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Ask to Join Comet Trail High School (Roleplay)

"Oh my god. I'm flying I'm flying. Wait the proper term would be levitating. OH MY GOD I'M LEVITATING!" mentally screamed Seth before summoning a barrier and kicking off of it to fly in the direction of Marcel. "Seth. I know this is a new experience for you, but could you not scream directly into my mind!" responded Mira before summoning a disc like Emmas before having it drag her mid-air. "Oops. Sorry about that Mira." said Seth before shooting a pair of finger guns. "I guess you could say I'm...walking on air." "Oh my god Seth." said Mira before face palming. "What? I'm just trying to flight-en up the mood. For fly-ing out loud could you just appreciate my comedy for on-" "Duck." "Hmm? Whaddaya mea-" said Seth before getting hit in the leg by a duck. "OK OW!" "I guess that lightened the mood. Do us a favor and activate your Third Eye again?" "Yeah. I should probably do that." said Seth before blinking twice to activate his third eye searching for Donald.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Nix focused his soul energy around him. Creating a tiny green glow around him. He looked to Seth and Mira who were having fun. He smiled under his skull mask. ‘Look at them having fun with it.’ Nix smiled more while thinking about the two having fun.
(@Crystal1302 )

Marcel saw that Samael was catching up to him. He lowered down to talk to him. “Seems we are near.” “How can you tell?” “I just have that feeling you know.” “Hmmm. Now that you mention it. I do kinda have that feeling as well.” “Maybe we are overhead?” “That’s obvious since you are flying.” “Heh.” The two conversed as they felt the location get closer and closer.
(@Psymallard @Crystal1302 )


Previously Gamingfan2
Loufe looked back and forth between Soul and the Generals, relaxing as Soul began moving towards Maia, some Generals going their own way.
Loufe almost began to follow, but he didn't want to appear rude and leave without a word. But what if he accidently annoyed them? But-
Frozen between his options, Loufe simply...disappeared, vanishing in a purple flash before reappearing cross-legged with Maia and Soul, head down in embarrassment.. He blinked, surprised he managed to actually teleport somewhere without missing the mark for once, before his ear flickered as Soul spoke.
"Wow, you healed Soul? I guess I never did ask about your power. Sorry about that."
O.S sighed, having found nothing to torment Loufe about. Maybe next post time.
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Zack seemed to notice the tear as unsure of what else to do he offered a hand to Leo's shoulder as he played his frankly beautiful melody and Zoey herself seemed touched by it. It was rare for someone not her brother to make a gesture like this, and the song itself was so sweet that even behind her mask she could not help but let a smile crack through.

"T-thank you....thank you Leo, that was lovely..." Zoey complimented, she reached into the jumbo backpack Zack had and pulled a tissue as if to offer to Leo as she wanted to support him as well.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco walked around for a slight bit. He had to regroup after his battle. ‘How can I be honest when I’ll just be disappointed. I didn’t even do that much carrying in the match. It was all Tara who did her stuff.’ Porco thought to himself as he looked over to the group of Maia, Soul, and Loufe. ‘Well. Since Marcel is off finding Donald. I would assume. I can go and talk to them.’ Porco told himself as he walked over to the group. “Hey.” Porco spoke in a somewhat enthusiastic tone.
(@Cryronn the Mudkip @Gamingfan @wintersolstice )

