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Ask to Join Comet Trail High School (Roleplay)

So it seemed that they had been sharing? Zoey of course had been a touch nervous, as it seemed the range of what to share was some little family trivia to the fact that one was dead, as Leon had made clear without shadow of a doubt. Zoey had her sympathetic gaze, though he seemed to be in good spirits about his situation as she figured she should go next.

"W-well, I have a brother who also comes to the school. A twin brother actually, and I hope someday to become a professional h-hero..." Zoey said as she had faced both while on the edge of her bed.

Soon though attention shifted to a newcomer, a guy by the door as it seemed they had 4 in the room which only had made it awkward for the reclusive Zoey but she tried not to let it show. "H-hello..."

@Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite

Zack himself had his big back, with his own supplies after he had dropped off Zoey's to her dorm earlier, in front of his beg as he also began to dig through it before Ori broke out some small talk and the young man seemed to smile

"Hobbies huh? Well I am a passionate one when it comes to martial arts and hand to hand contact fighting, just something I've been enthralled with since I was younger. I also enjoy a good meal and a nice nap whenever I can work it in. What about you?" Zack asked back with a friendly grin as he had been curious to know of his dormmate.

@Gold The Dragonite
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Seth gave Marcel a nod before pulling out his tote bag. "Let's see. Tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, and bell pepper. Looks like I'm making Ratatouille." said Seth before pulling out an apron, that was light brown with pictures of corgis on them. Seth pulled out his favorite knife (That he named Arthur) before pulling out a cutting board and began the prep work. All of the vegetables were quickly diced with the speed and precision of a person who's done this for years. Almost all of the vegetables were ready before he decided to try to make some small talk with Nero as he was gonna be alone with him for the next hour as Ratatouille takes a while. "So, Nero.. You got any hobbies?"
(@Cryronn the Mudkip )


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked down at the slime as it grew hands and did gestures. “Yep. I can understand you. But I think there is a better way to communicate with hands. Do you know sign language little slime?” Marcel asked the slime to see if Clive knew Sign language. “Cause I’m pretty fluent in it. I had to actually learn it when I first met my Pestilence General. He was silent for a while. Eventually he opened up and thus we are best friends and close comrades.” Marcel explained to the little slime.
(@Void_Nugget )


Previously mallard
Piper continued gesturing as Loufe came over. "Hey, do you wanna bunk with me? I don't think I like blue-haired dude." She swung the door wide enough for him to enter and retreated back into the room. Climbing atop her bed, zzzip! She opened up her bag and pulled out an iPod and headphones. They were plugged in to each other, Piper hung the headphones around her neck, and turning her attention back to Loufe, said, "I hope you aren't too much of an interior designer, cuz I like to keep it simple."

A small key slid into Room 31's lock. A hand turned the handle and pushed it slightly forward-
Bobby kicked the door wide open. "Boom, baby!" His hands were in a way that said 'ta-da!' He peered inside, and saw that one of the doors was cracked. He jogged over there and nudged it open, leaning on the doorframe. "Que pasta, chucklenuts?"
@Gold The Dragonite @Godjacob

Donald was lost in thought. He did hear out the teacher, and walked slowly forwards, head down as everyone departed. The big guy pulled out a phone like he was instructed to, but- he couldn't figure it out. Entering the dorm building, he was still struggling. He would need someone's help. So, he walked up to a room near the entrance. Dorm 2. He knocked on the door patiently waited for an answer.
@Crystal1302 @Cryronn the Mudkip @Gold The Dragonite
"Hi, Mike, take a seat anywhere, and we were doing an icebreaker, which was state one fact about yourself." Ariana explained the events up to now.

She sat waiting for a response while thinking about Dominic, as she blushed thinking about how cute he looked when he was lost. 'Get out of my head, why is this happening?' She was lost in thought, and trying to figure out why she was thinking these thoughts while keeping her calm.

@Godjacob @Gold The Dragonite @Mewtvak09


Damon had returned to his dorm after clearing his head, he was stressed as two of his half sisters had sent letters and was in utter shock people weren't cowering in fear. In his old school, his selected roommates would cower in fear when he arrived. Only four people didn't cower in fear, and those were his ex-girlfriends. He then looked at the two room mates.

"Sorry about stepping out, I had to clear my head and figure out what is different from my old school."

