Pitched Punch!"

That's when he's launch his fist forward, the compressed waves launching all at one spot as Chai would deliver his uppercut with great haste, the music shifting directly to the chorus as the vibrations and the music rocked forward with his powerful melee attack!
Last edited:


Previously Manu456Alola
“Yes! Embrace your manly spirit and give me a good old fashioned Duel!”

Bringing his own fists up, Cayman was quick to react accordingly to Chai’s uppercut. Turning his side into the attack, the rockstar’s punch became noticeably less effective, though the compressed waves that were launched out made up for it with powerful kinetic energy.

Cayman was sent skidding a short distance backwards, arms burning, his right gauntlet cracking further. The Adept didn’t seem to mind this at all, his grin widening as he eagerly rushed back into the brawl.

“Just like that! Feel the heat radiating from our muscles as we Duel gloriously!”

Making use of his excellent physical prowess (additionally boosted by his Duelist Septima), the Iron Delinquent struck back by throwing two quick jabs with his left fist, following up with a left hook before finally unleashing a right uppercut, trails of flame following his every move!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Oh yeah. I'm feeling the manliness...and stuff."

Wasn't long before Cayman was right on the attack again. Quickly ducking to the left and right, Chai barley whiffed the jabs, before getting socked with a left hook to the chest. Air escaped Chai's mouth as he was rocked backward, spinning before Cayman swooped it for a fiery uppercut.

♬♪ I'm going all the way
I'm going, yeah, my blood is rebel ♫♩

But before the uppercut could land, during Chai's revolution, Chai summoned forth two, glowing orange and extensions from his wrists. They took the uppercut for him. They looks like long, animalistic arms that were about the size of Chai's body each.

♪♫ I'm going all the way ♬♪

"That was a mean left hook. But left claws are more my jam." He quipped with a wink. "Rip and Tear!"

♫♩ I'm going - to another level! ♩♪

The claws detached from Chai, whirling around Cayman slicing at him with talons larger than Chai's own arm. They spun around like lawnmower blades, hacking and slashing at Cayman relentlessly. All the while, Chai slowly reached for the handle of his guitar.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


She read between the lines of his response. He'd seen something in there - her persistence and her theory had both paid off in equal measure. While cryptic, Kass was able to deduce the meaning of Specter's advice: her current future was one of failure. Layla would fail. That was everything the misthios needed. She looked toward the ground for a moment in contemplation, before her gaze slowly rose back toward Specter. "Thank you, old friend," she said. An emptiness had appeared in her gut. That must have been purpose, she imagined. Uncertainty and betrayal edged her mind, feelings produced by and directed at the Isu and Layla. Of course that future girl would fail. Of course the coming end would not be stopped by her.

It would need a firmer hand and a sharper mind to combat it. A role Kassandra knew she was capable of filling.

"What you said, back in the old tournament," Kass halfway turned from Specter. "About writing our own destiny? I think I finally know what I want to write. I wish you luck, Specter. Hopefully we'll meet again." With that, she turned and began to make her way back toward the staircase.

That hole had been quickly filled, aided by Kassandra's 300 year-long suspicions and fears. Her subconscious had prepared for this outcome, and while the truth stung like a slap to the face, it was a cold reality to wake up to.

She had a tournament to win, now.

It didn't take her long to return to Alter Knight, whom the misthios gave a nod toward. "Alright, I'm ready."



Somehow, the whelp that had been tossed around thus far had correctly deduced the true M.O.D.O.K., whose fingers flickered over his console as Jeice's initial assault flared the shield to life. Focus breaking, the projections disappeared, and with a flash of light, the energy barrier was broken. The Man-Mind raised his free arm to shield his eyes with a grunt, before Jeice's heel cracked into Tarleton's nose.

M.O.D.O.K. was sent hurtling for the ground with a yell, clutching at his gushing nose as he went.
"CHEATER! CHEATER! I WILL EVISCERATE YOU!" He roared, spinning as his rocket activated, spiraling head-first toward the ground. His systems tracked Jeice, who moved to meet the Man-Mind on the ground - where he would be crushed! The thrusters kicked into overdrive, turning M.O.D.O.K. into a self-made rocket, aiming to smash Jeice into a fine red paste on the surface.


"We shall," Irnane agreed with her opponent, and stepped through the gateway to be enveloped by the void that was still taking some time to get used to. Again, they were asked to select an arena to combat in. The dark elf thought quickly through various locations she was familiar with. Her respect for Dracula was great, it almost felt wrong to even consider seeking a locational advantage - but they were enemies now. She would need to utilize any advantages she could conjure up.

