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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)

"I don't know, this is really incredibly interesting. At first, I thought it was that telepathy needed a trigger to develop. I thought that Espeon's telepathy was that trigger for Nana. But then her ability faded. I am very confident that it was Espeon's telepathy that activated hers, though. At least temporarily," Alex had an idea and reached for Espeon's pokeball. "Hey, let's try it again!" He summoned Espeon from his pokeball.

"oh, we're back here meow. grrreat." Espeon just had to get in a snide remark.

"Remeber Nana, Espeon?"

"yeah, the cute-" Espeon's voice seemed to stumble, "silly dancer. with the weird teleleapthy, right?"

Alex caught the stumble and smiled. "That's the one. Want to see if you can help her out again?" Alex turned back to Azumi. "Nana's got a lot going on, first her dancing evolution and now this telepathy thing. You've got a very special pokemon, Azumi."
Azumi smiled and finally let go of Ray. She picked Nana, who enjoyed the attention, and took her to Espeon's side. "Well she is growing differently than other Pokemon. Having no battle experience." Azumi responded to the comment Alex made. The Kirlia stood next to Espeon with a smile, unaware of what was going on. Azumi kneeled on one knee and spoke to her pokemon. "Come on Nana, try to communicate with us." She said with a smile.
Nana noticed the attention on her and began twirling around like a ballerina. "I don't think it's working." Azumi said looking disappointed.
Maker looked over at Allie. "We are trying to have Nana use her telepathy."
Alex turned to Allie. "Espeon first got telepathy during the attack on city hall. Afterwards, Nana danced around her and started speaking telepathically, too."

Nana noticed the attention on her and began twirling around like a ballerina.

"I guess she's just not interested?" Alex guessed.

"yeah, meow don't hear anything like last time"

"Well, I can leave Espeon out, maybe they'll talk more later, when Nana has less attention?"
"She isn't used to being around so many people and Pokemon. So having the chance to show off like this must be special to her." Azumi said with a smile as she watched her Kirlia. "Well there's still some time before we head to meet with Lucian." She looked at the clock above the door. "Hey Nana want to try a battle?" Azumi asked her. Nana looked at Azumi sideways, with a confused look. "I guess you don't really know what that is. Hey Alex do you think I should teach her to battle before she gets older?"
"They're not completely rehabilitated yet, but we did make some progress!" Ray answered Micheal's question. "But it'll probably take a few more sessions, at least, before they're as exemplarily reformed as yours truly, haha..."
Ray happily reciprocated Azumi's kiss and kept his arm wrapped around her throughout the course of the conversation.
"Oh joyous day. Maker respects me 'a little', now. I've never been prouder." he responded sarcastically to Maker's jeer, with a smirk.

He listened intently as the topic of conversation shifted to Nana's telepathy. He was no expert on the topic, but for some reason he had strong opinions on the matter...
"I'm not against Nana battling, if she shows genuine interest in it... but why force it? I mean, there are a million pokemon who can battle; but dancing? and at the level that Nana does it? it really is a unique gift - especially given the fact that she's been able to evolve from it. Pokemon - and people too, for that matter - are too often forced into one thing or another based on necessity and orthodoxy, as opposed to what their heart actually wants... So when a one-in-a-million pokemon like Nana comes along and breaks the mold, I think it's important to embrace it. When it comes to telepathy, battling, whatever... I just want to facilitate Nana's ability to progress at her own rate, and put faith in the fact that - no matter what - she's gonna do something great. It's not like Typhlosion'll ever let anything happen to her, anyway... so it's not like she needs to know how to battle... But maybe I'm just being over-protective..."
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Azumi listened attentively to Ray and blushed when she heard what Michael and Jodi said. She cleared her throat and pretended to act normal. "I guess you're right. I'm just excited to see what she is gonna be like in the future." She petted Nana, who smiled in returned. "Well, changing the subject. Who are you taking to meet with Lucian?" Azumi turned to Ray for an answer.
"I agree with Ray. We've had so many pokemon come in who won't evolve because they don't want to battle that we had to set up a whole program for it. If Nana can evolve without battling, well, that's one medicine she doesn't need. So I think you don't need to teach her to battle. Self defense classes might be a good idea," Alex pondered. "I don't want to be a boxer, but I've been considering them for myself. At any rate, that's totally up to you and Nana. She seems able to live a full, happy life without battling."