Marcel and Samael slammed to a stop. “This is the place Huh.” Marcel told Samael as their presence had helped them. “Yes. This is our destined location. But why here of all places?” “Who knows. Oh! Um quick question Death.” “What is it Marcel?” “Do you want to show off Reaperium Ultima to Seth and Mira and Judas can show shadium to the two.” “I don’t mind. I just hope that Shadium’s Acidic Saliva doesn’t hurt them. Cause then they could blame you.” The two conversed as they waited for the group to arrive.
(@Crystal1302 @Psymallard )
Seth and Mira came to a stop when the group got to their destination. It seemed to be a pretty plain house. Seth scanned the house and picked up the strongest signal of Donald they've seen yet. "I think there's a pretty easy way to tell where we are." Seth walked up to the mailbox and read one of the letters. "Ah. Taft residence. This looks like this is Donald's house." "Isn't that illegal Seth?" "Only illegal if I read the letter." said Seth before putting the letter back in the mailbox. "I guess. Anyway Marcel, would it be okay if I talked to him? No offence but I think out of everyone here he hates you the most." "Yeah. I don't think he's gonna talk to the guy who slammed Donald into the ground with a giant demon arm. Also, Mira's good at talking to people."
(@MarcelGalliard790 )
"Indeed, I wonder if the students who have not gone will get another chance to show their skills..." Zack mused, though while he spoke generally he of course had thought of his sister as Zoey had not been selected yet for a spar. And in truth, Zoey had thought this as well and while it was inevitable she'd have to fight on the path of a hero in truth she was thankful she might get away without a chance to possible injure someone. While she had done well to control her "urge" thanks to her brother, support network home and personal blood packs but in the heat of battle, when the intensity is high and blood possibly flows...

Zoey shook her head, she had not wanted to think of that scenario.

"This gadget is an energy shield. Let me show you", he said. Leo took a deep breath and quickly move his upward and blue shield appeared. "This shield will absorb physical and energy attack, but wont last long enough because it will go down to cool down state after certain amount impact", Leo explain. "In other words if the timing is right the shield will be used for longer period of time", he added.



Previously mallard
Donald peered through the blinds. They followed him. Behind him, the yellow light of a lamp shone over a short and stocky woman knitting in a large rocking chair. "Did those bullies follow you, Donnie?"
"Yes, momma."
"Well you need to stand up for yourself. Just stay out of the flower bed, okay?"
With that, Donald walked to the front door. These suckers didn't have the stupid principal to protect them now. He opened the door and greeted his guests with a barrage of Super Gravity Balls, one for each of them. He floated out, revealing his slight change in outfit. He had ditched his trench coat and gloves, but had regelled his hair to bring back his original haywire spikes. He rose high above the others. "You villains will pay for your crimes, I will make sure of it."
@Crystal1302 @MarcelGalliard790


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel and the generals were surprised by the sudden attack. In a sequence here is what happened. Marcel looked to the blast as a joke and shot a Brimsoul shot back at it to counteract it.

Samael spun one of his scythes at high speed and threw it at the sphere. Hoping to cut it in half and hit Donald in the way back around.

Nix and Sampson both thought defensively with Nix casting a skull barrier around him. And Sampson casting a defense spell to tank the hit. At the same time Sampson threw a stasis at Donald hoping to pin him in place.

Judas enjoyed the challenge coming his way. His smile was sharp and his arms were ready. The arms extended one to attack the gravity ball. The other to try and grab Donald. ‘Shadium is last ditch.’ Judas thought to himself as he prepped for anything else.
(@Psymallard @Crystal1302 )
(Don't Question the teleport, making sure you doesn't kill each other... Or that a future-to-be heroes don't harm a damn civilian)

Jude watched from afar.. Seemed Donald had a good mother by his side... But why he attacked others again.
Jude just stood there and hoped that no one gets hurt.
He would normally let it be but... Oh well...

Then the battle started and he sighed...
He got in the middle for a matter of a second "Oi, oi, oi... There are civils here! No need to overuse your powers idiots!
Mira took a deep breath and stood in front of the front door. "I'm about to talk to the guy who almost tried to kill me. I don't know why I'm doing this but, Donald clearly needs help and we need to help him." Mira was about to raise her hand to knock on the door before getting interrupted by a "Mira! Get down!" as the door opened and a sphere of gravity energy was launched at her. She jumped back as her hand glowed and dispersed the Gravity Ball. "Wow, feels weird to use gravity powers. I'm gonna have to ask Ori about that later." said Mira to herself as Seth merely blocked his. "Donald! We don't want to fight you if we can avoid it!" said Mira "Speak for yourself" said Seth. Mira ignored the comment. "We just want to talk to you and take you back to the campus! Please Donald listen to us!" said Mira.
(@Psymallard )


