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Ask to Join Captured by the Evil Team! (part 2: new RPers weclome)


Previously EeviumZ
Allie stepped onto the teleporter, not knowing what was on the other side.
She regretted it an instant later.
She saw multiple Galactic grunts battling the rest of the group, and her heart rate raised to alarming speeds. She pulled out Gardevoir’s Pokeball and shouted “Gardevoir! Go!”
Eevee leaped off her shoulder and tried to make an intimidating face towards the Grunts. Of course, Eevee only ended up looking adorable. Allie sweatdropped, this was not the impression she wanted to be making.
“Gardevoir, Fairy Wind! Eevee, Shadow Ball!” Allie shouted.
Gardevoir produced a pink sparkling wind while Eevee prepared a shadowy orb. They both fired at Luxray, the Fairy Wind making the Shadow Ball travel much quicker and hit much harder.


Previously OtisRolePlays
Joey flew overhead, looking for weak Pokémon to take out. Soon, he spotted a Jolteon with low hp attacking Mary. He dove down, using Fly on the small electric type. Mary then smacked down on it with a hot Fire Punch, which caused the Jolteon to faint. Otis looked over to Alex while commanding Nia to use Night Daze on a Pikachu. “You okay? Is that Flygon back to smack your head again?” She joked as Nia finished the Pikachu off.
Maker smiled at Eli. "Well that's nice of you. Hopefully this won't be too boring. There better be some action." She looked at the pokeballs on her belt. "I wonder who I should use."

Azumi finished scolding Ray and focused on the battle. Her Stoutland was going to to toe against a Vigoroth. "Pops! Iron head!" Azumi yelled. The big dog like Pokemon smashed his hesd against the ape like Pokemon, sending him flying back to his trainer. A Bibarrel rolled towards Pops, but the Stoutland stood his ground and stopped the rolling Pokemon with his head.
While Azumi was watching her Stoutland battle, Nana was watching typhlosion, cheering him on. She then noticed a toxicroak creeping behind him. The poison toad jumped in the air, ready to stab Typhlosion's back with his poison jab. Nana panicked and her eyes glowed. A furry of pink and purple pixels appeared around her and Azumi and shot at the Toxicroak like if they were thousands of arrows. The Toxicroak cried in pain as it was smashed against a machine. Azumi was startled and managed to see Toxicroak impacted by the attacks. She looked over at Lucian. "Thanks for the help!" She called to him.
A few of the grunts near the back of the cave began frantically talking to each other. They could tell they were outmatched and were starting to panic. Another woman, wearing a different uniform walked over to them and spoke with authority. The grunts looked at her with shock and a bit of fear. She spoke again, more harshly this time. The grunts turned and reluctantly ordered their pokemon to attack... the teleporter.

Meanwhile, Alex was starting to get his bearings, now that the flygon had been dealt with. "I was ready for him this time! I dodged him... on accident!" Alex proudly shouted to Otis. Looking around, he noticed that there was more than just machines, boxes, and furniture in the cave. There was also a cage about three feet on a side, with four pokemon crammed in together. Alex noticed a few grunts struggling to put it on a cart to escape with. The pokemon inside recoiled from the grunts, afraid. "Oh no you don't," Alex muttered under his breath. Suddenly a boulder flew passed him, hurled by a gurdurr. Espeon diverted the rock from crushing the teleporter. Alex looked back at the grunts trying to take the caged pokemon away.

"Guys! Protect the teleporter! I'm going after those pokemon," Alex shouted to his friends as he ran across the battlefield. He ducked and dodged around stray shadow balls from Allie's eevee, jumped over an unconscious toxicroak, and danced past Joey and Mary. Espeon, meanwhile, had found a high perch, and was telepathically feeding Alex instructions on how to avoid these dangers. "Arcanine! Stop them!" Alex shouted, pointing at the grunts with the cage. Arcanine put on a burst of extreme speed, knocking over one and then the other man. Alex arrived at the cage as Arcanine put her paw on one of the grunts and growled. "Leave it, Arcanine," Alex ordered.

