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Ask to Join Comet Trail High School (Roleplay)

"God he's even humble too." thought Seth. "You're doing it again" telepathically said Mira to Seth. Seth again, became redder than a tomato, covered his face with his hoodie, put his knees into a ball and rolled over. "Seth that doesn't exactly hide anything." "I WANT SUGGESTIONS, NOT CRITICISM." Mira patted Seth on the back before turning to Marcel. "Wait, Royal Code? I didn't know you were royalty?" said Mira. "I knew you were a demon but I never thought you were royalty, should I kneel or something?" said Mira with a bit of surprise. "Shut up Mimi! If he wanted you to bow or something he would've asked you to!"


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked to Mira and laughed a slight bit. “That won’t be necessary. I usually just keep that part a secret from others. Only because then people would be like ‘OMG you got everything since you were born.’ Even though that is false.” Marcel told the twins as he looked to his hand and back to them. “I had to work for it. Not only labor but also competitive wise. I had to fight for the stuff I would eventually get. My crown, My generals, And to master Zalthereon a slight bit so then I wouldn’t go on a killing spree.” Marcel looked to the two as he had a slight smile on his face.
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @Crystal1302 )
"Well I don't think you just got everything handed to you. With how strong you are, you couldn't have done that without some hard work." as she returned the smile. "Also you mentioned a 'Zalthereon'. Do you have a Loufe situation where you have two souls in one body and the other really does not like puns? Don't ask how I know that." said Seth to Mira and Marcel. "Wait a minute. Loufe has two souls in him?" "Well I was gonna wait for him to tell you but yep. His human and his wolf form." "Wait so you see him punch Doku into the bleachers and your first instinct is to deliver an onslaught of puns on him?" "Do you even have to ask?" "You are gonna get murdered one day." "Good thing I don't fear death." Mira sighed and turned to Marcel. "Also did you say you had a crown? What does it look like?"
(@MarcelGalliard790 )
The principal, a beast of a man for certain, walked down to the battlefield. He placed a hand on Donald... thankfully, Marcel's stasis had kept him breathing. He rubbed his own head and groaned a bit, standing up straight and turning behind him. He saw two people rush out onto the field. "Ah, there you are. Mrs.Arre, Mr.Arre, Tobis, thank you so much for rushing out here. This boy is on a stasis timer, so please, do your best to heal him. However, Tobis, I'd please like it if you'd go and heal the other competitor, Zack." He said with a grim tone, as the three near IDENTICAL twins all nodded, and went to their stations. Tobis walked over to Zack and pressed his hands together, casting a veil of yellow mist that began to mend the injuries and soothe the state of mind currently held by the boy. For Mr. and Mrs.Arre however, it would be more work. They each locked themselves, feet to the ground on either side of Donald, and each entered a sort of trance. Their eyes turned white, and chains locked from their hands into Donald's chest. Then, more chains began to interlock around Donald, until...

The chains shattered, and a veil of light surrounded Donald for a few seconds, and faded... leaving a completely revitalized and healed version of the boy in his place. They both released their transfers and staggered a little, and had Tobis help them off the field. He himself would wait for Donald's return to consciousness, as he used a bridge of ice to lie his body on a bench. He once again returned to the podium. "...after that, there's not much I can say. Besides... onto our next match... erm... on the left side we will have Tara and Porco up against our team on the right, Seth and Holly! Please step up so we can get this over with!"

@The Dark Fairy @MarcelGalliard790 @Psymallard @Godjacob

"Ehehehe, come on, just-" Soul was about to call Maia a jokester, before pausing. "Oh wait you're actually serious. You don't have a phone? Well how the heck am I supposed to get into contact with you, oh gosh... well, I'll like, buy you a flip phone for your birthday, if you'd like. Just something that can call and text, you know? I mean, whatever, I'd have to save a bit, but I'm not starved for cash or anything. Either way..." He realized that Maia had been inquiring of his screensaver. He smiled and nodded a small bit. "...well, she's my cousin. Tara. Looks like she'll be up next to battle. But yeah, we've been real close, so in a way, I suppose you could call us siblings. But hey, let's take that commemorative photo!" He nudged Maia a bit so she stood just a bit in front of him and angled her head toward the camera, standing in front of Loufe who stood practically a half head over him. He stuck out his arm, and snapped a picture of the three tiers of height! He smiled and released the two, looking at the photos he had taken for the best one... "That was awesome!"