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel heard Jude’s Voice. “Generals stand down!” Marcel shouted his command as they took a knee and bowed. “You are correct about there being civil here. So thus I will stand peacefully. That was our original intention. But it would seem he twisted the story just like he seems to. Making our group here the villains. Just like he did with Zack during their battle.” Marcel explained to Jude in a calm tone. “With that attack we tried to defend. Well. Mostly defend anyways.” Marcel continued telling his friend. “I will cease my attack. So will my generals.” Marcel glared to the generals

The obsidian scythe came back and landed in front of Samael, The shadow arm detached from Donald and raveled its way back to Judas, The stasis from Sampson faded, and Nix’s Skull barrier dropped slowly.
(@Clite of Dragonbow @Psymallard )
"Maybe those... Emmm... Generals? Don't get so hot-headed to fight... You too, Mar" said Jude as he looked at all of them. He kept standing between them. Ready to stop any attack if it happens. Redirect with manipulating the rotation the missiles or phisicaly stoping if someone rushes at someone. Although he hoped it will be just talk.. He doesn't want to explain the destruction of this place.
@Psymallard @Crystal1302 @MarcelGalliard790


Previously mallard
All these counterattacks came at him, and Donald was ready. His hand shot out behind him to catch the obsidian scythe by the blade, thin cracks spiderwebbing under the superhuman grip. He swung it forward, dispersing the spell that one of them shot at him, and throwing the scythe at the ground, batted a arm stretching out for him away.
Then, they started to talk at him. He didn't much care for anything they were saying, mantaining an angry glare down upon them the whole time. When they were finished, he spat on the ground. "Ha! I twisted the story? You villains followed me across town just to torment me more! And this time, I don't have that stupid principal here to stop me!" He zoomed to the culdesac at the end of the street and brought up his arms, aiming his palms at the group. "Now, you DIE! SUPER GRAVITY STORM!" Following the name, multiple small Super Gravity Balls came rushing out of his hands, creating a steady stream that barreled down the street at the group.
@MarcelGalliard790 @Crystal1302 @Clite of Dragonbow


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was in shock from the gravity storm. “Jude. I know this maybe bad of me to say. But we need to incapacitate Donald or he’ll kill everyone around here.” Marcel spoke to Jude. But knew of things got worse that Jude, Zalthereon, and himself would have it under control.

Samael had a sharp toothed smile at the attack. “I guess there is no going back.” Samael spoke looking at the cracks in his Scythe. He began to spin them faster and faster. They began to glow red before a loud crash could be heard. Similar to breaking glass. Heat would be felt from where he was standing. Two drips of orange fell to the ground. Samael smiled. “They are ready.” Samael spoke and turned his scythes toward Donald. His Magma Scythes had entered the fray.
(@Crystal1302 @Clite of Dragonbow @Psymallard )
"Man... Seems bothersome..." His pupils changed into a glowing lily pattern. He let his hand go forward as the gravity balls were coming their way and then they stopped and started to circle around him as a new center of their rotation and then he released them from the rotation when he aimed them at the sky.
He coughed, but could keep going.

"There is no need to use violence.. But if you keep it up like that.. You will lose before 21 seconds pass" He stated bluntly with his eyes shining.
"Marcel, Can your.. Guardians try not to use abilities that can end up with a pernament demage to the body?"

@MarcelGalliard790 @Crystal1302 @Psymallard


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked to Jude when he talked to him. “Well. Yes. But how are we going to get him first. That is top priority if we are going to survive.” Marcel told Jude before Sampson ran over to Marcel.

“I may have an idea.” Sampson spoke to the two of them. “We have War. Who can blend in with the shadows. He just needs to keep doing his thing and then War can incapacitate him via a chop to the neck. Not knife chop but hand chop. I focused on nerve points while you three were going in for attacks. Even Pestilence agrees with me.” Sampson spoke to the two as he looked to them.