"just telling the bad man he should leave my pack alone" Arcanine's voice sounded in Alex's head as she took her paw off the grunt.

Alex looked at the two men. "You two! Go lay face-down over there. Hands on the ground above your head," Alex angrily ordered them, pointing at a nook in the cave wall. After making sure the grunts complied, Alex looked in the cage. He felt a pang of sadness seeing the fraxure, gligar, trumbeak, and salazle all crammed in together. They all looked scared, even of Alex. He promised himself to come back and help them as soon as everything calmed down in here. Alex looked back at the battle field, scanning for anyone who seemed like they needed help.
"Pops! Use thunder fang!" Azumi called out. Her Stoutland bit down on the Bibarrel with a jolt of electricity running through his body. The Bibarrel no longer got up. Azumi saw Alex take care of the grunts carrying the cage. She looked around and saw a Rhydon charging towards the teleporter.
"Pops! Stop him with Iron head!" She yelled the order out to her pokemon. The Stoutland charged at the Rhydon, but was attacked from the side by a Thro. The giant dog was sent flying and hit floor rolling. The Rhydon began running through the group, avoiding being stopped by anyone. Azumi was about to reach for her next Pokemon when a furry of magical leafs came out of nowhere and hit the Rhydon, stopping his rampage and making him stumble a few steps back.
The Stoutland returned and bit down the Rhydon with an ice fang, pinning it down. Azumi turned to thank whoever shot the magical leafs, but couldn't tell who it was.
"S-sorry... But in my defence, I didn't know there was going to be grunts here..." Ray futilely tried to justify his actions to Azumi, but he knew she was right...
Typhlosion was enjoying the heat of battle as per usual, throwing Fire Punches and tackling opponents to the ground with Flare Blitz. But he was unaware of the Toxicroak sneaking up on him until he heard the sound of psychic energy behind him, and saw the Toxicroak go flying... Typhlosion stared at Nana with a stunned expression for a moment, never having seen her use an attack before, before refocusing his attention on the battle...
"Hm? Did I do something helpful?" Lucian responded to Azumi, confused. His Alakazam was busy whizzing around the room at speeds nearly imperceptible to the human eye, bombarding enemy pokemon with Psychics and Shadow Balls.
June sent out a Skuntank and a Crobat, and was busy combatting some of the grunts' own Stunkys and Golbats.
Ray, meanwhile, heard Alex's comment about the teleporter, and he and Typhlosion tried their best to stand guard. But there was only so much the two of them could do, and the enemy pokemons' attacks began to slip through... Typhlosion was busy grappling with a Magmortar when a Raichu's Thunderbolt crackled through the air and struck the teleporter, causing it to start flashing and malfunctioning...
"Oh shit... teleporter's about to give out!" Ray shouted to his allies. "If we want to go we're gonna have to go NOW - but I don't know if there's gonna be enough time for all of us..." he worried, seeing that Lucian June and Alex were quite far away... Before he could even consider whether they should stay or go the Raichu sent another Thunderbolt his way, and Ray narrowly managed to avoid the attack and sick Typhlosion on the enemy pokemon...
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Jodi and Michael nodded and did what Azumi told them too.But as he stepped through the teleporter,he noticed everything that was going on.He was overwhelmed by all of the attacks,so he just starred at everything while Tangela was protecting him from the grunts' Pokémon.But when the Thunderbolt struck and Ray spoke,he quickly snapped out of it and walked over to the teleporter,sending him back.
"Why are you here?What happened?"Jodi asked him.
"I don't even know what happened on the most part,but it appeares that a Raichu hit the teleporter with a Thunderbolt and it began to malfunction.So,if the others don't hurry,they might remain there."
"What?!"Jodi shouted,shocked by his response.She looked over at the teleporter,repeating in her head"Please make it,please make it!!!"
Hearing Ray's shout, Alex looked over at the teleporter. "if you get on Arcanine, theres still time to mee-ake it," Espeon's voice offered in Alex's head. Alex looked back at the cage full of pokemon.