@Gamingfan @wintersolstice

"Oh. All right, looks like we're doing this now!" She smiled widely and stood up, patting Beatrix on the back. "Wish me luck pal!" She chimed, before turning and feeling energy burst through her, as she leaped off the stands and onto the battlefield in a single bound, her body coursing a very orangey-yellow color. She took a deep breath and clenched her fists. She then saw that Porco kid that she would be teaming up with join her. She got an...
...odd deja-vu...
from the black haired boy, but shrugged, and turned to her opponents, returning to her normal state. "...ey, just wanna clear this one out of the gate with you, Mr.Porco. My power works in incremental percentages, or at least, that's how I view it. 100% is the amount of my power that I can control... and anything above that, the name "Berserk" becomes more fitting of my power. Let me be clear, Porco, If I go above 150-ish percent, please surrender, I could hurt people..." She lamented, and narrowed her eyes to observe her opponent...



Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco looked over in a sight bit of dread. ‘I can’t back out. I’ll make a fool of myself in front of the school. But I don’t have powers like the rest of these guys. I’ll try.’ Porco eventually came to a conclusion. An attempt is better than nothing. He walked to where Tara was and heard what she said. “Of course. I’ll remember that.” Porco told her with a smile as he waited for the other two
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @Crystal1302 )

Marcel saw what the three people did to Donald and his crimson energy from the stasis came back and entered his body again. Marcel then looked to Mira and also heard that Seth was being called up to fight. Then heard his brother’s name as well. “Well shoot. Looks like your brother is going up against my brother.” Marcel smiled a slight bit. But then hopped back to the conversation they had before hand. “Oh! My crown um.” Marcel had a red blaze form around his head as the crown formed and fit on his head. Chains wrapped around it before some began to fragment off eventually slightly orbiting his crown. “Tada!” Marcel said with enthusiasm as he looked to Mira.
(@Crystal1302 )
"Oh my god that crown looks so cool. Wait Porco's your brother?" Said Mira while Seth silently gawked. Seth then immediately froze upon hearing his name and then heavily sighed. "Hmm? What's wrong Seth?" "My one and only match and I get paired up against Tara. Might as well right my will now for the second time." "I thought you said you didn't fear death?" "I don't fear it but I'm not gonna enjoy it. Also you know I don't do well with crowds" "Well you might as well just suck it up and try your best. At least it might be over quick." "Thanks Mira." "Look, I don't know how to cheer you up when you yourself believe that you can't win." "Okay, okay. Welp, wish me luck." Seth sighed and walked to the other side of the arena clearly wishing that he was not here right now. "I just hope Seth doesn't forfeit. Not exactly a fan of fighting."


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked to Mira. “Well yes. Even though we have our differences. We are bound by blood.” Marcel told her as he looked to his brother in the arena. “He respectfully turned down the honor that I have. That is being a prince. But you don’t have to refer to him as a royal. He actually kinda dislikes being called a royal. Same goes for me. You don’t have to refer to me by any royal titles. I don’t mind if you do or not but still. When it rains it pours.” Marcel told Mira as he looked over to Doku and then the other side of the arena. “Anyways. I’m gonna go back to where I was. Catch you later.” Marcel spoke as he walked over to Doku. ‘Is Donald finally done with his outbursts. Can he finally have some common sense like the rest of us.’ Marcel told himself as he yawned a slight bit. ‘Helping people can be so tiring but it’ll buff.’ Marcel told himself as he sat next to Doku again. “Hey. Sorry I keep leaving. Just gotta stick to my Royal Code.” Marcel told her with an honest Tone, eyes, and smile.
(@Crystal1302 @Shadow_Pup @Psymallard @Nocto )
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku glanced at Marcel timidly, "y..y...your royalty, are you a..uh..king or a prince" she asked getting the sudden worry that she should have been bowing or something "are you royal in the common sense or is it some kind of special deal..l..like are you royalty of a certain country or something" she added getting more timid and awkward after the revelation.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel noticed how timid she became. He assumed it was because of a potential instinct to bow. “Bowing won’t be necessary. Just treat me like a normal person even if I have a royalty title.” Marcel told her with honesty. He smiled a slight bit and looked at her. “I am a prince because of my age and my father being the current king. Eventually I will become a king. But that is a long ways away. I don’t really rule a nation. I don’t have that power just yet. I had to earn everything. My crown as you can see, My Four Horsemen Generals, and of Course primarily to master my demon Zalthereon.” Marcel explained to Doku. Hoping not to overwhelm her with all the information.
(@Shadow_Pup )
"FOR REAL?!..." Jude seemed to be dissapointed. "I wanna have a duel too... I can even duel alone... Eh..." He quickly calmed himself "Why I can't show off a little as well, such my luck, I guess"