Vivec city? No... while its streets could get confusing in direction, it was easy to avoid this by simply hovering above the city - something Dracula could do. It would be in poor taste to re-utilize the Red Mountain. Somewhere in the wilds of Vvardenfell? No, that would prove to be nothing advantageous for either of them. And thus, an idea was reached.

"I select the island of Solstheim between the shores of Vvardenfell and Skyrim," the Nerevarine spoke. It was a cold and mostly empty land, filled with complex and dark caves, very little settlements, and completely infested with a population of werewolves. While they certainly would not pick sides between Irnane and Vlad, they could be a utilized obstacle, if she was smart. Though there still remained Dracula's pick. It could make or break her festering ideas.


As Kirin came to a stop, Neph narrowed her eyes, feeling a tingling in her mind. Kirin blitzed ahead, and the gardevoir gasped as azure lightning split her core, Kirin appearing behind her, leaving the Pokémon to collapse, torso segmented from the waist down. A clean kill.

The momentary foresight came in handy as the future-vision ended, and the gardevoir vanished from the spot just as Kirin herself moved. The slash cleaved through clean air, and when Kirin came to a stop, she was suddenly under assault from a series of telekinetic blasts projected from the gardevoir's palm, who hovered in the air above, arm extended. Blasts of psychic energy materialized as balls to pummel toward Kirin, an attack that had made King Rex stagger in the prior match. Perhaps Kirin was more impressive to fight than what had initially been gathered upon outside perspective... the gardevoir was quick to use Calm Mind as she fired her final blast. She may need the stat boost.


Even the playing field? Maybe he was finally going to...


Dart blinked rapidly wobbling in place as his arms slackened. The tip of his heat blade hit the ground, a great dizziness overcoming him. He winced, his free palm pressing against his forehead. The enemies around began to close in, taking advantage of Dart's state. The dasher was, of course, the first to reach the mercenary, tackling him to the ground. Dart shook his head, trying to clear it as he dropped heat blade, which vanished in a flash of flames, the man grappling with the lost that was attempting to claw at him.

The other lost weren't far behind, as Dart struggled to perceive his surroundings through his searing mind, the others began to dogpile on the dragoon, whose notable red armor vanished from sight, obscured by decaying flesh. For a moment, it seemed like this must be the end. Until-

A flash of emerald flames erupted from the center of the mass of corpses, searing across the gaps in their flesh. A new blade had emerged, and Dart was quick to swing it heavily, shredding through 6 of the 7 lost that surrounded him, their bodies tearing apart, limbs flying this way and that. Mind Crush hummed with a faint green energy in Dart's hand as his head was cleared, and he frowned, looking up toward the Warlock. "Y'know, I'm starting to think you're just afraid to fight me. You sure talked a lot before this - how 'bout you back it up."

It seemed the mind manipulation had upset the mercenary in some way, who was clearly far less happy-go-lucky than he'd been a few moments ago. He brushed his free forearm over his mouth, wiping the drying blood away from his cut lip.


Previously Deathstalker62
Mr. Miracle
Well now, looks like it was about time to get back into the spotlight! Good thing for this magician that he was all sorts of experienced with working in such a rushed environment! But, wait! What about his foe, the little hooded guy? Did he seem ready? When the Miraculous Man looked over, his back bending so his head was now topside down while the rest of him lay midair as if on an invisible sofa, his australian-certified gaze now landing on Magolor.

" Say, pal, you ready to get this show on the road! We shall not keep the audience waiting for too long, after all! "

Shaymin nodded his head, approving the order as being complete now. He thought a bowl of Grass Gummis may have been a bit much, but then again, this was a Restaurant, was it now? Certainly, it would not hurt to have a bite before his next fight with the giant, talking Sword and Shield. The Grass Type's mouth yapped out a couple quick words in a positive tone as to confirm the question the Shop Keeper asked of him, followed by a telepathic message.

" Shaymin, Shaymin! "

' Yep, that's all! '

An Island? Why, what an interesting idea, the Vampire King thought. Such an idea could potentially give his ally-turned-foe an advantage in this upcoming fight, so he shall do this best to counter this idea.. but how? Simple. An island typically consists of various plant life, which should already prove useless with his mastery over the elemental magic that was his infernal inferno. It also typically consisted of foreign wildlife unknown to the mainland, providing a wildcard that he would only learn about throughout this combat. So.. that left him with one option.

" Then I shall choose Argila Swamp. "

Upon the very moment the last syllable left his lips, the area around them transfigured itself to fit both of their requests. True enough, the stage became a large island, dense packs of trees crowding the surrounding area. However, true to his own wish, the skies darkened into grey clouds as most of these sprouted trees would quickly lose their foilage and become crooked as filthy, thick waters, slow-crawling mud and quicksand filling up pits and surfaces alike, turning the area into a mixture of a forest and marshlands.

