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Private/Closed Cats Vs. Humans

Meowsy took the bat and hit Don. No blood came out. Meowsy opened the door and rushed violet out the door. He quickly made a bunch of scratches on the the door. "see ya, loser!" Meowsy said as he ran out the door, heading for the pet shop.
Violet laughed and high-pawed Meowsy on the way back to the shop. "That was fun! I wanted to destroy more stuff, though." Violet suddenly stopped running, and paled. "My fur is black and white. Blood is red. That snake bit me and brought the blood. The shopkeeper will know something went down!" Violet yelped, it just dawned on her.
Don sat on floor bleeding thinking "if i call the cops they wont believe me if i call animal control again without any evidence it was cats they wont believe me well, oh well i guess im getting new cats"
Meowsy wiped off the Blood with his paw. "I'm willing to take a risk. I'll hide it, and if the shopkeeper finds out i'll blame it on a dog." Meowsy said. he nodded towards Violet. "I don't want a kitten to be caught." Meowsy said as they arrived in the shop. he hopped in his cage and acted like he was sleeping.
Pain, who awoke with all the commotion, stared a bloodied Violet. "Petit Violet, dze mutts arrre asleep. Just sneak in and smear some blood on dzeir muzzle" he yawned tiredly, before his head dropped back down with a thud. It appeared the cat had fallen back asleep.
Don emptied out his shed so there was no were to climb and nothing to grab he then would adopt 4 adult german shepherds, and put them in the shed he then went to his next door neighbors house, and they would take him to the hospitul they stitched him up, and then don went home, and went to sleep
Violet nodded, then walked over to a beagle and smears blood on his muzzle. Violet then climbed into her cage, shut it, and went to sleep. The shopkeeper came in a view minutes afterwards, and saw blood on Violet, and blodd smeared on the beagle's muzzle. The shopkeeper screamed.
"And, adieu le sommeil." Pain muttered, awakening to the scream. Groggily, he pressed his face into the bars of his cage, before seeing Violet had indeed taken his advice. With a hidden grin, he got into character, before yowling and hissing towards the beagle in very convincing anger.
The shop keeper was horrified. Meowsy Made himself clear, and showed his bloody paw. The shopkeeper brang the innocent mutt in the back Meowsy hopped out and followed. He thought it was going to be put down. turns out he was being put in the back inside a kennel for an entire month! He quickly went back. "Guys! the mutt is going back there for a month! A MONTH!" Meowsy said to his friends. He had a smile on his face for the trouble he and Violet caused that night.
The shopkeeper began scolding the beagle. "Bad dog! Bad! You don't hurt the kitties!" The shopkeeper scolded the dog. She picked the dog up and took him to back room, putting him in the bad animals room. She then walked over to the cat cages and unlocked them all before picking Violet up and heading toward the back room to bandage her up. "Meow?" Violet meowed.
Pain dropped the act as soon as the shopkeeper left, and snickered loudly. "Hahaha, c'est merveilleux!" He leapt onto the counter and from there, onto the window to lounge in the front window. He watched as the people walked by early that morning. He even mustered up all the cuteness he could when a small child stared into the shop with awe.
The shopkeeper came out of the back room with Violet and sat Violet down, then shook her head. "Those bites look a lot more like snake bites the dog bites." She muttered, then began feeding all the animals and giving them water. Violet walked over to a calender, then started doing back flips and meowing happily.
Don woke up changed clothes and then went to his car, and drove off to fluffy companions he parked and, he then walked inside, and asked "can i adopt those 2 cats?" He pointed to violet and meowsy with a big grin.
Meowsy purposely cut his paw. He "screamed" In pain, nodding to Violet. He was signaling Violet to hurt herself so they couldn't be adopted! "ow ow ow! It hurts sooooooo much! I can't be adopted because i need medical care!" Meowsy Screamed.