He touched back of his neck with his hand as he felt how it hurt. He should be more careful with this limiter. It wouldn't harm him much as it was supposed to prevent harm but... Damn, it hurt a lot.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was deep in thought after his conversation with Doku. Mostly about how Donald would be after this. ‘I doubt he would be like how he was earlier since he basically almost died.’ Marcel thought as he looked to Doku for a quick second then back to the field. ‘Hmm. I want to try and move forward with our friendship. She knows I’m royalty. And she knows a lot about me. Aha! I’ve got it!’ Marcel came to a realization as he snapped back to reality. “Hey Doku.” Marcel had begun. “I was wondering if maybe once we get the scope of Comet Trail. We could hang out sometime?” Marcel looked and asked her with a slight bit of honesty in his eyes.
(@Psymallard @Shadow_Pup )


Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku was still internal processing the whole royalty thing and barely made out what he said but heard the mention of hanging out and froze up. She never hung out with even a group of people let alone by herself with a boy. She turned slightly to Marcel "um..I...I.. I g..guess so" she said before realising there was a chance she would accidentally activate her ability out of worry and he would end up hanging out with a slightly different version of her, but perhaps that was a good thing. She sat in silence for a little longer her face blushed a light shade of pink as her brain over worried as usual.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was waiting for something to happen. ‘The battle, Donald getting back up. Amuse me.’ Marcel told himself as he looked down to the field and the trio over by the grass. ‘Seems their having fun. Anyways. I guess I should give Doku something.’ Marcel thought as he looked to the sky and then grabbed a little piece of paper and wrote some numbers on it. ‘This ought to do.’ Marcel smiled a slight bit as he thought and then he turned to Doku. “Hey. You can have this.” Marcel told her as he gave her the piece of paper. His phone number was on there. ‘Real slick Young Prince.’ Zalthereon laughed a slight bit.
(@Shadow_Pup @Psymallard @Cryronn the Mudkip )

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Holly looked up from her spot, as she had turned to her phone to make a notepad on the things she had scene, just to sort out her thoughts. When she heard it was her turn, along with Seth, she quickly handed her stuff off to Hown for safe keeping, Hown whispering to his sister “Be careful up there.” Holly nodded, running up to the area to be ready for the fight, stretching to make sure she was prepared for what was to come.

Hown placed Hollys stuff next to him or in his pocket, watching Holly intently, worried for her, though still exited for the test, these guys had no clue what his sister could do.
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Maia studied Soul quizzically.
"That won't be necessary," she assured, turning around to face him after the photo was taken. "I do not wish to have one. Besides, this academy has dorms, doesn't it?" The girl took a glance back towards the building. She had dropped her belongings off at her dorm room, but she'd gotten there before her alleged roommate... Just the thought made her stomach twist in nerves. Sure, she had roomed with another fae before, but this was entirely different..! Oh, she wished she hadn't left her staff in her dorm... She fidgeted halfheartedly.
"Surely if you need to reach me urgently, you could just come over, right?"
There she went again, folks, accidentally insinuating things without even realizing...! This had to be a record of... well, of something...!
Now curious about this Tara character, the little nymph craned her neck, attempting to survey the crowd for the wild-haired girl. She found her almost instantly, her eyes gravitating to her reckless energy and cerulean hair. Her hair was tied up, high on her head, her ponytail swinging with each bound the girl made. Absentmindedly, Maia began toying with her own hair, wondering if it would give off the same effect on her.
She's pretty..
Tara gave off an intense, yellow-orange aura, both in personality and physicality, an intense color Maia had only seen in the ripest of persimmons.
Mmmm, persimmons...
No! Focus on the battle!
However, as it seemed the battle had yet to start, Maia found herself looking around once more, her eye caught on Marcel sitting in the stands with a cute, green-haired girl. Based on his slight, coy grin, and the piece of paper he'd handed her...
Oh! Oh, she'd seen this in movies! He was flirting!
Maia, whether it be endearing or embarrassing, was an avid viewer of romantic comedies recently. After being thrown into human society on a whim, the girl found herself being engrossed in the world of film. Perhaps it was due to her lack of understanding of human interactions, but watching had always filled her with a keen sense of wonder, viewing the back-and-forth flirting that was nonexistent in her own culture. Due to this fact, she considered herself an expert on the matter (although really she was the farthest thing from), and was confident in her ability to spot flirting from a mile away!
Unless, of course, it was directed at herself, in which case her obvious expertise would be nullified instantaneously.
"He is flirting, right?" she murmured under her breath to her two human companions, deciding to trust their judgment. Surely they were the pros of the human courtship ritual, right?