And, most of all, malicious fauna and flora local to this area begun sprouting and appearing, for this very area was home to one of the most prominent of botanic lifeforms in his world - the Une, a grounded plant which is known for flailing its razor-sharp, thorn-backed vines like tentacles at nearby prey to relentlessly pull whatever it can grab toward itself and drain their very life essence, the crimson liquid in their veins from their bodies. These very creatures lay dormant as a mere seed until one unlucky wanderer moves too close and causes them to sprout in a near instant.

With the arena now properly transformed, Dracula wasted no time as he lunged forward, his entire body becoming ethereal for a moment as his figure transmorphed itself into a large, black wolf. Using this form, Vlad sprinted with the intent of leaping to different surfaces with the expectation of a hail of projectiles to be thrown his way by his foe, planning to viciously maul Irnane as soon as he would manage to close the distance with both claw and fang.
Weevil Underwood

Weevil grinned, relishing in the power from his Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth. He drew a card.
"Well well, look who's cowering now. You were sooo high and mighty just a few moments ago. Now here you are, quivering like the second-rate duelist you are! That's right, Raptor. Keep cowering, that's all you can do! Hahaha!" Weevil said. The Kiseitai wrapped around Raptor's Trakadon dino glowed red, and Weevil's Life Points rose once again. The reading on the side of the duel tower now read 4610 LP. Over double Raptor's original Life Points!

"I'll summon another one of my magnificent bugs to the field. Flying Kamakiri #2." Weevil said. A massive flying mantis appeared in a flash of light, its wings buzzing loudly. It clicked its massive scythe-like claws in anticipation. The field power bonus raised its ATK points from 1500 to 1950!
"I'll also reveal my face-down monster, Flying Kamakiri #1. You remember him, don't you? My monster that squished your puny dino friend?" Another massive buzzing monster appeared, the same green bug-creature as before. The field power bonus brought the monster's power up to 1820.

"Now its time to wipe out your herd and send your dinos back to the past where they belong! Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth, destroy Megazowler! Flying Kamakiri #1, tear that Sabersaurus to pieces! Flying Kamakiri #2, wipe out that face-down monster!" Weevil commanded. With a loud buzzing of wings, the swarm of insect monsters descended on Rex's field!


"Huh?!" Dagr leaned closer to Pit.

"You're telling me there's been fighting tournaments like this before?! And you've been to the them?!" Dagr said. Her eyes were gleaming with excitement at the mere idea. This wasn't the first?! She had thought this to be a once in a lifetime chance. But if this angel kid had been to tournaments like this before, maybe she could too! Maybe she would be able to fight even more people from other worlds! "How many have you been to?! What were the fighters like?! Did you win?! How can you be invited back?! Could I be invited to another one of these tournaments?!"


The spirit that resides within the Millenium Ring grinned. The face-down duel monsters card flipped up to reveal a purple beast. It had a large, grinning mouth and strange red antennas. The lizard tried its best to stop the spike of earth, but it was no use.

"I would be careful who I would throw rocks at, if I were you. My Electric Lizard is not a fan of it." Bakura said. The attack impaled the creature, and it let out a shriek of pain. It exploded into pixels, but not before letting out a strange electric shockwave! It blasted out towards Kragg as the massive warrior rolled by, and would temporarily paralyze the mighty fighter if it struck.

Bakura drew a card, glancing at it. He placed another card from his hand onto his duel disk.
"I now summon the White Magical Hat." Bakura announced. In a flash of light, a man appeared. He was well dressed, in a dapper suit and white cape. True to its name, the new warrior wore a white top hat as well. "Attack, my monster!"

The caped man charged towards Kragg, aiming a kick at the insect-like creature. It was not a powerful attack by any means, but it wasn't Bakura's intention for the white-hatted warrior to defeat Kragg by itself. In the game of Duel Monsters, if the White Magic Hat managed to damage an opponent's Life Points, it would force the opponent to discard a card from their hand. While Kragg was not a duelist, Bakura believed the White Magical Hat's attack would magically drain some of Kragg's energy!


MODOK slammed into Jeice. The sudden change of direction caught Jeice off guard, but not totally. The member of the Ginyu Force managed to get his arms up "catching" MODOK and landing feet-first on the ground. Jeice strained against the combined force of MODOK's weight and the pressure of the rockets. It was a great force, to be sure... but compared to the explosions and lasers the mastermind had been lobbing about moments earlier? Not so much.