"I can't leave them here, and I can't let these thugs get away with what they've done. You two go through, you'll find Maker on the other side!" Alex shouted.

"im not leaving my very bestest friends!!!" Arcanine said resolutely. "i'll stay here and protect you!!"

"meow might be lazy, but i'm not a coward. besides, what would you two do without meow leadership?" Alex couldn't help but smile, hearing the voices of his pokemon. Just then, Espeon deflected a narrow beam of water from hitting the cage. Instead, it caused an inch deep cut in the rock wall behind them. "see, like that? what would you have done with that?"

Alex turned to face the golisopod and trainer that were trying to cut through the cage. Arcanine shook her coat, gathering electricity. She ran at the monstrous bug, leaping into the air and crackling with electricity. Despite the damage, the pokemon caught Arcanine, holding her in a tight grip. "Perfect," Alex said. "Arcanine! Incinerate!" Arcanine heard the command, enveloping herself in a growing ball of flame. Completely hidden by the fire, the golisipod hissed and dropped Arcanine. The fireball dissipated.

"Those are our pokemon! Fair and square!" the grunt called.

"Not anymore they're not! Nobody treats pokemon like this and gets away with it!" Alex shouted back.

"Fine, then I'll just have to take them!" the grunt yelled, summoning a galvantula from another pokeball. His boss was so going to kill him if he didn't get those pokemon back.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie moved towards the teleporter, but stopped midway when she saw that Alex wasn’t leaving.
I’m not leaving anyone behind.
She looked at Gardevoir. “Get ready to teleport us out of here if the teleporter breaks.”
She turned to Alex. “If you aren’t leaving, I won’t leave either. Gardevoir, Psychic.”
Gardevoir did what it was told and immediately began to glow blue. Instantly, the grunt and his Galvantula were locked in place.
Azumi noticed the pokemon June was using and became more suspicious. She stood next to Ray. "There's no way I'm leaving without you." She ordered Pops to attack an incoming Hunchcrow. "We don't have time to get everyone out and Allie's Gardevoir can't teleport everyone out. Nana gets exhausted teleporting small objects, I can only imagine how much pressure moving a whole human must be like." She noticed that her Stoutland hand pinned down the attacking bird. She then looked back at the teleporter, it was on it's last moments. "We are going to be stuck inside the enemies HQ again. It's kind romantic considering how we became a couple." Azumi smiled at the thought and then yelled out to everyone. "Last chance to escape!"