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel noticed Maia looking at him and immediately knew what was going on. ‘How in the bloody ‘ell did she catch on?!’ Marcel panicked in his mind. But externally he was calm with a little bit of a blank face. Then his mind transitioned into something else. ‘I wonder. No. She would probably be scared of the Generals. So maybe I’ll introduced the group down there to my generals at some point today. Soul will be curious of their powers. But that’s neither here nor there.’ Marcel thought as he had a bit of a blank face on because of Maia looking his way
(@wintersolstice @Shadow_Pup )
Seth tiredly looked over to his teammate. "Hey, you're Holly right? As the principal said, my names's Seth. I have Telepathy, Barriers and I can scan people. What are your powers?" said Seth as he scratched the back of his head before letting out a yawn. "I'm not good in close range, I guess you could say I'm a zoner." said Seth before stretching his fingers. "Just telling you now though, unless you're really strong, we're gonna lose. Not being pessimistic, just stating a fact." said Seth. He took off his earring, earbuds and phone and tossed it to Mira which she caught. "Hope I'm not too much of a dissapointment"
(@The Dark Fairy )
"A-Ah, you know, I really suppose I could... well, you'd have to tell me WHERE your dorm is, so I hope we see each other when that's all squared away... though it will be unfortunate that it would be hard to meet or find you should you not be in your dorm... but I guess anything is better than nothing, you know? But... I'll umm, try not and intrude on your space, okay?" He blushed a little, realizing that it would definitely be a process to get to see her... but a worthwhile one he supposed. He saw her glance to his cousin, standing ready at the field. He smiled, looking at her as well... a confident individual for sure... and he was thankful to have her as a cousin, no matter how much she irritated his guts. "...oh, flirting?"

He took a curious glance to Marcel, and turned back quickly so the boy didn't notice... "Oh yeah, my guy is most definitely trying to flirt with Jello girl over there... I mean... I don't really... flirt myself... I do have a lot of doubts at my own ability to effectively grow and keep a relationship once I'm In one... I mean sure, I think people are cute... but is it worth it if I'm just gonna suck? Ah, I don't even know... I guess I could be flirting with Maia right now and nobody would know because I'm just that shit! But nah, nah..." He laughed it off... and then furiously blushed at what he had suggested.

@wintersolstice @Gamingfan

Tara stared down her enemies with a vice glare, seeing them talk to each other... he knew that Seth boy was telepathic seeing how one-sided the conversation was... so that would be an issue. But all she had to do was hike it to above 50% and toss them like rag dolls. Suddenly, she heard the blaring announcement.


She yelped at the principal's harshness, and shook her head violently, suddenly feeling her body shake with an energy innate. Her fists clenched, and her eyes narrowed. Under her breath, she mouthed- "Thirty... Percent..." and stepped forward, a more yellow than orange aura falling over her form, previously blue eyes now a bright yellow. She then roared out fiercely, and went in immediately. Her hair blew back behind her body, bounding at high speed in a straight line. Foot after foot drove forward, as energy pulsed up and down her form, muscles rippling with the sheer force of her power, as she began by trying to sock Seth immediately in the stomach with a full force punch! "HYYAAAHHHH!!!" She wouldn't wait for Porco..!

@MarcelGalliard790 @The Dark Fairy @Crystal1302

Nero just watched with a moody expression, crossing his arms a bit indignantly.
Seth covered his ears from the principal's yelling. "Can't believe those are the last words I'll ever hear from him." Seth's third eye activated and saw Tara power rising. Seth instinctively put up a barrier right in front of him that blocked the punch. "That scream was very loud and a bit unnecessary. Honestly, I don't really see any tactical advantage for that." said Seth. Seth jumped behind Tara and leaped back to get some distance. Seth followed up with dispersing the shield before trapping Tara inside of a dome-like Barrier. "Not gonna be able to hold her for long Holly! Would you mind taking care of Porco for me!?" said Seth.

Mira sat right next to Nero. "That's a surprise block and trap from Seth! Tara wasn't expecting that one" said Mira imitating an announcer holding up Seth's whiteboard that said "Go Seth!" Seth noticed that and visibly cringe. "Should've hidden in the bathroom." thought Seth to himself.