Alex, finishing his explanation, eyed the icecream. "Hey, there wouldn't happen to be enough for me to have some... would there?"
"Of course there is!" Maker said with a smile. She went to the kitchen, grabbed a big bowl, and filled it up. She stuck a spoon in the ice cream and took it to Alex. "Eat up. We have a field trip coming up, it would be a shame to go in an empty stomach." She handed the bowl to Alex and then threw herself on the couch next to Otis. "You have been awfully quiet, did you eat too much ice cream?"
"You're all welcome to come. I realize that after defeating Tempest you probably never want to see an evil team again, so no pressure... but I think we make a pretty good team, so if you'd be willing to help again that'd be fantastic! And Alex, Eli, and Allie: you all managed to hold your own at the city hall incident, so your help would be much appreciated as well - but again, only if you're willing... you just went to see a debate, and got dragged into something so much bigger, so I can understand if you rather not get involved."
Ray checked the time.
"We should probably head out soon..." he started getting ready to go.
"So, who's coming?"
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"We will come too!"Jodi said,getting up.
"Aww,yeah!The team's back in business!"Michael said happy,also getting back."I'm already excited to see how 'Zumi will investigate Lucian!And how you will try to hide it!"
"Ummmm...Why are you excited about that last part?"
"Well,our bad luck and 'Zumi's detective skills will clash,so it will be really interesting!"
Maker stood up and pulled Otis to her. "We are going also! Ready to go!" She dashed outside while dragging Otis along.

Azumi picked up Nana and grabbed her bag. "I'm ready also." She stood next to Ray and leaned against him. She laughed at Michael's comment. "Don't worry, I won't be rude or anything. Just ask him simple questions."
Ray smiled. He was grateful that so many people were willing to help him.
"Thanks everyone! Alright, let's go..."

He led the group through the city as the sun set toward the harbour where he'd agreed to meet Lucian. The cool night air and the salty sea breeze along with the lull of the waves against the docks made for a beautiful night - but Ray didn't have time to appreciate it as he scoured the surroundings for Lucian. Before long he spotted the man's silhouette next to a warehouse on top of a hill, and hurried over to him. The warehouse appeared to be abandoned, and Ray had to hop a rusty old fence in order to get to it... As he approached Lucian he noticed a second figure standing next to him: a tall woman with sharp eyes and purple hair - though the details of her face were somewhat obscured by a scarf, a large pair of glasses and a beret.

Lucian noticed the group approaching and greeted them.
"My, you've assembled quite the team, Ray - I knew I could count on you!"
"N-no worries, just happy to help..." Ray responded sheepishly. At the same time, he warily eyed the mysterious woman standing next to him...
"Oh, forgive me - I haven't introduced you to my friend yet; and I should introduce myself to those who haven't met me yet, as well..."

Lucian turned toward the group:
"Good evening, everyone, and thank you for joining our little investigation. My name is Lucian, of the elite four; and the person next to me... you may call her June." The woman maintained her pokerface and curtly nodded toward the group before Lucian continued...
"I have reason to believe that this warehouse - unbeknownst to most, once owned by team Galactic - has become the base of operations for villainous activity once again... The attack on city hall was, most likely, planned in this location, which is why we're here to investigate. Before we continue, are there any questions?"
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The crisp night air helped Alex stay alert. Normally he'd be soaking in his beautiful surroundings. The ocean waves sloshed gently and rhythmically against the pillars of the pier as brilliant white stars sparkled against the dark backdrop of the sky. Lights stuck to the shadowy outlines of buildings, casting warm, orange spotlights on the ground below. The air smelled pleasantly of salty air and old wood.

