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Open Doomed Kalos

“ Okay great.” Dark smiled while walking over to the battlefield. “So again to be sure it will be a one verus one the pokemon who stands last will win.” he said to the strange guy. “Okay so what kind of pokemon will he use probably a fighting type because he saw Shades.” he thought while standing in his place on the battlefield.

“Are you ready. Let’s goo”
“Let’s show them your power Shades.” Shades walked on the battlefield letting out a loud roar. “ KROKOKRO.”
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"Come on out Demon!" Ace said and threw the pokéball. Out came Ace's Absol. He didn't know what moves that Krookodile knew but he knew that Demon knew Superpower. Although, his moves are limited to three moves as he can't use Psycho Cut. But Superpower and Demon's speed made up for the shortcoming.
"Demon, attack with Night Slash!" Ace ordered and his Absol's horn got bigger and was surrounded with Dark energy. Demon ran towards the Krookodile and aimed for the neck
( Unovan Absol?)

The Absol was charging at Shades. “Use dig to dodge the Night Slash.” In the nick of time did Shades dodge the NightSlash.
“Wait for the perfect moment Shades before attacking.” “Okay so the Absol has Nightshade a phisical move.” Thought Dark he was’nt going to let the other person win. Then Dark realised he did’nt get that dudes name “ DUDE WHATS YOUR NAME.” Dark screamed across the battleflied.
(What do you mean by Unovan Absol? Absol's are from Hoenn. Besides that, we're in Kalos)

"Why would i tell you my name!? It's irrelevant" Ace said. "I thought so. It uses Dig. Can only wait for it to come up. Although, it'll be bad if it shows up underneath Demon..." he thought and made a few signals to Demon but out of sight for the trainer so he wouldn't think something was up. Demon saw the signals and understood. He prepared himself for a Shadow Claw without activating the move so the trainer wouldn't see what they were up to
Azalea grew tired of searching for the boy so instead she ran over to their meeting spot, just outside of Lumiose city near the swamp that leads to Laverre City. Azalea looked up to the sky when she heard the sound of a helicopter propeller beating overhead. It took some time but the helicopter finally landed and Azalea was met with some grunts who informed her that the boss was expecting good information from her

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Reminder that autoing - controlling another person's character without their permission - is strictly prohibited in accordance with our rules, and that applies for both forcing hits on a character or directly controlling them.

As such, TheDaRKness131's latest post has been removed. Please write that post again without autoing. Next time you are reported breaking the rules, there will be consequences.