(@The Dark Fairy @Cryronn the Mudkip )
"Seems they already started" Jude watched the duel calmly. He still didn't get to fight, he was sort of impatient, but it was nothing he could do about it. He noticed Tara among the people that was taking part in a fight. Seems her power is an self-agumenting type. He carefully watched her opponent too, what would he have up on his sleeve? Jude cheered on Tara a bit as it was one of a few people that Jude seemed to know. She relayed too much of a phisical force, but if her opponent doesn't have much combat expierience then that should be more than enough as Jude already could say by first attempt to strike, Tara wasn't weaker than her bro or Marcel. At least that what she seemed.
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco heard the call and that it was time to fight. ‘Ok. Strategize here.’ Porco thought as then he saw Tara put into a barrier of sorts. “Try exerting force on it Tara! It might break if you do!” Porco gave a helpful tip of advice as he prepped for Holly’s attack. Out of his right coat pocket he felt a Hard drive in his pocket. ‘Good. They are on me.’ Porco told himself as he prepped.
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @The Dark Fairy @Crystal1302 )


Previously Gamingfan2
Loufe tried his best to appear presentable for the photos as they were snapped. Sadly, his efforts resulted in him looking more uncertain than anything. Oh well, it was fitting, at least.
"Pffft, that sure is an expression!" O.S snickered, continuing to critique Loufe's appearance as he sat back in his seat.
Loufe glanced back at his companions as they conversated, and decided to hold off the reveal of his own lack of a phone.
Having no friends that O.S would't scare off resulted in very little contacts to call. Not to mention that, unlike his clothes, it would remain after changing to O.S, and the wolf cared very little for the thing. After the third was shattered under O.S's paw, they didn't bother anymore.
O.S gagged, snapping his host out of his internal monologue.
"Hmm?" he said in surprise, realizing he was being spoken to " Um..."
Loufe found it difficult to understand socializing, much less flirting! However, O.S's exaggerated heaving made it rather obvious he thought he knew what was going on.
"..I...suppose? O.S sure thinks so. He keeps gagging." he responded.
O.S repeated the sound for good measure.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Holly looked at Tara a moment, before looking back at Porco, advancing swiftly to give them time to take down Tara after they took care of Porco, if she could. She got close, standing with her feet spread, awaiting Porcos move, though if he took to long she would advance and take a strike, throwing a punch with her right arm.

Chaung sat up on the bleachers, her head resting on her hand and she watched her fellow students talk and fight. If nothing else, school would be interesting because of the students.

Mrs Chant was sitting up by the priceable, her class set up for the day as she watched the fighting below. The principle seemed to have things well in hand, though she would have been interested to see what he would have done to that Donald child if he had remained conscious.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku took the paper from Marcel and looked at it, it was his number. This calmed her slightly as she preferred talking on phones to face to face. She noticed the nearby group talking and was confused, were they talking about her and Marcel, she couldn't really tell what they were talking about and she wasn't overly fussed so she opted to just watch the fight in silence for a while.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco could tell that Holly was going to wait for him to advance. ‘There is no shame in patience.’ Porco told himself as he waited as well.
(@The Dark Fairy )

Marcel decided to get up. “I’ll go see what they are on about. See ya around Doku. You know how to contact me.” Marcel bud farewell as he boosted with his wings back over to the group. Marcel knew that he was in business now. ‘After me asking them about their conversation. I will show them my generals.’ Marcel told himself as he walked up to the trio. “So. What were you guys talking about.” Marcel spoke in a serious tone.
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @Gamingfan @wintersolstice )
Maia, upon making eye contact with Marcel from across the field, swiftly looked away, staring intently at the grass, feigning an intense interest while his gaze burned into her skin. She felt a chill pass through her spine, overly aware of his piercing look.
Not catching what Soul had said in regards to her in the slightest, the girl looked up at him with a quizzical face, studying him.
"Your face is red," she commented flatly, as though it were an incredibly astute observation. She perked up as Loufe spoke, turning to him.
"Gagging," she echoed, bringing a hand up to her chin as though she were deep in thought. "I suppose a spirit like himself wouldn't be too fond of such a thing..." She repressed a little giggle. What an interesting character.
Having been lost in thought, mulling over O.S. as a character, she let out a startled "eep!" of surprise as Marcel approached. The severity of his tone made her shiver. Oh, no! He wasn't angry, was he-?!
"W-we were just!" she stuttered weakly, looking down and fumbling with her hands. "We were, uhm-"
Oh, Gods help her. Maia was a horrible liar. Shamefully, the little nymph ducked her head, casting her gaze to the ground and looking very much like a guilty puppy. "...We thought you were flirting with the green-haired girl....." she mumbled halfheartedly, her voice getting progressively quieter as the sentence left her mouth.
Soul thanked the heavens she hadn't been paying attention when she accused him of his tomato faced blush. He bit his lower lip and averted his eyes, trying to flush himself with cool air by tugging on the neck of his shirt... which didn't actually cool him down at all, but hey, he tried. "...I-I mean, I guess It's just hot outside... I mean, the only other instance of someone with a red face would mean they were embarrassed or crushing, and I-" "Keep Digging Myself Deeper Into A HOLE" "-Am NONE of those things!" he finally managed to shake it off when Marcel came over with an aggressive tone.