Meanwhile Alex was on high alert. He didn't like walking around at night, but the presence of his friends - one of whom was even a police officer - helped keep him from a full panic attack. Nevertheless, Alex kept an eye out for any motion outside the group. Arcanine padded softly at his side, her clumsiness already starting to fade. Meanwhile, Espeon quietly slept on her back.

Ray led them to a fence, so Alex clambered over it, making way more noise than he'd have liked. Arcanine followed with an awkward leap. She soared way higher than she needed to, ending up quite a distance from the fence. She waited while Alex walked back up to her side.

Alex looked back ahead. When he noticed a man standing on a hill, his heart dropped. But before he could consider whether this man was even a threat, Ray hurried over. He didn't seem alarmed, so Alex assumed the man was this 'Lucian' person.

"Good evening, everyone, and thank you for joining our little investigation. My name is Lucian, of the elite four; and the person next to me... you may call her June. Before we continue, are there any questions?"

Arcanine eyed them both cautiously. Her master was tense, and these people were strangers. Best to keep an eye on them.

Alex tried not to show it, but he was a little suspicious of June. He'd never heard of her before, and he didn't like the mysterious air she gave off. "Actually, Lucian? I've never done any sort of investigation before, but I thought I'd mention this in case it might be handy," Alex stumbled through the sentence. "My espeon has telepathy," he looked back when he remembered Espeon was asleep. "Uh, I can wake him up," he hedged, looking back at Lucian and June. "Let me know if we can help."
Azumi stayed by Ray the whole trip, distracting herself by speaking to Nana. The location they had arrived to was nothing new to her, many gangs had tried making places like this one their hideout. Instead, she showed Nana around and told her stories about the arrest she had made around the area.
When Ray rushed over to Lucian, Azumi followed patiently, making sure everyone got over the fence safely. She soon caught up, along with the rest. She smiled at Lucian's greeting and locked her eyesight on June. She had never seen her with Lucian before and caught Azumi's attention. She didn't say anything though, she knew that Lucian wouldn't leave any important details behind. Her detective instinct was on though, watching for any important details.

Maker stumbled over the fence and nearly fell. She laughed at her own clumsiness and continued to follow the group. She stopped to listen though when they reached Lucian and June. She cared little about the two, she was just there for the fun.
As Michael stepped outside,he realized something."Ugh,I can't see a thing from my right side of the face!"He whispered angrily to Jodi.
"Why didn't you put some ice on the black eye like I told you?"She quietly scolded him.
"I didn't know that my vision would be limited at night!"His Tangela,which was held by him,sighed disappointed.
"Well,here."Jodi went over to his ride,so she can make sure he won't walk into something or trip over a pebble.
"Thanks."They continued to walk until they reached the fence. Tangela jumped down and used her Vine Whip to pick up Jodi and Michael and put them on the other side and then she went right beneath it,since she was pretty small.They followed the others to Lucian and someone called "June",which they eyed suspiciously.Michael was a little intimidated by the thought of going inside the abandoned house,but he quickly got rid of that thought and continued to listen to the conversation.
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"Telepathy, you say? That may prove useful to us, indeed... thank you for letting me know." Lucian smiled at Alex. "I have an Espeon as well, but with Synchronize: Espeon's standard ability. An Espeon with Telepathy, on the other hand, is practically unheard of... As a psychic-type specialist this intrigues me; perhaps you can introduce me to him later? Ah! but I am getting ahead of myself... Let us first focus on the task at hand."
Lucian directed himself toward the rest of the group:
"Well if there are no further questions, then let us commence!"