Marcel smiled a slight bit. “That isn’t a bad idea Famine. But Jude. What’s the likelihood of that actually working?” Marcel asked Jude curious to see if it could work.
(@Clite of Dragonbow @Psymallard @Crystal1302 )


Previously mallard
Seeing as His Super Gravity Storm was stopped, Donald formed two more Super Gravity Balls in his hands, before squishing them together to make another Super Kablooey Ball. Being a good distance away, he started to charge the newly formed Super Kablooey Ball. "Just try to beat me in 21 seconds, foul villain!"
@MarcelGalliard790 @Crystal1302 @Clite of Dragonbow
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Seth put a barrier around himself and Mira to shield them from the storm of kinetic energy pounding on all sides the storm eventually let up as he scanned Donald. "Shoot! Charging a Kablooey ball! Marcel's plan won't work if he kills us all before War has a chance to knock him out" "I might be able to help with your plan Marcel! Ori's gravity powers might be able to neutralize Donald's attack! If you can get me up there, I can buy us some time for War to knock him out! Famine, wouldja mind levitating me again?"
(@MarcelGalliard790 )
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Sampson nodded to Seth. “Gotcha!” Sampson spoke before casting a levitation spell on Seth. “Go get em!” Sampson spoke with enthusiasm.
(@Crystal1302 )

Samael and Nix decided to team up. “I can help distract him.” Samael spoke with heat radiating from his scythes. Nix nodded as well to Samael’s comment. “I can help as well. Using soul bursts. I can distract him.”
(@Crystal1302 @Clite of Dragonbow )
"Thanks a bunch Famine!" said Mira as she flashed a grin before starting to float. Mira drifted over to Seth. "Mind catapulting me at him?" "Do you even need to ask?" said Seth before Mira floating to him charging a barrier. "Sorry Mimi, but I might need a cheer." "Ok! You can do it Seth!" said Mira before Seth charged with a bright red aura around him. "I think I'll need a little more. You're pretty heavy." "Do it or I'll smack you." threatened Mira. Seth gulped a bit before the red aura around him charged even more. Seth prepped a barrier for her to stand on then created a Barrier around his fist, similar to what Donald did during his fight. With all of his effort he punched the barrier creating a shockwave that propelled Mira towards Donald. "Sorry Donald, but I'm not gonna die just yet! Not before I can help you!" she said before trying to grab onto Donald with one arm and neutralizing the Kablooey ball with the other.

(@Psymallard )


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Judas had disappeared and was no where to be seen. ‘To hell with being the Savage of the group. That’s only when shadium appears. I’ll finish this guy right here and now!’ Judas thought to himself as from what he could tell and the others. While Mira was holding off Donald, Judas was in a shadow below and behind Donald. He quietly shadow bursted upward. And now was a good distance behind Donald. ‘I’m finishing this. Right here right now!’ Judas thought to himself as he lunged forward and swinging kick to the back of Donald’s neck.
(@Clite of Dragonbow @Psymallard @Crystal1302 )


Previously mallard
The Super Kablooey Ball was getting to a decent size whenever Mira was shot at Donald. Instinctively, he swung his arm, and if Mira was still attached, she'd go flying. She was successful in weakening the Super Kablooey Ball though, and the ball of force had now degraded into a Super Gravity Ball. He looked at Mira, a look of confusion now mixing into his angry look. Help him? But they're villains, why would they- whack! Donald felt a kick to the back of his neck. It dazed him, although his enhanced durability prevented him from being completely knocked out. His Super Gravity Ball shot forward out of his hands and landed halfway between Donald and the others, sending out a shockwave that was too weak to reach anyone. A fresh surge of rage welling up inside of him, he threw out a wild, quick, and powerful backhand at Judas. "SNEAKING UP BEHIND ME WHILE I'M DISTRACTED, EH?! I SHOULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING FROM SLEAZY VILLAINS LIKE YOU!"
@Crystal1302 @MarcelGalliard790 @Clite of Dragonbow


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Samael looked with out any professionalism. “Ah. Shit!” Samael suddenly spoke in panic. “Judas’s Shade kick didn’t work! Note high endurance though.” Nix told Samael panicked. “There is only one remaining option left. Nix, Prep a grave. I’m incinerating this one.” Samael spoke with a bit of dread. But then.

Judas received the back hand from Donald. He flew back a slight bit. But when he looked up. Deep black cracks could be seen on his face. “Now you’ve done it. You are gonna die. Donald the Villain. I recommend you write your Will right now.” Judas spoke before the cracks deepened more and more.