Maker looked at Michael, Jodi and Eli. "Man I don't wanna miss out on the action!" She looked at Michael. "Besides Michael said he won't protect me, so I'm going in!" She said with a sarcastic tone and jumped into the teleporter. Once on the other side, her eyes brightened with the sight of the battles going on. "You guys sure are having fun!" She sent out her Infernape and looked around for an opponent. Just then a grunt faced her and sent out a Hitmonlee. Maker smiled as her Infernape got in a fighting stand. She took out a hairband and did her sideways ponytail, which was much longer now.
"Close combat!" The grunt yelled. The Hitmonlee rushed towards Infernape.
" You too Ramon!" Maker said, jumping with excitement as her Pokemon clashed with the enemy and they began fighting at an incredible speed.
"'Aker no!!"Michael yelled,running after her.
"Michael,you'll get stuck there!"Jodi called after him,but he was already gone.She sighed frustrated and went after him.Once they got there,they noticed that everyone was either panicking,or fighting."Guys,hurry!We can't get stuck here!"Michael called out to his friends.
"Come on,there's no time to waste!"Jodi added with concern in her voice.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked around realizing he was alone and bite his lip "I hope they know what their doing..." He looked at the teleporter "Don't even know what their doing..." He tried to reason with himself before he sighed and jumped on the teleporter and saw the battles going on around the room. He saw all the pokemon going after the teleporter, and after a few quick hand motions Lix started to circle the teleporter at blinding speeds as Veon fired dazzling gleam at anyone who came close and Razor blocked all incoming hits while using endurance, Eli observed, ready to change strategies any second
"If everyone gets stuck here,I want to be too!And also to make sure that everyone gets back."Michael said,ducking from a Hyper Beam that came from a Luxray,that was aimed for other Pokémon."Wait,se forgot El-"He was about to go after him when he appeared through the teleporter."Nevermind then."
"Cool,now there's an even bigger chance that someone will be stuck here!Let's just go!"Jodi said worried.
Maker's Infernape stood victorious over the fainted Hitmonlee. Maker looked over at Michael and Jodi. "Hey I think it's better if everyone is together. It's much more fun that way!" She said with a big grin. A Nidoking was now charging towards the teleporter. "Ramon! Fire punch!"
The fire monkey enveloped his fist in fire and smashed it against the Nidoking's face. The giant poison Pokemon stumbled back and fired a sludge bomb at his opponent. Ramon was hit with the attack, falling backwards.
"You ok Ramon?!" Maker called out to her pokemon. The fire monkey slowly stood up, in a an unconscious way, like if he was sleep walking. Maker let out an evilish laugh. "Fufufu you've done it now!" She yelled at the enemy grunt. The Infernape then looked up at the Nidoking and let out a ferocious scream. The flames on Ramon's head turned bigger and into a flaring blue. "Yes! Let's heat things up! Flamethrower!" Maker called out, giving an expression of over confidence and excitement just like her pokemon.
The flaming Pokemon inflated his chest and then expelled a long and powerful line of blue fire. The Nidoking covered his face, but the impact was so strong that it smashed it against the cave wall. When the flames vanished, the poison Pokemon laid unconscious on the floor, his trainer looking at Maker with an astonished look. Maker smiled back. "Thanks for activating our blaze!" Maker walked proudly away, looking for her next opponent. She noticed Alex and Allie and ran over to them.
"Hey! Need any help? I'm ready to rumble!" She said, throwing punches at the air.
Typhlosion knocked out the Raichu with a Double-Edge and rushed back to Ray and Azumi, teaming up with her Stoutland to combat any approaching enemy pokemon.
"Hey, you're right!" he laughed at Azumi's comment. "Although if you want romantic, I rather just take you out for a nice dinner..." he said as as he just barely managed to lean out of the way of a stray attack...
The teleporter began to smoke and before long the flashing ceased and the device caught on fire. It appeared as though they they were going to have to find another way out of the cave...

Lucian's Alakazam was wreaking havoc on their opponents; the psi pokemon was meditating, mid-air, with several enemy pokemon orbiting around him, suspended in a field of psychic energy... Many of the grunts were retreating in fear, only to have their own pokemon flung at them by the psychic-type, knocking them over.
Azumi smiled at Ray's comment. "That would be lovely." She saw how the teleporter broke down and then she checked to see if everyone was safe. "Well, we are stuck here and the grunts seem to be running away." She returned her pokemon. "Well Nana, do you want to go into your pokeball?"
The Kirlia looked up at her trainer and nodded in disagreement and pointed at Typhlosion.
Azumi petted Nana and smiled. "Well I will keep you here, but if things get too difficult, you are going in." She looked back at Ray. "Well Mr. I rushed into a fight, what now?"


