Been playing AC:Wild World for less than a week; I think my neighbors have achieved enough character development to fuel an anime series or something.
Clockwise from topmost right:
Alice has a habit of mailing letters late. We're pretty close, given that I have to deliver them for her every now and then. In fact, she's pretty much my best friend atm. She wishes she wasn't so average, though it's difficult to encourage her to be unique. She also seems to have a bit of a crush on...
Dizzy, who besides obssessing over fossils everyday, seems to be pretttttty jealous of a certain Hippo and Duck in my town that are sharing letters and being good friends. Pretty much every conversation with him ends with either a. Him wanting a fossil (which I can't provide until my blasted landlord deigns to sell shovels in his blasted store) or b. Him wanting a picture of Mallary. (le duck)
Bluebear is my youngest friend, or so it seems. She enjoys simple things like catchphrases, fashion and all that. However, she has a biiiiiit of an obsession with bugs. Her favorite bug is the migratory locust. Everytime I catch one, she insists on trading it for some item of some sort. I theorize she intends to start a swarming plague. She's also kind of bipolar...maybe. Sometimes when we talk she's happy and carefree as a lark. Other times, she's SCARY competitive...and gets mad at me for finding bugs she MINUTES before asked me to get for her.
Then we have
Buck. He tries too hard to be my friend, bless his soul. He showers me with gifts almost every time we meet (which I nonchalantly sell away moments later. Hey, I have limited item space and a 120,000 bell debt to pay D=<) He's pretty normal, except for his obsession (I see a trend here) with jogging. And sweat. GOD HE TALKS ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME. HE SWEATS ON EVERYTHING. It's fairly disturbing. Most of the time, I end up insulting him because I don't pay enough attention to him. I should be a better friend or something :V
Lastly, there's me,
Ren, the unofficial leader of the group...or something, it has a nice ring to it. My character enjoys fishing. Well, fishing for fish to sell off to Tom Nook. So actually, making money is my hobby. Everything I own is blue for no apparent reason. Also, I am told by my friends that I am a bragger, that I don't sleep enough, and that I am slow on the uptake. Eeyuuup, just as I intended. I'm currently working on ostracizing the other denizens that aren't my friends by sending them troll mail and generally ignoring their presence (even when their talking to my friends =D). I pretty much rule this bloody town (next to Tom Nook, of course.)