Don lied, and said "I have had medical training ill treat them at my house dont worry they will be alright juust alright ill patch them right up" he then laughed in his mind
Violet quickly cut her paw and shoulder using her claws, then started screaming in pain. The shopkeeper rushed over to Violet and Meowsy, then gasped. "Oh! I'm sorry! You can't adopt these two right now! They need medical care!" The shopkeeper said, then picked up Meowsy and Violet and ran into the back room.
Don said to himself "I hate cats" he then would trash the place knocking shelves over and pushing over the animals cages he then would threw stuff around, using a dog bowl he smashed windows he then left store, and drove off
((OOC: Gtg, bye!))
Meowsy smirked at Don as he rushed to the back for medical care. The shopkeeper yelled from the back, "For their paws to heal it will take a couple of weeks! Come back then!" the shopkeeper heard the commotion. Then she saw what happened to the shop. She quickly called the Cops on Don, describing what he looked like. Then she rushed back to the duo of cats and started to work on them again
The shopkeeper walked into the front room after bandaging up Violet and Meowsy and gasped, then picked up the phone and called the police. She knew the animals didn't do the damage. Violet looked around. "That dude is on a rampage." She said.
Don was in the hospitul in a cast, and chained to the bed he yelled like a maniac he kept telling them the cats were evil so they put him in a insane asylum he told they he wasnt crazy but they didnt believe him.
"What was up wit dat psycho?" Loki asked, climbing out of his cage. He then noticed Violet. "Wait, weren't you dah kit he took wit him dah othah day? Did you seriously manage to be returned already?" He asked, beginning to laugh. "'Ey, guys! I tink dah kit'll put us all outta business if she came back dis soon!"
Violet growled. "I ran away cause he threw a snake at me, and called animal control on me!" Violet snapped, annoyed. She walked over to the calender. "And it just so happens I've turned a year old today in human years, meaning I am a teenager now!" Violet said proudly. "I am not a kid!" Violet said.
"Ah, my apahlogies, den." Loki said, dipping his head. "I get it, ya don't like bein' referred to as a kit, eh? I'll drop dah nickname. It's, uh, Violet, right?" He asked. "Anyways, why in dah name of dah Cat gods would dah human t'row a snake at ya? Did ya break sometin' and get caught, or is dah guy jus' dat psychotic?"
Name: Fernandez Jojo
Gender: male
Age: 39
Appearance: blonde hair blue eyes peach skin
Personality: serious,well mannered,sometimes mean
Job (if any): Detective in police force
Skills: Shooting,engineering,Master in taekwondo,and muay thai,investigating
Other: He hates cats.
Fernandez drove to fluffy companions on a investigation he walked inside fluffy companions asking the shopkeeper " may i speak with you ma'am in private"
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"He left to get a litter box, and h left his snake out. I got in the fridge and threw stuff out of it, then went to the bedroom to take a nap. The snake curled around me and threatened to eat me or suffocate me, so I slipped out of his grip, ran to the living room, climbed a bookshelf, and jumped onto a ceiling fan. The snake got back in his cage before the human got back. When he got back, he dropped the litter box, and turned the ceiling fan off. I fell off, then ran outside and hid in a bush. Then, I went to the back of the house, picked the lock on the back door, went in, knocked over a trash can, then squirted some ketchup on my paw and wrote on the trash can to never leave me alone with that snake again. I then went to lay in a patch of sunshine. Then, he got his snake, threw it on me, and drove off somewhere. I scratched the snake's side, then ran out the back door, slamming it shut and locking it. Then, I scratched up all the windows I could outside, and knocked over trash cans in the middle of the road. Then, he came back and called animal control, so I ran back here. Absolutely no clue why the heck he threw the snake on me." Violet said, staring outside.
"Mon dieu, dzat man does sound insane. Good dzing you arrre back here safe and sound, non? Oh, and cleverrrr dzinking, injurrring yourrrself to escape him." Pain purred from the window, before walking over to her and nuzzling her head in congratulations. He stared at the new human, "Dzis man could very possibly catch onto us if we arrren't careful..."