"Screw you, ya ugly bobble head!" Jeice yelled back. Still holding MODOK's head, the space warrior unleashed a pair of powerful ki blasts point blank into MODOK's head!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Rex Raptor

With a series of howls and roars, a prehistoric pounding was witnessed. Megazowler, Sabersaurus, and the facedown monster, revealed to be a dupe or of Tomozaurus all blasted apart, not even a scrap remaining of their existence. All the while, Weevil had the nerve to gloat of his incoming victory.

"Tch...we may be endangered, but we aren't extinct!"

He is right though. I'm utterly helpless against all this. If I don't turn this around and fast, I'll have to see this dweeb's name above mine on the tourney bracket! That boils my Dino blood red hot...!!

As Weevil ended his turn, Rex flicked a card up, praying that he would get the one card in his deck that could save him from this extinction level event.


This was it. The ace in his deck. The first time he ever drew it in the tournament thus far. His nerves were quelled. As he stared at the card for a quick second. A grin spread across the beanie bearer's face. Peered up with sharp eyes, Rex was ready for blood.

"You thought Serpent Night Dragon was the rarest card in my deck, didn't you? I'm about to show you the true star of this deck. The brother of the famous Blue Eyes White Dragon, say hello to his shadow! The Red Eyes Black Dragon!!"

Playing the card, a large, dark cocoon emerged from the field. The cocoon was revealed to be the wings of the mighty beast as it flapped them forth, it's metallic scales giving glimmers from it's beaming red draconic eyes. As it's feet hit the ground, it gave a mighty roar.

"And with this megamorph card in my hand, it doubles the strength of my ferocious fighter to maximum! And since your life points are higher than mine, he'll keep it for a long time! 4800!!"

The dragon pulsed and shifted as it's body grew in size, much more than before. Now it towered over the duel arena, and towered even higher than the Perfect moth!

"Red eyes, destroy that behemoth! Inferno fire blast!!"

Black electricity shot from the mouth of Red Eyes, cumulating into a red sphere that blasted out from it. The size of it rivaled that of the monster it was about to cook Well Done!
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d


What followed was an intriguing combination - a frozen swamp. The bleak tundra of Solstheim became not any less bleak, instead meshed with freezing bogs and frosty wildlife, of course alongside the giant mushrooms that naturally inhabited the gigantic island. A few netch hovered nearby: large, floating, bulbous creatures with strings of tentacles swaying beneath them. Relatively harmless creatures, but known to be defensive when under threat. They were near the southern coast of Solstheim, just outside the mining town of Raven Rock. The inhabitants seemed not to be present - which was fine with the Nerevarine. Even if this was all a fake environment, she wasn't sure she'd have the ability to ignore innocents placed in harm's way.

Netch didn't count.

Dracula then pulled a rather surprising move - he transformed into a large wolf. It was clearly not a werewolf form, at least not what she was familiar with, but it did feel contradictory for a vampire. Nevertheless, the dark elf took this motion in stride. The wolf leaped from surface off surface, leaping from the side of a hut, kicking away from a large crag sticking from the earth, a thick tree, and even an ancient monument whose carvings had worn away with time and the elements.

Perhaps Dracula expected her to open with ranged attacks, perhaps many, and was trying to make himself a hard target to hit. He presumed her strategy too soon. His bounding about bought the elf precious seconds as she immediately downed a potion.

The distance closed, the wolf's jaws open wide - before Dracula met an electromagnetic barrier, forcibly stopping him from reaching Irnane. To top that off, bolts of powerful lightning seized through the air around the dark elf, blasting apart boulders and lightning fires, all surging for the giant easy target that was a wolf. Her potion of choice: Quality Lightning Shield. It practically made an invisible barrier around the Nerevarine for a short time, while simultaneously surging bolts of uncondensed lightning into whoever made contact with it.

As Dracula was forced to deal or recover with that, Irnane crafted another spell. If Dracula obtained the likeness of a wolf in this form, perhaps he also gained their weaknesses. With that in mind, her hand flashed with green magicka, and a burst of grating, confusing, painful sound would be projected into the wolf's ears. It would be painful and potentially debilitating to any creature, but those with a heightened sense of hearing? Irnane was banking on that - hopefully before Dracula swapped forms into something else.

Her other hand summoned the Sword of White Woe, and with her lightning shield still active, she began to march toward Dracula, curious to see his response to her somewhat overkill retaliation to his opening attack.


