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Crush a wish!

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Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but because you and Fi are linked the two of you can only come out on the night of the full moon when both your powers are at there peaks.

I wish the week would stop going by so fast. (I can't believe its already Friday)
Granted, but the only day that gets any longer is Monday which is now 47125398 hours long and school is all day on Mondays!

I wish I was the president

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, as you ride it down your street you hit a curb and fly into the street just as a truck is coming. You jump out of the way but your shiny new bike is no longer shiny, new, or even a bike.

I wish I could go back to sleep
Yay! Here's your eggs... Just watch out because of the chemical I added that will bring a slow and painful death oh and did I mention that those are the only eggs left in the world and there's no more chickens (awww... damn...) left in the world?

I wish for some random implosion
*hands grenades* Use them well! *runs away before you notice there's no pin*

I wish that Lady Secad will not notice that she will soon nolonger own the world

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but Fi notices and she's more dangerous

I wish the Evil Space Monkeys and Aura's aura power will be enough to protect us

What? I'm not going to crush that!


I have to?


Fine, but the Evil Space Monkey's die protecting us from Fi

I wish that all the Evil Space Monkey's didn't die

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but they have a wild party in your room to celabrate life leaving behind half eaten fruit, monkey poo, and a purple blanket they were fighting over.

I wish I could have been a part of that party.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but now sees addicted to the computer which mean we can't be having this conversation right now.

I wish for this fun to never end.
Granted by you (or me) can leave the computer and we both end up dieing. (I died so you have the guilt of knowing that you're responsable for someone's death)

I wish I didn't die
So you have wished it, so shall it be.

But without chaos, there is no order, therefore ripping the space-time continuum at its seams, creating a black hole the size of the Earth, sucking it, the moon, and Pluto in, killing everybody.

I wish- I wish I knew what to wish for.
Granted. He wished you weren't dead. Which was crushed. So your dead.

I wish for... something really random
Granted, but it's also poisonous.

I wish I didn't get an F- wait. We don't get given F's! So it would be... 0/100? Well then:

I wish I didn't get 0/100

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but you don't get away with murder, you get arrested.

I wish I had marshmallow on my speriment snowball
Granted, but the rest of the world decides that it makes you a mutant, and they kill you. Slowly.

I wish life wasn't boring

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but all the exitment means you live fast and die young. Like oh say, now.

I wish I had a way to make things more interesting.
Granted. You commit suicide off some tower, which attracts the media and all these other people.

I wish for a wish
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