Marcel spoke up. “Donald! You have to stop! Shadium will rip you apart!”
(@Psymallard @Crystal1302 @Clite of Dragonbow )
Mira was flung off of Donald and was caught by a barrier from Seth. "Jeez Mira, that was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard." "Just popped into my head, and you're one to talk about cheesy quips in fights. I can only imagine what you said to Tara that made her knee you into a bleacher." Seth shivered to himself. "Don't remind me of that please. Anyway looks like that didn't do him in, but War did some serious damage. Just a little more and we can do him in." "Just shut up Donald! You're not a hero, and we're not villains! You're just a student that needs help! I want to help you Donald! Just listen to me!" Yelled Mira. Mira was then shocked at in the back of her mind she felt a surge of energy, and it concentrated in her hands forming a sphere of pure kinetic force. "This feels way different than Ori's powers. Did I just form a link with Donald?" said Mira to herself before her eyes filled with determination and she blasted it as hard as she could at Donald.

(@Psymallard )


Previously mallard
Donald shook his head to clear his head of its daze. He smiled wide at Judas's anger, shouting, "Yes, I knew you'd reveal your villainous side at eventually! C'mon then, try and kill me, maggot!" His bright smile faded a bit when Mira spoke up. He leapt high, boosted by levitation, and landed on a car across the street from his own house, evading the Super Gravity Ball shot from Mira. "I will be a hero once I dispose of you villains! And I don't need any help, I-"
"That's right, Donald. Don't let that snot-nosed bitch tell you what you are. And remember, you have to win. Tafts don't lose."
"Yes momma. I'll win, I promise." He jumped back off the car, and smushed two Super Gravity Balls together once again. Holding the Super Kablooey Ball in both hands, he swung it into the car in front of him. The volatile ball of force exploded, and sent the car flying into the group of Marcel and his generals. He looked back at his mother for reaffirmation, and seeing her smiling, he smiled as well and turned his attention back to the fight.
@MarcelGalliard790 @Crystal1302 @Clite of Dragonbow


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Judas smiled satanically. “Fine by me.” A duo of voices spoke like when Marcel and Zalthereon fought Soul. Instead of a more mature and in control voice, the other voice was sharp and blood thirsty. The cracks deepened and eventually turned Judas completely pitch black. Only red eyes remained. He landed and immediately covered his mouth. Other cracks could be heard. Eventually after uncovering his mouth sharply a cluster of crimson liquid shot out. It sizzled and bubbled. It was shown that his teeth were razor sharp and his sides of his mouth broke for more sharp teeth. Two more shadow arms bursted out of his back. Then to finish a midnight sharp tongue was shown with similar crimson liquid dripping from it. A red glow could be seen from the inside of his mouth. “Today’s the Day you Die Donald!Shadium Judas spoke out sharply and began rushing to him.
(@Psymallard @Crystal1302 )
"Thats how it ends when you act like in hot boiled water and you don't listen to me..." Jude sighed "Surrounded by idiots.. Three in particular"

"Now... Let's take down the main idiot, that should be stopped from the start, the idiot that encourages him to destroy everything around and the idiot that things he will get away with the kill... OI" He looked at Marcel, with lilie patterned eyes, that seemed cold at that very moment, almost emotionless "If you aren't patient enough to wait for the answer of the probability machine, at least allow me to beat that idiot thats up for a kill"

"Count four idiots... If Marcel isn't in control then he should be knocked down as well." He looked at Mira and Seth.
"I hope that the two most sane at this moment people in the squad could aid me and we stop this idiocity together."
Jude started with the most dangerous one and stood in Judas' way.
"If you are this eager to be first to receive beatdown then so be it." he raised his leg and as he stomped a loud voice of breaking and cracking surfance could be heard, before seeing a great crack that was broken in the floor under Jude feet.

Torrental force, changing the air together by getting molecules closer, making them rotate in a steady way isn't falling behind of strenght of people like Tara adding to this another enchantment which is self rotating control..