Also, that statement re: Absol only getting Superpower in Unova is outright false. Ingame, Absol can learn Superpower via any move tutors - which means that the move was available to Absols in OR/AS and US/UM. In any case, the move is in its learnset and thus it can learn it via whatever means. RPs are not the games after all.
“Why not it would be nice to know the name of the trainer you’re having a one verus one with.”
While Shades was onderground Dark thought on what to do next when he appears. “We could do an Dig again to keep doging attacks but are they goung to fall for that again. We need to attack.” “ Now Shades.” said Dark. Shades poped up behind the Absol jumping high in the air. Shades rolled up it’s tail to attack Absol with if the Absol would attack Shades in the air.
"But i'm not doing things because they're nice. I do nothing without a good enough reason for it. I see what you're doing. It's not gonna work. Demon, don't attack. Wait until i give you the signal" Ace said and secretly showed the Absol the signal that he would use when the time was right. He had to be careful though. The other trainer might notice his signs to Demon if he wasn't careful. That wouldn't be a good thing. It would give away a lot of surprise attacks. All his Pokémon and he had complete understandings for each other (except for that Lycanroc) and he could be very unpredictable in battles so the signs wasn't everything luckily
Caller saw a Helicopter landing overhead. He turned and saw the girl waiting behind him. He smiled and waited for the helicopter to land. The grunts conversed with her and turned to him. "Boss says if you stuff up again we gotta take your pokemon " Caller frowned. "You could try but it wouldnt be fun or easy " He pushed past the grunt and took a seat on the helicopter. "I trust the strongest battlers are waiting in shalour town for our arrival so be prepared"
Azalea next to Caller before smiling at the male. She then turned her attention to her communication device on her wrist that was ringing the girl pressed the answer button and was met with the boss's assistant who she didn't like very much, "Azalea the boss wants you to contact him after you get the information and don't mess up" the blue haired lady on her screen sneered, "Oh don't worry Tessa I'm not like you so I won't mess up" Azalea retorted. "Remember Tessa I'm the boss's favorite so I can just blame everything on you again" she stated with a wide smirk present on her face but before the lady could talk back Azalea ended the call with a feeling of great happiness
He called his contact in Shalour town who was waiting for him to arrive. " I trust you are en route to the location Caller" The mans voice dripped with boredom. Caller was taken aback by his carefree attitude. "Yes we are about to land actually. I hope you are as good as you say you are." Caller spoke strong and stern. The man once again spoke colloquially "Yeah I can do what your asking, but thats the last favour I owe you. I dont want anymore calls about anything after this" The man hung up the phone and Caller smiled. He look at the girl sitting next to him. " I dont usually do names but you seem capable enough to keep up with me, Im Caller"
"Nice to meet you Caller, I'm Azalea" as the girl introduced herself she couldn't help but smile at the Caller. "Did you catch a new pokemon?" Azalea asked out of curiosity she then took out het Luxury Ball containing her Liepard, "I actually caught myself a Liepard" the strawberry haired girl stated as she looked down at the shiny pokeball in her hand
"Yeah I managed to get one, a luxio. I do have a soft spot for electric types so its only fitting to have it on my team." Caller stated. The helicopter was landing and Caller stood up. "Ive got to go meet with someone Ill see you outside the Tower of Mastery in a little bit" Caller left the Helicopter and took strides toward the meeting place. He entered the house and sat in an armchair. He waited for the contact to come. "Alder, I know your here, you might as well save the hassle and come now, we have business to discuss" Caller spoke. Before he could finish speaking the red haired man came up holding two cups. "Now i know why your here so lets just get it over with" Alder announced and walked out the door (OOC if you are unsure who alder is look him up, the champion is Diantha in this RP)
Azalea noded her head before elegantly stepping out of the helicopter as a male grunt took her hand to help her get off. The female smiled at the male which caused the grunt to blush, Azalea then sent out her Liepard and they both walked to the tower as a group of grunts followed close behind Azalea and her new feline pokemon
Caller arrived at the Tower of mastery with Alder, Azalea and about 10 more goons with pokeballs in hand. He entered the Tower and started to walk up the steps when the gym leader of the town Korrina rushed down the stairs. Her eyes widened as she saw the amount of people coming up the stairs but she stood her ground. Caller sighed and called for 3 grunts to fight her at the bottom of the tower. That left 7 grunts and Alder and Azalea as well as himself to defeat the champion and an elite 4 member. Caller Reached the top of the staircase and glanced down to check on the goons fighting the gym leader. They were winning by sheerly overwhelming theit opponent with pokemon. Caller entered the top of the tower and a bead of sweat rolled down his face. His heart was racing faster than a Rapidash on a racetrack.
Shades landed on the ground running back to his posision in front of Dark. “They are up to something but what?” Dark thought. “ Now use Earthquake Shades.” Shades used Earthquake and the ground got into pieces attacking the Absol. “How will the Absol save himself out of this one?” said Dark quietly.
"Demon! Run around! Force yourself to do it! It'll be hard at first but once you've started, it'll be easier!" Ace told the Absol and it began running around which caused the Earthquake's effect on Demon to be slmost completely nullified (he was hurting a little bit). It seemed random but he actually ran closer and closer to the Krookodile. Ace thought he didn't need to show the signal to Demon. It would be impossible without the trainer noticing anyway.
"Now!" He yelled and Demon jumped the Krookodile with Shadow Claw.
Alder pushed past Caller and walked to the edge of the balcony where the champion and wikstrom were. " I want to let you know this isnt because I want to. Someone did me a deed of goodwill once and I am paying him back" He looked over at where caller and the goons were standing. Caller composed himself and spoke up. "If you would be so kind. Im in need of the Masterball and the password for the codes of the Kalos Pokemon PCs please." He spoke directly to the champion with a stern gaze, knowing full well that the champion had enough power to wipe the floor with all his pokemon with a single pokemon probably. The champion giggled a little bit before speaking "Dear child do you know who you are speaking to? Im Diantha THE pokemon champion of kalos. Its going to take a little more than that to scare me into handing over anything." Wikstrom chuckled next to her. Any splinter of confidence left in Caller washed away. He hoped Azalea could be more convincing.
Azalea approached the Champion before smiling a fake smile towards the older woman. "Just because your champion doesn't mean crap so if you would please get off your high horse and give us what we need we will gladly be on our way, but if you don't well let's just say there's no such thing as a fair fight and as champion I suspect you and your Pokemon have a great bond and it would pain you to see them get hurt, well if you don't give us what we want they are gonna get hurt and even maybe some of the people in Kalos will get hurt" Azalea sweetly stated but her baby blue eyes were glaring daggers at Diantha. She never liked the lady and it seemed that her Liepard didn't like the woman either sense the dark type Pokemon was growling towards Diantha
CHARACTER APPEARANCE: A tall, lean girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. She wears a black jacket with orange highlights and black pants. Her Solosis can usually be seen by her side, out of the Pokeball.
ADDITIONAL INFO: She's a mute, so it's hard to tell what her intentions are.
Soklo (Solosis)
Male, lvl. 10
moveset is everything up to lvl. 10
Jackala (Hoothoot)
Female, lvl. 7
moveset is everything up to lvl. 7
Masago (Purrloin)
Female, lvl. 8
moveset is everything up to lvl. 8 + Dark Pulse
Usually stands on her hind legs. Refuses to evolve.
Fighting. The last thing Valor wanted to hear.