The man walked over to the door of the building and sent out his Gallade, who used Psycho Cut to slice through the locks. June followed close behind him as he entered the warehouse, along with Ray.
The inside of the building was just about what you'd expect of an abandoned warehouse: the concrete floor was cracked and covered in rubble and dust; the corrugated metal walls were corroded and covered in graffiti and holes; and the roof appeared to be collapsing in several places. The building certainly didn't look like it was the hideout of any evil team... but June seemed unfazed by this and assertively strode through the warehouse toward an unassuming, yet peculiar set of doors near the back. Lucian and Ray caught up to her as she pulled a worn-down card key from her pocket and waved it in front the doors, which, to their surprise, opened, revealing a secret staircase leading underground...
"This way" she stated bluntly as she began to descend the staircase. "There may be Galactics down here, so watch out."
Lucian and Ray followed her down the staircase, into a labyrinth-like network of grey hallways with neon lights adorning their walls...
"Amazing... it's impressive that team Galactic managed to keep this place a secret, even after their disbandment" Lucian remarked as he ventured deeper into the hallways. Ray hung back a bit and waited for the others to catch up.
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Michael quietly followed the others,shivering as the peculiar doors open."This is how people die in horror movies!...Not that I've seen any..."Michael whispered to Jodi.
"I know."She got out her Glaceon,just in case she needs someone to defend her.They went down the staircase and looked around.Michael was so scared that he couldn't stop shivering,but he managed to keep a straight face.
Azumi followed everyone, staying behind Ray but in front of the rest of the group. Her Lucario and Stoutland we're ready to be released if needed. She mentally took down notes of the situation, analyzing details and what each suspected said or did.
Maker noticed Michael was having a difficult time and decided to boost his confidence. She walked next to him and put his arm over her shoulders. "You better take care of me Michael." She said acting scarred. Usually making someone feel they had to protect another, would boost their confidence.
Michael looked unimpressed at Maker and said"Oh please,you're a grown woman with a team full of powerful Fire Type Pokemon that can't get scared easily."He got his hand back to where it was and said with a smile"But thanks for trying."He continued to shiver,but not as hard.Jodi rolled her eyes and whispered to Michael:
"There might be a lot of cute Pokemon around here!"When Michael heard this,his face turned into a big smile.
"Really?Oooooh,I can't wait to pet one!!!"
Alex followed the group down the secret staircase. The unevenly lit hallways smelled of damp earth; water leaked in through cracks in the cement. The place looked a thousand years old, though it likely was less than a hundred. Turns out that building a basement next to the sea wasn't the best idea. Alex hoped it wouldn't cave in on them. Alex passed through a cobweb and frantically tried to get it off. A puff of Arcanine's flame burned the gossamer threads away easily. As the group passed in and out of the light, Alex nervously checked behind him. The narrow corridor had only two ways out: front and back. Alex wanted to make sure they didn't get trapped in here. Alex noticed what he thought was motion in the distance behind them. His heart fluttered, but he decided it was nothing. The group's footsteps echoed throughout the labyrinth as the progressed deeper in the secret basement.

"So what exactly are we looking to find down here?" Alex whispered. "If we're looking for dust, cobwebs, and building code violations, I think we've found what we came for."
"Hmmm... Well, in all honesty, I was hoping to run into some Galactic grunts here; but this places appears to be unoccupied - or, at least, it doesn't appear to be the main base of operations as I expected it to be..." Lucian responded to Alex, scratching his chin contemplatively.
"I don't see any plans or documents lying around, either..."

"Check out these bootprints, though" June crouched down and analyzed the dirt patterns on the floor. "There's been a large number of similarly-uniformed people through here, and quite recently too..." June narrowed her eyes, before coming to a realization: "Wait a minute! these bootprints are all going outside, back to where we just came from! But with the conversion of the old base into the new city hall, and the destruction the old tunnel network, the warehouse should be the only entrance here... "

"Given the unidirectionality of the bootprints, it would appear as though these hallways were used for the transportation of troops..." Lucian deduced. "But if what you're saying is true - that the warehouse should be the only extant entrance - then it raises the question: from where were these troops transported? Mysterious..." Lucian stared at the footprints, lost in thought. "I supposed we should follow them to their source. On me, everyone! stay close by!"