He was totally about to cover Maia's unable-to-lie tailbone to the best of his abilities, but unfortunately she let it slip, and he sighed, deciding to have some fun with this one. "I mean are we wrong? Did you just give her your damn number, eheheh! I mean, you made it pretty obvious... maybe I should make the ship name Christmaship~ Because Red and Green just go amazing together!" He was pulling a bit of Tara out of his ass for this bout of teasing, trying to expertly ignore the fact he himself had just been completely aghast. "And hey, Loufe, mind if I save this as my lock screen at all? You as well Maia?"

@wintersolstice @Gamingfan @MarcelGalliard790

Tara growled as she was trapped. The yelling was simply effect of her berserk power kicking into gear. She grit her teeth, not having expected to use 100% so early on... but whatever. She scanned the glass enclosure, found a structural weak point, and suddenly, her body burst all the way to a mildly reddish orange, as she roared and delivered yet another full force punch, shattering the barrier as she turned to face the girl currently assaulting Porco. She drew back a fist, and launched it forward, sending a shockwave of energy, like a ranged punch, straight toward Holly. One of her favorite attacks- "Lengthless Fist!"

@MarcelGalliard790 @Crystal1302 @The Dark Fairy

Nero scoffed a bit, but seemed impressed. "The Tara girl is quite wild, but your brother is quite... interesting. His methods are quite calculated, I could see him being useful in the future... but I do have yet to see how Porco and Holly work... perhaps they'll prove me wrong... but still..." He turned to Mira and once again violated her headspace to rifle through some information he wanted to know, and released her seconds later. "...ah, so that's the reason... pfft, really? Seth is crushing on Hot Topic over there? Hah! he gives demons a bad name, not all of us are all flamboyant... some of us are just really tired of people's shit."

@Crystal1302 again lol


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was surprised at first. “I can understand how that would cause some confusion.” Marcel calmly stated. “I asked her if we could hang out once we got a sort of scope of the area. That’s why I gave her my number.” Marcel explained to the group as he looked to them with an honest smile. When soul made his comment Marcel got flustered and immediately spoke. “Shut!” Marcel flusteredly told soul. “Anyways. How about I give you guys a surprise that only you three get to see first?” Marcel asked the group as he was ready to show off the Generals.
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @Gamingfan @wintersolstice )

Porco saw Tara break out. ‘Calculated Pefectly.’ Porco told himself as he saw Tara use a ranged attack. “Woah!” Porco spoke surprised. Hopping back a slight bit. Still a bit far from the line. ‘Hmm.’ Porco thought over as he wondered what to do next.
(@Crystal1302 @Cryronn the Mudkip @The Dark Fairy )


Previously Gamingfan2
Loufe shrugged at Maia's assumption "It's...less him being a spirit and more him just disliking romance. He's...not the sappy type."
"Damn right. Romance movies are all the same. And don't get me started on the romantic subplots every movie just NEEDS to force in-"
The wolf spirit continued to rant.
Marcel returned from his not-flirting session, questioning their actions. Loufe took the question at face value, and was about to explain before Maia began lying, failing, and then attempting to shrink.
Oooh, this was a bad thing.
Loufe patted Maia's back sympathetically, relating to her pain. He now understood the secondhand embarrassment O.S would moan about when he floundered at fibbing himself. Though the wolf spirit cackled slightly at the flustered Soul, Maia, and Marcel.
"Oh man, I had my doubts at first, but they could be fun. Maybe I won't kill E.T. Not yet, at least."
Upon the aforementioned E.T Soul's question, which was followed up with Marcel's own, Loufe looked up.
"Not at all." he replied towards Soul "And uh...okay." he directed at Marcel.
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A barrier immediately formed in between Holly and Tara blocking her energy attack. "Sorry about that. Can't have ya' attacking my partner. Since you got out of my dome, have fun breaking four moving targets" said Seth before his hands glowed, summoning 4 more barriers, this time triangle shaped, aimed them at Tara launched them toward her.