The girl was simply wandering along with her ragtag party of companions, occasionally stopping for a rest or two. Every time, Masago would beg Valor for a pat on the head. The latter would regularly oblige, giving the Purrloin her love and affection. That didn't mean the other two wouldn't get any love. After feeding Soklo a Pokepuff, Valor and her party were on their way. That's when she heard the fighting. Apparently, two Pokemon, Shades and Demon, were brawling. Valor was a mixed bag when it came to fights. She liked to watch, and would regularly force back wild Pokemon from her temporary shelters. So, Valor decided to do what she does best; find a nearby tree, climb it, and watch.

Masago climbed up next to her trainer, waiting for one of the Pokemon to make a move. So, an Absol and a Krookodile? This should be interesting.
Masago, classic Masago,
Jackala turned to look at the Purrloin, who was staring at the two fighters with an interested gaze. Probably wants to join in. I wouldn't blame her, fights against the wild Pokemon are pretty fun. But it's different against trainers. You never know when they go for the kill.

The Hoothoot shuddered at the thought.
Valor wasn't one of those murderers. She fought with grace, and, of course, valor. But she also knew when to stop. The only time she didn't show mercy was when she got into a fight with a grunt. Nearly killed his Poochyena out of sheer ignorance. That never happened again, to the owl Pokemon's relief.

But what would happen if she lost one of her Pokemon companions?