@Clite of Dragonbow @The Dark Fairy


Previously Mewtvak09
Mike took a seat. "Hmmm. One fact about myself.... um..." He puzzled over what to say, and then he thought of the perfect thing, something that he hated, yet embraced, cried over, but didn't really care about." Well, when I was a baby, my dad left me at an orphanage and drove his car of a bridge, with my mom and older sister in it. I have lived in that orphanage my entire life. Well, up to this point anyway."
Mimi grabbed the supplies that Psycavok had grabbed. She doctored the rabbit, comforted it along the way. She bandaged the rabbit and told it to try to stay safe. Then, turning to the dorm building, she chuckled. She grinned, then walked into the building. Psychicly, she attracted a tome. An ancient book, one that she had had hidden long ago. The title wasn't in any known language. However, it said" Eldritch Terrors: a basic guide to creating a pocket multiverse."


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked away from the tiny slime to some of his own things. “I’m gonna put some of my stuff up.” Marcel told Clive as he walked away to put some of his own stuff away. “Oh.” Marcel looked to a dvd cover that had a puppet’s face on the front of it. He put it up swiftly. Then Marcel got his cds and lined them up in a little area. “Eh. I’ll finish this later.” Marcel spoke as he went back over to Clive
(@Void_Nugget )
Mira was forced to leave the most comfortable couch in the world due to the unfortunate rules of common courtesy. Mira sat up and opened the door to the surprise that was Donald. "Oh, hi Donald!" she said with a wave. She then noticed his phone was on and to an email about his dorm room. "Oh Donald. Are you having trouble finding your dorm? I think I could help. I think my email said something about you being my roommate. Well come on in!" she said. "I never got a chance to eat my lunch today. Wanna share it?"
Suddenly a door had been kicked open as Zack turned and it seemed that a new roommate had come in to make quite the impactful welcome. Course, once the momentary shock passed Zack noticed the crack on the door as he seemed to have an immediate reaction as he raised a fist and glanced at the ceiling.

"HA! I told you I wouldn't be the first to break something you old bag!" Zack called out emphatically, though his little moment of personal euphoria lacked context for anyone but him to understand as he quickly put his fist down before he sheepishly glanced at the two in the room.

"It's uh, long story. So uh...I take it you are our roommate?" Zack asked the newcomer.

@Gold The Dragonite @Psymallard

Zoey of course kept quiet as Ariana seemed to welcome Mike, though what had caught the vampire in secret's eye was the subtle blush (Or perhaps not too subtle) one that Ariana had developed as Mike walked into the room. Zoey had not been the most socially adapt to most common situations with other people, but even she had known what this meant.

Seemed there was a crush...

To be honest, it would be embarrassing if Zoey caught that blush, either way she would hide her head even further and suddenly sprout white feathered wings and hide behind them. As long as she didn't damage anything, she would be fine. If caught, she would have to explain later.

"Sorry about that," Ariana responded, "Wings pop out when embarrassed."

@Mewtvak09 @Godjacob @Gold The Dragonite


Previously mallard
The one that opened the door was none other than Mira, cheerful as ever. Donald turned red, embarrassed that he might have to ask her for help after he was hurting her a few hours ago. "Uh...eh...yes, room." He already apologized a million times, but his guilt still weighed down on his brain enough to make it difficult to speak. And what was this about being her roommate? Well, she seemed alright with him now, so maybe it was okay? He still owed her a huge debt, but if he paid it in full, maybe they could be allies? In the meantime, he accepted her hospitality and walked inside. He cleared his throat, and spoke again, regarding the lunch offer. "No, thank you. A heroine such as yourself needs lots of nutrients! I am alright!" He put his hands on his hips, and then winced as his stomach growled audibly.

"You bet your sweet bippy I am. Wait- you're the ninja dude that fought Super Gravity Balls, right? Kudos to you for surviving as long as you did, the dude looks like an ape on the battlefield. Anyway, time to unpack." He walked over to his bags, and pulled out a small ant farm as something else slithered up his arm. He looked at his roommates mischievously and put his free hand's finger to his lips, before using that hand to grab his two bags and walking into his own room.
@Godjacob @Gold The Dragonite


Previously Mewtvak09
Mike questioningly looked at this scene. Embarrassed? What was there to be embarrassed about? However, he knew better than to ask about it. Instead, he tried to focus the conversation on other things. "Wow, those are some pretty sick wings. I want to know more about your wings. Can you fly with them? Do they pop out other times as well? Do they have some sort of use on the battlefield?" He took out a spiral-bound notebook with a green cover, and a pen. As he flipped through, his roommates might have seen flashes of his drawings, sketches, diagrams, notes, and journal-like entries. When he was finished, he said," Ok. I am ready to take notes."