@Cryronn the Mudkip

Mira froze as once again her head was violated. "Yeah Seth has a crush on Marcel, but please stop doing that." said Mira as she recuperated. "Wait did you just say you were a demon? Sorry but you kinda don't look the part. Unless you don't like showing it, if that's the case sorry."
"People are quite talkative during the intense fight, aren't they?" He sighed "What's more what is up with this atmosphere, as if the two almost killed students never happend.. I don't get it..." He simply looked around at all of the groups talking and also that Ori (I assume she isn't yet too far away or something tho). He simply didn't got anything to say nor he wanted to say anything. Not after that mood breaking fight, the only mood he jad was to engage in fight himself as he felt a little bit like showing what he can do. It isn't something abnormal, everyone want at some point show what they are made of.
The fight that was happening right in front of him was quite interesting and as he noticed, teamwork would make an important part. Although no one knows their partner in combat abilities and have to learn mid-fighting.

He looked over at Marcel, Soul and others talking without worry. He didn't understand it at all, in fact, he was a bit jealous of how easy some can become friends. But it wasn't like he had any right to be jealous, yet he perfectly knew this feeling and hated it.

He felt it, he was stronger and its not like he feels mighty and cool about it like some ducks. He was terrible to understand people and their feelings, always pretending to understand them, but his mind is cold like calculating machine, with really small exception. Its not like he can do much or even find a common topic with anyone so by heart this man has given up on that.

He decided to get a bit closer to arena and watch the fight. Hoping his turn will come after this one or something.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked to the group before regaining confidence. “Alright. I’ll make that one cot for yes.” Marcel tallied in his head as he spoke. “How about you two. Being the first to see something cool.” Marcel offered to Maia and Soul with a bit of a smile on his face.
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @wintersolstice )

Porco knew his teammate was in trouble so he decided to activate one of his hidden gems. “Not on my watch!” Porco announced as a metal wrapped around his hands and formed a slim arm cannon with two electric whips. One from each arm. He began to whip the barriers hoping to form cracks and break them.
(@Crystal1302 @Cryronn the Mudkip )
Ever the sensitive, Maia felt the familiar tingle of eyes on her. Despite immensely disliking it, she was not fond of being watched- not in the slightest. Inhaling sharply, the girl looked around for the eyes that seemed to burn into her skin. After a moment of looking around, she focused on her target: wait, no. Target sounds evil.
...She focused on her subject, a boy with slightly faded greenish hair, with a single strand of crimson. She paused for a moment, watching him in return, before turning back to Marcel. Not before she made a mental note to speak with the green-haired boy later.
"A secret...?" she echoed softly, pursing her lip. "Is it safe...? I suppose, so long ass nobody will get hurt..."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Holly huffed as she saw the energy wave stop at her allies barrier, using the telepathic link to try and send her own message “If she throws something like that at me again, let it hit me, even try to make her do it if you can.” She then turned her head back, seeing Porco pulling out some kind of electric whip to take down her allies shield, she smirked as she moved in regardless of the new weapons, raising her foot to kick Porco, not phased by the electricity.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel counted Maia’s vote in his head and looked to Soul. “That just leaves you mate.” Marcel told Soul as he looked to Loufe and Maia. “Those two are ready. Now it is just you.” Marcel told him and was internally excited that he would be able to show off the generals off to the group.
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @Gamingfan @wintersolstice )
As Zack seemed to groan a bit it seemed the Principal called someone over and it appeared that he'd get some special aid. Zoey of course simply had been relieved that the matter was being tended to as this yellow glow which caused the masked sibling's eyes to widen as Zack soon began to recover his cuts and bruises seemed to vanish gradually and while he was still a bit winded he had seemed a degree healed up. "T-thanks..." Zack said to the healer as he felt a big hug from his sister which Zack soon retuned as he urged her not to worry and indeed things seemed to improve.

"Thank you for...for helping me with him..." Zoey said wot Leo as she expressed her own gratitude before Zack had them return to the seats as he hoped to catch least another match before it had been too late.

@Cryronn the Mudkip


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco saw the kick from Holly and thought very quickly. ‘Her problem. She charges at someone who can fling her.’ Porco thought as he dodged the kick and wrapped the electrical whip around her leg. “Electricity ain’t the only thing stopping you lass. It’s called physics!” Porco spoke as he slung his arm causing the whip to lash towards the edge of the arena. The whip lost grip and detached from Holly. Porco was hoping to throw her out of the arena. ‘Hopefully I calculated that just right.’ Porco thought to himself as he got ready for anything else.
(@The Dark Fairy )

(Here we go!) Marcel put on two crimson gloves. “Alright. It is my pleasure to introduce my Four Horsemen Generals.” Marcel spoke as four crystals rose and changed color. One pitch black, One green, One grey, and One white. “Now you are wondering. ‘Oh. This is it?’ No. Actually.” Marcel chuckled a slight bit after finishing his sentences. “Actually it is more complex than that. And I just don’t have the time to explain it.” Marcel spoke as the crystals formed a line across with one crystal, The pitch black one, landing on the ground. The other two floated in the air a slight bit.