(OOC: longest I've ever typed, whew)
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(OOC even though it isnt canon the gym leaders, elite four members and Champion all have 6 pokemon as they are meant to be stupidly strong) Diantha's smile flickered before turning into a stare of malice after hearing Azalea. "Very well, Ill give you what you want. But not before a battle mind you" Wikstrom stepped forward. The elite four member had his renowned 6 pokemon with him, Scizor, Probopass, Klefki, Metagross, Aggron and of course his unbelievably strong Aegislash. Caller stood unwavering as the grunts approached from the doorway. Alder spoke "Well Diantha why dont we let them battle it out and you can fight me one on one at the bottom of the tower." Diantha nodded and they left for the bottom of the tower. Wikstrom glared at Azalea and Caller before throwing a pokeball containing Probopass onto the ground. Caller reacted and threw out his own pokeball "Lets go slice" he called. His sceptile came out and locked eyes with probopass. 4 of the grunts threw their pokemon onto the field. A Graveller, A Yanmega, a Tentacruel and a Cryogonal. Caller waited for Azalea and the remaining 3 grunts to release their pokemon.
"Liepard this is not your time to battle" Azalea softly stated as the feline Pokemon noded it's head before the strawberry blond trainer returned the dark type, the female then sent out her Ninetales. The grunt that she had made blush before sent out a Grandbull the remaining two grunts then sent out a Sneasel and a Duskclops
The probopass leaped in the air and used a stone edge. The grunts Graveller smashed into a wall and immediately fainted. Slice was used to fighting rock types however and jumped off the wall to strike the probopass with a magical leaf then a leaf storm. A surge of water hit the Probopass at the same time from the tentacruel and the yanmega flew up high in the air. The probopass shot out a flash cannon and hit Slice. He got shot into the tower of mastery. Slice laid motionless for a second before standing up again shaking. It rushed the probopass and hit it again with powerful grass type moves. Alongside the tentacruel and yanmega struck the pokemon from the sky. Probopass used a powerful stone edge as it got hit by another magical leaf and hydro pump combo and Slice and The probopass fainted simultabeously.
"Good job Caller, now with that Pokemon out of the way I'm sure we have the type advantage" Azalea stated as she signalled to her Ninetales. The fire type got the message and elegantly walked in front of Azalea, the female Pokemon then opened its mouth slightly while baring it's fangs

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
No, you can't just timeskip like that without asking anyone else involved in the sequence and call actions for other people's characters. Post removed.
Zed only heard a crash from the top of the tower as he then sprinted up to the top. He saw a massive hole. When he looked down he saw what looked to be a an elite four member fighting some of what looked to be the evil team. He sent out his Flygon and flew down. He then jumped off and shouted “ Mirage use crunch on the ninetails”.
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Azalea turned her attention to the Flygon. Azalea giggled before returning her fire type. She then sent out her Roserade who did an elegant twirl. "Roserade honey please you Petal Blizzard" Azalea ordered the grass type Pokemon noded it's head before raising one of its arms up, a storm of pink petals then surrounded the battlefield
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Zed jumped off Mirage well she kept going to use crunch but then missed since a roserade came out which caused her to move out of the way. He then sent out his slaking and shouted " Brute use ice punch". The slaking burst out of the pokeball and blasted toward the Roserade.
"Roserade dodge then use poison jab" Azalea ordered. The grass type complied before jumping up into the air and dodging the ice punch. The Roserade then launched itself towards the Slaking while it's bouquet like hand were glowing purple, ready to hit the bigger Pokemon with Poison Jab
(I'm gonna restart because @TheDaRKness131 isn't coming back)

Ace was walking through the forest outside Lumiose city with his Pokémon out of their pokéballs. Lunar was running around all over the place and Blaze flew over him. Demon was calm though. He walked beside Ace calmly. Ace himself was thinking of those two trainers from before. The woman and the man who attacked the professor. What were they talking about? And why? He shook his head and decided to ignore it for now and focus on getting some more food. He could get a bit more stuff with the money that woman gave him
Brute's fist smashed into roserade right as the poison jab connected. Zed shouted " Brute dig your feet in and then use Ice punch with your other hand." Zed then put his hand on his pokeballs just in case of any problems.
Azalea glared at the other trainer before commanding her pokemon once again, "Roserade jump back here then use Sunny Day!" Azalea yelled which was odd sense she was usually cool and composed. Roserade complied before raising its arms which then shot a bright light up in the air. The tower was then illuminated with bright rays of light
Zed thinking said “brute power jump and then use body slam.” Brute leaped into the air air and began falling right toward the roserade.
CHARACTER APPEARANCE (15 year old male with yellow eyes and wears grey jeans green undershirt and black hoodie)
POKEMON (Shiny Greninja Mega Pidgeot Pikachu Vulpix Bayleef and Lucario)
ADDITIONAL INFO (His Home was destroyed during the time the champions went missing and he was the only one who escaped)
@DragonGames you can't have a mega Stone unless you have permission from a moderator or something.
"Roserade dodge then use synthesis to heal yourself up" Azalea commanded as she slowly lost her patience.