Lucian led the group deeper and deeper into the subterranean corridors, following the numerous bootprints until they reached their source: a teleportation pad, similar to those found in gyms and the bases of evil teams - but at the same time, this teleportation pad was different: it was much bigger and much brighter, and its glassy surface swirled with a pale combination of blue and pink... in addition its exposed circuitry and incongruous components gave it a sketchy, makeshift appearance.

"This looks... unsafe" Lucian looked over the device dubiously. "Well, before any of you object I'm going to go ahead and try it first to make sure it's safe" he smirked and waved to the group and stepped onto the teleporter before anyone could say anything and disappeared with a flash of light...

"Hey! Wait!" Ray immediately chased after him and disappeared as well.

When they re-materialized on the other end of the teleporter they appeared to be deep within some kind of cave, which was sufficiently furnished with furniture, machinery, and everything else that you'd expect in a proper lair... But Lucian and Ray didn't have time to take in their surroundings because they were surrounded by dozens of un-uniformed Galactic grunts, who appeared to be surprised by their entrance.
"WHO GOES THERE!?" one of the grunts shouted, and the rest of them sent out their pokemon in a threatening manner...

Lucian sent out his Alakazam and Ray followed suit and sent out Typhlosion.

"Ha! Well if it's a fight you want then it's a fight you'll get!" the grunt shouted, and the hoard of enemy pokemon attacked...
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"Ray wait!" Azumi called after him, but he was gone. "There he goes looking for trouble again..." She looked back at the rest. "Maker and Jodi, you two stay here just in case. The rest of you, let's go." She stepped into the portal and Nana waved good bye as they disappeared.

"I got guard duty? Aw man..." Maker complained. "Well I hope some grunts come this way before I get bored."

Azumi appeared and saw Ray and Lucian about to engage in battle. She felt annoyed and scolded Ray. "Really? Again?" She sent out her Stoutland. "Did you really just ditch us and charged recklessly ahead?" Azumi was focused on Ray, while her Stoutland was ready to attack. Nana also gave Ray an angry look, just like Azumi.


Previously OtisRolePlays
She started to get confused by what June said, but she shrugged it off and kept on following the boot prints. Soon, the group had found a pad where they could teleport with. Otis nodded to Azumi, and hopped onto the pad. She was teleported to where team Galactic was, and Otis joined in the fight with Nia, Mary, and Joey by her side.
Alex looked at the pad. "Fantastic, for all we know they could be dead," Alex quipped sarcastically.

Espeon, having been woken up by the loud humming of the machine, was able to provide some reassurance. "nah, meow can still sense them, theyre fine"

"Well, what good is a trainer who doesn't trust their pokemon? I guess I'm going in too," Alex conceded. "See you guys later, I hope." Alex and Arcanine stepped on the pad. The dark corridors melted around them, replaced by a cave scene de-melting into reality. Alex stepped off the right of the pad feeling nauseous, leaving the rest of the party to his left. "Man, those things always make me dizzy..." he commented. He looked up, noticing some machines and furniture, but more importantly, people and pokemon. In fact, in his dizziness he had stumbled right up to a flygon. "Heeeeey, I remember youuu," Alex said sheepishly as he stumbled backwards. The dragon swung its claws, but this time Alex managed to trip and fall over before they connected.

Arcanine leapt over her trainer, causing Espeon to fall off and hit the ground with a meow. She slammed into the flygon with the force of a flame-coated, 350 pound dog. Alex stood up and brushed himself off. "Arcanine! Play Rough!" The huge, orange pokemon looked up at the sound of her trainer's voice. She play bowed, momentarily confusing the flygon, before launching at him with bared teeth. Caught off guard, the dragon fell to the tricky attack.

"hey, duck" Espeon's voice echoed in Alex's head lazily. Alex and Arcanine both obliged, moments before a searing white beam of energy passed over both of their heads, scorching the wall behind them. He was so focused on the flygon that he hadn't noticed the Hyper-Beam-wielding Luxray deeper in the cave.

Alex looked behind him, noticing how close the beam hit next to the teleporter. "Hey guys!" he called out to the grunts deeper in the cave. "Let's try not to blast our only way out, yeah?"