Previously Shadow_Pup
Clive was surprised that the boy knew Wigan language and nodded quickly and signed [Yes, I understand] he then watched him put some things away. When Marcel returned Clive signed [You'll have to be careful with those kinds of DVDs, you'll give Doku a heart attack] he finished gesturing at Doku who was no longer burying her face but was focusing on putting a few more things away until her cheeks were a little less red.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel begin to use sign language. It translated to “The others are CDs. I kept the one here because it is a treasured memory. I remember when me and my generals when we became friends Marathoned this movie series and that was our first time doing something big together. After that we formed a band due to our music interests. We were always flashy during our shows which was more or less just the yearly talent show.” Marcel stopped signing as he looked to Doku. “Hey, Doku. Can I ask you something?” Marcel told her as he was prepped for this. “So when walking back from the police station. I found a cool little park. In a couple of days, you maybe want to go there?” Marcel asked as he was curious if Doku would go with him.
(@Void_Nugget )

Porco heard what Leo said before he left. “Alright mate. Be safe out there.” Porco spoke before he realized that Leo had already left. “Oh. Well anyways. Where do you suppose the other person who will be dorming with us is?” Porco asked Jude curious if he knew where the other member was.
(@Crazytrainer33 @Clite of Dragonbow @The Dark Fairy )


Previously Mewtvak09
Mimi went to her dorm. Even from the outside, she could hear talking. Taking a breath, she opened the door. She paused, anylizing the dorm. Finally, she walked inside. She said," Hi. My name is Mimi. I think this is my dorm, so I'll be staying here with you guys!" She tried to appear cheerful and normal, but that would be hard. Even so, she boldly stepped inside. She set down her bags, then said," Well, it is good to meet you all."
@Gold The Dragonite @Godjacob @Psymallard @Crystal1302


Previously Shadow_Pup
Clive nodded in understanding before hopping to look out the window while Marcel spoke with Doku. As for Doku she glanced round at Marcel and froze up slightly "uh..um...s..sure th..that sounds n..nice" she managed to get out as her heart began to race slightly "I..is it just going to be u..us two" she enquired as her face went a few shades red as she tried to calm down so as not to switch to her confident mode, she would end up saying something stupid if she was like that and she didn't want to do that. She she breathed in and out slowly to lower her heart rate as she awaited Marcel's response.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel inquired for a little bit before stating a response. “It will just be the two of us.” Marcel spoke calmly and walked over towards Doku. “Are you alright?” Marcel asked as he seemed worried for his new friend. “I just really like to look out for others. That’s why I helped Jude during Donald’s match and brought Donald down after his crash into the gym roof. Sometimes I care about people more than myself.” Marcel told Doku with honesty.
(@Void_Nugget )
Tara stared at the newcomers. Donald, Mira, and Oliver. A decent bunch, so it seemed... she had wanted to room with the only girl, and resign Oliver to room with Ego 2. (She called Soul “The Ego.” But now that Donald’s around, he’s “Ego 1.”) She looked between the three with a curious glance, noticing Donald was a lot more introspective than before... she then remembered- “Heya, you guys were the ones that got involved in the police situation right? Rumors got around and such... oh, and Mira, right? Uh... I think I totally clocked your brother with a knee to the stomach earlier, sorry about that. Hahaha, anyway, Donald is totally being humble and I can see that he’s starving, so don’t bother sharing. I have some...” she reached into her bag and pulled out two packages of microwaveable rice. She set both of them inside and set the time, lounging on the counter. “...anyway, what are your names? I’m Tara Thorn, the girl who shattered half of the arena earlier. Cheesed to meet you three~”

@Crystal1302 @Gold The Dragonite @Psymallard

Nero stared blankly at the closed door to what was now Marcel and Doku’s room, and made a small scoff, turning to face Seth. “Those two are sure flirting it up in there... Marcel’s a smooth bastard and he definitely has an ego to boot... hah. At least he’s got a few things going for him then. I just annoy people because they annoy me, not much of an Oscar-winning personality trait. Anyway, anyway... As for hobbies... well I like to make music in my spare time. I can’t sing for shit, so I mainly just compose stuff that could easily have lyrics over it, but I’m too bored to commission actually good composers. I also doodle sometimes. Usually stuff that would make for a really good addition to the Cthulhu Mythos. Anyway... how about you? I see Cooking buuut...”