Previously OtisRolePlays
Otis and her Pokémon fought harder then ever, and she didn’t realize that the teleporter had been destroyed. Nia looked towards the teleporter, and then got hit with a Dragon Rage from a Garchomp. Then, Nia started to change back to his true form, and of course he changed back to a Zoroark. Clever then got up and summoned a giant wave of darkness, a Night Daze to be exact, to hit the Garchomp. Joey and Mary dashed over to help Clever, and they all released powerful attacks on the Garchomp.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie flinched when she saw the teleporter get destroyed. Her only escape route was gone, except for one.
“Do you guys still need me here?” she shouted - but suddenly, Garchomp fired a Dragon Pulse at her, knocking her down. She cried out in pain, and Eevee and Gardevoir rushed to her side.
“I’m fine, guys...” she said quietly.
Gardevoir turned to the Garchomp, eyes aglow. She was very angry.
Gardevoir’s Psychic activated unintentionally, freezing every Galactic Grunt and Pokémon in the room. She prepared a Moonblast, which grew to a massive size as it was fueled by her rage. She fired the blast at Garchomp, knocking it out.
Meanwhile, Eevee was using Heal Bell in attempt to help Allie. It worked slightly. Allie was able to get up.
"Hmmm..." Ray looked over at the broken teleporter with a look of concern. "I guess we're gonna have to find our way out of here on foot... I wonder where we even are? I guess we'll find out when we get out..."
Typhlosion barked at Azumi to try to get her attention. He was gesturing between Nana and the Toxicroak slumped against the wall, trying to tell her about the Kirlia's unexpected use of psychic power... but he wasn't sure if she could understand him...
As the teleporter went up in flames,the two jumped away in surprise.Michael's worried look turned into a scowl and he started to growl,as he felt rage inside of him.He sighed frustrated and nodded to his Tangela,who started attacking incoming Pokemon that belonged to the grunts that haven't fled yet.Jodi throwed Glaceon's PokéBall into the air with a disappointed look and began fighting.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli yelped as he heard the teleporter go up in smoke behind him. He grimaced and motioned to Razor by pointing inside the circle with three fingers. Razor leaped over lix inside the circle and fired razor leaf outside at the evil team members. Eli pointed to the middle of the room and the circle slowly migrated there, taking out many people on the way.
Azumi looked at Typhlosion with a confused face. She followed his stare and gestures. She even looked down at Nana, who smiled in returned. She walked over to Typhlosion's side and scratched him behind the ear. "Are you worried about Nana? She is fine. But, if it makes you feel better, you can take care of her." Azumi placed Nana on the badger's back. Nana cheered with joy as she got to ride with Typhlosion now.
Azumi went to Ray's side. "Do you know what Typhlosion is going on about?" She looked back at the two Pokemon. "Well, once the grunts here are dealt with, we should start walking. Who knows how big this place is or where we were teleported to."
"Something about Nana, and that Toxicroak over there?" Ray attempted to interpret Typhlosion's gestures. "Not sure what about them, though..." Ray was usually pretty good at interpreting his pokemon's gestures, but the idea of Nana attacking another pokemon was so foreign to him that he wasn't able to conceive of it without seeing it first-hand.
Typhlosion exhaled in frustration, as his message wasn't getting through to anyone... but he didn't mind taking Nana on his back in the meantime.

Lucian and his Alakazam, along with June and her Skuntank and Crobat, had the grunts on their side of the room in full retreat by now; the fox-like pokemon's Psychics, along the poison-type duo's toxicant attacks, were just too overwhelming for them to bear...

Lucian watched the fleeing grunts with a concerned expression.
"As much as I'd like to avoid further conflict: if we're going to get out of here, we'll likely have to go in the same direction as them..." He turned to June. "Do you have any idea where we might be?"

"None at all" the purple-haired woman replied. "Teleportation pads normally have a pretty small range - limited to a single building, most of the time - so the fact that we ended up all the way in some cave is pretty surprising... I guess there was something different-looking about that teleporter; but how could technology like that exist without the rest of the world knowing?" She looked around the cavern. "I don't recognize this place at all - it isn't Mt. Coronet, I can tell you that much... I guess we're just going to have to make our way out of here to find out."
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Azumi stood by Ray. She would not move unless he did. Her curiosity grew more towards June. But, she would not say anything until she was able to gather more information.

Maker noticed that the grunts had ran away. She turned to Alex and Allie. "Well, we should gather up with everyone else." She skipped happily back to where the broken teleporter was.
Alex noticed the rest of the grunts escaping, including the two he had made lie on the floor. That was annoying. He sighed and returned his attention to the cage. Something had to be done about these guys, he couldn't just leave them here and there's no way they could carry the wrought iron cage who knows how far. He checked his bag for some extra pokeballs. Thankfully finding what he was looking for, he laid four of them out on the cave floor and opened the cage. The pokemon were all squishing themselves against the back of the cage as best as they could. Alex frowned and began recalling them to the extra pokeballs, one by one. As soon as he successfully recalled the third, the remaining pokemon, a fraxure, charged. Alex didn't react in time and was knocked from a crouch into a sitting position. The fraxure tried to escape, but Arcanine caught the rogue dragon, pinning the pokemon between her front paws, chest, and the ground. Alex ran over and recalled the pokemon into the last remaining pokeball.