It may not sound incredible, but all humans rotate around their axis without thinking, small, unnoticible rotations that are needed for those standing living beings to keep balance and don't fall down as they stand. Now, what if you could control the range, point of rotation and most important speed of a certain body parts? If you can for example rotate left hand in the insane speed? Power=Strenght and Velocity, so if the last one is raised to insane amount. The Power itself is raised by a multiple times.

"Stand aside and don't get involved. No matter what, your decision may change future outcome of things.. But the only change is that me and those who have enough thought not to kill anyone won't win quickly..." He glared at Judas, with those lily patterned eyes, a sign of the Eight Conciousness "But we will win definitly!"

@Crystal1302 @MarcelGalliard790 @Psymallard


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Shadium Judas looked to Jude. “You think I’m gonna stand down so Easily!” They spoke together willing to tear out some stuff in order to win.

“You will when it comes to me.” A voice called out as it was Marcel behind Judas. With a swift powerful Neo Demon chop to the side of his neck. Shadium began to fade. Judas lay on the ground. Incapacitated. “He’ll be out for a while. No on to the main one we came for.” Marcel told Jude as he walked over to him and with a sane mind set, thought of what to do in this situation. “Well. Judas’ kick did some good damage. What if we did it again. Then he could be out. Then comes the issue of his mother. No harm to us. But...” Marcel drifted off as he thought of what to do.

Sampson and Nix looked to the chaos around them. “There is only one thing to do. Not kill him. We have to go back. Just us two.” “Why?” “Obviously to get more people. Like this we’re screwed.” “Hmm. Maybe the guy in charge?” “He probably would want to waste his time coming all the way out here to deal with one rogue student.Sampson and Nix thought and pitched ideas to each other.

Samael regained some sanity as to not dive off and go straight to reaper mode. “Hmm. He’s relentless. I’ll give him that. But if he wants to prove himself. He just has to fight Marcel over there.” Samael whispered trying to catch his own breath.
(@Crystal1302 @Cryronn the Mudkip @Psymallard @Clite of Dragonbow )
Jude sighed and smiled at Marcel, it wasn't like he didn't expect the intervention, but its always better to see things happening at the present.
He looked back to the source of the problem.

"I will just stay here and repel any possible attacks, while you just knock him down, with that ridicioulous numbers difference it should be no problem to you, I know that I am annoyingly and selflishly repeating myself, but try avoid the pernament demage."
Mira ran to grab Seth and tackled him out of the way of the car flying at them, meanwhile Seth saw that DOnald's mom just smiled. "She saw her son almost kill us...and she smiled. I don't even know if that was their car. Wow. Donald has that harpy for a mom. That explains a bit." "All the more reason I want to help him." she said as another gravity ball formed in her hands. "I think I have a nonviolent way of dealing with her." "How so?" Seth snapped his fingers and a soundproof cage like barrier formed around Donald's mom. "Can she breathe in that?" "Pretty sure...I'm just kidding. She can totally breathe in there." "Anyway, at this state I can't make a...I need I better name for it." "Hmm?" "I'm not gonna say 'Kablooey' for an attack. I'm not 5." "Ok, how about G-Force Grenade" "Good start, but doesn't convey how dangerous it is." "Gravity Cannon?" "Hey. Kinda like that." said Mira before she witnessed Marcel knocked out War and he was also in Neo Demon Mode right now. "Donald's screwed." "Yep." "Do you think he needs the help?" "Nope." "Wanna help anyway" said Seth before summoning 4 barrier balls. "Yep." said Mira before summoning 5 Gravity Balls. After a power boost from Mira, they let their storm of projectiles fly at Donald
(@Psymallard )
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel nodded. “Gotcha mate. I’ll go in and try what Judas did to him.” Marcel bursted off trying to find a good place to hide before getting the attack in.

Samael followed behind Marcel. “I’m willing to help as well Marcel. We need this guy out.” “Well if we bring him back. How are we going to keep him restrained if he wakes up?” “Judas’ shadow cage.” “Ah! Right. I forgot. So we need to hit the sides of his neck. Both of us at full power. That should be able to knock him out.” “Right.” The two conversed and prepped for the timing of the kick.
(@Crystal1302 @Psymallard @Clite of Dragonbow )

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