...this company was nice... I mean, he was already used to hearing someone’s voice talk to him without their lips moving... mind reading and all... and hearing those voices didn’t give him headaches like real voices did.


The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Hown closed his book, placing it on the table and standing up “I didn’t know I was being that quiet.” He said, now deciding to not be mundane on the couch.

@Crazytrainer33 @Clite of Dragonbow @MarcelGalliard790

Holly shook her head “I don’t mind you taking up the same room as me, besides, I don’t know what our other roommates are like, so I might dodge a bullet like this!” She said, slight teasing in her voice.

@Clite of Dragonbow

Chaung looked up briefly at the return on roommate 2. She shrugged her shoulders “Just tired of people fearing you?” She asked, finally shutting off the tv and throwing the remote on the table, nothing having interested her.

@Cmeriwether @Clite of Dragonbow


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco jumped a slight bit when he heard Hown’s voice. “Oh. There they are.” Porco spoke before walking out to the living room. “So your the last one. Seems that makes four of us.” Porco spoke and looked over to where Jude was and then back to Hown. “You may have heard me introduce myself to Jude. But if not I’m Porco Cromwell. Brother to Marcel. Whom you may have seen fight earlier today.” Porco introduced himself to Hown.
(@The Dark Fairy )

Marcel walked back a slight bit. “Well.” Marcel spoke calmly as he hoped to not overwhelm Doku with the fact that he looked out for his friends. ‘I wonder if I brought ‘it’ with me. Cause I can show Doku my skills when it comes to playing it.’ Marcel thought to himself as he looked through his stuff and found it. “Aha! Here it is.” Marcel spoke as he got the stand put up for it. A tiny stand, but fitting for the instrument. “My violin.” Marcel spoke as he put his violin on the stand.
(@Void_Nugget )
"Yes, Being a half Dragon and a former strongest student did not help, and being feared gave me a massive target on my head." Damon explained, "I've been very lonely, due to this, other than my previous girlfriends, and one friend, had to break off every relationship I had after a month, the one friend moved away, so you guys are the closest I have to friends right now, and a Porco I met at the stadium.

He needed to get that off his chest, worried about what will happen if those who target him return, he then decided it would be best not to worry.

@Clite of Dragonbow @The Dark Fairy
Hazel set his stuff in his room, including various things he prepared earlier for monster making, various hair/tooth, parts of horns, teeth, materials, or some more incredible things like generator for lightnings and Matches for fire.
He also brought many books with him.

Meanwhile Jude just nodded and said "Well, we shall see you soon!" then looked toward Hown and snickered "If you come and sit quietly not approaching us as well, how will we know you want to spend time or talk with us?" he asked.
@MarcelGalliard790 @The Dark Fairy @Crazytrainer33

Dominic looked confused for a second "How can you dodge the bullet? Will they have guns? Are guns included to be brought to school? Hmm... If they are connected to a power..." He was lost in thoughts for a bit then said "Anyway, glad to have at least 3 friends in a new place, espesially one as roommate! So we may share a room and hopefully I won't snore too loud.
@The Dark Fairy
Seth chuckled to himself. "Wow Nero, is that jealousy I detect, or that is the most backhanded compliment I have ever heard." Said Seth before putting the eggplant into the pot with a bit of olive oil and turned on the stove. "Anyway we same to have a couple of the same hobbies. I too like music and art if you couldn't tell from the headphones. I also really like video games. I would set up my switch now, but I'm a bit...oc-cook-pied."
Mira shivered to herself. "I get the feeling a certain brother of mine is verbally torturing someone." Said Mira to herself. "Anyway Donald, it's fine. I wouldn't have offered if Seth didn't pack way too much." She said before turning to Tara. "My name's Mira and don't worry about it. Nurses were nearby and Nero said there was little to no chance of having any long term effects." Said Mira before reaching into her bag and pulling out a semi large container of Fish Pot Pie and a second bowl. "Seth can be a big jerk sometimes but he's a great cook." She said before taking half of the dish and putting it onto a bowl. She walked over to put her half into the microwave and set it for a minute.
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Ariana had calmed down a bit when she saw Mike start asking questions, sketching, taking notes on her wings.