With that taken care of, Alex dusted himself off and joined back up with the group at the broken teleporter. "Well I guess the good news is that they had to get the teleporter in here somehow. Unless they blocked it off, there must be another way out of here," Alex said, looking at the destroyed machine. "I can't believe how they had those pokemon caged up," Alex commented sadly. "Who do these people they think they are?"
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Azumi shared Alex's feelings. "Pokemon are treated like that all over the world. They trade them for money or other benefits."

Maker sneaked up behind Alex. "Say... Wasn't there a fire type Pokemon in there? I could take care of it. You know, me being a fire type specialist and all." She spoke with a small smile and pleading eyes.
"Stuff like this makes me want to be a police officer," Alex said in response to Azumi's comment. "Don't they have a special force for stuff like this? The Pokemon Rangers, right?"

The sound of Maker's voice snapped Alex out of his reverie. He looked behind him. "Oh hey, Maker! Glad you could make it," Alex joked. "I don't knooow," he teased, in response to her question. "Having a pokemon like this is a big responsibility," Alex made it clear he was joking through the tone of his voice. He laughed. "But actually, sure. Really, I should be thanking you. I couldn't handle all four at once. I'd like to work with the fraxure, but I didn't know what to do with the others," Alex thought aloud, fishing the pokeball out of his bag before handing it over to Maker.

As he turned around, Alex noticed Allie struggling to her feet. He ran over to her and helped her stand. "Hey, are you alright?"
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Previously EeviumZ
She glanced down at herself. She had some minor injuries but she didn't see anything too serious.
"Well, I could be better... but I could be worse too," she replied.
"So... how are we going to get out of here? The teleporter's dead, Gardevoir is only able to teleport herself, and I have no idea where the exit to this place is."
Azumi patted Alex on the shoulder. "There's more criminals than people working to stop them. But don't worry, we are never giving up." She turned around when Alex was approached by Maker. She looked ahead, trying to figure things out.

Maker took the pokeball. "Yes! I finally got an Salandit!" She kissed the pokeball and held it in her hands. "I'm going to call you Alexini meanwhile." She put it away happily and turned to Michael, Jodi and Otis. "How are you guys holding up?"
"I agree" Lucian responded to Eli's suggestion. "We have no idea how deep we are in this cave; who knows how long it will take us to get out of here? I say we move immediately." He joined Eli in the tunnel. June followed close behind.
"Have your pokemon at the ready" he warned the group. "Remember, we're in the enemy's base: who knows how many more grunts there are hanging around..." He began to move forward through the tunnel.

"Come on, let's go" Ray smirked as he took Azumi by the hand. "It's time for a 'romantic' stroll through the enemy's HQ, as you might put it..."
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"Oh,we're fine!"Michael responded to Maker's question,also crushing his wrist.
"Michael,what are you doing to your wrist?"Jodi asked him worried,but she soon realized that if he stops,he'll start to rage about the 'Being stranded in a cave thing'.They followed everyone quietly,looking around the tunnel.But something immediately came to Michael's mind,so he approached Alex."Hey,I was wondering.If you gave 'Aker the Salazzle and you said that you only want to work with the Fraxure,could you maybe give me one too?"He looked at him with his best Baby Doll Eyes impression.

The Heart of Frostfire.

Previously The failure
(Hey... Adolph here... I am so sorry for abandoning you guys, but recently, my mood and depression have gotten much, much worse, and I have been slowly recovering from the drop... I am so sorry... Also, I signed into an old account because for some reason, the slip of paper with all my passwords on has gone missing, so I have to use an old account with a simpler password...)