"OW! OW! OW! STOP THAT, WEAKLING!" The Man-Mind shouted, gritting his oversized molars as he proceeded to unleash a double-whammy, taking advantage of Jeice's closeness - on one hand, he unleashed a shockwave from his Doomsday Chair. A paralyzing electric force emitted outward, combined with a kinetic push to immobilize and blast Jeice into the ground, all while the chair continued to rocket, and M.O.D.O.K. continued with his attempt to sandwich Jeice into a flatcake between the ground and his skull. The second simultaneous attack was the psychic shockwave - the same move that had cost Pit his life in the last fight. Like the electrical shockwave, it too was omnidirectional, and powerful enough that it could risk frying electrical equipment too close to it. Not M.O.D.O.K.s of course, he had built-in safeguards for that, this wasn't his first rodeo, but Jeice's scouter and any additional equipment would certainly be at risk.

Normally it could disintegrate normal humans, but M.O.D.O.K. doubted Jeice would be dusted so easily. Still, the physical power of both shockwaves combined would be great - not to mention the toll on the mind the psychic shockwave dealt. It would attempt to flay the brain, sending debilitating images and pain through the mind: the reason behind Pit's destruction. The dumber the mind, the more effective this attack was. However, intellectual beings like the Man-Mind himself would be heavily resistant to such an attack. M.O.D.O.K. roared with laughter as his rocket thruster pushed itself to its limit to finally deal the crushing blow, Tarleton believing he'd already claimed victory so early in this fight.


Previously mallard
The shark's attack had missed again. Rinku was quicker than anything Beam had fought before, the little demon hardly putting in any effort yet. The fiend's ankles were seized, and he was swung around. This disoriented Beam, and he flailed his arms as his head shrunk to normal size. He was helpless to stop himself from being hurled, but he wasn't as helpless to save himself from taking damage. At the last moment, the shark devilman put his arms in front of his head and straightened his body so that he crashed through the cement, but leaving barely a crack in the wall behind him. He'd dove through the wall as if it were made of water, his awkward dive allowing him to slip right through it and into the ground behind.

Beam took a moment to himself underground. His current strategy clearly didn't work; it was like trying to eat a killer whale. Clever and strong weren't a good mix for this particular devilman. One that would be able to defeat Rinku would be... Lord Chainsaw! Lord Chainsaw didn't just brute force all of his encounters, he used clever tricks to beat anything that stood in his way! Beam knew he'd have to start thinking like the Chainsaw if he were to win this... but how? An idea popped into the shark's head. While it wasn't exactly original, it could work.

The shark dove down into the cold depths of the earth, but he wasn't running away. He dove to give himself enough distance for his plan. Beam turned around, before he used the speed of a mako to climb up to forty-five miles per hour, headed towards his opponent! However, the shark fiend expected Rinku to dodge, and didn't even bother to attempt an attack. Instead, his breaching of the surface would send up a spray of sand, just the trick his foe had used last round against the inkling! He hoped to blind his fellow demon, so that when he came back down, his head would swell once again to try and take a bite of the yo-yo master. It wouldn't matter if the S class tried to hide in the cloud, because the shark had locked onto his scent.

The beetle in his Defense Ball was hardly effected by the paralyzing energy, his shell made up of densely-packed earth could absorb any electrical energy it came in contact with. Weirdly enough, the mystical energy still got to him, and his muscles nearly seized entirely. Kragg managed to maintain his current momentum, and the beetle careened for Bakura, but his tunnel vision prevented him from noticing the second monster that was summoned. With a swift kick, the White Hat wasn't able to penetrate the rocky shell, but he was able to knock the powerful ball off its course enough so that Kragg whizzed right past his intended target.

He leapt out of the Defense Ball, turning around in the air to skid to a halt facing the opposing duelist. The Defense Ball was quick and safe, but clumsy. With multiple enemies present, the insectoid figured he'd have to be a bit more prudent with his attacks. Which was no problem for him; Kragg could do much more outside his Defense Ball, and his endurance was impressive even among Wallrunners, so he could afford to play the long game. Some distance had been put between the two fighters since the Earth's Bastion's last attack missed, so he began his approach back towards the other two. Slowly because of his size, and carefully as he waited for his foe's next move since he didn't currently have the strength to attack first.

"Alrighty then!"

The cashier took the bag from the mystery arm, which retracted back over the counter. He leaned over the counter to present the bag to his customer, before he stood upright again.

"Have a blessed day."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Ha! Now your one sign the graffiti! Guess that's sorta different." Rinku rubbed a finger under his nose. "Even though we are back to this old game of figuring out where you are gonna come out from. Oh gee, I wonder where."

What a braindead shark. Suppose dolphins were the ones known for their craftiness. Rinku didn't expect much to come from this one, yawning and kicking his feet up in the air as he waited. For a hyped up and out of control as Beam was, this was a rather rudimentary match, wasn't it? He hoped it wouldn't stay this way, or else he'd be forced to make it entertaining.