"They are used to fly, they were something I was born with, and I can use them to shield myself from some attacks." Ariana explained, "I have Increased strength, and can heal people, from what I was told, the last one is extremely useful."

Ariana went through her power set and had some concerns, she did not have an offensive ability, unlike her sisters and brothers, however she can help on the field as a healer.

@GreninjaRonin09 @Gold The Dragonite @Godjacob
Leo finally found all his ingredient and went to counter to pay. He walked his way back to his dorm. "I am back", he said as notice another new face. "I presume you are the missing roommate" he said as he put the groceries on the kitchen counter. "The name is Leo" he said as he wash his hand. After washing his hand he puts on the apron. "So how you guys want your steak cooked", he asked all his roommates.


Previously Mewtvak09
Mikes pen flew across the page as he took notes on every word Ariana said. One the were done talking, he went over his notes, nodded, and closed his book. Part of him wanted to ask if he could more closely exam her wings, but the other part said that his dormmates didn't know he was asexual, and thus would think her wanted to get close to her, like, really close. He almost shuddered, but kept himself from doing so. " Well," he said," this was pretty cool. I think I'm gonna put my stuff away, then see if we can learn even more about eachother. And our powers." He walked toward a room, then realized he didn't know which was his. "Hey," he inquired, " which of these rooma do I go in?
@Gold The Dragonite @Godjacob @Cmeriwether


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked back to Doku after putting the bow of his violin right in front of his violin. “Sorry for the pause of our conversation. I just wanted to see if I had one of my instruments with me. One of my favorites actually.” Marcel spoke before turning back around to see Doku. “I just. Really. Look out for my friends.” Marcel told Doku with honesty and an honest smile.
(@Void_Nugget )
Zoey had quickly shifted to a self conscious state as the wings sprouted from Ariana as she had wondered if the girl caught her looking at the blush, which if true she had a degree of guilt over. Thankfully it seemed the newcomer to the dorm had not been bothered by this, but fascinated as he seemed to quickly take out a note book and had began to ask questions in succession at Ariana which caused Zoey to sweat drop.

They had some...interesting, characters in this dorm.

"Uh I-I think we share this dorm. There are multiple rooms?" Zoey asked, as she began to glance around much as Mike had curious.

@Cmeriwether @GreninjaRonin09 @Gold The Dragonite

"Oh so you saw that? Yeah was an intense match..." Zack mused though he seemed to take exception to the "survive" as he seemed to frown as much before he worked to chip in. "Well I am a bit bummed it was called off early, I wanted to win rather than leave it up in the air, would be nice to show people who think I just "survived" that I could've stood tall." Zack mused, of course who'd actually have won would be impossible to tell till a rematch came along but Zack focused on getting to know his roommates for the immediate future.

Soon though it seemed a new face entered a dorm, a girl named Mimi who introduced herself and Zack flashed a friendly grin on her bed. "Welcome to the dorm Mimi, my name is Zack happy to meet you~!" He introduced as he pulled out what seemed to be some crudely folded shirts from his bag

@Psymallard @GreninjaRonin09 @Crystal1302


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco walked out towards the kitchen. “I’d like mine to be a rare.” Porco spoke as he didn’t really know much about steak. Just knew that rare was the go to for steak types.
(@Crazytrainer33 )

Marcel looked over to Clive for a split second. Then looked back to Doku. “So. You play any instruments? Not asking to form a band, but it would be cool to know a little more about you. We already had our base sort of overall info but I would like to know what kind of stuff specifically you like.” Marcel spoke as he walked back towards his violin. Hoping for a response from his Green haired friend.
(@Void_Nugget )


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked at his Mahogany Violin. Custom made for him. ‘Why not show your skills?’ Zalthereon asked Marcel but Marcel was busy at the moment. “So yeah. It will just be the two of us. Well. Three if we account for...” Marcel snapped his fingers thinking of the name. “Clive! That’s what it was. Clive.” Marcel spoke realizing the name of the slime. “Anyways. So what about you. Anything else you want to talk about yourself?” Marcel asked Doku, curious if he could know more about his slime using friend.
(@Void_Nugget )


Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku thought for a second "um I dont have any Hobbies I've just never given any time into starting anything, my parents seem to think I'm a good singer but that's about it, as for stuff about me , well I'm an only child, Clive is the only slime I was ever able to make sentient as creating life is hard, I have severe social anxiety when around strangers but it still lingers even if I feel a little more comfortable. I guess to finish I am afraid of a lot, the dark, enclosed spaces, spiders, rats, needles, water, birds and bullies so that's about all I can think of right now" she then remembered something "oh and I can leave Clive here when we go, as he is fully self sentient he can stray as far from me as he wants or I want so I can leave him here and it'll just be the two of us if you would like that" she said getting all quiet and shy near the end of the sentence.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was interested in what Doku had spoke about. “Well. I guess in my case. As I’ve told you, I enjoy art and music. I somehow was gifted for those two things. It started when I was around 8 I got the one instrument that has remained close to my heart.” Marcel paused before grabbing his Mahogany Violin. “This. My Mahogany Violin. We had to actually get this one custom made.” Marcel smiled a slight bit. “I played a lot of instruments. First with the Violin, then I took some similar idea of violin playing and put it on the guitar. Thus I was really good with the guitar. By the way that was one year later when I got into guitar. I never quit any of my instruments either. Next was the piano and I guess the organ as well since they both have similar features.” Marcel paused as he tried to remember those parts. “There was an organ where I had lived and I was always curious of playing it. So, I learned and actually grasped it easily.” Marcel explained as he looked to Doku as to not overwhelm her. “Anyways. If you want. I can play you something.” Marcel offered to Doku as a way to pass the time after their discussion.
(@Void_Nugget )
"Im not really picky so... Well.. I think well cooked one?" said Jude as he set his things down and looked at them "I will be back in a bit, gotta take shower to get rid of sweat, its quite a heat outside." He said then headed to toilet and a sound of falling water could be heard.

He was tired, but still needed practice, he used his power on falling water and tried to wash himself without using his hands. His dormmates? They seemed like a good bunch of people.. But Jude had no expierience with any bunches of people.
@Crazytrainer33 @The Dark Fairy @MarcelGalliard790


Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku smiled at Marcel's suggestion, something she hadn't done much of since starting at this school, "I think that would be nice, if you don't mind of course and...um...if your showing me your talent it would only be fair if I sang something for you I guess though I dont think I'm very good" she said still slightly smiling but being a bit timid at the same time.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel smiled a lot. “Alright! Here we go!” Marcel spoke with enthusiasm. He grabbed the bow to his violin and took a couple of breaths. “I’m nervous. I haven’t actually played in front of someone in a very long time.” Marcel told Doku with honesty. “Hey. For this one you can sing if you want. This song is kinda iconic. So.” Marcel smiled and laughed a slight bit before starting the track. And slowly he began to play.
(@Void_Nugget Let’s do this.)


Previously Shadow_Pup
Doku waited for Marcel to begin and listened for a little bit before she eventually figured out what song it was that he was playing "oh I know this one" she said with a smile as she started to sing along trying to remember the lyrics as best she could. Her voice was a little out of practice but she eventually slipped into familiarity as she sang softly swaying slightly as she did.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel slightly heard Doku’s voice while he played his violin. ‘Wow. I’ll need to compliment her after this is over.’ Marcel thought to himself as he continued to play his violin. Slowly but surely the song ended and Marcel slowly stopped his violin playing. “Hey, Doku? Can I be honest with you?” Marcel asked while he put his violin back on the stand. “Your singing was really great.” Marcel spoke with with face becoming slowly flustered. “It was really beautiful.” Marcel also commented before his face turned red.
(@Void_Nugget )


Previously Shadow_Pup
Once the song was over Doku felt surprisingly happy and she liked that feeling. She turned to look at Marcel as he started speaking and almost immediately started to go bright red. She stumbled over her words as she tried a response "Thanks Marcel, your great was playing...I mean your playing was great too" she said twiddling her thumbs before quietly adding "it felt really good to do that, I really enjoyed singing with you".

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