The darkest crystal broke and opened a dark hole in which two shadow arms grabbed the ground around it and hoisted up the War General Out of the hole. When he landed on two feet his shadow arms shrunk and went back behind his back with two sets of claw arms over his head. The hole closed soon after.

The Pale white one was next to break. Opening a pale rift in which two dark purple scythes flew three and landed on the ground, handle up. The hooded figure walked out and grabbed his Obsidian Scythes. After that the rift behind him closed

Grey and Green broke at the same time. They both formed similar rifts to the Reaper but instead had their respective colored rifts appear. Out of the grey three tomes spun in a circle motion. Meanwhile out of green a magic staff landed in the ground. It was long and had skull like features near the top. The top contained spikes with a green slightly glowing gem floating in the middle of the spikes. Both generals walked out and got their “Weapons” of choice. With Pestilence wrapping both hands around his magic staff
(Sorry for the Long post but I had to get descriptive with these.)
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @wintersolstice @Gamingfan )
Soul watched in slight awe as the boy summoned the strange shards of crystal around his body. He was curious as to their meaning, and Marcel summed up his emotions almost perfectly. Then, the black one burst, sending out a flash of black light. He suddenly glanced to the white one, expecting it to break as well. He didn't pay attention to the portal, just to the crystals, as his mind tended to fixate on things. Then, the white one burst, the harsh white light filling his pupils, as they shrunk to single dots. He suddenly began to feel himself starting to fall out of it so to speak, stumbling back a little and grabbing his head. He shut his eyes tight. The light was bright but this... reaction was...

On a cart. Yeah, he remembers that. Voices? Yeah... no words though, just sound. Maybe it was voices. It sounded like voices... just not... words. What's with the beeping? And who screamed? That memory just came to him. Then, it all ended as the flash of bright light filled his brain once more.

Soul, with a shock, suddenly realized he had almost doubled over. He caught himself quickly enough that he didn't fall, though his head hurt like mad... fuck, what the hell was that? He was almost aghast in confusion, but managed to compose himself, in order to see the generals fully formed around Marcel. He blinked a couple of times to see if he wasn't seeing double. Or triple. Or quad-
"The fuck? I knew you were like, royalty, but you can summon people? What the heck is that?" He really hoped they didn't see him almost pass out.

@MarcelGalliard790 @wintersolstice @Gamingfan

Tara glared daggers to Seth, and slid under the first two barriers that had been sent flying over, and then with a crushing uppercut, shattered the third. She watched as Porco attempted to get a clean hit and throw on the Holly girl... though he doubted that she would be flung more than a few feet. She whipped around to see Seth nearby, and weighed her options. The Porco kid could take care of Holly while she dealt with this irritating barrier boy. A leap into the air was made, as she began to spin her body like a top in the air. Force jets violently thrust from each movement of her muscles, as she subconsciously moved up to 115%, which for reference was bone-breaking force upon a direct hit. She didn't have to worry about finding barrier weak points anymore either, assured they would shatter no matter what she threw, as long as it was full force. Her eyes were dead set on the boy as her body spun and spun and spun..!!!

Her Berserk power spiked, and she suddenly slammed forward, her hands balled into fists, as her spinning form came to a halt. Her body began to descend, the spinning having pushed her barely a meter from where Seth stood on the ground. She knew he would have braced himself, so she made sure he wouldn't expect what was coming. When she landed, she thrust out her foot. A kick straight to the hard dirt, which was compacted so much it may has well have been concrete. And concrete breaks. With her force, a radius of about 5 meters around her was razed, a shockwave of force following as she crashed into the ground, fractured from the impact.

@The Dark Fairy @MarcelGalliard790 @Crystal1302

"...I won't, I'll ask... well... I'll ask if I feel like it and I'm not irritated and you're not irritating me."

What a response from Nero Vasquez.


The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Holly was yanked by the feet as her foot was wrapped in the whip, as she was lifted(Somehow), she landed on a knee and a foot, grapping the whip before standing up and pulling on the long weapon, both towards her and down, intending to bring her knee up to hit him in the jaw. The electricity on the whip was absorbed by her, getting stored for latter use or discharge.

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