Roserade turned her head to see how annoyed her trainer was getting, seeing that the strawberry blond trainer was gritting her teeth while her hands were clenched into fists, Roserade knew that Azalea was close to snapping and was ready to cheat her way to victory
As Zed called brute back into its pokeball he then shouted “ go Scepter use swords dance” soon a sceptile jumped out of the pokeball with its blades extended.
Azalea couldn't stand it anymore so she threw one of her luxury balls in the air which sent out her ninetales. "Ninetales use flamethrower on that Sceptile" the strawberry blond girl commanded and in which the beautiful fire type did as her trainer commanded and used flamethrower on the Sceptile. Azalea then signalled for Roserade to be ready to use poison jab of ninetales didn't succeed, the poison type noded it's head before her boquet like hands started to glow purple.
So many thoughts went threw Zeds head at the moment he just went to his gut feeling. He then went into a dead tone of voice with eyes shot black "Go Jeff marsh use earth power on the ninetails, scepter jump behind the roserade and use acrobatics. Zed knew that it was going to end badly to one person he just didn't know who yet.
CHARACTER NAME: Wyndham de Fremingham
CHARACTER AFFILIATION: Villain, but not pre-existing group.
CHARACTER APPEARANCE: Somewhat short with jet black hair. White cloak with black pants. Blood red fedora, shirt, and shoes.
POKEMON: Shelgon (often naps, not very strong, but has a hard hide), Aegislash (lets wyndham hold the handle and use as a sword), Rhyperior (evil team mascot), Machamp (trained in all elemental punches), Snorlax (naps more than shelgon, obvious reasons).
ADDITIONAL INFO: Born in Snowbelle City. Currently 22. Challenged 8th gym first, and lost badly. Then went to Santalune and won. Continued on his journey and met Lysandre, who recognized his talent and let him join Team Flare for free as his personal bodygaurd. He finished his 7 badges, up until Snowbelle who he still couldn't beat. He was recalled to the ultimate weapon just in time to see it destroyed, and he tried to get lysandre to retreat, but was forced to leave lysandre behind. Then, he became convinced that Lysandre had been too late, and that kalos had already become ugly, so he created Team Fissure, who were going to use Zygarde to return Kalos to beauty.

As leader of Team Fissure, Wyndham watched footage of his grunts in their hideout. His grunts had been searching Terminus Cave for a while now, with no sign of Zygarde. His original plan had been to take the gyms 1 by 1, but when this new organization started doing it for him, he figured he would just let them. While he still needed to at least act like he was searching for Zygarde to get the grunts to follow him, due to the new group, all he had to do was stop them and re-establish gyms with his own admins and grunts, and the citizens of Kalos would herald him as a hero for saving them from this other group. Much easier than the original plan. But first, he needed to stay low, and wait for these people to take down the last gyms...
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CHARACTER NAME: Thomas Francis
CHARECTER AFILLIATION: Villian same rank as Azaela
POKEMON: Carnivine, Gigalith, Dragonair and (Dan) Drifliblim.
ADDITIONAL INFO: Thomas altho a fairly superior role is a bit of a dunce, Thomas doesn't like killing and tries to be as kind as possible to his enemys and when Thomas was a child he always looked up to the trainers and jumped at the chance to join them that why he is a member.

Thomas strutted in riding on his Carnivine. "Hey kid leave Azalea alone, Carnivine razor leaf" Carniven shot out several leafs that cut toward the spwampert. "Car nivine!" Carnivine let out its battle cry.
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