Violet nodded, then walked over to a curtain and began scratching at it, and it fell on her. She then put part of the curtain inside a dog's cage so it looked like the dog did it. Violet then started playing with a ball of yarn innocently, acting like she did nothing. The shopkeeper nodded.
Fernandez walked to the back and told the shopkeeper "im here to investigate your animals because we need proof to see if the man that messed up the place is crazy or not my team will blindfold the animals and then put hidden cameras in the shop and when were done we will unblindfold them.
"It is funny, how dzey dzink we arrre deaf." Pain laughed, the large feline had moved to sit near the entrance to the back room. Hearing the conversation starting to end, he quickly padded to the middle of the room. "Quickly, dzey will blindfold us and hide camerrras. Do not look for dzem, if you see one don't starrre. And most of all, no shenanigans until dzey dzink dzat man is the cause of destrrruction." he meowed urgently, but kept his deep voice calm.
"Alright. But please be careful with two of the cats, as they are injured." The shopkeeper said. Violet heard them, so she quickly ran around, telling everyone what they were going to do. Violet then climbed into her cage and went to sleep. She wondered why they were going to be blindfolded, though.
The French cat leaped into his cage, and let his eyes droop into a dopey, tired looking gaze. He blinked slowly to the passing humans, and meowed deeply. He padded clumsily to the front, running into the cage door, and stumbling a bit. He purred up at the two humans, honestly Pain could not have looked more innocent even if he was covered in... well you get the picture. His tail flicked at the tip, a sure sign of friendlyness.
Fernandez replied "we will be as careful as possible" fernandez then went outside and said "Go" 10 cops ran inside the store they blindfolded the animals, and then hid cameras they then unblindfolded the animals, and left fernandez went into the van, and watched on the monitor to see what they were doing
Violet woke up and yawned and stretched, then climbed out of her cage. She saw a pink ball of yarn, and walked over to it and began playing, however quickly lost interest. Violet then walked over to her food and water bowls and began eating. After she finished eating, she got a drink of water. She then lied down to take another nap.
Fernandez told his fellow officer "i asked don what happened and he said he tryed to adopt the cats, and then they were injured isnt that weird call the insane asylum we are gonna have to test to see what they will do if don trys to adopt them again, and how about this time he trys to adopt all the cats" the officer would call the insane asylum.
Pain grumbled, smoothing down his fur after being manhandled twice, once for getting the blindfold on, then off. He lumbered over to a sunny patch on the ground, unceremoniously flopping onto the ground, and dozed off. He dreamed of fires and snuggling in blankets, sure he should wreck some stuff, but he genuinely wanted to have a home to just laze about in.
Violet jumped slightly, and ran and hid behind Pain. "He's back!" Violet meowed, sounding somewhat angry, somewhat scared, and a tiny bit annoyed. "And he wants to adopt all of us!" Violet said, then grinned. "Hey! We could... wait, no. Nevermind." Violet had come up with an idea, but desided against it. The shopkeeper jumped slightly in surprise. "Two of them are injured. They can't be adopted for a couple of weeks until their paws heal." The shopkeeper explained.
Pain grumbled, rolling over more to give Violet more space to hide behind. "We must tread extrrra cautiously, hmm?" His tail flicked in mild agitation, this man might be true with his claims, but man oh man he truly was insane.
Loki walked over to Violet and Pain, and looked at Don. The large cat's fur started to bristle. "Dey tought it was a bright idear tah bring dah lunahtic back 'ere?" Loki asked, more to himself than anything. "Are all dah humans insane? He trashed dah shop, and flipped ovah our cages!"
"Also, All the cats here would not cost a million dollars sir. They would be 2 million." The shop keeper replied to Don. "And i'm afraid you are banned from this shop for what you did. Now get out" Meowsy was taking a "nap", but still listening in on the conversation. He yawned and "Woke up" "How's it going guys?" Meowsy asked the other cats.
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