Predictably, Beam emerged from below indicated by the quaking earth. Backflipping out of the way, Rinku cartwheeled without changing his posture. Yet the sand he got up with him was rather distracting. Putting up a hand to block it from his squinting eyes, he flinched when he realized the sudden appearance of a growing shark shaped object. Beam came in to bite him, which Rinku tried to dart out of the way from. However, he was too late, as when he was mostly clear, Beam bit into his shoes, and started to clamp down on his feet.


Pain. That was different. Hissing, Rinku preformed a barrel roll, tearing his own shoes on Beam's serrated teeth and removing the anchor he had on Beam's body. The now barefoot Rinku twirled out, landing on the concrete with a skid. A tooth shaped wound on his ankle, it dripped with bright crimson fluid.

"Heh...alright." Beam grew a smile. "You got some bite for your bark. How fun, now I have good playmate~"

In a blur, Rinku rushed toward beam's location, throwing a flurry of sharp punches and jabs aimed for his chest, after the series of blows, he'd do a swift kick with his good foot to try and break bones in the body of the finned psychopath.


Previously Manu456Alola
"Teleported away, huh...?"

Her Fierce Issen Dash couldn't quite catch Neph, who had teleported high above the priestess, raining down blasts of psychic energy upon Kirin. Without many means to attack that this range, she was forced to flee, legs moving swiftly as blast after blast struck the ground behind her, leaving scorch-like marks along the bridge the fight started out on.

Grabbing another set of talismans, Kirin focused her Septima into them, giving each one a bright white glow. She promptly threw a few at Neph, their speed greatly increased by the psychic energy flowing through them, hopefully netting a tag. Another trio of talismans struck different sections of the ground beneath the Pokémon, though they remained motionless. Kirin herself moved closer to the nearby factory for cover, additionally looking to find some sort of advantage in an area that she knew a lot better than Neph.​

"Hey, what's all this about?!"

Giant ghost claws weren't something he was expecting from Chai! Cayman threw a quick punch at one of the arms, sending it reeling backward for a moment, before he brought up his guard when the other claw struck. It tore through his weakened gauntlets in a single swipe, drawing some blood before Cayman looked to retaliate with a punch---and he was interrupted by the now-recovered second claw, which swiped at his back. The tougher, basically undamaged armor managed to hold, but the combined onslaught of both claws was starting to wear him down.

"Surrounding me and attacking from behind?" Cayman sputtered as he knocked an attack aside with a hook. "This isn't looking like much of a Duel anymore!"

A literal fiery aura began to surge from Cayman's body, adding a layer of both defense and offense to the Adept's moves, increasing his damage output while giving him a little extra protection from the attacks, though he couldn't quite focus on what Chai himself was up to.

♫♩ To another level! ♩♪​

Now he sure felt popular, being bombarded with questions and all.

"I've been to like... three, I think? Been a little while since the last one, but there's lots of amazing fighters just like in this one!" He started off with. "Winning one of these is hard, but if you give a good show you could have a good chance at being invited to these again!" Pit added.
"Just like how you were invited to this bootleg one for comic relief?" Palutena teased, to which the angel huffed.
"Hey, you know Master Hand was just kidding! I guess he's taken to making his own tournaments now, since the OG Smash Bros. guys are now the ones running the main show..."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"What? You wanted Fisticuffs, right? Well I took my fists from my cuffs." Chai mused, giving a wink and then a finger gun with his free hand.

Taking out his guitar from his back, a blue energy had begun to build up from it. Darting forward, he leaped across from Cayman deftly, slashing once, leaving a blue line diagonally in the air. And then a second time the opposite of it, leaving a floating blue 'X'. Standing in front of him while the claws kept him busy, he slashed three times quickly, leaving three a floating lines, looking like a musical bar.

"Overdrive Slash!"

That's when he brought his guitar down like an axe, shattering the combined artwork in the air and with a flash of bright blue light, a sonic blast was released in such close range, which would shatter the claws as well as hopefully Cayman himself.

♫♩ To another level! ♩♪
Audrey Redheart
Audrey was surprised when she heard the sword yelp. She knew the chick transformed into it, but it was still a surprise. Then she was caught off guard as a fist battered against her cheek.
"gah!" She yelped, stumbling back and letting her sword stay in the ground atop the Soul Edge. Audrey was certainly the athletic type, meaning she took better than some would, but it still stung. Plus, she'd let go of her weapon. "Cheap shot!" She chastised Troy, scowling, before lunging forward as if to strike with a kick...only to swipe her scarf across, attempting to cover Troy's eyes and surprise him before diving past to get her sword back.

