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Open Core of the Dragon Academy (A Superpower RP)

After this, most of the next section of the mini plots will be students finishing off their final inner 'demons' so to speak, and the only other thing left is other than everyone taking a breather from all that traumatic stuff happening in one day, is dealing with a bucket of paperwork.
By comparison, Kevin is gonna have a lot on his plate. Lot of struggle, lot of pain and maybe even a little syringe Oliver has...

I'm excited >:D


Previously Sarah316
Speaking of student mini plots, I never got confirmation if my second OC idea was acceptable or not. I'd like some confirmation please.
After this, most of the next section of the mini plots will be students finishing off their final inner 'demons' so to speak, and the only other thing left is other than everyone taking a breather from all that traumatic stuff happening in one day, is dealing with a bucket of paperwork.
And I'm still busy making my own arc. Still stuff from his past though.
Since when did Oliver hate Sky so much? I think you need to get him reprogrammed, because "Mortal enemy" has got the completely wrong parameters :D.

I do hope Rio gets through this all right though. I'll be lonely if she dies :(
Oliver considers Sky to be naive and overly idealistic. He's never been a fan. Same reason he has issues with Kevin's mom (Though being his creator, he's less of a jerk to her).

.........plus he never got over how Sky punked him in the gym. He's quite petty :D
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:D I need to do that more often. But okay. I mean, Sky isn't much of a fan himself, since he's a man-made flying creature. And you just need to look under the sea nearby to see what he think of them
The question I ask myself everyday, "Am I crazy? Kind? or discount Amanda Waller?" (If you haven't seen suicide squad you wont get the joke.)
Speaking of DC, just saw Wonder Woman *Wonder Woman theme plays*

Pretty good. Won't give spoilers but it was pretty good. I'll admit I thought Gal Gadot would suck but she has thoroughly shut my mouth.
I wonder what would happen if Marvel's Deadpool met DC's Wonder Woman. I expect Deadpool to hit on her (flirt) instantly, and then the stabbing occurs.
Basically, from plot 1 to final:

Big giant underground demon absorbs/ dissolves 25 students in order to grow into a giant fiend. Rio got slashed and poisoned, then healed. Many students helped fight and got out relatively unscathed. Then a freaking swarm of demon dogs storm the beach and destroy the dorms, killing even more students and kidnapping Aurrea. Sky and Rio manage to destroy the alpha and now the entire island is covered in black tar. Rio falls incredibly ill after using nearly all of her power in one go, which as had been stated before will kill her. Sky is in the process of rounding up all the students into temporary shelter in the gym and the newly hired maid is very annoyed with all the cleaning up. Rio, in a desperate attempt to find Aurrea ventures down into the caves, only to be captured by Viiper, the master mind behind all the demons. He uses the tar to corrupt and turn Rio into a cackling fiend, who burrows through the earth and through the gym floor, frightening and minority injuring many students. Sealing away some of the more powerful children into pods, she throws them down the hole and kidnaps Aura's younger sister Sammy, before every basically follows Rio. There, they meet a zombie like Viiper, who stalls for quite some time and plays around with the students lies before growing impatient, and orders Rio to kill the students within the pods so he may absorb their remains to fully reanimate his corpse and restore his powers. Then, he sends demon Rio to kill the others, and she does quite a fair deal of damage until Aurrea interferes and drops the bomb that the demon was actually Rio. Rio is later knocked out of commission for a short while after taking a rather severe wound that would have killed Aurrea. Viiper then stalls the other characters by threatening them with Sammy, until Aurrea and Rio fuse together. Cue epic battle between Viiper and Rio, Viiper fully corrupting himself and Rio dying quickly as she is using all of her power. The fight is dragged outside, in which Rio, pretty much almost dead, urges everyone to take cover underground before turning herself into a living bomb and completely obliterating Viiper. She then sealed herself away into her heart within a few milliseconds and is now in a comatose like state within it. Everyone else is trying to cope with the trauma and Sky is trying to reanimate Rio.

lot of stuff and its only been a day.


Previously Sarah316
For the record, is it safe to come out from underground? And even if it is, how will are characters know it is? Just asking.
Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys remember when I said that Riker had no inner demons. Well I think I just found something.

*evil laughter begins right on cue*
Okay, so I've called the students up, but still whilst reviving Rio. But Sky's probably gonna collapse in a few hours if he doesn't fix his broken heart
They're underground, stupid. Also, a few students quarrelling among themselves is sorta different to somebody close to dying. Sky's got priorities
B-B-BOI, did you not realize that at least two students have been poisoned and are pretty much slowly dying? Jesus I feel like a fucking vortigaunt... The halflife two ones, not half life. BUT STILL, gotta spell shit out, like the vortigaunt in episode two that explains that Alyx Vance is legit on the brink of death. Example of me being vortigaunt? Having to explain that my character is poisoned with like two different poisons, he is becoming corrupted and crazy AF, and there are four stab wounds on him, not to mention a broken rib, and yes two of those stabs were self inflicted, but the rest weren't. Also sorry for nerding out, just got halflife 2 ep2 on my PC.
B-B-BOI, did you not realize that at least two students have been poisoned and are pretty much slowly dying? Jesus I feel like a fucking vortigaunt... The halflife two ones, not half life. BUT STILL, gotta spell shit out, like the vortigaunt in episode two that explains that Alyx Vance is legit on the brink of death. Example of me being vortigaunt? Having to explain that my character is poisoned with like two different poisons, he is becoming corrupted and crazy AF, and there are four stab wounds on him, not to mention a broken rib, and yes two of those stabs were self inflicted, but the rest weren't. Also sorry for nerding out, just got halflife 2 ep2 on my PC.
Never played it :D
And well, Sky doesn't grasp these concepts amazingly. He had priorities, and human life is normally secondary. Loosing his first companion in three thousand years is pretty high. And, well, I think it would be best to kill off your character at this point. Not an order, but a suggestion. His crazy ravings would probably interrupt a few mini-arcs if left to themselves. But yeah, for Sky, the fact they are poisoned isn't much of an issue. Once he gets them back up the the surface, I'm probably going to grab several water spirits to purify and heal the others. It's a bit like a few humans dying to an eagle- they couldn't really have a great urge to help them. Apart from a few he's probably grown attached to, like the cave trio and the guys that helped him fight Viiper. It's kinda hard to explain, so all the stuff above isn't completely true, but it's the closest I can get. If I have more time, I'll see if I can put a better description of Sky's feelings towards humans