Axe was surprised as the wall appeared, forcing him to start slowly back away, before he heard something faintly rattling against the rails behind him, turning his head to see a massive hand moving to send him flying.
"!" He was being pincered, which he was quick to discern as 'very bad'. He took out his first firecracker, lighting it against his boot as hard as he could, before tossing it right at the wall. As it exploded, he leaped forward with a diving roll, moving to get through whatever hole the explosion could cause. As soon as he did, he looked up at Grazie, nodding. "Okay, that's a little harder..." He admitted, before zipping forward to get around Grazie's back, attempting to strike with a simple bash attack with his shield.

Masaru Takahara
As Taskmaster confirmed his suspicions, there was one part that stood out to him in particular.
"Any move I see a person perform I can remember and replicate perfectly,"
"Huh, that's funny." He noted, as it was almost just like what he could do. Maybe a bit better, if he just needed to see it. Before he could dwell on it further, the assassin attacked the martial artist with a downward slash. With little time to react, Masaru stomped a foot into the ground, taking a sumo stance and using his arms to block the attack. It did cut...But it didn't get through much of his skin. Masaru aimed to take this chance to attack.
Arm Lock!
He attempted to grab Taskmaster's arm, aiming to bring him to the ground and twist his arm with a painful armlock!
"That's kinda like what I can!" He added, as if he wasn't aiming to restrict one of his opponent's primary limbs.

The Warlock
"Heh." The hybrid alien smirked wide seeing Dart falter, the mind scorch taking effect and the hero dogpiled. He was about ready to call it day, and assume his foe's demise, when all of a sudden a new blade cut through the lost, freeing it's wielder from the scorched mind. "W-what...?" To say the least, the Warlock was cut off. He felt something emanating from the blade, powerful and psionic...no, a mockery of psionics, in nature. It annoyed him, but what intrigued him was how Dart spoke. Naturally, his words also angered the Psion, who had an ego roughly the size of one of the ports in the cities of his world. "Oh? Not so happy now, are we?" He leaped down, just in time for the Lost that had stalked the building he just left behind to dive through the window and fall to the ground down from the fire escape, dying. He decided to ignore that.

And instead of recognizing that, just maybe, taunting the swordsman when he was within slashing distance was a BAD IDEA (let alone when said swordsman had become noticeably more serious), he decided to taunt.
"What's wrong, my powers bring about bad memories?" He laughed out, stopping. "Perhaps I'll go explore, see if there's anyone alive here you know, control them against you as well~" He mocked, not at all hiding villainy at this stage. "Ah, but you wouldn't allow that, would you, warrior? Then it is time to fall!" He called out, psionic energy flowing to his hands, which he pulled back before firing off as a laser directly towards the Hero of Seles.



Previously Deathstalker62
His fangs clamped down, his body surging promptly with electricity. The Vampire-turned-Canine was sent back a fair bit, but managed to withstand losing his balance and landed back on all four limbs. He already had plenty of firsthand experience with getting shocked, such as one originating from the Holy Lightning that Sylpha Belnades loved to cast. Those three lightning orbs were always such annoyances to deal with.. at least here, he was dealing with a barrier.

As he broke out into a sprint again, his front limbs begun getting covered in fire and, within the blink of an eye, the Chaos Claws were back on his person, setting his former arms ablaze with ancient, chaotic magic, shortly before his entire frame became coated in such magic, his body transforming into blazing flames. This had both saved his senses from being assaulted by the horrid sounds released from his opponent's spell while simultaneously creating a ramming attack in an attempt to shatter this barrier and close the distance that had just been created.

The Grass Type gladly took the bag with his teeth, clencing it between his jaws and yapped out a thankful noise, turning around.. and pausing, only to turn back moments later. Wait.. didn't he have to pay first? From what he knew, stealing from any kind of shop owner was a big no-no in his world, aware that thieves would both be branded as outlaws and be transported to 'Kecleon Hell' as he so often heard being described by travellers. So, the Gratitude Pokémon looked back to the Cashier and barked out again, transmitting another telepathic message.

" Shay.. min shaymin? "

' Wait.. don't I have to pay? '
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Weevil Underwood

Weevil's eyes widened as the Red-Eyes White Dragon took the field. How did Raptor get his hands on a card as rare as that one?! And then there was the Megamorph. A card Raptor had used last duel. The now massive Red-Eyes Black Dragon attacked, and completely burned away his Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth!
"NOOOO!!!" Weevil screeched.

The smoke cleared, revealing Weevil once more. The Flying Kamakiri #1 and #2 looked up towards the massive Red-Eyes, buzzing worriedly. Weevil's Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth was nowhere to been seen, and his Life Points now read 4360. Weevil himself was staring down at the duel terminal on his tower. The crowd murmured in anticipation. Was he in shock? Had Rex's combo attack broken the duelist?

"... Hehe..." Weevil chuckled. Slowly his laughter grew, until he was laughing manically. After a few moments of laughing, he looked back towards Raptor once again. Despite the fact his apparent ace monster had been beaten, Weevil was still confident.
"Well, well, well! It seems like I've misjudged you, Raptor! You really have gotten better since the regionals. I didn't think you'd be able to pull off a move like that!" Weevil said. He drew a card from his deck. Like the many turns before, the Kiseitai monster that was wrapped around Rex's Trakadon glowed, and Weevil's Life Points increased to 5180. Weevil glanced at the card in his hand, and grinned.

"You've done quite well, Raptor. I think you deserve a reward for all this hard work you've put in." Weevil said. "So I'm going to make your monsters even stronger!"
Weevil flipped one of the face-down cards he controlled face up.
"I activate Reckless Parasite! Kyahaha!" Weevil laughed. "It lets me summon one Parasite Paracide from your deck onto your field, which will infect all of your precious dragons and dinos and transform them into superior insects. Of course, this means they will all get powered up by the Field Power Bonus. But consider it a reward for lasting so long in our duel, Raptor."


Jeice screamed as both his mind and body were assaulted by these strange energy attacks from MODOK. His muscles burned and seized, and painful memories were raked across his mind. He forcibly recalled a time when he was a child. During a Galactic Little League Baseball match, a baseball hit by the kid at bat struck Jeice in the groin. Everyone had laughed, the opposing team, the coaches, his own team, the crowd, everyone! Jeice's scouter shattered from the strange energies. Another painful memory, one time Guldo had managed to defeat him. The little green slimeball had caught him by surprise, and managed to get the upper hand with his psychic powers. Much like the current match.

Yet another painful memory was raked across Jeice's mind. A time when the leader of Cooler's Armored Squadron and his main rival, Salza, had sliced off Jeice's hair in a sparring match in front of Frieza's and Cooler's forces. It took so long for Jeice's beautiful hair to regrow to its elegant length, and the whole time Jeice had to endure teasing from the other members of the Ginyu Force.

Salza. That was it.

Jeice's eyes shot open, and he gritted his teeth. He really hoped Salza, or any of the Ginyu Force, weren't in the audience right now. He pushed through the wave of energy, letting go of MODOK with one hand. A strange purple ki formed around Jeice's hand, elongating into a point. It was Salza's signature move, an energy blade. Or as Salza called it, the Sauzer Blade. Not that Jeice would ever call it that. It was a powerful attack that could cut through practically anything. Jeice suddenly extended his arm with the ki Energy Blade, pulling MODOK closer. He was attempting to stab the energy blade directly into MODOK's brain!

The Spirit that Inhabits the Millenium Ring

Bakura watched Kragg carefully, drawing a card from his deck. The White Magical Hat stood between Bakura and Kragg, at the ready for whatever attack Kragg may throw out next. The purple mist swirled around Bakura, becoming more agitated. Yami Bakura smiled.
"The shadows are calling for your soul, Kragg. Can you hear them?" Bakura asked.

"Our duel has just begun, but it's time to take this shadow game to the next level. The cards have spoken, and your fate... is Judgement!" Bakura revealed the card he just drew. The dark clouds around the warriors grew darker, with strange lighting crackling inside the clouds. It was a monster card, depicting a red-skinned foreboding hand. It was the monster Judgement Hand, the card Bakura used to represent the twentieth tarot card, Judgement, and it was upside down. For a moment, the massive hand appeared behind Bakura. It outstretched itself towards Kragg, sending out waves of self-doubt towards Kragg.

Then as quickly as the hand appeared, it vanished.

"Now, I'll simple set one monster face-down, and activate the spell card Fighting Spirit." Bakura said. A face-down duel monsters card appeared in front of the white haired young man, quickly followed by a large spell card. It depicted a warrior letting out a battle cry, with beams of energy shooting off from him. "This spell boosts my White Magical Hat's attack by 300 for each enemy monster on the field. Since that's just you, his attack will raise to 1300."

The well dressed gentlemen let out a battle cry, becoming pumped up by the spell Bakura played.
"Now, White Magical Hat! Attack!" Bakura commanded. The White Magical Hat charged towards Kragg once again, aiming another powerful kick at the head of the rock creature!